
Anstieg Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

im Anstieg
on the upward plane
Anstieg m
Anstieg m
enlargement, upward movement
steiler Anstieg
steep rise
plötzlicher Anstieg
abrupt rise
Anstieg m (Straße)
gradient; grade Am.
Anstieg m (Straße)
gradient, grade Am.
Anstieg m electr.
steiler Anstieg, Rakete
Anstieg m; Zunahme f
der fortgesetzte Anstieg
the continued rise
Anstieg m; Steigung f
Anstieg m, Zunahme f
Ansteigen n; Anstieg m
Erhöhung f, Anstieg m
Anstieg m, Steigung f
Anstieg m der Seitenkraft
progressivity in lateral adherence
Kurserhöhung, Anstieg der Preise
appreciation of prices
Steigung f; Anstieg m math.
Anstieg m; Steigung f geogr.
sprunghafter Anstieg m (von etw.)
surge (of sth.)
Zunahme, Zuwachs, Anstieg, Erhöhung
emporschnellen, plötzlicher Anstieg
Anstieg m der Seitenkraft (Reifen)
progressivity in lateral adherence
springen, Sprung, plötzlicher Anstieg
Erhöhung f; Anstieg m
Preiserhöhung f
hike in prices
abrupter Kursrückgang m (nach einem Anstieg) fin.
down reversal Am.
abrupter Kursrückgang (nach einem Anstieg) m fin.
down reversal Am.
Aufschwung m; Anstieg m; Ansteigen n
Aufschwünge pl
Aufschwung m, Anstieg m, Ansteigen n
Aufschwünge pl
Reaktorexkursion f (schneller Anstieg der Reaktorleistung) techn.
reactor excursion; power excursion of a reactor (rapid rise in the power level)
plötzlich; unvermittelt adj
ein plötzlicher Anstieg Rückgang (bei etw.)
sharp; steep
a sharp increase fall (in sth.)
Aufstieg m; Anstieg n (auf einen Berg usw.)
Aufstiege pl; Anstiege pl
climb (up a mountain etc.); way up
climbs; way ups
Anstieg m, Steigung f
Anstiege pl
steiler Anstieg
gleichmäßiger Anstieg
increase, rise
steep incline, steep rise
steady rise
Ansteigen n; Anstieg m +Gen. med. phys.
ein plötzlicher Anstieg des Blutdrucks
increase; rise; elevation formal (of sth.)
a sudden increase rise in blood pressure; a sudden elevation of blood pressure
ansteigende Strecke f; Anstieg m
ansteigende Strecken pl; Anstiege pl
Felsstrecke f; Kletterstrecke f
ascending passage; climb
ascending passages; climbs
rock climb
merklich; deutlich; stark; spürbar; fühlbar; beträchtlich; ausgeprägt adj
ein ausgeprägtes Interesse
ein deutlicher Anstieg (bei etw.)
a marked interest
a marked increase (in sth.)
Ansteigen n; Steigung f; ansteigender Verlauf m (von etw.) geogr. constr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upgrade Am. (of sth.)
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
drastisch; einschneidend adj
ein drastischer Anstieg Rückgang
von einschneidender Bedeutung
eine einschneidende Veränderung
eine einschneidende Wirkung
dramatic; drastic; radical
a dramatic increase decrease
of great utmost importance
a drastic radical marked change
a far-reaching dramatic profound effect
plötzlicher Anstieg m; plötzliches Ansteigen n +Gen. bei etw.
ein plötzlicher Anstieg bei den Treibstoffpreisen
ein plötzliches Ansteigen der Verkaufszahlen
jump in sth.
a jump in fuel prices
a jump in sales
Ansteigen n; Geländeanstieg m; Steigung f; ansteigendes Gelände n; ansteigender Verlauf m geogr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upward slope; upgrade Am.
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
Steuereinnahmen pl pol. fin.
