
Allgemeinwortschatz Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Allgemeinwortschatz m ling.
general vocabulary
Allgemeinwortschatz m ling.
general vocabulary
allgemeies Register n; Mehrzweckregister n comp.
general-purpose register
allgemein akzeptiert
universally accepted
allgemein verbindlich
generally binding
allgemein verbreitete Ansicht
general opinion
höhere Bildungsanstalt (allgemein)
Rechnungslegung f fin.
Grundsätze der Rechnungslegung
Klage auf Rechnungslegung
allgemein anerkannte Grundsätze der Rechnungslegung
accounting, rendering of accounts, billing
accounting rules
action for accounting
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Am.
Stipendium n (allgemein)
Stipendien pl
grant, fellowship
grants, fellowships
allgemein adj
allgemein adj
am allgemeinsten
das Allgemeine und das Besondere
im Allgemeinen, überhaupt
more general
most general
the general and the particular
in general, generally
allgemein, typisch adj
ganz allgemein adv
ganz allgemein gesprochen
broadly spoken
allgemein adv
allgemein adv
allgemein verbreitend
allgemein, global, pauschal
across the board
allgemein, öffentlich
allgemein, universal adj
allgemein, überhaupt adv
allgemein adv
allgemein bekannt
allgemein bekannt sein
to be common currency
allgemein bekannt werden
to become common currency
geläufig, allgemein bekannt adj
am geläufigsten
familiar, common
more common
most common
gewöhnlich, gewöhnlicherweise, allgemein adv, im Allgemeinen
am häufigsten gebraucht
most commonly used
landesweit, allgemein adj
üblich, allgemein üblich, gebräuchlich, gewohnt adj
am üblichsten
wie üblich, das Übliche
usual, customary, normal
more usual
most usual
as usual, the usual
vorherrschend, weit verbreitet, allgemein verbreitet, herrschend, überwiegend, prävalent adj
Es ist allgemein bekannt.
It's a matter of common knowledge.
allg. : allgemein
gen. : general
allgemein, gemeinsam, zusammen
allgemein, ueberhaupt
allgemein verbreiten
verbreitete allgemein
verbreitet allgemein
allgemein gesagt
generally speaking
bei jdm. Anklang Zustimmung Zuspruch Beifall finden; jdn. ansprechen; jdm. zusagen
allgemein Anklang finden
Sein ungezwungenes Benehmen fand nicht bei allen Kollegen Anklang.
Der Plan stieß bei den Verbündeten auf keine Zustimmung.
Seine Ideen werden das Gros der Wähler wohl kaum ansprechen.
Es gibt da eine bestimmte Variante die mir zusagt.
to commend itself themselves to sb.(formal)
to commend itself themselves to all
His easy manners did not commend itself to all of his colleagues.
The plan did not commend itself to the Allies.
His ideas are not likely to commend themselves to most voters.
One particular variation commends itself to me.
höhere Bildungsanstalt f (allgemein)
Geschichte f; Historie f geh. hist.
in die Geschichte eingehen
der Lauf der Geschichte
Es wird gerade Geschichte geschrieben.
... und der Rest ist Geschichte. (allgemein bekannt)
to go down in history
the course of history
History is in the making.
... and the rest is ( as we say ) history (well-known)
Maßnahme f; Schritt m; Aktion f; Entscheidung f; Vorstoß m
Maßnahmen pl; Schritte pl; Aktionen pl; Entscheidungen pl; Vorstöße pl
Dieser Schritt wurde allgemein begrüßt.
Diese Maßnahme wurde nach einer Reihe von Überfällen auf Hilfskonvois gesetzt.
Der Vorstoß wurde jedoch von der Regierungsmehrheit blockiert.
Damit sollen mehr Leute zum Umstieg auf öffentliche Verkehrsmittel bewegt werden.
Damit reagierte er sie es auf die verstärkte Nachfrage nach regionalen Produkten.
