
Bedienungsschild Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bedienungsschild n
Bedienungsschilder pl
instruction plate
instruction plates
Bedienungsschild n
Bedienungsschilder pl
instruction plate
instruction plates
Bedienung einer Maschine
operating of a machine
Bedienung, Berechnung der Bedienung
service charge
Wartung, Bedienung
ohne Aufsicht, ohne Bedienung
Bedienung f
Bedienung f
Bedienung f, Handhabung f
Bedienungen pl, Handhabungen pl
Bedienung f
Behandlung f, Bedienung f, Handhabung f
Behandlung, Bedienung, Handhabung
Arbeitsgang, Bedienung
Bedienung f; Handhabung f
Bedienungen pl; Handhabungen pl
Behandlung f; Bedienung f; Handhabung f
handling; use; manipulation
digitale Bildschirmaufzeichnung f (der Bedienung von Software) comp.
screencast; screen recording; screen capture
Kellner m; Ober m; Bedienung f; Servierer m; Schani m Ös.; Serviceangestellter m Schw.
Kellner pl; Ober pl; Bedienungen pl; Servierer pl; Schani pl; Serviceangestellten pl
einem Kellner winken
Kellnerin f; Fräulein n; Bedienung f; Serviererin f; Serviceangestellte f Schw.; Serviertochter f Schw.; Saaltochter f Schw.
waiter; server Am.
waiters; servers
to call a waiter server
waitress; server Am.
Lernprozess m; Lerneffekt m; Lernaufwand m; Einarbeitungsaufwand m (bei etw.)
einen Lernprozess durchmachen
mit (einem) hohem Lernaufwand verbunden sein
sich (schnell) einarbeiten
Wir werden im Verlauf des Projekts sicherlich einiges dazulernen.
Die Bedienung des Systems ist schnell erlernt.
Wenn man mit neuer Software arbeitet sind Videoanleitungen eine wunderbare Möglichkeit den Einarbeitungsaufwand zu verringern.
learning curve (with sth.) fig.
to have a learning curve
to involve a steep learning curve
to (quickly) climb the learning curve
We expect a learning curve as we develop the project.
There is a short learning curve in the use of the system.
When working with new software video tutorials are a great way to shorten shortcut cut down the initial learning curve.
aufmerksam; zuvorkommend adj
zuvorkommende Bedienung f
solicitous service
inbegriffen adj (nachgestellt)
in etw. inbegriffen sein
Die Bedienung ist im Preis inbegriffen.
inclusive; implied
to be included in sth.
Service is included in the price.
unbeaufsichtigt; unbewacht adj; ohne Aufsicht; ohne Bedienung
sich verstehen v (gemeint sein)
Die Preise verstehen sich inklusive Mehrwertsteuer und Bedienung.
to be meant
The prices include VAT and service charge.; The prices are meant inclusive VAT and service charge.
Bedienung f; Handhabung f (einer Sache)
die grundlegende Bedienung des Programms
operation; operating (of a thing)
the basis operation of the program
Bedienung f eines Bahnhofs durch einen Zug (Bahn)
booked stop of a train in a station (railway)
Kellner m; Ober m; Bedienung f; Servierer m; Schani m Ös.; Serviceangestellter m Schw. cook.
Kellner pl; Ober pl; Bedienungen pl; Servierer pl; Schani(s) pl; Serviceangestellte pl
Aushilfskellner m
einem Kellner winken
waiter; server Am.
waiters; servers
temporary waiter
to call a waiter server
Kellnerin f; Fräulein n; Bedienung f; Serviererin f; Serviceangestellte f Schw.; Serviertochter f Schw.; Saaltochter f Schw. cook.
Aushilfskellnerin f
Oberkellnerin f
waitress; server Am.
temporary waitress
head waitress
Lernprozess m; Lerneffekt m; Lernaufwand m; Einarbeitungsaufwand m (bei etw.)
einen Lernprozess durchmachen
mit (einem) hohem Lernaufwand verbunden sein
sich (schnell) einarbeiten
Wir werden im Verlauf des Projekts sicherlich einiges dazulernen.
