
Aluminium Glas Fassaden Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Aluminium-Glas-Fassaden pl chem. techn.
aluminium-glass façades
das Glas erheben
raise the glass
ein Glas fĂŒllen
fill a glass
Glas, glÀsern
sein Glas erheben
raise one's glass
StĂŒckchen Glas
piece of glass
Brillenglas n, Glas n
BrillenglÀser pl, GlÀser pl
hochbrechendes Glas
spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens, lens
spectacles glasses, ophthalmic lenses, lenses
high-index lens
Fassade f
Fassaden pl
Fassade f
Fassaden pl
facade, façade
Flintglas n, farbloses Glas
flint glass
(Ton-, Glas-) GefĂ€ĂŸ n
Leydener Flasche
Leyden jar
Glas n (Stoff, TrinkgefĂ€ĂŸ)
GlÀser pl
ein Glas Wasser
a glass of water
Glas n
Glas n Bier
jar coll.
Perle f (aus Glas, Holz)
Perlen pl
Platte f, Scheibe f (Glas, Blech)
Platten pl, Scheiben pl
RecyclingbehĂ€lter m fĂŒr Glas
RecyclingbehĂ€lter pl fĂŒr Glas
bottle bank
bottle banks
Rheinkiesel m, Edelsteinimitation z.B. aus Glas
Schmelze f (flĂŒssiges Metall, Glas)
molten metal, molten glass
Tulpe f (Glas)
tulip glass
Wein m (GetrÀnk)
Weine pl
Wein vom Fass
lieblicher Wein
offener Wein
verfÀlschter Wein
bei einem Glas Wein
dem Wein tĂŒchtig zusprechen
Beerenauslese f
wine from the wood
sweet wine
wine by the carafe, wine by the glass
adulterated wine
over a glass of wine
to do justice to the wine
vintage wine of selected grapes
fÀrben (Papier, Glas)
to stain
feuerfestes Glas
fototrop adj
fototropes Glas (Brille)
photochromic lens
gehÀrtet, sekurisiert adj
gehÀrtetes Glas
toughened glass
glÀsern, glasig, glasartig adj, aus Glas, Glas...
kĂŒhlen (Glas)
to anneal
teilvorgespannt adj
teilvorgespanntes Glas (TVG)
annealed glass
Er trinkt bedÀchtig ein Glas Wein.
He nurses a glass of wine.
GenĂŒgt Ihnen dieses Glas?
Will this glass do you?
GlĂŒck und Glas wie leicht bricht das. Sprw.
Fortune and glass soon break, alas! prov.
GlĂŒck und Glas wie leicht bricht das. Sprw.
Glass and good luck, brittle muck. prov.
Glas - zerbrechlich!
Glass - Fragile!
Vorsicht! Glas!
Glass! Handle with care!
Aluminium n chem.
aluminum, aluminium Br.
Alu-Fassaden pl constr.
aluminium- façades
Aluminium Bohrauflagen pl techn.
aluminium drilling plate
Aluminium Druckgussmaschinen pl techn.
aluminium casting machine
Aluminium-Glas-Fassaden pl chem. techn.
aluminium-glass façades
Aluminium-Leitern pl techn.
aluminium ladders
Aluminium-Paneeldecken pl techn.
aluminium- panelled ceilings
Aluminium-Platten pl techn.
Aluminium-Press-Produkte pl techn.
aluminium pressing products
Aluminium-Regale pl mach. techn.
aluminium - Shelves
Aluminium-Tische pl techn.
aluminium - tables
Aluminium-Walzfabrikate f techn.
aluminium rolling fabrication
Aluminium-Fenster n techn.
