
AC Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Goldakazie f (Acacia pycnantha ) bot.
golden wattle
Antillenakazie f; süße Akazie f; westindische Akazie f; Schwammbaum m (Acacia farnesiana) bot.
sweet acacia; huisache
Goldakazie f (Acacia pycnantha) bot.
golden wattle
Akazienbäume pl; Akazien pl (Acacieae) (botanische Tribus) bot.
acacia trees; wattles Austr. (botanical tribe)
Aegolius-Käuze pl (Aegolius) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Raufußkauz m; Rauhfußkauz m (Aegolius funereus)
Ridgwaykauz m (Aegolius ridgwayi)
Sägekauz m (Aegolius acadicus)
Südamerikanischer Sägekauz m; Gelbstirnkauz m; Blaßstirnkauz m (Aegolius harrisii)
aegolius owls (zoological genus)
boreal owl; Tengmalm's owl
unspotted saw-whet owl
northern saw-whet owl
buff-fronted owl
Stachelnüsschen pl (Acaena) (botanische Gattung) bot.
New Zealand burrs; bidibids (botanical genus)
Cashewnussbaum m; Cashewbaum m; Kaschunussbaum m; Kaschubaum m; Acajoubaum m; Nierenbaum m (Anacardium occidentale) bot.
Cashewnussbäume pl; Cashewbäume pl; Kaschunussbäume pl; Kaschubäume pl; Acajoubäume pl; Nierenbäume pl
cashew tree; acajou tree
cashew trees; acajou trees
Acajoubaum m bot.
Cashewnuss f; Kaschunuss f; Acajounuss f cook.
Cashewnüsse pl; Kaschunüsse pl; Acajounüsse pl
cashew nut; cashew; acajou nut; acajou; Malacca bean rare; kidney bean of Malacca rare
cashew nuts; cashews; acajou nuts; acajous; Malacca beans; kidney beans of Malacca
Nesselblatt n (Acalypha) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Raues Nesselblatt n; Nesselschön n; Paradiesnessel f; Katzenschwänzchen n (Acalypha hispida)
copperleaf (botanical genus)
Chenille plant; red-hot cats tail; Philippines medusa
Akanthusgewächse pl (Acanthaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
acanthaceous plants; acanthus family (botanical family)
Dornenkronenseestern m (Acanthaster planci) zool.
crown-of-thorns starfish
Dornhai m (Squalus acanthias) zool.
spiny dogfish; piked dogfish; spurdog coll.
Igelpolster pl (Acantholimon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
prickly thrift (botanical genus)
Orangerücken-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Orangerücken-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge acanthops) zool.
flameback (dwarf) angel
Orangerücken-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Orangerücken-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge acanthops) zool.
flameback (dwarf) angel
Stammhuscher m (Acanthornis magna) ornith.
scrub tit
Nackenstachler pl (Acanthosaura) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
mountain horned dragons; pricklenape agamas (zoological genus)
Doktorfisch m (Acanthuridae) zool.
surgeon fish
Doktorfisch m (Acanthuridae) zool.
Doktorfisch m (Acanthuridae) zool.
surgeon fish; tang
blauer Doktorfisch (Acanthurus coeruleus) m zool.
Atlantic blue tang surgeonfish; at blue tang
Warane pl (Varanus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bengalenwaran m (Varanus bengalensis)
Bindenwaran m (Varanus salvator)
Buntwaran m (Varanus varius)
Gelbwaran m (Varanus flavescens)
Komodowaran m; Komododrache m (Varanus komodoensis)
Nilwaran m (Varanus niloticus)
Papuawaran m; Baumkrokodil n (Varanus salvadorii)
Stachelschwanzwaran m (Varanus acanthurus)
Steppenwaran m (Varanus exanthematicus)
Wüstenwaran m (Varanus griseus)
monitor lizards (zoological genus)
Bengal monitor; common Indian monitor
water monitor
lace monitor; lace goanna
yellow monitor; golden monitor
Komodo monitor; Komodo dragon
Nile monitor; water leguaan; river leguaan
Papua(n) monitor Salvadori's monitor: Crocodile monitor; Artellia
spiny-tailed monitor; ridge-tailed monitor; Ackies dwarf monitor
savannah monitor; Bosc's monitor
desert monitor
blauer Doktorfisch m (Acanthurus coeruleus) zool.
