
Ausgangszollstelle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ausgangszollstelle f
(customs) office of exit
Ausgangszollstelle f
(customs) office of exit
ausgehend; Ausgangs… adj adm. telco.
ausgehende Bestellungen
ausgehende Nachrichten
ausgehende Post
outgoing orders
outgoing messages
outgoing mail
Ausgangsadresse f, Sprungadresse f
home address
Ausgangsadresse, Srungadresse
home adress
Ausgangsadresse f; Sprungadresse f comp.
Ausgangsadressen pl; Sprungadressen pl
home address
home addresses
Artbildung f; Artentstehung f; Speziation f selten (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
sympatrische Artbildung (im selben Gebiet wie die Ausgangsart)
speciation (evolutionary biology)
sympatric speciation
Ausgangsauffächerung f; Ausgangslastfaktor m comp. electr.
starting basis
Ausgangsbasis f
starting point
Ausgangsbasis f; Ansatzpunkt m (für etw.); Brückenkopf m fig.
Ansatzpunkte pl; Brückenköpfe pl
an einem Ort (festen) Fuß fassen
foothold; toehold (for sth.) fig.
footholds; toeholds
to gain get a foothold toehold in a place
Ausgangsbasis f; Ansatzpunkt m (für etw.); Brückenkopf m übtr.
Ansatzpunkte pl; Brückenköpfe pl
an einem Ort (festen) Fuß fassen
foothold; toehold (for sth.) fig.
footholds; toeholds
to gain get a foothold toehold in a place
Ausgangsbedingung f
Ausgangsbedingungen pl
starting condition
starting conditions
Ausgangsbedingung f
Ausgangsbedingungen pl
gleiche Ausgangsbedingungen schaffen
starting condition
starting conditions
to level the playing field fig.
Ausgangsbeschränkungen pl pol. mil.
movement restrictions; restrictions on movement
Betrag m; Summe f (von + Zahlenangabe) fin.
Ausgangsbetrag m
Nettobetrag m; Nettosumme f
ausgewiesener Betrag
ausgezahlter Betrag; Auszahlungsbetrag m
ausstehender Betrag
überfälliger Betrag
zu viel bezahlter Betrag; Differenzbetrag m
eine ansehnliche Summe
ein angemessener Geldbetrag; eine angemessene Geldsumme
in der Höhe von (nach Zahlenangaben)
ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Betrag
zu viel berechneter Betrag; überhöhter Betrag; übersetzter Betrag Schw.
ein Honorar in der Höhe von 100 Euro; ein Honorar von 100 Euro
Man einigte sich schließlich auf einen Betrag.
Ich musste die Summe von 500 Dollar zahlen.
amount; sum (of + numerical figure)
starting amount; initial amount
net amount; net total
amount stated
amount paid out
amount outstanding
amount overdue
excess amount
a substantial amount
a fair amount of money; a fair sum of money
in the amount of; to the amount of (used after numerical figures)
a considerable amount
a fee in to the amount of 100 euros; a fee of 100 euros
An amount was finally agreed upon.
I had to pay the sum of 500 dollars.
Ausgangsdaten pl, Urdaten pl
raw data
Ausgangsdaten, Urdaten
raw data
Ausgangsdaten pl; Urdaten pl
raw data
clearance outwards
Ausgangsdeklaration f
clearance outwards
Schriftstück n; Dokument n adm.
Schriftstücke pl; Dokumente pl
ausgehende Dokumente
echtes Dokument; authentisches Dokument
abhandengekommene Unterlagen
Arbeitsdokument n
(einzelstaatliche) Ausgangsdokumente für die Ausstellung von EU-Pässen
Originaldokument n
piece of writing; writing; document
pieces of writing; writings; documents
inquiry documents
authentic document
lost documents
working document; working paper
(national) breeder documents for the issuing of EU passports
original document; source document
Ausgangsdruck m phys. techn.
outlet pressure
Ebene f math.
schiefe Ebene f
Bezugsebene f; Ausgangsebene f
auf gleicher Ebene (wie)
inclined plane
datum plane; initial plane; basis
in-plane; level (with)
Ausgangsflur m
Ausgangsflure pl
exit corridor
exit corridors
Ausgangsform f
Ausgangsform f
Ausgangsformen pl
freight outward
Ausgangsfracht f
freight outward
Ausgangsgeschwindigkeit f
initial speed
Ausgangsgestein n geol.
source rock; parent rock
Ausgangsgestein n; Muttergestein n geol.
parent rock; parent material
Ausgangsgröße f
Ausgangsgrößen pl
output parameter
output parameters
Ausgangshafen m transp. naut.
Ausgangshäfen pl
port of exit
ports of exit
Ausgangskontrolle f
Ausgangskontrollen pl
check point
check points
Ausgangssituation f, Ausgangslage f
starting situation, initial situation
Ausgangsstellung f, Ausgangslage f, Ausgangszustand m
original position, initial position
löschen, zurücksetzen, in die Ausgangslage zurückführen v
löschend, zurücksetzend, in die Ausgangslage zurückführend
