
wit Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Hexe f
Hexen pl
alte Hexe
old witch
Hexenhaus n
Hexenhäuser pl
witch's cottage
witch's cottages
Hexenprozess m hist.
Hexenprozesse pl
witch trial
witch trials
Hexenverfolgung f, Hexenjagd f hist.
Kesseltreiben n, Treibjagd f
hunt, witch hunt, battue
Medizinmann m, Wunderheiler m
Medizinmänner pl, Wunderheiler pl
witch doctor, witchdoctor
witch doctors
Rotzunge f zool.
witch flounder, witch fish, lemon sole
Wünschelrutengänger m, Wünschelrutengängerin f
mit einer Wünschelrute suchen
dowser, water witch
to dowse
Amerikanische Zaubernuss f bot.
witch hazel
alte Hexe
old witch
witch trial
Federbuschsträucher pl (Fothergilla) (botanische Gattung) bot.
witch alders (botanical genus)
Fluch m; Verfluchung f; Verwünschung f (von jdm. etw.); Malediktion f (veraltet) (Anrufung einer höheren Macht die Unheil bringen soll) relig.
Flüche pl; Verfluchungen pl; Verwünschungen pl; Malediktionen pl
einen Fluch aufheben der auf jdm. liegt
Dann sprach die Hexe einen Fluch über die Stadt.
Er belegte ihn und sein Geschlecht mit dem Fluch der Knechtschaft.
Die Leute glauben dass das Haus mit einem Fluch belegt wurde.
Auf diesem Ort liegt ein Fluch.
Sein Ruhm erwies sich als Fluch und nicht als Segen.
Lärm ist das Übel unser Zeit.
curse; cursing; malediction; imprecation; hex Am.
curses; cursings; maledictions; imprecations; hexes
to lift a curse placed upon sb.
Then the witch pronounced a curse malediction upon the town.
He placed a curse of servitude upon him and his stirps.
People believe that someone put a curse on the house.
There is a curse on that place.; That place is under a curse.
His fame turned out to be a curse not a blessing.
Noise is the curse of our age.
Hexenverfolgung f; Hexenjagd f hist.
Kesseltreiben n; Treibjagd f
hunt; witch hunt; battue
Maikäfer m zool.
Maikäfer pl
Feldmaikäfer m (Melolontha melolontha)
cockchafer; may beetle; may bug; spang beetle; billy witch
cockchafers; may beetles; may bugs; spang beetles; billy witches
common chockchafer
Medizinmann m; Wunderheiler m
Medizinmänner pl; Wunderheiler pl
witch doctor; witchdoctor
witch doctors
Rotzunge f zool.
witch flounder; witch fish; lemon sole
Wünschelrutengänger m; Wünschelrutengängerin f
Wünschelrutengänger pl; Wünschelrutengängerinnen pl
mit einer Wünschelrute suchen
dowser; water witch; waterfinder; water diviner
dowsers; water witches; waterfinders; water diviners
to dowse
Zauberei f; Zaubern n; Zauber m; Magie f
wie von Zauberhand
an Zauberei glauben
einfach Zauberei
schlicht und einfach Zauberei
feat of magic; magic; witchcraft (magic of a witch); sorcery (magic of a sorceress); wizardry (magic of a wizard)
as if by magic
to believe in magic
to do magic
pure frigging magic PFM coll.
just stark naked magic JSNM coll.
Zaubernuss f (Hamamelis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
witch-hazel (botanical genus)
Zaubernussgewächse pl; Hamamelisgewächse pl (Hamamelidaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
witch-hazel family (botanical family)
'Die Mittagshexe' (von Dvorak Werktitel) mus.
'The Noonday Witch' (by Dvorak work title)
Fluch m; Verfluchung f; Verwünschung f (von jdm. etw.); Malediktion f veraltet (Anrufung einer höheren Macht, die Unheil bringen soll) relig.