Die Bedienung des Systems ist schnell erlernt.
Wenn man mit neuer Software arbeitet, sind Videoanleitungen eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, den Einarbeitungsaufwand zu verringern.
learning curve (with sth.) fig.
to have a learning curve
to involve a steep learning curve
to (quickly) climb the learning curve
We expect a learning curve as we develop the project.
There is a short learning curve in the use of the system.
When working with new software, video tutorials are a great way to shorten shortcut cut down the initial learning curve.
mit jdm. einer Meinung sein; jdm. zustimmen; mit jdm. übereinstimmen geh.; sich mit jdm. einig sein; (ganz) bei jdm. sein; mit jdm. konform gehen; mit jdm. d'accord gehen Ös. geh. v (in einer Sache in der Frage +Gen.); es auch so sehen (wie jd.)
Da bin ich ganz völlig deiner Meinung.; Da bin ich ganz bei dir.
„Ganz meine Meinung“, sagte er zustimmend stimmte er zu.
Ich schließe mich an.
Sind also alle einverstanden?
Jugendliche und ihre Eltern sind selten einer Meinung.
Wir sind natürlich nicht überall einer Meinung.
In einigen Punkten waren wir uns einig, in anderen (wieder) nicht.
Es müssen nur neun der zwölf Geschworenen einer Meinung sein.
Wenn er sagt, dass es so nicht weitergehen kann, dann bin ich ganz bei ihm.
Wir sind uns doch über eine Sache einig: die Kontrollinstanz muss unabhängig sein.
Ich bin mit Ihnen völlig einer Meinung Ich stimme Ihnen voll und ganz zu, dass diese Sache unterstützt werden muss.
Ich finde auch, dass die Bedienung zu umständlich ist.
Die Küche ist zu klein für eine große Familie, finden Sie nicht auch?
to agree with sb.; to concur with sb. formal; to be in agreement with sb. formal; to see eye to eye with sb. (about on sth.)
I quite agree.; I agree completely.; I couldn't agree more.
'My opinion exactly', he concurred.
I concur.
Are we agreed then?'
Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.
We don't agree on everything, of course.
We agreed about some things, but we disagreed about others.
Only nine of the twelve jurors have to concur.
He says that things can't go on like this, and I agree completely.
We can all agree about one thing We can all be agreed on one thing: the supervisory body needs to be independent.
I agree concur completely entirely fully wholeheartedly with your opinion with you that this cause should be supported.; I am entirely in agreement with you that this cause should be supported.
I agree (that) it is too clumsy to use.
The kitchen is too small for a large family, don't you agree?
Weichenbedienung f; Bedienung f der Weichen (Bahn)
throwing-over the points; operation of switches (railway)
Wissen n (Gesamtheit von Kenntnissen)
abgeleitetes Wissen
Alltagswissen n
Faktenwissen n
gesammeltes Wissen
gesichertes Wissen
Grundwissen n; Basiswissen n
implizites Wissen; stilles Wissen
Lehrbuchwissen n pej.
Herrschaftswissen n (Scheler); Machtwissen n (Faucault) phil.
Wahrnehmungswissen n
Wesenswissen n (Scheler) phil.
Wissen als Abbild der Wirklichkeit phil.
sein Wissen über etw. vertiefen
Die Gerätebedienung erfordert kein besonderes Wissen.; Die Bedienung des Geräts ist ohne besonderes Wissen möglich.