gelöscht, zurückgesetzt, in die Ausgangslage zurückgeführt
to reset {reset, reset}
Ausgangssituation f; Ausgangslage f
Ausgangssituationen pl; Ausgangslagen pl
starting situation; initial situation
starting situations; initial situations
Ausgangsstellung f; Ausgangslage f; Ausgangszustand m
Ausgangsstellungen pl; Ausgangslagen pl; Ausgangszustände pl
original position; initial position
original positions; initial positions
etw. zurücksetzen; etw. in die Ausgangslage zurückführen; etw. auf null stellen; etw. in Grundstellung bringen v
eine Uhr neu stellen
einen Computer neu starten
den Kilometerzähler im Auto zurückstellen zurücksetzen
to reset sth. {reset; reset}
to reset a clock
to reset a computer
to reset a car
Ausgangslage f; Ausgangssituation f pol. soc.
Ausgangslagen pl; Ausgangssituationen pl
baseline situation; initial situation
baseline situations; initial situations
Ausgangslastfaktor m
Ausgangsleistung f
power output, output power
Ausgangsleistung f techn.
output rating
power output
Ausgangsleistung f
power output; output power
hundert num
mehrere hundert
die Einfuhr von mehreren hundert Kilogramm Heroin
eine Ausgangsleistung von mehreren hundert Watt techn.
Hunderte nein Tausende von ...
Sie kamen zu Hunderten.
one hundred
a multi-hundred kilo heroin import
a multi hundred watt output
hundreds even thousands of ...
They came by the hundreds.
Wirkleistungsabgabe f; Leistungsabgabe f; (abgegebene) Leistung f; Ausgangsleistung f electr.
hohe Leistung
normale Leistung
sehr hohe Leistung
Entladeleistung einer Batterie
power output; output power; output
high output HO
normal output NO
very high output VHO
output of a battery
hundert num
mehrere hundert
die Einfuhr von mehreren hundert Kilogramm Heroin
eine Ausgangsleistung von mehreren hundert Watt techn.
Hunderte, nein Tausende von …
Sie kamen zu Hunderten.
one hundred
a multi-hundred kilo heroin import
a multi hundred watt output
hundreds even thousands of …
They came by the hundreds.
Ausgangslinie f
Ausgangslinien pl
Ausgangslinie f für Murmelwerfen
taw (line from which marbles are shot)
Abluft f; Fortluft f; Ausgangsluft f techn.
outgoing air; exhaust air; extracted air
Ausgangsmaterial n
industrielles Ausgangsmaterial
starting material
industrial feedstock
Ausgangsmaterial n
Ausgangsmaterial n; Rohmaterial n; Einsatzmaterial n techn.
industrielles Ausgangsmaterial
industrial feedstock
Ausgangsmaterial n; Rohstoff m; Edukt n chem.
Ausgangsmaterialien pl; Rohstoffe pl; Edukte pl
starting material
starting materials
Grundstoff m; Grundmaterial n; Ausgangsmaterial n
basic material
Ausgangsmaterial n; Einsatzmaterial n; industrielles Rohmaterial n; Rohstoff m (für industrielle Anlagen) chem. techn.
biogene Rohstoffe; Biomasse-Rohstoffe
chemische Rohstoffe; Chemierohstoffe
biomass feedstock
chemical feedstock
energy feedstock
Ausgangsmaterialien pl techn.
raw materials
etw. veraschen v chem.
Ausgangsmenge der Veraschung
to incinerate; to ash sth.; to reduce sth. to ashes
incinerating; ashing; reducing to ashes
incinerated; ashed; reduced to ashes
mass of material to be ashed or dried
base level
Grundniveau n; Ausgangsniveau n
Grundniveaus pl; Ausgangsniveaus pl
basal level
basal levels
Ausgangspunkt m; Ausgangsort m
Ausgangspunkte pl; Ausgangsorte pl
point of departure; place of departure; starting place
points of departure; places of departure; starting places
Ausgangsort m fin.
Parameter m; (veränderliche) Größe f comp. sci. techn.
Parameter pl; veränderliche Größen pl
Kenngröße f; Kennwert m
aktueller Parameter; Aktualparameter m comp.
additiver Parameter phys.
Ausgangsparameter m techn.
Auswahlparameter m
Beatmungsparameter m med.
Eingangsparameter m techn.
Einstellparameter m techn.
Einzelparameter m techn.
freier Parameter techn.
Rauschkennwert m electr.
störender Parameter statist.
Stromkreisparameter m; Schaltungsparameter m; Schaltungsgröße f
Verteilungsparameter m statist.
Anpassung f von Parametern
characteristic parameter
actual parameter, actual argument
extensive parameter
output parameter
selection parameter
ventilation parameter
input parameter
adjustable parameter
single parameter
arbitrary parameter
characteristic noise parameter
deranging parameter; nuisance parameter
circuit parameter
distribution parameter
parameter adjustment
base period
die ganze Ausgangsport
all outgoing mail

