
Architekturglas Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Architekturglas n constr.
architecture glass
Architekturglas n constr.
architecture glass
Architekt m, Architektin f
Architekt m; Architektin f
Architekten pl; Architektinnen pl
Michelangelo (ital. Maler Bildhauer Architekt und Dichter)
Michelangelo (Ital. painter sculptor architect and poet)
Michelangelo (ital. Maler, Bildhauer, Architekt und Dichter)
Michelangelo (Ital. painter, sculptor, architect and poet)
Beruf m
Berufe pl
von Beruf
einen Beruf ergreifen
einen Beruf ausüben
den Beruf des Architekten ausüben
by profession
to enter go into join a profession
to pursue practise a profession; to pursue a career
to pursue the profession of an architect
Logik f
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
Hansom Cab n; Hansom-Taxi n (Pferdekutsche 1834 von dem engl. Architekten Joseph Hansom patentiert)
Hansom (safety) cab (horse-drawn carriage patented in 1834 by the English architect Joseph Hansom)
Logik f (schlussfolgernde Ãœberlegungen)
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen, entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten, nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden, Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (reasoning)
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
Hansom Cab n; Hansom-Taxi n (Pferdekutsche, 1834 von dem engl. Architekten Joseph Hansom patentiert)
Hansom (safety) cab (horse-drawn carriage patented in 1834 by the English architect Joseph Hansom)
Architektenbüro n, Architekturbüro n
architect's office, firm of architects, architecture firm, architectural office, architectural practice
Architektenbüro n; Architekturbüro n
Architektenbüros pl; Architekturbüros pl
architect's office; firm of architects; architecture firm; architectural office; architectural practice
architect's offices; firms of architects; architecture firms; architectural offices; architectural practices
Architektendienstleistungen pl constr.
architect services
Architektengruppe f
architectural firm
architectural firm
Architektengruppe f
Architektengruppen pl
architectural firm
architectural firms
Architektenkammer f
Chamber of Architects
Architektenleistung f constr.
architectural work
Architektenleistungen pl constr.
architectural works
etw. als etw. anerkennen; jdm. etw. zuerkennen; zubilligen; bescheinigen v
anerkennend; zuerkennend; zubilligend; bescheinigend
anerkennt; zuerkannt; zugebilligt; bescheinigt
die Zuständigkeit des Gerichts nicht anerkennen
Es ist mittlerweise allgemein anerkannt dass ...
als etw. gelten
Er gilt als ausgewiesener Fachmann auf dem Gebiet.
Gerasa gilt allgemein als die am besten erhaltene römische Provinzstadt.
Es bleibt abzuwarten ob sie ihn als ihren Führer anerkennen.
In diesem Teil der Stadt gibt es die anerkannt besten anerkanntermaßen die besten Restaurants.
Es wird den Antragstellern ausdrücklich das Recht zuerkannt die Architektenpläne einzusehen.
Frankreich wird eine führende Rolle in diesem Bereich bescheinigt.
to acknowledge sb. sth. as sth.
to refuse to acknowledge the authority of the court
It is now widely generally acknowledged that ...
to be acknowledged as sth. to be sth.
He is widely acknowledged as an expert in this field.
Gerasa is generally acknowledged to be the best-preserved Roman provincial town.
It remains to be seen whether they acknowledge him as to be their leader.
This part of the city is acknowledged to have the best restaurants.
The applicants are explicitly acknowledged to have the right of inspecting the architect's plans.
France is acknowledged to have a leading role in this field.
etw. als etw. anerkennen; jdm. etw. zuerkennen; zubilligen; bescheinigen v
anerkennend; zuerkennend; zubilligend; bescheinigend
anerkennt; zuerkannt; zugebilligt; bescheinigt
die Zuständigkeit des Gerichts nicht anerkennen
Es ist mittlerweise allgemein anerkannt, dass …
als etw. gelten
Er gilt als ausgewiesener Fachmann auf dem Gebiet.
Gerasa gilt allgemein als die am besten erhaltene römische Provinzstadt.
Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob sie ihn als ihren Führer anerkennen.
In diesem Teil der Stadt gibt es die anerkannt besten anerkanntermaßen die besten Restaurants.
Es wird den Antragstellern ausdrücklich das Recht zuerkannt, die Architektenpläne einzusehen.
Frankreich wird eine führende Rolle in diesem Bereich bescheinigt.
to acknowledge sb. sth. as sth.
to refuse to acknowledge the authority of the court
It is now widely generally acknowledged that …
to be acknowledged as sth. to be sth.
He is widely acknowledged as an expert in this field.
Gerasa is generally acknowledged to be the best-preserved Roman provincial town.
It remains to be seen whether they acknowledge him as to be their leader.
This part of the city is acknowledged to have the best restaurants.
The applicants are explicitly acknowledged to have the right of inspecting the architect's plans.
France is acknowledged to have a leading role in this field.
Architektenrecht n jur.
architect law; architectural law
Architektensoftware f comp. techn.
architecture software
Architektonik f
architektonisch adj
architektonisch adv
Architektonisch constr.
architektonisch, architektonische
architektonisch adj
architectonic {adj}
Gebäudeensemble n; architektonisches Ensemble n; Ensemble n (Gebäudegruppe mit Gesamtwirkung) arch.
Gebäudeensembles pl; architektonische Ensembles pl; Ensembles pl
Die Gebäude auf dem Platz bilden ein reizendes Ensemble.
ensemble of buildings; architectural ensemble; ensemble (group of buildings)
ensembles of buildings; architectural ensembles; ensembles
The buildings in the square present a charming ensemble.
Verlängerung f (räumliche Fortsetzung)
Verlängerungen pl
die Verlängerung der U-Bahn nach Süden
eine architektonische Verlängerung des Hotelgebäudes
extension (spatial continuation)
the underground's southern extension
an architectural extension of the hotel building
die architektonische Gestaltung f; die Architektur f (eines Bauwerks) arch.
Der Zuschauerraum hat eine ungewöhnliche Architektur.
the architectural design; the design (of a building)
The auditorium has an ununsual design.
Architektur f, Baukunst f
sakrale Baukunst f
die Baukunst betreffend
gründerzeitliche Architektur, wilheminische Architektur
zeitgenössische Architektur
ecclesiastical architecture
Wilhelminian architecture
contemporary architecture
Klient m comp.
Klient-Server-Architektur n
client server architecture
Baukunst, Architektur
Architektur der Bürgerhäuser
domestic architecture
Architektur; Bauweise
Architektur f; Baukunst f
sakrale Baukunst f
die Baukunst betreffend
gründerzeitliche Architektur; wilheminische Architektur
zeitgenössische Architektur
ecclesiastical architecture
Wilhelminian architecture
contemporary architecture
Client m (Netzwerkrechner der Dienste von einem Server abruft) comp.
Client-Server-Architektur f
client (hardware)
client-server architecture
Feld n
Felder pl
in Felder aufgeteilt
ein weites Feld
Architektur ist ein weites Feld.
a wide broad field
Architecture is a wide broad field.
Magister m; Magistra f Mag. stud.
Magister pl
Magister m der Architektur Mag. Arch.
Magister m der Philosophie
Magister m der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Magister m der Naturwissenschaften
seinen Magister machen
Master; Master's
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch. NUI
Master of Arts MA; M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Science MSc
to take do one's Master's
etw. bestimmen v (prägen)
sich von seinen Gefühlen bestimmen lassen
Das bestimmende Thema des Abends war ...
Die Fuchsjagd bestimmt die öffentliche Debatte in England.
Das Christentum hat das mittelalterliche Weltbild bestimmt.
Architektur ist das Thema das die Arbeit des Künstlers bestimmt.
Die Musik wurde ein bestimmender Faktor in seinem Leben.
to dominate sth.
to let oneself be dominated by one's emotions
The subject that dominated the evening was ...
Foxhunting dominates (the) public debate in England.
Christianity dominated medieval thought.