Wissen ist Macht. (Bacon)
Wissen ist Tugend. (Sokrates)
knowledge {no pl} (the sum of what is known) (knowledges)
derived knowledge; inferred knowledge
everyday knowledge; common-sense knowledge
knowledge of facts; factual knowledge; positive knowledge
body of acquired knowledge
established knowledge
basic knowledge; basics
tacit knowledge
textbook knowledge
knowledge for mastery (Scheler); power-knowledge; knowledge-power (Foucault)
perceptual knowledge
knowledge of essences (Scheler)
knowledge as an image of reality; knowledge as a copy of reality
to further expand your knowledge of sth.; to further your knowledge of sth.
No special knowledge is required to operate the machine.; It does not take much knowledge to operate the machine.
Knowledge is power. (Bacon)
Knowledge is virtue. (Socrates)
inbegriffen; inkludiert Ös. adj (nachgestellt)
in etw. inbegriffen sein
Die Bedienung ist im Preis inbegriffen.
Wir haben alle unsere schlechten Tage, mich eingeschlossen.
Jeder muss zum Zahnarzt, auch du.
included (postpositive)
to be included in sth.
Service is included in the price.
We all have our off days, me included.
Everybody has to go to the dentist, you included.
Bedienung f (Kellner oder Kellnerin)
waitperson Am.
Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung f
operating and maintenance instructions
control panel
Bedienungsanleitung f
directions for use
Bedienungsanleitung f, Betriebsanweisung f (Heft)
Bedienungsanleitungen pl, Betriebsanweisungen pl
instruction manual
instruction manuals
Bedienungsanweisung f, Bedienungsanleitung pl, Betriebsanleitung f, Betriebsanweisung f
Bedienungsanweisungen pl, Bedienungsanleitungen pl, Betriebsanleitungen pl, Betriebsanweisungen pl
operating instructions {pl}
operating instructions
directions for use
instruction manual
manual instruction
Bedienungsanleitung f; Bedienungsanweisung f; Gebrauchsanleitung f; Gebrauchsanweisung f
Befolgen Sie die Gebrauchsanweisung!
directions for use; instructions for use
Follow the directions!
Bedienungsanleitung f; Betriebsanleitung f; Bedienungshandbuch n techn.
Bedienungsanleitungen pl; Betriebsanleitungen pl; Bedienungshandbücher pl
instruction book manual leaflet
instruction books manuals leaflets
Bedienungshandbuch n; Bedienungsanleitung f; Betriebsanleitung f techn.
Bedienungshandbücher pl; Bedienungsanleitungen pl; Betriebsanleitungen pl
instruction manual; instruction book; instruction leaflet
instruction manuals; instruction books; instruction leaflets
operating instructions
Bedienungsart f
Bedienungsarten pl
method of control
methods of control
Bedienungsstand m; Bedienungsbühne f; Laufbühne f; Bedienungspodest n
Bedienungsstände pl; Bedienungsbühnen pl; Laufbühnen pl; Bedienungspodeste pl
service gangway
service gangways
Bedienungselement n
Bedienungselemente pl
operating equipment
Wagengruppe f für eine Bedienungsfahrt (Bahn)
marshalling group (railway)
Bedienungsfehler m
Bedienungsfehler pl
handling error
handling errors
handling error
Bedienfeld n, Bedienungsfeld n, Bedientafel f, Bedienpult n
Bedienfelder pl, Bedienungsfelder pl, Bedientafeln pl, Bedienpulte pl
control panel
control panels
Bedienungsfeld n
Bedienungsfelden pl
Bedienungsfeld n, Schalterleiste f
Bedienungsfelder pl, Schalterleisten pl
switch panel
switch panels
Bedienungsfeld n, Tastatur f
Bedienungsfeld, Tatstatur
control panel
Bedienungsfeld, Schalterleiste
switch panel
Bedienfeld n; Bedienungsfeld n; Bedientafel f; Bedienpult n
Bedienfelder pl; Bedienungsfelder pl; Bedientafeln pl; Bedienpulte pl
control panel
control panels
Bedienungsfeld n; Schalterleiste f
Bedienungsfelder pl; Schalterleisten pl
switch panel
switch panels
Bedienungsfeld n; Tastatur f
Bedienfeld n; Bedienungsfeld n; Einstellpult n comp. electr. techn.
