
Bakterienzelle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bakterienzelle f biol.
Bakterienzellen pl
bacterial cell
bacterial cells
Bakterienzelle f biol.
Bakterienzellen pl
bacterial cell
bacterial cells
Bakterie f, Bakterium n, Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl
bacteria, bacteriums
Bakterie, Spaltpilz
Bakterie f; Bakterium n; Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl; Eubacteria pl (veraltet) (biologische Domäne)
freilebende Bakterien
spiegelartige Bakterien
bacteria; bacteriums (biological domain)
asymbiotic bacteria; non-symbiotic bacteria
mirror-like bacteria
Bakterie f; Bakterium n; Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl; Eubacteria pl veraltet (biologische Domäne)
coliforme Bakterien pl; fäkalcoliforme Bakterien pl; thermotolerante coliforme Bakterien pl
freilebende Bakterien
spiegelartige Bakterien
bacteria; bacteriums (biological domain)
coliform bacteria
asymbiotic bacteria; non-symbiotic bacteria
mirror-like bacteria
bakteriell adj
bakteriell adv
Bakterienerkrankung f; Bakterienkrankheit f; bakterielle Krankheit f; Bakteriose f med.
Bakterienerkrankungen pl; Bakterienkrankheiten pl; bakterielle Krankheiten pl; Bakteriosen pl
bacterial disease; bacteriosis
bacterial diseases; bacterioses
Bakterienruhr f; Ruhr f; bakterielle Dysenterie f; Shigellose f med.
bacillary dysentery; aslum dysentery; shigellosis
Bakterienverseuchung f; Bakterieneinschleppung f; bakterielle Kontamination f med.
bacterial contamination
Endokarditis f; Entzündung der Herzinnenhaut med.
akute bakterielle Endokarditis
acute bacterial endocarditis
Impfung f; Vakzination f med.
Impfungen pl
bakterielle Impfung; Bakterienvakzination f
vaccination; jab Br. coll.
vaccinations; jabs
bacterial vaccination; bacterination
Infektion f; Ansteckung f med.
Infektionen pl; Ansteckungen pl
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
bacterial infection
multiple infection; mixed infection
Nahrungsmittelvergiftung f med.
Nahrungsmittelvergiftungen pl
akute bakterielle Nahrungsmittelvergiftung
food poisoning; food intoxication; alimentary toxicosis
food poisonings; food intoxications; alimentary toxicoses
enterocolitis syndrome
bakterielle Herzinnenhautentzündung; Endokardentzündung; Bakterien-Endokarditis f med.
(subacute) bacterial endocarditis
Ansteckung f; Infektion f (Vorgang) med.
Ansteckungen pl; Infektionen pl
virale Infektion; Virusinfektion f
Ansteckung im Krankenhaus; nosokomiale Infektion
Ansteckung über die Luft; aerogene Ansteckung
Ansteckung über die Hände
Ansteckung durch einen Überträger
Ansteckung durch Keimzellen
Ansteckung durch Staub
Ansteckung über das Trinkwasser
aufsteigende Infektion; retrograde Infektion
äußere Infektion
bakterielle Infektion; Bakterieninfektion f
Bissinfektion f
direkte Infektion
Doppelinfektion f; Koinfektion f
erneute Ansteckung
Kontaktansteckung f; Kontaktinfektion f
lokale Infektion; Lokalinfektion f
milde Infektion
multiple Infektion; Mischinfektion f
schleichende Infektion
Schmierinfektion f
stille Ansteckung; subklinische Infektion
Tröpfcheninfektion f
unterschwellige Infektion; subakute Infektion
verborgene Ansteckung
zusätzliche Infektion; sekundäre Infektion
Allgemeininfektion f; systemische Infektion; Infektion des gesamten Körpers
infection (process)
viral infection; virus infection
nosocomial infection
airborne infection
hand-borne infection
vector-borne infection
germinal infection; heredo-infection
dust-borne infection
water-borne infection
ascending infection; retrograde infection
external infection; hetero-infection
bacterial infection
bite infection
direct infection; contact infection
contact infection; contagion
local infection
mild infection; subinfection
multiple infection; mixed infection
slow infection
smear infection
silent infection; subclinical infection
droplet infection
inapparent infection; low-grade infection; subacute infection
hidden infection; cryptoinfection
consecutive infection; secondary infection
general infection; systemic infection
Blutvergiftung f; Blutfäulnis f; septisches Fieber n; Sepsis f; Septikhämie f; Septhämie f; Toxämie f med.