Steuereinnahmen des Bundes und der Länder
Anstieg der Steuereinnahmen
entgangene Steuereinnahmen; Steuereinbuße f; Steuerverlust m
tax receipts; receipts from taxes
tax receipts of the federal and the regional governments
rise in tax receipts
amount of tax revenue foregone; tax revenue loss
bedeutend; bedeutsam; beachtlich; wichtig adj
ein bedeutender Beitrag zu
eine beachtliche Verbesserung des der
beachtlicher Teil Anteil
ein deutlicher Unterschied
der beträchtliche Anstieg
a significant contribution to
a significant improvement of
significant part
a significant difference
the significant increase
Anstieg m (bei etw.); Zunahme f; Zuwachs m (an etw.); Erhöhung f; Steigerung f +Gen.
steiler Anstieg
gleichmäßiger Anstieg
pauschale Erhöhung
jährlicher Zuwachs
Steigerung der Produktion
Steigerung des Absatzes
rise; increase (in sth.)
steep incline; steep rise
steady rise
across-the-board increase
annual increase
increase in production
increase in sales
Erhöhung f; Steigerung f +Gen.; Anstieg m (bei etw.); Zunahme f; Zuwachs m (an etw.) econ. fin.
steiler Anstieg
gleichmäßiger Anstieg
pauschale Erhöhung
jährlicher Zuwachs
Steigerung der Produktion
Steigerung des Absatzes
rise; increase (in sth.)
steep incline; steep rise
steady rise
across-the-board increase
annual increase
increase in production
increase in sales
(von) über; (von) mehr als (+ Zahlenwert)
Kosten von über 50.000 USD
Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 160 km h
eine mehr als 15-jährige Mitgliedschaft
Wer mehr als das Doppelte des Durchschnittslohns verdient, …
Der Anstieg wird nicht mehr als zwei Prozent ausmachen.
in excess of (+ numerical value)
cost in excess of USD 50,000
speeds in excess of 100 mph
a membership in excess of 15 years
Those earning in excess of twice the average wage…
The increase will not be in excess of two per cent.
(von) über; (von) mehr als (+ Zahlenwert)
Kosten von über 50.000 USD
Geschwindigkeiten von mehr als 160 km h
eine mehr als 15-jährige Mitgliedschaft
Wer mehr als das Doppelte des Durchschnittslohns verdient ...
Der Anstieg wird nicht mehr als zwei Prozent ausmachen.
in excess of (+ numerical value)
cost in excess of USD 50 000
speeds in excess of 100 mph
a membership in excess of 15 years
Those earning in excess of twice the average wage...
The increase will not be in excess of two per cent.
etw. voraussagen; vorhersagen; prognostizieren geh. v
voraussagend; vorhersagend; prognostizierend
vorausgesagt; vorhergesagt; prognostiziert
sagt voraus; sagt vorher; prognostiziert
sagte voraus; sagte vorher; prognostizierte
das Wetter vorhersagen ansagen ugs.
Es sind weitere Regenfälle angesagt.
Für den Rest der Woche haben sie Temperaturen um die 29 Grad angesagt.
Es ist schwierig, vorauszusagen Es ist schwer vorhersagbar, wie die langfristigen Folgen aussehen werden.
Bis zum Jahresende wird ein Anstieg der Arbeitslosenrate auf 5% prognostiziert.
to predict sth.; to presage sth. archaic
predicting; presaging
predicted; presaged
to predict the weather
The forecast predicts calls for Am. more rain.
They're predicting calling for Am. temperatures in the 80s for the rest of the week.
It is difficult to predict what the long-term effects will be.
Unemployment is predicted to increase to 5 percent by the end of the year.
etw. voraussagen; vorhersagen; prognostizieren geh. v
voraussagend; vorhersagend; prognostizierend
vorausgesagt; vorhergesagt; prognostiziert
sagt voraus; sagt vorher; prognostiziert
sagte voraus; sagte vorher; prognostizierte
das Wetter vorhersagen ansagen ugs.
Es sind weitere Regenfälle angesagt.
Für den Rest der Woche haben sie Temperaturen um die 29 Grad angesagt.
Es ist schwierig vorauszusagen Es ist schwer vorhersagbar wie die langfristigen Folgen aussehen werden.
Bis zum Jahresende wird ein Anstieg der Arbeitslosenrate auf 5% prognostiziert.
to predict sth.
to predict the weather
The forecast predicts calls for Am. more rain.
They're predicting calling for Am. temperatures in the 80s for the rest of the week.
It is difficult to predict what the long-term effects will be.
Unemployment is predicted to increase to 5 percent by the end of the year.
jdn. etw. für etw. halten; als etw. betrachten; als etw. ansehen; etw. für als etw. erachten
haltend; betrachtend; ansehend; erachtend
gehalten; betrachtet; angesehen; erachtet
Ich halte das für einen Fehler.
