
Angriffszone Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Angriffszone f sport (Eishockey)
Angriffszonen pl
attacking zone
attacking zones
Angriffszone f sport (Eishockey)
Angriffszonen pl
attacking zone
attacking zones
offensiv adj, Angriffs...
offensiv; angreifend adj; Angriffs...
Wiederaufnahme f des Angriffs (Fechten) sport
reprise of the attack (fencing)
offensiv; angreifend adj; Angriffs…
Aussperrung f (durch den Arbeitgeber in einem Arbeitskampf) soc.
Aussperrungen pl
Abwehraussperrung f
Angriffsaussperrung f
defensive lockout
offensive lockout
Angriffsbedingungen pl
attack conditions
Angriffsbefehl m mil.
Angriffsbefehle pl
attack order
attack orders
Angriffsbereich m
zone of attack
Angriffsbereich m
Angriffsbereiche pl
zone of attack
zones of attack
angriffsbereit adj
poised to attack
Abbaustoß m; Stoß m (Angriffsfläche der Gewinnung) min.
face of work; working face
Abbaustoß m; Stoß m (Angriffsfläche der Gewinnung) min.
face of work; working face; bench
Angriffsfläche f
Angriffsflächen pl
attack surface
attack surfaces
Angriffsfußball m; Offensivfußball m sport
Die Mannschaft zeigte eindrucksvollen Offensivfußball.
attacking football
The team produced put on an impressive display of attacking football.
Angriffsgeist m
attack spirit
Angriffshandlung f; Aggressionshandlung f; Akt m der Aggression
Angriffshandlungen pl; Aggressionshandlungen pl; Akte pl der Aggression
act of aggression
acts of aggression
Angriffshubschrauber m mil. aviat.
Angriffshubschrauber pl
attack helicopter
attack helicopters
Hubschrauber m; Helikopter m; Hubi m ugs.; Heli m ugs. aviat.
Hubschrauber pl; Helikopter pl; Hubis pl; Helis pl
ABC-Hubschrauber m
Ambulanzhubschrauber m med.
Amphibienhubschrauber m; Amphibienhelikopter m
Angriffshubschrauber m mil.
leichter Beobachtungshubschrauber m mil.
Kampfhubschrauber m mil.
Marinehubschrauber m
Mehrzweck-Hubschrauber m
Rettungshubschrauber m; Rettungstransporthubschrauber m RTH ; Notarzthubschrauber m Ös. med.
Sanitätshubschrauber m mil.
Seenothubschrauber m; SAR-Hubschrauber m
Transporthubschrauber m transp.
Transporthubschrauber für Luftlandeoperationen mil.
schwerer Transporthubschrauber
helicopter; chopper coll.; copter Am. coll.; eggbeater Am. coll.; whirlybird Am. coll.
helicopters; choppers; copters; eggbeaters; whirlybirds
advanced blade concept helicopter; ABC helicopter
ambulance helicopter
amphibian helicopter
attack helicopter
light observation helicopter LOH
combat helicopter
naval helicopter; navy helicopter
multi-purpose helicopter
rescue helicopter; air ambulance
medevac helicopter Am.; medivac chopper Am. coll.
rescue transport helicopter RTH
transport helicopter; cargo helicopter
assault helicopter
heavy-lift helicopter
Angriffskrieg m
war of aggression
Angriffskrieg m pol. mil.
Angriffskriege pl
war of aggression; aggressive war
wars of aggression; aggressive wars
Krieg m (gegen jdn. etw.) mil.
Kriege pl
Angriffskrieg m; Aggressionskrieg m
Atomkrieg m
Befreiungskrieg m
Blitzkrieg m
Bruderkrieg m
Bürgerkrieg m
Drohnenkrieg m
Eroberungskrieg m
Gebirgskrieg m
Glaubenskrieg m; Religionskrieg m; Glaubenskampf m
Grabenkrieg m
Guerillakrieg m; Partisanenkrieg m
Krieg gegen Aufständische
Krieg gegen Guerillagruppen; Krieg gegen Partisanenverbände
Landkrieg m
Luftkrieg m
Mehrfrontenkrieg m
Präventivkrieg m
Revolutionskrieg m
schmutziger Krieg
Seekrieg m
Stellungskrieg m
Stellvertreterkrieg m
U-Boot-Krieg m
Unabhängigkeitskrieg m
Vernichtungskrieg m
Verteidigungskrieg m
Wüstenkrieg m
Zermürbungskrieg m; Abnutzungskrieg m
Zweifrontenkrieg m
der Hundertjährige Krieg hist.
im Krieg
begrenzter strategischer Krieg
durch Zufall ausgelöster Krieg
jdm. den Krieg erklären
in einem Krieg kämpfen
einen Krieg gewinnen verlieren
Krieg führen (gegen jdn. etw.)
vom Krieg betroffen
Krieg geringer Intensität
(gegen jdn.) in den Krieg ziehen
1920 waren Polen und Russland nach wie vor im Kriegszustand.
Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln. (Clausewitz)
Du siehst ja ganz schön ramponiert aus.
war (on against sb. sth.)
war of aggression; aggressive war
nuclear war
war of liberation; liberation war
blitzkrieg; blitz; fast moving war
fratricidal war
civil war
drone war
war of conquest
mountain war
war of religion; religious war
trench war
guerilla war; partisan war
counterinsurgency war
counter-guerilla war; counter-partisan war
land war
aerial war
multi-front war; multiple-front war
preventive war
revolutionary war
dirty war
naval war
static war
proxy war
submarine war
war of independence
war of extermination; destructive war
defensive war
desert war
war of attrition
two-front war
the Hundred Years' War