Atlantic blue tang surgeonfish; at blue tang
Warane pl (Varanus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bengalenwaran m (Varanus bengalensis)
Bindenwaran m (Varanus salvator)
Buntwaran m (Varanus varius)
Gelbwaran m (Varanus flavescens)
Komodowaran m; Komododrache m (Varanus komodoensis)
Nilwaran m (Varanus niloticus)
Papuawaran m; Baumkrokodil n (Varanus salvadorii)
Stachelschwanzwaran m (Varanus acanthurus)
Steppenwaran m (Varanus exanthematicus)
Wüstenwaran m (Varanus griseus)
monitor lizards (zoological genus)
Bengal monitor; common Indian monitor
water monitor; kabaragoya
lace monitor; lace goanna
yellow monitor; golden monitor
Komodo monitor; Komodo dragon
Nile monitor; water leguaan; river leguaan
Papua(n) monitor, Salvadori's monitor: Crocodile monitor; Artellia
spiny-tailed monitor; ridge-tailed monitor; Ackies dwarf monitor
savannah monitor; Bosc's monitor
desert monitor
Bärenklau m; Akanthus (Acanthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
bear's breeches (botanical genus)
Rüsselschmerle f (Acantopsis dialuzona) zool.
long-nose loach
Rüsselschmerle f (Acantopsis dialuzona) zool.
Rüsselschmerlen pl
long-nose loach
long-nose loaches
Acapulcoblaurabe m ornith.
San Blas Jay
Milben und Zecken pl (Acari) (zoologische Unterklasse) zool.
mites and ticks (zoological subclass)
Achselfleckbrasse f; Achselbrasse f (Pagellus acarne) zool.
Spanish bream; Spanish seabream
Acarophobie f, Furcht vor Insekten oder -stichen
Acarophobie f; Furcht vor Insekten oder -stichen
Acca-Myrthen pl (Acca) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Ananas-Guave f; Feijoa f (Acca sellowiana)
acca myrtles (botanical genus)
pineapple guava; feijoa
allmählich schneller werdend; accelerando accel. mus.
allmähliche Beschleunigung; Accelerando n mus.
Gravis m, Accent grave m
grave accent
Gravis m; Accent grave m
grave accent
Akzept n, Accept Order econ.
accept order
Akzept n; Accept Order econ.
accept order
Accessoire n
Accessoires pl
Bad-Accessoire n; Badaccessoire n constr.
Bad-Accessoires pl; Badaccessoires pl
bathroom accessory
bathroom accessories
Zusammenschlag m; Acciaccatura f mus.
Annahmeverzug (Mora accipiendi) (Vertragsrecht) jur.
in Annahmeverzug sein; sich in Annahmeverzug befinden
Der Käufer ist in Annahmeverzug.
default of acceptance; default in acceptance; default in taking delivery; failure to accept delivery performance; delay in accepting delivery performance (after due notice or tender) (contract law)
to be in default of acceptance; to have failed to take accept delivery (when offered by the seller)
The buyer is in default of acceptance in delay in taking delivery.
Vertragsverzug m; Verzug m (Vertragsrecht) jur.
Gläubigerverzug m (Mora accipiendi)
Schuldnerverzug m (Mora solvendi)
im Falle des Verzugs
die in Verzug befindliche Partei; die Partei in Verzug
eine in Verzug befindliche Hypothek
reziproker Verzug; Drittverzug m
in Verzug sein
Ein Verzug tritt ein, wenn eine Partei gegen die Leasingbedingungen verstößt.
contractual default; default in performance; contractual delay; delay in performance (contract law)
default on the part of the creditor obligee; creditor's default; delay of the creditor
default on the part of the debtor obligor; default of the debtor; debtor's delay
in case of default; in case of delay; in the event that a default occurs
the defaulting party; the party in default
a defaulted mortgage
cross default
to be in default; to default; to fail to perform the contract your contractual obligations
A default occurs when one party violates the terms of the lease.
