
wing banded ant trush Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Graubauch-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Wing-banded Ant-trush
Graubauch-Ameisenpitta m ornith.
wing-banded ant-trush
Bandmatrix f math.
Bandmatrizen pl
band matrix, banded matrix
band matrices, banded matrices
Beckenschaufelfraktur f med.
Beckenschaufelfrakturen pl
iliac wing fracture
iliac wing fractures
Deltaflügler m aviat. (Flugzeug)
Deltaflügler pl
delta-wing aircraft
delta-wing aircraft
Drehflügler m aviat.
Drehflügler pl
rotary wing aircraft
rotary wing aircraft
Fittich f
jdn. unter seine Fittiche nehmen
to take sb. under one's wing
Flanke f (Fußball) sport
Flanken pl
Flügel m
Flügel pl
mit den Flügeln schlagen, flattern
to beat its wings, to flap its wings
Flügelfläche f aviat.
wing area
Flügelholm m aviat.
Flügelholme pl
wing spar
wing spars
Flügelmutter f techn.
Flügelmuttern pl
wing nut
wing nuts
Flügelschraube f techn.
Flügelschrauben pl
wing screw, winged screw
wing screws, winged screws
Flügeltiefe f aviat.
wing depth, chord of wing
Flügelzuspitzung f aviat.
wing taper
Flugzeug n, Flieger m, Luftfahrzeug n, Fluggerät n, Flugsystem n aviat.
Flugzeuge pl, Flieger pl, Luftfahrzeuge pl, Fluggeräte pl, Flugsysteme pl
Flugzeug mit gepfeilten Tragflächen
überfälliges Luftfahrzeug
landgestütztes Luftfahrzeug mil.
vom Kurs abgekommenes Luftfahrzeug
swept wing aircraft
overdue aircraft
land-based aircraft (LBA)
strayed aircraft
Geschwader n mil. (Luftwaffe)
wing, group Am.
Halbglanzkohle f min.
banded coal
Heckspoiler m auto
fear spoiler, rear wing, aero coil
Hochsicherheitstrakt m
Hochsicherheitstrakte pl
high-security wing
high-security wings
Kampfgeschwader n mil.
bomber wing
Kanal-Tragfläche f, Kanal-Flügel m, Röhrenflügel m aviat.
Kanal-Tragflächen pl, Kanal-Flügel pl, Röhrenflügel pl
channelwing, channel wing
channelwings, channel wings
Kotflügel m auto
Kotflügel pl
mudguard, mud guard (wing), fender Am.
Kulisse f
wing, backdrop
Links... pol.
Linksextremismus m
left-wing extremism
Linksextremist m, Linksextremistin f
Linksextremisten pl, Linksextremistinnen pl
left-wing extremist
left-wing extremists
Linksintellektuelle m f , Linksintellektueller pol.
Linksintellektuellen pl, Linksintellektuelle
left-wing intellectual
left-wing intellectuals
Linksradikale m f , Linksradikaler pol.
Linksradikalen pl, Linksradikaler
left-wing radical
left-wing radicals
Linksradikalismus m pol.
left-wing radicalism
Nurflügel-Flugzeug n aviat.
Nurflügel-Flugzeuge pl
flying wing aircraft
flying wing aircraft
Ohrensessel m
Ohrensessel pl
wing chair
wing chairs
Rechts... pol.
Rechtsaußen m sport
outside right, right-wing
Rechtsextremismus m pol.
right-wing extremism
Rechtsextremist m, Rechtsextremistin f
Rechtsextremisten pl, Rechtsextremistinnen pl
right-wing extremist
right-wing extremists
Rechtspartei f
Rechtsparteien pl
right-wing party
right-wing parties
Rechtsradikale m f , Rechtsradikaler
right wing extremist
Rechtsradikalismus m pol.
right-wing radicalism
Schiebeflügel m
Schiebeflügel pl
slide wing
slide wings
Schlafittchen n (Rockschoß)
wing feather
Schwenkflügel m aviat.
Schwenkflügel pl
swing-wing, variable-geometry wing
swing-wings, variable-geometry wings
Schwenkflügelflugzeug n, Schwenkflügler m aviat.
Schwenkflügelflugzeuge pl, Schwenkflügler pl
variable geometry aircraft, swing-wing aircraft
variable geometry aircraft, swing-wing aircraft
Seitenflügel m (eines Gebäudes)
Staffelkommandant m mil. (Luftwaffe)
wing commander
Starrflügler m aviat.
Starrflügler pl
fixed wing aircraft
fixed wing aircraft
Tragfläche f, Flügel m ugs. aviat.
