
young Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

jung, Jugendliche
Jugendalter n
young age
die Jugendlichen
the young
Läufer m (junges Schwein)
young pig
Junge n, Junges zool.
young one
die Jungen
the young
young age
young pig
Junge n; Junges zool.
young one
Fräulein n
young lady
young lady
young pigs
junger Wein
young wine
blutjung adj
very young
Jungvieh n agr.
young stock
Jungwähler m, Jungwählerin f
young voter
Kamelfüllen n
young camel
Trieb m bot.
young shoot
young camel
Jugendlicher zwischen 14 und 17 Jahren (Br.)
young person
junge Leute
young people
Nachwuchs m sport
young talent
ziemlich jung
pretty young
young persons
Halbstarke m, Halbstarker
young rowdies
Halbstarke m; Halbstarker
young rowdies
Jungtiere aufziehen; Junge aufziehen v zool.
to rear young
Springinsfeld m
(young) madcap
seine Freundin
his young lady
Juso m, Jungsozialist m, Jungsozialistin f
young socialist
Juso m; Jungsozialist m; Jungsozialistin f
young socialist
junge Bevölkerung
young population
die Junggebliebenen pl
the young-at-heart
Matjeshering m cook.
young salted herring
Nachwuchs m
the young generation
Jugendhilfe f
help for young people
Strichjunge m, Stricher m, junger Mann, der der Prostitution nachgeht
young male prostitute
Nachwuchsförderung f
promotion of young ...
junger Wichtigtuer m; junger Wichtigmacher m Bayr. Ös.; Möchtegern f; Gernegroß m; Gernegross m Schw. pej.
(young) whippersnapper
junger Wichtigtuer m; junger Wichtigmacher m Bayr. Ös.; Möchtegern m; Gernegroß m; Gernegross m Schw. pej.
(young) whippersnapper
unemployment of the young
die Jungen
the young, the young ones
die Jungen
the young; the young ones
attraktiv; sexy adj (junge Frau)
nubile (of a young woman)
Häschen n, junger Hase
young hare, bunny, leveret
Neolithikum n, Jungsteinzeit f hist.
neolithic, young stone age
Häschen n; junger Hase
young hare; bunny; leveret
Jungwähler m; Jungwählerin f pol.
Jungwähler pl; Jungwählerinnen pl
young voter
young voters
Kamelfüllen n
Kamelfüllen pl
young camel
young camels
Neolithikum n; Jungsteinzeit f hist.
neolithic; young stone age
Matjeshering m cook.
young salted herring; matje
sexuelle Attraktivität f (einer jungen Frau)
nubility (of a young woman)
unemployment of young people
Nachwuchsarbeit f sport
work developing young talent
Erwachsene m f; Erwachsener Erw.
Erwachsenen pl; Erwachsene
junge Erwachsene
young adults
Erwachsene m,f; Erwachsener Erw.
Erwachsenen pl; Erwachsene
junge Erwachsene
young adults
Hengstfohlen n; Hengstfüllen n poet. zool.
Hengstfohlen pl; Hengstfüllen pl
colt (young male horse)
Der Junge berechtigt zu den besten Hoffnungen.
He's an up-and-coming young man.
Leb schnell, lieb heftig, stirb jung.
Live fast, love hard, die young.
Leb schnell lieb heftig stirb jung.
Live fast love hard die young.
unemployment amongst young people
Satansbraten m ugs.
devil, young devil, cheeky rascal
Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege f soc.
care of children and young people
Satansbraten m ugs.
devil; young devil; cheeky rascal
Jungtier n; Junges n zool.
Jungtiere pl; Junge pl
young animal; young
young animals
Designer m; Designerin f
Designer pl; Designerinnen pl
Jungdesigner m
young designer
talented, young, junior, up-and-coming
Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr.
A tree must be bent while it is young.
Kammerjungfer f hist.
Kammerjungfern pl
young lady's maid
young lady's maids
talented; young; junior; up-and-coming
Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen CVJM
Young Men's Christian Association YMCA
talented; young; junior; up-and-coming
'Der junge Apollo' (von Britten Werktitel) mus.
'Young Apollo' (by Britten work title)
Das Buch wendet sich an junge Leser.
The book is addressed to young readers.
Pionier m hist.
Pioniere pl
die Jungpioniere
the Young Pioneers
Ferkel n, junges Schwein zool.
