
Adr Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Eurydike (Tochter des Adrastos, Gemahlin des Ilos und Mutter des Laomedon in der griech. Mythologie)
Eurydice (of Troy, daughter of Adrastus, wife of Ilus, and mother of King Laomedon)
Adrenalektomie f, Entfernung der Nebenniere(n) med.
adrenalectomy, suprarenalectomy
Adrenalektomie f; Entfernung der Nebenniere(n) med.
adrenalectomy; suprarenalectomy
Adrenalin n, Epinephrin n biochem.
adrenalin, epinephrine, epinephrin
Adrenalin n; Epinephrin n biochem.
adrenalin; epinephrine; epinephrin
Adrenalin (auch Epinephrin ) n med.
adrenaline (als epinephrine )
Adrenalinstoß m
surge of adrenalin
adrenerg adj med.
Adrenozeptor m; adrenerge Rezeptor m biochem.
Adrenozeptoren pl; adrenerge Rezeptoren pl
adrenoceptor; adrenergic receptor
adrenoceptors; adrenergic receptors
Nervenfaser f anat.
Nervenfasern pl
adrenerge Nervenfaser
cholinerge Nervenfaser
markscheidenlose Nervenfaser; marklose Nervenfaser
motorische Nervenfaser
präganglionäre Nervenfaser
sensorische Nervenfaser
sympathische Nervenfaser
nerve fibre Br.; neurofibre Br.; nerve fiber Am.; neurofiber Am.; neurofibril
nerve fibres; neurofibres; nerve fibers; neurofibers; neurofibrils
adrenergic nerve fibre
cholinergic nerve fibre
non-medullated nerve fibre; non-myelinated nerve fibre; Remak's fibre
motor nerve fibre
preganglionic nerve fibre
sensory nerve fibre
sympathetic nerve fibre
bronchienerweiterndes Mittel n; Broncholytikum n; Bronchodilatator m pharm.
bronchienerweiternde Mittel pl; Broncholytika pl; Bronchodilatatoren pl
adrenerges Broncholytikum
sympathikomimetisches Broncholytikum
Broncholytikum mit Wirkung auf das vegetative Nervensystem
bronchodilating agent; bronchodilator; broncholytic agent
bronchodilating agents; bronchodilators; broncholytic agents
adrenergic bronchodilator
sympathomimetic bronchodilator
autonomic-active bronchodilator
adrenergisch adj
Adrenocorticosteroid n chem.
Adrenocorticosteroide pl
adrenogenitales Salzverlustsyndrom; Debré-Fibiger-Syndrom n med.
adrenogenital salt-depletion syndrome
adrenogenitales Salzverlustsyndrom; Debré-Fibiger-Syndrom n med.
adrenogenital salt-depletion syndrome
adrenokortikotrop adj biochem.
Adrenozeptorenblocker m; Antiandrenergikum n; Adrenolytikum n; Sympathikolytikum n; Sympatholytikum n pharm.
Adrenozeptorenblocker pl; Antiandrenergikuma pl; Adrenolytikuma pl; Sympathikolytikuma pl; Sympatholytika pl
sympatholytic drug; sympatholytic
sympatholytic drugs; sympatholytics
memory pointer
Adressberechnung f; Adress rechnung f comp.
address computation; address arithmetics
Adressabbildung f
Adressabbildungen pl
address mapping
address mappings
Adressabstand m comp.
Ausgleich, Ableger, Adressabstand, abzweigen
Adressänderung f; Änderung f der Anschrift
Adressänderungen pl; Änderungen pl der Anschrift
change of address
changes of address
Anforderung f; Erfordernis n
Anforderungen pl; Erfordernisse pl
Anforderungen an gesunde Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen
formale Anforderungen
Anwendungen mit mittleren durchschnittlichen Anforderungen
den Anforderungen entsprechen; den Erfordernissen genügen entprechen
allen Erfordernissen genügen
Erfordernis einer ausdrücklichen Zustimmung
Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen müssen Adressänderungen gemeldet werden.
requirements concerning healthy living and working conditions
formal requirements
applications with average requirements
to meet the requirements; to satisfy the requirements; to comply with the requirements
to meet all requirements
opt-in requirement
There is a requirement under certain conditions to notify changes of address.
Anforderung f; Erfordernis n
Anforderungen pl; Erfordernisse pl
Grundanforderung f
Anforderungen an gesunde Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen
formale Anforderungen
Anwendungen mit mittleren durchschnittlichen Anforderungen
den Anforderungen entsprechen; den Erfordernissen genügen entsprechen
allen Erfordernissen genügen
Erfordernis einer ausdrücklichen Zustimmung
Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen müssen Adressänderungen gemeldet werden.
basic requirement; fundamental requirement
requirements concerning healthy living and working conditions
formal requirements
applications with average requirements
to meet the requirements; to satisfy the requirements; to comply with the requirements
to meet all requirements
opt-in requirement
There is a requirement under certain conditions to notify changes of address.
Adressanhängung f
address enable
address enable
Absender m; Absenderin f; Adressant m; Adressantin f
Adressrechnen n; Adressrechnung f; Adressberechnung f; Adressarithmetik f comp.
address calculation; address computation; address arithmetic
Empfänger m, Empfängerin f, Adressat m, Adressatin f
Empfaenger, Adressat
Empfänger m; Empfängerin f; Adressat m; Adressatin f
Empfänger pl; Empfängerinnen pl; Adressaten pl; Adressatinnen pl
Empfänger unbekannt
addressee; addressed person
addressees; addressed persons
addressee unknown
Adressatenkreis m
addressed audience
Adressennummer f, Adressatennummer f
address number
Adressennummer, Adressatennummer
address number
Adressennummer f; Adressatennummer f
address number
Adressaufbau m
address structure
address structure
Adressenaufkleber m, Adressaufkleber m
Adressenaufkleber pl, Adressaufkleber pl
address label, adhesive address label
address labels, adhesive address labels
Adressenaufkleber m; Adressaufkleber m
Adressenaufkleber pl; Adressaufkleber pl
address label; adhesive address label
address labels; adhesive address labels
Adressauflösungsprotokoll n comp.
ARP : Address Resolution Protocol
Adressauflösungsprotokoll n comp.
address resolution protocol ARP
Adressauflösungsprotokoll n comp.
address resolution protocol ARP
Adressaufruf m
address call
address call
Adressauswahl f
address selection
address selection
Adressbereich m
Adressbereiche pl
address range
address ranges
Adressbereich m comp.
Adressbereiche pl
address space
address spaces
address range
Adressbildung f
address generation
Adressbit n
address bit
address bit
address space
Adressbroking econ. techn.
adress broking
address book
Adressbuch, Namensverzeichnis
Adressbuch n
Adressbücher pl
address book, address-book
address books, address-books
Adressbuch n
Adressbücher pl
address table, table of addresses
address tables, tables of addresses
Adressbuch n
address table
table of addresses
Adressbuch n; Adreßbuch n alt
Adressbücher pl; Adreßbücher pl
address book; address-book
address books; address-books
Adressbuch n
Adressbücher pl
address table; table of addresses
address tables; tables of addresses
(durch Seiten) blättern v
Er nahm die Zeitung und blätterte gleich zu den Sportseiten.
Ich habe mein Adressbuch durchgeblättert aber seine Telefonnummer nicht gefunden.
to flip (turn pages quickly)
He picked up the newspaper and flipped straight to the sports pages.
I flipped through my address book but couldn't find his phone number.
Adressbuch n; Adreßbuch n alt
Adressbücher pl; Adreßbücher pl
address book (address-book) (addressbook)
address books
(durch Seiten) blättern v
Er nahm die Zeitung und blätterte gleich zu den Sportseiten.
Ich habe mein Adressbuch durchgeblättert, aber seine Telefonnummer nicht gefunden.
to flip (turn pages quickly)
He picked up the newspaper and flipped straight to the sports pages.
I flipped through my address book but couldn't find his phone number.