Tragflächen pl, Flügel pl
mit den Tragflächen wackeln
to rock wings
Tragfläche f
wing panel
Tragflächen-Außenteil n
outboard wing assy
Tragflächenvorderkante f, Flügelvorderkante f aviat.
Tragflächenvorderkanten pl, Flügelvorderkanten pl
Klappen an der Flügelvorderkante (zur Erhöhung des Auftriebs) f aviat.
wing leading edge
wing leading edges
leading-edge flaps
Tragwerk n
Tragwerke pl
wing unit
wing units
Trakt m
Trakte pl
section, wing, block
sections, wings, blocks
to wing
flügelartig adj bot.
linksgerichtet adj pol.
left-wing oriented, leftist
rechtsradikal adj
extreme right wing
rechtsstehend adj pol.
zusammenbinden v v
to band
Braunstreifen-Sandgrundel f, Braunstreifen-Grundel f (Amblygobius phalaena) zool.
banded sleeper goby
Flaggen-Kaiserfisch m, Hawaii-Kaiserfisch m (Apolemichthys arcuatus) zool.
bandit angel, black banded angel
Flaggen-Kaiserfisch m, Hawaii-Kaiserfisch m (Apolemichthys arcuatus) zool.
black banded angel, bandit angel
Gebänderter Schlangenaal m (Myrichthys colubrinus) zool.
banded snake eel
Gestreifter Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthus brevirostris) zool.
banded torpedo goby
Rotaugen-Moenkhausia f (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) zool.
yellow-banded moenkhausia
Rotmeer-Anemonenfisch m (Amphiprion bicinctus) zool.
two-banded (anemone) clown
Schwarzbinden-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon striatus), Ostpazifik-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon humeralis) zool.
banded butterfly
Zebra-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge multifasciatus) zool.
banded (dwarf) angel
Bandschlangenadler m ornith.
Smaller Banded Snake Eagle
Graubrust-Schlangenadler m ornith.
Southern Banded Snake Eagle
Bindenfalke m ornith.
Madagascar Banded Kestrel
Bindenwachtel f ornith.
Banded Quail
Streifenbauchralle f ornith.
Black-banded Crake
Andamanenralle f ornith.
Andaman Banded Crake
Hinduralle f ornith.
Banded Crake
Bindenralle f ornith.
Buff-banded Rail
Fidschiralle f ornith.
Barred Wing Rail
Graubrustralle f ornith.
Blue-breasted Banded Rail
Schlammstelzer m ornith.
Banded Stilt
Doppelband-Rennvogel m ornith.
Two-banded Courser
Doppelband-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
Double-banded Plover
Falkland-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
Two-banded Plover
Madagaskarregenpfeifer m ornith.
Black-banded Sand Plover
Dreibandregenpfeifer m ornith.
Three-banded Plover
Rotband-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
Chestnut-banded Sand Plover
Schwarzbandkiebitz m ornith.
Banded Plover
Nachtflughuhn n ornith.
Double-banded Sandgrouse
Buschflughuhn n ornith.
Four-banded Sandgrouse
Silberbandtaube f ornith.
Silver-banded Black Pigeon
Halsband-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Banded Imperial Pigeon
Graubauch-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Black-banded Pigeon
Bindengrundkuckuck m ornith.
Banded Ground Cuckoo
Sonneratkuckuck m ornith.
Banded Bay Cuckoo
Rötelkauz m ornith.
Rufous-banded Owl
Zebrakauz m ornith.
Black-banded Owl
Brustbandeisvogel m ornith.
Blue-banded Kingfisher
Wellenliest ornith.
Banded Kingfisher
Schwalbenfaulvogel m ornith.
Swallow-wing Puffbird
Braunbinden-Faulvogel m ornith.
Brown-banded Puffbird
Wellenbartvogel m ornith.
Banded Barbet
Javabartvogel m ornith.
Black-banded Barbet
Grauschnabelarassari m ornith.
Blue-banded Toucanet
Doppelbindenarassari m ornith.
Many-banded Aracari
Mennigspecht m ornith.
Banded Red Woodpecker
Rosenkopf-Breitrachen n ornith.
Banded Broadbill
Blauschnabel-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Black-banded Woodcreeper
Bindentöpfer m ornith.
White-banded Hornero
Rotschwanz-Erdhacker m ornith.
Rufous-banded Miner
Bindengrauschwanz m ornith.
Double-banded Greytail
Kurzschwanz-Ameisendrossel f ornith.
Short-tailed Ant-trush
Bindenameisendrossel f ornith.
Barred Ant-trush
Streifenameisendrossel f ornith.
Striated Ant-trush
Rotschwanz-Ameisendrossel f ornith.
Rufous-tailed Ant-trush
Buntbürzel-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Banded Antcatcher
Schwarzkehl-Ameisendrossel f ornith.