The move was broadly welcomed.
The move was taken after a number of assaults on aid convoys.
The move was however blocked by the government's majority.
The move is intended to encourage more people to use public transport.
The move was in response to increasing demand for regional produce.
Rechnungslegung f fin.
Grundsätze der Rechnungslegung
Klage auf Rechnungslegung
allgemein anerkannte Grundsätze der Rechnungslegung
accounting; rendering of accounts; billing
accounting rules
action for accounting
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GAAP Am.
Stipendium n (allgemein)
Stipendien pl
grant; fellowship
grants; fellowships
Treuepflicht f (allgemein) jur.
fiduciary duty
Wohnimmobilienhypothek f (allgemein)
Wohnimmobilienhypotheken pl
residential real estate mortgage; residential property mortgage
residential real estate mortgages; residential property mortgages
allgemein adj
Es herrscht Einigkeit dass das ein großer Schritt nach vorn war.
It was by common consent a big step forward.
allgemein adj allg.
am allgemeinsten
das Allgemeine und das Besondere
general gen.
more general
most general
the general and the particular
im Allgemeinen i.A. i.Allg. ; überhaupt adv
Ganz allgemein Generell kann man sagen dass ...; Allgemein Generell lässt sich sagen dass ...
in general; generally gen.
In general one may say state that ...; In general it may be said stated that ...; More generally ...
allgemein; typisch adj
allgemein; generell adv
allgemein bekannt; allbekannt
allgemein anerkannt
allgemein gültig
allgemein zugänglich
universally; generally
universally generally known
universally accepted acknowledged recognized
universally valid
universally generally accessible
allgemein; pauschal; flächendeckend; in der Fläche; durch die Bank adv
across the board fig.
allgemein; öffentlich adj
allgemein; allgemeingültig; allumfassend; universell adj
allgemeine Zustimmung
universal agreement approval
allgemein; überhaupt adv
allgemein; verbreitet; gängig; vorherrschend; landläufig adj soc.
die vorherrschende Meinung
Nach gängiger Auffassung ...
die gängige vorherrschende Lehrmeinung übernehmen
die britische Standardaussprache des Englischen
der überlieferte Text des Neuen Testaments
received (prepositive) (formal)
the received opinion
The received opinion is that ...
to accept the received wisdom
the received pronunciation of British English
the received text of the New Testament
allgemein; universell adj
allgemein adj; Gesamt...
ganz allgemein (gesprochen); abstrakt gesprochen; theoretisch adv
über Freiheit ganz allgemein reden
Politiker sind in der Theorie immer besser als in der Praxis.
in a general way; in the abstract
to talk about freedom in the abstract
Politicians are always better in the abstract than in reality.
etw. als etw. anerkennen; jdm. etw. zuerkennen; zubilligen; bescheinigen v
anerkennend; zuerkennend; zubilligend; bescheinigend
anerkennt; zuerkannt; zugebilligt; bescheinigt
die Zuständigkeit des Gerichts nicht anerkennen
Es ist mittlerweise allgemein anerkannt dass ...
als etw. gelten
Er gilt als ausgewiesener Fachmann auf dem Gebiet.
Gerasa gilt allgemein als die am besten erhaltene römische Provinzstadt.
Es bleibt abzuwarten ob sie ihn als ihren Führer anerkennen.
In diesem Teil der Stadt gibt es die anerkannt besten anerkanntermaßen die besten Restaurants.
Es wird den Antragstellern ausdrücklich das Recht zuerkannt die Architektenpläne einzusehen.
Frankreich wird eine führende Rolle in diesem Bereich bescheinigt.
to acknowledge sb. sth. as sth.
to refuse to acknowledge the authority of the court
It is now widely generally acknowledged that ...
to be acknowledged as sth. to be sth.
He is widely acknowledged as an expert in this field.
Gerasa is generally acknowledged to be the best-preserved Roman provincial town.
It remains to be seen whether they acknowledge him as to be their leader.
