
Anschlusssockel Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Anschlusssockel m für stationäre Peripherie; Docking-Station f comp.
desktop expansion base; docking station
Anschlusssockel m für stationäre Peripherie; Docking-Station f comp.
desktop expansion base; docking station
Anschluss m (Telefon)
Anschluss m
Anschluss m
mit zwei Anschlüssen
Anschluss m, Stecker m, Buchse f
Anschluss m, Verbindung f
Anschlüsse pl, Verbindungen pl
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
Anschluss zum Ventilator
electrical connections
connection to ventilator
im Anschluss an
subsequent to
End..., Anschluss..., Abschluss...
Kabelende n, Anschluss m
verzinnte Anschlüsse
cable tail
tin-plated tails
Knotenpunkt m, Anschluss m (Verkehr)
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Anschluss m
point-to-point connection
Schaltung f, Anschluss m
anschließend adj, im Anschluss an
following, followed by
Ich habe den Anschluss verpasst.
I missed the connection.
Anschluss, Verbindung
Anschluss, Stecker, Buchse
Ich habe den Anschluß verpaßt
i missed the connection
Knotenpunkt, Anschluss
Punkt zu Punkt Anschluss
Anschluss (Tel.), Beendigung
Anschluss m; Port m (Ein- und Ausgabekanal für Netzwerkverbindungen) comp.
Anschlüsse pl; Ports pl
port (software)
im Anschluss an; im Nachgang zu
subsequent to
Anschlussleitung f; Anschluss m; Teilnehmeranschlussleitung f telco.
Anschlussleitungen pl; Anschlüsse pl; Teilnehmeranschlussleitungen pl
asymmetrische digitale Anschlussleitung
digitale Anschlussleitung; digitaler Anschluss
digitale Anschlussleitung für hohe Bitraten
subscriber line
subscriber lines
asymmetric digital subscriber line ADSL
digital subscriber line DSL
high bit-rate digital subscriber line HDSL
End...; Anschluss...; Abschluss...
Kabelende n; Anschluss m
verzinnte Anschlüsse
cable tail
tin-plated tails
Knotenpunkt m; Anschluss m (Verkehr)
Netzanschluss m (Anschluss der mit dem Netz verbunden wird) electr.
line terminal
Schaltung f; Anschluss m
Verbindung f; Anschluss m comp. electr. telco.
Verbindungen pl; Anschlüsse pl
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
direktleitende Verbindung f
lötfreie Verbindung
nachträglich isolierte Verbindung
Anschluss zum Ventilator
connection; connexion Br.
connections; connexions
electrical connections
physical connection
solderless connection
post-insulated connection
connection to ventilator
anschließend anschl. ; folgend folg. adj; im Anschluss an
following f.; foll. ; followed by
rückseitig adj; Rück...
rückseitiger Anschluss electr.
rückseitige Bearbeitung techn.
rückseitiger Formdruckwiderstand m aviat.
rückseitiger Kurssektor m aviat.
back; rear
rear connection
rear operation
base drag
back course sector
langweilig ruhiger rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
vorderseitig adj; Vorder...
vorderseitiger Anschluss electr.
vorderseitig gespeiste Antenne
vorderseitig verspiegelt adj techn.
front connection
front-fed antenna
first-surface mirrored
Agape f (Imbiss im Anschluss an eine kirchliche Feier) relig.
agape (light meal after a church celebration)
Anbindung f; Anschluss m (eines Gebiets an ein Versorgungsnetz Verkehrsnetz) transp.
Verkehrsanbindung f
linkage; connection (of an area to utility grid transport system)
traffic linkage
Anschluss m an Straßenverkehrsmittel; Anschluss m zwischen Reisezug und U-Bahn Bus (Bahn) transp.
connection with road transport services; inter-modal transport interchange (railway)
Anschluss m für Lochkartenstanzer comp. hist.
Anschluss für Lochung 1; Anschluss für die erste Lochung
Anschluss für Lochung 2; Anschluss für die zweite Lochung
card punch attachment
first punch attachment
second punch attachment
(vorübergehende) Anschlussstelle f; Anschluss m (Wasser, Strom)
Anschlussstellen pl; Anschlüsse pl
Abwasseranschluss m
hook-up; hookup (for temporary water or electricity supply)
hook-ups; hookups
sewage hook-up
Geldautomatenhacken n; Bankomathacken n (Manipulation von Geldautomaten durch Anschluss an ein externes Steuergerät)