Wir betrachten es als große Ehre Sie heute abend hier bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Betrachten Sie sich als entlassen.
Die Kampagne wurde als gescheitert angesehen.
Liz galt als ausgezeichnete Lehrerin.
Ein weiterer Anstieg gilt als unwahrscheinlich.
Du kannst von Glück sagen dich glücklich schätzen dass du zu dieser Zeit nicht im Zug warst.
Das Gericht war der Auffassung dass diese Handlung ein standeswidriges Verhalten darstellt.
to consider sb. sth. sth. to be sth.; to regard sb. sth. as sth.
I consider that a mistake. I regard that as a mistake.
We consider it a great honor to have you here with us tonight.
Consider yourself dismissed.
The campaign was considered to have failed.
Liz was considered an excellent teacher. Liz was regarded as an excellent teacher.
A further increase is considered unlikely regarded as unlikely.
Consider yourself lucky fortunate (that) you weren't on the train at that time.
The tribunal considered that this action amounted to professional misconduct.
jdn. etw. für etw. halten; als etw. betrachten; als etw. ansehen; etw. für als etw. erachten v
haltend; betrachtend; ansehend; erachtend
gehalten; betrachtet; angesehen; erachtet
Ich halte das für einen Fehler.
Wir betrachten es als große Ehre, Sie heute abend hier bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Betrachten Sie sich als entlassen.
Die Kampagne wurde als gescheitert angesehen.
Liz galt als ausgezeichnete Lehrerin.
Ein weiterer Anstieg gilt als unwahrscheinlich.
Du kannst von Glück sagen dich glücklich schätzen, dass du zu dieser Zeit nicht im Zug warst.
Das Gericht war der Auffassung, dass diese Handlung ein standeswidriges Verhalten darstellt.
to consider sb. sth. sth.; to consider sb. sth. to be sth.; to regard sb. sth. as sth.; to think of sb. sth. as sth.
considering; regarding; thinking
considered; regarded; thought
I consider that a mistake. I regard that as a mistake.
We consider it a great honor to have you here with us tonight.
Consider yourself dismissed.
The campaign was considered to have failed.
Liz was considered an excellent teacher. Liz was regarded as an excellent teacher.
A further increase is considered unlikely regarded as unlikely.
Consider yourself lucky fortunate (that) you weren't on the train at that time.
The tribunal considered that this action amounted to professional misconduct.
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
ausgewiesener Preis
eingefrorener Preis
empfohlener Preis
halber Preis; zum halben Preis
abnehmende Preise
überhöhter Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis; Taxe f
geltender Preis
Preis ab Werk
Preise höherschrauben
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis angeben nennen
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben; Preise hochtreiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
Abnahme der Preise
Anpassung der Preise
Anstieg der Preise
Anziehen der Preise
starkes Anziehen der Preise
Entwicklung der Preise
Festigung der Preise
Sinken der Preise
Spaltung der Preise
Stabilisierung der Preise
Struktur der Preise
Veränderung der Preise
Verzerrung der Preise
Gesetz von der Unterschiedslosigkeit der Preise
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
marked price
frozen price
recommended price
falling prices
excessive exorbitant inflated price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
ruling price
ex-factory price
to force up prices
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to adjust prices
to push up prices; to force up prices
at any price
not at any price; not for anything
decrease of prices
adjustment of prices
increase of prices; price increase
hardening of prices
strong rise of prices
development of prices
consolidation of prices
decline in prices
discrimination in price
stabilization of prices eAm.; stabilisation of prices Br.
