
ASIS Effekt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

ASIS-Effekt m (beim Wechsel vom unpolaren zum aromatischen Lösungsmittel) chem.
aromatic-solvent induced shift ASIS
Alias-Effekt m
Batik-Effekt m textil.
batik effect
Bernoulli-Effekt m phys.
Bernoulli effect
Effekt m
Effekte pl
Rebound-Effekt m, Rückprall-Effekt m
rebound effect
Rote-Augen-Effekt m
red eye effect
erwünscht, erhofft adj
am erwünschtesten
nicht erwünscht
erwünschte Wirkung, erhoffter Effekt
more desired
most desired
desired effect
Flat-Spot-Effekt m
flat spotting
Alias-Störung f; Alias-Effekt m; Faltungsverzerrung electr.
Bauchredner-Effekt m psych.
ventriloquist effect; ventriloquism effect
Corioliskraft f; Coriolis-Kraft f; Coriolis-Effekt m phys.
Coriolis force; Coriolis effect
Dunkeladaption f; Dunkeladaptation f; Purkinje-Verschiebung f; Purkinje-Effekt m med.
dark adaptation; Purkinje shift; Purkinje effect
Effekt m
Effekte pl
komische Effekte
strange effects
Hell-Dunkel-Effekt m; Helldunkel n
chiaroscuro effect; chiaroscuro
K-Effekt m astron.
Kettenfontäne f; Mould-Effekt m phys.
chain fountain (phenomenon); self-siphoning beads
Lombard-Effekt m; Kneipeneffekt m biol.
Lombard effect; Lombard reflex
Mesomerie f; Resonanz f chem.
Hyperkonjugation f; Baker-Nathan-Effekt m
mesomerism; resonance
no-bond resonance
Pillneigung f; Pilling-Effekt m textil.
pilling effect
Poynting-Robertson-Effekt m astron.
Poynting-Robertson effect
Pogo-Effekt m (Luft- und Raumfahrt)
pogo effect (aerospace)
Rebound-Effekt m; Rückprall-Effekt m
rebound effect
Russel-Trübung f; Russel-Effekt m (Fotografie)
Russel effect (photography)
Sabatier-Effekt m photo.
Sabatier effect
Schroteffekt m; Schottky-Effekt m electr.
ungeschwächter Schroteffekt; ungeschwächtesw Schrotrauschen
Schottky effect; shot effect; popcorn effect Am.
full shot effect; full shot noise
Sperrklinkeneffekt m; Ratchet-Effekt m econ.
ratchet effect
Streisand-Effekt m soc.
Streisand effect
Suhl-Effekt m phys.
Suhl effect
Teppich m; Bodenteppich m textil.
Teppiche pl; Bodenteppiche pl
ohne Teppich
Teppich mit Melange-Effekt
fliegender Teppich
etw. unter den Teppich kehren übtr.
auf dem Teppich bleiben übtr.
jmd. den Teppich unter den Füßen wegziehen übtr.
einen Laubteppich bilden
heather mix carpet
magic carpet
to sweep sth. under the carpet fig.; to gloss over() sth.
to keep one's feet on the ground
to pull the rug (out) from under sb. fig.
to form a carpet of leaves
Tyndall-Effekt m phys.
Tyndall effect
antagonistisch; gegensätzlich; entgegenwirkend; feindlich adj
antagonistische Widersprüche
antagonistischer Effekt; antagonistische Wirkung
jdm. etw. gegenüber feindselig eingestellt sein
antagonistic; antagonistical
antagonistic contradictions
antagonistic effect
to be antagonistic toward(s) sb. sth.
bestehen v (aus; in)
es besteht
es bestand
es hat hatte bestanden
Der Effekt besteht darin dass ...
to consist (of; in)
it consists
it consisted
it has had consisted
The effect consists in that ...
erhofft adj
nicht den erhofften Effekt haben
hoped-for; looked-for
not to have the hoped-for effect
falsch; unwahr; unrichtig adj
Bei sehr hoher Dichte von Malariaerregern erhält man unter Umständen falsch negative Testergebnisse. (Hook-Effekt) med.
false (falser) (falsest)
If you have a very high concentration of Plasmodium you may get a false negative test result. (Hook effect)
rückstoßfreie Resonanzabsorption f; Mößbauer-Effekt f phys.
Mössbauer absorption; Mössbauer effect
ASIS-Effekt m (beim Wechsel vom unpolaren zum aromatischen Lösungsmittel) chem.
aromatic-solvent induced shift ASIS
Effekt m (bestimmte Wirkung als konstantes Phänomen) art phys. techn.
Effekte pl
Abplattungseffekt m (beim Eisenbahnrad)
Bernoulli-Effekt m phys.
K-Effekt m astron.
Meißner-Ochsenfeld-Effekt m; Meißner-Effekt m phys.
Quanteneffekt m phys.
Rücknahmeeffekt m; Jevons'sches Paradoxon (bei Energieeinsparungen)
komische Effekte
effect (as a constant phenomenon)
flat spotting (in railway wheels)
Bernoulli effect
Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect; Meissner effect; flux jumping
quantum effect
take-back effect; rebound effect; Jevons' paradox (in energy savings)
strange effects
Gendrift f; genetische Drift f; Alleldrift f; Sewall-Wright-Effekt m (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
gene drift; genetic drift; allele drift; Sewall-Wright effect (evolutionary biology)
Jo-Jo-Effekt bei einer Diät m
yo-yo effect of dieting; yo-yo dieting
Louche-Effekt (spontane Emulsionsbildung in Flüssigkeiten) m chem.
louche effect; ouzo effect; pastis effect (spontaneous emulsification in liquids)
Machstammeffekt m; Mach-Effekt m; Mach'scher Stamm m; Machwelle f; Mach'sche Front f (Strömungslehre) phys.
Mach stem; Mach wave; Mach front (fluid mechanics)
Nocebo-Wirkung f; Nocebo-Effekt m med.
nocebo effect
Schreckeffekt m; Buh-Effekt m (in einem Film Video)
jump scare (in a film video)
Schroteffekt m; Schottky-Effekt m electr.
ungeschwächter Schroteffekt; ungeschwächtes Schrotrauschen
Schottky effect; shot effect; popcorn effect Am.
full shot effect; full shot noise
Steuereffekt m; steuerlicher Effekt m; steuerliche Auswirkung f (auf etw.) fin.
Steuereffekte pl; steuerlicher Effekte pl; steuerliche Auswirkungen pl
tax effect; tax influence (on sth.)
tax effects; tax influences
Teppich m; Bodenteppich m textil.
Teppiche pl; Bodenteppiche pl
Doppelstuhlteppich; Doppelteppich
gewebter Teppich; Webteppich
ohne Teppich
Teppich mit Melange-Effekt
fliegender Teppich
auf dem Teppich bleiben übtr.
jmd. den Teppich unter den Füßen wegziehen übtr.
einen Laubteppich bilden
face-to-face carpet
woven carpet
heather mix carpet
magic carpet
to keep one's feet on the ground
to pull the rug (out) from under sb. fig.
to form a carpet of leaves
Wirkung f; Auswirkung f; Effekt m ugs. (auf etw.)
Wirkungen pl; Auswirkungen pl; Effekte pl
übersehbare Auswirkungen
über die Landesgrenzen hinaus eine Wirkung entfalten
effect (on sth.)
containable effects
to have an effect beyond national borders
große Wirkung f; Knalleffekt m; Effekt m soc.
optische Wirkung; optischer Effekt
wirkungsvoll; effektvoll
visual éclat
with great éclat
aus in etw. bestehen v
es besteht
es bestand
es hat hatte bestanden
Der Effekt besteht darin, dass …
Der Vorstand besteht aus vier Mitgliedern.
to consist of in sth.
it consists
it consisted
it has had consisted
The effect consists in that …
The board consists of four members.
cytopathischer Effekt m; zytopathischer Effekt med.
cytopathic effect; cytopathogenic effect CPE
falsch; unrichtig; nicht richtig; unzutreffend; inkorrekt geh. adj
Bei sehr hoher Dichte von Malariaerregern erhält man unter Umständen falsche negative Testergebnisse. (Hook-Effekt) med.
false; incorrect; inaccurate (falser) (falsest)
If you have a very high concentration of Plasmodium you may get a false negative test result. (Hook effect)
photovoltaischer Effekt m; Sperrschicht-Photoeffekt m electr.
photovoltaic effect
rückstoßfreie Resonanzabsorption f; Mößbauer-Effekt m phys.
Mössbauer absorption; Mössbauer effect
steuerschädlich (für) adj fin.
steuerschädliche Maßnahmen
steuerschädlicher Wettbewerb
einen steuerschädliche Effekt haben
Ist der Konsum steuerschädlich für die derzeitige Wirtschaft?
tax harmful; tax detrimental (to)
harmful tax measures; tax-increasing measures
harmful tax competition
to have a tax-increasing effect
Is consumption tax-detrimental to the current economy?
widerstreitend; gegensätzlich; antagonistisch geh. adj
widerstreitende Gefühle
antagonistischer Effekt; antagonistische Wirkung
conflicting; antagonistic (to each other)
conflicting feelings; antagonistic feelings
antagonistic effect
etw. zunichte machen; etw. vernichten; etw. zerstören v
zunichte machend; vernichtend; zerstörend
zunichte gemacht; vernichtet; zerstört
die gute Arbeit zunichtemachen
einen guten Ruf ruinieren
Das macht doch den Effekt zunichte.
to undo sth.; to unmake sth.
undoing; unmaking
undone; unmade
to undo the good work
to unmake a reputation
That might ruin the whole effect.

