
Au Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Aubbaukante f min.
rib-side (ribside) (rib side)
Aube f (Fluss) geogr.
Aube (river)
Aubergine f, Eierfrucht f, Melanzani f Ös. bot. cook.
Auberginen pl
eggplant, aubergine, madapple
eggplants, aubergines
Aubergine f; Eierfrucht f; Melanzani f Ös. bot. cook.
Auberginen pl
eggplant; aubergine; madapple
eggplants; aubergines
Aubergine f; Eierfrucht f Dt.; Melanzani f Ös. cook.
Auberginen pl; Eierfrüchte pl; Melanzanien pl
aubergine Br.; eggplant Am.
aubergines; eggplants
Nachtschatten pl (Solanum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Eierpflanze f; Auberginenpflanze f (Solanum melongena)
Carolina-Nachtschatten; Pferdenessel (Solanum carolinense)
schwarzer Nachtschatten (Solanum nigrum)
bittersüßer Nachtschatten; Bittersüß; Waldnachtschatten, Wasserranke; Saurebe; Mäuseholz; Natternholz (Solanum dulcamara)
zierlicher Nachtschatten; gänsefußblättriger Nachtschatten (Solanum chenopodioides)
nightshades; horsenettles (botanical genus)
aubergine plant Br.; eggplant Am. Austr. NZ; mad-apple plant South Africa
Carolina horsenettle; horsenettle
black nightshade; European black nighshade; small-fruited black nightshade; garden nightshade; duscle; petty morel; wonder berry
bittersweet nightshade; bitter nightshade; climbing trailing woody snakeberry nightshade; trailing bittersweet; bittersweet; blue bindweed; scarlet berry; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonberry; poisonflower
tall nightshade
Blaukissen pl; Aubrietien pl (Aubrieta) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aubrieta (botanical genus)
auch die Referenznummer
including the reference number
benötigt auch in Zukunft
continues to require
ebenso sehr ... wie auch
as much ... as
sie können auch Abweichungen angeben
they may also specify variations
sowohl ... als auch
both ... and
was auch immer in den Regeln vorgesehen ist
anything provided in the rules
wie auch immer benannt
however named
wie auch immer bezeichnet
however described
Frau f, Fr. (allg. Anrede in Schriftform, auch für Unverheiratete)
(verheiratete) Frau f
mistress, Mrs old
Grund m, Ursache f, Anlass m
Gründe pl
mit Grund, mit Recht
der alleinige Grund
gar kein Grund
aus welchem Grund?
besondere Gründe
aus diesem Grund
aus politischen Gründen
aus gesundheitlichen Gründen
aus verschiedenen Gründen
aus welchen Gründen auch immer
besondere (zwingende) städtebauliche Gründe
nicht ohne Grund
with reason
the only reason
no reason whatsoever, no reason at all
for what reason?
specific reasons
it is for this reason
for political reasons
for health etc reasons, on health grounds
for various reasons, for a variety of reasons
for whatever reasons
special (urgent) urban-planning reasons
not for nothing
Hartholz n (fälschlich auch Laubholz)
Rost m (Eisen, auch bot.)
Rost ansetzen
to start to rust
Tanne f (fälschlich auch Fichte) bot.
Tannen pl
Weichholz n (fälschlich auch Nadelholz)
auch, ebenso, ferner, außerdem adv
ich auch
ich auch nicht
also, too
me too
neither do I
as well Br.
auch, überdies
too Am.
auch immer
auch nicht
not ... either
auch nicht, noch
wie auch immer
wie groß auch immer
wie auch immer benannt
however big
however named
ebenso adv
Bei mir ist es ebenso., Bei mir ist es auch so.
equally, likewise
It is the same with me, too., Likewise with me., It is also the same with me.
essbar, genießbar adj (i.a. auch wohlschmeckend)
hinsehen, hinschauen, hinblicken v
hinsehend, hinschauend, hinblickend
hingesehen, hingeschaut, hingeblickt
ohne auch nur hinzusehen
to look (there)
without even looking
so klug wie zuvor
auch nicht schlauer sein
none the wiser
to be none the wiser
sie mag
wie dem auch sein mag
she may
however that may be, be that as it may
nicht nur ... sondern auch
not only ... but also
obgleich, obschon, wenn auch adv
oder conj
oder aber
oder auch
or else
or perhaps
reinigen, säubern (als Ritual, auch pol.)
reinigend, säubernd
gereinigt, gesäubert
to lustrate
relevant, erheblich, wichtig, bedeutsam, wesentlich, passend, themabezogen, aktuell adj
besonders relevant sein (für)
Das Problem ist auch heute noch aktuell.
to be of particular relevance (to)
The problem is still relevant today.
sei es
wie dem auch sei
Sei es!
Sei so gut und ...
X sei eine Konstante. math.
be that
in any case
Be it!
Be a treasure and ...
Let x be a constant.
siehe oben
siehe unten
siehe auch
see above
see below
see also
sogar, selbst, überhaupt adv
vielleicht sogar
selbst dann, trotzdem
selbst jetzt
selbst nach
selbst wenn, wenn auch, auch wenn
selbst ... nicht
selbst nicht durch
even perhaps
even so
even now
even after
even if, even though
not even
not even by, not even through, not even by means of
sooft, so oft, wenn auch immer
wann auch immer, wann immer
sowohl conj
sowohl ... als auch auch>
Wir akzeptieren sowohl Barzahlung als auch Kreditkarten.