Habicht m (Accipiter gentilis) ornith.
northern goshawk
Sperber m (Accipiter nisus) ornith.
Eurasian sparrowhawk
Sperber und Habichte pl (Accipiter) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Gemeiner Sperber; Eurasischer Sperber (Accipiter nisus)
sparrowhawks and goshawks (zoological genus)
Eurasian sparrowhawk; Northern sparrowhawk
Schielen n; Strabismus m med.
beidseitiges Schielen; Wechselschielen (Strabismus alternans)
einseitiges Schielen
latentes Schielen
rotierendes Schielen
Akkommodationsschielen n (Strabismus accommodativus)
Begleitschielen n (Strabismus concomitans)
Einwärtsschielen n; Konvergenzschielen n; Esotropie f (Strabismus convergens)
intermittierendes Einwärtsschielen Konvergenzschielen n (Strabismus convergens intermittens)
Auswärtsschielen n; Exotropie f (Strabismus divergens)
Lähmungsschielen n; paralytischer Strabismus (Strabismus paralyticus)
Aufwärtsschielen n (Strabismus susumvergens)
Höhenschielen n; Vertikalschielen n; Hypertropie f (Strabismus verticalis)
squint; cast; strabism; strabismus; heterotropia; anorthopia
alternating squint strabism; bilateral squint strabism binocular squint strabism
monolateral squint; unilateral squint; monocular strabismus; unilocular strabismus
latent squint; dynamic strabismus heterophoria
permanent essential cyclophoria; cyclotropia (when the eye is open); cyclophoria (when the eye is closed)
accomodative quint; accomodative strabism
concomitant squint strabism
cross-eye; convergent squint strabism; internal squint strabism; esotropia
intermittent convergent squint strabism
wall-eye; divergent squint strabism; eyxternal strabism; exotropia
paralytic squint strabism; paretic squint strabism
sursumvergent squint strabism; anoopsia squint strabism
vertical squint strabism; hypertropia
Schielen n; Strabismus m med.
beidseitiges Schielen; Wechselschielen (Strabismus alternans)
einseitiges Schielen
latentes Schielen
rotierendes Schielen
Akkommodationsschielen n (Strabismus accommodativus)
Begleitschielen n (Strabismus concomitans)
Einwärtsschielen n; Konvergenzschielen n; Esotropie f (Strabismus convergens)
intermittierendes Einwärtsschielen; Konvergenzschielen n (Strabismus convergens intermittens)
Auswärtsschielen n; Exotropie f (Strabismus divergens)
Lähmungsschielen n; paralytischer Strabismus (Strabismus paralyticus)
Aufwärtsschielen n (Strabismus susumvergens)
Höhenschielen n; Vertikalschielen n; Hypertropie f (Strabismus verticalis)
squint; cast; strabism; strabismus; heterotropia; anorthopia
alternating squint strabism; bilateral squint strabism, binocular squint strabism
monolateral squint; unilateral squint; monocular strabismus; unilocular strabismus
latent squint; dynamic strabismus, heterophoria
permanent essential cyclophoria; cyclotropia (when the eye is open); cyclophoria (when the eye is closed)
accommodative quint; accommodative strabism
concomitant squint strabism
cross-eye; convergent squint strabism; internal squint strabism; esotropia
intermittent convergent squint; intermittent convergent strabism
wall-eye; divergent squint strabism; eyxternal strabism; exotropia
paralytic squint strabism; paretic squint strabism
sursumvergent squint strabism; anoopsia squint strabism
vertical squint strabism; hypertropia
Fait accompli n geh.; vollendete Tatsachen pl
fait accompli formal
mit jdm. einer Meinung sein; jdm. zustimmen; mit jdm. übereinstimmen geh.; sich mit jdm. einig sein; (ganz) bei jdm. sein; mit jdm. konform gehen; mit jdm. d'accord gehen Ös. geh. v (in einer Sache in der Frage +Gen.); es auch so sehen (wie jd.)
