
x Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Xanthatkneter m textil.
xanthate churn
Xanthogenat n; Xanthat n (veraltet) chem.
etw. xanthogenieren; xanthieren v chem.
xanthogenierend; xanthierend
xanthogeniert; xanthiert
to xanthate sth.
Xanthogenat n; Xanthat n veraltet chem.
Xanthogenierung f; Xanthierung f chem.
Xanthen n chem.
Xanthenfarbstoffe pl chem.
xanthene dyestuffs
Theobromin n; Santheose f; 3,7-Dimethylxanthin n chem.
theobromine; xantheose; 3,7-dimethylxanthine
Ribosylxanthin n chem.
xanthine riboside; xanthosine Xao
gelbfarbig adj
xanthochromatic; xanthochromic
gelbgefärbt adj
yellow-coloured; xanthochromatic; xanthochromic
Gelbbraunfärbung f med.
Gelbfärbung f
xanthochromia (liquid); aurantiasis (solid)
gelbhäutig adj
yellow-skinned; xanthochroous
Xanthokon m min.
Gelb-Blau-Sehen n med.
xanthocyanopsia; xanthocyanopia; xanthokyanopy
Zelle f biol.
Zellen pl
Adventitialzelle f; Rouget'sche Zelle; Perizyt m
Alphazelle f
Alzheimer'sche Zelle
amöboide Zelle
Anitschkow'sche Zelle
argentaffine Zelle
Assoziationszelle f; Amakrinzelle f; amakrine Zelle f
Balgzelle f; tormogene Zelle
begeißelte Zelle
Belegzelle f; Parietalzelle f; salzsäureproduzierende Zelle; säureproduzierende Zelle
Cajal'sche Zelle
enterochromaffine Zelle
fettig degenerierte Zelle
fettverzehrende Zelle
gelb pigmentierte Zelle
Geleitzelle f
Hansen'sche Zelle
Hortega'sche Zelle
hyperchromatische Zelle
immunokompetente Zelle
jugendliche Zelle
keratinproduzierende Zelle
kernlose Zelle; Zelle ohne Kern
kleine Zelle
Knochenbildungszelle f; osteogene Zelle
Knochenmarkzelle f; myeloische Zelle
Körperzelle f; somatische Zelle
Mott'sche Zelle
pigmentierte Zelle
pigmenttragende Zelle
Pigmentzelle f; pigmentbildende Zelle; melaninbildende Zelle; Melanozyt m
Pflanzenzelle f
Produzentenzelle f
Purkinje'sche Zelle
Reed-Sternberg'sche Zelle
Retikulumzelle f; Retikuloendothelzelle f; retikuloendotheliale Zelle
schleimig-seröse Zelle; mukoseröse Zelle; seromuköse Zelle
Sertoli'sche Zelle
tierische Zelle
Verbraucherzelle f
wasserhelle Zelle
Zelle mit vielgestaltigem Kern; polymorphkernige Zelle; Polymorphozyt m
adventitial cell; Rouget's cell; pericyte
alpha cell
Alzheimer cell
amaeboid cell
caterpillar cell; Anichkov cell
argentaffine cell
association cell; amacrine cell; brachine cell; shortine cell
socket-forming cell; tormogen cell
flagellate cell
acid cell; parietal cell; oxyphilic cell; oxyntic cell
Cajal's cell
enterochromaffin cell
bloated cell
companion cell; satellite cell
cell of Hansen
Hortega cell
hyperchromatic cell
immunocompetent cell
juvenile cell
cells without a nucleus; non-nucleated cell; akaryote cell; akaryote; akaryocyte
small cell
osteogenic cell
myeloid cell
body cell; somatic cell
morular cell of Mott
pigmented cell
pigment cell; chromatophore; naevus cell; melanocyte; melanoblast
plant cell
producer cell
Purkinje cell
Reed-Sternberg cell
reticuloendothelial cell
mucoserous cell
Sertoli cell
animal cell
consumer cell
water-clear cell
polymophonuclear cell; polymorphocyte
Gelbhäutige m f; Gelbhäutiger anat.
Gelbhäutige m,f; Gelbhäutiger anat.
gelbzahnig adj med.
Xanthom n, eine gutartige Geschwulst med.
Gelbknoten m med.
Xanthom n; eine gutartige Geschwulst med.
Xanthophoren pl biochem.
Xanthopsie f; Gelbsehen n med.
yellow vision; xanthopsia; xanthopia
Xanthopsie f, Gelbsehen n med.
Gelbfluss m med.
yellow discharge; xanthorrhoea
Limonit m min.
limonite; xanthosiderite
Xanthosiderit m min.
limonite; xanthosiderite
Lummenalk m ornith.
