
Afrikanistik Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Afrikanistik f
African studies
Afrikanistik f
African studies
afrikanisch adj geogr.
europäisch-afrikanisch; euro-afrikanisch adj pol.
European-African; Euro-African
Afrikanische Zwergente f ornith.
African Pygmy Goose
Afrikanische Bekassine f ornith.
African Snipe
Afrikanische Trugschwalbe f ornith.
African River Martin
Afrikanische Union f pol.
African Union
Afrikanische Teufelskrallen pl; Trampelkletten pl (Harpagophytum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
devil's claws; grapple plants; wood spiders
afrikanische Tulpenbäume pl (Spathodea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
African tulip trees; fountain trees (botanical genus)
turnusmäßig adv adm.
zwei afrikanische Länder die turnusmäßig wechseln
Die Ausschussmitglieder sollten turnusmäßig für drei Jahre ernannt werden.
in rotation; in turn; on a regular cycle
two African countries in rotation
The committee members should be appointed in turn for 3 years.
Zwergenten pl (Nettapus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Australische Zwergente; Grüne Zwergglanzente (Nettapus pulchellus)
Coromandel-Zwergente; Indische Zwergglanzente (Nettapus coromandelianus)
Afrikanische Zwergente; Afrikanische Zwergglanzente (Nettapus auritus)
pygmy geese (zoological genus)
green pygmy goose
cotton pygmy goose; cotton teal
African pygmy goose
Afrikanische Pferdepest f; Pferdepest f; Afrikanische Pferdesterbe f med. zool.
African horse sickness AHS
Afrikanische Riesenschnecken pl; Große Achatschnecken pl (Achatinidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
African giant snails (zoological family)
Afrikanische Eierschlangen pl (Dasypeltis) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
dasypeltis snakes (zoological genus)
Afrikanische Steineiben pl; Afrogelbhölzer pl (Afrocarpus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnliches Afrogelbholz n (Afrocarpus falcatus)
Schlankes Afrogelbholz n (Afrocarpus gracilior)
African fern pines; yellowwoods (botanical genus)
common yellowwood; bastard yellowwood; small-leaved yellowwood; outeniqua yellowwood
East African pine; East African yellowwood
Afrikanische Borstenhörnchen pl (Xerus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
African ground squirrels (zoological genus)
Caracal-Katzen pl (Caracal) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Afrikanische Goldkatze (Caracal aurata)
Wüstenluchs m; Karakal m (Caracal caracal)
caracal felids (zoological genus)
African golden cat
desert lynx; African lynx; Egyptian lynx; caracal
Ölpalmen pl (Elaeis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanische Ölpalme f (Elaeis guineensis)
Amerikanische Ölpalme f (Elaeis guineensis)
oil palms (botanical genus)
African oil palm
American oil palm
Rhythmus m mus.
Polyrhythmus m
Sprechrhythmus m
ausgeprägter Rhythmus; mitreißender Rhythmus (Popmusik)
mitreißende afrikanische Rhythmen
disco beat
speech rhythm
pronounced rhythm; strong beat; groove (popular music)
African grooves
Schlafkrankheit f; Tsetse-Krankheit f; Trypanosomenerkrankung f; Trypanosomiasis f; Trypanose f med.
afrikanische Schlafkrankheit; afrikanische Trypanosomiasis
ostafrikanische Schlafkrankheit; ostafrikanische Trypanosomiasis
westafrikanische Schlafkrankheit; westafrikanische Trypanosomiasis
südamerikanische Schlafkrankheit; südamerikanische Trypanosomiasis; Chagas'sche Krankheit
sleeping sickness; trypanosome fever; trypanosomiasis; trypanosomatosis; trypanosomosis
African sleeping sickness; African trypanosomiasis
East African sleeping sickness; East African trypanosomiasis; Rhodesian trypanosomatosis
West African sleeping sickness; West African trypanosomiasis; Gambian trypanosomatosis
South American sleeping sickness; American trypanosomiasis; Brazilian trypanosomatosis; Chagas' disease; Cruz' disease; barbeiro fever
Afrikanische Teufelskrallen pl; Trampelkletten pl (Harpagophytum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
devil's claws; grapple plants; wood spiders (botanical genus)
Wasserähren pl (Aponogeton) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Zweiährige Wasserähre f; Afrikanische Wasserähre f (Aponogeton distachyos)
water hawthorns (botanical genus)
Cape hawthorn; winter hawthorn; Cape pondweed; Cape pond-lily
Yoruba n ling. (afrikanische Sprache)
Yoruba (African language)
turnusmäßig adv adm.
zwei afrikanische Länder, die turnusmäßig wechseln
Die Ausschussmitglieder sollten turnusmäßig für drei Jahre ernannt werden.
in rotation; in turn; on a regular cycle
two African countries in rotation
The committee members should be appointed in turn for 3 years.
