
with grain Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Faserabweichung f (Holz)
Korn n techn.
Maserung f, Struktur f
Schlempe f (Rückstände einer Destillation)
to grain
to grain
Hirnholz n
end grain
feinkörnig adj photo.
Feinkorn n
fine grain
Holzmaserung f
wood grain
Körnerfrucht f agr. bot.
grain crop
Getreidehandel m
grain trade
Quäntchen n, Quentchen n alt
dram, grain
grain field
Getreidehandel m econ.
grain trade
Quäntchen n; Quentchen n alt
dram; grain
Getreideversorgung f
grain supply
Grobkornbildung f (Kristallographie) techn.
grain growth
grain fields
winter grain
Feinstkorn n
finest grain
Kornwachstum n
grain growth
Getreideernte f agr.
grain harvest
bruised grain
grain of sand
grain of shot
Holzmaserung f; Holzmaser f
grain of wood
Kornbesatz m (unerwünschte Bestandteile von Getreide) agr.
grain dockage
Korn n, Samenkorn n
Körner pl, Samenkörner pl
Korndurchmesser f
grain diameter
Kornfraktionen pl
grain fractions
ein Sandkorn
a grain of sand
Getreidebörse f fin.
grain pit Am.
Narbung f (von Leder)
graining; grain
Kornspeicher m, Getreidesilo n agr.
grain storehouse
Spaltleder n
top-grain leather
Kornverteilung f
closeness of grain
Kornverzahnung f
interlocking grain
Kornfrucht f (Getreidezehent) agr. hist.
corn (grain tithe)
Kornfeinheit f
fineness of grain(s)
Holzmaserung f
woodgrain; wood grain
Getreidemahlerzeugnis n cook.
grain milling product
Getreide n, Korn n
Getreide auf dem Halm
standing grain
Getreide n; Korn n
Getreide auf dem Halm
standing grain
Wintersaat f (Vorgang) agr.
sowing of winter grain
Getreide n agr.
Getreide auf dem Halm
standing grain
Futtergetreide n agr.
feedgrain; fodder grain
Körnigkeit f; Körnung f
granularity; grain size
Getreidemühle f
Getreidemühlen pl
grain mill
grain mills
Getreidequetsche f agr.
Getreidequetschen pl
grain mill
grain mills
Koksperle f
Koksperlen pl
coke grain
coke grains
Grobkorn n
rough grain, coarse grain
Korngröße f, Teilchengröße f
grain size, particle size
Kornverteilungsband m
grain size fraction curve
Grobkorn n
rough grain; coarse grain
Getreidefeld n agr.
Getreidefelder f
grain field
grain fields
Feinheit f
fineness; grist (of grain)
Weizengrieß m cook.
wheat semolina; wheat grain
Wintersaat f
Wintersaaten pl
winter grain
winter grains
Garbenbinder m (des Bindemähers) agr.
Garbenbinder pl
grain binder
grain binders
Körnerkissen n med.
Körnerkissen pl
grain pillow
grain pillows
Pollenkorn n bot.
Pollenkörner pl
pollen grain
pollen grains
Einzelkorn n
Einzelkörner pl
single grain
single grains
Korngefüge n
grain structure; microfabric
Getreidepreis m
corn price Br.; grain price
Reiskorn n
Reiskörner pl
grain of rice
grains of rice
Sandkorn m
Sandkörner pl
grain of sand
grains of sand
Schrotkorn n
Schrotkörner pl
grain of shot
grains of shot
Mahlgut n; Schrot m agr.
(coarsely) ground grain; grist
Korndichte f (Metallurgie) techn.
closeness of grain (metallurgy)
Das geht mir gegen den Strich.
It goes against the grain for me.
Korngrenze m phys.
Korngrenzen pl
grain boundary
grain boundaries
Vollleder n; Rauleder n; Narbenleder n; Sämischleder n Ös.
grain leather; full-grain leather
Korngrenze f phys.
Korngrenzen pl
grain boundary
grain boundaries
Feinkörnigkeit f
fine graininess, fineness of grain
Eigenschaften pl in Walzrichtung (Metallurgie) techn.
with-grain properties (metallurgy)
Feinkörnigkeit f
fine graininess; fineness of grain
Kornverteilung f
gradation; grain-size distribution
multigrain {adj}; multi-grain {adj}
Sterz m Bayr. Ös. cook.
