
Abstraktionstheorie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Abstraktionstheorie f
abstraction theory
Abstraktionstheorie f
abstraction theory
abstrakt adj
abstrakt adv
abstrakt adv
abstrakt adj
abstrakter Begriff m
abstrakte Klasse f
abstrakte Methode f
abstrakte Zahl f
abstract term
abstract class
abstract method
abstract number
ganz allgemein (gesprochen); abstrakt gesprochen; theoretisch adv
über Freiheit ganz allgemein reden
Politiker sind in der Theorie immer besser als in der Praxis.
in a general way; in the abstract
to talk about freedom in the abstract
Politicians are always better in the abstract than in reality.
etw. für etw. bereit machen; herrichten (konkret); rüsten (abstrakt) v
bereit machend; herrichtend; rüstend
bereit gemacht; hergerichtet; gerüstet
macht bereit; richtet her; rüstet
machte bereit; richtete her; rüstete
seine Waffe bereit machen
das Zimmer für die Gäste herrichten
das Unternehmen für die kommenden Herausforderungen rüsten
Die Ware wurde verpackt und für den Versand bereit gemacht.
to ready sth. for sth.
to ready your weapon
to ready the room for the guests
to ready the business for the upcoming challenges
The items were packed and readied for shipment.
Abstrakte n
Kunst f
Künste pl
die schönen Künste
die bildende Kunst
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
die darstellende Künste (Malerei)
abstrakte Kunst
angewandte Kunst, die angewandten Künste
entartete Kunst
die Kunst der Gegenwart
the fine arts
the visual arts
performing arts
pictorial arts
abstract art
applied art, applied arts
degenerate art, degenerated art
contemporary art
Struktur f, Aufbau m, Gefüge n
Strukturen pl
abstrakte Struktur
abstract structure
Theorie f
Theorien pl
abstrakte Theorie f
Theorie der administrierten Preise econ.
abstract theory
administered price theory
abstrakte Zahl
abstract number
Abstrakte-Fabrik-Entwurfsmuster n
abstract factory pattern
Algebra f math.
abstrakte Algebra
Boolesche Algebra f
abstract algebra
algebra of logic; Boolean algebra
Kunst f
Künste pl
die schönen Künste
die bildende Kunst
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
die darstellende Künste (Malerei)
abstrakte Kunst
angewandte Kunst; die angewandten Künste
entartete Kunst (Nazi-Begriff) hist.
die Kunst der Gegenwart
the fine arts
the visual arts; the plastic arts
performing arts
pictorial arts
abstract art
applied art; applied arts
degenerate art; degenerated art (Nazi term)
contemporary art
Malerei f art
abstrakte Malerei
painting; art of painting
abstract painting
Struktur f; Aufbau m; Gefüge n
Strukturen pl
abstrakte Struktur
Aufbau zum Schutz gegen herabfallende Gegenstände
abstract structure
fallilng-object protective structure
Theorie f
Theorien pl
abstrakte Theorie f
eine Theorie untermauern
eine Theorie bestätigen
Theorie der administrierten Preise econ.
abstract theory
to prove a theory; to support a theory
to vindicate a theory
administered price theory
das Abstrakte n phil.
the abstract
Ästhetik f; Theorie der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung art phil.
abstrakte Ästhetik
aesthetics Br.; esthetics Am.
abstract aesthetics
Algebra f math.
abstrakte Algebra
Boole'sche Algebra
homologische Algebra; Homologiealgebra f
Matrizenalgebra f
Mengenalgebra f
Lie-Algebra f
abstract algebra
algebra of logic; Boolean algebra
homological algebra
algebra of matrices
algebra of sets
Lie algebra
Erkenntnis f; Erkennen n; Kognition f phil.