ATM black box attack; blackboxing (fraud); jackpotting (fraud) (tampering with cash dispensers by attaching them to an external control device)
Laufwerk n comp.
Laufwerke pl
aktives Laufwerk
Flashspeicherlaufwerk n; Flash-Laufwerk n
Netzlaufwerk n
optisches Laufwerk
physisches Laufwerk (oft fälschlich: physikalisches Laufwerk)
Plattenlaufwerk n
USB-Laufwerk; Laufwerk am USB-Anschluss
Ziellaufwerk n
Laufwerk nicht betriebsbereit. (Fehlermeldung)
active drive
flash memory drive; flash drive
network drive
optical disc drive ODD
physical drive
disc drive Br.; disk drive Am.
USB drive; drive connected to the USB port
destination drive
Drive not ready. (error message)
Netzanschluss m (Anschluss, der mit dem Netz verbunden wird) electr.
line terminal
Schluss…; Anschluss… adj electr.
Szenenanschluss m; Anschluss m (Film, TV)
scene-to-scene continuity; interscene continuity; continuity (film, TV)
Teilnehmeranschlussleitung f; Teilnehmeranschluss m; Anschlussleitung f; Anschluss m; Ortsanschlussleitung f; Amtsleitung f veraltend (logische Verbindungsleitung) telco.
Teilnehmeranschlussleitungen pl; Teilnehmeranschlüsse pl; Anschlussleitungen pl; Anschlüsse pl; Ortsanschlussleitungen pl; Amtsleitungen pl
asymmetrische digitale Anschlussleitung
digitale Anschlussleitung; digitaler Anschluss
digitale Anschlussleitung für hohe Bitraten
subscriber line; subscriber loop; exchange line; exchange loop; access line; local line; local loop
subscriber lines; subscriber loops; exchange lines; exchange loops; access lines; local lines; local loops
asymmetric digital subscriber line ADSL
digital subscriber line DSL
high bit-rate digital subscriber line HDSL
Verbindung f; Anschluss m comp. electr. telco.
Verbindungen pl; Anschlüsse pl
direktleitende Verbindung f
Direktverbindung f; Direktanschluss m
elektrische Anschlüsse pl
leitende Verbindung electr.
lötfreie Verbindung
nachträglich isolierte Verbindung
Anschluss zum Ventilator
connection; connexion Br.
connections; connexions
physical connection
point-to-point connection
electrical connections
conductive connection
solderless connection
post-insulated connection
connection to ventilator
anschließend anschl. ; folgend folg. adj; im Anschluss an
following f.; foll. ; followed by
hinter e s; rückseitig adj; Rück…
Schalter an der Rückseite
rückseitiger Anschluss electr.
rückseitige Bearbeitung techn.
rückseitiger Formdruckwiderstand m aviat.
rückseitiger Kurssektor m aviat.
die hinteren Sitze im Auto
back; rear
rear switch
rear connection
rear operation
base drag
back course sector
the back seats; the rear seats in a car
langweilig ruhiger, rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
vorderseitig adj; Vorder…
vorderseitiger Anschluss electr.
vorderseitig gespeiste Antenne
front connection
front-fed antenna
Anschlussarmaturen pl techn.
connection armatures
Anschlussart f electr.
contact termination
Anschlussauftrag m
Anschlussaufträge pl
add-on sale
add-on sales
follow-up order
add on sale
Anschlussbaugruppe f
Anschlussbaugruppen pl
adapter board
adapter boards
adapter board
Anschlussbedingung f
Anschlussbedingungen pl
connecting condition
connecting conditions
Anschlussbelegung f
terminal assignment
terminal assignment
Anschlussbelegung f; Pinbelegung f electr. comp.
pin-out; pinout
Belegung f comp. telco. techn.
Anschlussbelegung f telco.
line occupancy
Anschlussbelegung f; Stiftbelegung f; Pin-Belegung f comp. electr.
pin assignment (pin-out)
Belegung f comp. telco. techn.
Anschlussbelegung f telco.
Speicherbelegung f comp.
line occupancy
storage occupancy; assignment of memory space
Anschlussbereich m; Versorgungsbereich m (eines Telekom-Anbieters) telco. econ.
Anschlussbereiche pl; Versorgungsbereiche pl
service area (of a telecom provider)
service areas
Anschlussbewehrung f constr.
starter bars {pl}
Anschlussblech n
Anschlussbleche pl
joint plate, joining plate
joint plates, joining plates
Anschlussblech n techn.
Anschlussbleche pl
joint plate; joining plate
joint plates; joining plates