Höhlenweihen pl (Polyboroides) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Afrikanische Höhlenweihe f (Polyboroides typus)
Madagaskar-Höhlenweihe f (Polyboroides radiatus)
harrier-hawk (zoological genus)
African harrier-hawk; gymnogene
Madagascan harrier-hawk
Afrikanische Binsenralle f; Afrikanisches Binsenhuhn n; Tüpfelbinsenralle f (Podica senegalensis) ornith.
African finfoot; Peter's finfoot
künstlerische Darstellung f art
künstlerische Darstellungen von afrikanischen Stammeskulturen
Jede Darstellung wird auf einer ganzen Seite farbig reproduziert.
artwork from African tribal cultures
Each artwork is reproduced in colour on a full page.
Afrikanischer Messerfisch m (Xenomystus nigri) zool.
African knife fish
Mosambik-Säbelzahnschleimfisch m, Afrikanischer Leierschwanz-Schleimfisch m (Meiacanthus mossambicus) zool.
harptail blenny
Afrikanischer Schlangenhalsvogel m ornith.
African Darter
Afrikanischer Löffler m ornith.
African Spoonbill
Afrikanischer Habichtsadler m ornith.
African Hawk Eagle
Afrikanischer Baumfalke m ornith.
African Hobby
Afrikanischer Scherenschnabel m ornith.
African Skimmer
Afrikanischer Waldkauz m ornith.
African Wood Owl
Afrikanischer Silberschnabel m ornith.
African Silverbill
ein afrikanischer Stamm
an African tribe
Affenbrotbäume (Adansonia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanischer Affenbrotbaum (Adansonia digitata)
monkey-bread trees; upside-down trees; bottle trees; baobab (botanical genus)
African monkey-bread tree; African baobab; cream of tartar tree
Afrikanischer Birnbaum m; Makoré m (Tieghemella heckelii) bot.
cherry mahogany; makore
Afrikanischer Wildhund m zool.
African hunting dog
Mosambik-Säbelzahnschleimfisch m; Afrikanischer Leierschwanz-Schleimfisch m (Meiacanthus mossambicus) zool.
harptail blenny
Nestfarn m; Vogelnestfarn m; afrikanischer Nestfarn m (Asplenium nidus) bot.
bird's nest fern
Pterois-Feuerfische pl (Pterois) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
afrikanischer Feuerfisch m (Pterois mombasae)
Antennen-Feuerfisch m (Pterois antennata)
Hawaii-Feuerfisch m (Pterois sphex)
indischer Rotfeuerfisch m (Pterois miles)
indonesischer Feuerfisch m (Pterois kodipungi)
Japanischer Feuerfisch m (Pterois lunulata)
Rotfeuerfisch m (Pterois volitans)
pazifischer Rotfeuerfisch m (Pterois volitans)
Russels Feuerfisch m (Pterois russelii)
Strahlenfeuerfisch m (Pterois radiata)
Kurzflossen-Feuerfisch m (Pteropterus brevipectoralis)
pterois lionfish (zoological genus)
frillfin turkeyfish
broadbarred firefish
Hawaiian lionfish
common lionfish; devil firefish
clearfin lionfish
Japanese lionfish; luna lionfish
lion fish
red lionfish
Russell's firefish
tailbar lionfish; radial firefish
Pteropterus brevipectoralis lionfish
Afrikanischer Wildesel m zool.
African wild ass
Afrikanischer Birnbaum m; Makoré m (Tieghemella heckelii) bot.
cherry mahogany; makore
Echter Esel m; Afrikanischer Esel m (Equus asinus Equus africanus) zool.