Xantus' Murrelet
Xavierbülbül m ornith.
Xavier's Greenbul
Schwalbenmöwe f ornith.
Sabine's Gull (Xema sabini)
Gastgeschenk n
Gastgeschenke pl
(Xenia spp.) zool.
glove polyp, xenia
(Xenia spp.) zool.
Xenia (Korallengattung) zool.
Abwehrkörper m; Antikörper m; Abwehrstoff m; Immunkörper m; Schutzkörper m biol.
Abwehrkörper pl; Antikörper pl; Abwehrstoffe pl; Immunkörper pl; Schutzkörper pl
Anaphylaxieantikörper m
antithrombozytärer Immunkörper
Antizellkern-Antikörper m
artfemder Antikörper
autoaggressiver Antikörper
autologer Antikörper
blockierender Antikörper
blutgruppenspezifischer Antikörper
isologer Antikörper
Kälte-reaktiver Antikörper
komplementbindender Antikörper
kreuzreagierende Antikörper
monoklonale Antikörper
nichtkonjugierter monoklonaler Antikörper
thermolabiler Antikörper
Treponema-immobilisierender Immunkörper
zellständiger Antikörper
Antikörper gegen Bruzellen
Antikörper gegen das eigene Gewebe
Antikörper gegen steroidbildende Zellen
gegen etw. Antikörper Schutzkörper entwickeln
antibody; immune body
antibodies; immune bodies
anaphylactic antibody
antiplatelet immune body
anti-nuclear antibody
xeno-antibody; xenogenic immune body
autoaggresive antibody
autologous antibody
blocking antibody
blood-group specific antibody
Epstein-Barr virus antibody
isologue antibody
cold-reactive antibody
complement-fixing antibody
cross-reacting antibody
monoclonal antibodies
unconjugated monoclonal antibody
heat-labile antibody
treponema-immobilizing immune body
cell-bound antibody
antibrucella immune body
steroid cell antibody
to develop antibodies against sth.
Antikörperbildner m; Antigen n; Antisomatogen n frühere Bezeichnung med.
Antikörperbildner pl; Antigen pl; Antisomatogene pl
allogenes Antigen
artfremdes Antigen
artspezifisches Antigen
immunogenes Antigen; Immunkörperbildner m; Immunogen n
prostataspezifisches Antigen PSA
unvollständiges Antigen; partielles Antigen; Hapten n
antigen; antisomatogen former name
antigens; antisomatogens
allogeneic antigen
non-species-specific antigen; xenoantigen
species-specific antigen
immunogenic antigen; immunogen
prostate-specific antigen PSA
incomplete antigen; hapten
xenobiologisch adj biochem. techn.
Xenobiologie f biochem. techn.
Fremdstoff m med. envir.
Fremdstoffe pl
Fremdstoffe in Lebensmitteln
frei von Fremdstoffen
etw. von Fremdstoffen befreien
foreign substance; xenobiotic
foreign substances; foreign matter; extraneous matter; xenobiotics
foreign matter in foods; extraneous matter in foods
free from extraneous matter
to refine sth.
xenoblastisch adj geol.
Einsprengling m geol.
xenocryst; dissemination; phenocryst; megacryst
Xenodochium n (frühmittelalterliches Hospiz) hist.
xenodochium; xenodochy (hospice in the early Middle Ages)
Xenogenese f
Xenogenese f (Entstehung von Nachkommen, die keinem Elternteil ähnlich sind) biol.
von außen stammend; durch einen Faktor außerhalb des Organismus hervorgerufen; epigenetisch; xenogen; exogen adj biol.
epigenetic; xenogenic; xenogenous
epigenetisch adj biol.
epigenetic; xenogenous
Transplantat n med.
Transplantate pl
körpereigenes autogenes autologes Transplantat; Autotransplantat n
artgleiches allogenes homologes Transplantat; Allotransplantat n; Homotransplantat n (Fremdspender)
artfremdes heterologes Transplantat (Fremdspender)
Reverdin'sches Transplantat
transplant; graft
transplants; grafts
autogenous autologous autochthonous graft; autoplastic graft; autograft; autoplast
allogeneic graft; allograft; homologous graft homoplastic graft; homograft; homotransplant
heterologous graft; heterograft; heterotransplant; xenograft
Reverdin graft; pinch graft
Xenotransplantat n; Heterotransplantat n med.
Xenotransplantate pl; Heterotransplantate pl
xenograft; heterograft
xenografts; heterografts
Transplantat n med.