Bedienfelder pl; Bedienungsfelder pl; Einstellpulte pl
control panel; setting panel; fascia Br.; facia Br.
control panels; setting panels; fascias; facias
bedienungsfrei adj
bedienungsfrei, unbemannt
bedienungsfreundlich adj
easy-to-use; easy-to-handle

Deutsche Bedienungsschild Synonyme

Englische instruction plate Synonyme

instruction  accomplishments  account  acquaintance  acquisition of knowledge  acquisitions  admonition  advice  advising  advocacy  announcement  assignment  attainments  blue book  brief  briefing  bulletin  catechization  caution  caveat  chalk talk  charge  classes  coaching  command  commission  communication  communique  consultation  council  counsel  data  datum  dictate  didactics  direction  directive  directory  discourse  dispatch  disquisition  drill  drilling  edification  education  enlightenment  evidence  exercise  exhortation  exposition  expostulation  facts  factual information  familiarization  gen  general information  general orders  guidance  guidebook  guideline  handout  harangue  hard information  homework  homily  hortation  idea  illumination  incidental information  indoctrination  info  information  injunction  instructions  intelligence  knowledge  learning  lecture  lecture-demonstration  lesson  lessons  liberal education  light  mention  message  monition  moral  moral lesson  morality  moralization  notice  notification  object lesson  opinion  order  parley  pedagogics  pedagogy  preachment  precept  preparation  prescript  prescription  presentation  private teaching  programmed instruction  promotional material  proof  proposal  publication  publicity  recital  recitation  recommendation  reeducation  regulation  release  remonstrance  report  rule  schooling  self-instruction  self-teaching  sermon  set task  sidelight  skull session  sophistication  spoon-feeding  statement  store of knowledge  suggestion  talk  task  teaching  the dope  the goods  the know  the scoop  thought  training  transmission  tuition  tutelage  tutorage  tutorial  tutoring  tutorship  warning  white book  white paper  word  
instructions  ALGOL  COBOL  FORTRAN  alphabetic data  alphanumeric code  angular data  assembler  binary digit  binary scale  binary system  bit  briefing  bug  byte  command pulses  commands  compiler  computer code  computer language  computer program  control signals  controlled quantity  correcting signals  data  directions  error  error signals  feedback pulses  feedback signals  film data  final instructions  hexadecimal system  information  input data  input quantity  machine language  message  multiple messages  noise  numeric data  octal system  orders  oscillograph data  output data  output quantity  play  polar data  punch-card data  random data  rectangular data  reference quantity  ruly English  signals  single messages  unorganized data  visible-speech data  

Bedienungsschild Definition

Cuttoo plate
() A hood over the end of a wagon wheel hub to keep dirt away from the axle.
(n.) The act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge
(n.) That which instructs, or with which one is instructed
(n.) Precept
(n.) Direction
(n.) A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal, the thickness of which is small in comparison with the other dimensions
(n.) Metallic armor composed of broad pieces.
(n.) Domestic vessels and utensils, as flagons, dishes, cups, etc., wrought in gold or silver.
(n.) Metallic ware which is plated, in distinction from that which is genuine silver or gold.
(n.) A small, shallow, and usually circular, vessel of metal or wood, or of earth glazed and baked, from which food is eaten at table.
(n.) A piece of money, usually silver money.
(n.) A piece of metal on which anything is engraved for the purpose of being printed
(n.) A page of stereotype, electrotype, or the like, for printing from
(n.) That part of an artificial set of teeth which fits to the mouth, and holds the teeth in place. It may be of gold, platinum, silver, rubber, celluloid, etc.
(n.) A horizontal timber laid upon a wall, or upon corbels projecting from a wall, and supporting the ends of other timbers
(n.) A roundel of silver or tinctured argent.
