
Akkreditierungsrat Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Akkreditierungsrat m
accreditation council
Akkreditierungsrat m
accreditation council
akkreditiere, akkreditieren, beglaubigen
akkreditieren, beglaubigen, bestätigen, bevollmächtigen
akkreditierend, beglaubigend, bestätigend, bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert, beglaubigt, bestätigt, bevollmächtigt
to accredit
(eine Person) akkreditieren; beglaubigen; bestätigen; bevollmächtigen
akkreditierend; beglaubigend; bestätigend; bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert; beglaubigt; bestätigt; bevollmächtigt
in Österreich akkreditiert
Nur akkreditierte Journalisten erhielten Zutritt.
to accredit (a person)
accredited to Austria
Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.
(eine Person) akkreditieren; beglaubigen; bestätigen; bevollmächtigen v
akkreditierend; beglaubigend; bestätigend; bevollmächtigend
akkreditiert; beglaubigt; bestätigt; bevollmächtigt
in Österreich akkreditiert
Nur akkreditierte Journalisten erhielten Zutritt.
to accredit (a person)
accredited to Austria
Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.
zugelassen, bevollmächtigt, anerkannt, akkreditiert adj
zugelassener Anleger
zugelassener Händler
accredited investor
accredited dealer
beglaubigt; bevollmächtigt; akkreditiert pol.; zugelassen adj (Person)
zugelassener Anleger
zugelassener Händler
accredited (person)
accredited investor
accredited dealer
unbeglaubigt; nicht anerkannt; nicht akkreditiert adj
Akkreditierung f (eines Botschafters)
accreditation (of an ambassador)
Akkreditierung f, Beglaubigung f
accreditation, accrediting
Akkreditierung f; Beglaubigung f
accreditation; accrediting
Akkreditierung f; Beglaubigung f
Sicherheitsakkreditierung f
accreditation; accrediting
security accreditation
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Mindestnormen pl
Norm für die Akkreditierung von Prüflaboratorien
Angleichung von Normen
britische Norm; Norm des britischen Normungsinstituts
common standards
international standards
minimum standards
test laboratories accreditation standard
harmonization of standards
British Standard BS ; standard of the British Standards Institution
Akkreditierungsrat m
accreditation council
Akkreditierungsstelle f adm.
Akkreditierungsstellen pl
accreditation body; accreditation agency
accreditation bodies; accreditation agencies
credit terms
Aufträge zur Akkreditiv-Eröffnung
instructions for the issuance of credits
bestätigtes Akkreditiv
confirmed letter of credit
der Akkreditiv-Auftraggeber
the applicant for the credit
die Akkreditiv-Bedingungen
the conditions of the credit
die Akkreditiv-Bedingungen
the stipulations of the credit
ein Akkreditiv eröffnen
open a letter of credit
gleiches Akkreditiv
similar credit
im Akkreditiv aufgenommen ist
is included in the credit
im Akkreditiv-Geschäft
in credit operations
Kreditbrief, Akkreditiv
letter of credit
sofern das Akkreditiv nicht zulässt
unless the credit allows
unbestätigtes Akkreditiv
unconfirmed letter of credit
wenn das Akkreditiv Akzeptierung vorsieht
if the credit provides for acceptance
wenn das Akkreditiv Negoziierung vorsieht
if the credit provides for negotiation
wenn das Akkreditiv vorsieht
if the credits provides for
Kreditbrief m, Akkreditiv n, Beglaubigungsschreiben n fin.
strapaziertes Akkreditiv
letter of credit
deferred payment
Kreditbrief m, Akkreditiv n
C, LOC : letter of credit
Kreditbrief m; Akkreditiv n; Beglaubigungsschreiben n fin.
strapaziertes Akkreditiv
Akzept-Akkreditiv n
Ablauf eines Akkreditivs
Zweitbegünstigter eines Akkreditivs
letter of credit L C; LOC
deferred payment
acceptance letter of credit
expiration of a letter of credit
second beneficiary under a letter of credit
widerruflich adj
widerrufliches Akkreditiv fin.
revocable letter of credit
Kreditbrief m; Akkreditiv n fin.
Kreditbriefe pl; Akkreditive pl
bestätigter unbestätigter Kreditbrief; bestätigtes unbestätigtes Akkreditiv
bestätigter unwiderruflicher Kreditbrief
sich (automatisch) erneuernder Kreditbrief
teilbarer Kreditbrief; teilbares Akkreditiv
übertragbarer Kreditbrief; übertragbares Akkreditiv
widerruflicher unwiderruflicher Kreditbrief; widerrufliches unwiderruflches Akkreditiv
Akkreditiv mit aufgeschobenem Zahlungsziel; Nach-Sicht-Akkreditiv
Akzept-Akkreditiv n
Ablauf eines Akkreditivs
Auftraggeber eines Akkreditivs
Inhaber eines Akkreditivs
Laufzeit eines Akkreditivs