Da bin ich ganz völlig deiner Meinung.; Da bin ich ganz bei dir.
„Ganz meine Meinung“, sagte er zustimmend stimmte er zu.
Ich schließe mich an.
Sind also alle einverstanden?
Jugendliche und ihre Eltern sind selten einer Meinung.
Wir sind natürlich nicht überall einer Meinung.
In einigen Punkten waren wir uns einig, in anderen (wieder) nicht.
Es müssen nur neun der zwölf Geschworenen einer Meinung sein.
Wenn er sagt, dass es so nicht weitergehen kann, dann bin ich ganz bei ihm.
Wir sind uns doch über eine Sache einig: die Kontrollinstanz muss unabhängig sein.
Ich bin mit Ihnen völlig einer Meinung Ich stimme Ihnen voll und ganz zu, dass diese Sache unterstützt werden muss.
Ich finde auch, dass die Bedienung zu umständlich ist.
Die Küche ist zu klein für eine große Familie, finden Sie nicht auch?
to agree with sb.; to concur with sb. formal; to be in agreement with sb. formal; to see eye to eye with sb. (about on sth.)
I quite agree.; I agree completely.; I couldn't agree more.
'My opinion exactly', he concurred.
I concur.
Are we agreed then?'
Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.
We don't agree on everything, of course.
We agreed about some things, but we disagreed about others.
Only nine of the twelve jurors have to concur.
He says that things can't go on like this, and I agree completely.
We can all agree about one thing We can all be agreed on one thing: the supervisory body needs to be independent.
I agree concur completely entirely fully wholeheartedly with your opinion with you that this cause should be supported.; I am entirely in agreement with you that this cause should be supported.
I agree (that) it is too clumsy to use.
The kitchen is too small for a large family, don't you agree?
email account
Account m; Nutzerkonto n
(user) account
mit etw. nicht zurückhalten; mit etw. nicht geizen v; etw. rückhaltlos schonungslos ungeschminkt ungeschönt tun v
mit Kritik an etw. nicht zurückhalten
The account is unsparing in its honesty.
to be unsparing of sth.; to be unstinting in sth.
to be unsparing in your criticism of sth.
Der Bericht ist schonungslos ehrlich.
Accra (Hauptstadt von Ghana)
Accra (capital of Ghana)
Aceclidin n chem.
Acefurtiamin n chem.
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Brokkoli m; Broccoli m; Bröckelkohl m selten; Spargelkohl m selten (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Kopfkohl m (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rosenkohl m Dt. Schw.; Rosenköhlchen pl Dt.; Sprossenkohl m Ös.; Kohlsprossen pl Ös. (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
Blattkohl m
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
head cabbage; heading cabbage
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
Brussel sprout; Brussels sprout; Brussels sprouts; sprout Br.