(n.) A sheet of glass, porcelain, metal, etc., with a coating that is sensitive to light.
(n.) A prize giving to the winner in a contest.
(v. t.) To cover or overlay with gold, silver, or other metals, either by a mechanical process, as hammering, or by a chemical process, as electrotyping.
(v. t.) To cover or overlay with plates of metal
(v. t.) To adorn with plated metal
(v. t.) To beat into thin, flat pieces, or laminae.
(v. t.) To calender
(a.) Having flat, or leaflike, gills, as the bivalve mollusks.
Water plate
() A plate heated by hot water contained in a double bottom or jacket.

instruction plate / instruction plates Bedeutung

spin the plate
spin the platter
a game in which something round (as a plate) is spun on edge and the name of a player is called, the named player must catch the spinning object before it falls or pay a forfeit
instruction teaching pedagogy didactics
educational activity
the activities of educating or instructing, activities that impart knowledge or skill, he received no formal education, our instruction was carefully programmed, good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded
course course of study
course of instruction
education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings, he took a course in basket weaving, flirting is not unknown in college classes
the profession of a teacher, he prepared for teaching while still in college, pedagogy is recognized as an important profession
catechetical instruction teaching religious principles by questions and answers
a locomotor organ consisting of a row of strong cilia whose bases are fused
armor plate
armour plate
armor plating
plate armor
plate armour
specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire
bite plate
a removable dental appliance that is worn in the palate for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
cover plate covering consisting of a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle
dental plate
a dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth
dessert plate a small plate on which dessert can be served
dinner plate a plate from which a diner eats during the main course of a meal
fashion plate a plate illustrating the latest fashion in dress
finger plate
escutcheon scutcheon
a flat protective covering (on a door or wall etc) to prevent soiling by dirty fingers
gold plate a thin plating of gold on something
gold plate tableware that is plated with gold
gusset gusset plate a metal plate used to strengthen a joist
home plate
home base home plate
(baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands, it must be touched by a base runner in order to score, he ruled that the runner failed to touch home
hot plate
a portable electric appliance for heating or cooking or keeping food warm
license plate
a plate mounted on the front and back of car and bearing the car's registration number
L-plate a square plate bearing the letter L that is attached to both ends of a car to indicate that the driver is a learner
paper plate a disposable plate made of cardboard
plate dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten
plate scale shell a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
plate a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic
plate collection plate a shallow receptacle for collection in church
plate structural member consisting of a horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchorage
plate a full-page illustration (usually on slick paper)
plate photographic plate a flat sheet of metal or glass on which a photographic image can be recorded
plate the positively charged electrode in a vacuum tube
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
plate iron a plate of iron
plate rack a rack for holding plates to dry after they have been washed
plate rail rail or narrow shelf fixed to a wall to display plates
quarter plate a photographic plate measuring . inches by . inches
rider plate a horizontal beam (or plate) connected to the top of a ship's vertical keel or to the keelson
salad plate
salad bowl
a plate or bowl for individual servings of salad
silver plate a thin layer of silver deposited on something
silver plate tableware that is plated with silver
soup plate a deep plate with a wide rim
steel plate a plate of steel
tin plate
a thin sheet of metal (iron or steel) coated with tin to prevent rusting, used especially for cans, pots, and tins
wall plate plate (a timber along the top of a wall) to support the ends of joists, etc., and distribute the load
complex instruction set computing
complex instruction set computer
(computer science) a kind of computer architecture that has a large number of instructions hard coded into the CPU chip
reduced instruction set computing
reduced instruction set computer
(computer science) a kind of computer architecture that has a relatively small set of computer instructions that it can perform
motor end plate
the flattened end of a motor neuron that transmits neural impulses to a muscle
plate any flat platelike body structure or part
plate tectonics
plate tectonic theory
the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
instruction book a book of directions for using or operating some piece of equipment
instruction manual
book of instructions
operating instructions
a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it
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