Architecture has been the subject that has dominated the artist's work.
Music became a dominating factor in his life.
serviceorientierte Architektur (Abk.: SOA) comp.
service-oriented architecture (abbr.: SOA)
Architektur f; Baukunst f arch.
Gegenwartsarchitektur f
sakrale Baukunst f
sprechende Architektur
die Baukunst betreffend
gründerzeitliche Architektur; wilheminische Architektur
zeitgenössische Architektur
contemporary architecture
ecclesiastical architecture
speaking architecture; architecture parlante
Wilhelminian architecture
contemporary architecture
Architektur f comp.
Client-Server-Architektur f
Von-Neumann-Architektur f
client-server architecture
von Neumann architecture
Aussage f; Botschaft f (von etw.); Signal n (an jdm.)
seine Botschaft vermitteln rüberbringen ugs.
ein Signal an jdn. aussenden
Die Botschaft des Films ist, dass …
Große Architektur vermittelt ihre Botschaft nicht mit dem Holzhammer. (Foster)
message (of sth. to sb.) (political social moral point)
to convey your message, to get your message across
to send a message to sb.
The message of the film is that …
Great architecture should wear its message lightly. (Foster)
Feld n
Felder pl
in Felder aufgeteilt
ein weites Feld
ins Feld ziehen
gegen etw. jdn. zu Felde ziehen
für etw. jdn. zu Felde ziehen
Architektur ist ein weites Feld.
a wide broad field
to take the field
to wage war a campaign against sth. sb.; to campaign against sth. sb.
to wage war a campaign for sth. sb.
Architecture is a wide broad field.
Magistertitel m; Magister m stud.
Magister m der Architektur Mag. Arch.
Magister m der Philosophie
Magister m der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Magister m der Naturwissenschaften
den Magistertitel erwerben; seinen Magister machen ugs.
Master's degree; Master's
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch. NUI
Master of Arts MA; M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Science MSc
to earn your Master's degree; to obtain your Master's; to get your Master's coll.
etw. bestimmen v (prägen)
sich von seinen Gefühlen bestimmen lassen
Das bestimmende Thema des Abends war …
Die Fuchsjagd bestimmt die öffentliche Debatte in England.
Das Christentum hat das mittelalterliche Weltbild bestimmt.
Architektur ist das Thema, das die Arbeit des Künstlers bestimmt.
Die Musik wurde ein bestimmender Faktor in seinem Leben.
to dominate sth.
to let oneself be dominated by one's emotions
The subject that dominated the evening was …
Foxhunting dominates (the) public debate in England.
Christianity dominated medieval thought.
Architecture has been the subject that has dominated the artist's work.
Music became a dominating factor in his life.
erweitert adj comp.
erweiterte Architektur (eines Rechners)
erweiterte Partition
erweiterte Tastatur
erweiterter Speicher; Erweiterungsspeicher m
extended architecture (of a computer)
extended partition
extended keyboard
extended memory; add-on memory
volkstümlich; volksnah; Volks…; Heimat… adj art arch. lit. mus.
volkstümliche Architektur
Heimatdichtung f
vernacular architecture
vernacular literature; vernacular poetry
serviceorientierte Architektur f SOA comp.
service-oriented architecture SOA
Architekturbau m constr.
architecture building
Architekturbeleuchtung f constr.
architecture lights
Architekturberatung f constr.
architecture consultation
Architekturdienstleister pl constr.
Architekturfreund m; Architekturliebhaber m
Architekturfreunde pl; Architekturliebhaber pl
architecture lover; architecture fan; architecture enthusiast
architecture lovers; architecture fans; architecture enthusiasts
Architekturgalerie f
Architekturgalerien pl
architecture gallery
architecture galleries
Architekturgeschichte f
history of architecture
Architekturglas n constr.
architecture glass
Architekturguss m constr.
architecture casting
Architekturleistungen pl constr.
architecture achievements
Architekturleuchten pl constr.
