
Angrifferkennungssystem Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Angrifferkennungssystem n comp. telco.
intrusion detecton system IDS
Angrifferkennungssystem n comp. telco.
intrusion detecton system IDS
Aggression f, Angriff m, Ãœberfall m
Aggressionen pl, Angriffe pl, Überfälle pl
offene Aggression
verdeckte Aggression
overt aggression
covert aggression
Angriff m, Anschlag m (auf)
Angriffe pl, Anschläge pl
einem Anschlag zum Opfer fallen
attack (on)
to be assassinated
Angriff m mil.
Angriffe pl
zum Angriff bereit
ready to attack
Angriff m, Ansturm m
Angriffe pl, Anstürme pl
tätlicher Angriff mit Körperverletzung
Angriff m
Angriffe pl
offence, offense Am.
offences, offenses Am.
Angriff m mil.
Angriffe pl
Angriff m
Angriffe pl
Angriff m
Angriffe pl
Angriff m sport
Angriffe pl
attack, offensive move
attacks, offensive moves
Angriff m mil.
Angriffe pl
Offensive f, Angriff m mil.
Offensiven pl, Angriffe pl
Ãœberfall m (auf), Einfall m (in), Angriff m (auf)
Überfälle pl, Einfälle pl, Angriffe pl
descent (on, upon)
Angriffe, Anstuerme
Anfaelle, Angriffe
Angriffe, Raubzuege
Aggression f; Angriff m; Ãœberfall m
Aggressionen pl; Angriffe pl; Überfälle pl
offene Aggression
verdeckter Angriff
overt aggression
covert aggression
Angriff m; Anschlag m (auf)
Angriffe pl; Anschläge pl
einem Anschlag zum Opfer fallen
attack (on)
to be assassinated
Angriff m mil.
Angriffe pl
Ablenkungsangriff m
Bodenangriff m
bewaffneter Angriff
massierter Atomangriff; massierter Kernwaffenangriff
präemptiver Angriff
Sättigungsangriff m
Schleichangriff m
Angriff mit hohen Opferzahlen
zum Angriff bereit
Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung.
diversionary attack
ground attack
armed attack
massive nuclear attack
pre-emptive attack
saturation attack
sneak attack
mass-casualty attack
ready to attack
Attack is the best form means of defense.
(einzelner) Angriff m sport
Angriffe pl
attack; offensive move
attacks; offensive moves
Erkenntnisse pl (aufbereitete Informationen); Ermittlungsergebnisse pl (zu über etw.)
kriminalpolizeiliche Erkenntnisse
Nach unseren Erkenntnissen ...
gesicherte verbürgte Daten; gesicherte Erkenntnisse pl
Erkenntnisse über terroristische Aktivitäten sammeln gewinnen
Wir hatten keine Erkenntnisse darüber dass die Angriffe heute stattfinden sollten.
Diese Person ist in der kriminalpolizeilichen Aktenhaltung unbekannt.
intelligence (of sth.)
criminal intelligence
Intelligence suggests that ...; According to our intelligence ...
hard information; hard intelligence
to collect gather intelligence about terrorist activities
There was no intelligence in our possession that these attacks were going to take place today
There is no trace of this person in the criminal intelligence indices.
Militärschlag m; Angriff m (gegen auf jdn. etw.) mil.
Militärschläge pl; Angriffe pl
Erstschlag m
zweiter Schlag
Präemptivschlag m
Luftschlag m
Schlag gegen (städtische) Ballungszentren
Schlag gegen Ballungsräume
Schlag gegen strategische Streitkräfte
einen Angriff fliegen
strike (against on sb. sth.)
first strike
second strike
pre-emptive preemptive strike; pre-emption preemption
air strike
countercity strike
countervalue strike
counterforce strike
to launch a strike
Offensive f; Angriff m mil.
Offensiven pl; Angriffe pl
Ãœberfall m (auf); Einfall m (in); Angriff m (auf)
Überfälle pl; Einfälle pl; Angriffe pl
descent (on; upon)
fortgesetzt; unausgesetzt; unaufhörlich; pausenlos; gebetsmühlenhaft; gebetsmühlenartig adj (negativer Unterton)
unter Dauerbelastung stehen
drei Wochen Dauerregen
Pausenloses Üben kann zu Problemen führen.
Es gab laufend Interventionsversuche.