at war
limited strategic war
accidental war
to declare war on sb.
to fight in a war
to win lose a war
to fight wage (a) war (on against sb. sth.)
low-intensity war
to go to war (with sb.)
In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war.
War is the continuation of politics by other means. (Clausewitz)
You look like you've been in the wars. Br.
Aggressivität f, Angriffslust f
Aggressivität f; Angriffslust f
aggressiv, streitlustig, angriffslustig adj
am aggressivsten
more aggressive
most aggressive
aggressiv, streitlustig, angriffslustig adv
gereizt, angriffslustig
hackles up
aggressiv; streitlustig; angriffslustig adj
am aggressivsten
more aggressive
most aggressive
aggressiv; streitlustig; angriffslustig adv
angriffslustig; angriffig; aufsässig; aufmüpfig Ös.; auflüpfisch Schw.; widerspenstig; schwierig (Person); ungemütlich (Person) adj
ein schwieriger Kunde
in einem schwierigen Alter sein
eine widerspenstige Haltung gegenüber einer Sache
awkward; defiant; truculent formal
an awkward customer
to be at an awkward age
a truculent attitude to sth.
hitzig; angriffslustig; angriffig Schw. adv
hitzig sprechen; sich ereifern
to speak contentiously
kämpferisch; streitbar geh.; angriffslustig; angriffig Schw. (Person)
gerne provozieren; oft auf Streit aus sein
argumentative; disputative; disputatious; confrontational; contentious (of a person)
to be disputative
provokant; angriffslustig adv
wild; scharf; angriffslustig; kampfbereit adj
ein wilder Krieger
ein wildes Raubtier
scharfe Wachhunde
fierce (eager to fight)
a fierce warrior
a fierce predator
fierce guard dogs
Plan m (Vorhaben)
Pläne pl
Angriffsplan m mil.
plangemäß ablaufen laufen ugs.
jdn. in einen Plan einweihen
plan (project)
plan of attack; plan of assault
to go according to plan
to outline unveil present a plan to sb.
sich rüsten (gegen); in die Offensive gehen (gegen)
Angriffsposition einnehmen
to square off (against)
to square off
Angriffspunkt m
einen Angriffspunkt bieten
keine Angriffspunkte bieten
weak point
to lay oneself open to attack
not to lay oneself open to attack
Angriffspunkt m
Angriffspunkte pl
attack vector
attack vectors
amphibisches Angriffsschiff n mil. naut.
amphibious assault ship
angriffsschwach adj sport
weak in attack
angriffsschwach adj (Sportmannschaft) sport
weak in attack (of a sports team)
Angriff m, Sturm m, Angriffssignal n mil.
Angriffsspiel n sport
attacking game
Angriffsspiel n (Ballsport) sport
attacking game; attacking play (ball sports)
Spielweise f; Spiel n sport
freies Spiel (ohne Wertung)
Angriffsspiel n
offensive defensive Spielweise; Offensivspiel Defensivspiel
das spielerische Niveau der anderen Mannschaft
den Spielrhythmus während der ganzen Partie beibehalten
seine Spielweise an die Taktik des Gegners anpassen
Das schien sein Spiel nicht zu beeinträchtigen.
style of play; play
free play
attacking play
offensive defensive play
the other team's level of play quality of play
to maintain the same rhythm of play throughout the game
to adapt your style of play to the opponent's tactics
That did not appear to affect his play.
Angriffsspitze f, Vorhut f mil.
Angriffsspitze f; Vorhut f mil.
Angriffsspitze f; Sturmspitze f sport
angriffsstark adj sport
strong in attack
angriffsstark adj (Sportmannschaft) sport
strong in attack (of a sports team)
Ausgesetztsein n (einer Sache); Ungeschütztsein n (vor etw.)
Gefährdung durch Infektion
Angriffsstellen für Medikamente Umweltgifte
Tod durch Unterkühlung
exposure (to sth.)
exposure to infection
exposures to medicines environmental toxins
death by exposure
(ungeschütztes) Ausgesetztsein n (einer Sache); Belastung f; Gefährdung f (durch etw.); Exposition f geh. (gegenüber einer Sache)
Strahlenbelastung f; Strahlenexposition f
Gefährdung durch Infektion
Angriffsstellen für Medikamente Umweltgifte
exposure; subjection (to sth.)
exposure to radiation
exposure to infection
exposures to medicines environmental toxins
Szenario n (Beschreibung von möglichen Ereignissen)
Szenarien pl
Angriffsszenario n
Bedrohungsszenarien pl
Zukunftsszenario n
schlimmstes Szenario
im schlimmsten Fall
scenario (description of what could possibly happen)
attack scenario
threat scenarios; threatening scenarios
future scenario
worst-case scenario
in the worst-case scenario
Angriffsverteidigung f (Mannschaftssport) sport
forechecking (team sports)
Angriffsvorbereitung f mil.
preparation for an attack
Angriffsziel n mil.
Angriffsziel n; militärisches Ziel n mil.
Angriffsziele pl; militärische Ziele pl
military target; target
military targets; targets
Angriffszone f sport (Eishockey)
Angriffszonen pl
attacking zone
attacking zones

