
Arterienverschluss Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Arterienverschluss m med.
Arterienverschlüsse pl
akuter Arterienverschluss
arterial occlusion
arterial occlusions
acute arterial occlusion
Arterienverschluss m med.
Arterienverschlüsse pl
akuter Arterienverschluss
arterial occlusion
arterial occlusions
acute arterial occlusion
Arterie f, Hauptader f, Schlagader f anat.
Arterien pl
eine Hauptader betreffend
Stent m, endoluminale Gefäßprothese f, Lumenspirale f (für Arterien) med.
Arterie f; Hauptader f; Schlagader f anat.
Arterien pl; Hauptadern pl; Schlagadern pl
eine Arterie Hauptader betreffend
in einer Arterie (befindlich) adj
Gefäßstütze f; (endoluminale) Gefäßprothese f; Lumenspirale f (für Arterien); Stent m med.
Gefäßstützen pl; Gefäßprothesen pl; Lumenspiralen pl; Stents pl
ballonexpandierbare Gefäßstütze
balloon-expandable stent
Arterie f; Schlagader f; Pulstader f; Ader f anat.
Arterien pl; Schlagadern pl; Pulstadern pl; Adern pl
eine Arterie Hauptader betreffend
sich die Pulsadern aufschneiden
to slash one's wrists
(passive) Beweglichkeit f; Bewegbarkeit f; Verschiebbarkeit f (einer Sache)
die Beweglichkeit der Arterien; die Verschiebbarkeit der Arterien med.
die Beweglichkeit eines Roboters
die Möglichkeit, die Möbel im Klassenzimmer zu verschieben
movability; moveability; relocatability (of a thing)
the movability of the arteries
the movability of a robot
the classroom movability of furniture
etw. verstopfen; obstruieren med. v (unpassierbar machen)
verstopfend; obstruierend
verstopft; obstruiert
Poren verstopfen
Die Dachrinne ist mit Blättern verstopft.
Langfristig verstopft fettreiche Ernährung die Arterien.
Die Straßen sind verstopft.
to block sth.; to block up () sth.; to clog sth.; to clog up () sth.; to obstruct sth.; to obturate sth. (technical)
blocking; blocking up; clogging; clogging up; obstructing; obturating
blocked; blocked up; clogged; clogged up; obstructed; obturated
to clog up pores
The rain gutter is blocked up with leaves.
In the long run fatty food makes your arteries clog up.
The roads are obstructed.
Arterienchirurgie f (Gefäßchirurgie) med.
arterial surgery
Arterienersatz m med.
arterial graft
Arterienerweiterung f; Pulsadergeschwulst f; Schlagadergeschwulst f; Aneurysma n med.
Scheinaneurysma n
Lungenarterienaneurysma n
Sinus-Valsalva-Aneurysma n
aneurysm; aneurism
aneurysm of pulmonary artery
aneurysm of aortic sinus; aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva
Arterienerweiterung f; arterielle Aussackung f; Pulsadergeschwulst f; Schlagadergeschwulst f; Aneurysma n med.
arteriovenöses Aneurysma mit zwei Venen; Park'sches Aneurysma
echte Arterienerweiterung
embolisch-mykotisches Aneurysma
falsches Aneurysma; Scheinaneurysma n
hirsekorngroße Pulsadergeschwulst
kombiniertes Aneurysma
komplexe arterielle Aussackung
Lungenarterienaneurysma n
sackförmige Arterienerweiterung
Sinus-Valsalva-Aneurysma n
syphilitisches Aneurysma
traumatisches Aneurysma
zylindrisches Aneurysma
aneurysm; aneurism
Park's aneurysm
true aneurysm; circumscribed aneurysm
embolomycotic aneurysm
false aneurysm; spurious aneurysm; pseudoaneurysm; aneurysmal haematome
miliary aneurysm
mixed aneurysm
compound aneurysm
aneurysm of pulmonary artery
sac-like saccular sacculated aneurysm; ampullary aneurism
aneurysm of aortic sinus; aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva
syphilitic aneurysm; luetic aneurism
traumatic aneurysm; exogenous aneurism
tubular aneurysm; cylindroid aneurism
spindelförmig adj bot. med.
spindelförmige Arterienerweiterung
spindle-shaped; fusiform; fusoid
spindle-shaped aneurysm
Arterienkatheter m med.
arterial line placement
Arterienklemme f med.
