
with equal genius in an equally ingenious manner / The author exploits the theme of his predecessor with equal genius The author exploits in an equally ingenious manner the theme of his predecessor / The new version is ingeniously true to the spirit of the original Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

kongenial adv
Der Autor verarbeitet kongenial das Thema seines Vorgängers.
Die neue Fassung wird dem Geist der Vorlage kongenial gerecht.
with equal genius; in an equally ingenious manner
The author exploits the theme of his predecessor with equal genius.; The author exploits in an equally ingenious manner the theme of his predecessor.
The new version is ingeniously true to the spirit of the original.
original assets
original costs
original value
außer in dem Umfang und in der Art
except to the extent and in the manner
equal opportunity
dem Hafenbrauch entsprechend
in the manner customary at the port
die Art der ausdrücklich zugestimmt wurde
the manner expressly consented to
Erinnerungsmelodie, Erkennungsmelodie
theme song
Erinnerungsmelodie, Titelmelodie
theme melody
falls als Original gekennzeichnet
if marked as original
quiet manner
public spirit
genaue Abschrift
true copy
gleich vor dem Recht, gleichberechtigt
equal before the law
gleich, entsprechend
on an equal footing
gleiche Aussichten
equal chances
gleiche Entlohnung
equal pay
gleiches Verhältnis
equal ratio
on equal terms
gleichlautende Abschrift
true copy
original capital
in der ausdrücklich vereinbarten Weise
in the manner expressly agreed
in der gegenwärtigen Version
in the present version
in der neuen Version
in the new version
in der üblichen Weise
in the manner customary
in der vorgeschrieben Art
in the manner specified
in einer früheren Version
in a previous version
in gleichen Raten
by equal installments
jugendlicher Geist
youthful spirit
nur zum Teil wahr
partly true
original copy
Original, ursprünglich, original
original edition
true to original
original packing
original wrapping
original bill
originelle Bemerkung
original remark
original precedent
rechtmäßiger Erbe
true heir
ruhiges Wesen
sedate manner
universal genius
entrepreneurial spirit
Urheber, Verfasser
original text
wahr, genau, echt
wahrheitsgetreue Kopie
true copy
Abenteuerdrang m
spirit of adventure
Abenteuerlust f
spirit of adventure
Abenteurergeist m
adventurous spirit
Abschrift f, Exemplar n
Abschriften pl, Exemplare pl
Abschrift für den privaten Gebrauch
gleichlautende Abschrift
copy for private use
true copy
Akkumulation f
Akkumulation des Kapitals
ursprüngliche Akkumulation
capital accumulation
primary accumulation, original accumulation
Altversion f, vorhandene Version f, installierte Version f
legacy version
Amtsvorgänger m
predecessor in office
Anfangsvermögen n
original assets
Art und Weise f, Methode f, Verhalten n
Aufbruchsstimmung f, Aufbruchstimmung f
euphoric mood, spirit of optimism
Ausgangsstellung f, Ausgangslage f, Ausgangszustand m
original position, initial position
Ausgangszustand m, Anfangszustand m
initial condition, original condition
Autograph m
Autographen pl
das Original
the original autograph
Autor m, Autorin f, Verfasser m, Verfasserin f
Autoren pl, Autorinnen pl, Verfasser pl, Verfasserinnen pl
der Autor des hier vorliegenden Werkes adj
author, writer
authors, writers
the present author
Autorenkatalog m
Autorenkataloge pl
author catalogue
author catalogues
Autorkorrektur f
Autorkorrekturen pl
author's alteration
author's alterations
Bauform f, Ausführung f, Modell n, Typ m
version, style, model, type
Bedingungen pl, Konditionen pl
zu günstigen Bedingungen, zu günstigen Konditionen
zu den genannten Bedingungen
zu gleichen Bedingungen
on easy terms, on favourite terms
on the terms indicated
on equal terms
Chancengleichheit f
Chancengleichheit von Männern und Frauen
equal opportunities
equal opportunities for men and women
Druckversion f
print version
Echtfarbendarstellung f
true-color display
Entwurf m, Skizze f, Zeichnung f, Vorlage f
Entwürfe pl, Skizzen pl, Zeichnungen pl, Vorlagen pl
Entwürfe pl
draft, draft version, outline
drafts, draft versions, outlines
Erbsünde f
original sin
Ergibtzeichen n
colon equal
Erstprüfung f
original inspection
Finanzgenie n fin.