Deutsche Anschlusssockel Synonyme

Englische desktop expansion base; docking station Synonyme

Anschlusssockel Definition

(a.) Of little, or less than the usual, height
(a.) Low in place or position.
(a.) Of humble birth
(a.) Illegitimate by birth
(a.) Of little comparative value, as metal inferior to gold and silver, the precious metals.
(a.) Alloyed with inferior metal
(a.) Morally low. Hence: Low-minded
(a.) Not classical or correct.
(a.) Deep or grave in sound
(a.) Not held by honorable service
(n.) The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests for support
(n.) Fig.: The fundamental or essential part of a thing
(n.) The lower part of a wall, pier, or column, when treated as a separate feature, usually in projection, or especially ornamented.
(n.) The lower part of a complete architectural design, as of a monument
(n.) That extremity of a leaf, fruit, etc., at which it is attached to its support.
(n.) The positive, or non-acid component of a salt
(n.) The chief ingredient in a compound.
(n.) A substance used as a mordant.
(n.) The exterior side of the polygon, or that imaginary line which connects the salient angles of two adjacent bastions.
(n.) The line or surface constituting that part of a figure on which it is supposed to stand.
(n.) The number from which a mathematical table is constructed
(n.) A low, or deep, sound. (Mus.) (a) The lowest part
(n.) A place or tract of country, protected by fortifications, or by natural advantages, from which the operations of an army proceed, forward movements are made, supplies are furnished, etc.
(n.) The smallest kind of cannon.
(n.) That part of an organ by which it is attached to another more central organ.
(n.) The basal plane of a crystal.
(n.) The ground mass of a rock, especially if not distinctly crystalline.
(n.) The lower part of the field. See Escutcheon.
(n.) The housing of a horse.
(n.) A kind of skirt ( often of velvet or brocade, but sometimes of mailed armor) which hung from the middle to about the knees, or lower.
(n.) The lower part of a robe or petticoat.
(n.) An apron.
(n.) The point or line from which a start is made
(n.) A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles.
(n.) A rustic play
(n.) Any one of the four bounds which mark the circuit of the infield.
(n.) To put on a base or basis
(a.) To abase
(a.) To reduce the value of
(n.) A furnace or stove in which the fuel is contained in a hopper or chamber, and is fed to the fire as the lower stratum is consumed.
(n.) The secondary, inferior, or rear courtyard of a large house
(n.) An inferior court of law, not of record.
Base viol
() See Bass viol.
(n.) Same as Prison base.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Dock
(n.) The act of expanding or spreading out
(n.) That which is expanded
(n.) Space through which anything is expanded
(n.) Enlargement or extension of business transactions
(n.) The developed result of an indicated operation

desktop expansion base; docking station Bedeutung

tying up
the act of securing an arriving vessel with ropes
base on balls
walk pass
(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls, he worked the pitcher for a base on balls
base hit
(baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely
two-base hit
a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base, he hit a double to deep centerfield
three-base hit
a base hit at which the batter stops safely at third base
first base the initial stage in accomplishing something, we didn't get to first base with that approach
the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope
expansion expanding upon adding information or detail
prisoner's base a children's game, two teams capture opposing players by tagging them and taking them to their own base
first base first the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate)
second base
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the second of the bases in the infield
third base
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the third of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate), he is playing third
desktop publishing (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials
air base
air station
a base for military aircraft
army base a large base of operations for an army
background desktop
screen background
(computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
a support or foundation, the base of the lamp
base bag a place that the runner must touch before scoring, he scrambled to get back to the bag
base (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector
base base of operations installation from which a military force initiates operations, the attack wiped out our forward bases
base a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit, a tub should sit on its own base
base the principal ingredient of a mixture, glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments, he told the painter that he wanted a yellow base with just a hint of green, everything she cooked seemed to have rice as the base
beach wagon
station wagon
wagon estate car
beach waggon
station waggon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
booster booster amplifier
booster station
relay link
relay station
relay transmitter
an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal
broadcasting station
broadcast station
a station equipped to broadcast radio or television programs
bus terminal
bus depot
bus station
coach station
a terminal that serves bus passengers
desktop computer a personal computer small enough to fit conveniently in an individual workspace
docking facility
landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired, may have gates to let water in or out, the ship arrived at the dock more than a day late
dressing station
aid station
(military) a station located near a combat area for giving first aid to the wounded
expansion bit
expansive bit
a bit with a cutting blade that can be adjusted to different sizes
expansion bolt a bolt that has an attachment that expands as the bolt is driven into a surface
fire station
a station housing fire apparatus and firemen
first-aid station a station providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained
first base the base that must be touched first by a base runner in baseball
base fundament
lowest support of a structure, it was built on a base of solid rock, he stood at the foot of the tower
gasoline station
gas station
filling station
petrol station
a service station that sells gasoline
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
home plate
home base home plate
(baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands, it must be touched by a base runner in order to score, he ruled that the runner failed to touch home
the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area, the industrial base of Japan
latex paint
rubber-base paint
a water-base paint that has a latex binder
observation tower
lookout station
a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings
naval installation
shore station
military installation servicing naval forces
navy base base of operations for a naval fleet
observation station a station set up for making observations of something
a coin-operated telephone
police station
police headquarters
station house
a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district, serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
public toilet
comfort station
public convenience
convenience public lavatory
toilet facility
wash room
a toilet that is available to the public
pump house
pumping station
a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operated
radio station station for the production and transmission of AM or FM radio broadcasts
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