Flüche pl; Verfluchungen pl; Verwünschungen pl; Malediktionen pl
einen Fluch aufheben, der auf jdm. liegt
Dann sprach die Hexe einen Fluch über die Stadt.
Er belegte ihn und sein Geschlecht mit dem Fluch der Knechtschaft.
Die Leute glauben, dass das Haus mit einem Fluch belegt wurde.
Auf diesem Ort liegt ein Fluch.
Sein Ruhm erwies sich als Fluch und nicht als Segen.
Lärm ist das Übel unser Zeit.
curse; cursing; malediction; imprecation; hex Am.; execration formal
curses; cursings; maledictions; imprecations; hexes; execrations
to lift a curse placed upon sb.
Then the witch pronounced a curse malediction upon the town.
He placed a curse of servitude upon him and his stirps.
People believe that someone put a curse on the house.
There is a curse on that place.; That place is under a curse.
His fame turned out to be a curse, not a blessing.
Noise is the curse of our age.
Hexenhut m
Hexenhüte pl
witch's hat
witch's hats
Hundszunge f; Rotzunge f; Aalbutt m (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) zool.
witch flounder; Torbay sole; witch fish; lemon sole
Wünschelrutengänger m; Wünschelrutengängerin f
Wünschelrutengänger pl; Wünschelrutengängerinnen pl
mit einer Wünschelrute suchen v
dowser; water witch; waterfinder; water diviner
dowsers; water witches; waterfinders; water diviners
to dowse
Zauberei f; Zaubern n; Zauber m; Magie f
schwarze Magie f; die schwarze Kunst f; die schwarzen Künste pl (Zauberpraktiken, um Schaden anzurichten)
weiße Magie
wie von Zauberhand
an Zauberei glauben
einfach Zauberei
schlicht und einfach Zauberei
feat of magic; magic; witchcraft (magic of a witch); sorcery (magic of a sorceress); wizardry (magic of a wizard)
black magic; black magics (magic practices for evil purposes)
white magic
as if by magic
to believe in magic
to do magic
pure frigging magic PFM coll.
just stark naked magic JSNM coll.
Zaubernussgewächse pl; Hamamelisgewächse pl (Hamamelidaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
hamamelidaceous plants; witch-hazel family (botanical family)
Kräuterhexe f ugs
herb witch
herb witches
Hexenkessel m
Hexenkessel m
witch's cauldron; witches' cauldron
witch's caldron Am.; witches' caldron Am.
Hexenjagd f pej.
witch-hunt; witch hunt pej.
'Die Mittagshexe' (von Dvorak Werktitel) mus.
'The Noonday Witch' (by Dvorak work title)
Hexerei f
Hexereien pl
Zauberei f
magic, witchcraft
Hexenkunst f; Hexenkünste pl
witchcraft; sorcery
Hexenkunst f; Hexenkünste pl; Hexenwerk n
witchcraft; sorcery
Zauberspruch m; Zauberformel f; Zauber m; Abracadabra n selten
Zaubersprüche pl; Zauberformeln pl; Zauber pl
Hexenspruch m
Feuerzauber m
Liebeszauber m
magic spell; spell; magic formula; charm; incantation
magic spells; spells; magic formulas; charms; incantations
witches' spell; witchcraft spell
fire spell
love spell
Hexerei f
Hexereien pl
Verzauberungen, Zauberkraft, bezaubernde Wirkung
Verzauberung f, Zauberkraft f, bezaubernde Wirkung f
Zauber m (Faszination)
der Zauber ihres Gesangs
seine wunderbare Aktivität entfalten (Person)
seine wunderbare Wirkung entfalten (Sache)
Diese Spiele haben ihren (früheren) Zauber verloren.
Sie wollen den alten Zauber in ihre Ehe zurückbringen.
magic; witchery; bewitchment (fascination)
the magic of her singing
to work your magic (person)
to work its magic (matter)
These games have lost their (former) magic.
They want to get the old magic back into their marriage.