abstrakte Erkenntnis
diskursive Erkenntnis
empirische Erkenntnis
evidente Erkenntnis
intuitive Erkenntnis
objektive Erkenntnis
prima facie Erkenntnis
rationale Erkenntnis; Vernunfterkenntnis
spekulative Erkenntnis
Erkenntnis aus Prinzipien (Kant)
Erkenntnis durch Connaturalitas (Thomas von Aquin)
Anfangsgrund der Erkenntnis (Kant)
Mittel der Erkenntnis
der Weg zur wahren Erkenntnis
der Baum der Erkenntnis (Bibel)
cognition; knowledge
abstractive knowledge; abstract knowledge
discursive cognition; discursive knowledge
empirical cognition; empirical knowledge
self-evident knowledge; evident knowledge
intuitive knowledge
objective knowledge
prima facie knowledge
rational knowledge
speculative knowledge
knowledge from principles (Kant)
knowledge by co-naturality; knowledge by connateness (Thomas Aquinas)
antecedent ground of knowledge; starting-point of knowledge (Kant)
means of cognition
the path road to true knowledge
the tree of knowledge (Bible)
Kunst f art
Künste pl
die schönen Künste
die bildende Kunst
die darstellenden Künste (Theater)
die darstellenden Künste (Malerei)
abstrakte Kunst; gegenstandslose Kunst; gegenstandsfreie Kunst
gegenständliche Kunst
Aktionskunst f
angewandte Kunst; die angewandten Künste
entartete Kunst (Nazi-Begriff) hist.
Konzeptkunst f
die Kunst der Gegenwart; die Gegenwartskunst
Volkskunst f
the fine arts
the visual arts; the plastic arts
performing arts
pictorial arts
abstract art; non-representational art; non-figurative art
representational art; figurative art
performance art
applied art; applied arts
degenerate art; degenerated art (Nazi term)
conceptual art; concept art
contemporary art
folk art; popular art
Malerei f art
abstrakte Malerei
Freskomalerei f; Frischmalerei f
Geschichtsmalerei f
painting; art of painting
abstract painting
fresco painting
history painting
Struktur f; Aufbau m; Gefüge n
Strukturen pl
Funktionsgefüge n
abstrakte Struktur
Aufbau zum Schutz gegen herabfallende Gegenstände
functional structure
abstract structure
falling-object protective structure
Zug m; Abstrakte f (Orgel) mus.
Züge pl; Abstrakten pl
tracker (organ)
abstrakte Negation f phil.
abstract negation
abstraktes Gebilde n; abstrakte Idee f phil.
abstrakte Gebilde pl; abstrakte Ideen pl
einer (abstrakten) Sache eine konkrete Form Ausformung geben; Gestalt geben; etw. real werden lassen; etw. konkret darstellen; etw. vergegenständlichen geh.; etw. reifizieren geh. selten v
die sozialen Strukturen, die als normal gelten
den amerikanischen Traum Wirklichkeit werden lassen
Solche Triebe finden beim Menschen ihre konkrete Ausformung in verbalen Konstrukten.
Diese Vision wurde in einer Reihe von Skulpturen vergegenständlicht.
to reify sth. formal
the social confines that are reified as normal
to reify the American Dream
Such instincts are, in man, reified as verbal constructs.
That vision was reified in a series of sculptures.
abstrakter Begriff
abstract term
(abstrakter) Inhaber m; Inhaberin f (eines Amts eines Rechts einer Urkunde) adm. jur.
Inhaber pl; Inhaberinnen pl
holder (of an office a right a deed)
Privateigentum n; Privatbesitz m (abstrakter Rechtsstatus) jur.
Kunstobjekte aus Privatbesitz
im Privateigentum stehendes Unternehmen; Firma im Privatbesitz
Privateigentum n an den Produktionsmitteln
Abschaffung des Privateigentums
in Privatbesitz sein; sich in Privateigentum befinden
in Privatbesitz übergehen
private ownership
privately owned art objects
privately held company
private ownership of the means of production
abolition of private ownership
to be privately owned
to pass into private hands
linearer Raum m; Vektorraum m math.