Aluminium-Fenster pl
window of aluminium
windows of aluminium
ein Glas Wasser
a glass of water
Spiegel, Glas
Er trinkt bedÀchtig ein Glas Wein
he nurses a glass of wine
GenĂŒgt Ihnen dieses Glas
will this glass do you
Aufnahmeeisen n fĂŒr Glas; Anfangeisen n; Nabeleisen n; Hafteisen n; Bindeeisen n; Heftnabel m (Glaserzeugung)
gathering iron; pontil; pontie (glassmaking)
Bauch m (Glas)
belly; waist (glass)
Beschlag m (am Glas)
damp (on glass)
Brillenglas n; Glas n
BrillenglÀser pl; GlÀser pl
entspiegeltes Glas
hochbrechendes Glas
vergĂŒtetes Glas
Korrekturglas n
Minusglas n
Plusglas n
Glas mit verlaufender Tönung
Brillenglas mit dreieinhalb Zoll Wölbungsradius
Brillenglas mit sieben Zoll Wölbungsradius
spectacles glass; ophthalmic lens; lens
spectacles glasses; ophthalmic lenses; lenses
anti-reflection coated lens; AR coated lens; bloomed lens; lumenized lens
high-index lens
coated lens
correction lens
minus power lens
plus power lens
graduated tint lens
coquille lens
micoquille lens
Duralinox n (Aluminium-Mangan-Legierung)
Ende n der Blankschmelze (bei Glas) techn.
seed free time (for glass)
Entspannungstemperatur f (Glas)
strain temperature
Fadenziehverfahren n (Glas) techn.
fiber elongation method
Fassade f
Fassaden pl
facade; façade
Flintglas n; farbloses Glas
flint glass
Flussmittel n; Schmelzmittel n (fĂŒr Glas Metall) techn.
Flussmittelbad n (Galvanisieren)
fluxing agent; flux (for glass metal)
flux bath (electroplating)
(Ton-; Glas-) GefĂ€ĂŸ n
Leydener Flasche
Leyden jar
Gesteinsglas n; vulkanisches Glas n
volcanic glass
Gießen n; Guss m (Glas Gießerei) techn.
cast (glass foundry)
Glas n (TrinkgefĂ€ĂŸ)
GlÀser pl
ein Glas Wasser
das Glas erheben
a glass of water
to raise the glass
Glas n (Werkstoff)
angriffhemmendes Glas; schlagfestes Glas
entspanntes Glas
mattiertes Glas
temperaturwechselbestÀndiges Glas
Glas fein schleifen
Glas - zerbrechlich!
Glas glattschleifen
glass (material)
attack-blocking glass
annealed glass
frosted glass
thermal glass
to smooth and polish glass
Glass - Fragile!
to smooth face glass
Glas absprengen; Glass sprengen v
to crack off glass
Glas vorspannen; hÀrten; tempern (erwÀrmen und abschrecken) techn.
to toughen glass; to temper glass
HĂ€rteofen m (Aluminium) techn.
HÀrteöfen pl
tempering furnace (aluminium)
tempering furnaces
Highball (MixgetrÀnke)
Highball-Glas n; hohes Becherglas (fĂŒr MixgetrĂ€nke)
highball glass
KellenrĂŒckstand m (Glas)
scull (glass)
Klarglaslampenglocke f; Glocke aus klarem Glas f
clear-glass globe
Kristallophobie f; krankhafte Angst vor Glas med.
KĂŒhlofen m (Glas)
KĂŒhlöfen pl
tempering furnace (glass)
tempering furnaces
LaborgerÀte pl aus Glas
laboratory glassware
Lippe f anat.
Lippen pl
wulstige Lippen
sich auf die Lippe(n) beißen
an jds. Lippen hÀngen
die Lippen (zu einem LÀcheln) krÀuseln
bei jdm. eine Lippe riskieren
ein Glas an die Lippen setzen
die Lippen (zum Kuss) spitzen
die Lippen (vor Ärger verĂ€rgert) zusammenpressen
mit einem Lied auf den Lippen geh.
Sein Name kommt ihr nicht ĂŒber die Lippen.
Den Begriff "Unrechtsstaat" bringt er nicht ĂŒber die Lippen.
Kein Murren entschlĂŒpfte seinen Lippen. geh.
thick lips
to bit one's lips
to hang on sb.'s every word
to pucker up one's lips (in a smile)
to give sb. lip
to put a glass to one's lips
to purse one's lips (for a kiss)
to press one's lips together (in annoyance)
with a song on one's lips
His name doesn't pass her lips.
He can't bring himself to say the term "state of lawlessness".
Not one grumble escaped (from) his lips.