Hausesel m (Equus asinus asinus)
African wild donkey; African wild ass
domestic donkey; domestic ass
(geopolitische) Herkunft f; Abstammung f; Provenienz f geh. pol.
seiner Herkunft nach Afrikaner sein; afrikanischer Abstammung Provenienz sein
national extraction; extraction
to be of African extraction
Rundschwanzseekühe pl; Manatis pl (Trichechidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
Afrikanischer Manati m (Trichechus senegalensis)
Amazonas-Manati m; Fluss-Manati m (Trichechus inunguis)
Karibik-Manati m; Nagel-Manati m (Trichechus manatus)
manatee sea cows; manatees (zoological family)
African manatee; West African manatee
Amazonian manatee
West Indian manatee
Streifenfarne pl (Asplenium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
brauner Streifenfarn; Steinfeder (Asplenium trichomanes)
braungrüner Streifenfarn (Asplenium adulterinum)
Brutfarn m; Mutterfarn m; Henne-und-Huhn-Farn m (Asplenium bulbiferum)
deutscher Streifenfarn (Asplenium alternifolium)
Ebenholzstreifenfarn m; breitnerviger Streifenfarn (Asplenium platyneuron)
Gabelstreifenfarn m; nordischer Streifenfarn (Asplenium septentrionale)
grüner Streifenfarn; Grünstiel-Streifenfarn (Asplenium viride Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum)
Hirschzungenfarn m; Hirschzunge f (Asplenium scolopendrium Phyllitis scolopendrium)
Jura-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium fontanum Asplenium exiguum)
kriechender Streifenfarn (Asplenium rhizophyllum Camptosorus rhizophyllus)
lanzettblättriger Streifenfarn; Billots Streifenfarn (Asplenium billotii)
Mauerraute f; Mauer-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium ruta-muraria)
Milzfarn m; Schriftfarn m (Asplenium ceterach Ceterach officinarum)
Nestfarn m; Vogelnestfarn m; afrikanischer Nestfarn m (Asplenium nidus)
schwarzer Streifenfarn (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum)
Serpentin-Streifenfarn m (Asplenium cuneifolium)
Spitzer Streifenfarn m; Spitzer Strichfarn m (Asplenium onopteris)
spleenworts (botanical genus)
common dwarf maidenhair spleenwort; English maidenhair
ladder spleenwort
mother fern; mother spleenwort; hen-and-chicken fern
alternate-leaved spleenwort
ebony spleenwort
grass fern; forked spleenwort; Northern spleenwort
green spleenwort; bright-green spleenwort
hart's-tongue fern; hart's-tongue
little spleenwort; smooth (rock) spleenwort
walking fern; walking leaf
lanceolatespleenwort; Billot's spleenwort
wall rue; wall-rue spleenwort; white maidenhair
rustyback fern; scale scaly fern; scaly spleenwort
bird's nest fern
black spleenwort
serpentine spleenwort
acute-leaved spleenwort; Irish spleenwort; Western black spleenwort
Nimmersatte pl (Mycteria) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Indischer Nimmersatt m; Buntstorch m (Mycteria leucocephala)
Malaien-Nimmersatt m; Milchstorch m (Mycteria cinerea)
Afrikanischer Nimmersatt m; Nimmersatt m (Mycteria ibis)
Amerikanischer Nimmersatt m; Waldstorch m (Mycteria americana)
mycteria storks (zoological genus)
painted wood stork; painted stork
milky wood stork; milky stork; southern painted stork
yellow-billed wood stork; yellow-billed stork
American wood stork; wood stork; American wood ibis; wood ibis
Osyris-Sandelholzbäume pl; Osyris-Sandelhölzer pl (Osyris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weißer Harnstrauch m; Honigduftender Rutenstrauch m (Osyris alba)
Afrikanisches Sandelholz n (Osyris lanceolata)
osyris sandalwood trees; osyris sandalwoods (botanical genus)
poet's cassia; white osyris; osyris
African sandalwood
Palisanderhölzer pl (Dalbergia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanisches Schwarzholz n; Afrikanisches Grenadillholz n; Zebraholz n (Dalbergia melanoxylon)
Königsholz n; Veilchenholz n (Dalbergia cearensis)
Ostindischer Palisander m (Dalbergia latifolia)
Rio-Palisander m; Brasilianisches Rosenholz n; Bahia-Rosenholz n; Rosenholz n (Dalbergia decipularis)
rosewoods (botanical genus)
African blackwood; African grenadilla; zebrawood
Brasilian kingwood; kingwood
East Indian rosewood; Indian rosewood; Bombay blackwood
Rio rosewood; Bahia rosewood; Brasilian tulipwood; tulipwood
Afrikanistik f
African studies

Deutsche Afrikanistik Synonyme

Englische African studies Synonyme

Afrikanistik Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to Africa.
