
writ Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schrieb, Schriftsatz, Schrift
Erlass, Anweisung
Erlass m
Erlasse pl
Schriftstück n
Schriftstücke pl
writ of summons
writ of execution
Zustellung einer Klage
service of a writ
Vollstreckbarkeitserklärung f jur.
writ of execution
writ of attachment
(gerichtlicher) Beschluss m der Zwangsverwaltung (von Vermögenswerten eines Schuldners) jur.
writ of sequestration Br.
Aktenanforderung f jur.
certiorari; writ of certiorari
Substanzschädigung f an einer Liegenschaft durch den Pächter jur.
Unterlassungsverfügung in Bezug auf die Substanzschädigung an einem Pachtobjekt jur.
writ of estrepement
Verwüstung f einer gepachteten Immobilie jur.
Klage wegen Verwüstung einer gepachteten Immobilie
writ of estrepement
Zustellungsurkunde f
affidavit of service, writ of summons
Vollstreckungsbescheid m
Vollstreckungsbescheide pl
writ of execution
writs of execution
die Heilige Schrift
the Holy Scripture; the Holy Scriptures; the Holy Writ
Briefadel m soc.
nobility (granted) by letters patent; nobility by writ
Vollstreckungsbefehl m jur.
Vollstreckungsbefehle pl
writ of execution, enforcement order
writs of execution, enforcement orders
Vollstreckungsbefehl m jur.
Vollstreckungsbefehle pl
writ of execution; enforcement order
writs of execution; enforcement orders
im Großen (nachgestellt) adv
Bundespolitik ist nichts anderes als Lokalpolitik im Großen.
writ large (formal) (only after noun)
National politics are just local politics writ large.
Wortstamm m; Stamm m ling.
Wortstämme pl; Stämme pl
'Schreib' ist der Wortstamm der Formen 'schreibt' und 'schreibend'.
word stem; stem
word stems; stems
'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes' and 'writing'.
im Großen adv (nachgestellt)
Bundespolitik ist nichts anderes als Lokalpolitik im Großen.
writ large formal (only after noun)
National politics are just local politics writ large.
(vorübergehende) Beschlagnahme und Zwangsverwaltung f (von Vermögenswerten eines Schuldners) (Zivilrecht) jur.
Zwangsvollstreckung im Wege der Zwangsverwaltung
Vermögenswerte unter Zwangsverwaltung stellen
sequestration Br.
execution by (writ of) sequestration
to put assets under sequestration
Ehrentzug m; Entzug der bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte (bei jdm.) jur. pol. hist.
Erlass zum Entzug der bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte
attainder Br.; attaint Br.; attinctura Br. (of sb.)
bill of attainder; writ of attainder; act of attainder
Wortstamm m; Stamm m ling.
Wortstämme pl; Stämme pl
Verbstamm m
„Schreib“ ist der Wortstamm der Formen „schreibt“ und „schreibend“.
word stem; stem
word stems; stems
verb stem; stem of verb
'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes' and 'writing'.
Beschlagnahmeanordnung f; Beschlagnahmeverfügung f; Pfändungsbeschluss m jur.
Beschlagnahmeanordnungen pl; Beschlagnahmeverfügungen pl; Pfändungsbeschlüsse pl
attachment order; order of attachment; writ of attachment
attachment orders; orders of attachment; writs of attachment
die Bibel; die Heilige Schrift relig.
die Lehre der Bibel
aus der Bibel lesen
the Bible; the Holy Scripture; the Holy Scriptures; the Scriptures; the Holy Writ
the teachings of the Bible
to read from the Scriptures
zum Quadrat; hoch drei; in Reinkultur (nachgestellt) (besonders ausgeprägt) adv
Das ist ein Beispiel für Bürokratie zum Quadrat.
Von Hollywood wird oft gesagt es sei die amerikanische Gesellschaft in ihrer reinsten Form Ausprägung.
writ large (formal) (only after noun)
This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.
Hollywood is often said to be American society writ large.
zum Quadrat; hoch drei; in Reinkultur (nachgestellt) (besonders ausgeprägt) adv
Das ist ein Beispiel für Bürokratie zum Quadrat.
Von Hollywood wird oft gesagt, es sei die amerikanische Gesellschaft in ihrer reinsten Form Ausprägung.
writ large formal (only after noun)
This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.
Hollywood is often said to be American society writ large.
etw. ergehen lassen v adm. jur.
ergehen lassend
ergehen lassen
einen Gerichtsbeschluss ergehen lassen
