
Anweisungsblatt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Anweisungsblatt, Gebrauchsanweisung
instruction sheet
Anweisungsblatt, Gebrauchsanweisung
instruction sheet
Mnemonik (Abkuerzung fuer einen Befehl oder Anweisun
Anweisung, Unterweisung, Unterricht
eindeutig klare Anweisung
precise instruction
Erlass, Anweisung
telegrafische Anweisung
cable money
telegrafische Anweisung
telegraphic money
unbedingte Anweisung
unconditional order
wenn der Auftrag eine Anweisung enthält
if the order includes an instruction
Anweisung f
Anweisungen pl
Anweisung f, Anordnung f, Instruktion f
Anweisungen pl, Anordnungen pl, Instruktionen pl
Anweisung f
Anweisung f
Anweisungen pl
Anweisung f, Zuweisung f
Anweisungen pl, Zuweisungen pl
Anweisung f, Zuweisung f, Bestimmung f
Anweisungen pl, Zuweisungen pl, Bestimmungen pl
Anweisung f, Leitung f
Anweisungen pl
Mnemonik f (Abkürzung für einen Befehl oder eine Anweisung)
Syntaxfehler m
Syntaxfehler in der Anweisung
syntax error, bad syntax
syntax error in statement
Zahlungsauftrag m, Zahlungsanweisung f, Anweisung f
payment order
arithmetisch adj
arithmetische Anweisung f
arithmetische Funktion f
arithmetische Gleichung f, Ausdruck m
arithmetische Prüfung f
arithmetische Reihe f
arithmetischer Befehl
arithmetischer Block
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck, Rechenwerk n
arithmetischer Ãœberlauf
arithmetisches Mittel
arithmetisches Unterprogramm
arithmetic, arithmetical
arithmetic statement
arithmetic function
arithmetic expression
arithmetic check
arithmetic series
arithmetical instruction
arithmetic block
arithmetic element
arithmetic overflow
arithmetic mean
arithmetic subroutine
eine Anweisung, viele Daten (parallele Datenverarbeitung) comp.
SIMD : single instruction, multiple data
arithmetische Anweisung
arithmetic statement
Anweisung, Zuweisung, Bestimmung
Syntaxfehler in der Anweisung
error in statement
Abrechnung, Behauptung, Daarstellung, Anweisung
Anweisung f; Anordnung f; Instruktion f
Anweisungen pl; Anordnungen pl; Instruktionen pl
eine genaue Anweisung
die ausdrückliche Anweisung geben etw. zu tun
auf Anweisung von jdm.
jdm. Anweisungen geben (hinsichtlich)
jds. Anweisungen folgen
Die Polizei war angewiesen notfalls zu schießen.
Ich soll es ihm persönlich geben.
a precise instruction
to give explicit instructions to do sth.
on sb.'s instructions
to give sb. instructions (as to)
to follow sb.'s instructions
The police were under instruction to fire if necessary.
My instructions are to give it to him personally.
Anweisung f; Leitung f
Anweisungen pl
Syntaxfehler m
Syntaxfehler in der Anweisung
syntax error; bad syntax
syntax error in statement
Widerruf m; Rücknahme f (einer Anweisung)
Widerrufe pl; Rücknahmen pl
Rücknahme eines Auftrags Befehls
Stornierung einer Warenbestellung
Annulierung einer Wahl
Schecksperre f
countermand (of an instruction)
countermand of an order
countermand of an order for goods
countermand of voting.
countermand of payment
Zahlungsauftrag m; Zahlungsanweisung f; Anweisung f
Zahlungsaufträge pl; Zahlungsanweisungen pl; Anweisungen pl
payment order; banker's order
payment orders; banker's orders
jdn. anweisen; auffordern; beauftragen etw. zu tun
Seine Sekretärin wurde angewiesen alle seine Termine zu streichen.
In dem Schreiben wurde er aufgefordert sich in der Zentrale zu melden.
Der Richter gab Anweisung den Untersuchungshäftling zu entlassen enthaften Ös..
Er traf anweisungsgemäß um 9 Uhr ein.
to instruct sb. to do sth.
His secretary was instructed to cancel all his engagements.
The letter instructed him to report to headquarters.
The judge instructed that the detainee awaiting trial be released.
He arrived at 9 o'clock as instructed.
arithmetisch adj
arithmetische Anweisung f
arithmetische Funktion f
arithmetische Gleichung f; Ausdruck m
arithmetische Prüfung f
arithmetische Reihe f
arithmetischer Befehl
arithmetischer Block
arithmetischer Elementarausdruck; Rechenwerk n
arithmetischer Ãœberlauf
arithmetisches Unterprogramm
arithmetic; arithmetical
arithmetic statement
arithmetic function
arithmetic expression
arithmetic check
arithmetic series
arithmetical instruction
arithmetic block
arithmetic element
arithmetic overflow
arithmetic subroutine
bedingt adj (an Bedingungen geknüpft)
bedingte Anweisung; bedingter Befehl comp.
bedingte Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit techn.
bedingter Informationsgehalt comp.
bedingter Sprung comp.
bedingte Umwandlung comp.
conditional statement; conditional instruction
conditional failure probability
conditional information content
conditional jump
conditional assembly
(eine Anweisung) widerrufen; zurücknehmen v
widerrufend; zurücknehmend
widerrufen; zurückgenommen
solange kein Widerruf erfolgt
bis auf Widerruf
einen Auftrag zurückziehen
eine Warenbestellung stornieren
Der Befehl zum Angriff wurde zurückgenommen.
Die Wahl wurde annuliert.
Zahlung gesperrt. (Bankauskunft zu Schecks)
to countermand (an instruction)
unless countermanded
until countermanded
to countermand by wire
to countermand an order
to countermand an order for goods
The order to attack was countermanded.