financial genius, financial wizard
Firmware-Version f
firmware version
Geist m
Geister pl
Geist m, Seele f, Gespenst n
Geisterwelt f
Geisterwelten pl
spirit world
spirit worlds
Geistesblitz m
Geistesblitze pl
flash of genius
flashes of genius
Gemeinschaftsgefühl n
community spirit, sense of community, public-spiritedness
Gemeinschaftsgeist m
team spirit
Gemeinschaftssinn m
community spirit, sense of community
Genie n
ein Genie ersten Ranges
a genius of the first water
Geniestreich m
Geniestreiche pl
stroke of genius, bright idea
strokes of genius, bright ideas
Gesicht n
Gesichter pl
im Gesicht
sein wahres Gesicht zeigen
Gesichter schneiden
das Gesicht verziehen
mitten ins Gesicht
das Gesicht wahren
über das ganze Gesicht lächeln
ein Gesicht wie sieben Tage Regenwetter übtr.
ein Schlag ins Gesicht übtr.
to show one's true colours (colors)
to make faces
to make a grimace
fair in the face
to save one's face, to save face
to smile from ear to ear
a face as long as a fiddle fig.
a slap in the face fig.
Gleichberechtigung f
politische Gleichberechtigung
equality, equal rights
political equality
Gleichgesinnte m f , Gleichgesinnter, Geistesverwandte m f , Geistesverwandter, Person mit gleichen Interessen
kindred spirit
Gleichheitszeichen n
Gleichheitszeichen pl
equal sign
Gleichstellung f
equality, equal status
Grundkapital n, Gesellschaftskapital n
joint stock, share capital, original capital
Grundtext m, Urtext m, Originaltext m
original text
Hauptthema n mus.
Hauptthemen pl
principal theme
principal themes
Heimlichtuerei f
secretive manner
Herstellungsweise f
manner of preparation
Hinsicht f, Beziehung f
in dieser Hinsicht
in gewisser Hinsicht, gewissermaßen
in mancher Beziehung
in jeder Hinsicht, in jeder Beziehung
in beiderlei Hinsicht
in jeder Hinsicht, im Grunde
in vieler Hinsicht
in Hinsicht auf das eben Erwähnte
in this respect, in this regard
in a sense, in a way
in some respects, in certain respects
in every respect, in all respects, in every sense, on all counts
on both counts
in a manner of speaking
in many respects
in these premises
Kampfgeist m
fighting spirit
Kartoffelbranntwein m
potato spirit
Kastengeist m
caste spirit
Klassiker m
classic, classical author
Kurzfassung f
abbreviated version
Länge f
Längen pl
gestreckte Länge techn.
wahre Länge
length before bending
true length
Leitgedanke m, der rote Faden
central theme, central idea
Lesart f
reading, version
Manie f
manner, way (of doing sth.)