Deutsche Angriffszone Synonyme

Englische attacking zone Synonyme

Angriffszone Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Attack
(n.) A girdle
(n.) One of the five great divisions of the earth, with respect to latitude and temperature.
(n.) The portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes
(n.) A band or stripe extending around a body.
(n.) A band or area of growth encircling anything
(n.) A series of planes having mutually parallel intersections.
(n.) Circuit
(v. t.) To girdle

attacking zone / attacking zones Bedeutung

zone fire artillery or mortar fire delivered in a constant direction at several quadrant elevations
traffic island
safety island
safety isle
safety zone
a curbed area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded, provides safe area for pedestrians
twilight zone
no man's land
the ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both), but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal, in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity, in that no man's land between negotiation and aggression
erogenous zone any area of the body especially sensitive to sexual stimulation
language area
language zone
a large cortical area (in the left hemisphere in most people) containing all the centers associated with language
(anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure
comfort zone the temperature range (between anddegrees Centigrade) at which the naked human body is able to maintain a heat balance without shivering or sweating
Antarctic Zone
South Frigid Zone
the region around the south pole: Antarctica and surrounding waters
Arctic Zone
North Frigid Zone
the regions to the north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole
zone an area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic
zone geographical zone any of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitude
climatic zone any of the geographical zones loosely divided according to prevailing climate and latitude
zone of interior the part of the theater of war not included in the theater of operations
Frigid Zone
polar zone
polar region
the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole, characterized by frigid climate
benthic division
benthonic zone
a region including the bottom of the sea and the littoral zones
littoral zone
the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean
loading zone
loading area
a stop where carriers can be loaded and unloaded
no-parking zone a space where automobiles are not allowed to park
parking space
parking zone
a space where an automobile can be parked
free port
free zone
an area adjoining a port where goods that are intended for reshipment can be received and stored without payment of duties
Temperate Zone the part of the Earth's surface between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer or between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn, characterized by temperate climate
North Temperate Zone Temperate Zone between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer
South Temperate Zone Temperate Zone between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn
Torrid Zone
tropical zone
the part of the Earth's surface between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, characterized by a hot climate
zone a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features
buffer zone
a neutral zone between two rival powers that is created in order to diminish the danger of conflict
combat zone
combat area
a military area where combat forces operate
war zone a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (especially a designated area in international waters where the rights of neutrals are not respected by nations at war)
combat zone tenderloin a city district known for its vice and high crime rate
danger zone a dangerous area
demilitarized zone
a zone from which military forces or operations or installations are prohibited, tensions exist on both sides of the demilitarized zone separating North Korea and South Korea
drop zone
dropping zone
an agreed area where military supplies are dropped to ground troops
kill zone
killing zone
an area where a battle has occurred with many fatalities
enterprise zone a city district where development receives special tax advantages
strike zone (baseball) the area over home plate between a batter's knees and shoulders through which a pitch must pass in order to be called a strike
tidal zone an area subject to tidal action
time zone any of the regions of the globe (loosely divided by longitude) throughout which the same standard time is used
transit zone a six million square mile area that includes the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern Pacific Ocean, includes the principal routes used by drug smugglers
Panama Canal Zone
Canal Zone
a zone consisting of a strip of land across the Isthmus of Panama that contains the Panama Canal
abyssal zone the deep sea ( meters or more) where there is no light
continental slope
bathyal zone
bathyal district
the steep descent of the seabed from the continental shelf to the abyssal zone
neritic zone the ocean waters from the low tide mark to a depth of about fathoms
twilight zone the lowest level of the ocean to which light can reach
separate or apportion into sections, partition a room off
regulate housing in, of certain areas of towns
disposed to attack
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