Anzeige eines Kreditbriefs
Eröffnung eines Akkreditivs
Verlängerung eines Akkreditivs
Zweitbegünstigter eines Akkreditivs
einen Kreditbrief annullieren
einen Kreditbrief anzeigen avisieren
einen Kreditbrief bestätigen
einen Kreditbrief erstellen eröffnen (zugunsten von jdm.)
einen Kreditbrief widerrufen
Der Kreditbrief ist bis … gültig.
Das Akkreditiv läuft ab.
letter of credit L C LOC ; credit
letters of credit LOC ; credits
confirmed unconfirmed letter of credit
confirmed irrevocable credit
revolving letter of credit
divisible letter of credit
transferable letter of credit
revocable irrevocable letter of credit
standby letter of credit
back-to-back letter of credit; back-to-back credit
commercial letter of credit CLC
documentary letter of credit; documentary credit
deferred-payment credit
acceptance letter of credit
expiration of a letter of credit
account party; applicant for a letter of credit
holder of a letter of credit
life of a letter of credit
notification of a letter of credit; notification of a credit
opening of a letter of credit
extension of the validity of a (letter of) credit
second beneficiary under a letter of credit
to cancel a letter of credit; to cancel a credit
to advise a letter of credit; to advise a credit
to confirm a letter of credit; to confirm a credit
to issue establish open a credit (in favour of sb.)
to revoke a letter of credit; to revoke a credit
The credit is valid until …
The letter of credit expires.; The credit becomes invalid.
etw. avalieren v; für etw. bürgen v fin.
avaliert durch eine Bank
avaliertes Akkreditiv
avalierter Betrag
avalierter Wechsel
to guarantee payment of sth.; to add your name to a bill of exchange a promissory note
guaranteed by a bank
guaranteed letter of credit
guaranteed amount
guaranteed bill of exchange; backed bill of exchange
Kreditbriefabteilung f; Akkreditivabteilung f (in einer Bank) fin.
letter of credit department (at a bank)
Kreditbriefabwicklung f; Akkreditivabwicklung f fin.
handling of a letter of credit; processing a letter of credit
Kreditbriefänderung f; Akkreditivänderung f fin.
amendment to a letter of credit; amendment of credit
Kreditbriefansprüche pl; Akkreditivansprüche pl fin.
claims under a letter of credit
application for a letter of credit
Akkreditivanzeige f; Akkreditivavisierung f fin.
notification of credit
Akkreditivauftrag m fin.
instructions to open a letter of credit; application for a credit; credit application
Kreditbriefauftraggeber m; Akkreditivauftraggeber m fin.
Kreditbriefauftraggeber pl; Akkreditivauftraggeber pl
applicant for a letter of credit; applicant for a credit; credit applicant
applicants for a letter of credit; applicants for a credit; credit applicants
Kreditbriefbegleichung f; Akkreditivauskehrung f fin.
payment of the credit
akkreditiveröffnende Bank f; Akkreditivbank f; Akkreditivinstitut fin.
bank issuing a letter of credit; bank opening a letter of credit
Kreditbriefbedingungen pl; Akkreditivbedingungen pl fin.
terms and conditions of a the letter of credit, terms of a the letter of credit; credit terms
Akkreditivbegünstigter pl fin.
beneficiary under a the letter of credit
Kreditbriefbestätigung f; Akkreditivbestätigung f fin.
confirmation of a the letter of credit; credit confirmation
Akkreditivbetrag m fin.
amount of a the credit
Kreditbriefbevorschussung f; Akkreditivbevorschussung f fin.
advance against a the letter of credit
Akkreditivdeckung f fin.
cover for a letter of credit; credit cover
Akkreditivdeckungsguthaben n fin.
credit balance held as cover for a the letter of credit
Akkreditivdeckungskonto n fin.
credit cover account
Akkreditivunterlagen pl; Akkreditivdokumente pl fin.
documents required for a letter of credit; credit documents
Akkreditive sind getrennte Geschäfte
credits are separate transactions
Anzeige der Akkreditive
notification of credits
deferred payment credit
Formen der Akkreditive
forms of credit
Kreditbriefeinlösungsverpflichtung f; Akkreditiveinlösungsverpflichtung f fin.
obligation to honour a the letter of credit
Akkreditiverlös m fin.
credit proceeds
Akkreditivermächtigung f fin.
letter of authority
Akkreditiveröffnung f; Akkreditivstellung f; Akkreditivhinauslegung f fin.
issuance opening of a the letter of credit; letter of credit opening
akkreditivgemäß adv fin.
in accordance with the terms of the credit
das Akkreditivgeschäft; der Akkreditivverkehr fin.
letter of credit operations; documentary credit operations