Perle f (aus Glas; Holz)
Perlen pl
Platte f; Scheibe f (Glas; Blech)
Platten pl; Scheiben pl
RecyclingbehĂ€lter m fĂŒr Glas; Altglascontainer m
RecyclingbehĂ€lter pl fĂŒr Glas; Altglascontainer pl
bottle bank
bottle banks
Rheinkiesel m; Edelsteinimitation z. B. aus Glas
Schaumkrone f (Milch Bier)
ein Glas Bier mit einer dicken Schaumkrone
head of froth (on the top) (milk beer)
a glass of beer with thick froth on top
Schneider m (fĂŒr Glas)
birdswing; birdcage (for glass)
Schonung f; Entlastung f; pflegliches Behandeln
Vorsicht! Zerbrechlich! (Aufschrift)
Vorsicht Glas! (Aufschrift)
Fragile! Handle with care!
Glass! Handle with care!
Sekt m; Schampus m cook.
ein Glas Sekt; ein CĂŒpli Schw.
sparkling wine; champagne; bubbly
a glass of sparking wine champagne
Vorspannen n; HÀrten n; Tempern n (durch ErwÀrmen und Abschrecken) (Glas) techn.
toughening; tempering (glass)
WÀrmedÀmmverglasung f; Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas n MIG ; Thermopane-Glas tm n constr.
Insulated glazing IG ; multiple glazing (unit); thermopane glass tm
Wein m cook.
Weine pl
Flaschenwein m
Wein vom Fass
lieblicher Wein
verfÀlschter Wein; gepanschter Wein
bei einem Glas Wein
dem Wein tĂŒchtig zusprechen
Beerenauslese f
Wein Weib und Gesang
bottled wine
wine from the wood
sweet wine
adulterated wine
over a glass of wine
to do justice to the wine
vintage wine of selected grapes
wine women and song
Yttrium-Aluminium-Granat m YAG
yttrium-aluminium-garnet YAG
etw. abschneiden; abtrennen; abzwacken ugs. v
abschneidend; abtrennend; abzwackend
abgeschnitten; abgetrennt; abgezwackt
schneidet ab; trennt ab
schnitt ab; trennte ab
das Glas vom Rohr sprengen
to cut off; to clip off
cutting off; clipping off
cut off; clipped off
cuts off; clips off
cut off; clipped off
to cut off the glass tube
etw. aluminieren; aluminisieren; mit Aluminium bedampfen beschichten v techn.
aluminierend; aluminisierend; mit Aluminium bedampfen beschichtend
aluminiert; aluminisiert; mit Aluminium bedampft beschichtet
etw. durch Eindiffundieren aluminieren
to aluminize sth.; to aluminise sth. Br.
aluminizing; aluminising
aluminized; aluminised
to aluminize sth. by diffusion
jdm. etw. anbieten; darbieten geh.; reichen; darreichen poet. v
anbietend; darbietend; reichend; darreichend
angeboten; dargeboten; gereicht; gedarreicht
bietet an; bietet dar
bot an; bot dar
Er schĂŒttelte die ihm herzlich dargebotene Hand.
Sie nahm das Glas das ihr vom Hausdiener gereicht wurde.
Er bot seinen RĂŒcktritt an.
to proffer sb. sth. sth. to sb. (formal)
proffered; profferred
He shook the warmly proffered hand.
She took the glass proffered by the domestic.
He proffered his resignation.
(einen BehĂ€lter) ausspĂŒlen; auswaschen v
ausspĂŒlend; auswaschend
ausgespĂŒlt; ausgewaschen
Er reichte mir ein Glas Wasser damit ich mir den Mund ausspĂŒlen konnte.
to swill out (a container) Br.
swilling out
swilled out
He handed me a glass of water to swill my mouth out with.
beschlagen; trĂŒbe adj (Glas)
etw. facettieren; fassettieren v
facettierend; fassettierend
facettiert; fassettiert
facettiertes Glas
fassettierte Kontrolllampe
to cut sth. with facets; to facet sth.
cutting with facets; faceting
cut with facets; faceted
cut glass
jewel light
fÀrben v (Papier; Glas)
to stain
etw. falzen; einfalzen; in die Kerbe fĂŒgen v (Holz Glas) techn.
