
Anschlussbedingung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Anschlussbedingung f
Anschlussbedingungen pl
connecting condition
connecting conditions
Anschlussbedingung f
Anschlussbedingungen pl
connecting condition
connecting conditions
Anschluss m (Telefon)
Anschluss m
Anschluss m
mit zwei Anschlüssen
Anschluss m, Stecker m, Buchse f
Anschluss m, Verbindung f
Anschlüsse pl, Verbindungen pl
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
Anschluss zum Ventilator
electrical connections
connection to ventilator
im Anschluss an
subsequent to
End..., Anschluss..., Abschluss...
Kabelende n, Anschluss m
verzinnte Anschlüsse
cable tail
tin-plated tails
Knotenpunkt m, Anschluss m (Verkehr)
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Anschluss m
point-to-point connection
Schaltung f, Anschluss m
anschließend adj, im Anschluss an
following, followed by
Ich habe den Anschluss verpasst.
I missed the connection.
Anschluss, Verbindung
Anschluss, Stecker, Buchse
Ich habe den Anschluß verpaßt
i missed the connection
Knotenpunkt, Anschluss
Punkt zu Punkt Anschluss
Anschluss (Tel.), Beendigung
Anschluss m; Port m (Ein- und Ausgabekanal für Netzwerkverbindungen) comp.
Anschlüsse pl; Ports pl
port (software)
im Anschluss an; im Nachgang zu
subsequent to
Anschlussleitung f; Anschluss m; Teilnehmeranschlussleitung f telco.
Anschlussleitungen pl; Anschlüsse pl; Teilnehmeranschlussleitungen pl
asymmetrische digitale Anschlussleitung
digitale Anschlussleitung; digitaler Anschluss
digitale Anschlussleitung für hohe Bitraten
subscriber line
subscriber lines
asymmetric digital subscriber line ADSL
digital subscriber line DSL
high bit-rate digital subscriber line HDSL
End...; Anschluss...; Abschluss...
Kabelende n; Anschluss m
verzinnte Anschlüsse
cable tail
tin-plated tails
Knotenpunkt m; Anschluss m (Verkehr)
Netzanschluss m (Anschluss der mit dem Netz verbunden wird) electr.
line terminal
Schaltung f; Anschluss m
Verbindung f; Anschluss m comp. electr. telco.
Verbindungen pl; Anschlüsse pl
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
direktleitende Verbindung f
lötfreie Verbindung
nachträglich isolierte Verbindung
Anschluss zum Ventilator
connection; connexion Br.
connections; connexions
electrical connections
physical connection
solderless connection
post-insulated connection
connection to ventilator
anschließend anschl. ; folgend folg. adj; im Anschluss an
following f.; foll. ; followed by
rückseitig adj; Rück...
rückseitiger Anschluss electr.
rückseitige Bearbeitung techn.
rückseitiger Formdruckwiderstand m aviat.
rückseitiger Kurssektor m aviat.
back; rear
rear connection
rear operation
base drag
back course sector
langweilig ruhiger rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
vorderseitig adj; Vorder...
vorderseitiger Anschluss electr.
vorderseitig gespeiste Antenne
vorderseitig verspiegelt adj techn.
front connection
front-fed antenna
first-surface mirrored
Agape f (Imbiss im Anschluss an eine kirchliche Feier) relig.
agape (light meal after a church celebration)
Anbindung f; Anschluss m (eines Gebiets an ein Versorgungsnetz Verkehrsnetz) transp.
Verkehrsanbindung f
linkage; connection (of an area to utility grid transport system)
traffic linkage
Anschluss m an Straßenverkehrsmittel; Anschluss m zwischen Reisezug und U-Bahn Bus (Bahn) transp.
connection with road transport services; inter-modal transport interchange (railway)
Anschluss m für Lochkartenstanzer comp. hist.