pattern of prices
movement of prices
distortion of prices
law of one price

Deutsche Anstieg Synonyme

Anstieg  ÂEmporheben  ÂErhöhung  
Anstieg  ÂErhöhung  ÂSteigerung  ÂWachstum  ÂZunahme  ÂZuwachs  
Anstieg  Emporheben  Erhöhung  
Anstieg  Erhöhung  Steigerung  Wachstum  Zunahme  Zuwachs  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Anstieg Synonym nachschlagen

Englische on the upward plane Synonyme

on  about  above  accidental  accompanying  across  ado  afloat  afoot  after which  against  ahead  along  among  anent  apropos of  as for  as regards  as respects  as to  astraddle  astride  at  atop  by  by dint of  by means of  by use of  by virtue of  by way of  circumstantial  concerning  current  doing  en route to  eventuating  for  forth  forward  forwards  from  going on  happening  headed for  hereby  hereinafter  herewith  horseback  in  in connection with  in contact with  in hand  in passage to  in point of  in re  in reference to  in regard to  in relation to  in relation with  in respect to  in the wind  in transit to  in virtue of  incidental  near  next to  occasional  occurring  of  on foot  on horseback  on route to  on top of  ongoing  onward  onwards  opposite  over  over against  passing  per  pertaining to  pertinent to  prevailing  prevalent  re  referring to  regarding  relating to  relative to  respecting  resultant  speaking of  straddle  straddle-legged  straddleback  taking place  thanks to  thereby  therewith  through  to  touching  toward  towards  under way  up  up against  upon  upon which  versus  vis-a-vis  whereat  whereby  wherefore  whereon  whereto  whereunto  whereupon  wherewith  wherewithal  with  with regard to  with respect to  
on a par  alike  at par  au pair  commensurate  drawn  equal  equalized  even  even stephen  fifty-fifty  half-and-half  knotted  level  like  nip and tuck  on a footing  on a level  on even ground  par  proportionate  quits  square  stalemated  tied  
on account of  after  because of  by reason of  by virtue of  considering  due to  for  in aid of  in behalf of  in consideration of  in favor of  in furtherance of  in view of  in virtue of  on behalf of  owing to  remedial of  thanks to  
on and on  ad infinitum  again and again  always  at a stretch  at all times  ceaselessly  connectedly  constantly  continually  continuously  cumulatively  cyclically  daily  daily and hourly  day after day  day and night  endlessly  ever  ever and anon  ever more  every day  every hour  every moment  greater and greater  growingly  hour after hour  hourly  incessantly  increasingly  interminably  monotonously  month after month  more  more and more  night and day  on a stretch  on end  perennially  perpetually  rapidly  regularly  repetitively  right along  round the clock  steadily  sustainedly  together  unbrokenly  unceasingly  unintermittently  uninterruptedly  unrelievedly  unvaryingly  without a break  without cease  without letup  without stopping  year after year  
on board  aboard  accessible  afloat  all aboard  aloft  among us  at hand  athwart the hawse  athwarthawse  attendant  available  before the mast  here  hereabout  hereabouts  hereat  hereinto  hereto  hereunto  hither  hitherward  hitherwards  immanent  immediate  in sail  in this place  in this vicinity  in view  indwelling  inherent  just here  on board ship  on deck  on hand  on shipboard  on the spot  present  somewhere about  to this place  topside  with us  within call  within reach  within sight  
on call  COD  accessible  adaptable  all-around  at demand  at hand  available  cash  cash down  cash on delivery  convenient  down  handy  money down  of all work  on deck  on demand  on hand  on tap  pay-as-you-go  ready  strictly cash  to hand  upon presentation  versatile  
on duty  at it  at work  busy  employed  engaged  full of business  hard at it  hard at work  in harness  occupied  on the go  on the hop  on the job  on the jump  on the move  on the run  tied up  working  
on edge  all nerves  antsy  antsy-pantsy  anxious  apprehensive  breathless  chafing  eager  edgy  excitable  excited  fearful  fretful  fretting  frightened  hasty  high-strung  hopped-up  impatient  impetuous  in a lather  in a stew  in a sweat  in suspense  irritable  keyed-up  nerves on edge  nervous  nervy  on tenterhooks  on tiptoe  overstrung  panicky  quivering  restive  restless  squirming  squirmy  taut  tense  uneasy  unpatient  unquiet  with bated breath  with muscles tense  
on end  ad infinitum  again and again  at a stretch  at attention  bolt upright  ceaselessly  connectedly  constantly  continually  continuously  cumulatively  cyclically  endlessly  endways  endwise  erectly  incessantly  interminably  monotonously  on a stretch  on and on  perennially  repetitively  right on end  round the clock  together  unbrokenly  unceasingly  unintermittently  uninterruptedly  unrelievedly  up  up on end  upright  uprightly  upstandingly  without a break  without cease  without stopping  