architecture lights
Modell n (maßstabgetreue, dreidimensionale Reproduktion)
Modelle pl
Architekturmodell n
Filigranmodell n
model (three-dimensional scale representation)
architectural model
filigree model
Architekturmodellbau m
scale model

Deutsche Architekturglas Synonyme

Englische architecture glass Synonyme

architecture  Bauhaus  Byzantine  Egyptian  English  French  German  Gothic  Greco-Roman  Greek  Greek Revival  Italian  Persian  Renaissance  Roman  Romanesque  Spanish  academic  action  anagnorisis  anatomy  angle  architectonics  argument  arrangement  assembly  atmosphere  background  baroque  build  building  casting  catastrophe  characterization  civil architecture  color  complication  composition  conformation  constitution  construct  construction  continuity  contrivance  conversion  crafting  craftsmanship  creation  cultivation  denouement  design  development  device  devising  early renaissance  edifice  elaboration  episode  erection  establishment  extraction  fable  fabric  fabrication  falling action  fashion  fashioning  forging  form  format  formation  forming  formulation  frame  framing  frozen music  functionalism  getup  gimmick  growing  handicraft  handiwork  harvesting  house  incident  international  landscape architecture  landscape gardening  line  local color  machining  make  makeup  making  manufacture  manufacturing  medieval  milling  mining  modern  mold  molding  mood  motif  movement  mythos  organic structure  organism  organization  packaged house  pattern  patterning  peripeteia  physique  pile  plan  plot  prefab  prefabrication  preparation  processing  producing  production  pyramid  raising  recognition  refining  rising action  scheme  secondary plot  setup  shape  shaping  skyscraper  slant  smelting  story  structure  structuring  subject  subplot  superstructure  switch  tectonics  texture  thematic development  theme  tissue  tone  topic  tower  twist  warp and woof  weave  web  workmanship  

Architekturglas Definition

(n.) The art or science of building
(n.) Construction, in a more general sense
Claude Lorraine glass
() A slightly convex mirror, commonly of black glass, used as a toy for viewing the reflected landscape.
(n.) A small sandglass, running about three minutes, for marking time in boiling eggs
Flint glass
() A soft, heavy, brilliant glass, consisting essentially of a silicate of lead and potassium. It is used for tableware, and for optical instruments, as prisms, its density giving a high degree of dispersive power
(v. t.) A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture, and made by fusing together sand or silica with lime, potash, soda, or lead oxide. It is used for window panes and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for lenses, and various articles of ornament.
(v. t.) Any substance having a peculiar glassy appearance, and a conchoidal fracture, and usually produced by fusion.
(v. t.) Anything made of glass.
(v. t.) A looking-glass
(v. t.) A vessel filled with running sand for measuring time
(v. t.) A drinking vessel
(v. t.) An optical glass
(v. t.) A weatherglass
(v. t.) To reflect, as in a mirror
(v. t.) To case in glass.
(v. t.) To cover or furnish with glass
(v. t.) To smooth or polish anything, as leater, by rubbing it with a glass burnisher.
(n.) The larval state (Phyllosoma) of the genus Palinurus and allied genera. It is remarkable for its strange outlines, thinness, and transparency. See Phyllosoma.
(a.) Mirror-faced
(a.) Given to viewing one's self in a glass or mirror
Glass maker
(n.) Alt. of Glassmaker
(n.) A remarkable vitreous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, first brought from Japan. It has a long stem, consisting of a bundle of long and large, glassy, siliceous fibers, twisted together.
(n.) A small, transparent, land snail, of the genus Vitrina.
(n.) A long, footless lizard (Ophiosaurus ventralis), of the Southern United States
(n.) A siliceous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, and allied genera
Lady's looking-glass
() See Venus's looking-glass, under Venus.
(n.) A mirror made of glass on which has been placed a backing of some reflecting substance, as quicksilver.
Millefiore glass
() Slender rods or tubes of colored glass fused together and embedded in clear glass
Muscovy glass
() Mica
Water glass
() See Soluble glass, under Glass.