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
collard greens; collards
Ahorne pl (Acer) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bergahorn m (Acer pseudoplatanus)
Fächerahorn m (Acer palmatum)
Spitzahorn m; Spitzblättriger Ahorn (Acer platanoides)
Zuckerahorn m (Acer saccharum)
maples (botanical genus) (maple)
sycamore maple; false plane-tree; great maple; Scottish maple
Japanese maple; smooth Japanese maple
Norway Maple
sugar maple
Ahornbäume pl; Ahorne pl (Acer) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bergahorn m (Acer pseudoplatanus)
Bläulicher Ahorn m; Indischer Ahorn m (Acer caesium)
Cissusblättriger Ahornm; Jungfernahorn m (Acer cissifolium)
Dreispitzahorn m; Dreizahnahorn m (Acer trifidum Acer buergerianum)
Eschenblättriger Ahorn m; Eschenahorn m (Acer negundo)
Japanischer Fächerahorn m; Japanischer Ahorn m; Fächerahorn m (Acer palmatum)
Feinzähniger Ahorn m; Spitzblättriger Ahorn m (Acer argutum)
Feldahorn m; Maßholder m (Acer campestre)
Französischer Ahorn m; Französischer Maßholder m; Dreilappiger Ahorn m; Felsenahorn m; Burgenahorn m (Acer monspessulanum)
Geschwänzter Ahorn m (Acer caudatum)
Hainbuchenblättriger Ahorn m; Hainbuchenahorn m (Acer carpinifolium)
Kolchischer Ahorn m (Acer cappadocicum)
Schneeballblättriger Ahorn m; Schneeballahorn m; Frühlingsahorn m; Italienischer Ahorn m; Schweizer Ahorn m (Acer opalus)
Silberahorn m (Acer saccharinum)
Schwarzer Zuckerahorn m; Schwarzahorn m (Acer saccharum subsp. nigrum Acer nigrum)
Spitzahorn m; Spitzblättriger Ahorn (Acer platanoides)
Weinblattahorn m; Weinahorn m; Rundblättriger Ahorn m (Acer circinatum)
Weißdornblättriger Ahorn m (Acer crataegifolium)
Zimtahorn m (Acer griseum)
Zwergahorn m; Kahler Ahorn m (Acer glabrum)
Zuckerahorn m; Honigahorn m (Acer saccharum)
maple trees; maples (botanical genus)
sycamore maple; plane-tree maple; false plane-tree; great maple; Scottish maple
Indian maple
ivy-leaved maple; vine-leafed maple, vineleaf maple
trident maple; three-toothed maple
ash-leaved maple; ash-leaf maple Br.; maple ash; boxelder maple; boxelder
smooth Japanese maple; Japanese maple; full-moon maple; palmate maple
pointed-leaf maple
field maple; hedge maple
French maple; Montpellier maple
candle-shape maple
hornbeam-leaved maple; hornbeam maple
Cappadocian maple; Caucasian maple
Italian maple
silverleaf maple; silver maple; white maple; water maple; creek maple; swamp maple
black sugar maple; black maple
Norway Maple
vine maple
hawthorn-leaved maple; hawthorn-leaf maple; hawthorn maple; uri maple
Chinese paperbark maple; paperbark maple
dwarf maple; mountain maple; rock maple
sugar maple; hard maple; rock maple
Aceraceae pl, Ahorngewächse pl bot.
Ahorngewächse pl (Aceraceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
maple family (botanical family)
Ahorngewächse pl (Aceraceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
aceraceous plants; maple family (botanical family)
Acerolakirsche f bot.
acerola cherry
Barbadoskirsche f; Westindische Kirsche f; Puerto-Rico-Kirsche f; Acerolakirsche f (Malpighia emarginata) bot.