as well ... as, both ... and ...
We accept cash as well as credit cards.
vermissen, missen, verfehlen, verpassen, versäumen, übersehen v
vermissend, missend, verfehlend, verpassend, versäumend, übersehend
vermisst, gemisst, verfehlt, verpasst, versäumt, übersehen
vermisst, verfehlt, verpasst, versäumt, übersieht
vermisste, verfehlte, verpasste, versäumte, übersah
Ich vermisse dich.
Ich vermisse dich so sehr.
Ich vermisse dich auch.
to miss
I miss you.
I miss you so much.
I miss you, too.
vielleicht adv
vielleicht, vielleicht auch nicht
Vielleicht habe ich es verloren.
Vielleicht weiß sie es.
maybe, perhaps
as likely as not
Maybe I have lost it.
Maybe she knows.
von wo auch immer, woher auch immer
was, was auch immer, alles was
alles was du willst
whatever, whatsoever
whatever you want
was auch immer geschieht
for better or worse
was auch, trotz allem
was du auch tust
whatever you do
wen, den, dem pron
wen auch immer
wem auch immer
der Spieler, den ich ersetzen sollte
to whom
the player whom I was to replace.
wer pron
Wer war da?
Wer bist du?, Wer sind Sie?
wer auch immer, egal wer
Who was there?
Who are you?
wo, wohin adv pron
Wo bist du?, Wo sind Sie?
Wo gehst du hin?, Wohin gehst du?
wohin man auch sieht
Where are you?
Where are you going to?
wherever you look
wo auch immer, egal wo, überall wo
wo auch immer
wohin adv
wohin man auch schaut
wherever you look
Ach, du auch!
Join the club!
Andere Mütter haben auch schöne Töchter.
There are plenty of other fish in the sea. fig.
Auch das noch!
Oh no, not that!
Auch dem Aufmerksamsten entgeht manchmal etwas.
Homer sometimes nods.
Auch der beste Gaul strauchelt einmal. Sprw.
A good marksman may miss. prov.
Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn. Sprw.
A blind man may perchance hit the mark. prov.
Da muss auch noch das Auto kaputt gehen.
Then also the auto had to go and break down.
Das gilt auch bei ...
This applies to ... also.
Das gilt auch für Sie.
That applies to you, too.
Das gilt auch für Sie!
And that goes for you too!
Das will ich auch tun.
I intend to do just that.