Manier f
manner, style
Mannschaftsgeist m, Teamgeist m
team spirit
Maß n, Ausmaß n
in hohem Maße
in sehr hohem Maße
in stärkerem Maße
in gleichem Maße
in gewissem Maß
in dem Maß
bis zu einem gewissen Grad, in gewissem Maße
extent, degree
to a large extent, to a high degree, highly
to a vast extent
to a greter degree, to a greater extent
to the same extent, equally
in some degree
to the extent, to the degree
to a certain extent
Mitautor m, Mitautorin f, Co-Autor m, Co-Autorin f, Miturheber m, Miturheberin f
co-author, coauthor
Mitverfasser m, Mitverfasserin f
co-author, coauthor, joint author
Mitverfasser m
joint author
Mundartdichter m, Mundartdichterin f
dialect author, dialect poet
Munterkeit f
liveliness, high spirit
Nachricht f, Nachrichten pl, Neuigkeiten pl
die letzten Nachrichten
eine wichtige Nachricht
ursprüngliche Nachricht f
the latest news
some news of importance
original message
Neuausgabe f, Update n
update, updated version
Neupreis m, Originalpreis m
original price
Original n
Originalausgabe f
original edition
Originalfassung f, Urfassung f
original version
Originalgröße f
in Originalgröße
original size
full-size, as is
Originalton m (Film)
original soundtrack
Originalzeichnung f
original drawing
Parteigeist m, Parteigesinnung f
party spirit
Partylaune f
party spirit, party mood
Pioniergeist m
pioneering spirit
Redeweise f
manner of speaking
Rübezahl m
Ruebezahl (spirit of the Sudeten mountains)
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
Schöpfergeist m
Schöpfergeister pl
creative genius
creative geniuses
Schriftsteller m, Schriftstellerin f
Schriftsteller pl, Schriftstellerinnen pl
ein Schriftsteller von Rang
writer, author
writers, authors
a writer of distinction
Selbstkosten pl econ.
prime costs, primary costs, original costs
Selbstverlag m
author's edition
Sicherheit f im Auftreten
self-confident manner, self-assured manner
Sinn m
Sinne pl
Sinn ergeben, sinnvoll sein, vernünftig sein
in gewissem Sinne
to make sense
in a sense, in a certain manner
Sinuswandler m (DC
AC Spannungswandler) electr.
true sine wave inverter
Spirituose f
Spirituosen pl
spirits, alcohols
Spirituskocher m
Spirituskocher pl
spirit stove
spirit stoves
Sprechart f
Sprit m, Spiritus m
Stammaktie f fin.
Stammaktien pl
original stock
common stock
Stammkapital n
original share capital, common capital stock Am.
Stammwürze f
original gravity
Stammwürze f
original wort
Teil m, Stück n
Teile pl, Stücke pl
aktiver Teil
zum Teil, teilweise
zu gleichen Teilen
zum großen Teil
live part
in part, partly
in equal parts
in large part, for the most part, to a large extent
Testbenzin m
white spirit
Thema n mus.
Themen pl, Themata pl
Thematik f
theme, themes

Deutsche kongenial {adv} / Der Autor verarbeitet kongenial das Thema seines Vorgängers. / Die neue Fassung wird dem Geist der Vorlage kongenial gerecht. Synonyme

einmütig  Âgeistesverwandt  Âgeistig  ebenbürtig  Âharmonisierend  Âkongenial  
Beitrittsgebiet  Âehemalige  DDR  ÂEx-DDR  Âfünf  neue  Bundesländer  Âneue  Länder  ÂOstdeutschland  
fair  Âgerecht  
erfüllen  Âgerecht  werden  
Geist  ÂGespenst  ÂSpuk  
Esprit  ÂGeist  ÂWitz  
Autor  einer  Kolumne  ÂKolumnist  
Autor  ÂSchreiber  ÂUrheber  ÂVerfasser  
Entwurf  ÂGesetzentwurf  ÂGesetzesvorlage  ÂVorlage  
Schablone  ÂTemplate  (engl.)  ÂVorlage  
Fassung  ÂHalterung  
Fassung  ÂSteckdose  
Antrag  ÂEingabe  ÂGesuch  ÂMuster  ÂVorlage  ÂVorschlag  
Ausgabe  ÂFassung  ÂVersion  
Autor  ÂDichter  ÂDramatiker  ÂSchreiber  ÂSchreiberling  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchriftsteller  ÂWortedrechsler  (derb)  
Beherrschung  ÂContenance  ÂFassung  ÂHaltung  ÂKontrolle  
Entwurf  ÂGrundriss  ÂLayout  ÂPlan  ÂPlanung  ÂSchema  ÂSkizze  ÂVorlage  ÂZeichnung  
aus  der  Fassung  bringen  Âärgern  Âbelästigen  Âreizen  Âsekkieren  (österr.)  