Deutsche Adr Synonyme

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Englische Eurydice Synonyme

Adr Definition

(n.) The female offspring of the human species
(n.) A female descendant
(n.) A son's wife
(n.) A term of address indicating parental interest.
(n.) The wife of one's son.
(n.) The eelpout.
(n.) A Chinese musical instrument, consisting of resonant stones or metal plates, arranged according to their tones in a frame of wood, and struck with a hammer.
(n.) A chief ruler
(n.) One who, or that which, holds a supreme position or rank
(n.) A playing card having the picture of a king
(n.) The chief piece in the game of chess.
(n.) A crowned man in the game of draughts.
(n.) The title of two historical books in the Old Testament.
(v. i.) To supply with a king
King Charles spaniel
() A variety of small pet dogs, having, drooping ears, a high, dome-shaped forehead, pug nose, large, prominent eyes, and long, wavy hair. The color is usually black and tan.
(n.) A member of a common form of truss, as a roof truss. It is strictly a tie, intended to prevent the sagging of the tiebeam in the middle. If there are struts, supporting the main rafters, they often bear upon the foot of the king-post. Called also crown-post.
King's Bench
() Formerly, the highest court of common law in England
(n.) A female parent
(n.) That which has produced or nurtured anything
(n.) An old woman or matron.
(n.) The female superior or head of a religious house, as an abbess, etc.
(n.) Hysterical passion
(a.) Received by birth or from ancestors
(v. t.) To adopt as a son or daughter
(n.) A film or membrane which is developed on the surface of fermented alcoholic liquids, such as vinegar, wine, etc., and acts as a means of conveying the oxygen of the air to the alcohol and other combustible principles of the liquid, thus leading to their oxidation.
(v. i.) To become like, or full of, mother, or thick matter, as vinegar.
(n.) The mother of one's husband or wife.
(a.) Naked as when born.
(n.) The hard pearly internal layer of several kinds of shells, esp. of pearl oysters, river mussels, and the abalone shells
(n.) An aromatic plant (Thymus Serphyllum)
Sea king
() One of the leaders among the Norsemen who passed their lives in roving the seas in search of plunder and adventures
(n.) Troy weight.
(n.) A woman
(n.) The lawful consort of a man

