
Ansteckungsrisiko Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ansteckungsrisiko n; Infektionsrisiko n med.
Ansteckungsrisiken pl; Infektionsrisiken pl
risk of infection; risk for infection; infection risk; infectious risk
risks of infection; risks for infection; infection risks; infectious risks
Ansteckungsrisiko n; Infektionsrisiko n med.
Ansteckungsrisiken pl; Infektionsrisiken pl
risk of infection; risk for infection; infection risk; infectious risk
risks of infection; risks for infection; infection risks; infectious risks
Ansteckung f
Ansteckungen pl
Infektion f, Ansteckung f med.
Infektionen pl, Ansteckungen pl
Kontamination f, Ansteckung f
Mysophobie f, Angst vor Schmutz oder Ansteckung
Virulenz f (Fähigkeit zur Ansteckung)
soziale Ansteckung f; Sozialansteckung f soc.
social contagion
Infektion f; Ansteckung f med.
Infektionen pl; Ansteckungen pl
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
bacterial infection
multiple infection; mixed infection
Mysophobie f; Angst vor Schmutz oder Ansteckung
Ansteckung f; Infektion f (Vorgang) med.
Ansteckungen pl; Infektionen pl
virale Infektion; Virusinfektion f
Ansteckung im Krankenhaus; nosokomiale Infektion
Ansteckung über die Luft; aerogene Ansteckung
Ansteckung über die Hände
Ansteckung durch einen Überträger
Ansteckung durch Keimzellen
Ansteckung durch Staub
Ansteckung über das Trinkwasser
aufsteigende Infektion; retrograde Infektion
äußere Infektion
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
Bissinfektion f
direkte Infektion
Doppelinfektion f; Koinfektion f
erneute Ansteckung
Kontaktansteckung f; Kontaktinfektion f
lokale Infektion; Lokalinfektion f
milde Infektion
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
schleichende Infektion
Schmierinfektion f
stille Ansteckung; subklinische Infektion
Tröpfcheninfektion f
unterschwellige Infektion; subakute Infektion
verborgene Ansteckung
zusätzliche Infektion; sekundäre Infektion
Allgemeininfektion f; systemische Infektion; Infektion des gesamten Körpers
infection (process)
viral infection; virus infection
nosocomial infection
airborne infection
hand-borne infection
vector-borne infection
germinal infection; heredo-infection
dust-borne infection
water-borne infection
ascending infection; retrograde infection
external infection; hetero-infection
bacterial infection
bite infection
direct infection; contact infection
contact infection; contagion
local infection
mild infection; subinfection
multiple infection; mixed infection
slow infection
smear infection
silent infection; subclinical infection
droplet infection
inapparent infection; low-grade infection; subacute infection
hidden infection; cryptoinfection
consecutive infection; secondary infection
general infection; systemic infection
Ansteckung f übtr.
Ansteckungen pl
Gefühlsansteckung f
soziale Ansteckung f; Sozialansteckung f
contagion fig.
emotional contagion; emotional transference
social contagion
(mögliche tatsächliche) Übertragungszeit f; Serienintervall f frühere Bezeichnung (bei einer Ansteckung)
period of communicability; communicability period; serial interval former name (of an infection)
Widerstandskraft f; Widerstandsfähigkeit f; Resistenz f geh.
Widerstandkraft gegen Ansteckung; Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Infektionen; Infektionsresistenz f med.
power of resistance; resisting power; resisting force; resistance; resistibility rare
resistance against infections; resistibility to infections
krankheitserregend; ansteckungsfähig; ansteckend; virulent adj (Krankheitserreger) med.
(zunehmend) virulent werden
virulent; vrious; virose (of a pathogen)
to become increasingly virulent; to fester
Ansteckungsfähigkeit f; Infektiosität f (einer Krankheit) med.
contagiousness; contagiosity; communicability (of a disease)
Ansteckungsfähigkeit f; Infektionstüchtigkeit f; Infektiosität f; infektiöse Potenz f (eines Patienten Krankheitserregers) biol. med.
infectiousness; infectivity (of a patient or pathogen)
Periode f der Ansteckungsfähigkeit (eines Infektionserregers) med.
period of infectiousness; period of infectibility (of an infectious agent)
ansteckungsfrei adj med.
free from infection
Infektionsgefahr f, Ansteckungsgefahr f med.
risk of infection
Infektionsgefahr f; Ansteckungsgefahr f med.
Infektionsgefahren pl; Ansteckungsgefahren pl
risk of infection
risks of infection
Ansteckungsherd m; Infektionsherd m med.
Ansteckungsherde pl; Infektionsherde pl
focus of infection; locus of infection; source of infection; seat of the infection; focal infection; infective locus; locus; nidus