This part of the city is acknowledged to have the best restaurants.
The applicants are explicitly acknowledged to have the right of inspecting the architect's plans.
France is acknowledged to have a leading role in this field.
in etw. abgefasst sein; in etw. gehalten sein v (Text)
Das Angebot war im Juristenjargon abgefasst.
Das Schreiben ist sehr allgemein gehalten.
to be couched in sth. (formal) (text)
The offer was couched in legal jargon.
The letter is couched in very vague terms.
geläufig; allgemein bekannt adj
am geläufigsten
Es ist allgemein bekannt dass ...
familiar; common
more common
most common
It is common knowledge that ...; It's a well-known fact that ....
gewöhnlich; gewöhnlicherweise; allgemein; üblich; üblicherweise adv; im Allgemeinen
am häufigsten gebraucht
most commonly used

Deutsche Allgemeinwortschatz Synonyme

Englische general vocabulary Synonyme

general  ADC  Babbittish  CO  OD  Philistine  abstract  accepted  accustomed  across the board  aide  aide-de-camp  aleatoric  aleatory  all-inclusive  amorphous  approximate  ascendant  associated  assorted  at the head  bland  blanket  blended  blobby  blurred  blurry  boss  bourgeois  brigadier  brigadier general  broad  campy  captain  casual  catholic  chance  chancy  chaotic  chicken colonel  chief  chief of staff  civic  civil  collective  collectivistic  colonel  combined  commandant  commander  commander in chief  commanding  commanding officer  commissioned officer  common  commonplace  communal  communistic  community  commutual  company officer  composite  comprehensive  confused  conjoint  controlling  cooperative  cosmopolitan  customary  disordered  diversified  dominant  encyclopedic  everyday  exec  executive officer  extended  extensive  familiar  featureless  field marshal  field officer  first lieutenant  five-star general  foggy  four-star general  fuzzy  general officer  generalissimo  generalized  generic  global  governing  habitual  hazy  head  hegemonic  hegemonistic  heterogeneous  high-camp  hit-or-miss  homely  homespun  humdrum  hybrid  ill-defined  imprecise  imprudent  in ascendancy  in charge  in chief  in common  in the ascendant  inaccurate  inchoate  inclusive  incoherent  indecisive  indefinable  indefinite  indeterminable  indeterminate  indiscreet  indiscriminate  indiscriminative  indistinct  inexact  insensitive  international  jemadar  joint  junior officer  kitschy  lax  leading  lieutenant  lieutenant colonel  lieutenant general  loose  low-camp  major  major general  marechal  marshal  master  miscellaneous  mixed  mongrel  mutual  national  natural  naturalistic  naturistic  nebulous  neutral  nonjudgmental  nonspecific  normal  obscure  officer  one-star general  orderless  orderly  orderly officer  ordinary  overall  panoramic  paramount  plebeian  pop  popular  predominant  predominate  prepollent  preponderant  prepo  
general public  Everyman  John Doe  Public  body politic  citizenry  common man  commonwealth  community  community at large  constituency  cultural community  demos  dwellers  estate  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  folk  folks  gentry  habitancy  hoi polloi  inhabitants  linguistic community  men  nation  nationality  people  people at large  people in general  persons  polity  populace  population  public  society  speech community  state  the citizenry  the general public  the people  the populace  the population  the public  whole people  world  you and me  
general store  boutique  chain store  co-op  concession  cooperative  countinghouse  country store  department store  dime store  discount house  discount store  emporium  establishment  five-and-ten  house  magasin  mail-order house  market  mart  post  retail store  salon  shop  store  supermarket  trading post  variety shop  variety store  warehouse  wareroom  wholesale house  