bakterielle Sepsis; Bakteriensepsis f; Bakteriämie f
Dekubitalsepsis f
Pilzblutvergiftung f; Pilzsepsis f; Fungämie f
blood poisoning; sepsis; septicaemia Br.; septicemia Am.; toxaemia Br.; toxemia Am.; toxicaemia Br.; toxicemia Am.; ichorrhaemia Br.; ichorrhemia Br.; pyohaemia Br.; pyohemia Br.; pyaemia Br.; pyemia Am.
bacterial sepsis; bacteriaemia Br.; bacteriemia Am.
decubital sepsis
bakterielle Fehlbesiedelung f med.
Dünndarmfehlbesiedlung f
bacterial overgrowth
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth SIBO
Schutzimpfung f; Impfung f; Vakzination f med.
aktive Impfung
aktive Impfung und Serumbehandlung
Auffrischungsimpfung f; Wiederholungsimpfung f; Nachimpfung f
Basisimpfung f
bakterielle Impfung; Bakterienvakzination f
enterale Impfung; perorale Impfung
epikutane Impfung
konjunktivale Impfung
passive Impfung
Impfung im Kindesalter
Impfung mit Rotzbakterienextrakt
vaccination; vaccinization; inoculation; vaccine therapy; vaccinotherapy; immunization with a vaccine; immunization shot Am. coll.; jab Br. coll.
active vaccination
active serovaccination
booster inoculation; booster
primary vaccination
bacterial vaccination; bacterination
enteric inoculation; peroral inoculation
epicutaneous vaccination
conjunctival inoculation
passive vaccination
childhood vaccination
Verlagerung f von Stoffen; Translokation f von Stoffen envir. med.
bakterielle Translokation
Bodenpartikelverlagerung f
translocation of substances
bacterial translocation
particle translocation
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown diegradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Impfstoff m; Vakzine f pharm.
Impfstoffe pl
bakterieller Impfstoff m; Bakterienvakzine f
gemischter Impfstoff; Mischimpfstoff m
bacterial vaccine; bacterin
mixed vaccine
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown degradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Impfstoff m; Vakzine f pharm.
Impfstoffe pl
abgeschwächter Lebendimpfstoff m
adjuvantierter Impfstoff
Adsorbatimpfstoff m
bakterieller Impfstoff m; Bakterienimpfstoff m; Bakterienvakzine f
Bruzellenimpfstoff m
Dreifachimpfstoff m; Tripelimpfstoff m; trivalenter Impfstoff
Eigenimpfstoff m; Autovakzine f
Einfachimpfstoff m; monovalenter Impfstoff m; Monovakzine f
fettlöslicher Impfstoff; fettlösliche Vakzine
Fluidimpfstoff m
formalininaktivierter Impfstoff
Ganzkeimimpfstoff m; Ganzzellimpfstoff m; Vollzellimpfstoff m
Gelbfieberimpfstoff m
gemischter Impfstoff; Mischimpfstoff m
Kombinationsimpfstoff m; polyvalenter Impfstoff m
konjugierter Impfstoff; Konjugatimpfstoff m
Masernimpfstoff m
Oralimpfstoff m
potentieller Impfstoff; Impfstoffkandidat m
Rötelnimpfstoff m
Rötelnlebendvirusimpfstoff m
Schluckimpfstoff m; Oralimpfstoff m
Spaltimpfstoff m
Totimpfstoff m
Toxoidimpfstoff m
Zweifachimpfstoff m; Dualimpfstoff m; bivalenter Impfstoff
Impfstoff gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln; Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Impfstoff
live attenuated vaccine
adjuvanted vaccine
adsorbed vaccine
bacterial vaccine; bacterin
brucella vaccine
triple vaccine; trivalent vaccine
monovalent vaccine; monovaccine
liquid vaccine
formalin-inactivated vaccine
whole cell vaccine
yellow fever vaccine
mixed vaccine
combination vaccine; multivalent vaccine; polyvalent vaccine
conjugate vaccine
measles vaccine
oral vaccine
potential vaccine; vaccine candidate
rubella vaccine
live rubella virus vaccine
oral vaccine
split vaccine
killed vaccine; inactivated vaccine
toxoid vaccine
dual vaccine; bivalent vaccine
measles-mumps-rubella vaccine
fieberauslösender Stoff m; pyrogener Stoff m; Pyrogen n pharm.