Transplantate pl
Herztransplantat n
körpereigenes autogenes autologes Transplantat; Autotransplantat n
artgleiches allogenes homologes Transplantat; Allotransplantat n; Homotransplantat n (Fremdspender)
artfremdes heterologes Transplantat (Fremdspender)
Reverdin'sches Transplantat
transplant; graft
transplants; grafts
heart transplant
autogenous autologous autochthonous graft; autoplastic graft; autograft; autoplast
allogeneic graft; allograft; homologous graft, homoplastic graft; homograft; homotransplant
heterologous graft; heterograft; heterotransplant; xenograft
Reverdin graft; pinch graft
Autolith m geol.
autolith; cognate inclusion (xenolith)
Xenolith m geol.
xenolith; exogenous enclosure; foreign inclusion; accidental inclusion
Fremdgesteineinschluss m; exogener Einschluss m; Xenolith m geol.
foreign inclusion; exogenous inclusion; accidental inclusion; xenolith
xenomorph adj geol.
xenomorphic anhedral
Xenon n chem.
Xenon-Scheinwerfer m; Xenonscheinwerfer m auto
Xenon-Scheinwerfer pl; Xenonscheinwerfer pl
high intensity discharge headlamp; HID headlamp; xenon headlamp
high intensity discharge headlamps; HID headlamps; xenon headlamps
Xenonlicht n auto
xenon light
Xenon n Xe chem.
Kfz-Scheinwerferleuchte f; Kfz-Scheinwerferlampe f; Scheinwerfer pl auto
Kfz-Scheinwerferleuchten pl; Kfz-Scheinwerferlampen pl; Scheinwerfer pl
Doppelscheinwerfer pl
versenkbare Scheinwerfer
Xenon-Scheinwerfer pl; Xenonscheinwerfer pl
motor vehicle headlamp; headlamp; headlight coll.
motor vehicle headlamps; headlamps; headlights
twin headlamps; twin headlights coll.
retractable headlamps; retractable headlights coll.
high intensity discharge headlamps; HID headlamps; xenon headlamps
Xenon n Xe chem.
Fremdenhasser m; Fremdenhasserin f
Fremdenfeind m
Fremdenhasser m; Ausländerfeind m
Fremdenhasser pl; Ausländerfeinde pl
Fremdenfeindlichkeit f, Xenophobie f, Angst vor Fremden
hostility towards foreigners, xenophobia
Fremdenfeindlichkeit f; Xenophobie f; Angst vor Fremden
hostility towards foreigners; xenophobia
Fremdenfeindlichkeit f; Ausländerfeindlichkeit f; Angst f vor Fremden; Xenophobie f
hostility towards foreigners; anti-alien sentiment; xenophobia
fremdenfeindlich, xenophob adj

Deutsche Xanthatkneter {m} [textil.] Synonyme


Englische xanthate churn Synonyme

X  Calvary cross  Christogram  Decalogue  Greek cross  Jerusalem cross  John Hancock  Latin cross  Maltese cross  Russian cross  T  Ten Commandments  ankh  autograph  avellan cross  chi  chi-rho  christcross  cipher  countermark  countersign  countersignature  counterstamp  crisscross  cross  cross ancre  cross botonee  cross bourdonee  cross fitche  cross fleury  cross formee  cross fourchee  cross grignolee  cross moline  cross of Cleves  cross of Lorraine  cross patee  cross recercelee  cross-crosslet  crossbones  crosslet  crucifix  cruciform  crux  crux ansata  crux capitata  crux decussata  crux gammata  crux immissa  crux ordinaria  dagger  decade  decagon  decagram  decahedron  decaliter  decameter  decare  decastere  decastyle  decasyllable  decemvir  decemvirate  decennary  decennium  decigram  deciliter  decimeter  decurion  device  endorsement  ex  exing  fork cross  gammadion  hand  initials  inverted cross  long cross  mark  mark of signature  monogram  papal cross  pectoral cross  potent cross  rood  saltire  seal  sigil  sign manual  signature  signet  subscription  swastika  tau  ten  tenner  trefled cross  visa  vise  voided cross  
x  dark horse  enigma  frontier  frontiers of knowledge  matter of ignorance  mistake  mystery  n  puzzle  riddle  sealed book  terra incognita  the incalculable  the strange  the unfamiliar  the unknowable  the unknown  unexplored ground  unexplored territory  unknown quantity  z  
