
Beitragsbescheid Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Beitragsbescheid m
demand for payment
Beitragsbescheid m
demand for payment
etw. (anteilmäßig) aufteilen; verteilen; zuweisen; vergeben v
aufteilend; verteilend; zuweisend; vergebend
aufgeteilt; verteilt; zugewiesen; vergeben
jdm. die Schuld zuweisen
Das Stimmrecht wird nach der Höhe des Beitrags vergeben.
to apportion sth.; to portion sth.; to portion out () sth.; to share out () sth.
apportioning; portioning; portioning out; sharing out
apportioned; portioned; portioned out; shared out
to apportion blame to sb.
Voting power will be apportioned according to contribution.
Beitrag m (in einem Online-Forum) comp.
Autor eines Beitrages
erster Beitrag einer Online-Diskussion
Autor des ersten Beitrags einer Online-Diskussion
post (in an online forum)
original post OP
original poster OP
etw. auf jdn. (anteilmäßig) aufteilen; verteilen; jdm. zuteilen; jdm. zuweisen; an jdn. vergeben v
aufteilend; verteilend; zuteilend; zuweisend; vergebend
aufgeteilt; verteilt; zugeteilt; zugewiesen; vergeben
etw. zu gleichen Teilen aufteilen
jdm. die Schuld zuweisen
Das Stimmrecht wird nach der Höhe des Beitrags vergeben.
to apportion sth. formal; to portion sth.; to portion out () sth. Br.; to share out () sth. Br. (to sb.)
apportioning; portioning; portioning out; sharing out
apportioned; portioned; portioned out; shared out
to apportion sth. evenly
to apportion blame to sb.
Voting power will be apportioned according to contribution.
Beitragsausfall f fin.
loss in contribution
contribution assessment
assessment ceiling
contribution assessment ceiling
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze f
earnings ceiling, assessment ceiling
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze f (für Sozialversicherung)
social security contribution assessment ceiling
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze f
earnings ceiling; assessment ceiling
Beitragsbescheid m
demand for payment
Beitragsbescheinigung f
Beitragsbescheinigungen pl
contribution certificate; contribution statement
contribution certificates; contribution statements
Versicherungsleistung f; Leistung f fin.
Versicherungsleistungen pl; Leistungen pl
beitragsbezogene Leistungen, auf Beiträgen beruhende Leistungen
finanzieller Schaden, der nicht durch Versicherungsleistungen abgedeckt ist
insurance benefit; benefit
insurance benefits; benefits
contributory benefits
social security benefits
uninsured financial loss
beitragsfinanziert adj fin.
nicht beitragsfinanziert adj fin.
beitragsfrei adj
non-contributory; exempted from contributions
Beitragssatz m; Beitragshöhe f fin.
Beitragssätze pl; Beitragshöhen pl
rate of contribution; contribution rate
rates of contribution; contribution rates
Beitragssatz m; Beitragshöhe f fin.
Beitragssätze pl; Beitragshöhen pl
Sozialversicherungsbeitragssatz m; Beitragssatz zur Sozialversicherung
rate of contribution; contribution rate
rates of contribution; contribution rates
rate of social security contribution
Beitragsleistung, Beitragszahlung
payment of contribution
finanzieller Beitrag m; Beitrag m (zu etw.) fin.
finanzieller Beiträge pl; Beiträge pl
laufender Beitrag
den Beitrag festsetzen
mit seinen Beiträgen seiner Beitragsleistung im Rückstand sein
Beiträge an karitative Organisationen sind steuerlich absetzbar.
Mit einem Beitrag von nur 10 Euro können 100 Ausbildungsstunden für ein Kind in Afrka finanziert werden.
financial contribution; contribution (to sth.)
financial contributions; contributions
periodical contribution
annual contribution
compulsory contribution
insurance contributions
to assess the contribution
to be in arrears with the payment of your contribution
Contributions to charities Charitable contributions are tax deductible.
A contribution of just 10 euros will provide 100hrs worth of education for a child in Africa.
Beitragsleistung f fin.
payment of contribution
Pensionsplan m; Rentenplan m
Pensionspläne pl; Rentenpläne pl
Pensionsplan mit ohne Beitragsleistung der Arbeitnehmer
pension plan; pension scheme Br.; retirement plan Am.
pension plans; pension schemes; retirement plans
contributory non-contributory pension scheme
finanzieller Beitrag m; Finanzbeitrag m; Beitrag m (zu etw.) fin.
finanzieller Beiträge pl; Finanzbeiträge pl; Beiträge pl
laufender Beitrag
den Beitrag festsetzen
mit seinen Beiträgen seiner Beitragsleistung im Rückstand sein
Beiträge an karitative Organisationen sind steuerlich absetzbar.
Mit einem Beitrag von nur 10 Euro können 100 Ausbildungsstunden für ein Kind in Afrika finanziert werden.
financial contribution; contribution (to sth.)