Anschluss für Lochung 1; Anschluss für die erste Lochung
Anschluss für Lochung 2; Anschluss für die zweite Lochung
card punch attachment
first punch attachment
second punch attachment
(vorübergehende) Anschlussstelle f; Anschluss m (Wasser, Strom)
Anschlussstellen pl; Anschlüsse pl
Abwasseranschluss m
hook-up; hookup (for temporary water or electricity supply)
hook-ups; hookups
sewage hook-up
Geldautomatenhacken n; Bankomathacken n (Manipulation von Geldautomaten durch Anschluss an ein externes Steuergerät)
ATM black box attack; blackboxing (fraud); jackpotting (fraud) (tampering with cash dispensers by attaching them to an external control device)
Laufwerk n comp.
Laufwerke pl
aktives Laufwerk
Flashspeicherlaufwerk n; Flash-Laufwerk n
Netzlaufwerk n
optisches Laufwerk
physisches Laufwerk (oft fälschlich: physikalisches Laufwerk)
Plattenlaufwerk n
USB-Laufwerk; Laufwerk am USB-Anschluss
Ziellaufwerk n
Laufwerk nicht betriebsbereit. (Fehlermeldung)
active drive
flash memory drive; flash drive
network drive
optical disc drive ODD
physical drive
disc drive Br.; disk drive Am.
USB drive; drive connected to the USB port
destination drive
Drive not ready. (error message)
Netzanschluss m (Anschluss, der mit dem Netz verbunden wird) electr.
line terminal
Schluss…; Anschluss… adj electr.
Szenenanschluss m; Anschluss m (Film, TV)
scene-to-scene continuity; interscene continuity; continuity (film, TV)
Teilnehmeranschlussleitung f; Teilnehmeranschluss m; Anschlussleitung f; Anschluss m; Ortsanschlussleitung f; Amtsleitung f veraltend (logische Verbindungsleitung) telco.
Teilnehmeranschlussleitungen pl; Teilnehmeranschlüsse pl; Anschlussleitungen pl; Anschlüsse pl; Ortsanschlussleitungen pl; Amtsleitungen pl
asymmetrische digitale Anschlussleitung
digitale Anschlussleitung; digitaler Anschluss
digitale Anschlussleitung für hohe Bitraten
subscriber line; subscriber loop; exchange line; exchange loop; access line; local line; local loop
subscriber lines; subscriber loops; exchange lines; exchange loops; access lines; local lines; local loops
asymmetric digital subscriber line ADSL
digital subscriber line DSL
high bit-rate digital subscriber line HDSL
Verbindung f; Anschluss m comp. electr. telco.
Verbindungen pl; Anschlüsse pl
direktleitende Verbindung f
Direktverbindung f; Direktanschluss m
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
leitende Verbindung electr.
lötfreie Verbindung
nachträglich isolierte Verbindung
Anschluss zum Ventilator
connection; connexion Br.
connections; connexions
physical connection
point-to-point connection
electrical connections
conductive connection
solderless connection
post-insulated connection
connection to ventilator
anschließend anschl. ; folgend folg. adj; im Anschluss an
following f.; foll. ; followed by
hinter e s; rückseitig adj; Rück…
Schalter an der Rückseite
rückseitiger Anschluss electr.
rückseitige Bearbeitung techn.
rückseitiger Formdruckwiderstand m aviat.
rückseitiger Kurssektor m aviat.
die hinteren Sitze im Auto
back; rear
rear switch
rear connection
rear operation
base drag
back course sector
the back seats; the rear seats in a car
langweilig ruhiger, rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
vorderseitig adj; Vorder…
vorderseitiger Anschluss electr.
vorderseitig gespeiste Antenne
front connection
front-fed antenna
Anschlussarmaturen pl techn.
connection armatures
Anschlussart f electr.
contact termination
Anschlussauftrag m
Anschlussaufträge pl
add-on sale
add-on sales
follow-up order
add on sale
Anschlussbaugruppe f
Anschlussbaugruppen pl
adapter board
adapter boards
adapter board
Anschlussbedingung f
Anschlussbedingungen pl
connecting condition
connecting conditions
Anschlussbelegung f
terminal assignment
terminal assignment
Anschlussbelegung f; Pinbelegung f electr. comp.
pin-out; pinout
Belegung f comp. telco. techn.