Arterienklemmen pl
artery clamp, artery forceps
artery clamps, artery forceps
Arterienklemme f med.
Arterienklemmen pl
artery clamp; artery forceps
artery clamps; artery forceps
Gefäßklemme f; Arterienklemme f; Elektroagulator m med.
Gefäßklemmen pl; Arterienklemmen pl; Elektroagulatoren pl
atraumatische Gefäßklemme
Pott'sche Gefäßklemme
vascular clamp; artery forceps; haemostatic Br. hemostatic Am. forceps; vasotribe; haemostat Br.; hemostat Am.
vascular clamps; artery forcepses; haemostatic hemostatic forcepses; vasotribes; haemostats; hemostats
atraumatic vascular clamp; non-crushing vascular clamp
Beck-Potts clamp
Verkrampfung f; Krampf m; Spasmus m med.
Adduktorenspasmus m
Akkomodationskrampf m (im Auge)
Arterienkrampf m; Arteriospasmus m
Gaumensegelkrampf m (Spasmus palatinus)
spasm; spasmus
adductor spasm
spasm of accommodation (in the eye)
arterial spasm; arteriospasm
spasm of the soft palate; palatal spasm; palatine spasm
arterienverkalkend, arteriosklerotisch adj med.
arterienverkalkend; arteriosklerotisch adj med.
Arterienverkalkung f, Arteriosklerose f med.
Arterienverkalkung f; Arteriosklerose f med.
Arteriosklerose f; Atherosklerose f; Arterienverkalkung f ugs. med.
atherosclerosis; arteriosclerotic vascular disease ASVD
Atherosklerose f; noduläre Arteriosklerose f; knotenförmige Arterienverkalkung f ugs. med.
atherosclerosis; nodular arteriosclerotis
Sklerose f; Verhärtung f; Verkalkung f ugs. (von Geweben Organen) med.
Arteriosklerose f; vaskuläre Sklerose f; Arterienverkalkung f; Schlagaderverkalkung f
Aortensklerose f
Bulbärsklerose f
Sklerose der Gehörknöchelchen; Verknöcherung der Gehörknöchelchen; Otosklerose
Sklerose der Haut; Sklerem (Sclerema)
Sklerose der Hirnwindungen; Sklerogyrie
Sklerose des Nervengewebes; Nervengewebeverkalkung; Neuroklerose
Sklerose durch Faservermehrung; Inosklerose
Sklerose mit Eiteransammlung; Pyosklerose
allgemeine Sklerose; generalisierte Sklerose
amyotrophische Lateralsklerose f ALS ; amyotrophe Lateralsklerose f; myatrophe Lateralsklerose f; Lou-Gehrig-Syndrom n
familiäre zentrolobuläre Sklerose
konzentrische Sklerose; Leucoencephalitis periaxialis; Baló'sche Krankheit (Enzephalomyelitis periaxialis concentrica)
multiple Sklerose MS
posterolaterale Sklerose; subakute kombinierte Rückenmarkdegeneration; funikuläre Spinalerkrankung; funikuläre Myelose; Lichtheim-Syndrom; Putnam-Dana-Syndrom
progressive systemische Sklerose; Madonnenfinger (Sclerodermia diffusa progressiva)
systemische Sklerose
tuberöse Sklerose; Bourneville'sche Krankheit; Bourneville-Syndrom
sclerosis; hardening (of tissues organs)
arteriosclerosis; arteriosclerotic vascular disease ASVD ; vascular sclerosis
aortic sclerosis
bulbar sclerosis
otosclerosis; otospongiosis
sclerosis of the skin; sclerema
atrophic scarring of the cerebral convulsions; sclerogyria
general sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS ; myotrophic lateral sclerosis; motor neurone disease MND ; Charcot's disease; Charcot's syndrome; Lou Gehrig's disease Am.
familial centrolobular sclerosis; Pllizaeus-Merzbacher disease
Baló's concentric sclerosis; Baló's disease; concentric periaxial leucoencephalitis; demyelinating encephalopathy
multiple sclerosis MS ; polysclerosis; multilocular sclerosis; disseminated sclerosis; diffuse sclerosis; cerebrospinal sclerosis; insular sclerosis
posterolateral sclerosis; Lichtheim's syndrome; Putnam-Dana syndrome
progressive systemic sclerosis; Madonna finger
systemic sclerosis
tuberous sclerosis; epiloia; Bourneville's disease
Arterienverschluss m med.