Black-faced Ant-trush
Schwarzkopf-Ameisendrossel f ornith.
Black-headed Ant-trush
Rotstirn-Ameisendrossel f ornith.
Rufous-fronted Ant-trush
Rotbrust-Ameisendrossel f ornith.
Rufous-breasted Ant-trush
Bandameisenpitta ornith.
Brown-banded Antpitta
Graubauch-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Wing-banded Ant-trush
Fleckenbrust-Ameisenjäger m ornith.
Trush-like Antpitta
Grau-Schuppenkopftyrann m, ÃŒhrenschopftyrann m ornith.
Double-banded Pygmy Tyrant
Braunschwanztachuri m ornith.
Buff-banded Tyrannulet
Weißbindentachuri m ornith.
White-banded Tyrannulet
Orangebandtyrann m ornith.
Orange-banded Flycatcher
Graunackenpiprites ornith.
Wing-barred Piprites
Bronzeschiffornis ornith.
Trush-like Manakin
Prachtkotinga ornith.
Banded Cotinga
Goldbrauen-Schmuckvogel m ornith.
Red-banded Fruiteater
Rotkopfpitta ornith.
Blue-banded Pitta
Weißbandschwalbe f ornith.
White-banded Swallow
Weißkopfschwalbe f ornith.
White-headed Saw-wing
Antinorischwalbe f ornith.
Brown Saw-wing
Kamerunschwalbe f ornith.
Moutain Saw-wing
Grünglanzschwalbe f ornith.
Square-tailed Saw-wing
Scherenschwanz-schwalbe f ornith.
Fantee Saw-wing
Kaffaschwalbe f ornith.
Kaffa Saw-wing
Ostkammschwalbe f ornith.
Eastern Saw-wing
Petitschwalbe f ornith.
Petit's Saw-wing
Erzschwalbe f ornith.
Black Saw-wing
Weißbrauen-Uferschwalbe f ornith.
Banded Martin
Drosselzaunkönig m ornith.
Trush-like Wren
Tigerzaunkönig m ornith.
Banded-backed Wren
Rohrspottdrossel f ornith.
Black-capped Mocking Trush
Weißbinden-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Wing-banded Wren
Akazienzaunkönig m ornith.
Banded wren
Weißbinden-Spottdrossel f ornith.
White-banded Mockingbird
Halsbanddrossel f ornith.
Varied Trush
Timordrossel f ornith.
Orange-banded Ground Thrush
Zwergcistensänger m ornith.
Wing-snapping Cisticola
Timorbuschsänger m ornith.
Buff-banded Bushbird

Deutsche Graubauch-Ameisenpitta [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Wing-banded Ant-trush Synonyme

wing banded ant trush Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Band
(a.) Alt. of Batwing
(a.) Closely united.
(a.) A term used when a narrow ribbon of veneer is inserted into the surface of any piece of furniture, wainscoting, etc., so that the grain of it is contrary to the general surface.
Sea wing
() A wing shell (Avicula).
(n.) A curious paradise bird (Semioptera Wallacii) which has two long special feathers standing erect on each wing.
Water wing
() One of two walls built on either side of the junction of a bridge with the bank of a river, to protect the abutment of the bridge and the bank from the action of the current.
(n.) One of the two anterior limbs of a bird, pterodactyl, or bat. They correspond to the arms of man, and are usually modified for flight, but in the case of a few species of birds, as the ostrich, auk, etc., the wings are used only as an assistance in running or swimming.
(n.) Any similar member or instrument used for the purpose of flying.
(n.) One of the two pairs of upper thoracic appendages of most hexapod insects. They are broad, fanlike organs formed of a double membrane and strengthened by chitinous veins or nervures.
(n.) One of the large pectoral fins of the flying fishes.
(n.) Passage by flying
(n.) Motive or instrument of flight
(n.) Anything which agitates the air as a wing does, or which is put in winglike motion by the action of the air, as a fan or vane for winnowing grain, the vane or sail of a windmill, etc.
(n.) An ornament worn on the shoulder
(n.) Any appendage resembling the wing of a bird or insect in shape or appearance.
(n.) One of the broad, thin, anterior lobes of the foot of a pteropod, used as an organ in swimming.
(n.) Any membranaceous expansion, as that along the sides of certain stems, or of a fruit of the kind called samara.
(n.) Either of the two side petals of a papilionaceous flower.
(n.) One of two corresponding appendages attached
(n.) A side building, less than the main edifice
(n.) The longer side of crownworks, etc., connecting them with the main work.
(n.) A side shoot of a tree or plant
(n.) The right or left division of an army, regiment, etc.