Voting was countermanded.
Payment countermanded.
auf Anweisung von jdm.
on the instructions of so.
eine Anweisung viele Daten (parallele Datenverarbeitung) comp.
single instruction multiple data SIMD
Anweisung f; Weisung f; Anordnung f; Instruktion f
Anweisungen pl; Weisungen pl; Anordnungen pl; Instruktionen pl
eine genaue Anweisung
die ausdrückliche Anweisung geben, etw. zu tun
auf jds. Anweisung; auf Anweisung +Gen.; auf jds. Weisung (hin)
jdm. Anweisungen geben (hinsichtlich)
jds. Anweisungen folgen
Die Polizei war angewiesen, notfalls zu schießen.
Ich soll es ihm persönlich geben.
a precise instruction
to give explicit instructions to do sth.
on sb.'s instruction; on sb.'s instructions
to give sb. instructions (as to)
to follow sb.'s instructions
The police were under instruction to fire if necessary.
My instructions are to give it to him personally.
Anweisung f; Anleitung f adm.
Anweisungen pl; Anleitungen pl
Anfangswert-Anweisung f (FORTRAN) comp.
data initialization statement (FORTRAN)
bedingte Anweisung f; bedingter Befehl m comp.
bedingte Anweisungen pl; bedingte Befehle pl
conditional statement; conditional instruction; conditional
conditional statements; conditional instructions; conditionals
Programmbefehl m; Befehl m; Programmanweisung f; Anweisung f; Kommando n ugs. (Programmieren) comp.
Programmbefehle pl; Befehle pl; Programmanweisungen pl; Anweisungen pl; Kommandos pl
angewandter Befehl
Direktbefehl m
privilegierter Befehl
Rechenbefehl m; arithmetischer Befehl; Rechenanweisung f; arithmetische Anweisung
einen Befehl abarbeiten
program instruction; instruction; program statement; statement; command (programming)
program instructions; instructions; program statements; statements; commands
applied instruction
immediate instruction; literal instruction
privileged instruction
arithmetic instruction; arithmetical statement
to process an instruction
Syntaxfehler m; formaler Fehler m ling. comp.
Syntaxfehler pl; formaler Fehler pl
Syntaxfehler in der Anweisung
syntax error; syntactic error; bad syntax
syntax errors; syntactic errors
syntax error in statement
Widerruf m; Rücknahme f (einer Anweisung)
Widerrufe pl; Rücknahmen pl
Rücknahme eines Auftrags Befehls
Stornierung einer Warenbestellung
Annullierung einer Wahl
countermand (of an instruction)
countermand of an order
countermand of an order for goods
countermand of voting.
jdn. anweisen; auffordern; beauftragen, etw. zu tun v
Seine Sekretärin wurde angewiesen, alle seine Termine zu streichen.
In dem Schreiben wurde er aufgefordert, sich in der Zentrale zu melden.
Der Richter gab Anweisung, den Untersuchungshäftling zu entlassen enthaften Ös..
Er traf anweisungsgemäß um 9 Uhr ein.
to instruct sb. to do sth.
His secretary was instructed to cancel all his engagements.
The letter instructed him to report to headquarters.
The judge instructed that the detainee awaiting trial be released.
He arrived at 9 o'clock, as instructed.
streng; strikt adj (Sache)
sehr streng; rigoros
strenge Tests
eiserne Disziplin
scharfe Maßnahmen
strenger Vegatarier sein
einer strengeren Überwachung bedürfen
Wir haben strikte Anweisung, die Flüchtlinge nicht alleine zu lassen.
strict; stern; severe; stringent (matter)
very strict; rigorous
rigorous tests
stern discipline
stern measures
to be a strict vegetarian
to require a stricter supervision
We are under strict orders not to leave the refugees alone.
(eine Anweisung) widerrufen; zurücknehmen v
widerrufend; zurücknehmend
widerrufen; zurückgenommen
solange kein Widerruf erfolgt
bis auf Widerruf
einen Auftrag zurückziehen
eine Warenbestellung stornieren
Der Befehl zum Angriff wurde zurückgenommen.
Die Wahl wurde annulliert.
Zahlung gesperrt. (Bankauskunft zu Schecks)
to countermand (an instruction)
unless countermanded
until countermanded
to countermand by wire
to countermand an order
to countermand an order for goods
The order to attack was countermanded.
Voting was countermanded.
Payment countermanded.
auf Anweisung von jdm.
on the instructions of sb.
auf jds. Geheiß (hin); jds. Anweisung folgend
at the behest of sb. formal
eine Anweisung, viele Daten (parallele Datenverarbeitung) comp.
single instruction, multiple data SIMD
Anweisungen befolgen
carry out instructions
Anweisungen befolgen
follow instructions
Anweisungen betreffend die Zahlung
payment instructions
die notwendigen Anweisungen erteilen
give the necessary instructions
es versäumen Anweisungen zu geben
fail to give instructions
genaue Anweisungen
proper instructions
genaue Anweisungen geben
give proper instructions
mit genauen Anweisungen
giving precise instructions
mit vollständigen Anweisungen
giving complete instructions
nach besonderen Anweisungen gefertigt
made to order
nach den Anweisungen
according to the directions
schriftliche Anweisungen
written instructions
sollte er es versäumen Anweisungen zu geben
should he fail to give instructions
unvollständige Anweisungen
incomplete instructions
Verteilung von Anweisungen
dispatching of instructions
vorbehaltlich der Anweisungen des Käufers
subject to the buyer's instructions
Anweisungen pl