bakterielles Pyrogen; Bakterienpyrogen
bacterial pyrogen
Bakteriocholie f (Auftreten von Bakterien in der Galle) med.
Brutapparat m; Brutschrank m; Brutkasten m; Inkubator m
Brutapparate pl; Brutschränke pl; Brutkästen pl; Inkubatoren pl
sich im Inkubator entwickeln
Bakterien im Inkubator züchten
to incubate
to incubate bacteria
Stickstoffbakterien pl; stickstoffbindende stickstoffsammelnde Bakterien pl; Stickstoffmehrer pl; Nitrifikanten pl biol.
nitrobacteria; nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Wimpernschlag m (von Bakterien) biol.
ciliary movement (of bacteria)
(mit Bakterien) animpfen v biol.
to accumulate bacteria
thermophil adj (Bakterien) biol.
thermophilic (bacteria)
Coliforme Bakterien pl med.
Coliform bacteria
Ames-Test m (zur Bestimmung der Mutagenität chemischer Verbindungen anhand von Bakterien) biochem.
Ames test (for determining the mutagenic activity of chemicals, using bacteria)
jds. Auffassung f; jds. Einschätzung f
meiner Auffassung nach; meiner Einschätzung nach
unterm Strich
Nach alter Auffassung sind Bakterien Pflanzen.
sb.'s reckoning (judgement)
in my reckoning
in the final reckoning
By ancient reckoning, bacteria are plants.
Giftigkeit f; Giftwirkung f (von Bakterien) biol.
virulence (of bacteria)
Prebiotikum n; Präbiotikum n (unverdaulicher Nahrungsbestandteil, der das Wachstum probiotischer Bakterien fördert) biol. cook.
Prebiotika pl; Präbiotika pl
prebiotic (nondigestible food ingredient that promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria)
Salpeterbakterien pl; nitrifizierende Bakterien pl biol.
nitrobacteria; nitrifying bacteria
Sexualpilus m (bei Bakterien) anat. biol.
sex pilus (in bacteria)
Verankerung f; Fixierung f; Immobilisierung f (von Enzymen Bakterien) biochem.
anchoring; immobilization; immobilisation Br. (of enzymes bacteria)
fermentativ; gärungsauslösend; gärungserregend; Gärungs… agr. chem.
Gärungsprozess m; Gärprozess m
fermentative Bakterien pl
causing fermentation; fermentative
fermentative process
fermentative bacteria
giftbildend adj (Bakterien usw.) biol.
toxin-producing; toxicogenic; toxinogenous; toxigenous (of bacteria etc.)
etw. heranzüchten v biol.
Bakterien Zellen heranzüchten
to incubate sth.
to incubate bacteria cells
heterotroph; auf organische Nährstoffe angewiesen adj biol.
heterotrophe Bakterien
heterotrophic bacteria
etw. verankern; fixieren; immobilisieren v biochem. (Enzyme, Bakterien)
verankernd; fixierend; immobilisierend
verankert; fixiert; immobilisiert
verankerter Biokatalysator; immobilisierter Biokatalysator
immobilisierter pH-Gradient
to anchor sth.; to immobilize sth.; to immobilise sth. Br. (enzymes, bacteria)
anchoring; immobilizing; immobilising
anchored; immobilized; immobilised
anchored biocatalyst; immobilized biocatalyst
immobilized pH gradient
Bakterienabstrich m med.
bacterial smear
bakterienabtötend; bakterienvernichtend; bakterienauflösend; bakteriolytisch adj med.
bacteria-killing; bacteria-destroying; antibacterial; bacteriolytic; bacteriotoxic
bakterienabtötend; bakterizid adj med. pharm.