eine gerichtliche Ladung ergehen lassen
Es ergeht eine richterliche Anordnung Verfügung.
to issue; to publish; to enact sth.
issuing; publishing; enacting
issued; published; enacted
to issue a court order
to issue a summons
A writ is issued.
etw. ergehen lassen v adm. jur.
ergehen lassend
ergehen lassen
einen Gerichtsbeschluss ergehen lassen
eine gerichtliche Ladung ergehen lassen
Es ergeht eine richterliche Anordnung Verfügung.
to issue; to publish; to enact sth.
issuing; publishing; enacting
issued; published; enacted
to issue a court order
to issue a summons
A writ is issued.
etw. gerichtlich bei Gericht erwirken jur.
eine gerichtliche Verfügung erwirken
für einen Häftling einen Straferlass erwirken
sich etw. von jdm. auf dem Klageweg mit einer Klage holen jur.
jdn. in Grund und Boden klagen
die Sache vor Gericht ausfechten
to sue sth. out
to sue out a writ
to sue out a pardon for a prisoner
to sue sth. out of sb.
to sue the hell living daylights out of sb.; to sue the pants off sb. Am.
to sue it out
etw. gerichtlich bei Gericht erwirken v jur.
eine gerichtliche Verfügung erwirken
für einen Häftling einen Straferlass erwirken
sich etw. von jdm. auf dem Klageweg mit einer Klage holen jur.
jdn. in Grund und Boden klagen
die Sache vor Gericht ausfechten
to sue sth. out
to sue out a writ
to sue out a pardon for a prisoner
to sue sth. out of sb.
to sue the hell living daylights out of sb.; to sue the pants off sb. Am.
to sue it out
Klageschrift f; Klagsschrift f Ös. jur.
Klageschriften pl; Klagsschriften pl
Klageschrift; Klagsschrift (im Kirchenrecht und US-Seerecht)
eine Klageschrift einreichen
eine Klageschrift ordnungsgemäß und zeitgerecht zustellen
statement of claim; statement of case; complaint Am.
statements of claim; statements of case; complaints
libel writ (in ecclesiastical and US maritime law)
to file lodge a complaint
to serve a complaint properly and timely
Gesicht n
Gesichter pl
sein wahres Gesicht zeigen
das sein Gesicht verlieren
das sein Gesicht wahren
Gesichter schneiden; Grimassen schneiden
das Gesicht verziehen
mitten ins Gesicht
das Gesicht wahren
über das ganze Gesicht lächeln
in jds. Gesicht etw. sehen
ein Lächeln Grinsen im Gesicht
der Ausdruck in ihrem Gesicht
es ist jdm. etw. ins Gesicht geschrieben
ein Gesicht wie sieben Tage Regenwetter übtr.
sich selbst (finanziell) erhalten (Immobilie Projekt)
Er sagte ihm das ins Gesicht.
Das Misstrauen stand ihr deutlich ins Gesicht geschrieben.
to show one's true self true colours
to lose face
to save face
to make faces
to make a grimace
fair in the face
to save one's face; to save face
to smile from ear to ear
to see sth. in sb.'s face
a smile grin on sb.'s face
the expression on her face
sth. is written all over sb.'s face
a face as long as a fiddle fig.
to wash it's own face (real property project)
He told him so to his face.
Mistrust was writ large on her face.
Gesicht n; Angesicht n (poet. und in festen Wendungen); Antlitz m poet. anat.
Gesichter pl
Kindergesicht n
sein wahres Gesicht zeigen
das sein Gesicht verlieren
das sein Gesicht wahren
Gesichter schneiden; Grimassen schneiden
das Gesicht verziehen
mitten ins Gesicht
das Gesicht wahren
über das ganze Gesicht lächeln
in jds. Gesicht etw. sehen
ein Lächeln Grinsen im Gesicht
der Ausdruck in ihrem Gesicht
es ist jdm. etw. ins Gesicht geschrieben
ein Gesicht wie drei sieben Tage Regenwetter machen
sich selbst (finanziell) erhalten (Immobilie, Projekt)
sich nichts anmerken lassen
Er sagte ihm das ins Gesicht.
Das Misstrauen stand ihr deutlich ins Gesicht geschrieben.
Die Globalisierung hat viele Gesichter.
face; visage poet.; countenance poet.
child's face
to show one's true self true colours
to lose face
to save face
to make faces
to make a grimace
fair in the face
to save one's face; to save face
to smile from ear to ear
to see sth. in sb.'s face
a smile grin on sb.'s face
the expression on her face
sth. is written all over sb.'s face
to have got a face like a wet weekend
to wash it's own face (real property, project)
to put a brave face on it; to put a bold face on it
He told him so to his face.
Mistrust was writ large on her face.
Globalisation has many faces.