Ferkel pl
young pig, piglet, porkling
young pigs
CVJM : Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen
YMCA : Young Men's Christian Association
Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen CVJM
Young Men's Christian Association YMCA
'Der junge Apollo' (von Britten Werktitel) mus.
'Young Apollo' (by Britten work title)
Christlicher Verein Junger Frauen und Mädchen
Young Women's Christian Association YWCA
Freundin f
Freundinnen pl
seine Freundin
his young lady
Freundin f (ständige Partnerin) soc.
Freundinnen pl
seine Freundin
his young lady
Mastvieh n agr.
fatstock Br.; fatlings (young fatstock)
Nachwuchssorgen haben
to have difficulty in finding young talent
? : Christlicher Verein Junger Frauen und Mädchen
YWCA : Young Women's Christian Association
Christlicher Verein Junger Frauen und Mädchen
Young Women's Christian Association YWCA
ein Junges absetzen v (Viehzucht) agr.
to wean a young animal (livestock farming)
Nachwuchssorgen haben v
to have difficulty in finding young talent
Wickelkind n
Wickelkinder pl
baby; young infant
babies; young infants
Jungbaum m; Bäumchen n bot.
Jungbäume pl; Bäumchen pl
sapling; young tree
saplings; young trees
Prinz m
Prinzen pl
kleiner Prinz
young prince; princeling
Spinne f zool.
Spinnen pl
junge Spinne; Jungspinne f
spiderling; young spider
Jungbaum m; Bäumchen n; Gerte f bot.
Jungbäume pl; Bäumchen pl; Gerten pl
sapling; young tree
saplings; young trees
jugendgefährdend adj
unfit for youth; liable to corrupt the young
Nachwuchshoffnung f; Nachwuchstalent n
Nachwuchshoffnungen pl; Nachwuchstalente pl
ein junges Talent
comer Am. coll.
a young comer
Jugendstadium n
young stage; immature stage; youth(ful) stage
Jugendschutz m
legal protection for children and young persons
Jugendheim n
Jugendheime pl
youth center, young people's home
youth centers
Jugendheim n
Jugendheime pl
youth center; young people's home
youth centers
Bengel m; Lauser m; Murkel m; Steppke m Berlin; Bams m Bayr. Ös.; Gof m Schw. ugs. (kleines Kind)
ankle-biter Am. Austr. humor. (young child)
Brutpflege f; Brutfürsorge f zool.
care of young; parental care (given to the young)
Infantizid m (Tötung von Jungtieren der eigenen Art) zool.
infanticide (killing of young of the same species)
Nachwuchstalent n; kommender Star m sport
Nachwuchstalente pl; kommende Stars pl
starlet (promising young sports player)
Jugend... adj (an die Jugend gerichtet)
Jugendliteratur f
juvenile (meant for young people)
juvenile fiction
Jugend… adj (an die Jugend gerichtet)
Jugendliteratur f
juvenile (meant for young people)
juvenile fiction
'Die Leiden des jungen Werthers' (von Goethe Werktitel) lit.
'The Sorrows of Young Werther' (by Goethe work title)
'Die Leiden des jungen Werthers' (von Goethe Werktitel) lit.
'The Sorrows of Young Werther' (by Goethe work title)
Löwe m; Leu m poet. zool.
Löwen pl; Leun pl
Löwin f
Löwinnen pl
das Löwenjunge; Löwenjunges
Junglöwe m
lion cub
young lion
Jungpflanze f bot.
Jungpflanzen pl
young plant; immature plant
young plants; immature plants
Jungdamen- und -herrenkomitee n (Balleröffnung) Ös.
Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dance Committee (ball opening)
Elastizitätsmodul n, m, E-Modul n, m
modulus of elasticity, elastic modulus, Young's modulus Am.
Elastizitätsmodul n m; E-Modul n m math.
modulus of elasticity; elastic modulus; Young's modulus Am.
Elastizitätsmodul n,m; E-Modul n,m math.
modulus of elasticity; elastic modulus; Young's modulus Am.
'Jugendbildnis' (von Joyce Werktitel) lit.
'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' (by Joyce work title)
Ferkel n; junges Schwein zool.
Ferkel pl
abgesetztes Ferkel; Absetzferkel n
young pig; piglet; porkling
young pigs
weaned piglet; weaner
'Jugendbildnis' (von Joyce Werktitel) lit.
'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' (by Joyce work title)