Bakterizid n; bakterienabtötende Substanz f med. pharm.
Bakterizide pl; bakterienabtötende Substanzen pl
Bakterienvernichtung f; Bakterienabtötung f; Bakterienauflösung f; Bakteriolyse f med.
bacterial destruction; bacteriolysis; bacteriophagia
Bakterienanlagerung f; Bakterienadhäsion f med.
adhesion of bacteria
bakterienartig; bakterienähnlich adj biol.
bacteria-like; bacteroid
Bakterienagglutination f med.
bacterial agglutination
Bakterienaktivität f
bacterial activity
Bakterienallergen n med.
bacterial allergen
allergieauslösender Stoff m; Allergiestoff m; Allergen n med.
allergieauslösende Stoffe pl; Allergiestoffe pl; Allergene pl
Bakterienallergen n
Inhalationsallergen n
Nahrungsmittelallergen n
Tierallergen n; tierisches Allergen
allergy substance; allergen
allergy substances; allergens
bacterial allergen
nutritional allergen; nutritive allergen
animal allergen
Bakterienallergie f med.
bacterial allergy
Allergie f (gegen etw.); immunologische Ãœberempfindlichkeit f med.
Allergien pl
akute Allergie
Arzneimittelallergie f
Bäckerallergie f
Bakterienallergie f
Hausstauballergie f
Infektionsallergie f; Infektallergie f
Katzenhaarallergie f; Katzenallergie f
Kreuzallergie f; Kreuzreaktion f (mit etw.)
Kuhmilchallergie f
Lebensmittelallergie f; Nahrungsmittelallergie f
Pollenallergie f
provozierte Allergie
spontane Allergie
verzögerte Allergie
zellvermittelte Allergie; zellübertragene Allergie
Haben Sie Allergien – speziell eine Medikamentenallergie?
allergy (to sth.); hypersensitivity; hypersensitiveness
immediate allergy; immediate hypersensitivity (reaction)
drug allergy
flour allergy
bacterial allergy
house-dust allergy
allergy of infection
cat hair allergy; cat dander allergy
cross sensitivity; cross allergenicity; cross reactivity (with sth.)
cow's milk allergy
food allergy; alimentary allergy; nutritional allergy
allergy to pollen; pollen allergy
induced allergy; induced hypersensitivity
spontaneous allergy
delayed allergy
cell-mediated allergy; cell-mediated hypersensitivity
Do you have any allergies – particularly a drug allergy?
Bakterienangst f med.
bacteriophobia; bacillophobia
Bakterienansiedlung f biol.
Bakterienansiedlungen pl
bacterial settling
bacterial settlings
Bakterienantagonismus m biol.
bacterial antagonism
Bakterienantitoxin n pharm.
bacterial antitoxin
Streptococcus n (Bakterienart)
Bakterienart f biol.
bacterial species
Gonokokkus pl (Bakterienart)
Gonokokken pl

Deutsche Bakterienzelle Synonyme

Englische bacterial cell Synonyme

Bakterienzelle Definition

Air cell
() A cavity in the cellular tissue of plants, containing air only.
Air cell
() A receptacle of air in various parts of the system
(a.) Of or pertaining to bacteria.
(n.) A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent
(n.) A small religious house attached to a monastery or convent.
(n.) Any small cavity, or hollow place.
(n.) The space between the ribs of a vaulted roof.
(n.) Same as Cella.
(n.) A jar of vessel, or a division of a compound vessel, for holding the exciting fluid of a battery.
(n.) One of the minute elementary structures, of which the greater part of the various tissues and organs of animals and plants are composed.
(v. t.) To place or inclose in a cell.
Purkinje's cells
() Large ganglion cells forming a layer near the surface of the cerebellum.