Deutsche Schrieb Schriftsatz Schrift Synonyme

Brief  ÂSchreiben  ÂSchrieb  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂZuschrift  
Bibel  ÂHeilige  Schrift  
Font  ÂSchrift  ÂSchriftart  
Schrift  ÂSchriftsystem  ÂSkript  
Gekrakel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKlaue  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchrift  
Schrift  Schriftsystem  Skript  

Englische writ Synonyme

writ  bench warrant  blank  capias  caveat  chirograph  death warrant  docket  document  dossier  fieri facias  file  form  habere facias possessionem  holograph  injunction  instrument  interdict  legal document  legal instrument  legal paper  mandamus  mandate  mandatory injunction  mittimus  nisi prius  notice  notification  official document  paper  papers  parchment  personal file  precept  process  prohibitory injunction  roll  scrip  script  scroll  search warrant  subpoena  summons  warrant  warrant of arrest  warrant of attorney  writing  
write  adapt  arrange  assemble  author  book  bring to life  build  calendar  carve  cast  catalog  catch a likeness  chalk  chalk up  character  characterize  chart  check in  chronicle  coauthor  collaborate  communicate with  compose  compound  concoct  construct  copy  copy out  correspond  correspond with  create  cut  dash off  delineate  depict  describe  devise  diagram  docket  draft  draw  draw up  drop a line  edit  editorialize  elaborate  enface  engrave  engross  enroll  enscroll  enter  erect  evoke  evolve  exchange letters  express  extrude  fabricate  fashion  file  fill out  form  formulate  frame  free-lance  fudge together  get up  ghost  ghostwrite  give words to  grave  harmonize  hit off  impanel  incise  index  indite  inscribe  insert  instrument  instrumentate  jot  jot down  knock off  knock out  limn  list  log  make  make a memorandum  make a note  make a recension  make an adaptation  make an entry  make out  make up  manufacture  map  mark down  matriculate  mature  melodize  minute  mold  musicalize  notate  note  note down  novelize  orchestrate  outline  paint  pamphleteer  patch together  pen  pencil  picture  picturize  piece together  place upon record  poll  portray  post  post up  prefabricate  prepare  print  produce  push the pen  put down  put in writing  put on paper  put on tape  put to music  put together  put up  raise  rear  recense  record  reduce to writing  register  render  represent  revise  rewrite  rub  run up  scenarize  schematize  score  scratch  scrawl  scribble  scribe  scrive  scroll  send a note  set  set down  set forth  set to music  set up  shape  sketch  spill ink  spoil paper  superscribe  symbolize  tabulate  take a rubbing  take down  tape  tape-record  throw on paper  trace  trace out  trace over  transcribe  transpose  type  use the mails  videotape  whomp up  write down  write in  write out  write to  write up  
write in  Australian ballot  Hare system  aye  ballot  canvass  canvassing  casting vote  counting heads  cumulative voting  deciding vote  division  enfranchisement  fagot vote  franchise  graveyard vote  hand vote  list system  nay  no  nontransferable vote  plebiscite  plebiscitum  plumper  plural vote  poll  polling  preferential voting  proportional representation  proxy  record vote  referendum  representation  right to vote  rising vote  say  secret ballot  show of hands  single vote  snap vote  straw vote  suffrage  transferable vote  viva voce  voice  voice vote  vote  voting  voting right  write-in vote  yea  yeas and nays  yes  
write off  abate  abatement  abolish  abolishment  abolition  abrogate  abrogation  absolve  agio  allow  allowance  annul  annulment  bank discount  bate  belittle  breakage  bury the hatchet  cancel  canceling  cancellation  cash discount  cassation  chain discount  charge off  charge to experience  charge-off  concession  countermand  counterorder  cut  declare a moratorium  decry  deduct  deduction  defeasance  depreciate  depreciation  derogate  detract from  devaluate  devalue  disannul  discount  disparage  do away with  downgrade  drawback  forget  forgive and forget  grace period  invalidate  invalidation  kick back  kickback  let it go  let it pass  lower  make allowance  make void  mark down  minimize  moratorium  nullification  nullify  obliterate  obliteration  override  overrule  penalty  penalty clause  percentage  premium  price reduction  price-cut  rebate  rebatement  recall  recant  recantation  reduce  reduction  refund  renege  repeal  rescind  rescinding  rescindment  rescission  retract  retraction  reversal  reverse  revocation  revoke  revokement  rollback  run down  salvage  set aside  setoff  setting aside  suspend  suspension  take a premium  take off  tare  time discount  trade discount  tret  underrate  underselling  undervalue  vacate  vacation  vacatur  void  voidance  voiding  waive  waiver  waiving  wipe out  withdraw  withdrawal  write down  
write out  book  calendar  carve  catalog  chalk  chalk up  check in  chronicle  copy  copy out  cut  docket  draft  draw up  edit  enface  engrave  engross  enroll  enscroll  enter  file  fill out  grave  impanel  incise  index  inscribe  insert  jot down  list  log  make a memorandum  make a note  make a recension  make an entry  make out  mark down  matriculate  minute  note  note down  orthographize  outspell  pen  pencil  place upon record  poll  post  post up  push the pen  put down  put in writing  put on paper  put on tape  recense  record  reduce to writing  register  revise  rewrite  scribe  scrive  scroll  set down  spell  spell backward  spell out  spill ink  spoil paper  superscribe  syllabize  syllable  tabulate  take down  tape  tape-record  trace  trace out  transcribe  type  videotape  write  write down  write in  write up  