Vektorräume pl
abstrakter Vektorraum
normierter Vektorraum
linear space; vector space
vector spaces
abstract vector space
normed linear space; normed vector space
Denken n
abstraktes Denken
logisches Denken
thought, thinking
abstract thinking
logical thinking
Denken n
abstraktes Denken
logisches Denken
thought; thinking
abstract thinking
logical thinking
Denken n
abstraktes Denken
formales Denken psych.
inhaltliches Denken psych.
logisches Denken
westliches Denken soc.
thought; thinking
abstract thought; abstract thinking
thought form; thought process
thought content
logical thinking
Western thought
Gerechtigkeitsideal n phil.
abstraktes Gerechtigkeitsideal
ideal of justice
abstract ideal of justice
Symbol n; Kurzzeichen n; Zeichen n (in Zusammensetzungen) chem. comp. math. techn.
Symbole pl; Kurzzeichen pl; Zeichen pl
abstraktes Symbol
chemisches Symbol; Formelzeichen n
Grafiksymbol n; Graphiksymbol n
logisches Symbol; Logiksymbol n
mathematisches Symbol; Formelzeichen n
symbol (sign)
abstract symbol
chemical symbol
graphical symbol
logical symbol
mathematical symbol
abstraktes Kunstwerk n; abstraktes Werk n art
etw. (Abstraktes) einfangen; festhalten; wiedergeben v
einfangend; festhaltend; wiedergebend
eingefangen; festgehalten; wiedergegeben
fängt ein; hält fest; gibt wieder
fing ein; hielt fest; gab wieder
die allgemeine Stimmung einfangen
die Schönheit der Landschaft einfangen
to capture sth.; to encapsulate sth. (abstract)
capturing; encapsulating
captured; encapsulated
captures; encapsulates
captured; encapsulated
to capture the general mood
to encapsulate the beauty of the landscape
Abstraktheit f
Abstraktheit f +Gen.
abstractness; abstractedness (of sth.)
Abstraktion f, Abstrahieren n
formalisierende Abstraktion
generalisierende Abstraktion
mathematische Abstraktion
formalizing abstraction
generalizing abstraction
mathematical abstraction
Abstraktion, Abziehung
Abstraktion f; Abstrahieren n
formalisierende Abstraktion
generalisierende Abstraktion
mathematische Abstraktion
formalizing abstraction
generalizing abstraction
mathematical abstraction
Abstraktion f; Abstrahieren n
Abstraktionen pl
formalisierende Abstraktion
generalisierende Abstraktion
mathematische Abstraktion
formalizing abstraction
generalizing abstraction
mathematical abstraction
Abstraktionismus m
Abstraktionismus m phil.
Abstraktionsebene f
level of abstraction
Abstraktionsebene f; Abstraktionsstufe f
Abstraktionsebenen pl; Abstraktionsstufen pl
level of abstraction
levels of abstraction
Abstraktionsgrad m
degree of abstraction
Abstraktionsgrad m
Abstraktionsgrade pl
degree of abstraction
degrees of abstraction
Abstraktionsklasse f
abstraction class
Abstraktionsklasse f phil.