Deutsche Anweisungsblatt Synonyme

Englische instruction sheet Synonyme

instruction  accomplishments  account  acquaintance  acquisition of knowledge  acquisitions  admonition  advice  advising  advocacy  announcement  assignment  attainments  blue book  brief  briefing  bulletin  catechization  caution  caveat  chalk talk  charge  classes  coaching  command  commission  communication  communique  consultation  council  counsel  data  datum  dictate  didactics  direction  directive  directory  discourse  dispatch  disquisition  drill  drilling  edification  education  enlightenment  evidence  exercise  exhortation  exposition  expostulation  facts  factual information  familiarization  gen  general information  general orders  guidance  guidebook  guideline  handout  harangue  hard information  homework  homily  hortation  idea  illumination  incidental information  indoctrination  info  information  injunction  instructions  intelligence  knowledge  learning  lecture  lecture-demonstration  lesson  lessons  liberal education  light  mention  message  monition  moral  moral lesson  morality  moralization  notice  notification  object lesson  opinion  order  parley  pedagogics  pedagogy  preachment  precept  preparation  prescript  prescription  presentation  private teaching  programmed instruction  promotional material  proof  proposal  publication  publicity  recital  recitation  recommendation  reeducation  regulation  release  remonstrance  report  rule  schooling  self-instruction  self-teaching  sermon  set task  sidelight  skull session  sophistication  spoon-feeding  statement  store of knowledge  suggestion  talk  task  teaching  the dope  the goods  the know  the scoop  thought  training  transmission  tuition  tutelage  tutorage  tutorial  tutoring  tutorship  warning  white book  white paper  word  
instructions  ALGOL  COBOL  FORTRAN  alphabetic data  alphanumeric code  angular data  assembler  binary digit  binary scale  binary system  bit  briefing  bug  byte  command pulses  commands  compiler  computer code  computer language  computer program  control signals  controlled quantity  correcting signals  data  directions  error  error signals  feedback pulses  feedback signals  film data  final instructions  hexadecimal system  information  input data  input quantity  machine language  message  multiple messages  noise  numeric data  octal system  orders  oscillograph data  output data  output quantity  play  polar data  punch-card data  random data  rectangular data  reference quantity  ruly English  signals  single messages  unorganized data  visible-speech data  