Water cell
() A cell containing water

bacterial cell / bacterial cells Bedeutung

cell (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms, they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
somatic cell nuclear transplantation
somatic cell nuclear transfer
nuclear transplantation
moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another
cell-mediated immune response an immune response (chiefly against viral or fungal invasions or transplanted tissue) that involves T cells
flame cell organ of excretion in flatworms
flagellated cell any cell or oneelled organism equipped with a flagellum
collar cell
any of the flagellated cells in sponges having a collar of cytoplasm around the flagellum, they maintain a flow of water through the body
detention cell
detention centre
a large cell where prisoners (people awaiting trial or sentence or refugees or illegal immigrants) are confined together temporarily
electric cell
a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction
cell jail cell
prison cell
a room where a prisoner is kept
cell cubicle small room in which a monk or nun lives
cell any small compartment, the cells of a honeycomb
cellular telephone
cellular phone
cell mobile phone
a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own shortange transmitter
Clark cell
Clark standard cell
a form of voltaic cell once used as a standard for electromotive force
dry cell a small Leclanche cell containing no free liquid, the electrolyte is a paste and the negative zinc pole forms the container of the cell, used in flashlights, portable radios, etc.
electrolytic cell a cell containing an electrolyte in which an applied voltage causes a reaction to occur that would not occur otherwise (such as the breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen)
fuel cell cell that produces electricity by oxidation of fuel (hydrogen and oxygen or zinc and air), often used in electric cars
holding cell a jail in a courthouse where accused persons can be confined during a trial
Kerr cell optical device consisting of a transparent cell with two electrodes between two polarizing media, passes light only if the two planes of polarization are parallel, used as a high-speed shutter or to modulate a laser beam
Leclanche cell voltaic cell that produces approximately . volts
mercury cell a primary cell consisting of a zinc anode and a cathode of mercury oxide and an electrolyte of potassium hydroxide
photoelectric cell
photoconductive cell
electric eye
magic eye
a transducer used to detect and measure light and other radiations
selenium cell a photoelectric cell that uses a strip of selenium
solar cell
photovoltaic cell
a cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy
standard cell a primary cell used as a standard of electromotive force
storage cell
secondary cell
a cell that can be recharged
voltaic cell
galvanic cell
primary cell
an electric cell that generates an electromotive force by an irreversible conversion of chemical to electrical energy, cannot be recharged
Weston cell
cadmium cell
a standard voltaic cell (trademark Weston)
wet cell a primary voltaic cell having a liquid electrolyte
skin cell any of the cells making up the skin
epidermal cell any of the cells making up the epidermis
prickle cell a cell in the germinal layer of the skin (the prickleell layer), has many spines and radiating processes
epithelial cell one of the closely packed cells forming the epithelium
columnar cell
columnar epithelial cell
an epithelial cell that is shaped like a column, some have cilia
cuboidal cell
cuboidal epithelial cell
an epithelial cell that shaped like a cube
goblet cell an epithelial cell that secretes mucous
hair cell a sensory epithelial cell present in the organ of Corti
Kupffer's cell specialized cells in the liver that destroy bacteria, foreign proteins, and worn-out blood cells
squamous cell an epithelial cell that is flat like a plate and form a single layer of epithelial tissue
dental plaque
bacterial plaque
a film of mucus and bacteria deposited on the teeth that encourages the development of dental caries
beta cell a cell that produces insulin in the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas
taste cell
gustatory cell
an epithelial cell in a taste bud that activates sensory fibers of the facial nerve or the glossopharyngeal nerve or the vagus nerve
cell membrane
plasma membrane
a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell, proteins in the membrane control passage of ions (like sodium or potassium or calcium) in and out of the cell, all cells have a cell membrane
ganglion cell
a nerve cell whose body is outside the central nervous system, damage to ganglion cells in the retina may play a role in the development of glaucoma
somatic cell
vegetative cell
any of the cells of a plant or animal except the reproductive cells, a cell that does not participate in the production of gametes, somatic cells are produced from preexisting cells,
neoplastic cell a cell that is part of tumor
cancer cell a cell that is part of a malignant tumor
cell nucleus
a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
cell organelle
cell organ
a specialized part of a cell, analogous to an organ, the first organelle to be identified was the nucleus
bone cell a cell that is part of a bone
embryonic cell
formative cell
a cell of an embryo
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