Hexensabbat m, Zusammenkunft der Hexen
witches' sabbath
Hexenverbrennung f hist.
burning of witches
Hexensabbat m; Teufelstanz m
Witches' Sabbath
Hexenküche f
witches' kitchen
Hexenbesen m
Hexenbesen pl
witches' broom
witches' brooms
Quecken pl; Haargersten pl (Elymus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeine Quecke; Gewöhnliche Quecke; Kriechquecke (Elymus repens)
wildrye; wheatgrasses (botanische Gattung)
couch grass; quick grass; quitch grass; twitch grass; witchgrass; quackgrass; scutch grass
Quecken pl; Haargersten pl (Elymus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeine Quecke; Gewöhnliche Quecke; Kriechquecke (Elymus repens)
wildrye; wheatgrasses (botanical genus)
couch grass; quick grass; quitch grass; twitch grass; witchgrass; quackgrass; scutch grass
Geisterstunde f
Geisterstunden pl
witching hour
witching hours
witching hour
witching hours
Wünschelrutengehen n
dowsing; divining; water dowsing witching (search for water); doodlebugging Am. (search for petrolium)
Wichita (Indianervolk)
Wichita; Wichita people (Indian tribe)
Wichita; Witchita language
Wichita (Indianerstamm) soc.
Wichita n ling.
Wichita; Wichita people (Indian tribe)
Wichita; Witchita language
Korrekturlack m
correction fluid; Tipp-Ex Br. tm; Wite-Out Am. tm; Twink Austr. tm
dabei adv
abheben, zurückziehen
aus dem Erwerbsleben ausscheiden
withdraw from working life
aus dem Verkehr ziehen
withdraw from circulation

Deutsche Hexe Synonyme

böse  Hexe  ÂHexe  ÂSchwarzkünstlerin  ÂSchwarzmagierin  
Hexe  ÂKräuterhexe  ÂMagierin  ÂZauberin  
Alte  (derb)  Âaltes  Weib  ÂHexe  (derb)  
Biest  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHexe  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLuder  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMiststück  (derb)  ÂWeibsstück  (derb)  
Hexe  Kräuterhexe  Magierin  Zauberin  
böse Hexe  Hexe  Schwarzkünstlerin  Schwarzmagierin  

Englische witch Synonyme

wit  ESP  IQ  Italian hand  ability  acumen  acuteness  address  adeptness  adroitness  airmanship  alertness  apprehension  art  artfulness  artifice  artisanship  artistry  assume  astuteness  awareness  balance  banana  brain  brains  bravura  brilliance  burlesquer  cageyness  caliber  callidity  canniness  capability  capacity  caricaturist  clairvoyance  cleverness  clown  comedian  comic  command  competence  comprehension  conceit  conceive  conception  control  coordination  craft  craftiness  craftsmanship  cunning  cunningness  cutup  deductive power  deftness  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  diplomacy  discernment  discrimination  divination  droll  efficiency  epigrammatist  esemplastic power  esprit  expertise  facility  fine Italian hand  finesse  foxiness  funnyman  gag writer  gagman  gagster  gamesmanship  gather  grace  grasp  gray matter  grip  guile  handiness  head  horsemanship  humor  humorist  ideation  imagine  ingeniousness  ingenuity  insidiousness  insight  integrative power  intellect  intellectual grasp  intellectual power  intellectualism  intellectuality  intelligence  intelligence quotient  inventiveness  ironist  jester  joker  jokesmith  jokester  keenness  know-how  knowledge  lampooner  lucidity  madcap  marbles  marksmanship  mastership  mastery  mental age  mental capacity  mental grasp  mental ratio  mentality  mind  mother wit  native wit  one-upmanship  parodist  penetration  perception  percipience  perspicacity  power of mind  practical ability  prankster  proficiency  prowess  prudence  punner  punster  quick-wittedness  quickness  quipster  rationality  readiness  reason  reasoning power  reckon  reparteeist  resource  resourcefulness  sagaciousness  sagacity  sageness  saneness  sanity  sapience  satanic cunning  satirist  savoir-faire  savvy  scope of mind  seamanship  sense  senses  sensing  sharpness  shiftiness  shrewdness  skill  skillfulness  slipperiness  slyness  smartness  sneakiness  sophistry  stealt  