Arterienverschlüsse pl
akuter Arterienverschluss
arterial occlusion
arterial occlusions
acute arterial occlusion
Arterienwand f anat.
artery wall

Arterienverschluss Definition

(a.) Sharp at the end
(a.) Having nice discernment
(a.) Having nice or quick sensibility
(a.) High, or shrill, in respect to some other sound
(a.) Attended with symptoms of some degree of severity, and coming speedily to a crisis
(v. t.) To give an acute sound to
(a.) Having acute angles
(a.) Of or pertaining to an artery, or the arteries
(a.) Of or pertaining to a main channel (resembling an artery), as a river, canal, or railroad.
(n.) The act of occluding, or the state of being occluded.
(n.) The transient approximation of the edges of a natural opening

arterial occlusion / arterial occlusions / acute arterial occlusion Bedeutung

arterial blood gases measurement of the pH level and the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in arterial blood, important in diagnosis of many respiratory diseases
closure occlusion
the act of blocking
arterial road a major or main route
block closure
stop stoppage
an obstruction in a pipe or tube, we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe
occlusion (dentistry) the normal spatial relation of the teeth when the jaws are closed
arterial plaque a fatty deposit inside an arterial wall, characteristic of atherosclerosis
arterial blood vessel
a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body
arterial blood blood found in arteries, except for the pulmonary artery the arterial blood is rich in oxygen
acute accent
a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
arterial pressure the pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries, arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance
occluded front
(meteorology) a composite front when colder air surrounds a mass of warm air and forces it aloft
acute triangle
acute-angled triangle
a triangle whose interior angles are all acute
acute angle an angle less thandegrees but more than
acute brain disorder
acute organic brain syndrome
any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an otherwise normal person that is due to reversible (temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head injuries or drugs or infection)
occlusion closure or blockage (as of a blood vessel)
coronary occlusion occlusion of a coronary artery caused either by progressive atherosclerosis or by a blood clot
arterial sclerosis
hardening of the arteries
induration of the arteries
coronary-artery disease
sclerosis of the arterial walls
acute renal failure
acute kidney failure
renal failure associated with burns or other trauma or with acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract
infantile paralysis
acute anterior poliomyelitis
an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord
severe acute respiratory syndrome
a respiratory disease of unknown etiology that apparently originated in mainland China in , characterized by fever and coughing or difficulty breathing or hypoxia, can be fatal
acute leukemia rapidly progressing leukemia
acute lymphocytic leukemia
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and blood, most common in children
acute myelocytic leukemia
acute myeloid leukemia
acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular leukocytes, most common in adolescents and young adults
acute glaucoma
closed-angle glaucoma
anglelosure glaucoma
glaucoma in which the iris blocks the outflow of aqueous humor, closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual damage in a couple of days
acute hemorrhagic encephalitis encephalitis that resembles apoplexy due to blood extravasation
herpes simplex encephalitis
herpes encephalitis
acute inclusion body encephalitis
common form of acute encephalitis caused by herpes simplex , usually affects the temporal and frontal lobes
acute gastritis gastritis caused by ingesting an irritant (as too much aspirin)
acute glossitis glossitis resulting from injury or infection and characterized by swelling and pain
acute schizophrenic episode
reactive schizophrenia
schizophrenia of abrupt onset and relatively short duration (a few weeks or months)
acute pyelonephritis pyelonephritis resulting from the spread of a bladder infection
acute having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course, acute appendicitis, the acute phase of the illness, acute patients
acute of critical importance and consequence, an acute (or critical) lack of research funds
extremely sharp or intense, acute pain, felt acute annoyance, intense itching and burning
having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions, an acute observer of politics and politicians, incisive comments, icy knifelike reasoning, as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang, penetrating insight, frequent penetrative observations
ending in a sharp point
acute of an angle, less than degrees
arterial of or involving or contained in the arteries, arterial disease, the arterial system, arterial blood
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