falzend; einfalzend
gefalzt; eingefalzt
to rabbet; to rebate sth. (wood glass)
rabbeting; rebating
rabbeted; rebated
ein Glas fĂŒllen v
to charge a glass Br.
gehÀrtet; sekurisiert adj
gehÀrtetes Glas
toughened glass
glÀsern; glasig; glasartig adj; aus Glas; Glas...
glasvoll adj
glÀserweise adv
FĂŒgen Sie ein Glas ... hinzu.
by the glassful
Add a glassful of ...
etw. lÀutern; veredeln; verfeinern v techn.
lÀuternd; veredelnd; verfeinernd
gelÀutert; veredelt; verfeinert
Glas lÀutern
Metall feinen
Eisen frischen
Stahl gar machen
to refine sth.
to refine glass
to refine metal
to refine iron
to refine steel
etw. probieren ugs. (versuchen)
Ich bringe das Glas nicht auf. Willst du's mal probieren?
Ich probier's einmal.
to have take a whack at sth. Am.
I can't open the jar. Do you want to take a whack at it?
I'll have a whack at it.
(eine FlĂŒssigkeit) schwenken v
Er schwenkte den Wein sanft im Glas.
to swill (a liquid) around round
swilling around round
swilled around round
He swilled the wine gently around in his glass round his glass.
splitterfrei; splittersicher adj
splitterfreies Glas
non-shattering; non-splintering; shatter-proof; shatterproof
shatterproof splinterproof glass
etw. (an einen Ort) setzen; stellen; legen v
stellend; setzend; legend
gestellt; gesetzt; gelegt
er sie stellt; er sie setzt; er sie legt
ich er sie stellte; ich er sie setzte; ich er sie legte
er sie hat hatte gestellt; er sie hat hatte gesetzt; er sie hat hatte gelegt
Er setzte das Glas an die Lippen.
Sie stellte die Pfanne auf den Herd.
Ich weiß genau dass ich meine Tasche hierher gestellt habe.
Leg deine BĂŒcher da auf den Tisch.
Er lehnte die Leiter gegen die Wand.
to set sth. {set; set}
he she sets
I he she set
he she has had set
He set the glass to his lips.
She set the pan on the stove.
I remember setting my bag right here.
Set your books down on the table.
He set the ladder against the wall.
teilvorgespannt adj
teilvorgespanntes Glas TVG
partly tempered
heat strengthened glass; partly tempered glass
unbeschichtet; ohne Beschichtung; unbelegt (Glas) adj techn.
nackte Dachpappe f
Naturpapier n; Papier ohne Strichauftrag
uncoated; non-coated
uncoated roofing felt
non-coated paper
viele adj pron
Viele Leute wurden verletzt.
so viel wie
ziemlich viele
einer zu viel
500 drinnen und noch einmal so viele draußen
ein Glas zu viel
Many people were hurt.
as many as
a good many
one too many
500 inside and as many again outside
one drink too many
jdn. etw. (wörtlich) zitieren; etw. (genau) anfĂŒhren; angeben v
zitierend; anfĂŒhrend; angebend
zitiert; angefĂŒhrt; angegeben
aus der Bibel zitieren
Darf Kann ich Sie damit zitieren?
Er sagte ich zitiere 'Es ist wie ein Wunder' Zitat Ende.
Unsere Bezugszahl bei Beantwortung bitte immer angeben.
Der Regierungssprecher wurde mit den Worten zitiert dass ...
Aluminium wird oft als gutes Beispiel fĂŒr wiederverwertbares Material angefĂŒhrt.
to quote sb. sth.
to quote from the scriptures
Can I quote you on that?
He said (and I) quote 'It's like a miracle' unquote.
Please quote our reference number in any reply.
The government spokesman was quoted as saying that ...
Aluminium is often quoted as a good example of a material which can be recycled.
GlĂŒck und Glas wie leicht bricht das. Sprw.
Fortune and glass soon break alas! prov.
GlĂŒck und Glas wie leicht bricht das. Sprw.
Glass and good luck brittle muck. prov.
Aluminium n Al chem.
aluminum; aluminium Br.
Abdeckscheibe f (Glas)
Abdeckscheiben pl
covering pane
covering panes
Brillenglas n; Glas n (Optik)
BrillenglÀser pl; GlÀser pl
afokales Brillenglas; Nullglas n
entspiegeltes Glas
hochbrechendes Glas
vergĂŒtetes Glas
Korrekturglas n
Minusglas n
Plusglas n
Glas mit verlaufender Tönung
Brillenglas mit dreieinhalb Zoll Wölbungsradius
Brillenglas mit sieben Zoll Wölbungsradius
spectacles glass; ophthalmic lens; lens (optics)
spectacles glasses; ophthalmic lenses; lenses
afocal lens; plano lens
anti-reflection coated lens; AR coated lens; bloomed lens; lumenized lens
high-index lens
coated lens
correction lens
minus power lens
plus power lens
graduated tint lens
coquille lens
micoquille lens
Butzen m (kleine Luftblase im Glas)
bleb (small bubble in glass)
Butzenscheibe f; Mondscheibe f (Glas) constr.
Butzenscheiben pl; Mondscheiben pl
bull's eye pane; bullseye pane; bullion point sheet; glass roundel
bull's eye panes; bullseye panes; bullion point sheets; glass roundels
Fassade f
Fassaden pl
Außenfassade f
Barockfassade f
facade; façade
external facade; outer facade; exterior facade
baroque façade; baroque facade
Festblasen n (von Glas)
settle blow (of glass)
Flussmittel n; Schmelzmittel n (fĂŒr Glas, Metall) techn.
Flussmittelbad n (Galvanisieren)
fluxing agent; flux (for glass, metal)
flux bath (electroplating)
Gefriertrocknungskolben m (Glas, Keramik) techn.
lyophilization flask (glass, ceramics)
Gießen n; Guss m (Glas, Gießerei) techn.
casting; cast (glass, foundry)
Gispe f (Glas)
seed (glass)
Gispennest n (Glas)
heavy seed (glass)
Glas n (Werkstoff)
Braunglas n
Fensterglas n
angriffhemmendes Glas; schlagfestes Glas
entspanntes Glas
mattiertes Glas
satiniertes Glas
Strahlenschutzglas n
temperaturwechselbestÀndiges Glas
Glas fein schleifen
Glas festblasen
Glas – zerbrechlich!
Glas glattschleifen
glass (material)
amber glass
window glass; plain glass
attack-blocking glass
annealed glass
frosted glass
satin-frosted glass
antisolar glass
thermal glass
to smooth and polish glass
to blow down glass
Glass – Fragile!
to smooth face glass
Glas absprengen; Glas sprengen v
to crack off glass
Glas vorspannen; hÀrten; tempern v (erwÀrmen und abschrecken) techn.
to toughen glass; to temper glass
zu tief ins Glas geschaut haben humor. (angeheitert sein) v
to be tired and emotional (euphem. for slightly drunk) Br.
Highball m (MixgetrÀnke) cook.
Highball-Glas n; hohes Becherglas (fĂŒr MixgetrĂ€nke)
highball glass
Knacker m (fĂŒr optisches Glas) techn.
Knacker pl
cracking tool
cracking tools
Lippe f anat.
Lippen pl
wulstige Lippen
sich auf die Lippe(n) beißen
an jds. Lippen hÀngen
die Lippen (zu einem LÀcheln) krÀuseln
bei jdm. eine Lippe riskieren
ein Glas an die Lippen setzen
die Lippen (zum Kuss) spitzen
die Lippen (vor Ärger verĂ€rgert) zusammenpressen
mit einem Lied auf den Lippen geh.
Sein Name kommt ihr nicht ĂŒber die Lippen.
Den Begriff „Unrechtsstaat“ bringt er nicht ĂŒber die Lippen.
Kein Murren entschlĂŒpfte seinen Lippen. geh.
thick lips
to bit one's lips
to hang on sb.'s every word
to pucker up one's lips (in a smile)
to give sb. lip
to put a glass to one's lips
to purse one's lips (for a kiss)
to press one's lips together (in annoyance)
with a song on one's lips
His name doesn't pass her lips.
He can't bring himself to say the term "state of lawlessness".
Not one grumble escaped (from) his lips.