ASIS Effekt Definition

(a.) Alt. of Aromatical
(n.) A plant, drug, or medicine, characterized by a fragrant smell, and usually by a warm, pungent taste, as ginger, cinnamon, spices.
(imp. & p. p.) of Induce
(v. t.) To divide
(v. t.) To change the place of
(v. t.) To change the position of
(v. t.) To exchange for another of the same class
(v. t.) To change the clothing of
(v. t.) To put off or out of the way by some expedient.
(v. t.) The act of shifting.
(v. t.) The act of putting one thing in the place of another, or of changing the place of a thing
(v. t.) Something frequently shifted
(v. t.) The change of one set of workmen for another
(v. t.) In building, the extent, or arrangement, of the overlapping of plank, brick, stones, etc., that are placed in courses so as to break joints.
(v. t.) A breaking off and dislocation of a seam
(v. t.) A change of the position of the hand on the finger board, in playing the violin.
(a.) Having the power of dissolving
(a.) Able or sufficient to pay all just debts
(n.) A substance (usually liquid) suitable for, or employed in, solution, or in dissolving something
(n.) That which resolves

aromatic-solvent induced shift ASIS Bedeutung

the act of changing one thing or position for another, his switch on abortion cost him the election
induced abortion a deliberate termination of pregnancy
the act of moving from one place to another, his constant shifting disrupted the class
sack shift
a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist
chemise shimmy
shift slip
a woman's sleeveless undergarment
shift key
the key on the typewriter keyboard that shifts from lowerase letters to upperase letters
shift register (computer science) register in which all bits can be shifted one or more positions to the left or to the right
standard transmission
stick shift
a transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal
answer result
a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem, they were trying to find a peaceful solution, the answers were in the back of the book, he computed the result to four decimal places
a qualitative change
population shift a change in the relative numbers of the different groups of individuals making up a population
an event in which something is displaced without rotation
shift a crew of workers who work for a specific period of time
day shift
day watch
workers who work during the day (as a.m. to p.m.)
evening shift workers who work during the evening (as p.m. to midnight)
night shift
graveyard shift
workers who work during the night (as midnight to a.m.)
geological fault
(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other, they built it right over a geological fault, he studied the faulting of the earth's crust
Doppler effect
Doppler shift
change in the apparent frequency of a wave as observer and source move toward or away from each other
red shift
(astronomy) a shift in the spectra of very distant galaxies toward longer wavelengths (toward the red end of the spectrum), generally interpreted as evidence that the universe is expanding
aromatic aster a variety of aster
aromatic compound a hydrocarbon containing one or more benzene rings that are characteristic of the benzene series of compounds
aromatic hydrocarbon a hydrocarbon that contains one or more benzene rings that are characteristic of the benzene series of organic compounds
dissolving agent
a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances, the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution
universal solvent
hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists
work shift
duty period
the time period during which you are at work
day shift the work shift during the day (as a.m. to p.m.)
evening shift
swing shift
the work shift during the evening (as p.m. to midnight)
night shift
graveyard shift
the work shift during the night (as midnight to a.m.)
split shift a working shift divided into two periods of time with several hours in between
switch change over shift make a shift in or exchange of, First Joe led, then we switched
shift move and exchange for another, shift the date for our class reunion
switch shift change lay aside, abandon, or leave for another, switch to a different brand of beer, She switched psychiatrists, The car changed lanes
shift b change gears, you have to shift when you go down a steep hill
shift move from one setting or context to another, shift the emphasis, shift one's attention
shift change in quality, His tone shifted
shift c change phonetically as part of a systematic historical change, Grimm showed how the consonants shifted
shift use a shift key on a keyboard, She could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case
pitch shift
move abruptly, The ship suddenly lurched to the left
change place or direction, Shift one's position
wobble shift tilt
move sideways or in an unsteady way, The ship careened out of control
shift budge
move very slightly, He shifted in his seat
move around, transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket
self-induced brought about by yourself, self-induced vomiting
having a strong pleasant odor, the pine woods were more redolent- Jean Stafford
non-aromatic not aromatic
solvent capable of meeting financial obligations
induced brought about or caused, not spontaneous, a case of steroid-induced weakness
aromatic (chemistry) of or relating to or containing one or more benzene rings, an aromatic organic compound
self-induced produced by electrical self-induction
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