witch  Jezebel  Mafioso  Weird Sisters  Young Turk  baboon  bag  bat  battle-ax  beast  becharm  bedevil  beguile  beldam  berserk  berserker  bewitch  biddy  bitch  bitch-kitty  blemish  blot  bomber  brute  captivate  carry away  cast a spell  cat  charm  common scold  coven  crone  dame  demon  demonize  devil  diabolize  dog  dowager  drab  dragon  enchant  enchantress  enrapture  enravish  enthrall  entrance  eyesore  fascinate  fiend  fire-eater  firebrand  fishwife  fright  frump  fury  gargoyle  goon  gorilla  grandam  grandmother  granny  grimalkin  gunsel  hag  hardnose  harridan  hell-raiser  hellcat  hellhag  hellhound  hellion  hex  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hoodoo  hothead  hotspur  hypnotize  incendiary  infatuate  intrigue  jinx  killer  lamia  mad dog  madcap  mesmerize  mess  monster  monstrosity  mugger  no beauty  obsess  old battle-ax  old dame  old girl  old granny  old lady  old trot  old wife  old woman  overlook  possess  rapist  revolutionary  savage  scarecrow  scold  shamaness  she-devil  she-wolf  shrew  sight  siren  sorceress  spell  spellbind  spitfire  teratism  termagant  terror  terrorist  tiger  tigress  tough  tough guy  transport  trot  ugly customer  ugly duckling  vamp  violent  virago  vixen  voodoo  war-horse  wild beast  wildcat  witchwife  witchwoman  wolf  
witch hunt  McCarthyism  amassing evidence  close inquiry  department of investigation  detection  detective work  exhaustive study  harassment  harrying  hearing  hounding  indagation  investigation  investigative bureau  legislative investigation  legwork  oppression  perscrutation  persecution  probe  red-baiting  research  sifting  sleuthing  tormenting  victimization  witch-hunting  
witchcraft  alchemy  allure  appeal  bewitchery  bewitchment  charisma  charm  divination  enchantment  fascination  fetishism  glamour  gramarye  hoodoo  incantation  juju  jujuism  magic  magnetism  natural magic  necromancy  obeah  rune  shamanism  sorcery  sortilege  spell  spellbinding  spellcasting  sympathetic magic  thaumaturgia  thaumaturgics  thaumaturgism  thaumaturgy  theurgy  vampirism  voodoo  voodooism  wanga  white magic  witchery  witchwork  wizardry  
witchery  agacerie  alchemy  allure  allurement  appeal  appealingness  attraction  attractiveness  bedevilment  beguilement  beguiling  bewitchery  bewitchment  blandishment  cajolery  captivation  charisma  charm  charmingness  come-hither  delightfulness  divination  eeriness  elfdom  enchantment  enravishment  enthrallment  enticement  entrancement  entrapment  exquisiteness  faerie  fascination  fetishism  flirtation  forbidden fruit  glamour  grace  gramarye  hoodoo  illusion  incantation  inducement  interest  inveiglement  invitation  invitingness  juju  jujuism  loveliness  luxury  magic  magnetism  maya  miraculousness  mysteriousness  mystery  natural magic  necromancy  numinousness  obeah  obsession  otherworldliness  possession  preternaturalism  rune  seducement  seduction  seductiveness  sensuousness  sex appeal  shamanism  snaring  sorcery  sortilege  spell  spellbinding  spellcasting  superhumanity  supernaturalism  supernaturality  supernaturalness  supernature  supernormalness  superphysicalness  supersensibleness  supranaturalism  supranature  sympathetic magic  tantalization  tantalizingness  temptation  temptingness  thaumaturgia  thaumaturgics  thaumaturgism  thaumaturgy  the occult  the supernatural  the supersensible  theurgy  transcendentalism  unearthliness  unworldliness  vampirism  voluptuousness  voodoo  voodooism  wanga  white magic  winning ways  winningness  winsomeness  witchcraft  witchwork  wizardry  wooing  