Thema  ÂThemenbereich  ÂThemenkreis  
Abdruck  ÂAuflage  ÂAusgabe  (eines  Buches)  ÂDruck  ÂEdition  ÂFassung  
(Thema)  anschneiden  Âansprechen  Âaufwerfen  
ansprechen  Âerinnern  Âerwähnen  Âthematisieren  Âzum  Thema  machen  
Denkfähigkeit  ÂDenkvermögen  ÂGeist  ÂGrips  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂIntelligenz  ÂKöpfchen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂScharfsinn  ÂScharfsinnigkeit  ÂVernunft  ÂVerstand  
Kolloquium  ÂKonferenz  mit  Beiträgen  zu  einem  Thema  ÂSymposion  ÂSymposium  
(das)  Wesentliche  ÂEssenz  ÂGegenstand  ÂGehalt  ÂInhalt  ÂKernaussage  ÂKerngehalt  ÂThema  
bezüglich  Âbzgl.  Âhinsichtlich  Âin  Bezug  auf  Âin  Hinblick  auf  Âin  Sachen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âwegen  Âzum  Thema  
Angelegenheit  ÂAnliegen  ÂAufgabe  ÂCausa  ÂFragestellung  ÂProblem  ÂProblematik  ÂProblemstellung  ÂSache  ÂThema  
(sich)  drehen  um  Â(sich)  handeln  um  Âgehen  um  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂThema  sein  Âzum  Gegenstand  haben  
diesbezüglich  Âhierzu  Âzu  diesem  Punkt  Âzu  diesem  Thema  
kein  Problem  (umgangssprachlich)  Âkein  Thema  (umgangssprachlich)  Âkeine  Frage  (umgangssprachlich)  
Amerika  ÂNeue  Welt  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂStaaten  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂUSA  ÂVereinigte  Staaten  ÂVereinigte  Staaten  von  Amerika  

Englische with equal genius; in an equally ingenious manner Synonyme

with equal genius in an equally ingenious manner / The author exploits the theme of his predecessor with equal genius The author exploits in an equally ingenious manner the theme of his predecessor / The new version is ingeniously true to the spirit of the original Definition

(n.) The beginner, former, or first mover of anything
(n.) One who composes or writes a book
(n.) The editor of a periodical.
(n.) An informant.
(v. t.) To occasion
(v. t.) To tell
(a.) Agreeing in quantity, size, quality, degree, value, etc.
(a.) Bearing a suitable relation
(a.) Not variable
(a.) Evenly balanced
(a.) Of the same interest or concern
(a.) Intended for voices of one kind only, either all male or all female
(a.) Exactly agreeing with respect to quantity.
(n.) One not inferior or superior to another
(n.) State of being equal
(v. t.) To be or become equal to
(v. t.) To make equal return to
(v. t.) To make equal or equal to
(adv.) In an equal manner or degree in equal shares or proportion
(n.) A good or evil spirit, or demon, supposed by the ancients to preside over a man's destiny in life
(n.) The peculiar structure of mind with whoch each individual is endowed by nature
(n.) Peculiar character
(n.) Distinguished mental superiority
(n.) A man endowed with uncommon vigor of mind
(a.) Possessed of genius, or the faculty of invention
(a.) Proseeding from, pertaining to, or characterized by, genius or ingenuity
(a.) Witty
(a.) Mental
(adv.) In an ingenious manner
(n.) Mode of action
(n.) Characteristic mode of acting, conducting, carrying one's self, or the like
(n.) Customary method of acting
(n.) Carriage
(n.) The style of writing or thought of an author
(n.) Certain degree or measure
(n.) Sort
(a.) Pertaining to the origin or beginning
(a.) Not copied, imitated, or translated
(a.) Having the power to suggest new thoughts or combinations of thought
(a.) Before unused or unknown
(n.) Origin
(n.) That which precedes all others of its class
(n.) An original thinker or writer
(n.) A person of marked eccentricity.