foci of infection; loci of infection; sources of infection; seats of the infection; focal infections; infective locuses; locuses; niduses
Krankheitserreger m; Erreger m; Krankheitskeim m; krankheitsrerregender Keim m; pathogener Keim m; Keim m (gesundheitsschädlicher Mikroorganismus) med.
Krankheitserreger pl; Erreger pl; Krankheitskeime pl; krankheisrerregende Keime pl; pathogene Keime pl; Keime pl
aerogener Keim
Ansteckungskeim m; Infektionskeim m
auslösender Erreger; auslösender Keim
durch Luft übertragener Keim
Hautkeim m
hochpathogener Erreger; hochpathogener Keim
Krankenhauskeim m
persistierender Keim
ständige Hautkeime
Umweltkeim m
disease-causing agent; disease-producing agent; disease agent; pathogenic agent; infectious agent; agent; disease-producing germ; pathogenic germ; infectious germ; germ; disease-producing organism; pathogenic organism (health-damaging microorganism)
disease-causing agents; disease-producing agents; disease agents; pathogenic agents; infectious agents; agents; disease-producing germs; pathogenic germs; infectious germs; germs; disease-producing organisms; pathogenic organisms
aerogenic germ
infective agent; infectious agent
causative agent; causative germ
airborne germ
skin germ
high-consequence pathogenic agent; high-consequence pathogen
hospital germ
resident flora of the skin
environmental germ
Ansteckungskette f; Infektionskette f; Infektkette f med.
Ansteckungsketten pl; Infektionsketten pl; Infektketten pl
homogene heterogene Ansteckungskette
die Ansteckungskette unterbrechen
die Infektionskette nachverfolgen
chain of infection; infection chain
chains of infection; infection chains
homogenous heterogenous chain of infection
to break disrupt the chain of infection
to track the infeciton chain
Ansteckungskraft f; Kontagiosität f (eines Infektionserregers Infizierten) med.
contagiousness; contagiosity (of an infectious agent infected person)
mutmaßlich; vermutet; angenommen adj adm. jur.
der mutmaßliche Vater
der mutmaßliche Eigentümer
der vermutete Ansteckungsort
der angenommene Tod des Vermissten
die mutmaßliche vermutete Zustimmung zur Organspende
vermisst und für tot gehalten
presumed formal
the presumed father
the presumed owner
the presumed location of infection acquisition
the presumed death of the missing person
the presumed consent to organ donation
missing and presumed dead
Ansteckungsquelle f (Infektionsquelle bei Ãœbertragung von Mensch zu Mensch) med.
Ansteckungsquellen pl
source of contagion
sources of contagion
Ansteckungsrate f; Infektionsrate f med.
Ansteckungsraten pl; Infektionsraten pl
infection rate
infection rates
Ansteckungsreservoir n; Infektionsreservoir n med.
Ansteckungsreservoirs pl; Infektionsreservoirs pl
reservoir of infection
reservoirs of infection
Ansteckungsrisiko n; Infektionsrisiko n med.
Ansteckungsrisiken pl; Infektionsrisiken pl
risk of infection; risk for infection; infection risk; infectious risk
risks of infection; risks for infection; infection risks; infectious risks
Ansteckungsstadium n; Infektionsstadium n med.
Ansteckungsstadien pl; Infektionsstadien pl
stage of infection
stages of infection
Miasma n; Krankheitsstoff m; Ansteckungsstoff m med. hist.
Verdacht m (gegen jdn.)
Anfangsverdacht m jur.
Ansteckungsverdacht m med.
Dopingverdacht m
Sabotageverdacht m
über jeden Verdacht erhaben
unter dem Verdacht +Gen.
unter Verdacht stehen
haltlose Verdächtigung f
Verdacht schöpfen
Verdacht erregen
beim geringsten Verdacht(smoment)
den Verdacht nahelegen, dass …
sollte sich der Verdacht bestätigen
Es verstärkt sich der Verdacht, dass …
Es besteht der dringende Verdacht, dass …
Besteht ein hinreichender Verdacht auf eine Straftat …
Wenn ein hinreichender Verdacht vorliegt, dass …
suspicion (about sb.)
initial suspicion
suspicion of being infected
suspicion of having taken drugs
suspicion of sabotage
above suspicion
on (the) suspicion of
to be under suspicion
groundless suspicion
to become suspicious
to arouse suspicion
on the slightest suspicion
to give rise to the suspicion that…; to suggest that …
should this suspicion be confirmed prove correct
There is a growing suspicion that …
It is strongly suspected that …
If there is reasonable suspicion of a criminal offence …
If there is a reasonable ground to suspect that …
Ansteckungsweg m; Infektionsweg m med.
Ansteckungswege pl; Infektionswege pl
route of infection
routes of infection
Ansteckungszeitpunkt m; Infektionszeitpunkt m med.
time of infection
Ansteckungszyklus m; Infektionszyklus m (eines Krankheitserregers) med.
Ansteckungszyklen pl; Infektionszyklen pl
cycle of infection; infective cycle (of a pathogenic organism)
cycles of infection; infective cycles