Anschlussbelegung f telco.
line occupancy
Anschlussbelegung f; Stiftbelegung f; Pin-Belegung f comp. electr.
pin assignment (pin-out)
Belegung f comp. telco. techn.
Anschlussbelegung f telco.
Speicherbelegung f comp.
line occupancy
storage occupancy; assignment of memory space
Anschlussbereich m; Versorgungsbereich m (eines Telekom-Anbieters) telco. econ.
Anschlussbereiche pl; Versorgungsbereiche pl
service area (of a telecom provider)
service areas
Anschlussbewehrung f constr.
starter bars {pl}
Anschlussblech n
Anschlussbleche pl
joint plate, joining plate
joint plates, joining plates
Anschlussblech n techn.
Anschlussbleche pl
joint plate; joining plate
joint plates; joining plates

Anschlussbedingung Definition

(n.) Mode or state of being
(n.) Essential quality
(n.) Temperament
(n.) That which must exist as the occasion or concomitant of something else
(n.) A clause in a contract, or agreement, which has for its object to suspend, to defeat, or in some way to modify, the principal obligation
(v. i.) To make terms
(v. i.) To impose upon an object those relations or conditions without which knowledge and thought are alleged to be impossible.
(n.) To invest with, or limit by, conditions
(n.) To contract
(n.) To put under conditions
(n.) To test or assay, as silk (to ascertain the proportion of moisture it contains).
(n.) train
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Connect

connecting condition / connecting conditions Bedeutung

connecting flight a flight with an intermediate stop and a change of aircraft (possibly a change of airlines)
connecting rod a rod that transmits motion (especially one that connects a rotating wheel to a reciprocating shaft)
connecting room a hotel room that shares a wall with an adjoining room and is connected by a private door
control condition
a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment, the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw
condition experimental condition the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control condition
information that should be kept in mind when making a decision, another consideration is the time it would take
essential condition
sine qua non
a prerequisite
condition precondition
an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else
boundary condition (mathematics) a condition specified for the solution to a set of differential equations
condition term (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement, the contract set out the conditions of the lease, the terms of the treaty were generous
weather condition
atmospheric condition
the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation, they were hoping for good weather, every day we have weather conditions and yesterday was no exception, the conditions were too rainy for playing in the snow
condition a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing, the human condition
a state at a particular time, a condition (or state) of disrepair, the current status of the arms negotiations
conditions the set of circumstances that affect someone's welfare, hazardous working conditions, harsh living conditions
conditions the prevailing context that influences the performance or the outcome of a process, there were wide variations in the conditions of observation
condition an illness, disease, or other medical problem, a heart condition, a skin condition
noise conditions the condition of being noisy (as in a communication channel)
ski conditions the amount and state of snow for skiing
physical condition
physiological state
physiological condition
the condition or state of the body or bodily functions
genetic disease
genetic disorder
genetic abnormality
genetic defect
congenital disease
inherited disease
inherited disorder
hereditary disease
hereditary condition
a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically
psychological state
psychological condition
mental state
mental condition
(psychology) a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic, a manic state
financial condition the condition of (corporate or personal) finances
economic condition the condition of the economy
sanitary condition the state of sanitation (clean or dirty)
toxic condition
the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substance
environmental condition the state of the environment
meteorological conditions the prevailing environmental conditions as they influence the prediction of weather
condition shape the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condition' or `out of shape')
eye condition the condition of the optical properties of the eye
condition apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny, I condition my hair after washing it
condition put into a better state, he conditions old cars
specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement, make an express demand or provision in an agreement, The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life, The contract stipulates the dates of the payments
equip with an apparatus for controlling the humidity and temperature, Our house is not air-conditioned
air-condition control the humidity and temperature of, The room was cool because it had been air-conditioned
discipline train check condition develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice, especially to teach self-control, Parents must discipline their children, Is this dog trained?
condition establish a conditioned response
in condition(p)
physically fit, exercised daily to keep herself in condition
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