Die fortgesetzten Angriffe von Hackern legten den Internetrechner lahm.
Es tut mir leid bei diesen ständigen Unterbrechungen kann ich nicht arbeiten.
Mit dem Auto habe ich vom ersten Tag an nur Probleme gehabt.
to be under continual pressure
three weeks of continual rain
Continual exercise can cause problems.
There were continual attempts to intervene.
Continual attacks by hackers knocked out the Internet server.
I'm sorry I can't work with these continual interruptions.
I've had continual problems with this car ever since I bought it.
sich etw. verkneifen v
du verkneifst dir
er verkneift sich
ich verkniff mir
du verkniffst dir
wir verkniffen uns
sich das Lachen verkneifen
sich etw. verkneifen (Bemerkung)
Verkneif Dir bitte persönliche Angriffe.
Erich konnte sich ein Lächeln nicht verkeifen als sie dann doch zustimmte.
Sie konnte sich das Lachen nicht verkneifen als sie ihn in diesen Kleidern sah.
to deny oneself of ...; to stop oneself from (saying doing) sth.; to resist sth.; to resist doing sth.
denying oneself; stopping oneself; resisting
denied; stopped oneself; resisted
you deny yourself
he denies himself
I denied myself
you denied yourself
we denied ourselves
to refrain from laughing
to bite back sth.
Please resist making personal ad hominem attacks.
Eric couldn't resist a smile when she finally agreed after all.
She couldn't resist laughing when she saw him in those clothes.
Angriff m (auf jdn. etw.) mil.
Angriffe pl
Ablenkungsangriff m
Bodenangriff m
Drohnenangriff m
bewaffneter Angriff
massierter Atomangriff; massierter Kernwaffenangriff
präemptiver Angriff
Sättigungsangriff m
Schleichangriff m
Angriff mit hohen Opferzahlen
zum Angriff bereit
Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung.
attack; assault (against sb. on sth.)
attacks; assaults
diversionary attack; diversionary assault
ground attack; ground assault
drone attack; drone assault
armed attack; armed assault
massive nuclear attack; massive nuclear assault
pre-emptive attack; pre-emptive assault
saturation attack; saturation assault
sneak attack; sneak assault
mass-casualty attack; mass-casualty assault
ready to attack
Attack is the best form means of defense.
Erkenntnisse pl (aufbereitete Informationen); Ermittlungsergebnisse pl (zu über etw.)
kriminalpolizeiliche Erkenntnisse
Erkenntnisse aus der Bildaufklärung; Bildauswertungsergebnisse pl mil.
Nach unseren Erkenntnissen …
gesicherte verbürgte Daten; gesicherte Erkenntnisse pl
Erkenntnisse über terroristische Aktivitäten sammeln gewinnen
Wir hatten keine Erkenntnisse darüber, dass die Angriffe heute stattfinden sollten.
Diese Person ist in der kriminalpolizeilichen Aktenhaltung unbekannt.
intelligence (of sth.)
criminal intelligence
photographic intelligence
Intelligence suggests that …; According to our intelligence …
hard information; hard intelligence
to collect gather intelligence about terrorist activities
There was no intelligence in our possession that these attacks were going to take place today.
There is no trace of this person in the criminal intelligence indices.
Militärschlag m; Angriff m (gegen auf jdn. etw.) mil.
Militärschläge pl; Angriffe pl
atomarer Erstschlag Zweitschlag
Luftschlag m
Präemptivschlag m
Torpedoangriff m
Schlag gegen (städtische) Ballungszentren
Schlag gegen Ballungsräume
Schlag gegen strategische Streitkräfte
einen Angriff fliegen
strike (against on sb. sth.)
nuclear first strike second strike
air strike
pre-emptive preemptive strike; pre-emption preemption
torpedo strike
countercity strike
countervalue strike
counterforce strike
to launch a strike
Offensive f; Angriff m mil.
Offensiven pl; Angriffe pl
Frühjahrsoffensive f
spring offensive
Störung f; Störmanöver pl (ständige Angriffe) mil.
die Störung feindlicher Truppenbewegungen
ohne Störmanover durch den Feind
harassment; molestation (repeated attacks)
the harassment of enemy troop movements
without molestation from the enemy
(moralische) Verurteilung f (von jdm. etw.)