write up  PR  advertise  analysis  announce  ballyhoo  bark  bill  blurb  book  boost  break the news  bright light  bring word  build up  bulletin  calendar  carve  catalog  celebrity  chalk  chalk up  check in  chronicle  circularize  comment  comment upon  commentary  commentation  common knowledge  critical review  criticism  criticize  critique  cry  cry up  currency  cut  daylight  deal with  descant  discourse  discuss  dissert  dissertate  docket  eclat  editorial  engrave  enroll  enscroll  enter  establish  exposure  fame  famousness  file  fill out  give a report  give a write-up  give publicity  give tidings of  glare  gloss  go into  grave  handle  hoopla  hue and cry  impanel  incise  index  inform  inquire into  inscribe  insert  jot down  leader  leading article  limelight  list  log  make a memorandum  make a note  make an entry  make out  mark down  matriculate  maximum dissemination  minute  note  note down  notice  notoriety  placard  place upon record  plug  poll  post  post bills  post up  press notice  press-agent  promote  public eye  public knowledge  public relations  public report  publicity  publicity story  publicize  publicness  puff  puffing  put down  put in writing  put on paper  put on tape  reclame  record  reduce to writing  register  rehearse  relate  remark  remark upon  report  review  rumor  running commentary  sell  set down  spiel  spotlight  survey  tabulate  take down  take up  tape  tape-record  tell  touch upon  treat  treat of  videotape  write  write down  write in  write out  
writer  addressee  advertising writer  amanuensis  annalist  art critic  author  authoress  belletrist  bibliographer  calligrapher  chirographer  clerk  coauthor  collaborator  columnist  communicator  compiler  composer  copier  copyist  copywriter  correspondent  creative writer  critic  dance critic  descanter  diarist  discourser  disquisitor  drama critic  dramatist  encyclopedist  essayist  expositor  free lance  free-lance writer  ghost  ghostwriter  humorist  inditer  ink spiller  inkslinger  letter writer  letterer  literary artist  literary craftsman  literary critic  literary man  litterateur  logographer  magazine writer  man of letters  monographer  monographist  music critic  newspaperman  novelettist  novelist  pamphleteer  pen  pen pal  pencil driver  penman  penner  penwoman  poet  prose writer  recording secretary  reviewer  scenario writer  scenarist  scribbler  scribe  scriptwriter  scrivener  secretary  short-story writer  storyteller  technical writer  tractation  transcriber  word painter  word-slinger  wordsmith  
writhe  ache  agonize  ail  anguish  bend  blanch  bleed  blench  buckle  contort  crook  crumple  distort  feel pain  feel the pangs  fidget  flinch  flip out  flutter  freak out on  get high on  glow  gnarl  go hard with  go pitapat  grimace  have a misery  have the fidgets  have the shakes  heave  hurt  jerk  knot  palpitate  pant  pound  quake  quaver  quiver  recoil  screw  shake  shiver  shoot  shrink  smart  spring  squiggle  squirm  suffer  suffer anguish  swell  swell with emotion  thrash  thrill  thrill to  throb  tingle  tingle with excitement  toss  toss and turn  tremble  tumble  turn  turn awry  turn on to  twinge  twist  twist and turn  twitch  twitter  wag  waggle  warp  wiggle  wince  worm  wrench  wrest  wriggle  wring  
writing  alphabet  alphabetic character  art  article  artistry  authorcraft  authorship  autograph  automatic writing  best seller  black and white  blank  blueprint  book  bound book  brainchild  cacoethes scribendi  character  charactering  characterization  chart  chirograph  choreography  cipher  classic  coloring book  composition  computer printout  conventional representation  copy  creative writing  dance notation  definitive work  delineation  demonstration  depiction  depictment  device  diagram  docket  document  dossier  draft  drama  drama-writing  drawing  edited version  editorial-writing  engrossment  essay  essay-writing  exemplification  expository writing  facility in writing  fair copy  feature-writing  fiction  figuration  file  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  folio  form  graph  grapheme  graphomania  graphorrhea  graphospasm  great work  hardback  hieroglyphic  holograph  iconography  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  inditement  instrument  journalism  juvenile  juvenile book  legal document  legal instrument  legal paper  letter  lexigraphic character  libretto-writing  limning  limp-cover book  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary artistry  literary composition  literary power  literary production  literary talent  literature  logogram  logograph  lucubration  magnum opus  manuscript  map  matter  monogram  musical notation  nonbook  nonfiction  notation  notebook  novel  novel-writing  official document  opus  opuscule  opusculum  original  paper  paperback  papers  parchment  pen  pencraft  penscript  personal file  phonetic character  phonetic symbol  pictogram  pictographic character  picture book  picturization  piece  piece of writing  plan  play  playbook  playwriting  pocket book  poem  portraiture  portrayal  prayer book  prefigurement  presentment  printed matter  printing  printout  production  projection  psalmbook  psalter  publication  reading matter  ready pen  realization  recension  ren  
writing system  Arabic  Armenian  Assyrian  Avestan  Babylonian  Berber  Chalcidian  Cherokee  Coptic  Cretan  Cyrillic  Elamitic  Etruscan  Georgian  Gothic  Greek  Hebrew  IPA  ITA  Iberian  Initial Teaching Alphabet  International Phonetic Alphabet  Irish  Kalmuck  Korean  Latin  Lemnian  Libyan  Linear A  Linear B  Lycian  Lydian  Manchu  Mayan  Minoan  Mitannic  Mongolian  Nubian  Oscan  Pahlavi  Permian  Persian  Phoenician  Phrygian  Sanskrit  Scandinavian  Semitic  Sinaitic  Sogdian  Sumerian  Szeklian  Tuareg  Uighur  Umbrian  Vietnamese  alphabet  alphabetics  futhark  graphemics  hiragana  kana  kanji  katakana  letter  letters  ogham  paleography  punctuation  runic  runic alphabet  script  syllabary  written character  
written  appointed  autograph  autographic  calligraphic  chirographic  cursive  destined  devoted  doomed  engrossed  fatal  fated  fateful  flowing  foredoomed  graphic  graphoanalytic  graphologic  graphometric  holograph  holographic  in longhand  in shorthand  in store  in the cards  in writing  inevitable  inscribed  italic  italicized  longhand  manuscript  marked  on paper  ordained  penciled  penned  printed  running  scriptorial  scriptural  shorthand  stylographic  
written down  booked  documented  down  enrolled  entered  filed  indexed  inscribed  legal  logged  minuted  of record  official  on file  on record  on the books  posted  recorded  registered  