Heidensterz m
grain porridge
buckwheat porridge
Weizengrieß m cook.
wheat semolina; wheat grain; farina
Kornspeicher m; Getreidesilo n agr.
Kornspeicher pl; Getreidesilos pl
grain storehouse
grain storehouses
Maserung f; Maser f; Zeichnung f; Textur f (Holz Anstrich)
grain; vein; texture (wood coating)
Maserung f; Maser f; Zeichnung f; Textur f (Holz, Anstrich)
grain; vein; texture (wood, coating)
Stängelkorn n (Kerntechnik) techn.
columnar grain (nuclear engineering)
Zähigkeit f; Festigkeit f (eines Schleifkorns etc.)
toughness (of an abrasive grain etc.)
Zähigkeit f; Festigkeit f (eines Schleifkorns usw.)
toughness (of an abrasive grain etc.)
Wintergetreide n; Winterfrucht f agr.
winter crop; winter grain; winter corn
Schrot m, n, Schrotmehl n
coarse meal, bruised grain, whole grain
Schrot m n; Schrotmehl n
coarse meal; bruised grain; whole grain
etw. kritisch betrachten; etw. skeptisch betrachten
to take sth. with a grain of salt fig.
etw. kritisch betrachten; etw. skeptisch betrachten v
to take sth. with a grain of salt fig.
Strich m, Faser f
gegen den Strich, quer zur Laufrichtung
mit den Strich, mit der Laufrichtung
across the grain
with the grain
Fadenlauf m textil.
grain (of the cloth), run of thread, weave
Fadenlauf m textil.
grain (of the cloth); run of thread; weave
Getreideart f
Getreidearten pl
type of corn, type of grain
types of grains
Getreideart f
Getreidearten pl
type of corn; type of grain
types of grains
Körnchen n
Körnchen pl
granule; small grain
granules; small grains
Exine f (äußere Schicht eines Pollenkorns oder einer Spore) bot.
exine (outer layer of a pollen grain or spore)
wholemeal Br., whole-wheat Am., whole-grain
Getreideähre f agr.
Getreideähren pl
grain head; grain ear
grain heads; grain ears
wholemeal Br.; whole-wheat Am.; whole-grain
wholemeal Br.; whole-wheat Am.; whole-grain
Korngefügeanalyse f
analysis of grain structure; microfabric analysis
Korngrößenverteilung f
grain size distribution, particle size distribution
Schritt für Schritt kommt auch ans Ziel. Sprw.
Grain by grain and the hen fills her belly. prov.
Korngrößenverteilung f (in Schüttgut und Mahlgut)
grain size distribution; particle size distribution
schroten, verschroten agr.
to grain coarsely, to crush coarsely, to rough-grind
schroten; verschroten v agr.
to grain coarsely; to crush coarsely; to rough-grind
Hülse f; Schote f; Spelze f; Spelz m bot.
Hülsen pl; Schoten pl; Spelzen pl; Spelzen pl
Getreidehülse f
hull; husk; palea
hulls; husks; paleas
husk of grain
Käseteig m; Käsebruch m; Bruch m cook.
Käsebruchbereitung f
Käsebruchkorn n
cheese curd; curd
cheese curd preparation
curd grain
Kornform f
Kornformen pl
grain shape; particle shape
grain shapes; particle shapes
Graupe f, Weizengraupe f
Graupen pl, Weizengraupen pl
grain of hulled wheat
hulled wheat, grain of hulled wheats
Graupe f; Gerstengraupe f
Graupen pl; Gerstengraupen pl
grain of pearl barley
pearl barley; grains of pearl barley
Graupe f; Weizengraupe f
Graupen pl; Weizengraupen pl
grain of hulled wheat
hulled wheat; grain of hulled wheats
Strich m; Faser f
gegen den Strich; quer zur Laufrichtung
mit den Strich; mit der Laufrichtung
against the grain; across the grain
with the grain
bei jdm. über einiges hinwegsehen v soc.
to take sb. with a pinch of salt Br. a grain of salt Am.
Graupe f, Gerstengraupe f
Graupen pl, Gerstengraupen pl
grain of pearl barley
pearl barlewy, grains of pearl barley
bei jdm. über einiges hinwegsehen v soc.
to take sb. with a pinch of salt Br. a grain of salt Am.
Getreidesilo m agr.