Verurteilungen pl
Pauschalverurteilung f
Es gab bisher keine offizielle Verurteilung der militärischen Intervention.
Die Angriffe auf zivile Ziele wurden von mehreren Großmächten verurteilt.
condemnation (of sb. sth.)
sweeping condemnation
There's been no official condemnation of the military intervention.
The attacks on civilian targets have drawn condemnation from several major powers.
sich behaupten (gegenüber jdm.); bestehen (gegen neben jdn.); es aufnehmen (mit jdm.) v
Die Mannschaft war so spielstark, dass sie neben den Amerikanern bestehen konnte.
Sie kann es beruflich mit jedem Mann aufnehmen.
Das Regiment konnte sich trotz wiederholter Angriffe behaupten.
to hold your own; to hold your ground; to stand your ground (against sb. with sb. among sb.)
The team was good enough to hold its own against the Americans.
She can hold her own with any man professionally.
The regiment managed to stand its ground in the face of repeated attacks.
fortgesetzt; unausgesetzt; unaufhörlich; pausenlos; gebetsmühlenhaft; gebetsmühlenartig adj (negativer Unterton)
unter Dauerbelastung stehen
drei Wochen Dauerregen
Pausenloses Üben kann zu Problemen führen.
Es gab laufend Interventionsversuche.
Die fortgesetzten Angriffe von Hackern legten den Internetrechner lahm.
Es tut mir leid, bei diesen ständigen Unterbrechungen kann ich nicht arbeiten.
Mit dem Auto habe ich vom ersten Tag an nur Probleme gehabt.
to be under continual pressure
three weeks of continual rain
Continual exercise can cause problems.
There were continual attempts to intervene.
Continual attacks by hackers knocked out the Internet server.
I'm sorry, I can't work with these continual interruptions.
I've had continual problems with this car ever since I bought it.
krimineller Übergriff m (auf jdn.); Schädigung f (von jdm. durch eine Straftat)
Schutz vor kriminellen Ãœbergriffen
die Zahl erfolgreicher Phishing-Angriffe verringern
crime victimization; victimization (of sb. by a criminal act) Am.
protection against victimization
to reduce phishing victimization
den Feind (durch ständige Angriffe) stören v mil.
den Feind störend
den Feind gestört
to harass the enemy (through repeated attacks)
harassing the enemy
harassed the enemy
sich etw. verkneifen v
du verkneifst dir
er verkneift sich
ich verkniff mir
du verkniffst dir
wir verkniffen uns
sich das Lachen verkneifen
sich etw. verkneifen (Bemerkung)
Verkneif Dir bitte persönliche Angriffe.
Erich konnte sich ein Lächeln nicht verkneifen, als sie dann doch zustimmte.
Sie konnte sich das Lachen nicht verkneifen, als sie ihn in diesen Kleidern sah.
Tut mir leid, aber das konnte ich mir nicht verkneifen.
to deny oneself of …; to stop oneself from (saying doing) sth.; to resist sth.; to resist doing sth.
denying oneself; stopping oneself; resisting
denied; stopped oneself; resisted
you deny yourself
he denies himself
I denied myself
you denied yourself
we denied ourselves
to refrain from laughing
to bite back sth.
Please resist making personal ad hominem attacks.
Eric couldn't resist a smile when she finally agreed, after all.
She couldn't resist laughing when she saw him in those clothes.
Sorry, I could not resist. SCNR (chat acronym)
Angriffen pl
Hauptstoß m
Die Infantrie hat von den Angriffen das meiste abbekommen.
The infantry have taken the brunt of the attacks.
Spielsituation bei der die angreifende Mannschaft Gelegenheit hat mit vier Angriffen mindestens 10 Yards voranzukommen sport
first down; first and ten (American football)
schutzlos; ungeschützt; verwundbar adj
Angriffen schutzlos ausgeliefert sein
Ein Käfer auf dem Rücken ist völlig schutzlos.
Paris traf Achilles in die Ferse die einzige ungeschützte Stelle an seinem Körper.
to be vulnerable to attack
A beetle on its back is completely vulnerable.
Paris hit Achilles in the heel the only vulnerable spot on his body.
Hauptstoß m
Die Infanterie hat von den Angriffen das meiste abbekommen.
The infantry have taken the brunt of the attacks.