Deutsche Ansteckungsrisiko Synonyme

Englische risk of infection; risk for infection; infection risk; infectious risk Synonyme

risk  accident  accidentality  actuarial calculation  admit of  adventitiousness  adventure  be liable  be subjected to  beard  bet  bid fair to  brave  break  breakers ahead  buy in  buy into  calculated risk  cardhouse  casualness  cause for alarm  chance  chance it  compromise  confront  court destruction  crisis  danger  dangerous ground  dare  defy  defy danger  destiny  desultoriness  emergency  encounter  encounter danger  endanger  endangerment  expose  exposure  face  face up to  fate  financier  flier  flukiness  forget the odds  fortuitousness  fortuity  fortune  gamble  gamble on  gamble with  gaping chasm  gathering clouds  good fortune  good luck  hap  happenstance  happy chance  hazard  heedless hap  house of cards  how they fall  imperil  imperilment  incur danger  indeterminacy  indeterminateness  infirmity  insecurity  insolidity  instability  insubstantiality  invest  invest in  investment  jeopard  jeopardize  jeopardy  law of averages  lay open  lay out money  liability  liableness  lie under  lot  luck  make an investment  make book  meet  menace  moira  openness  opportunity  pass  peril  perilousness  pinch  place  play  play with fire  plight  plow back into  plunge  precariousness  predicament  predict  prime investment  principle of indeterminacy  probability  problematicness  prognosticate  put  put in danger  put in jeopardy  quicksand  random sample  reinvest  rely on fortune  riskiness  rocks ahead  run a chance  run of luck  run the chance  run the risk  serendipity  set at hazard  shakiness  shiftiness  shiftingness  sink  sink money in  slipperiness  speculate  speculation  speculativeness  stand a chance  stand fair to  stand to gain  stand to lose  statistical probability  storm clouds  strait  take a chance  take a flier  take chances  tempt Providence  tempt fortune  the breaks  theory of probability  thin ice  threat  ticklishness  treacherousness  treachery  trust to chance  try the chance  unauthenticity  unauthoritativeness  
riskiness  chanciness  criticalness  danger  delicacy  desultoriness  doubtfulness  dubiousness  hazard  hazardousness  infirmity  insecurity  insolidity  instability  insubstantiality  peril  perilousness  precariousness  risk  shakiness  shiftiness  shiftingness  slipperiness  speculativeness  sword of Damocles  ticklish business  ticklishness  totteriness  touchiness  treacherousness  treachery  unauthenticity  unauthoritativeness  uncertainty  undependability  unfaithworthiness  unhealthiness  unpredictability  unreliability  unsafeness  unsolidity  unsoundness  unsteadfastness  unsteadiness  unsubstantiality  unsureness  untrustworthiness  
risky  accidental  adventitious  adventurous  aleatory  blue  broad  casual  causeless  chance  chancy  contingent  dangerous  delicate  destinal  desultory  dicey  fatal  fatidic  fluky  fortuitous  full of risk  hairy  hazardous  iffy  incidental  indeterminate  infirm  insecure  insubstantial  jeopardous  off-color  on thin ice  perilous  precarious  provisional  racy  riskful  risque  salty  scabrous  sensitive  shady  shaky  shifting  shifty  slippery  speculative  spicy  suggestive  temporary  tentative  ticklish  touch-and-go  touchy  treacherous  uncaused  uncertain  undependable  undetermined  unexpected  unfaithworthy  unforeseeable  unforeseen  unhealthy  unlooked-for  unpredictable  unreliable  unsolid  unsound  unstable  unsteadfast  unsteady  unsubstantial  unsure  untrustworthy  venturesome  venturous  wicked  wildcat  