on guard  Argus-eyed  all ears  all eyes  at bay  aux abois  aux aguets  canny  careful  cautious  circumspect  custodial  defensively  deliberate  discreet  eagle-eyed  gingerly  guarded  hawk-eyed  heedful  hesitant  in defense  in self-defense  judicious  keen-eyed  leaving out nothing  lidless  mindful  noncommittal  observant  on the defensive  on the lookout  on the watch  open-eyed  overlooking no possibility  pawky  politic  prudent  regardful  safe  sharp-eyed  sleepless  slow to act  tentative  thorough  unadventurous  uncommunicative  undaring  unenterprising  unprecipitate  vigilant  wary  watchful  with open eyes  
on hand  accessible  adaptable  all-around  at hand  attendant  available  by one  convenient  free and clear  handy  held  immanent  immediate  in fee  in fee simple  in hand  in seisin  in stock  in store  in supply  in view  indwelling  inherent  of all work  on board  on call  on deck  on tap  own  owned  possessed  present  ready  to hand  versatile  within call  within reach  within sight  
on high  above  abovestairs  airward  aloft  aloof  among the blest  ethereally  high  high up  in glory  in heaven  in the air  in the clouds  on stilts  on the peak  on tiptoe  over  overhead  paradisally  skyward  straight up  tiptoe  to the zenith  up  upstairs  upward  upwards  
on ice  ascertained  assured  attested  certified  cooked-up  cut out  cut-and-dried  cut-and-dry  decided  determinate  determined  established  fixed  guaranteed  in the bag  made sure  nailed down  open-and-shut  packed  planned  plotted  prearranged  preconcerted  precontrived  premeditated  preordered  proved  put-up  rigged  schemed  secure  set  set-up  settled  stacked  stated  tested  tried  warranted  
on paper  autograph  autographic  calligraphic  chirographic  cursive  engrossed  flowing  graphic  graphoanalytic  graphologic  graphometric  holograph  holographic  hypothetically  ideally  in idea  in longhand  in shorthand  in the abstract  in theory  in writing  inscribed  italic  italicized  longhand  manuscript  penciled  penned  printed  running  scriptorial  scriptural  shorthand  stylographic  theoretically  written  
on purpose  advisedly  by design  calculatedly  consciously  contemplatedly  deliberately  designedly  in cold blood  intentionally  knowingly  meditatedly  pointedly  premeditatedly  purposefully  purposely  purposively  voluntarily  willfully  with full intent  with intent  with malice aforethought  with purpose  wittingly  
on record  booked  documented  down  enrolled  entered  filed  indexed  inscribed  legal  logged  minuted  of record  official  on file  on the books  posted  recorded  registered  written down  
on tenterhooks  addled  agitated  all-overish  anxious  anxioused up  apprehensive  at a loss  baffled  bamboozled  beat  bothered  buffaloed  concerned  confounded  dazed  disquieted  disturbed  fearful  floored  foreboding  fuddled  in a dilemma  in a pucker  in a stew  in suspense  keyed-up  licked  misgiving  muddled  mystified  nervous  nonplussed  on edge  on tiptoe  overanxious  overapprehensive  perplexed  perturbed  puzzled  quivering  solicitous  strained  stuck  stumped  suspenseful  taut  tense  thrown  troubled  uneasy  with bated breath  with muscles tense  zealous  
on the ball  advertent  agile  agog  alert  alive  all ears  all eyes  assiduous  attentive  awake  aware  bright  careful  clear-sighted  clear-witted  clearheaded  concentrated  conscious  diligent  earnest  finical  finicking  finicky  heedful  intense  intent  intentive  keen  meticulous  mindful  nice  niggling  nimble  observant  observing  on the  on the alert  on the job  open-eared  open-eyed  openmouthed  prompt  qui vive  quick  ready  regardful  sharp  sleepless  smart  unblinking  unnodding  unsleeping  unwinking  wakeful  watchful  wide-awake  
on the beam  aside  askance  askant  asquint  broadside  broadside on  crabwise  directly  down the alley  edgeway  edgeways  edgewise  glancingly  go-go  groovy  hep  hip  into  laterad  laterally  on its side  on the straight  really into  right and left  sideling  sidelong  sideward  sidewards  sideway  sideways  sidewise  sidling  straight  straightly  undeviatingly  unswervingly  with it  
on the brink  about to  at next hand  at the limit  at the periphery  at the threshold  bordering on  close to  close upon  hard on  marginally  near  near to  near upon  nearabout  next door to  nigh  nigh about  not far from  on the borderline  on the edge  on the point  on the verge  peripherally  verging on  verging upon  

Anstieg Definition

Banding plane
() A plane used for cutting out grooves and inlaying strings and bands in straight and circular work.
Capping plane
() A plane used for working the upper surface of staircase rails.