X ray  Becquerel ray  ECG  EEG  EKG  Grenz ray  Photostat  Roentgen ray  X radiation  X-ray movie  Xerox  actinic ray  actinism  alpha radiation  alpha ray  anode ray  atomic beam  atomic ray  beam  beam of light  beta radiation  beta ray  blood bank  calotype  canal ray  capture on film  cathode ray  charity ward  chest X-ray  clinic  consultation room  cosmic radiation  cosmic ray  cosmic ray bombardment  delivery room  dispensary  electrocardiogram  electrocorticogram  electroencephalogram  electroencephalograph  electromyogram  electron emission  emergency  encephalogram  encephalograph  examining room  fever ward  film  gamma radiation  gamma ray  gleam  hospital room  infrared ray  infraroentgen ray  intensive care  invisible radiation  irradiate  isolation  labor room  laboratory  leam  maternity ward  microfilm  mug  nuclear rays  nursery  operating room  orthodiagram  pan  patch  pencil  pharmacy  photofluorogram  photofluorograph  photogram  photograph  photomap  photon  positive ray  prison ward  private room  pyelogram  radiation  radiogram  radiograph  radiorays  radiumize  ray  ray of light  recovery room  ribbon  ribbon of light  roentgenize  roentgenogram  roentgenograph  scotograph  semi-private room  shadowgram  shadowgraph  shoot  skiagram  skiagraph  snap  snapshoot  snapshot  solar rays  streak  stream  stream of light  streamer  surgery  take a photograph  talbotype  therapy  treatment room  ultraviolet ray  violet ray  ward  
xenophobia  Anglophobia  Francophobia  Germanophobia  Jim Crow  Jim Crow law  Russophobia  abhorrence  abomination  agoraphobia  alien  anti-Semitism  antipathy  apartheid  aversion  bigotry  black power  black supremacy  chauvinism  class consciousness  class distinction  class hatred  class prejudice  class war  color bar  color line  demonophobia  despitefulness  detestation  discrimination  dislike  division  ethnocentrism  exclusiveness  execration  fascism  foreigner  hate  hatred  insularity  insulation  isolation  know-nothingism  loathing  male chauvinist  malevolence  malice  malignity  minority prejudice  misandry  misanthropy  misogyny  narrowness  odium  out-group  outcast  outsider  parochialism  persona non grata  quarantine  race hatred  race prejudice  race snobbery  racial discrimination  racial segregation  racialism  racism  red-baiting  repugnance  seclusion  segregation  separation  sex discrimination  sexism  snobbishness  social barrier  social discrimination  spite  spitefulness  stranger  superpatriotism  tightness  ultranationalism  vials of hate  vials of wrath  white power  white supremacy  
xerography  albertype  book printing  chromotypography  chromotypy  chromoxylography  collotype  color printing  duplication  electronography  electrostatic printing  graphic arts  gravure  halftone engraving  hectography  history of printing  job printing  letterpress  letterpress photoengraving  line engraving  lithography  lithogravure  lithophotogravure  mimeograph  mimeography  offset  offset lithography  onset  palaeotypography  photo-offset  photochemical process  photoengraving  photogelatin process  photographic reproduction  photography  photolithography  phototypography  phototypy  photozincography  planographic printing  planography  printing  printmaking  publication  publishing  reduplication  relief printing  reproduction  reprography  rotary photogravure  rotogravure  rubbing  sheetwork  stencil  three-color printing  tracing  transcription  two-color printing  typography  typolithography  wood-block printing  xeroprinting  xylotypography  zincography  
Xerox  Ditto copy  Photostat  X-ray  Xerox copy  blowup  blueprint  calotype  capture on film  clone  contact print  contact printing  copy  cyanotype  ditto  double  dupe  duplicate  enlargement  facsimile  film  glossy  hectograph  hectograph copy  hologram  impress  impression  lantern slide  manifold  matte  microcopy  microfilm  microprint  mimeo  mimeograph  mimeograph copy  mug  multigraph  negative  offprint  pan  photocopy  photograph  photogravure  photomap  photostatic copy  positive  print  projection printing  proof  quadruplicate  radiograph  reduplicate  replicate  reprint  reproduce  roentgenograph  semi-matte  shoot  slide  snap  snapshoot  snapshot  stat  take a photograph  talbotype  trace  transcribe  transparency  triplicate  
xylophone  battery  bells  bones  castanets  celesta  chime  chimes  clappers  crash cymbal  cymbals  finger cymbals  gamelan  glockenspiel  gong  handbells  idiophone  lyra  maraca  marimba  metallophone  orchestral bells  percussion  percussion instrument  percussions  percussive  rattle  rattlebones  sizzler  snappers  tam-tam  tintinnabula  tonitruone  triangle  tubular bells  vibes  vibraphone  

x Definition

x Bedeutung

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X is the 24th letter in the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet.