
Angebotsphase Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Angebotsphase f adm.
bid phase; bidding phase; offer period; tendering stage
Angebotsphase f adm.
bid phase; bidding phase; offer period; tendering stage
Abnahme des Angebots
decrease in supply
Änderung des Angebots
change in supply
Annahme des Angebots
acceptance of offer
Elastizität des Angebots
elasticity of supply
Nachlassen des Angebots
dwindling of supplies
Veränderung des Angebots
movement in supply
Verschiebung des Angebots
shift in supply
Angebots-Kick-Off n
proposal kick-off
Ausschreibung f, Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Angebots
Ausschreibungen pl
invitation to bid (ITB), invitation of tenders
invitations to bid, invitations of tenders
Zulassung f, Genehmigung f, Abnahme f
Zulassungen pl, Genehmigungen pl, Abnahmen pl
Zustimmung f der Eltern
Genehmigung des Angebots
parental approval
proposal approval
im Falle eines günstigen Angebots
in case of a favourable offer
Angebot n
Angebot und Nachfrage
Gesetz von Angebot und Nachfrage
Unausgewogenheit von Angebot und Nachfrage
Abnahme des Angebots
Nachlassen des Angebots
Veränderung des Angebots
Verschiebung des Angebots
effektives Angebot
elastisches Angebot
gekoppeltes Angebot
supply and demand
law of supply and demand
imbalance of supply and demand
decrease in supply
dwindling of supplies
movement in supply
shift in supply
effecive supply
elastic supply
joint supply
Annahme f; Akzeptanz f; Anerkennung f
bedingte Annahme
unbedingte Annahme
Annahme eines Angebots
Annahme von Bedingungen
Annahme eines Gebots
Anerkennung der Haftung
Annahme der Zustellung
Auftragsvergabe (bei Ausschreibungen)
Annahmeverweigerung f; Nichtannahme f
bei Annahme
in Annahmeverzug sein
Hereinnahme von Einlagen
Ãœbernahme einer Garantie
Annahme einer Abfindung
qualified acceptance
absolute acceptance
acceptance of an offer
acceptance of conditions
acceptance of a bid
acceptance of liability
acceptance of service
acceptance of tender
refusal of acceptance; non-accpetance
(up)on acceptance
to be in default of acceptance
acceptance of deposits; deposit taking
acceptance of a guarantee
acceptance of a lump sum settlement
Ausschreibung f; Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Angebots
Ausschreibungen pl
invitation to bid ITB ; invitation of tenders
invitations to bid; invitations of tenders
Gültigkeitsdauer f; Gültigkeit f adm. jur.
die Gültigkeit von etw. verlängern
seine Gültigkeit verlieren
Fahrkarte mit einmonatiger Gültigkeit
Gültigkeitsdauer eines Angebots
Gültigkeitsdauer eines Patents
Gültigkeitsdauer eines Privatvertrags
Ablauf der Gültigkeit(sdauer)
Verlängerung der Gültigkeit(sdauer)
die Gültigkeit(sdauer) verlängern
period of validity; validity; duration; life
to extend the validity of sth.
to lose its validity
ticket valid for one month
duration of an offer
life of a patent
term life of a contract
expiration of the (period of) validity
extension of the (period of) validity
to extend renew the (period of) validity
Paywall f; Zahlschranke f (Barriere Ãœbergang zu kostenpflichtigem Teil eines Web-Angebots)
paywall; pay wall
Zustimmung f; Billigung f; Befürwortung f; Anklang m adm. soc.
Zustimmung f der Eltern
bei jdm. Anklang finden
Genehmigung des Angebots
nur nach vorheriger Zustimmung von ...
parental approval
to meet with the approval of sb.
proposal approval
only with (the) prior approval of ...
gleichfalls adv (Erwiderung eines Wunsches Angebots)
'Noch einen schönen Tag.' 'Danke gleichfalls!'
'Freut mich Sie kennenzulernen.' 'Ganz meinerseits!'
'Ihr seid uns jederzeit willkommen.' 'Ihr uns auch'.
'Have a nice day.' 'Likewise!'
'Pleased to meet you.' 'Likewise!'
You're always welcome at our house.' 'Likewise!'