Abstraktionsklassen pl
abstraction class
abstraction classes
Abstraktionsprozess m
process of abstraction
Abstraktionsprozess m
Abstraktionsprozesse pl
process of abstraction
processes of abstraction
Abstraktionsstufe f
level of abstraction
Abstraktionstheorie f
abstraction theory
Abstraktionsverfahren n
method of abstraction
Abstraktionsvermögen n
faculty of abstraction, abstractive ability
Abstraktionsvermögen n
faculty of abstraction; abstractive ability
Abstraktum n
abstractum, abstraction
Abstraktum n
abstractum; abstraction

Deutsche Abstraktionstheorie Synonyme

Englische abstraction theory Synonyme

abstraction  Walter Mitty  ablation  abrasion  absence of mind  absentmindedness  absorption  abstract  abstract idea  abstractedness  abulia  alienation  altarpiece  analysis  annexation  anxiety  anxiety equivalent  anxiety state  apathy  appropriation  bemusement  block print  boosting  bromide  brown study  castle-building  catatonic stupor  cliche  close study  collage  color print  commonplace  compulsion  concentration  contemplativeness  conversion  conveyance  copy  cyclorama  daub  daydream  daydreamer  daydreaming  deduction  deep thought  dejection  depression  depth of thought  detachment  diptych  disarticulation  disassociation  disconnectedness  disconnection  discontinuity  disengagement  disjointing  disjunction  dislocation  disunion  division  divorce  divorcement  doctrinairism  doctrinality  doctrinarity  dream  dreaming  elation  embezzlement  emotionalism  engraving  engrossment  erosion  euphoria  explanation  fantasy  fantasying  filching  fit of abstraction  folie du doute  fraud  fresco  general idea  generalization  generalized proposition  glittering generality  graft  hackneyed expression  hypochondria  hysteria  hysterics  icon  illumination  illustration  image  incoherence  indifference  insensibility  isolation  lethargy  liberation  lieu commun  lifting  likeness  locus communis  luxation  mania  melancholia  melancholy  mental distress  mere theory  miniature  montage  mooning  moonraking  mosaic  mural  muse  musefulness  musing  muted ecstasy  obsession  panorama  parting  partition  pathological indecisiveness  pensiveness  photograph  picture  pilferage  pilfering  pinching  pipe dream  pipe-dreaming  platitude  poaching  preoccupation  print  profound thought  psychalgia  psychomotor disturbance  purification  refinement  reflectiveness  removal  representation  reproduction  reverie  scrounging  segmentation  separation  separatism  shoplifting  snatching  sneak thievery  snitching  speculation  speculativeness  stained gla  

Abstraktionstheorie Definition

(a.) The act of abstracting, separating, or withdrawing, or the state of being withdrawn
(a.) The act process of leaving out of consideration one or more properties of a complex object so as to attend to others
(a.) An idea or notion of an abstract, or theoretical nature
(a.) A separation from worldly objects
(a.) Absence or absorption of mind
(a.) The taking surreptitiously for one's own use part of the property of another
(a.) A separation of volatile parts by the act of distillation.
(n.) A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice
(n.) An exposition of the general or abstract principles of any science
(n.) The science, as distinguished from the art
(n.) The philosophical explanation of phenomena, either physical or moral

abstraction theory Bedeutung

abstract entity
a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples
abstraction the act of withdrawing or removing something
abstraction an abstract painting
semi-abstraction a semiabstract painting
preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else
abstraction generalization generalisation the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances
a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance, he loved her only in the abstract--not in person
big-bang theory
big bang theory
(cosmology) the theory that the universe originated sometime betweenbillion andbillion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature
steady state theory
continuous creation theory
(cosmology) the theory that the universe maintains a constant average density with matter created to fill the void left by galaxies that are receding from each other, the steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory
a tentative insight into the natural world, a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena, a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory, he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices
M-theory (particle physics) a theory that involves an eleven-dimensional universe in which the weak and strong forces and gravity are unified and to which all the string theories belong
string theory (particle physics) a theory that postulates that subatomic particles are one-dimensional strings
theory a belief that can guide behavior, the architect has a theory that more is less, they killed him on the theory that dead men tell no tales
theory a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena, theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses, true in fact and theory
theory of gravitation
theory of gravity
gravitational theory
Newton's theory of gravitation
(physics) the theory that any two particles of matter attract one another with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
theory of preformation
a theory (popular in the th century and now discredited) that an individual develops by simple enlargement of a tiny fully formed organism (a homunculus) that exists in the germ cell