financial contributions; contributions
periodical contribution
annual contribution
compulsory contribution
insurance contributions
to assess the contribution
to be in arrears with the payment of your contribution
Contributions to charities Charitable contributions are tax deductible.
A contribution of just 10 euros will provide 100hrs worth of education for a child in Africa.
Beitragspflicht f
liability to pay contributions
Beitragspflicht f
duty to render
liable for contributions
subject to contributions
liable to contribution
zu etw. verpflichtet; -pflichtig sein v (Person) adm. jur.
aufsichtspflichtig sein
beitragspflichtig sein; nachschusspflichtig sein adj fin.
erstattungspflichtig sein; rückerstattungspflichtig sein; rückzahlungspflichtig sein
kostenersatzpflichtig sein
nachschusspflichtig (Person) fin.
regresspflichtig sein
(gegenüber jdm.) schadensersatzpflichtig schadenersatzpflichtig ersatzpflichtig sein
steuerpflichtig sein
(jdm. gegenüber) unterhaltspflichtig sein
wehrpflichtig sein
zinspflichtig sein fin.
to be liable to sth. (person)
to be liable to supervise; to have a duty to supervise
to be liable to contribution to make additional contributions
to be liable to make restitution
to be liable to pay the costs charges
liable to make additional contributions (person)
to be liable to recourse; to be responsible for recourse
to be liable held for damages in damages for compensation; to be liable to pay damages compensaton (to sb.)
to be liable to tax
to be liable responsible for maintenance Br. support Am.; to be liable to maintain Br.; to have a maintenance Br. support Am. obligation (towards sb.)
to be liable to military service
to be liable to interest
beitragspflichtig adj
liable to contribution(s)
zu etw. verpflichtet; …pflichtig sein v (Person) adm. jur.
aufsichtspflichtig sein
beitragspflichtig sein; nachschusspflichtig sein fin.
erstattungspflichtig sein; rückerstattungspflichtig sein; rückzahlungspflichtig sein
kostenersatzpflichtig sein
nachschusspflichtig (Person) fin.
regresspflichtig sein
(gegenüber jdm.) schadensersatzpflichtig schadenersatzpflichtig ersatzpflichtig sein
(jdm. gegenüber) unterhaltspflichtig sein
wehrpflichtig sein
zinspflichtig sein fin.
Er ist gesetzlich nicht verpflichtet, zu zahlen.
to be liable to sth. (person)
to be liable to supervise; to have a duty to supervise
to be liable to contribution to make additional contributions
to be liable to make restitution
to be liable to pay the costs charges
liable to make additional contributions (person)
to be liable to recourse; to be responsible for recourse
to be liable held for damages in damages for compensation; to be liable to pay damages compensation (to sb.)
to be liable responsible for maintenance Br. support Am.; to be liable to maintain Br.; to have a maintenance Br. support Am. obligation (towards sb.)
to be liable to military service
to be liable to interest
He is not legally liable to pay.
Beitragssatz m
Beitragssätze pl
contribution rate, rate of contribution
contribution rates, rates of contribution
rate of contribution
Helfershelfer m; Helfer m; Gehilfe m Dt.; Beitragstäter m Ös. (bei einer Straftat) jur.
Helfershelfer pl; Helfer pl; Gehilfen pl; Beitragstäter pl
abettor; abetter (of a criminal offence)
abettors; abetters
Helfershelfer m; Helfer m; Gehilfe m Dt.; Beitragstäter m Ös. (bei einer Straftat) jur.
Helfershelfer pl; Helfer pl; Gehilfen pl; Beitragstäter pl
Terrorhelfer m
Gehilfe Beitragstäter während der Tat
Gehilfe Beitragstäter bei der Tatvorbereitung
Gehilfe Beitragstäter nach der Tat
abettor; abetter (of a criminal offence)
abettors; abetters
abettor of terrorism; abettor of the terrorist attack; abettor of terrorist attacks
principal in the second degree (providing assistance at the very time when the crime is committed)
accessory before the fact (providing pre-crime assistance)
accessory after the fact (providing post-crime assistance)
Spender m, Spenderin f, Beitragszahler m, Beitragszahlerin f
Spender pl, Spenderinnen pl, Beitragszahler pl, Beitragszahlerinnen pl
Spender m; Spenderin f; Beitragszahler m; Beitragszahlerin f
Spender pl; Spenderinnen pl; Beitragszahler pl; Beitragszahlerinnen pl
Großspender m
major contributor
Beitragszahlung f
Beitragszahlungen pl
payment of contributions
payments of contributions
jdn. zu etw. heranziehen v
jdn. zur Beitragszahlung heranziehen
Gefangene zur Arbeit heranziehen
to call (up)on sb. to do sth.; to use sb. for sth.; to enlist sb.'s service
calling on; enlisting sb.'s service
called on; enlisted sb.'s service
to call upon sb. to pay contributions
to use prisoners for work
Beitragszeit f fin.
period of contribution