Deutsche Ausgangszollstelle Synonyme

Englische office of exit Synonyme

office  Mass  act of grace  act of kindness  advice  advocacy  aegis  agency  agentship  aid  alerting  appointment  area  assignment  assistance  atelier  auspices  authority  authorization  baccalaureate service  backhouse  backing  backup  bailiwick  bedtime prayer  benefaction  benefit  benevolence  benignity  berth  billet  bit  blessing  booking office  box office  branch  branch office  brevet  bureau  business  cabinet  camp meeting  capacity  care  caution  celebration  ceremonial  ceremony  chambers  chancellery  chancery  character  charge  chore  church  church service  closet  clue  comfort  commencement  commissariat  commission  commissioning  commitment  company  compline  connection  consignment  constablery  constablewick  constabulary  consulate  convocation  corporate headquarters  corporation  courtesy  crapper  cue  cure  delegated authority  delegation  den  department  deputation  devolution  devolvement  devotions  divine service  division  duty  ease  embassy  employment  empowerment  empty formality  end use  engagement  entrusting  entrustment  errand  establishment  evening devotions  evensong  executive office  executorship  exequatur  exercise  exercises  factorship  favor  firm  form  form of worship  formal  formality  formula  formulary  full power  function  gig  good deed  good offices  good turn  grace  graduation  graduation exercises  headquarters  help  holy rite  home office  house  immediate purpose  inaugural  inauguration  incumbency  indulgence  initiation  institution  intercession  intermediation  jakes  job  jurisdiction  kind deed  kind offices  kindly act  kindness  labor of love  lauds  legation  library  license  lieutenancy  liturgy  lob  loft  main office  mandate  matins  mediation  meeting  mercy  ministration  ministry  mission  mitzvah  mode of worship  monition  moonlighting  morning devotions  mummery  municipality  mystery  necessary  night song  none  nones  novena  obligation  observance  occupation  off  
office boy  Ganymede  Hebe  airline hostess  airline stewardess  attendant  batman  bellboy  bellhop  bellman  bootblack  boots  cabin boy  caddie  callboy  caller  chore boy  copyboy  cupbearer  errand boy  errand girl  footboy  gofer  hostess  office girl  orderly  page  squire  steward  stewardess  tender  trainbearer  usher  yeoman  
officeholder  bureaucrat  civil servant  functionary  functionnaire  holdover  incumbent  ins  jack-in-office  lame duck  mandarin  new broom  office-bearer  officer  official  officiary  petty tyrant  placeman  president-elect  public official  public servant  red-tapist  
officer  ADC  CO  G-man  John Law  MP  OD  administrator  aide  aide-de-camp  apparatchik  archon  bailiff  beadle  beagle  boatswain  bound bailiff  brigadier  brigadier general  bureaucrat  captain  catchpole  chancellor  chicken colonel  chief engineer  chief executive  chief executive officer  chief mate  chief of police  chief of staff  civil servant  colonel  commandant  commander  commander in chief  commanding officer  commissioned officer  commissioner  company officer  constable  cop  copper  dean  deck officer  deputy  deputy sheriff  detective  dick  dignitary  director  exec  executive  executive director  executive officer  executive secretary  fed  federal  field marshal  field officer  first lieutenant  five-star general  flic  four-star general  functionary  functionnaire  fuzz  gendarme  general  general officer  generalissimo  government man  inspector  jack-in-office  jemadar  junior officer  lawman  lictor  lieutenant  lieutenant colonel  lieutenant general  mace-bearer  magistrate  major  major general  management  manager  managing director  mandarin  marechal  marshal  master  mate  mounted policeman  narc  naval officer  navigating officer  navigator  office-bearer  officeholder  official  officiary  one-star general  orderly officer  patrolman  patron  peace officer  petty tyrant  pipes  placeman  police  police captain  police commissioner  police constable  police inspector  police matron  police officer  police sergeant  policeman  policewoman  portreeve  prefect  president  prexy  provost  public official  public servant  quartermaster  red-tapist  reeve  risaldar  roundsman  sailing master  second mate  secretary  senior officer  sergeant  sergeant at arms  shavetail  sheriff  shipmaster  sirdar  skipper  staff officer  subahdar  subaltern  sublieutenant  superintendent  tec  the Old Man  the administration  the brass  three-star general  tipstaff  tipstaves  top brass  treasurer  trooper  two-star general  vice-chancellor  vice-presid  