scientific theory a theory that explains scientific observations, scientific theories must be falsifiable
field theory (physics) a theory that explains a physical phenomenon in terms of a field and the manner in which it interacts with matter or with other fields
economic theory (economics) a theory of commercial activities (such as the production and consumption of goods)
Malthusian theory
Malthus' theory that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence
communication theory
the discipline that studies the principles of transmiting information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print or radio or television etc.), communications is his major field of study
set theory the branch of pure mathematics that deals with the nature and relations of sets
group theory the branch of mathematics dealing with groups
Galois theory group theory applied to the solution of algebraic equations
probability theory
theory of probability
the branch of applied mathematics that deals with probabilities
atomic theory
atomist theory
atomistic theory
(chemistry) any theory in which all matter is composed of tiny discrete finite indivisible indestructible particles, the ancient Greek philosophers Democritus and Epicurus held atomic theories of the universe
holistic theory
the theory that the parts of any whole cannot exist and cannot be understood except in their relation to the whole, holism holds that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, holistic theory has been applied to ecology and language and mental states
atomic theory a theory of the structure of the atom
Bohr theory (physics) a theory of atomic structure that combined Rutherford's model with the quantum theory, electrons orbiting a nucleus can only be in certain stationary energy states and light is emitted when electrons jump from one energy state to another
cell theory
cell doctrine
(biology) the theory that cells form the fundamental structural and functional units of all living organisms, proposed in by Matthias Schleiden and by Theodor Schwann
wave theory
undulatory theory
wave theory of light
(physics) the theory that light is transmitted as waves
corpuscular theory
corpuscular theory of light
(physics) the theory that light is transmitted as a stream of particles
kinetic theory
kinetic theory of gases
(physics) a theory that gases consist of small particles in random motion
theory of relativity
relativity theory
Einstein's theory of relativity
(physics) the theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts
general relativity
general theory of relativity
general relativity theory
Einstein's general theory of relativity
a generalization of special relativity to include gravity (based on the principle of equivalence)
special relativity
special theory of relativity
special relativity theory
Einstein's special theory of relativity
a physical theory of relativity based on the assumption that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant and the assumption that the laws of physics are invariant in all inertial systems
quantum theory (physics) a physical theory that certain properties occur only in discrete amounts (quanta)
kinetic theory of heat a theory that the temperature of a body increases when kinetic energy increases
germ theory (medicine) the theory that all contagious diseases are caused by microorganisms
information theory (computer science) a statistical theory dealing with the limits and efficiency of information processing
theory of dissociation
theory of electrolytic dissociation
Arrhenius theory of dissociation
(chemistry) theory that describes aqueous solutions in terms of acids (which dissociate to give hydrogen ions) and bases (which dissociate to give hydroxyl ions), the product of an acid and a base is a salt and water
theory of evolution
theory of organic evolution
(biology) a scientific theory of the origin of species of plants and animals
theory of indicators
Ostwald's theory of indicators
(chemistry) the theory that all indicators are either weak acids or weak bases in which the color of the ionized form is different from the color before dissociation
theory of inheritance (biology) a theory of how characteristics of one generation are derived from earlier generations
punctuated equilibrium
theory of punctuated equilibrium
a theory of evolution holding that evolutionary change in the fossil record came in fits and starts rather than in a steady process of slow change
quantum field theory the branch of quantum physics that is concerned with the theory of fields, it was motivated by the question of how an atom radiates light as its electrons jump from excited states
plate tectonics
plate tectonic theory
the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
association theory
(psychology) a theory that association is the basic principle of mental activity
game theory
theory of games
(economics) a theory of competition stated in terms of gains and losses among opposing players
philosophical doctrine
philosophical theory
a doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy
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Abstraktionstheorie thematisiert das Verhältnis von sinnlich gegebenem Material zu den für jede Erkenntnis ggf. vorauszusetzenden Allgemeinbegriffen sowie zum Stellenwert der bei der Begriffsbildung angewandten abstrahierenden Verfahren. Begriffe können erst durch ganz bestimmte intellektuelle Akte gebildet bzw. konstituiert werden. Diese Genese soll mit Hilfe der Abstraktionstheorie aufgezeigt werden. Dieses Verhältnis trifft sowohl auf mathematische Gegenstände wie auf Allgemeinbegriffe zu.