Getreidesilos pl
grain silo; grain elevator Am.
grain silos; grain elevators
Kornstruktur f; Korngefüge n (eines Werkstoffs)
grain structure; granual structure; microfabric (of a material)
Holzfaser f
Holzfasern pl
wood fibre, wood fiber, grain
wood fibres, wood fibers, grains
Holzfaser f
Holzfasern pl
wood fibre; wood fiber; grain
wood fibres; wood fibers; grains
Mineralkorn n
Mineralkörner pl
mineral grain; mineral particle
mineral grains; mineral particles
Korngrößenanalyse f; Kornverteilungsanalyse f
grain size analysis; particle size analysis; granulometric analysis
Faserrichtung f (Holz)
in Faserrichtung
grain direction; orientation of fibers; grain (wood)
with the grain
nachlesen; stoppeln v agr. hist.
nachlesend; stoppelnd
nachgelesen; gestoppelt
to glean (gather leftover grain after a harvest)
Korngrößenbestimmung f; Korngrößenanalyse f (bei Schüttgut)
grain-size determination; particle-size determination (in bulk goods)
Korndichte f (eines Feststoffs)
grain density; closeness of grain; specific gravity (of solid matter)
Sägeschnitt m techn.
Sägeschnitte pl
durch Sägeschnitt
Sägeschnitt entlang zum Faserverlauf von Holz; Längsschnitt agr.
Sägeschnitt quer zum Faserverlauf von Holz; Querschnitt
saw cut
saw cuts
by saw
rip cut in wood
cross-grain cut in wood
Hülse f; Spelze f; Spelz m bot.
Hülsen pl; Spelzen pl
Getreidehülse f
hull; husk; pod; shuck Am.
hulls; husks; pods; shucks
husk of grain
Getreidebündel n; Garbenbündel n; Garbe f agr.
Getreidebündel pl; Garbenbündel pl; Garben pl
Garben binden
etw. zu Garben binden
sheaf (bundle of grain stalks)
to bind sheaves
to sheave sth.
etw. körnen; etw. körning machen v
körnend; körning machend
gekörnt; körning gemacht
to grain sth.; to granulate sth.
graining; granulating
grained; granulated
Korngrößenverteilung f; Kornverteilung f (in Feststoffen, Schüttgut, Mahlgut)
grain size distribution; particle size distribution (in solid and bulk material)
etw. masern; marmorieren; adern; ädern v (Holz Anstrich)
masernd; marmorierend; adernd; ädernd
gemasert; marmoriert; geadert; geädert
to grain sth.; to vein sth. (wood coating)
graining; veining
grained; veined
gut sortiert; schlecht abgestuft (überwiegend eine Korngröße) min.
schlecht sortiert; gut abgestuft (alle Korngrößen vorhanden)
poorly graded (prevailing one grain size)
well graded (all grain sizes present)
etw. masern; marmorieren; adern; ädern v (Holz, Anstrich)
masernd; marmorierend; adernd; ädernd
gemasert; marmoriert; geadert; geädert
to grain sth.; to vein sth. (wood, coating)
graining; veining
grained; veined
Reis m cook. agr.
geschälter Reis
ungeschälter Reis; Reis auf dem Halm
Langkornreis m
polished rice
paddy rice; paddy
long grain rice
whole rice; brown rice
Korngröße f; Teilchengröße f
feinste Korngröße
wirksame Korngröße
grain size; particle size; granular size; granularity
effective grain size
Korndurchmesser f
Korndurchmesser pl
äquivalenter Korndurchmesser
nominaler Korndurchmesser
grain diameter
grain diameters
equivalent grain diameter
nominal grain diameter
Korn n; Samenkorn n
Körner pl; Samenkörner pl
ein Körnchen Wahrheit
mattiertes Korn
ovoides Korn
rundgescheuertes Korn
verwachsenens Korn
a grain of truth
frosted grain
ovoid grain
included grain
Getreideheber m; Getreideelevator m agr.
Getreideheber pl; Getreideelevatoren pl
schwimmender Getreideheber
grain elevator; corn elevator
grain elevators; corn elevators
floating grain elevator
Siebkurve f mach.
(aggregate) grading curve; grain-size distribution curve; particle-size distribution curve
Getreideart f; Getreidesorte f agr.
Getreidearten pl; Getreidesorten pl
die Hauptgetreideart einer Region
type of grain; cereal crop
types of grain; cereal crops
the chief cereal crop of a region
Getreidemühle f
Getreidemühlen pl
grain mill; gristmill; corn mill; flour mill
grain mills; gristmills; corn mills; flour mills
Verteilung f geol.