Spielsituation, bei der die angreifende Mannschaft Gelegenheit hat, mit vier Angriffen mindestens 10 Yards voranzukommen sport
first down; first and ten (American football)
schutzlos; ungeschützt; verwundbar adj
Angriffen schutzlos ausgeliefert sein
Ein Käfer auf dem Rücken ist völlig schutzlos.
Paris traf Achilles in die Ferse, die einzige ungeschützte Stelle an seinem Körper.
to be vulnerable to attack
A beetle on its back is completely vulnerable.
Paris hit Achilles in the heel, the only vulnerable spot on his body.
Angrifferkennungssystem n comp. telco.
intrusion detecton system IDS

Angrifferkennungssystem Definition

(n.) The act of intruding, or of forcing in
(n.) The penetrating of one rock, while in a plastic or metal state, into the cavities of another.
(n.) The entry of a stranger, after a particular estate or freehold is determined, before the person who holds in remainder or reversion has taken possession.
(n.) The settlement of a minister over 3 congregation without their consent.
Metric system
() See Metric, a.
(n.) An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific
(n.) Hence, the whole scheme of created things regarded as forming one complete plan of whole
(n.) Regular method or order
(n.) The collection of staves which form a full score. See Score, n.
(n.) An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or functions which as a rule are of greater complexity than those manifested by a single organ
(n.) One of the stellate or irregular clusters of intimately united zooids which are imbedded in, or scattered over, the surface of the common tissue of many compound ascidians.

intrusion detecton system IDS Bedeutung

intrusion entrance by force or without permission or welcome
Bertillon system a system or procedure for identifying persons
buddy system a cooperative practice of pairing two or more people together for mutual assistance or safety (especially in recreational swimming)
violation intrusion usurpation
entry to another's property without right or permission
electromagnetic intrusion the deliberate insertion of electromagnetic energy into transmission paths with the objective of confusing or deceiving operators
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
air transportation system a transportation system for moving passengers or goods by air
warning device
alarm system
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
audio system
sound system
a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
backup system a computer system for making backups
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
brake system
a braking device consisting of a combination of interacting parts that work to slow a motor vehicle
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
closed loop
closed-loop system
a control system with a feedback loop that is active
color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
communication system a system for communicating
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
control system a system for controlling the operation of another system
coolant system a cooling system that uses a fluid to transfer heat from one place to another
cooling system
a mechanism for keeping something cool, the cooling was overhead fans
cooling system engine cooling system equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine
coude telescope
coude system
a reflecting telescope so constructed that the light is led to a plate holder or spectrograph
data system
information system
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
defense system
defence system
the weaponry available for the defense of a region
drainage system a system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
early warning system a network of radar installations designed to detect enemy missiles or aircraft while there is still time to intercept them
electrical system equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine and ignite the fuel and operate the lights and windshield wiper and heater and air conditioner and radio
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
exhaust system
system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged
explosive detection system
a rapid automatic system to detect plastic explosives in passengers' luggage using Xay technology and computers, designed for use in airports
fiber-optic transmission system
fibre-optic transmission system
a communication system using fiber optic cables
field-sequential color television
field-sequential color TV
field-sequential color television system
field-sequential color TV system
an early form of color TV in which successive fields are scanned in three primary colors
fire control system naval weaponry consisting of a system for controlling the delivery of fire on a military target
fuel injection
fuel injection system
mechanical system to inject atomized fuel directly into the cylinders of an internalombustion engine, avoids the need for a carburetor
fuel system equipment in a motor vehicle or aircraft that delivers fuel to the engine
gas system facility (plant and equipment) for providing natural-gas service
Global Positioning System
a navigational system involving satellites and computers that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by computing the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver
guidance system
guidance device
a system of equipment for automatically guiding the path of a vehicle (especially a missile)
heating system
heating plant
utility to warm a building, the heating system wasn't working, they have radiant heating
high fidelity sound system
equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
highway system a transportation system consisting of roads for motor transport
hub-and-spoke system
a system of air transportation in which local airports offer air transportation to a central airport where long-distance flights are available
hydraulic system a mechanism operated by the resistance offered or the pressure transmitted when a liquid is forced through a small opening or tube
hydraulic transmission
hydraulic transmission system
a transmission that depends on a hydraulic system
ignition system
the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internalombustion engine
inertial guidance system
inertial navigation system
a system to control a plane or spacecraft, uses inertial forces
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