(n.) That part of the hold or orlop of a vessel which is nearest the sides. In a fleet, one of the extremities when the ships are drawn up in line, or when forming the two sides of a triangle.
(n.) One of the sides of the stags in a theater.
(v. t.) To furnish with wings
(v. t.) To supply with wings or sidepieces.
(v. t.) To transport by flight
(v. t.) To move through in flight
(v. t.) To cut off the wings of
(a.) Having wings attached to the feet
(a.) Having part or all of the feet adapted for flying.
(a.) Having the anterior lobes of the foot so modified as to form a pair of winglike swimming organs
(a.) Having the anterior limbs or hands adapted for flight, as the bats and pterodactyls.
(a.) Having pinnate or pinnately divided leaves.
(n.) Any one of various species of marine bivalve shells belonging to the genus Avicula, in which the hinge border projects like a wing.
(n.) Any marine gastropod shell of the genus Strombus. See Strombus.
(n.) Any pteropod shell.

wing banded ant trush Bedeutung

wing shooting shooting game birds that are flying (on the wing)
buck-and-wing a solo tap dance emphasizing sharp taps
banded gecko any of several geckos with dark bands across the body and differing from typical geckos in having movable eyelids, of United States southwest and Florida Gulf Coast
common water snake
banded water snake
Natrix sipedon
Nerodia sipedon
in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia, western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
banded sand snake
Chilomeniscus cinctus
a sand snake of southwestern United States, lives in fine to coarse sand or loamy soil in which it `swims', banding resembles that of coral snakes
banded krait
banded adder
Bungarus fasciatus
sluggish krait banded with black and yellow
timber rattlesnake
banded rattlesnake
Crotalus horridus horridus
widely distributed in rugged ground of eastern United States
banded anteater
anteater Myrmecobius fasciatus
small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites, nearly extinct
bastard wing
spurious wing
tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing
banded stilt
Cladorhyncus leucocephalum
web-footed Australian stilt with reddish-brown pectoral markings
banded palm civet
Hemigalus hardwickii
an East Indian civet
wing a movable organ for flying (one of a pair)
fore wing
either of the anterior pair of wings on an insect that has four wings
wing case
either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
banded purple
white admiral Limenitis arthemis
North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
nine-banded armadillo
Texas armadillo
Dasypus novemcinctus
having nine hinged bands of bony plates, ranges from Texas to Paraguay
three-banded armadillo
Tolypeutes tricinctus
South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates
monoplane flying fish
two-wing flying fish
having only pectoral fins enlarged
biplane flying fish
four-wing flying fish
having both pectoral and pelvic fins enlarged
rudderfish banded rudderfish
Seriola zonata
fish having the habit of following ships, found in North American and South American coastal waters
an addition that extends a main building
coulisse wing flat a flat situated in the wings
delta wing an airplane with wings that give it the appearance of an isosceles triangle
fender wing a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud, in Britain they call a fender a wing
rotor blade
rotary wing
the long airfoil that rotates to provide the lift that supports a helicopter in the air
wing one of the horizontal airfoils on either side of the fuselage of an airplane
wing offstage
a stage area out of sight of the audience
wing chair easy chair having wings on each side of a high back
wing nut
wing screw
butterfly nut
a threaded nut with winglike projections for thumb and forefinger leverage in turning
wing tip a decorative toecap having a point extending toward the throat of the shoe
wing tip a shoe having a wing-tip toecap
wing the wing of a fowl, he preferred the drumsticks to the wings
turkey wing the wing of a turkey
chicken wing the wing of a chicken
buffalo wing crisp spicy chicken wings
barbecued wing chicken wings cooked in barbecue sauce
wing a unit of military aircraft
left wing
those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare
right wing
those who support political or social or economic conservatism, those who believe that things are better left unchanged
the side of military or naval formation, they attacked the enemy's right flank
wing a group within a political party or legislature or other organization that holds distinct views or has a particular function, they are the progressive wing of the Republican Party
wing (in flight formation) a position to the side and just to the rear of another aircraft
wing a hockey player stationed in a forward position on either side
wing commander (RAF rank) one who is next below a group captain
wing nut
any tree of the genus Pterocarya, fruit is a small winged nutlet, Caucasus to southeastern Asia
angel-wing begonia
Begonia cocchinea
South American fibrousooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coraled flowers
winged elm
wing elm
Ulmus alata
North American elm having twigs and young branches with prominent corky projections
flowering wintergreen
fringed polygala
Polygala paucifolia
common trailing perennial milkwort of eastern North America having leaves like wintergreen and usually rosy-purple flowers with winged sepals
wing loading the ratio of the weight of an airplane to its wing area
travel through the air, be airborne, Man cannot fly
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