Annahme f; Akzeptanz f; Anerkennung f; Entgegennahme f geh.
bedingte Annahme
unbedingte Annahme
Annahme eines Angebots
Annahme von Bedingungen
Zuschlag m (bei einer Auktion)
Anerkennung der Haftung
Annahme der Zustellung
bei Annahme
Hereinnahme von Einlagen
Ãœbernahme einer Garantie
Annahme einer Abfindung
qualified acceptance
absolute acceptance
acceptance of an offer
acceptance of conditions
acceptance of a the bid (at an auction)
acceptance of liability
acceptance of service
(up)on acceptance
acceptance of deposits; deposit taking
acceptance of a guarantee
acceptance of a lump sum settlement
Aufforderung f zur Abgabe eines Angebots (invitatio ad offerendum) jur.
invitation to treat; invitation to bargain
das Ausschlagen n; die Ausschlagung f (eines Angebots)
die Ausschlagung des Vermächtnisses
the repudiation formal (of an offer)
the repudiation of the legacy
Breite f
die Breite des Angebots
wide range
the wide range on offer
Selektivität f; selektiver Charakter m; Beschränktheit f (eines Angebots usw.)
selective nature (of an offer etc.)
Warenangebot n; Angebot n (auf einem Wirktschaftsmarkt) econ.
Warenangebote pl; Angebote pl
das Gesetz von Angebot und Nachfrage
Unausgewogenheit von Angebot und Nachfrage
Abnahme des Angebots
Nachlassen des Angebots
Veränderung des Angebots
Verschiebung des Angebots
effektives Angebot
elastisches Angebot
Bereiche mit einem Ãœberangebot
supply (on a market)
the law of supply and demand
imbalance of supply and demand
decrease in supply
dwindling of supplies
movement in supply
shift in supply
effecive supply
elastic supply
areas with a surplus of supply
Zustimmung f; Billigung f; Befürwortung f; Anklang m adm. soc.
Zustimmung f der Eltern
bei jdm. Anklang finden
Genehmigung des Angebots
nur nach vorheriger Zustimmung von …
parental approval
to meet with the approval of sb.
proposal approval
only with (the) prior approval of …
gleichfalls adv (Erwiderung eines Wunsches Angebots)
„Noch einen schönen Tag.“ „Danke, gleichfalls!“
„Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen.“ „Ganz meinerseits!“
„Ihr seid uns jederzeit willkommen.“ „Ihr uns auch.“
'Have a nice day.' 'Likewise!'
'Pleased to meet you.' 'Likewise!'
You're always welcome at our house.' 'Likewise!'
Angebotsabgabe f
proposal submittal
shift in supply
Angebotsanfrage f
Eingang der Angebotsanfrage
request for proposal (RFP)
receipt of RFP
Angebotsanfrage f
Eingang der Angebotsanfrage
request for proposal RFP
receipt of RFP
Angebotsanfrage f
Angebotsanfragen pl
request for quotation RFQ
requests for quotation
Angebotsanfrage f
Eingang der Angebotsanfrage
request for proposal RFP
receipt of RFP
Angebotsanfrage f
Angebotsanfragen pl
request for quotation RFQ
requests for quotation
Angebotsanweisungen pl
proposal instructions
Angebotsaufforderung f
Angebotsaufforderungen pl
request for proposal RFP
requests for proposal
Angebotsaufforderung f
Angebotsaufforderungen pl
request for proposal RFP
requests for proposal
bid terms
Angebotsbedingungen pl
bid terms
Angebotsbindefrist f econ.
Angebotsbindefristen pl
offer acceptance deadline
offer acceptance deadlines
Angebotsbroschüre f
Angebotsbroschüren pl
bidding brochure
bidding brochures
Angebotsbudget n
Angebotsbudgets pl
proposal budget
proposal budgets
Angebotschlussbesprechung f
Angebotschlussbesprechungen pl
final bid meeting
final bid meetings
Angebotsdatum n econ.
quotation date
Angebotseinholung f, Ausschreibung f
Angebotseinholung f, Einholung f von Angeboten
calling for tenders, request for tenders
Angebotseinholung f; Ausschreibung f
Angebotseinholung f; Einholung f von Angeboten
calling for tenders; request for tenders
Koeffizient der Angebotselastizität
coefficient of elasticity of supply
Angebotselastizität f econ.