Deutsche Au Synonyme

Englische rib-side Synonyme

Au Definition

Crown side
() See Crown office.
(n.) The margin, edge, verge, or border of a surface
(n.) Any outer portion of a thing considered apart from, and yet in relation to, the rest
(n.) One of the halves of the body, of an animals or man, on either side of the mesial plane
(n.) The right or left part of the wall or trunk of the body
(n.) A slope or declivity, as of a hill, considered as opposed to another slope over the ridge.
(n.) The position of a person or party regarded as opposed to another person or party, whether as a rival or a foe
(n.) A line of descent traced through one parent as distinguished from that traced through another.
(n.) Fig.: Aspect or part regarded as contrasted with some other
(a.) Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides
(a.) Hence, indirect
(n.) Long
(v. i.) To lean on one side.
(v. i.) To embrace the opinions of one party, or engage in its interest, in opposition to another party
(v. t.) To be or stand at the side of
(v. t.) To suit
(v. t.) To work (a timber or rib) to a certain thickness by trimming the sides.
(v. t.) To furnish with a siding
(n.) A taking sides, as with a party, sect, or faction.
(a.) Having a paddle wheel on each side

rib-side Bedeutung

a glance sideways, she shot him an impatient side-glance
side-blotched lizard
sand lizard Uta stansburiana
one of the most abundant lizards in the arid western United States
side arm
shooting iron
a firearm that is held and fired with one hand
pommel horse
side horse
a gymnastic horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center, held upright by two steel supports, one at each end
side an extended outer surface of an object, he turned the box over to examine the bottom side, they painted all four sides of the house
side chapel a small chapel off the side aisle of a church
side door
side entrance
an exterior door at one side of a building
side pocket a pocket on the side of a billiard table
side road a minor road branching off of a main road
side street a street intersecting a main street and terminating there
side-wheeler a paddle steamer having a paddle wheel on each side
side yard the grounds at either side of a house
snare drum
snare side drum
a small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head
straight chair
side chair
a straight-backed chair without arms
mutton chop
facial hair that has grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off)
side either the left or right half of a body, he had a pain in his side
side an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect), he was on the heavy side, he is on the purchasing side of the business, it brought out his better side
side view a view from the side of something
supply-side economics the school of economic theory that stresses the costs of production as a means of stimulating the economy, advocates policies that raise capital and labor output by increasing the incentive to produce
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute, there are two sides to every question
(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist
silver lining
bright side
a consoling aspect of a difficult situation, every cloud has a silver lining, look on the bright side of it
side dish
side order
a dish that is served with, but is subordinate to, a main course
side of meat
a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
side of beef dressed half of a beef carcass
flitch side of bacon salted and cured abdominal wall of a side of pork
side of pork dressed half of a hog carcass
side a family line of descent, he gets his brains from his father's side
side one of two or more contesting groups, the Confederate side was prepared to attack
a surface forming part of the outside of an object, he examined all sides of the crystal, dew dripped from the face of the leaf
lee side
the side of something that is sheltered from the wind
side a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure, the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side
side a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location, they always sat on the right side of the church, he never left my side
blind side the side on which your vision is limited or obstructed
east side the side that is on the east
north side the side that is on the north
south side the side that is on the south
west side the side that is on the west
top side
upper side
the highest or uppermost side of anything, put your books on top of the desk, only the top side of the box was painted
an elevated geological formation, he climbed the steep slope, the house was built on the side of a mountain
side judge a football official
side effect
any adverse and unwanted secondary effect, a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal
credit side account of payments received, usually the right side of a financial statement
debit side account of payments owed, usually the left side of a financial statement
to windward
windward side
weather side
the side toward the wind
to leeward
leeward side
the side sheltered from the wind
flip side a different aspect of something (especially the opposite aspect), the flip side of your positive qualities sometimes get out of control, on the flip side of partnerships he talked about their competition
side effect a secondary and usually adverse effect of a drug or therapy, severe headaches are one of the side effects of the drug
side take sides for or against, Who are you widing with?, Im siding against the current candidate
side-slip slide sideways through the air in a downward direction in an airplane along an inclined lateral axis
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