architecture glass Bedeutung

architecture the profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect
glass lizard
glass snake
joint snake
snakelike lizard of Europe and Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail
glass sponge a siliceous sponge (with glassy spicules) of the class Hyalospongiae
alcohol thermometer
alcohol-in-glass thermometer
thermometer consisting of a glass capillary tube marked with degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and containing alcohol which rises or falls as it expands or contracts with changes in temperature
architecture an architectural product or work
beer glass a relatively large glass for serving beer
bell jar
bell glass
a bell-shaped glass cover used to protect and display delicate objects or to cover scientific apparatus or to contain gases
cheval glass a full length mirror mounted in a frame in which it can be tilted
clinical thermometer
mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer
a mercury thermometer designed to measure the temperature of the human body, graduated to cover a range a few degrees on either side of the normal body temperature
cover glass
cover slip
a small and very thin piece of glass used to cover the specimen on a microscope slide
watch crystal
watch glass
a protective cover that protects the face of a watch
cut glass glass decorated by cutting or grinding facets
field glass
glass spyglass
a small refracting telescope
flute flute glass
champagne flute
a tall narrow wineglass
drinking glass
a container for holding liquids while drinking
glass glassware collectively, She collected old glass
glass cutter a tool for cutting glass
glass eye prosthesis consisting of an artificial eye made of glass
hand glass
simple microscope
magnifying glass
light microscope consisting of a single convex lens that is used to produce an enlarged image, the magnifying glass was invented by Roger Bacon in
hand glass hand mirror a mirror intended to be held in the hand
highball glass a tall glass for serving highballs
jeweler's glass an optical instrument used by jewelers, has one or more lenses and is used to view features not readily seen
liqueur glass a small glass for serving a small amount of liqueur (typically after dinner)
looking glass
a mirror, usually a ladies' dressing mirror
mercury thermometer
mercury-in-glass thermometer
thermometer consisting of mercury contained in a bulb at the bottom of a graduated sealed glass capillary tube marked in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, mercury expands with a rise in temperature causing a thin thread of mercury to rise in the tube
c methamphetamine
methamphetamine hydrochloride
chalk chicken feed
crank glass ice shabu
an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride, used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant
objective lens
object lens
object glass
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
optical fiber
glass fiber
optical fibre
glass fibre
a very thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light, used in bundles to transmit images
pane of glass
window glass
sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors
parfait glass a tall slender glass with a short stem in which parfait is served
pier glass
pier mirror
a large mirror between two windows
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
shot glass
a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey
brandy snifter
brandy glass
a globular glass with a small top, used for serving brandy
stained-glass window a window made of stained glass
Venetian glass fine glassware made near Venice
watch glass laboratory glassware, a shallow glass dish used as an evaporating surface or to cover a beaker
water clock
water glass
clock that measures time by the escape of water
water gauge
water gage
water glass
gauge for indicating the level of water in e.g. a tank or boiler or reservoir
water glass a glass for drinking water
computer architecture
(computer science) the structure and organization of a computer's hardware or system software, the architecture of a computer's system software
architectural style
style of architecture
type of architecture
architecture as a kind of art form
Byzantine architecture the style of architecture developed in the Byzantine Empire developed after the th century, massive domes with square bases and round arches and spires and much use of mosaics
classical architecture
Greco-Roman architecture
architecture influenced by the ancient Greeks or Romans
Greek architecture the architecture of ancient Greece
Roman architecture the architecture of ancient Rome
Gothic architecture
a style of architecture developed in northern France that spread throughout Europe between the th and th centuries, characterized by slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by vaulting and pointed arches
Romanesque architecture
a style of architecture developed in Italy and western Europe between the Roman and the Gothic styles after AD, characterized by round arches and vaults and by the substitution of piers for columns and profuse ornament and arcades
Norman architecture a Romanesque style first appearing in Normandy aroundAD and used in Britain from the Norman Conquest until the th century
perpendicular style
English-Gothic architecture
a Gothic style in th and th century England, characterized by vertical lines and a fourentered (Tudor) arch and fan vaulting
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129 Bewertungen 5


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