supply elasticity
Angebotsempfänger m, Angebotsempfängerin f, Empfänger des Angebotes
Angebotsempfänger m; Angebotsempfängerin f; Empfänger m des Angebotes
Angebotsempfänger pl; Angebotsempfängerinnen pl; Empfänger pl des Angebotes
Angebotsentwicklung f
proposal preparation
Angebotsentwurf m
proposal write-up
bid opening
Angebotseröffnung f
Angebotseröffnungen pl
bid opening
bid openings
Angebotserstellung f
proposal preparation
Angebotsfrist f
deadline for (the) submission of tenders
Angebotsfrist f
tender due date
gesamtwirtschaftlich adj
gesamtwirtschaftliche Angebotsfunktion f
gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung f
gesamtwirtschaftliche Konzentration f
gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage f
gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfragekurve f
aggregate supply function
aggregate development
aggregate concentration
aggregate demand
aggregate demand curve
gesamtwirtschaftliche Angebotsfunktion
aggregate supply function
Bietergarantie f, Angebotsgarantie f fin.
bid bond
Angebotsgarantie f; Bietungsgarantie f; Kaution f bei Angebotslegung fin.
bid bond; tender bond; tender guarantee
Angebotsgenehmigung f
proposal approval
Briefkurs m, Angebotskurs m
asked price
Briefkurs, Angebotskurs
asked price
Briefkurs m; Angebotskurs m
asked price
supply curve
Angebotskurve f
supply curve
Angebotskurve f econ.
Angebotskurven pl
aggregierte Angebotskurve
supply curve
supply curves
aggregate supply curve
gap in supplies

Deutsche Angebotsphase Synonyme

Englische bid phase; bidding phase; offer period; tendering stage Synonyme

bid  adjuration  advance  appeal  approach  ask  asking price  assay  attempt  bargain  bargain price  beat down  beseechment  bid for  bid in  bid price  bid up  biddance  bidding  call  call on  call the signals  call upon  calling  cash price  chaffer  charge  cheapen  clamor  command  commission  controlled price  crack  cry  current price  current quotation  cut price  declare  decree  dicker  dictate  direct  drive a bargain  effort  endeavor  engraved invitation  enjoin  entreaty  essay  experiment  feeler  fixed price  flat rate  fling  gambit  give an order  give the word  go  going price  haggle  higgle  huckster  imploration  imploring  imprecation  instruct  invitation  invite  invocation  invocatory plea  issue a command  issue a writ  jew down  lick  list price  make a bid  make an offer  mandate  market price  move  neat price  negotiate  net  obsecration  obtestation  offer  offer to buy  offering  ordain  order  order about  outbid  overture  package price  piece price  plea  prayer  preliminary approach  presentation  price list  prices current  proclaim  proffer  promulgate  pronounce  quotation  quoted price  recommended price  request  rogation  rule  say the word  selling price  shill  shot  stab  step  stock market quotations  stroke  strong bid  submission  suit  summon  summons  supplication  tell  tentative  tentative approach  trade price  trial  trial and error  try  underbid  undertaking  unit price  warn  whack  wholesale price  
bid come  ask  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call together  call up  cite  conjure  conjure up  convene  convoke  demand  evoke  indent  invite  invoke  issue an invitation  muster  muster up  order up  page  preconize  recall  requisition  send after  send for  serve  subpoena  summon  summon forth  summon up  summons  
bid price  asking price  bargain price  bearish prices  bid  book value  bullish prices  call price  cash price  closing price  controlled price  current price  current quotation  cut price  decline  face value  fixed price  flash price  flat rate  flurry  flutter  going price  high  issue par  issue price  list price  low  market price  market value  neat price  net  nominal value  offering price  opening price  package price  par  par value  parity  piece price  price  price list  prices current  put price  quotation  quoted price  rally  recommended price  selling price  settling price  stated value  stock market quotations  swings  trade price  unit price  wholesale price  
bidding  beck  beck and call  behest  bid  biddance  call  calling  calling forth  charge  command  commandment  convocation  demand  dictate  dictation  direct order  direction  engraved invitation  evocation  hest  imperative  indent  injunction  instruction  invitation  invite  invocation  mandate  nod  order  pleasure  preconization  requisition  say-so  special order  summoning  summons  will  word  word of command  