generality  Everyman  Public  abstract  abstraction  abstractions  amorphousness  average  average man  averageness  balance  best part  better part  blobbiness  blurriness  body  broadness  bulk  center  common man  common run  commonness  commonplaceness  currency  disorder  essence  everyman  everywoman  fogginess  fuzziness  generalization  girl next door  gist  golden mean  gravamen  happy medium  haziness  homme moyen sensuel  ill-definedness  imprecision  inaccuracy  inchoateness  incoherence  indecisiveness  indefinableness  indefiniteness  indeterminateness  indistinctness  inexactness  juste-milieu  laws  laxity  looseness  main body  major part  majority  mass  mean  meat  median  mediocrity  medium  middle  middle course  middle ground  middle point  middle position  middle state  middle-of-the-road  midpoint  mistiness  most  norm  normal  obscuration  obscurity  ordinariness  ordinary Joe  ordinary run  par  plurality  prevalence  principles  ruck  rule  run  shapelessness  substance  sweeping statement  sweepingness  thrust  unclearness  universality  usualness  vague notion  vagueness  via media  
generalization  Baconian method  a fortiori reasoning  a posteriori reasoning  a priori reasoning  abstraction  analysis  bromide  catholicity  cliche  commonplace  cosmopolitanism  deduction  deductive reasoning  ecumenicalism  ecumenicity  epagoge  general idea  generality  generalized proposition  glittering generality  globalism  globality  hackneyed expression  hypothesis and verification  inclusiveness  induction  inductive reasoning  inference  internationalism  lieu commun  locus communis  particularization  philosophical induction  platitude  sweeping statement  syllogism  syllogistic reasoning  synthesis  tired cliche  truism  universality  worldwideness  
generalize  analyze  apply reason  broaden  deal in generalities  deduce  ecumenicize  expand  extend  globalize  hypothesize  infer  intellectualize  logicalize  logicize  make a generalization  philosophize  provide a rationale  rationalize  reason  spread  syllogize  synthesize  theorize  universalize  use reason  widen  
generally  about  all in all  all things considered  altogether  approximately  approximatively  as a rule  as a whole  as an approximation  as per usual  as things go  as usual  at large  broadly  broadly speaking  by and large  chiefly  commonly  conventionally  customarily  generally speaking  habitually  in general  in round numbers  in the main  indecisively  indefinably  indefinitely  indeterminably  indistinctly  largely  loosely  mainly  more or less  most often  mostly  naturally  normally  normatively  obscurely  on balance  on the average  on the whole  ordinarily  overall  practically  predominantly  prescriptively  prevailingly  primarily  principally  regularly  roughly  roughly speaking  roundly  routinely  say  speaking generally  superficially  to be expected  typically  usually  vaguely  
generalship  arms  art of war  captainship  chairmanship  chivalry  convenership  custody  dictatorship  directorate  directorship  foremanship  governorship  guardianship  headship  intendancy  knighthood  leadership  managership  mastership  overseership  presidency  proctorship  sovereignty  stewardship  superintendence  superintendency  supervisorship  war  

Allgemeinwortschatz Definition

(n.) The chief law officer of the state, empowered to act in all litigation in which the law-executing power is a party, and to advise this supreme executive whenever required.
Brigadier general
() An officer in rank next above a colonel, and below a major general. He commands a brigade, and is sometimes called, by a shortening of his title, simple a brigadier.
(a.) Relating to a genus or kind
(a.) Comprehending many species or individuals
(a.) Not restrained or limited to a precise import
(a.) Common to many, or the greatest number
(a.) Having a relation to all
(a.) As a whole
(a.) Usual
(a.) The whole
(a.) One of the chief military officers of a government or country
(a.) The roll of the drum which calls the troops together
(a.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule.
(a.) The public
Governor general
() A governor who has lieutenant or deputy governors under him
Lieutenant general
() An army officer in rank next below a general and next above a major general.
Major general
() An officer of the army holding a rank next above that of brigadier general and next below that of lieutenant general, and who usually commands a division or a corps.
(pl. ) of Postmaster-general
(n.) The chief officer of the post-office department of a government. In the United States the postmaster-general is a member of the cabinet.