Verteilung auf Zonen
Verteilung auf Körnung
willkürliche Verteilung
distribution; spread (e.g. of the geophones)
grain-size distribution
Aspirateur m agr.
Aspirateure pl
aspirator; grain receiving and milling separator
aspirators; grain receiving and milling separators
Korn n; Samenkorn n
Körner pl; Samenkörner pl
mattiertes Korn
ovoides Korn
rundgescheuertes Korn
verwachsenens Korn
Weizenkorn n
ein Körnchen Wahrheit
frosted grain
ovoid grain
included grain
wheat grain
a grain of truth

with grain Definition

(v. & n.) See Groan.
(n.) A single small hard seed
(n.) The fruit of certain grasses which furnish the chief food of man, as corn, wheat, rye, oats, etc., or the plants themselves
(n.) Any small, hard particle, as of sand, sugar, salt, etc.
(n.) The unit of the English system of weights
(n.) A reddish dye made from the coccus insect, or kermes
(n.) The composite particles of any substance
(n.) The direction, arrangement, or appearance of the fibers in wood, or of the strata in stone, slate, etc.
(n.) The fiber which forms the substance of wood or of any fibrous material.
(n.) The hair side of a piece of leather, or the marking on that side.
(n.) The remains of grain, etc., after brewing or distillation
(n.) A rounded prominence on the back of a sepal, as in the common dock. See Grained, a., 4.
(a.) Temper
(a.) A sort of spice, the grain of paradise.
(v. t.) To paint in imitation of the grain of wood, marble, etc.
(v. t.) To form (powder, sugar, etc.) into grains.
(v. t.) To take the hair off (skins)
(n.) To yield fruit.
(n.) To form grains, or to assume a granular ferm, as the result of crystallization
(n.) A branch of a tree
(n.) A tine, prong, or fork.
(n.) One the branches of a valley or of a river.
(n.) An iron first speak or harpoon, having four or more barbed points.
(n.) A blade of a sword, knife, etc.
(n.) A thin piece of metal, used in a mold to steady a core.

with grain Bedeutung

grain moth moth whose larvae feed on grain
angoumois moth
angoumois grain moth
Sitotroga cerealella
small moth whose larvae feed on kernels of stored grains
texture grain the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance), breadfruit has the same texture as bread, sand of a fine grain, fish with a delicate flavor and texture, a stone of coarse grain
grain the direction, texture, or pattern of fibers found in wood or leather or stone or in a woven fabric, saw the board across the grain
wood grain
texture produced by the fibers in wood
grain the smallest possible unit of anything, there was a grain of truth in what he said, he does not have a grain of sense
feed grain grain grown for cattle feed
food grain
foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses
grain field
a field where grain is grown
grain a relatively small granular particle of a substance, a grain of sand, a grain of sugar
grain merchant a merchant who deals in food grains
grain sorghum any of several sorghums cultivated primarily for grain
grain a cereal grass, wheat is a grain that is grown in Kansas
starch wheat
two-grain spelt
Triticum dicoccum
hard red wheat grown especially in Russia and Germany, in United States as stock feed
dry seed-like fruit produced by the cereal grasses: e.g. wheat, barley, Indian corn
mission bells rice-grain fritillary
Fritillaria affinis
Fritillaria lanceolata
Fritillaria mutica
herb of northwestern America having green-and-purple bell-shaped flowers
horse gram
horse grain
poor man's pulse
Macrotyloma uniflorum
Dolichos biflorus
twining herb of Old World tropics cultivated in India for food and fodder, sometimes placed in genus Dolichos
seed corn
seed grain
good quality seeds (as kernels of corn) that are reserved for planting
pound, equals a troy grain or . milligrams
dram, equals an avoirdupois grain or . milligrams
grain metric grain a weight unit used for pearls or diamonds:mg or
ethyl alcohol
fermentation alcohol
grain alcohol
the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors, used pure or denatured as a solvent or in medicines and colognes and cleaning solutions and rocket fuel, proposed as a renewable clean-burning additive to gasoline
grain the side of leather from which the hair has been removed
granulate grain become granular
form into grains
grain paint (a surface) to make it look like stone or wood
thoroughly work in, His hands were grained with dirt
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