(n.) A native of Africa
(pl. ) of Study

African studies Bedeutung

African clawed frog
Xenopus laevis
a tongueless frog native to Africa, established in the United States as result of release of laboratory and aquarium animals
African chameleon
Chamaeleo chamaeleon
a chameleon found in Africa
African monitor
Varanus niloticus
destroys crocodile eggs
African crocodile
Nile crocodile
Crocodylus niloticus
a dangerous crocodile widely distributed in Africa
African coral snake
Aspidelaps lubricus
small widely distributed arboreal snake of southern Africa banded in black and orange
African grey
African gray
Psittacus erithacus
commonly domesticated grey parrot with red-and-black tail and white face, native to equatorial Africa
African hunting dog
hyena dog
Cape hunting dog
Lycaon pictus
a powerful doglike mammal of southern and eastern Africa that hunts in large packs, now rare in settled area
African wild ass
Equus asinus
a wild ass of Africa
green monkey
African green monkey
Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus
common savannah monkey with greenish-grey back and yellow tail
African elephant
Loxodonta africana
an elephant native to Africa having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks
cat Arabian tea
African tea
the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea, has the effect of a euphoric stimulant, in Yemen kat is used daily by % of adults
Oriental Studies
the scholarly knowledge of Asian cultures and languages and people
African American Vernacular English
African American English
Black English
Black English Vernacular
Black Vernacular
Black Vernacular English
a nonstandard form of American English characteristically spoken by African Americans in the United States
South African Dutch
an official language of the Republic of South Africa, closely related to Dutch and Flemish
West African a group of languages spoken in the extreme western part of West Africa
black music
African-American music
music created by African-American musicians, early forms were songs that had a melodic line and a strong rhythmic beat with repeated choruses
African country
African nation
any one of the countries occupying the African continent
Central African Republic
Central Africa
a landlocked country in central Africa, formerly under French control, became independent in
African a native or inhabitant of Africa
Black African an African who is Black
African American
Black American
an American whose ancestors were born in Africa
South African a native or inhabitant of South Africa
east African cedar
Juniperus procera
tropical African timber tree with fragrant wood
cape yellowwood
African yellowwood
Podocarpus elongatus
South African tree or shrub having a rounded crown
South-African yellowwood
Podocarpus latifolius
erect or shrubby tree of Africa having ridged dark grey bark and rigid glossy medium to long leaves
African daisy any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers
blue-eyed African daisy
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Arctotis venusta
bushy perennial of South Africa with white or violet flowers, in its native region often clothes entire valley sides in a sheet of color
African daisy African or Asiatic herbs with daisylike flowers
African daisy yellow ageratum
Lonas inodora
Lonas annua
shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers
African marigold
big marigold
Aztec marigold
Tagetes erecta
a stout branching annual with large yellow to orange flower heads, Mexico and Central America
finger millet
African millet
Eleusine coracana
East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient
weeping love grass
African love grass
Eragrostis curvula
perennial South African grass having densely clumped flimsy stems, introduced into United States especially for erosion control
African hemp Sparmannia africana large shrub of South Africa having many conspicuously hairy branches with large hairy leaves and clusters of conspicuous white flowers
African lily
African tulip
blue African lily
Agapanthus africanus
African plant with bright green evergreen leaves and umbels of many usually deep violet-blue flowers
African bowstring hemp
African hemp Sansevieria guineensis
bowstring hemp of South Africa
African sandalwood
Baphia nitida
small shrubby African tree with hard wood used as a dyewood yielding a red dye
African oil palm
Elaeis guineensis
oil palm of Africa
African scented mahogany
cedar mahogany
sapele mahogany
Entandrophragma cylindricum
African tree having rather lightweight cedar-scented wood varying in color from pink to reddish brown
African mahogany African tree having hard heavy odorless wood
African walnut
Lovoa klaineana
tropical African timber tree with wood that resembles mahogany
African violet
Saintpaulia ionantha
tropical African plant cultivated as a houseplant for its violet or white or pink flowers
African holly
Solanum giganteum
woolly-stemmed biennial arborescent shrub of tropical Africa and southern Asia having silvery-white prickly branches, clusters of blue or white flowers, and bright red berries resembling holly berries
Central African Republic franc the basic unit of money in the Central African Republic
South African monetary unit monetary unit in South Africa
pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry, Afro-American culture, many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American
South African of or pertaining to or characteristic of South Africa or its people
African of or relating to the nations of Africa or their peoples, African languages
East African of or relating to or located in East Africa
North African of or relating to northern Africa
West African of or relating to the countries or cultures or people of West Africa
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