Ansteckungsrisiko Definition

(n.) The act or process of infecting.
(n.) That which infects, or causes the communicated disease
(n.) The state of being infected
(n.) That which taints or corrupts morally
(n.) Contamination by illegality, as in cases of contraband goods
(n.) Sympathetic communication of like qualities or emotions
(a.) Having qualities that may infect
(a.) Corrupting, or tending to corrupt or contaminate
(a.) Contaminating with illegality
(a.) Capable of being easily diffused or spread
(n.) Hazard
(n.) Hazard of loss
(n.) To expose to risk, hazard, or peril
(n.) To incur the risk or danger of
Sea risk
() Risk of injury, destruction, or loss by the sea, or while at sea.

risk of infection; risk for infection; infection risk; infectious risk / risks of infection; risks for infection; infection risks; infectious risks Bedeutung

a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury, he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime, there was a danger he would do the wrong thing
risk arbitrage
takeover arbitrage
arbitrage involving risk, as in the simultaneous purchase of stock in a target company and sale of stock in its potential acquirer, if the takeover fails the arbitrageur may lose a great deal of money
infection (international law) illegality that taints or contaminates a ship or cargo rendering it liable to seizure
infection moral corruption or contamination, ambitious men are led astray by an infection that is almost unavoidable
risk risk of exposure the probability of being exposed to an infectious agent
risk risk of infection the probability of becoming infected given that exposure to an infectious agent has occurred
the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people, a contagion of mirth, the infection of his enthusiasm for poetry
an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted
locus of infection the specific site in the body where an infection originates
infectious agent
infective agent
an agent capable of producing infection
gambler risk taker someone who risks loss or injury in the hope of gain or excitement
venture capital
risk capital
wealth available for investment in new or speculative enterprises
infection (medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease
infection (phonetics) the alteration of a speech sound under the influence of a neighboring sound
case-to-infection proportion
case-to-infection ratio
the number of cases of a disease divided by the number of infections with the agent that causes the disease
Vincent's angina
Vincent's infection
trench mouth
an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane
infectious disease a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact
hepatitis A
infectious hepatitis
an acute but benign form of viral hepatitis caused by an RNA virus that does not persist in the blood serum and is usually transmitted by ingesting food or drink that is contaminated with fecal matter
a venereal disease
venereal infection
social disease
Cupid's itch
Cupid's disease
Venus's curse
sexually transmitted disease
a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
infectious mononucleosis
glandular fever
kissing disease
an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream, not highly contagious, some believe it can be transmitted by kissing
infection the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
focal infection bacterial infection limited to a specific organ or region especially one causing symptoms elsewhere
fungal infection
an inflammatory condition caused by a fungus
nonsocial infection
cross infection
an infection that is acquired at a hospital or other healthcare facility
opportunistic infection any infection caused by a microorganism that does not normally cause disease in humans, occurs in persons with abnormally functioning immune systems (as AIDS patients or transplant patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs)
protozoal infection any infection caused by a protozoan
respiratory tract infection
respiratory infection
any infection of the respiratory tract
lower respiratory infection infection of the lower respiratory tract
upper respiratory infection infection of the upper respiratory tract
staphylococcal infection an infection with staphylococcus bacteria, usually marked by abscess formation
streptococcal sore throat
strep throat
streptococcus tonsilitis
septic sore throat
throat infection
an infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus
eye infection
an infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid
tapeworm infection intestinal infection by a species of parasitic tapeworm, usually the result of eating inadequately cooked meat or fish
viral infection
virus infection
infection by a virus that is pathogenic to humans
Guillain-Barre syndrome
infectious polyneuritis
Landry's paralysis
a form of peripheral polyneuritis characterized by pain and weakness and sometimes paralysis of the limbs, cause is unknown
a source of danger, a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune, drinking alcohol is a health hazard
urinary tract infection any infection of any of the organs of the urinary tract
risk hazard
take chances
adventure run a risk
take a chance
take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome, When you buy these stocks you are gambling
put on the line
lay on the line
expose to a chance of loss or damage, We risked losing a lot of money in this venture, Why risk your life?, She laid her job on the line when she told the boss that he was wrong
infectious easily spread, fear is exceedingly infectious, children catch it from their elders- Bertrand Russell
thought to be devoid of risk
caused by infection or capable of causing infection, viruses and other infective agents, a carrier remains infective without himself showing signs of the disease
bad risky
not financially safe or secure, a bad investment, high risk investments, anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky, speculative business enterprises
infectious of or relating to infection, infectious hospital, infectious disease
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