(n.) The natural or wild species from which a domesticated or cultivated variety has been derived
(n.) One who precedes
(n.) See Shadbird (a)
(n.) Air set in motion by breathing
(n.) A rough breathing
(n.) Life, or living substance, considered independently of corporeal existence

with equal genius in an equally ingenious manner / The author exploits the theme of his predecessor with equal genius The author exploits in an equally ingenious manner the theme of his predecessor / The new version is ingeniously true to the spirit of the original Bedeutung

original sin a sin said to be inherited by all descendants of Adam, Adam and Eve committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden
equal temperament the division of the scale based on an octave that is divided into twelve exactly equal semitones, equal temperament is the system commonly used in keyboard instruments
party spirit devotion to a political party
version manual turning of a fetus in the uterus (usually to aid delivery)
true bacteria
a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls, motile types have flagella
true sparrow
any of several small dullolored singing birds feeding on seeds or insects
Old World flycatcher
true flycatcher
any of a large group of small songbirds that feed on insects taken on the wing
Old World warbler
true warbler
small active brownish or greyish Old World birds
true frog
insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs
true toad tailless amphibian similar to a frog but more terrestrial and having drier warty skin
true lobster large edible marine crustaceans having large pincers on the first pair of legs
earless seal
true seal
hair seal
any of several seals lacking external ear flaps and having a stiff hairlike coat with hind limbs reduced to swimming flippers
true cat
feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats, wildcats
vampire bat
true vampire bat
any of various tropical American bats of the family Desmodontidae that bite mammals and birds to feed on their blood
true bug any of various insects of the order Hemiptera and especially of the suborder Heteroptera
true marmoset a marmoset
cover version
cover song
a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else, they made a cover of a Beatles' song
equal-area projection
equal-area map projection
a map projection in which quadrilaterals formed by meridians and parallels have an area on the map proportional to their area on the globe
fisherman's knot
true lover's knot truelove knot
a knot for tying the ends of two lines together
spirit level
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
love knot
lovers' knot
lover's knot
true lovers' knot
true lover's knot
a stylized or decorative knot used as an emblem of love
master copy
an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
spirit lamp a lamp that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol
spirit stove a stove that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol
spirit a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character
heart spirit an inclination or tendency of a certain kind, he had a change of heart
esprit de corps
team spirit
the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed
life spirit sprightliness
animation and energy in action or expression, it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it
civic pride
civic spirit
pride in your city
manner personal manner a way of acting or behaving
bedside manner manner or conduct of a physician in the presence of a patient
manner mode
way fashion
how something is done or how it happens, her dignified manner, his rapid manner of talking, their nomadic mode of existence, in the characteristic New York style, a lonely way of life, in an abrasive fashion
manner of walking
manner of walking, he had a funny walk
true proper alignment, the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment, out of true
equal protection of the laws a right guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution and by the due-process clause of the Fifth Amendment
equal opportunity the right to equivalent opportunities for employment regardless of race or color or sex or national origin
true vocal cord
true vocal fold
inferior vocal cord
inferior vocal fold
either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to form the glottis, produce a vocal tone when they are approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
true rib one of the first seven ribs in a human being which attach to the sternum
rima glottidis
rima vocalis
true glottis
glottis vera
the space between the two true vocal folds
unusual mental ability
a natural talent, he has a flair for mathematics, he has a genius for interior decorating
exceptional creative ability
spirit world any imaginary place where spiritual beings (demons or fairies or angels or the like) abide, science has emptied the spirit world of its former inhabitants
version variant variation edition something a little different from others of the same type, an experimental version of the night fighter, a variant of the same word, an emery wheel is the modern variation of a grindstone, the boy is a younger edition of his father
manner a kind, what manner of man are you?
Kepler's second law
law of areas
law of equal areas
a law concerning the speed at which planets travel, a line connecting a planet to the sun will sweep out equal areas in equal times, Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun
theme motif a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in literary or artistic work, it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme
interpretation reading version a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something
something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies, this painting is a copy of the original
root word
stem theme radical
(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed, thematic vowels are part of the stem
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