fruchtbar; fortpflanzungsfähig; vermehrungsfähig biol.; fertil geh.; fekund geh. adj biol. med.
fertile; fecund formal (able to conceive young or produce seed)
'Orchesterführer für junge Leute' (von Britten Werktitel) mus.
'The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra' (by Britten work title)
'Orchesterführer für junge Leute' (von Britten Werktitel) mus.
'The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra' (by Britten work title)
etw. wieder von sich geben; etw. hervorwürgen v (Nahrung) med. zool.
Sie würgen ihre Beute wieder hervor, um ihre Jungen zu füttern.
to disgorge sth. (food)
They disgorge their prey to feed their young.
Furore pl soc.
Der junge Regisseur sorgt in Frankreich für Furore.
splash fig.
The young director is making (quite) a splash in France.
Tochter f
Töchter pl
Töchterchen n
höhere Töchter pl iron.
little daughter
young ladies of good background
Jugendamt n
youth welfare office, Department of Childrens' and Young Peoples' Affairs
blutjung; ganz jung adj soc.
blutjunge Kinder
very young; shirttail Am. coll.
very young children; shirttail kids
Jugendliteratur f lit.
youth literature; young adult literature YA ; literature for young readers
jdn. freien obs.
Jung gefreit hat nie gereut.
to marry sb.
Marry young and you'll never regret it.
jdn. freien v obs.
Jung gefreit hat nie gereut.
to marry sb.
Marry young and you'll never regret it.
Knochengerüst n (geschlachteter Tiere); Karkasse f cook.
Junglammkarkasse f
Kalbkarkasse f
Rindkarkasse f
Schweinekarkasse f
carcass of young lamb
veal carcass
beef carcass
pork carcass
Dorfjugend f
village youth; country youth; young people of the village; young hicks pej.
Pfau m ornith.
Pfauen pl
junger Pfau
peacock; Common Peafowl
peacocks; Common Peafowls
peachick; young peacock
erdgeschichtlich adj adv geol.
erdgeschichtlich jung
in the Earth's history (postpositive)
young in terms of the Earth's history
Jungunternehmer m
Jungunternehmer pl
young businessman, young entrepreneur
young businessmen, young entrepreneurs
Jungunternehmer m
Jungunternehmer pl
young businessman; young entrepreneur
young businessmen; young entrepreneurs
Jugendtraum m
Jugendträume pl
Es war sein Jugendtraum gewesen, zu …
youthful dream
youthful dreams
When he was young, it was his ambition to …
to make young again
making young again
makes young again
made young again
Jugendfürsorge f; Jugendpflege f; Jugendhilfe f Dt.; Jugendwohlfahrt f Ös. adm. soc.
youth welfare service; youth welfare; children and young people's service Br.
Jugendtraum m
Jugendträume pl
Es war sein Jugendtraum gewesen zu ...
youthful dream
youthful dreams
When he was young it was his ambition to ...
Frischling m (junges Wildschwein) zool.
Frischlinge pl
boar piglet; young boar; baby boar Am.
boar piglets; young boars; baby boars
Jugendamt n; Jugendhilfe f; Jugendwohlfahrt f adm.
youth welfare office service; Department of Childrens' and Young Peoples' Affairs
unverändert; wie eh und je adv
beliebt wie eh und je sein
ewig jung geblieben sein
to be undestructibly popular
to be indestructibly young at heart
Jugendliteratur f lit.
Jugendliteratur f
Jugendliteratur f
youth literature
young adult literature (abbr.: YA)
literature for young readers
Was Hänschen nicht lernt lernt Hans nimmermehr. Sprw.
A tree must be bent while it is young.; You can't teach an old dog new tricks. prov.
Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr. Sprw.
A tree must be bent while it is young.; You can't teach an old dog new tricks. prov.
einen Säugling ein Junges abstillen; entwöhnen v med. zool.
abstillend; entwöhnend
abgestillt; entwöhnt
Leopardenjunge werden mit drei Monaten abgestillt.
to wean a baby young animal
Leopard cubs are weaned at three months.
jds. (feste) Freundin f; jds. Süße ugs. soc.
Freundinnen pl
sb.'s girlfriend gf ; steady coll.; bae Am. coll.; young lady dated