Barbados cherry; West Indian cherry; Puerto Rican cherry; acerola

Deutsche AC Synonyme

Englische golden wattle Synonyme

golden  achingly sweet  advantageous  agreeable  agreeable-sounding  appealing  ariose  arioso  aureate  auric  auriferous  aurous  auspicious  beige  benign  benignant  beyond price  blessed  blissful  blond  brass  brassy  brazen  bright  brilliant  bronze  bronzy  buff  buff-yellow  canary  canary-yellow  canorous  cantabile  catchy  cherished  citron  citron-yellow  copper  coppery  cream  creamy  cupreous  cuprous  dazzling  dear  delightful  divine  dulcet  ecru  euphonic  euphonious  euphonous  excellent  exceptional  exquisite  exuberant  fair  fallow  favorable  favored  favoring  favorite  ferrous  ferruginous  fertile  fine-toned  flaxen  flourishing  fortunate  full of promise  gifted  gilded  gilt  gilt-edged  gleaming  glittering  glorious  glowing  gold  gold-colored  gold-filled  gold-plated  golden-tongued  golden-voiced  good  good as gold  halcyon  happy  heavenly  honeyed  immense  inestimable  invaluable  iron  ironlike  joyful  joyous  lead  leaden  lemon  lemon-yellow  liquid  lucky  lustrous  luteolous  lutescent  magnificent  marvelous  melic  mellifluent  mellifluous  mellisonant  mellow  melodic  melodious  mercurial  mercurous  music-flowing  music-like  musical  nickel  nickelic  nickeline  ocherish  ocherous  ochery  ochreous  ochroid  ochrous  ochry  of good omen  of great price  of happy portent  of promise  opportune  optimistic  or  outstanding  palmy  pet  pewter  pewtery  pleasant  pleasant-sounding  precious  priceless  primrose  primrose-colored  primrose-yellow  productive  promising  propitious  prosperous  quicksilver  radiant  resplendent  rich  rosy  saffron  saffron-colored  saffron-yellow  sallow  sand-colored  sandy  sensational  shining  shiny  silver  silver-plated  silver-toned  silver-tongued  silver-voiced  silvery  singable  songful  songlike  sonorous  sparkling  special  splendid  splendiferous  steel  steely  sterling  straw  straw-colored  successful  sunny  super  superb  supereminent  superexcellent  superfin  
golden age  Saturnia regna  Saturnian age  age of Aquarius  era of prosperity  fair weather  golden era  golden time  good times  halcyon days  heaven  heyday  millennium  palmy days  piping times  prosperity  reign of Saturn  rosy era  sunshine  utopia  
golden rule  Christian ethics  Stoicism  a priori truth  altruistic ethics  aretaics  axiom  brocard  canon  casuistry  categorical imperative  code  commandment  comparative ethics  convention  deontology  dictate  dictum  egoistic ethics  empiricism  ethical formalism  ethical philosophy  ethology  ethonomics  eudaemonics  evolutionism  form  formula  general principle  guideline  guiding principle  hedonism  imperative  intuitionism  law  maxim  mitzvah  moral  moral philosophy  norm  ordinance  perfectionism  postulate  principium  principle  proposition  regulation  rubric  rule  self-evident truth  settled principle  situation ethics  standard  tenet  theorem  truism  truth  universal truth  utilitarianism  working principle  working rule  

AC Definition

(a.) Made of gold
(a.) Having the color of gold
(a.) Very precious
(n.) A duck (Glaucionetta clangula), found in Northern Europe, Asia, and America. The American variety (var. Americana) is larger. Called whistler, garrot, gowdy, pied widgeon, whiteside, curre, and doucker. Barrow's golden-eye of America (G. Islandica) is less common.
(n.) A tall herb (Solidago Virga-aurea), bearing yellow flowers in a graceful elongated cluster. The name is common to all the species of the genus Solidago.
(n.) A twig or flexible rod
(n.) A rod laid on a roof to support the thatch.
(n.) A naked fleshy, and usually wrinkled and highly colored, process of the skin hanging from the chin or throat of a bird or reptile.
(n.) Barbel of a fish.
(n.) The astringent bark of several Australian trees of the genus Acacia, used in tanning
(n.) The trees from which the bark is obtained. See Savanna wattle, under Savanna.
(v. t.) To bind with twigs.
(v. t.) To twist or interweave, one with another, as twigs
(v. t.) To form, by interweaving or platting twigs.