biddy  Bantam  Jane  Partlet  abigail  amah  au pair girl  ayah  bag  banty  barn-door fowl  barnyard fowl  bat  beldam  betweenmaid  bird  bitch  bossy  broad  broiler  brood mare  brooder  broody hen  capon  chambermaid  chanticleer  chaperon  chick  chickabiddy  chicken  chicky  cock  cockerel  companion  cook  cow  crone  dame  doe  doll  domestic fowl  drab  drake  duck  duckling  duenna  dunghill fowl  ewe  ewe lamb  femme de chambre  fille de chambre  filly  fowl  fryer  game fowl  gander  gentlewoman  girl  gobbler  goose  gosling  guinea cock  guinea fowl  guinea hen  gyp  handmaid  handmaiden  heifer  hen  hen turkey  hind  hired girl  housemaid  jenny  kitchenmaid  lady-help  lady-in-waiting  lioness  live-in maid  live-out maid  maid  maidservant  mare  minx  nanny  nanny goat  nursemaid  parlormaid  partlet  peahen  poulard  poult  poultry  pullet  roaster  roe  rooster  scullery maid  servant girl  servitress  setting hen  she-bear  she-goat  she-lion  skirt  slut  soubrette  sow  spring chicken  stewing chicken  tigress  tom  tom turkey  tomato  trot  turkey  turkey gobbler  upstairs maid  vixen  waiting maid  wench  witch  
bide  abide  abide with  await  bear  bear with  bide the issue  brave  brook  carry on  cease not  continue  continue to be  dally  dawdle  defeat time  defy time  delay  dig  dillydally  drag on  dwell  endure  exist  extend  go along  go on  hang about  hang around  hang in  hang in there  hang out  hang tough  hold  hold everything  hold on  hold out  hold steady  hold your horses  jog on  keep  keep going  keep on  last  last long  last out  linger  live  live on  live through  loiter  lump  lump it  maintain  mark time  never cease  perdure  perennate  persevere  persist  prevail  put up with  remain  run  run on  sit tight  sit up  sit up for  slog on  stagger on  stand  stand for  stay  stay on  stay up  stay up for  stick  stick around  subsist  suffer  support  survive  sustain  sweat  sweat it out  sweat out  take time  take up with  tarry  tide over  tolerate  wait  wait a minute  wait and see  wait for  wait on  wait up for  watch  watch and wait  wear  wear well  
bidet  aquamanile  automatic dishwasher  basin  bath  bathtub  carriage horse  cart horse  cavalry horse  dishpan  dishwasher  draft horse  dray horse  driving horse  ewer  fill horse  filler  finger bowl  gigster  hack  hackney  hunter  jument  kitchen sink  lavabo  lavatory  lead  leader  mount  pack horse  palfrey  piscina  plow horse  pole horse  polo pony  post-horse  remount  rider  riding horse  road horse  roadster  rouncy  saddle horse  saddler  shaft horse  shower  shower bath  shower curtain  shower head  shower room  shower stall  showers  sink  stalking-horse  sumpter  sumpter horse  thill horse  thiller  tub  wash barrel  wash boiler  washbasin  washbowl  washdish  washer  washing machine  washing pot  washpot  washstand  washtub  wheeler  wheelhorse  workhorse  

Angebotsphase Definition

Alabama period
() A period in the American eocene, the lowest in the tertiary age except the lignitic.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bid
(n.) Command
(n.) The act or process of making bids
Bidding prayer
() The prayer for the souls of benefactors, said before the sermon.
Bidding prayer
() The prayer before the sermon, with petitions for various specified classes of persons.
Catskill period
() The closing subdivision of the Devonian age in America. The rocks of this period are well developed in the Catskill mountains, and extend south and west under the Carboniferous formation. See the Diagram under Geology.
Champlain period
() A subdivision of the Quaternary age immediately following the Glacial period
Chemung period
() A subdivision in the upper part of the Devonian system in America, so named from the Chemung River, along which the rocks are well developed. It includes the Portage and Chemung groups or epochs. See the Diagram under Geology.
Hamilton period
() A subdivision of the Devonian system of America
Niagara period
() A subdivision or the American Upper Silurian system, embracing the Medina, Clinton, and Niagara epoch. The rocks of the Niagara epoch, mostly limestones, are extensively distributed, and at Niagara Falls consist of about eighty feet of shale supporting a greater thickness of limestone, which is gradually undermined by the removal of the shale. See Chart of Geology.
(v. t.) To present, as an act of worship
(v. t.) To bring to or before
(v. t.) To present in words
(v. t.) To attempt
(v. t.) To bid, as a price, reward, or wages
(v. t.) To put in opposition to
(v. i.) To present itself
(v. i.) To make an attempt
(v. t.) The act of offering, bringing forward, proposing, or bidding
(v. t.) That which is offered or brought forward
(v. t.) Attempt
(n.) A portion of time as limited and determined by some recurring phenomenon, as by the completion of a revolution of one of the heavenly bodies
(n.) A stated and recurring interval of time
(n.) One of the great divisions of geological time
(n.) The termination or completion of a revolution, cycle, series of events, single event, or act
(n.) A complete sentence, from one full stop to another
(n.) The punctuation point [.] that marks the end of a complete sentence, or of an abbreviated word.