Deutsche jung Jugendliche Synonyme

(sehr)  jung  Âblutjung  
frisch  Âgrün  hinter  den  Ohren  (umgangssprachlich)  Âjung  Âneu  Âunerfahren  
(sehr) jung  blutjung  

Englische young Synonyme

young  adolescent  babies  babyhood  babyish  boyhood  boyish  brood  callow  childish  childkind  childlike  children  clutch  crude  dewy  ever-new  evergreen  farrow  firsthand  fledgling  florescent  flowering  fresh  fry  get  girlhood  girlish  green  hatch  immature  inexperienced  infant  infantile  innocent  intact  issue  junior  juvenal  juvenescent  juvenile  kids  litter  little kids  little ones  maiden  maidenly  minor  naive  neoteric  nest  nestling  new  new generation  offspring  original  pristine  progeny  pubescent  puerile  raw  rising generation  sempervirent  small fry  sophomoric  spat  spawn  teenaged  tots  unbeaten  undeveloped  unfinished  unfledged  unformed  unhandled  uninitiated  unpracticed  unripe  unseasoned  unsophisticated  untouched  untried  untrodden  unused  unversed  vernal  virgin  virginal  young blood  young fry  young people  youngling  youth  youthful  youthlike  youthy  
young man  Casanova  Don Juan  Lothario  Romeo  amoroso  beau  boy  boyfriend  bub  bubba  buck  bud  buddy  caballero  cavalier  cavaliere servente  colt  cub  esquire  fellow  flame  fledgling  gallant  gentleman friend  gigolo  hobbledehoy  inamorato  lad  laddie  lady-killer  love-maker  man  manchild  master  muchacho  necker  old man  petter  philanderer  pup  puppy  schoolboy  seducer  sheik  sonny  sonny boy  squire  sugar daddy  swain  whelp  youth  
youngest  adolescent  baby  fledgling  hopeful  infant  junior  juvenal  juvenile  minor  pubescent  sapling  slip  sprig  stripling  teenager  teener  teenybopper  young hopeful  young person  younger  youngling  youngster  youth  
youngster  breed  brood  bud  chick  children  chit  descendants  descent  family  fruit  grandchildren  great-grandchildren  heirs  hostages to fortune  inheritors  issue  juvenile  kid  kids  lineage  little ones  moppet  new generation  offspring  posterity  progeny  rising generation  seed  sons  succession  treasures  youngling  younglings  youngsters  youth  

young Definition

(superl.) Not long born
(superl.) Being in the first part, pr period, of growth
(superl.) Having little experience
(n.) The offspring of animals, either a single animal or offspring collectively.

young Bedeutung

any immature animal
young mammal any immature mammal
young carnivore
the young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion
young bird a bird that is still young
young fish a fish that is young
young people collectively, rock music appeals to the young, youth everywhere rises in revolt
fellow beau
young man
a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman, if I'd known he was her boyfriend I wouldn't have asked
young lady
young woman
a young woman, a young lady of
young girl
jeune fille
a girl or young woman who is unmarried
young buck
young man
a teenager or a young adult male
young person
spring chicken
a young person (especially a young man or boy)
young Turk a young radical who agitates for reform
Young Turk a member of one or more of the insurgent groups in Turkey in the late th century who rebelled against the absolutism of Ottoman rule
Sir James Young Simpson
Scottish obstetrician and surgeon who pioneered in the use of ether and discovered the anesthetic effects of chloroform (-)
Brigham Young
United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith, he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (-)
Young Cy Young
Danton True Young
United States baseball player and famous pitcher (-)
Young Edward Young English poet (-)
Young Pres Young
Lester Willis Young
United States jazz tenor saxophonist (-)
Young Thomas Young British physicist and Egyptologist, he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a threeomponent theory of color vision, he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (-)
Young Whitney Young
Whitney Moore Young Jr.
United States civil rights leader (-)
Young Loretta Young United States film and television actress (-)
Young's modulus a coefficient of elasticity applicable to the stretching of a wire
have young
birth, the whales calve at this time of year
(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development, before complete maturity, new potatoes, young corn
not tried or tested by experience, unseasoned artillery volunteers, still untested in battle, an illustrator untried in mural painting, a young hand at plowing
young-begetting(a) capable of fathering offspring
capable of producing eggs and bearing offspring
young being in its early stage, a young industry, the day is still young
(used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth, young people
suggestive of youth, vigorous and fresh, he is young for his age
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