witching  Circean  alluring  appealing  appetizing  attractive  beguiling  bewitching  bewitchment  blandishing  cajoling  captivating  catching  charismatic  charming  coaxing  come-hither  coquettish  delightful  divining rod  doodlebug  dowser  dowsing  dowsing rod  enchanting  enchantment  engaging  enravishing  enthralling  enticing  entrancing  exciting  exotic  exquisite  fascinating  fetching  flirtatious  glamorous  heart-robbing  hypnotic  illusionary  illusive  illusory  incantation  interesting  intriguing  inviting  irresistible  lovely  luxurious  mesmeric  mouth-watering  necromancy  piquant  prepossessing  provocative  provoquant  ravishing  seducing  seductive  sensuous  siren  sirenic  sorcery  spellbinding  spellful  taking  tantalizing  teasing  tempting  thrilling  tickling  titillating  titillative  voluptuous  wand  water witch  water witching  winning  winsome  witchcraft  witchery  witching stick  
with  about  added to  along with  amid  amidst  among  amongst  as well as  at  at all costs  at any cost  attended by  by  by dint of  by means of  by use of  by virtue of  by way of  coupled with  despite  even with  for  from  hereby  herewith  in  in addition to  in agreement with  in association with  in company with  in conjunction with  in cooperation with  in despite of  in favor of  in keeping with  in line with  in spite of  in there with  in virtue of  including  inclusive of  irregardless  irrespective of  let alone  linked to  mid  midst  near  next to  not to mention  on  over and above  partnered with  per  plus  pro  regardless  regardless of  regardless of cost  right with  spite of  thanks to  thereby  therewith  through  to  together on  together with  toward  upon  via  whereby  wherewith  wherewithal  
with a vengeance  a outrance  a toute outrance  absolutely  all hollow  all out  all the way  all to pieces  beyond all bounds  beyond compare  beyond comparison  beyond measure  cogently  completely  dead  downright  dynamically  effectively  effectually  energetically  essentially  extremely  fiercely  flat out  forcefully  forcibly  fundamentally  furiously  immeasurably  in the extreme  incalculably  indefinitely  infinitely  like blazes  like fury  like mad  madly  mightily  most  perfectly  potently  powerfully  productively  purely  radically  rigorously  severely  strikingly  tellingly  to a fare-you-well  to good account  to good purpose  to the backbone  to the full  to the limit  to the marrow  to the skies  to the sky  to the utmost  totally  unconditionally  unequivocally  utterly  vehemently  venomously  vigorously  violently  virulently  wildly  with telling effect  
with bated breath  abjectly  anticipatingly  anticipatively  anticipatorily  anxious  apprehensive  apprehensively  aside  bashfully  behind the curtain  behind the scenes  behind the veil  between the teeth  covertly  diffidently  expectantly  expectingly  fearfully  for fear of  hopefully  humbly  in a corner  in a whisper  in an aside  in darkness  in hidlings  in secret  in suspense  in the background  in the dark  keyed-up  meekly  modestly  mousily  nobody the wiser  on all fours  on bended knee  on edge  on tenterhooks  on tiptoe  out of earshot  quakingly  quivering  secretly  shrinkingly  shyly  sotto voce  sub rosa  submissively  taut  tense  timidly  timorously  tremblingly  tremulously  under the breath  under the rose  undercover  underground  with breathless expectation  with due deference  with muscles tense  
with child  anticipating  big with child  big-laden  breeding  carrying  carrying a fetus  expecting  gestating  gravid  great  heavy  heavy with child  knocked up  parturient  preggers  pregnant  superfetate  superimpregnated  teeming  