Anweisungsblatt Definition

(n.) The act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge
(n.) That which instructs, or with which one is instructed
(n.) Precept
(n.) Direction
(v. t.) In general, a large, broad piece of anything thin, as paper, cloth, etc.
(v. t.) A broad piece of cloth, usually linen or cotton, used for wrapping the body or for a covering
(v. t.) A broad piece of paper, whether folded or unfolded, whether blank or written or printed upon
(v. t.) A single signature of a book or a pamphlet
(v. t.) the book itself.
(v. t.) A broad, thinly expanded portion of metal or other substance
(v. t.) A broad expanse of water, or the like.
(v. t.) A sail.
(v. t.) An extensive bed of an eruptive rock intruded between, or overlying, other strata.
(v. t.) A rope or chain which regulates the angle of adjustment of a sail in relation in relation to the wind
(v. t.) The space in the forward or the after part of a boat where there are no rowers
(v. t.) To furnish with a sheet or sheets
(v. t.) To expand, as a sheet.
Sheet anchor
(v. t.) A large anchor stowed on shores outside the waist of a vessel
Sheet anchor
(v. t.) Anything regarded as a sure support or dependence in danger
Sheet cable
() The cable belonging to the sheet anchor.
Sheet chain
() A chain sheet cable.

instruction sheet Bedeutung

sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
instruction teaching pedagogy didactics
educational activity
the activities of educating or instructing, activities that impart knowledge or skill, he received no formal education, our instruction was carefully programmed, good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded
course course of study
course of instruction
education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings, he took a course in basket weaving, flirting is not unknown in college classes
the profession of a teacher, he prepared for teaching while still in college, pedagogy is recognized as an important profession
catechetical instruction teaching religious principles by questions and answers
cookie sheet
baking tray
a cooking utensil consisting of a flat rectangular metal sheet used for baking cookies or biscuits
dust cover dust sheet a large piece of cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period
fitted sheet
contour sheet
a sheet (usually with elastic edges) tailored to fit a particular mattress
pall shroud
burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
canvas canvass sheet
a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
bed sheet
bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth, used in pairs
sheet tack mainsheet
weather sheet
(nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind
sheet flat solid a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
sheet anchor
waist anchor
spare anchor for use in emergency
sheet bend
becket bend
weaver's knot
weaver's hitch
a hitch used for temporarily tying a rope to the middle of another rope (or to an eye)
sheet iron plate iron thinner than tank iron
sheet metal sheet of metal formed into a thin plate
sheet pile
sheath pile
sheet piling
a pile in a row of piles driven side by side to retain earth or prevent seepage
sheet web an irregular spider web woven in a single plane and looking like flattened hammocks
fly sheet
fly tent flap
flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
complex instruction set computing
complex instruction set computer
(computer science) a kind of computer architecture that has a large number of instructions hard coded into the CPU chip
reduced instruction set computing
reduced instruction set computer
(computer science) a kind of computer architecture that has a relatively small set of computer instructions that it can perform
piece of paper
sheet of paper
paper used for writing or printing
tear sheet a sheet that can be easily torn out of a publication
style sheet a sheet summarizing the editorial conventions to be followed in preparing text for publication
newspaper with half-size pages
instruction book a book of directions for using or operating some piece of equipment
instruction manual
book of instructions
operating instructions
a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it
day book
police blotter
rap sheet
charge sheet
the daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station
time sheet a record of the hours worked by employees
flow chart
flow diagram
flow sheet
a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program or an accounting system
instruction command statement program line (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program
macro instruction
a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language
system call
supervisor call instruction
an instruction that interrupts the program being executed and passes control to the supervisor
tip sheet a publication containing the latest information or tips or predictions for a particular business or stock market information or horse racing results, etc.
dope sheet
scratch sheet
a racing publication giving information on horses and the outcomes of horse races
direction instruction a message describing how something is to be done, he gave directions faster than she could follow them
lead sheet a sheet containing the words and melody for a song (and some indication of harmony) written in simple form
sheet music a musical composition in printed or written form, she turned the pages of the music as he played
test paper
examination paper
exam paper
question sheet
a written examination
sheet lighting lightning that appears as a broad sheet, due to reflections of more distant lightning and to diffusion by the clouds
sheet any broad thin expanse or surface, a sheet of ice
balance sheet a record of the financial situation of an institution on a particular date by listing its assets and the claims against those assets
instruction execution
(computer science) the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer
(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape, we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane, any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane
sheet cover with a sheet, as if by wrapping, sheet the body
sheet come down as if in sheets, The rain was sheeting down during the monsoon
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