golden wattle Bedeutung

golden parachute giving top executives lucrative benefits that must be paid by the acquirer if they are discharged after a takeover
golden algae algae having the pigments chlorophyll and carotene and xanthophyll
golden shiner
Notemigonus crysoleucas
shiner of eastern North America having golden glints, sometimes also called `bream'
yellow warbler
golden warbler
yellowbird Dendroica petechia
yellow-throated American wood warbler
golden oriole
Oriolus oriolus
bright yellow songbird with black wings
golden eagle
Aquila chrysaetos
large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck
golden pheasant
Chrysolophus pictus
brightly colored crested pheasant of mountains of western and central Asia
golden mole mole of southern Africa having iridescent guard hairs mixed with the underfur
golden plover plovers of Europe and America having the backs marked with golden-yellow spots
golden retriever an English breed having a long silky golden coat
goldeneye golden-eyed fly a variety of green lacewing
golden hamster
Syrian hamster
Mesocricetus auratus
small lightolored hamster often kept as a pet
golden potto
Arctocebus calabarensis
a kind of lemur
golden calf (Old Testament) an idol made by Aaron for the Israelites to worship, destroyed by Moses, it is now used to refer to anything worshipped undeservedly
Golden Gate Bridge a suspension bridge across the Golden Gate
wattle framework consisting of stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence
golden mean the middle between extremes
a fleshy wrinkled and often brightly colored fold of skin hanging from the neck or throat of certain birds (chickens and turkeys) or lizards
Golden Rule a command based on Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, Whatsoever ye would that men do unto you, do you even so unto them (Matthew :)
golden rule any important rule, the golden rule of teaching is to be clear
golden oldie
a song that was formerly popular
golden handshake a lucrative severance agreement offered to an employee (usually as an incentive to retire)
Golden Delicious
Yellow Delicious
a sweet eating apple with yellow skin
Grimes' golden yellow apple that ripens in late autumn, eaten raw
golden syrup
a pale cane syrup
Golden Horde a Mongolian army that swept over eastern Europe in the th century
Golden State
a state in the western United States on the Pacific, the rd largest state, known for earthquakes
Golden Gate a strait in western California that connects the San Francisco Bay with the Pacific Ocean, discovered in by Sir Francis Drake
old person
senior citizen
golden ager
an elderly person
wonder boy
golden boy
a man who is unusually successful at an early age
golden larch
Pseudolarix amabilis
Chinese deciduous conifer resembling a larch with golden yellow leaves
golden clematis
Clematis tangutica
Chinese clematis with serrate leaves and large yellow flowers
golden thread
Coptis groenlandica
Coptis trifolia groenlandica
low-growing perennial of North America woodlands having trifoliate leaves and yellow rootstock and white flowers
golden seal
yellow root
turmeric root
Hydrastis Canadensis
perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves
wattle any of various Australasian trees yielding slender poles suitable for wattle
black wattle
Acacia auriculiformis
Australian tree that yields tanning materials
stinking wattle
Acacia cambegei
scrubby Australian acacia having extremely foul-smelling blossoms
silver wattle
mimosa Acacia dealbata
evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers
mimosa bush
sweet wattle
sweet acacia
scented wattle
flame tree Acacia farnesiana
tropical American thorny shrub or small tree, fragrant yellow flowers used in making perfumery
golden wattle
Acacia pycnantha
shrubby Australian tree having clusters of fragrant golden yellow flowers, widely cultivated as an ornamental
common allamanda
golden trumpet
Allamanda cathartica
vigorous evergreen climbing plant of South America having glossy leathery foliage and golden yellow flowers
golden pothos
pothos ivy arum
Epipremnum aureum
Scindapsus aureus
evergreen liana widely cultivated for its variegated foliage
golden club
Orontium aquaticum
aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and a spadix resembling a club covered with tiny yellow flowers
golden calla any of several callas of the genus Zantedeschia having yellow spathes
golden barrel cactus
Echinocactus grusonii
large cactus of east central Mexico having golden to pale yellow flowers and spines
golden cup
Mexican tulip poppy
Hunnemania fumariifolia
native of Mexican highlands grown for its glossy clear yellow flowers and blue-grey finely dissected foliage
yellow chamomile
golden marguerite
dyers' chamomile
Anthemis tinctoria
Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers, naturalized in North America
golden aster any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters, throughout much of United States and into Canada
Maryland golden aster
Chrysopsis mariana
perennial golden aster of southeastern United States
grass-leaved golden aster a variety of golden aster
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