Deutsche Beitragsbescheid Synonyme

Englische demand for payment Synonyme

demand  address  admission  admission fee  anchorage  application  apply for  appoint  appurtenance  ask  ask a question  ask about  ask for  ask questions  asking  assess  at once  authority  authorize  bare necessities  be hurting for  be indicated  beg leave  behest  bespeak  bid  bid come  bill of sale  birthright  blackmail  bone of contention  bother  bring into question  brokerage  brook no denial  burden with  burdening  call  call away  call back  call for  call forth  call in  call out  call together  call up  carfare  catechism  cellarage  challenge  charge  charge for  charges  charging  cite  claim  clamor for  coerce  command  compel  conjugal right  conjure  conjure up  constrain  convene  convoke  cover charge  coveted  crave  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  cry for  cry out for  debating point  demand for  desideration  desideratum  desirable  desire  desired  dictate  direct  divine right  dockage  doing  droit  due  dues  enjoin  enquire  entrance fee  essential  essentials  evoke  exact  exaction  exactment  expressed desire  extort  extortion  faculty  fail  fare  fasten upon  fee  feeler  file for  force  freight with  freighting  have occasion for  hire  immediately  impetration  impose  impose on  impose upon  imposing an onus  imposition  in demand  inalienable right  inconsiderateness  inconvenience  indent  indispensable  inflict on  inflict upon  infliction  inquire  inquire of  inquiry  insist  insist on  insistence  interest  interpellate  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  invoke  issue  issue an ultimatum  lack  lay  lay down  lay on  laying on  leader  leading question  leave no option  levy  license fee  loading  loading down  make a demand  make a request  make a requisition  make application  make dutiable  make inquiry  make obligatory  market  marketability  mass market  moot point  must  must item  muster  muster up  natural right  necessaries  necessitate  necessities  necessity  need  need for  needed  oblige    
demand draft  CD  IOU  MO  acceptance  acceptance bill  bank acceptance  bank check  bill  bill of draft  bill of exchange  blank check  certificate  certificate of deposit  certified check  check  checkbook  cheque  commercial paper  debenture  demand bill  draft  due bill  exchequer bill  letter of credit  money order  negotiable instrument  note  note of hand  paper  postal order  promissory note  sight bill  sight draft  time bill  time draft  trade acceptance  treasury bill  voucher  warrant  
demanding  Herculean  Spartan  Spartanic  abstruse  accurate  arduous  astringent  attentive  austere  authoritarian  brutal  burdensome  cajoling  clamant  clamorous  close  coaxing  complex  conscientious  correct  critical  crying  delicate  detailed  difficile  difficult  dour  draining  dunning  exact  exacting  exigent  exorbitant  exquisite  extortionate  fine  finical  finicking  finicky  formidable  fussy  grasping  grievous  grim  hairy  hard  hard-earned  hard-fought  harsh  imperative  importunate  insistent  instant  intricate  jawbreaking  knotted  knotty  laborious  loud  mean  meticulous  minute  nagging  narrow  nice  no picnic  not easy  operose  oppressive  particular  persistent  pertinacious  pestering  plaguing  precise  precisianistic  precisionistic  pressing  punctilious  punctual  refined  religious  rigid  rigorous  rough  rugged  scrupulous  scrutinizing  set with thorns  severe  spiny  steep  stern  strenuous  strict  stringent  subtle  taxing  teasing  thorny  ticklish  toilsome  tough  tricky  trying  unsparing  uphill  urgent  weighty  wheedling  wicked  