with it  a la mode  agreeably  by consensus  compatibly  concordantly  congenially  consonantly  fashionable  fittingly  go-go  groovy  hand in glove  harmoniously  hep  hip  in  in chorus  in concert  in keeping  in line  in step  in unison  into  just right  modish  on the beam  really into  swank  swish  tony  trendy  unanimously  
with open arms  agreeably  amiably  amicably  animatedly  anxiously  ardently  arm in arm  avidly  breathlessly  congenially  cordially  de bonne volonte  eagerly  enthusiastically  familiarly  favorably  friendliwise  friendly  genially  hand in hand  heartily  hospitably  impatiently  intimately  keenly  pleasantly  promptly  quickly  readily  vivaciously  warmly  willingly  with a will  with alacrity  with good will  with gusto  with relish  with zest  zealously  zestfully  
withdraw  abandon  abate  abdicate  abjure  abolish  abrade  abrogate  abrupt  abscond  abstract  agree to differ  agree to disagree  alienate  annul  avulse  back down  back out  backwater  bate  be at variance  be in dissent  be pensioned  be superannuated  beat a retreat  become an individual  beg off  beg to differ  blow  bow out  cancel  cast off  cast out  climb down  countermand  counterorder  crawfish out  cringe  cry off  curtail  cut adrift  cut off  cut out  decline  decrease  deduct  delete  demit  deny  depart  depart from  depreciate  deracinate  derogate  detract  die away  differ  dig out  dig up  diminish  disagree  disagree with  disannul  disappear  disarticulate  disavow  discard  disclaim  disconnect  discord with  disengage  disentangle  disjoin  disjoint  disown  disparage  dissent  dissent from  dissociate  disunite  divide  divide on  divorce  do away with  drain  draw  draw back  draw in  draw off  draw out  dredge  dredge up  drift away  drop out  duck  dwindle  eat away  eat crow  eat humble pie  ebb  eject  eradicate  erode  estrange  evacuate  evolve  evulse  excavate  excise  exit  expel  exsect  extract  extricate  fade  fade away  fall back  file away  flinch  forsake  forswear  get away  get off  get out  give back  give ground  give place  give up  give way  go  go away  go back  go back on  gouge out  grub up  impair  invalidate  isolate  jettison  jilt  keep apart  leach  leave  leave behind  leave flat  lessen  make void  maroon  mine  move away  move back  move off  not agree  nullify  oppose  override  overrule  palinode  part  pension off  pick out  pluck out  pluck up  pull  pull away  pull back  pull in  pull out  pull up  purify  quail  quarry  quit  quit cold  rake out  recall  recant  recede  recoil  reduce  refine  relinquish  remove  renege  renounce  renounce the throne  repeal  repudiate  rescind  resign  retire  retire from office  retract  retreat  retrench  retrocede  reverse  revoke  rip out  root out  root up  r  
withdrawal  Jim Crow  abandonment  abdication  abjuration  abjurement  abolishment  abolition  abrogation  absentation  abstraction  abulia  agreement to disagree  alienation  aloneness  aloofness  anesthesia  annulment  anxiety  anxiety equivalent  anxiety state  apartheid  apartness  apathy  apostasy  autism  autistic thinking  avoidance mechanism  avulsion  backwardness  bashfulness  blame-shifting  blankness  boredom  cancel  canceling  cancellation  carelessness  cassation  casting away  catatonia  catatonic stupor  celibacy  cessation  chill  chilliness  clearance  cold blood  cold heart  coldheartedness  coldness  compensation  compulsion  constraint  coolness  counter-culture  countermand  counterorder  cutting out  deadpan  decampment  decompensation  defeasance  defense mechanism  dejection  demission  denial  departure  deportation  deposal  depression  deracination  dereism  dereistic thinking  desuetude  detachment  difference  disaccord  disagreement  disapprobation  disapproval  disarticulation  disassociation  disavowal  discard  disclaimer  disclamation  