Deutsche Akkreditierungsrat Synonyme

Englische accreditation council Synonyme

Akkreditierungsrat Definition

(n.) The act of accrediting
(n.) An assembly of men summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice
(n.) A body of man elected or appointed to constitute an advisory or a legislative assembly
(n.) Act of deliberating

accreditation council Bedeutung

accreditation the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards), a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools
council chamber
a room where a committee meets (such as the board of directors of a company)
conference table
council table
council board
the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting
Continuity Irish Republican Army
Continuity Army Council
a terrorist organization formed in Ireland in as a clandestine armed wing of Sinn Fein
Fatah Revolutionary Council
Abu Nidal Organization
Arab Revolutionary Brigades
Black September
Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims
a Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in , has conducted terrorist attacks incountries, in the s the Fatah-RC was considered the most dangerous and murderous Palestinian terror group
Council of Economic Advisors an executive agency responsible for providing economic advice to the President
National Security Council
a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security, supervises the Central Intelligence Agency
Council on Environmental Policy the executive agency that advises the President on protecting the environment
legislative council a unicameral legislature
Security Council
a permanent council of the United Nations, responsible for preserving world peace
Trusteeship Council
a permanent council of the United Nations that commissions a country (or countries) to undertake the administration of a territory
Economic and Social Council
a permanent council of the United Nations, responsible for economic and social conditions
Economic and Social Council commission
ECOSOC commission
a commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
council a meeting of people for consultation, emergency council
North Atlantic Council
a council consisting of permanent representatives of all the member countries of NATO, has political authority and powers of decision
council a body serving in an administrative capacity, student council
city council a municipal body that can pass ordinances and appropriate funds etc.
executive council a council that shares the supreme executive power
privy council an advisory council to a ruler (especially to the British Crown)
works council (chiefly Brit) a council representing employer and employees of a plant or business to discuss working conditions etc, also: a committee representing the workers elected to negotiate with management about grievances and wages etc
council (Christianity) an assembly of theologians and bishops and other representatives of different churches or dioceses that is convened to regulate matters of discipline or doctrine
ecumenical council (early Christian church) one of seven gatherings of bishops from around the known world under the presidency of the Pope to regulate matters of faith and morals and discipline, the first seven councils through are considered to be ecumenical councils by both the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church but the next fourteen councils are considered ecumenical only by the Roman Catholic church
First Council of Nicaea
the first ecumenical council in which produced the wording of the Nicene Creed and condemned the heresy of Arianism
First Council of Constantinople
the second ecumenical council in which added wording about the Holy Spirit to the Nicene Creed
Council of Ephesus
the third ecumenical council in which declared Mary as mother of God and condemned Pelagius
Council of Chalcedon
the fourth ecumenical council in which defined the two natures (human and divine) of Christ
Constantinople Second Council of Constantinople the fifth ecumenical council in which held Origen's writings to be heretic
Constantinople Third Council of Constantinople the sixth ecumenical council in - which condemned Monothelitism by defining two wills in Christ, divine and human
Nicaea Second Council of Nicaea the seventh ecumenical council in which refuted iconoclasm and regulated the veneration of holy images
Constantinople Fourth Council of Constantinople the council in that condemned Photius who had become the patriarch of Constantinople without approval from the Vatican, thereby precipitating the schism between the eastern and western churches
Lateran Council any of five general councils of the Western Catholic Church that were held in the Lateran Palace
First Lateran Council the first council of the Western Church held in the Lateran Palace in , focused on church discipline and made plans to recover the Holy Lands from the Muslim `infidels'
Second Lateran Council the second council of the Western Church in which put an end to the dogmatic errors of Arnold of Brescia
Third Lateran Council the Lateran Council in that condemned the heresies of the Albigenses and the Waldenses
Fourth Lateran Council the Lateran Council in was the most important council of the Middle Ages, issued a creed against Albigensianism, published reformatory decrees, promulgated the doctrine of transubstantiation, and clarified church doctrine on the Trinity and Incarnation
First Council of Lyons
the council of the Western Church in that excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and planned a new crusade against the Holy Land
Lyons Second Council of Lyons the council in that effected a temporary reunion of the Greek Orthodox with the Roman Catholic Church
Council of Vienne
the council in - that dealt with alleged crimes of the Knights Templar, planned a new crusade, and took on the reformation of the clergy
Council of Constance
the council in - that succeeded in ending the Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church
Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence the council in - that concentrated on the elimination of heresies and on reforms within the Roman Catholic Church
Fifth Lateran Council the council in - that published disciplinary decrees and planned (but did not carry out) a crusade against Turkey
Council of Trent a council of the Roman Catholic Church convened in Trento in three sessions between and to examine and condemn the teachings of Martin Luther and other Protestant reformers, redefined the Roman Catholic doctrine and abolished various ecclesiastical abuses and strengthened the papacy
Vatican Council each of two councils of the Roman Catholic Church
First Vatican Council
Vatican I
the Vatican Council in - that proclaimed the infallibility of the pope when speaking ex cathedra
Second Vatican Council
Vatican II
the Vatican Council in - that abandoned the universal Latin liturgy and acknowledged ecumenism and made other reforms
world council a council with representatives from different nations
county council the elected governing body of a county
World Council of Churches an ecumenical organization of Protestant and eastern churches, intended to promote unity and cooperation in religious and secular matters
Council Bluffs a town in southwest Iowa on the Missouri River across from Omaha
council member
a member of a council
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