Eurydice (of Troy daughter of Adrastus wife of Ilus and mother of King Laomedon) Bedeutung

king vulture
Sarcorhamphus papa
large black-and-white vulture of South America and Central America, have colorful wattles and wartlike protuberances on head and neck
king snake
any of numerous nonvenomous North American constrictors, feed on other snakes and small mammals
king cobra
Ophiophagus hannah
Naja hannah
large cobra of southeastern Asia and the East Indies, the largest venomous snake, sometimes placed in genus Naja
horseshoe crab
king crab Limulus polyphemus
Xiphosurus polyphemus
large marine arthropod of the Atlantic coast of North America having a domed carapace that is shaped like a horseshoe and a stiff pointed tail, a living fossil related to the wood louse
mother hen a hen with chicks
king crab Alaska crab
Alaskan king crab
Alaska king crab
Paralithodes camtschatica
large edible crab of northern Pacific waters especially along the coasts of Alaska and Japan
European spider crab
king crab Maja squinado
a large spider crab of Europe
king penguin
Aptenodytes patagonica
large penguin on islands bordering the Antarctic Circle
Mother Carey's chicken
Mother Carey's hen
Oceanites oceanicus
medium-sized storm petrel
King Charles spaniel a toy English spaniel with a black-and-tan coat, named after Charles II who popularized it
king of beasts
Panthera leo
large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male
chinook salmon
king salmon
quinnat salmon
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
large Pacific salmon valued as food, adults die after spawning
king of the herring
ribbonfish Regalecus glesne
thin deep-water tropical fishtofeet long having a red dorsal fin
king whiting
Menticirrhus americanus
whiting of the southeastern coast of North America
Halicoeres radiatus
bluish and bronze wrasse, found from Florida keys to Brazil
king mackerel
cero Scomberomorus cavalla
large mackerel with long pointed snout, important food and game fish of the eastern Atlantic coast southward to Brazil
CPU board
mother board
the main circuit board for a computer
king (chess) the weakest but the most important piece
king one of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king
king a checker that has been moved to the opponent's first row where it is promoted to a piece that is free to move either forward or backward
king post post connecting the crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss
Mother Hubbard
a woman's loose unbelted dress
Round Table
King Arthur's Round Table
(legend) the circular table for King Arthur and his knights
marital communications privilege
husband-wife privilege
neither spouse can divulge confidential communications from the other while they were married
mother's milk milk secreted by a woman who has recently given birth
common sense
good sense
horse sense
sense mother wit
sound practical judgment, Common sense is not so common, he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples, fortunately she had the good sense to run away
mother a condition that is the inspiration for an activity or situation, necessity is the mother of invention
Authorized Version
King James Version
King James Bible
an English translation of the Bible published in
mother tongue
maternal language
first language
one's native language, the language learned by children and passed from one generation to the next
King's English
Queen's English
English as spoken by educated persons in southern England
Alaska king crab
Alaskan king crab
king crab
Alaska crab
meat of large cold-water crab, mainly leg meat
chinook salmon
king salmon
pink or white flesh of large Pacific salmon
married couple
man and wife
two people who are married to each other, his second marriage was happier than the first, a married couple without love
mother country
country of origin
native land
the country where you were born
an ancient city in Asia Minor that was the site of the Trojan War
nacreous cloud
mother-of-pearl cloud
a luminous iridescent cloud at a high altitude that may be seen when the sun is a few degrees below the horizon
earth mother the earth conceived of as the female principle of fertility
Eurydice (Greek mythology) the wife of Orpheus
Great Mother
Magna Mater
Mater Turrita
great nature goddess of ancient Phrygia in Asia Minor, counterpart of Greek Rhea and Roman Ops
King Oedipus
Oedipus Rex
(Greek mythology) a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta, the subject of the drama `Oedipus Rex' by Sophocles
Helen of Troy
(Greek mythology) the beautiful daughter of Zeus and Leda who was abducted by Paris, the Greek army sailed to Troy to get her back which resulted in the Trojan War
Lear King Lear the hero of William Shakespeare's tragedy who was betrayed and mistreated by two of his scheming daughters
Mother Goose the imaginary author of a collection of nursery rhymes
mother superior
the superior of a group of nuns
b asshole
mother fucker
whoreson son of a bitch
insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
baron big businessman
business leader
king magnate
mogul power top executive
a very wealthy or powerful businessman, an oil baron
a female human offspring, her daughter cared for her in her old age
daughter-in-law the wife of your son
den mother a woman who supervises a den of Cub Scouts
den mother someone who plays the role of a den mother, he serves as den mother to all the freshmen in this dormitory, she's the den mother to new secretaries
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