disconnectedness  disconnection  discontinuity  discreetness  discretion  disengagement  disentanglement  disinterest  disinterestedness  disjointing  disjunction  dislocation  disowning  disownment  disparity  dispassion  dispassionateness  displacement  disposal  disposition  dissatisfaction  dissension  dissent  dissentience  dissidence  dissociation  distance  disunion  disuse  diversity  division  divorce  divorcement  drawing  drawing out  dredging  drilling  dropping out  dullness  egress  ejection  elation  elimination  emeritus status  emotional deadness  emotional insulation  emotionalism  emotionlessness  enucleation  eradication  escape  escape into fantasy  escape mechanism  escapism  euphoria  evacuation  evolvement  evulsion  excavation  excision  exile  exit  exodus  expatriation  expression  expressionlessness  expulsion  exsection  extirpation  extraction  extrication  fallback  fa  
withdrawn  Laodicean  Olympian  alienated  alone  aloof  anonymous  apart  apathetic  aseptic  backward  bashful  benumbed  blah  blank  blase  bored  careless  casual  chilled  chilly  closet  cold  comatose  companionless  constrained  cool  desensitized  detached  discreet  disinterested  distant  dull  exclusive  expressionless  forbidding  friendless  frigid  frosty  guarded  heartless  hebetudinous  heedless  homeless  hopeless  icy  impassive  impersonal  in a backwater  in a stupor  inaccessible  incognito  incurious  indifferent  inmost  innermost  insociable  insouciant  insular  interior  intimate  introverted  inward  isolated  kithless  languid  lethargic  listless  lone  lonely  lonesome  mindless  modest  nonchalant  numb  numbed  offish  out-of-the-way  out-of-the-world  passive  personal  phlegmatic  pluckless  private  privy  quarantined  regardless  remote  removed  repressed  reserved  resigned  restrained  reticent  retired  retiring  rootless  secluded  seclusive  segregated  separate  separated  sequestered  shrinking  shut off  single-handed  slack  sluggish  solitary  solo  soporific  spiritless  spunkless  standoff  standoffish  stoic  stolid  stupefied  subdued  supine  suppressed  torpid  unabetted  unaccompanied  unaffable  unaided  unapproachable  unassisted  unattended  uncaring  uncompanionable  unconcerned  uncongenial  undemonstrative  unescorted  unexpansive  unfrequented  ungenial  uninquiring  uninterested  uninvolved  unmindful  unseconded  unsupported  unvisited  
wither  Sanforize  age  air-dry  anhydrate  attenuate  bake  blot  brush  burn  cave in  cheat the undertaker  collapse  constrict  consume  contract  cure  decline  deflate  dehumidify  dehydrate  desiccate  diminish  dodder  drain  droop  dry  dry up  dwindle  emacerate  emaciate  evaporate  exsiccate  fade  fade away  fail  fire  flag  fold  get along  get on  grow old  insolate  kiln  languish  lose strength  macerate  mummify  mummy  parch  peak  pine  preshrink  rub  run down  scorch  sear  shake  shrink  shrivel  sink  smoke  soak up  sponge  sun  sun-dry  swab  thin  torrefy  totter  towel  turn gray  turn white  wane  waste  waste away  weaken  weazen  welter  wilt  wipe  wither away  wizen  wrinkle  
withered  Sanforized  adust  anile  atrophied  attenuated  baked  brittle  burnt  cadaverous  consumed  corky  corpselike  crabbed  debilitated  decrepit  dehydrated  desiccated  doddered  doddering  doddery  dried  dried-up  emacerated  emaciate  emaciated  evaporated  exsiccated  feeble  fossilized  gerontal  gerontic  haggard  hollow-eyed  infirm  jejune  marantic  marasmic  mossbacked  moth-eaten  mummified  mummylike  palsied  papery  papery-skinned  parched  parchmenty  peaked  peaky  pinched  poor  preshrunk  puny  ravaged with age  rickety  run to seed  rusty  scorched  sear  seared  senile  sere  shaky  shriveled  shriveled up  shrunk  shrunken  skeletal  starved  starveling  stricken in years  sun-dried  sunbaked  tabetic  tabid  thin  timeworn  tottering  tottery  underfed  undernourished  wasted  wasted away  weak  weazened  weazeny  wilted  wind-dried  wizen  wizen-faced  wizened  wraithlike  wrinkled  