Beitragsbescheid Definition

(v. t.) To ask or call for with authority
(v. t.) To inquire authoritatively or earnestly
(v. t.) To require as necessary or useful
(v. t.) To call into court
(v. i.) To make a demand
(v. t.) The act of demanding
(v. t.) Earnest inquiry
(v. t.) A diligent seeking or search
(v. t.) That which one demands or has a right to demand
(v. t.) The asking or seeking for what is due or claimed as due.
(v. t.) The right or title in virtue of which anything may be claimed
(v. t.) A thing or amount claimed to be due.
(n.) The act of paying, or giving compensation
(n.) That which is paid
(n.) Punishment

demand for payment Bedeutung

demand feeding feeding a baby or animal whenever it shows a need
demand the act of demanding, the kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money
the act of paying money
an act of requiting, returning in kind
requirement demand required activity, the requirements of his work affected his health, there were many demands on his time
stop payment a depositor's order to a bank to refuse payment on a check
demand an urgent or peremptory request, his demands for attention were unceasing
calling into question
demand for explanation
a challenge to defend what someone has said
demand for identification as by a sentry
transfer payment a public expenditure (as for unemployment compensation or veteran's benefits) that is not for goods and services
payment a sum of money paid or a claim discharged
regular payment a payment made at regular times
payment rate
rate of payment
repayment rate
installment rate
the amount of money paid out per unit time
support payment a payment made by one person for the support of another
final payment
the final payment of a debt
token payment a small payment made in acknowledgement of an obligation
down payment
a partial payment made at the time of purchase, the balance to be paid later
deferred payment
arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
bill of exchange
order of payment
a document ordering the payment of money, drawn by one person or bank on another
demand deposit a bank deposit from which withdrawals can be made without notice
disability check
disability payment
a monthly payment made to someone who has become disabled and is unable to work
medicare check
medicare payment
a check reimbursing an aged person for the expenses of health care
cash immediate payment prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check
call loan
demand loan
a loan that is repayable on demand
demand note a note payable on demand
demand the ability and desire to purchase goods and services, the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips, the demand exceeded the supply
demand-pull inflation inflation caused by an increase in demand or in the supply of money
a condition requiring relief, she satisfied his need for affection, God has no need of men to accomplish His work, there is a demand for jobs
demand request urgently and forcefully, The victim's family is demanding compensation, The boss demanded that he be fired immediately, She demanded to see the manager
demand exact claim as due or just, The bank demanded payment of the loan
demand ask to be informed of, I demand an explanation
demand summon to court
demand lay legal claim to
involve call for
require as useful, just, or proper, It takes nerve to do what she did, success usually requires hard work, This job asks a lot of patience and skill, This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice, This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert, This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent
in demand(p)
sought after
greatly desired
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