Ausgangszollstelle Definition

Booking office
() An office where passengers, baggage, etc., are registered for conveyance, as by railway or steamship.
Booking office
() An office where passage tickets are sold.
Crown office
() The criminal branch of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of all criminal cases.
() He (or she ) goes out, or retires from view
(n.) The departure of a player from the stage, when he has performed his part.
(n.) Any departure
(n.) A way of departure
(n.) That which a person does, either voluntarily or by appointment, for, or with reference to, others
(n.) A special duty, trust, charge, or position, conferred by authority and for a public purpose
(n.) A charge or trust, of a sacred nature, conferred by God himself
(n.) That which is performed, intended, or assigned to be done, by a particular thing, or that which anything is fitted to perform
(n.) The place where a particular kind of business or service for others is transacted
(n.) The company or corporation, or persons collectively, whose place of business is in an office
(n.) The apartments or outhouses in which the domestics discharge the duties attached to the service of a house, as kitchens, pantries, stables, etc.
(n.) Any service other than that of ordination and the Mass
(v. t.) To perform, as the duties of an office
Post office
(n.) See under 4th Post.

(customs) office of exit Bedeutung

exit the act of going out
post office a children's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
public office a position concerning the people as a whole
office part role
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group, the function of a teacher, the government must do its part, play its role
office a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities, the offices of the mass
Divine Office canonical prayers recited daily by priests (e.g. the breviary of the Roman Catholic Church)
Little Office a Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary, similar to but shorter than the Divine Office
Office of the Dead an office read or sung before a burial mass in the Roman Catholic Church
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
box office
ticket office
ticket booth
the office where tickets of admission are sold
left-luggage office
a room where baggage or parcels are checked
way out
an opening that permits escape or release, he blocked the way out, the canyon had only one issue
fire escape
emergency exit
a stairway (often on the outside of a building) that permits exit in the case of fire or other emergency
government office an office where government employees work
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
land office a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
life office life assurance office
loan office an office where loans are negotiated and repaid
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
office building
office block
a building containing offices where work is done
office furniture furniture intended for use in an office
Oval Office the office of the President of the United States in the White House
pawnbroker's shop
loan office
a shop where loans are made with personal property as security
Post-Office box
PO Box
call box letter box
a numbered compartment in a post office where mail is put to be called for
shipping office the office of a shipping agent, an office where seamen are hired
exit poll a poll of voters as they leave the voting place, usually taken by news media in order to predict the outcome of an election
loss departure
euphemistic expressions for death, thousands mourned his passing
Foreign Office the government department in charge of foreign relations
Home Office the government department in charge of domestic affairs
French Foreign Office
Quai d'Orsay
the French department in charge of foreign affairs, referred to familiarly by its address in Paris
personnel department
personnel office
personnel staff office
the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management
federal department
federal office
department of the federal government
a department of the federal government of the United States
Office of Management and Budget
the executive agency that advises the President on the federal budget
Office of Intelligence Support
agency that oversees the intelligence relationships of the Treasury's offices and bureaus and provides a link between the Intelligence Community and officials responsible for international economic policy
Bureau of Customs
Customs Bureau
Customs Service
the agency of the Treasury Department that enforces import tariffs
United States Post Office
US Post Office
Post Office
an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States
post office local post office a local branch where postal services are available
Government Accounting Office
United States Government Accounting Office
an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
Office of Naval Intelligence
the military intelligence agency that provides for the intelligence and counterintelligence and investigative and security requirements of the United States Navy
United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
an agency of the United Nations that promotes drug control and crime prevention
customs union an association of nations to promote free trade within the union and set common tariffs for nations that are not members
federal agency
government agency
office authority
an administrative unit of government, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Census Bureau, Office of Management and Budget, Tennessee Valley Authority
National Reconnaissance Office
an intelligence agency in the United States Department of Defense that designs and builds and operates space reconnaissance systems to detect trouble spots worldwide and to monitor arms control agreements and environmental issues and to help plan military operations
Patent and Trademark Office Database
Patent Office
the government bureau in the Department of Commerce that keeps a record of patents and trademarks and grants new ones
Office of Inspector General
the investigative arm of the Federal Trade Commission
office staff
professional or clerical workers in an office, the whole office was late the morning of the blizzard
employment agency
employment office
an agency that finds people to fill particular jobs or finds jobs for unemployed people
placement office
placement center
an office that finds suitable employment for applicants
executive branch
Executive Office of the President
the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws
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