(n.) The second law officer in the government of Great Britain
(n.) In France, before the Revolution, the assembly of the three orders of the kingdom, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate, or commonalty.
(n.) In the Netherlands, the legislative body, composed of two chambers.
(n.) A list or collection of words arranged in alphabetical order and explained
(n.) A sum or stock of words employed.

general vocabulary Bedeutung

general election a national or state election, candidates are chosen in all constituencies
Attorney General
Attorney General of the United States
the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, the post of Attorney General was created in
signal caller
field general
(American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team, quarterback is the most important position on the team
general verdict an ordinary verdict declaring which party prevails without any special findings of fact
command post
general headquarters
military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces
country store
general store
trading post
a retail store serving a sparsely populated region, usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
general anesthetic
general anaesthetic
an anesthetic that anesthetizes the entire body and causes loss of consciousness
general-purpose bomb
GP bomb
a large bomb ( to , pounds that is % explosive) whose explosion creates a blast and whose metal casing creates some fragmentation effect
inhalation anesthetic
inhalation anaesthetic
inhalation general anesthetic
inhalation general anaesthetic
a gas that produces general anesthesia when inhaled
public knowledge
general knowledge
knowledge that is available to anyone
mental lexicon
a language user's knowledge of words
vocabulary the system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression (as in arts or crafts), he introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques
general a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular), he discussed the general but neglected the particular
internal medicine
general medicine
the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and (nonsurgical) treatment of diseases of the internal organs (especially in adults)
general anatomy r
the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals
general relativity
general theory of relativity
general relativity theory
Einstein's general theory of relativity
a generalization of special relativity to include gravity (based on the principle of equivalence)
vocabulary a listing of the words used in some enterprise
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that conducted several attacks in western Europe
Arminian Baptist
General Baptist
group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius (who opposed the doctrine of strict predestination of the Calvinists)
general delivery
poste restante
the part of a post office that handles mail for persons who call for it
legislative assembly
legislative body
general assembly
persons who make or amend or repeal laws
States General assembly of the estates of an entire country especially the sovereign body of the Dutch republic from th to th centuries
Estates General assembly of the estates of all France, last meeting in
General Assembly the supreme deliberative assembly of the United Nations
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
a United Nations agency created by a multinational treaty to promote trade by the reduction of tariffs and import quotas
Shin Bet
General Security Services
the Israeli domestic counterintelligence and internal security agency, the Shin Bet also handles overall security for Israel's national airline
Office of Inspector General
the investigative arm of the Federal Trade Commission
General Services Administration
a central management agency that sets Federal policy for Federal procurement and real property management and information resources management
general staff military officers assigned to assist a senior officer in planning military policy
adjutant general a general's adjutant, chief administrative officer
attorney general the chief law officer of a country or state
brigadier general
a general officer ranking below a major general
Comptroller General a United States federal official who supervises expenditures and settles claims against the government
full general
a general officer of the highest rank
general superior general the head of a religious order or congregation
general manager the highest ranking manager
general officer officers in the Army or Air Force or Marines above the rank of colonel
general practitioner
a physician who is not a specialist but treats all illnesses
governor general a governor of high rank
inspector general a military officer responsible for investigations
insurance broker
insurance agent
general agent underwriter
an agent who sells insurance
judge advocate general the senior legal advisor to a branch of the military
lieutenant general a general officer ranking above a major general and below a full general
major-general a general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general
postmaster general the official in charge of the national postal service
signal caller
field general
(football) the person who plays quarterback
quartermaster general a staff officer in charge of supplies for a whole army
Attorney General United States Attorney General
US Attorney General
the person who holds the position of secretary of the Justice Department, Edmund Randolph was the first Attorney General, appointed by President Washington
Secretary General a person who is a chief administrator (as of the United Nations)
solicitor general a law officer appointed to assist an attorney general
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