withering  Sanforizing  acerb  acerbate  acerbic  acid  acidic  acidulent  acidulous  acrid  acrimonious  air-drying  anhydration  arrogant  atrophy  attenuation  baneful  biting  bitter  calamitous  cataclysmal  cataclysmic  catastrophic  caustic  clannish  cliquish  coming apart  consuming  consumption  consumptive  contemptuous  contumelious  corroding  corrosive  cracking  crumbling  cutting  deadly  decadent  declining  degenerate  dehumidification  dehydration  demolishing  demolitionary  depredatory  desiccation  desolating  destroying  destructive  deteriorating  devastating  disastrous  disdainful  disintegrating  doomful  drainage  draining  drooping  drying  drying up  dwindling  ebbing  effete  emaceration  emaciation  evaporation  exclusive  fading  failing  falling  fatal  fateful  flagging  fragmenting  fratricidal  going to pieces  haughty  incisive  insolation  internecine  keen  languishing  marcescence  marcescent  mordacious  mordant  mummification  nihilist  nihilistic  parching  penetrating  piercing  pining  preshrinkage  ravaging  regressive  retrograde  retrogressive  ruining  ruinous  scathing  scorching  scornful  searing  self-destructive  sharp  shrinkage  shrinking  shriveling  sinking  sliding  slipping  slumping  sneering  sniffy  snobbish  snobby  snooty  snotty  stabbing  stinging  subsiding  subversionary  subversive  suicidal  supercilious  tabetic  tart  thinning  toploftical  toplofty  trenchant  vandalic  vandalish  vandalistic  waning  wastage  waste  wasteful  wasting  wilting  worsening  
withhold  abstain  abstain from  arrest  avoid  begrudge  bit  bosom  bridle  check  classify  close the hand  conceal  conserve  constrain  contain  control  cool  cool off  curb  curtail  decelerate  deny  detain  disallow  do without  dompt  enjoin  eschew  file and forget  forbear  forgo  govern  grudge  guard  hinder  hold  hold aloof from  hold at bay  hold back  hold down  hold fast  hold in  hold in check  hold in leash  hold out on  hold up  husband  in petto  inhibit  keep  keep back  keep between us  keep buttoned up  keep by one  keep close  keep dark  keep from  keep in  keep in check  keep in ignorance  keep in reserve  keep in store  keep mum  keep on hand  keep out  keep secret  keep snug  keep under control  keep under wraps  lay by  lay under restraint  let alone  let go by  make no sign  never let on  never touch  not give away  not tell  not touch  pass up  play dumb  preserve  prohibit  pull  pull in  put apart  put aside  put by  refrain  refrain from  refuse  rein  rein in  reserve  restrain  retain  retard  retrench  save  save up  secrete  set apart  set aside  set back  set by  shun  slow down  snub  spare  stand aloof from  straiten  veil  
within bounds  analytically  calmly  composedly  conservatively  coolly  dispassionately  equably  evenly  frugally  in all conscience  in all reason  in balance  in moderation  in reason  judiciously  logically  moderately  prudently  rationally  reasonably  restrainedly  sanely  sensibly  serenely  soberly  soothingly  soundly  sparingly  steadily  stintingly  subduedly  syllogistically  temperately  tranquilly  within compass  within reason  within reasonable limitations  

wit Definition

wit Bedeutung

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Wit is a form of intelligent humour, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny. A wit is a person skilled at making clever and funny remarks. Forms of wit include the quip and repartee.

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