writ Definition

(obs.) 3d pers. sing. pres. of Write, for writeth.
() imp. & p. p. of Write.
(n.) That which is written
(n.) An instrument in writing, under seal, in an epistolary form, issued from the proper authority, commanding the performance or nonperformance of some act by the person to whom it is directed
(Archaic imp. & p. p.) of Write

writ Bedeutung

Christian Bible
Book Good Book
Holy Scripture
Holy Writ
Word of God
the sacred writings of the Christian religions, he went to carry the Word to the heathen
judicial writ
(law) a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer
writ of certiorari
a common law writ issued by a superior court to one of inferior jurisdiction demanding the record of a particular case
writ of execution
a routine court order that attempts to enforce the judgment that has been granted to a plaintiff by authorizing a sheriff to carry it out
habeas corpus
writ of habeas corpus
a writ ordering a prisoner to be brought before a judge
writ of mandamus
an extraordinary writ commanding an official to perform a ministerial act that the law recognizes as an absolute duty and not a matter for the official's discretion, used only when all other judicial remedies fail
writ of detinue a writ ordering the release of goods that have been unlawfully detained
writ of election a writ ordering the holding of an election
writ of error a judicial writ from an appellate court ordering the court of record to produce the records of trial
writ of prohibition a judicial writ from a higher court ordering a lower court not to exercise jurisdiction in a particular case
writ of right a writ ordering that land be restored to its rightful owner
writ large made more obvious or prominent, the effect of...his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features
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110 Bewertungen 5


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In common law, a writ is a formal written order issued by a body with administrative or judicial jurisdiction; in modern usage, this body is generally a court. Warrants, prerogative writs and subpoenas are common types of writ but many forms exist and have existed.