OberflÀchenriss m; Riss m (Leder, Stein, Metall, Mauerwerk); Sprung m (Keramik, Glas) (in einer OberflÀche)
OberflĂ€chenrisse pl; Risse pl; SprĂŒnge pl
ErmĂŒdungsriss m
feiner Riss
Glasurriss m; Haarrisse in der Glasur (Keramik)
Haarriss m; feinster Riss
Haarriss im Holz; feiner OberflÀchenriss im Holz
KĂŒhlspannungsriss m; KĂŒhlriss m
Mantelriss m
Materialriss m
Schweißriss m
Schwindungshaarriss m; Schwindungsriss m; Schwindriss m; Schrumpfungsriss m; Schrumpfriss m
Spannungsriss m
WĂ€rmeriss m
durchgehender Riss
Riss durch WitterungseinflĂŒsse; Riss aufgrund von WitterungseinflĂŒssen
crack (in a surface)
fatigue crack
small crack; check
craze; crazing (ceramics)
hairline crack; hair crack; microcrack; capillary crack
surface check; shallow check; shallow shake
cooling crack
envelope crack
material crack
welding crack
shrinkage crack; contraction crack; check crack
stress crack
hot crack
atmospheric crack
(oberer) Rand m (eines runden GefĂ€ĂŸes)
RĂ€nder pl
eine SchĂŒssel bis zum Rand anfĂŒllen
ein Glas bis zum Rand fĂŒllen
to fill a bowl to the brim
to fill a glass (up) to the brim
Schaumkrone f (Milch, Bier)
ein Glas Bier mit einer dicken Schaumkrone
head of froth (on the top) (milk, beer)
a glass of beer with thick froth on top
großer Schluck m; Zug m cook.
etw. in einem Zug auf einen Schluck austrinken
sein Glas in einem Zug leeren
Er stĂŒrzte das Bier in vier ZĂŒgen hinunter.
gulp; chug Am. coll.
to drink sth. down in one gulp at a gulp
to emtpy your glass in one gulp at a gulp
He swigged the beer in four gulps.
Schonung f; Entlastung f; pflegliches Behandeln
Vorsicht! Zerbrechlich! (Aufschrift)
Vorsicht, Glas! (Aufschrift)
Fragile! Handle with care! (displayed notice)
Glass! Handle with care! (displayed notice)
Sekt m; Schampus m cook.
Krimsekt m
ein Glas Sekt; ein CĂŒpli Schw.
sparkling wine; champagne; bubbly
Crimean sparkling wine
a glass of sparkling wine champagne
Spur f; Abdruckspur f; Abdruck m
Spuren pl; Abdruckspuren pl; AbdrĂŒcke pl
Bissspur f; Bissabdruck m
Reifenabdruck m; Reifenspur f
die Bremsspuren Schleuderspuren der Reifen
Fingerabdruckspur f; Fingerspur f (Kriminaltechnik)
Handabdruckspur f (Kriminaltechnik)
Kratzspur f
Schuhabdruckspur f; Schuhspur f (Kriminaltechnik)
Staubabdruck m (Kriminaltechnik)
Das Glas hinterließ einen Wasserabdruck auf dem Holztisch.
mark (distinct shape left behind)
bite mark
tyre mark Br.; tire mark Am.
the skid marks of the tyres
finger mark (forensics)
palm mark (forensics)
scratch mark
footwear mark (forensics)
dust mark (forensics)
The glass left a water mark on the wooden table.
die Torumrandung f; das Aluminium n; Aluminium; Metall ugs. (Pfosten oder Querlatte des Fußballstors) sport
nur das Aluminium treffen; nur Metall treffen
the woodwork Br. coll. (post or crossbar of the football goal)
to hit the woodwork
Trinkspruch m; Toast m
TrinksprĂŒche pl; Toasts pl
einen Trinkspruch auf jdn. ausbringen; jdn. mit einem Trinkspruch wĂŒrdigen; jdn. hochleben lassen
den Trinkspruch erwidern
Ich erhebe mein Glas auf das Brautpaar!
toast (act of drinking to honour sb.)
to drink propose raise a toast to sb.
to respond to the toast
I raise my glass (in a toast) to the bridal pair.
WÀrmedÀmmverglasung f; Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas n MIG ; Thermopane-Glas n tm constr.
Insulated glazing IG ; multiple glazing (unit); thermopane glass tm
Wein m cook.
Weine pl
Flaschenwein m
Obstwein m
Roséwein m; Rosé m ugs.
Rotwein m; Roter m ugs.
Spitzenwein m
Weißwein m; Weißer m ugs.
Wein vom Fass
halbtrockener Wein
korkiger Wein; Wein mit Korknote; Korkschmecker m; Korker m
lieblicher Wein
roter Bordeauxwein
sĂŒĂŸer Wein
trockener Wein
verdĂŒnnter Wein
verfÀlschter Wein; gepanschter Wein
verschlossener Wein
Wein ohne Herkunftsbezeichnung
bei einem Glas Wein
dem Wein tĂŒchtig zusprechen
Beerenauslese f
Wein, Weib und Gesang
Der Wein korkt stoppelt Ös. hat einen Stoppel Ös. hat Zapfen Schw..
bottled wine
fruit wine
rosé wine
red wine
premium wine
white wine
wine from the wood
medium-dry wine
corked wine; corky wine
suave wine
sweet wine
dry wine
watered-down wine; watered wine
adulterated wine
wine that does not (yet) reveal its full bouquet
cleanskin wine; cleanskin Austr. NZ (wine without indication of origin)
over a glass of wine
to do justice to the wine
vintage wine of selected grapes
wine, women and song
The wine is corked corky.
Yttrium-Aluminium-Granat m YAG
yttrium-aluminium-garnet YAG
jdm. etw. anbieten; darbieten geh.; reichen; darreichen poet. v
anbietend; darbietend; reichend; darreichend
angeboten; dargeboten; gereicht; gedarreicht
bietet an; bietet dar
bot an; bot dar
Er schĂŒttelte die ihm herzlich dargebotene Hand.
Sie nahm das Glas, das ihr vom Hausdiener gereicht wurde.
Er bot seinen RĂŒcktritt an.
to proffer sb. sth. sth. to sb. formal
proffered; profferred
He shook the warmly proffered hand.
She took the glass proffered by the domestic.
He proffered his resignation.

Aluminium Glas Fassaden Definition

(n.) The metallic base of alumina. This metal is white, but with a bluish tinge, and is remarkable for its resistance to oxidation, and for its lightness, having a specific gravity of about 2.6. Atomic weight 27.08. Symbol Al.
Claude Lorraine glass
() A slightly convex mirror, commonly of black glass, used as a toy for viewing the reflected landscape.
(n.) A small sandglass, running about three minutes, for marking time in boiling eggs
Flint glass
() A soft, heavy, brilliant glass, consisting essentially of a silicate of lead and potassium. It is used for tableware, and for optical instruments, as prisms, its density giving a high degree of dispersive power
(v. t.) A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture, and made by fusing together sand or silica with lime, potash, soda, or lead oxide. It is used for window panes and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for lenses, and various articles of ornament.
(v. t.) Any substance having a peculiar glassy appearance, and a conchoidal fracture, and usually produced by fusion.
(v. t.) Anything made of glass.
(v. t.) A looking-glass
(v. t.) A vessel filled with running sand for measuring time
(v. t.) A drinking vessel
(v. t.) An optical glass
(v. t.) A weatherglass
(v. t.) To reflect, as in a mirror
(v. t.) To case in glass.
(v. t.) To cover or furnish with glass
(v. t.) To smooth or polish anything, as leater, by rubbing it with a glass burnisher.
(n.) The larval state (Phyllosoma) of the genus Palinurus and allied genera. It is remarkable for its strange outlines, thinness, and transparency. See Phyllosoma.
(a.) Mirror-faced
(a.) Given to viewing one's self in a glass or mirror
Glass maker
(n.) Alt. of Glassmaker
(n.) A remarkable vitreous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, first brought from Japan. It has a long stem, consisting of a bundle of long and large, glassy, siliceous fibers, twisted together.
(n.) A small, transparent, land snail, of the genus Vitrina.
(n.) A long, footless lizard (Ophiosaurus ventralis), of the Southern United States
(n.) A siliceous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, and allied genera
Lady's looking-glass
() See Venus's looking-glass, under Venus.
(n.) A mirror made of glass on which has been placed a backing of some reflecting substance, as quicksilver.
Millefiore glass
() Slender rods or tubes of colored glass fused together and embedded in clear glass
Muscovy glass
() Mica
Water glass
() See Soluble glass, under Glass.

aluminium-glass façades Bedeutung

glass lizard
glass snake
joint snake
snakelike lizard of Europe and Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail
glass sponge a siliceous sponge (with glassy spicules) of the class Hyalospongiae
alcohol thermometer
alcohol-in-glass thermometer
thermometer consisting of a glass capillary tube marked with degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and containing alcohol which rises or falls as it expands or contracts with changes in temperature
aluminum foil
aluminium foil
tin foil
foil made of aluminum
beer glass a relatively large glass for serving beer
bell jar
bell glass
a bell-shaped glass cover used to protect and display delicate objects or to cover scientific apparatus or to contain gases
cheval glass a full length mirror mounted in a frame in which it can be tilted
clinical thermometer
mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer
a mercury thermometer designed to measure the temperature of the human body, graduated to cover a range a few degrees on either side of the normal body temperature
cover glass
cover slip
a small and very thin piece of glass used to cover the specimen on a microscope slide
watch crystal
watch glass
a protective cover that protects the face of a watch
cut glass glass decorated by cutting or grinding facets
field glass
glass spyglass
a small refracting telescope
flute flute glass
champagne flute
a tall narrow wineglass
drinking glass
a container for holding liquids while drinking
glass glassware collectively, She collected old glass
glass cutter a tool for cutting glass
glass eye prosthesis consisting of an artificial eye made of glass
hand glass
simple microscope
magnifying glass
light microscope consisting of a single convex lens that is used to produce an enlarged image, the magnifying glass was invented by Roger Bacon in
hand glass hand mirror a mirror intended to be held in the hand
highball glass a tall glass for serving highballs
jeweler's glass an optical instrument used by jewelers, has one or more lenses and is used to view features not readily seen
liqueur glass a small glass for serving a small amount of liqueur (typically after dinner)
looking glass
a mirror, usually a ladies' dressing mirror
mercury thermometer
mercury-in-glass thermometer
thermometer consisting of mercury contained in a bulb at the bottom of a graduated sealed glass capillary tube marked in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, mercury expands with a rise in temperature causing a thin thread of mercury to rise in the tube
c methamphetamine
methamphetamine hydrochloride
chalk chicken feed
crank glass ice shabu
an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride, used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant
objective lens
object lens
object glass
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
optical fiber
glass fiber
optical fibre
glass fibre
a very thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light, used in bundles to transmit images
pane of glass
window glass
sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors
parfait glass a tall slender glass with a short stem in which parfait is served
pier glass
pier mirror
a large mirror between two windows
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
shot glass
a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey
brandy snifter
brandy glass
a globular glass with a small top, used for serving brandy
stained-glass window a window made of stained glass
Venetian glass fine glassware made near Venice
watch glass laboratory glassware, a shallow glass dish used as an evaporating surface or to cover a beaker
water clock
water glass
clock that measures time by the escape of water
water gauge
water gage
water glass
gauge for indicating the level of water in e.g. a tank or boiler or reservoir
water glass a glass for drinking water
glass ceiling a ceiling based on attitudinal or organizational bias in the work force that prevents minorities and women from advancing to leadership positions
pheasant under glass a dish of roast pheasant served in a manner characteristic of expensive restaurants
glass cutter
someone who cuts flat glass to size
glass cutter glassutter someone who cuts or grinds designs on glass
looking glass tree
Heritiera macrophylla
large evergreen tree of India and Burma whose leaves are silvery beneath
looking-glass plant
Heritiera littoralis
small tree of coastal regions of Old World tropics whose leaves are silvery beneath
the quantity a glass will hold
atomic number
a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite
aluminum bronze
aluminium bronze
an alloy of copper and aluminum with high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion
glass wool glass fibers spun and massed into bundles resembling wool
aluminum oxide
aluminium oxide
any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum
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