(n.) One of several similar sets of figures or terms usually marked by points or commas placed at regular intervals, as in numeration, in the extraction of roots, and in circulating decimals.
(n.) The time of the exacerbation and remission of a disease, or of the paroxysm and intermission.
(n.) A complete musical sentence.
(v. t.) To put an end to.
(v. i.) To come to a period
(n.) That which is exhibited to the eye
(n.) Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view
(n.) A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form of enlightened disk
(n.) Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration
Salina period
() The period in which the American Upper Silurian system, containing the brine-producing rocks of central New York, was formed. See the Chart of Geology.
(n.) A floor or story of a house.
(n.) An elevated platform on which an orator may speak, a play be performed, an exhibition be presented, or the like.
(n.) A floor elevated for the convenience of mechanical work, or the like
(n.) A platform, often floating, serving as a kind of wharf.
(n.) The floor for scenic performances
(n.) A place where anything is publicly exhibited
(n.) The platform of a microscope, upon which an object is placed to be viewed. See Illust. of Microscope.
(n.) A place of rest on a regularly traveled road
(n.) A degree of advancement in a journey
(n.) A degree of advancement in any pursuit, or of progress toward an end or result.
(n.) A large vehicle running from station to station for the accomodation of the public
(n.) One of several marked phases or periods in the development and growth of many animals and plants

bid phase; bidding phase; offer period; tendering stage Bedeutung

phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
a section or portion of a journey or course, then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise
fare-stage a section along the route of a bus for which the fare is the same
stage dancing
a show involving artistic dancing
business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
crack fling go pass whirl
a usually brief attempt, he took a crack at it, I gave it a whirl
phase I clinical trial
phase I
a clinical trial on a few persons to determine the safety of a new drug or invasive medical device, for drugs, dosage or toxicity limits should be obtained
phase II clinical trial
phase II
a clinical trial on more persons than in phase I, intended to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for the condition it is intended to treat, possible side effects are monitored
phase III clinical trial
phase III
a large clinical trial of a treatment or drug that in phase I and phase II has been shown to be efficacious with tolerable side effects, after successful conclusion of these clinical trials it will receive formal approval from the FDA
phase IV clinical trial
phase IV
sometimes the FDA approves a drug for general use but requires the manufacturer to continue to monitor its effects, during this phase the drug may be tried on slightly different patient populations than those studied in earlier trials
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
phase-out the act or instance of a planned discontinuation
bidding contest a series of competing bids
course session
class period
a regularly scheduled session as part of a course of study
outdoor stage
a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air
landing stage platform from which passengers and cargo can be (un)loaded
mise en scene
stage setting
arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted
period piece any work of art whose special value lies in its evocation of a historical period
stage a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience, he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box
stage microscope stage a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination
a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns, we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles
stage door an entrance to the backstage area of theater, used by performers and other theater personnel
stage set
representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production, the sets were meticulously authentic
theater stage
theatre stage
a stage in a theater on which actors can perform
thrust stage a theater stage that extends out into the audience's part of a theater and has seats on three sides
phase (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun), the full phase of the moon
stage effect a special effect created on the stage
phase modulation
modulation of the phase of the carrier wave
stage name the pseudonym of an actor
bid bidding (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
stage direction an instruction written as part of the script of a play
full stop
stop full point
a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations, in England they call a period a stop
stage the theater as a profession (usually `the stage'), an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage
stage whisper a loud whisper that can be overheard, on the stage it is heard by the audience but it supposed to be inaudible to the rest of the cast
contract offer offer by an employer to contract to pay an employee at a given rate
marriage proposal
proposal of marriage
marriage offer
an offer of marriage
something offered (as a proposal or bid), noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds
tender offer an offer to buy shares in a corporation (usually above the market price) for cash or securities or both
bid bidding dictation
an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
offer offering the verbal act of offering, a generous offer of assistance
a request to be present, they came at his bidding
final stage
the concluding parts of an event or occurrence, the end was exciting, I had to miss the last of the movie
stage fright fear that affects a person about to face an audience
stage crew crew of workers who move scenery or handle properties in a theatrical production
center stage
centre stage
the central area on a theater stage
stage right
right stage
the part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience
stage left
left stage
the part of the stage on the actor's left as the actor faces the audience
stage any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something, All the world's a stage--Shakespeare, it set the stage for peaceful negotiations
stage director someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show
stage technician
an employee of a theater who performs work involved in putting on a theatrical production
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