(a.) Convex on one side, and flat on the other
(n.) Any tree of the genus Platanus.
(a.) Without elevations or depressions
(a.) A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface
(a.) An ideal surface, conceived as coinciding with, or containing, some designated astronomical line, circle, or other curve
(a.) A block or plate having a perfectly flat surface, used as a standard of flatness
(a.) A tool for smoothing boards or other surfaces of wood, for forming moldings, etc. It consists of a smooth-soled stock, usually of wood, from the under side or face of which projects slightly the steel cutting edge of a chisel, called the iron, which inclines backward, with an apperture in front for the escape of shavings
(a.) To make smooth
(a.) To efface or remove.
(a.) Figuratively, to make plain or smooth.
(a.) Having opposite surfaces exactly plane and parallel, as a piece of glass.
Plane table
() See under Plane, a.
Plane tree
() Same as 1st Plane.
Scabbard plane
() See Scaleboard plane, under Scaleboard.
(adv.) Alt. of Upwards
(a.) Directed toward a higher place
(n.) The upper part

on the upward plane Bedeutung

plane r
an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets, the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane
beading plane a plane with a concave blade for making moulding with beadwork
block plane a small plane used on end grains of wood
bullnosed plane
a small carpenter's plane with the cutting edge near the front
chamfer plane a plane that makes a beveled edge
circular plane
compass plane
a plane with a flexible face that can plane concave or convex surfaces
combination plane a woodworking plane that has interchangeable cutters of various shapes
dado plane a plane for making a dado groove
double-propeller plane
a propeller plane with an engine that drives two propellers in opposite directions (for stability)
dovetail plane a woodworking plane designed to make the grooves for dovetail joints
pontoon plane
a seaplane equipped with pontoons for landing or taking off from water
fore plane a carpenter's plane intermediate between a jack plane and a jointer plane
inclined plane a simple machine for elevating objects, consists of plane surface that makes an acute angle with the horizontal
jack plane a carpenter's plane for rough finishing
jet plane
jet-propelled plane
an airplane powered by one or more jet engines
jointer plane
jointing plane
long plane
a long carpenter's plane used to shape the edges of boards so they will fit together
match plane
tonguing and grooving plane
a plane having cutters designed to make the tongues and grooves on the edges of matchboards
multiengine airplane
multiengine plane
a plane with two or more engines
openside plane
rabbet plane
a woodworking plane designed to cut rabbets
carpenter's plane
woodworking plane
a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood, the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work
plane planer
planing machine
a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
plane seat a seat on a commercial airliner
plane table surveying instrument consisting of a drawing board and a ruler that are mounted on a tripod, used to sight and map topographical details
propeller plane an airplane that is driven by a propeller
turbo-propeller plane
an airplane with an external propeller that is driven by a turbojet engine
reconnaissance plane a military airplane used to gain information about an enemy
router plane a woodworking plane with a narrow cutting head that will make grooves with smooth bottoms
scrub plane a narrow woodworking plane used to cut away excess stock
single prop
single-propeller plane
a propeller plane with a single propeller
ski-plane an airplane equipped with skis so it can land on a snowfield
smooth plane
smoothing plane
a small plane for finish work
tanker plane an airplane constructed to transport chemicals that can be dropped in order to fight a forest fire
military plane
an aircraft designed and used for combat
plane geometry the geometry of -dimensional figures
plane ticket
airplane ticket
a ticket good for a trip on an airplane
plane section
(geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid
family Platanaceae
plane-tree family
coextensive with the genus Platanus: plane trees
plane tree
any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits
London plane
Platanus acerifolia
very large fast-growing tree much planted as a street tree
American sycamore
American plane
Platanus occidentalis
very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central North America to Mexico
oriental plane
Platanus orientalis
large tree of southeastern Europe to Asia Minor
(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape, we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane, any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane
Cartesian plane a plane in which all points can be described in Cartesian coordinates
facet plane the plane of a facet of an object (as of a cube)
orbital plane (astronomy) the plane on which a body is orbiting
picture plane the plane that is in the foreground of a drawing or painting, coextensive with but different from the objective surface of the work
tangent plane the plane that contains all the lines tangent to a specific point on a surface
plane figure
two-dimensional figure
a two-dimensional shape
plane angle an angle formed by two straight lines (in the same plane)
plane a level of existence or development, he lived on a worldly plane
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