
Beitragsbescheinigung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Beitragsbescheinigung f
Beitragsbescheinigungen pl
contribution certificate; contribution statement
contribution certificates; contribution statements
Beitragsbescheinigung f
Beitragsbescheinigungen pl
contribution certificate; contribution statement
contribution certificates; contribution statements
etw. (anteilmäßig) aufteilen; verteilen; zuweisen; vergeben v
aufteilend; verteilend; zuweisend; vergebend
aufgeteilt; verteilt; zugewiesen; vergeben
jdm. die Schuld zuweisen
Das Stimmrecht wird nach der Höhe des Beitrags vergeben.
to apportion sth.; to portion sth.; to portion out () sth.; to share out () sth.
apportioning; portioning; portioning out; sharing out
apportioned; portioned; portioned out; shared out
to apportion blame to sb.
Voting power will be apportioned according to contribution.
Beitrag m (in einem Online-Forum) comp.
Autor eines Beitrages
erster Beitrag einer Online-Diskussion
Autor des ersten Beitrags einer Online-Diskussion
post (in an online forum)
original post OP
original poster OP
etw. auf jdn. (anteilmäßig) aufteilen; verteilen; jdm. zuteilen; jdm. zuweisen; an jdn. vergeben v
aufteilend; verteilend; zuteilend; zuweisend; vergebend
aufgeteilt; verteilt; zugeteilt; zugewiesen; vergeben
etw. zu gleichen Teilen aufteilen
jdm. die Schuld zuweisen
Das Stimmrecht wird nach der Höhe des Beitrags vergeben.
to apportion sth. formal; to portion sth.; to portion out () sth. Br.; to share out () sth. Br. (to sb.)
apportioning; portioning; portioning out; sharing out
apportioned; portioned; portioned out; shared out
to apportion sth. evenly
to apportion blame to sb.
Voting power will be apportioned according to contribution.
Beitragsausfall f fin.
loss in contribution
contribution assessment
assessment ceiling
contribution assessment ceiling
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze f
earnings ceiling, assessment ceiling
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze f (für Sozialversicherung)
social security contribution assessment ceiling
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze f
earnings ceiling; assessment ceiling
Beitragsbescheid m
demand for payment
Beitragsbescheinigung f
Beitragsbescheinigungen pl
contribution certificate; contribution statement
contribution certificates; contribution statements
Versicherungsleistung f; Leistung f fin.
Versicherungsleistungen pl; Leistungen pl
beitragsbezogene Leistungen, auf Beiträgen beruhende Leistungen
finanzieller Schaden, der nicht durch Versicherungsleistungen abgedeckt ist
insurance benefit; benefit
insurance benefits; benefits
contributory benefits
social security benefits
uninsured financial loss
beitragsfinanziert adj fin.
nicht beitragsfinanziert adj fin.
beitragsfrei adj
non-contributory; exempted from contributions
Beitragssatz m; Beitragshöhe f fin.
Beitragssätze pl; Beitragshöhen pl
rate of contribution; contribution rate
rates of contribution; contribution rates
Beitragssatz m; Beitragshöhe f fin.
Beitragssätze pl; Beitragshöhen pl
Sozialversicherungsbeitragssatz m; Beitragssatz zur Sozialversicherung
rate of contribution; contribution rate
rates of contribution; contribution rates
rate of social security contribution
Beitragsleistung, Beitragszahlung
payment of contribution
finanzieller Beitrag m; Beitrag m (zu etw.) fin.
finanzieller Beiträge pl; Beiträge pl
laufender Beitrag
den Beitrag festsetzen
mit seinen Beiträgen seiner Beitragsleistung im Rückstand sein
Beiträge an karitative Organisationen sind steuerlich absetzbar.
Mit einem Beitrag von nur 10 Euro können 100 Ausbildungsstunden für ein Kind in Afrka finanziert werden.
financial contribution; contribution (to sth.)
financial contributions; contributions
periodical contribution
annual contribution
compulsory contribution
insurance contributions
to assess the contribution
to be in arrears with the payment of your contribution
Contributions to charities Charitable contributions are tax deductible.
A contribution of just 10 euros will provide 100hrs worth of education for a child in Africa.
Beitragsleistung f fin.
payment of contribution
Pensionsplan m; Rentenplan m
Pensionspläne pl; Rentenpläne pl
Pensionsplan mit ohne Beitragsleistung der Arbeitnehmer
pension plan; pension scheme Br.; retirement plan Am.
pension plans; pension schemes; retirement plans
contributory non-contributory pension scheme
finanzieller Beitrag m; Finanzbeitrag m; Beitrag m (zu etw.) fin.
finanzieller Beiträge pl; Finanzbeiträge pl; Beiträge pl
laufender Beitrag
den Beitrag festsetzen
mit seinen Beiträgen seiner Beitragsleistung im Rückstand sein
Beiträge an karitative Organisationen sind steuerlich absetzbar.
Mit einem Beitrag von nur 10 Euro können 100 Ausbildungsstunden für ein Kind in Afrika finanziert werden.
financial contribution; contribution (to sth.)
financial contributions; contributions
periodical contribution
annual contribution
compulsory contribution
insurance contributions
to assess the contribution
to be in arrears with the payment of your contribution
Contributions to charities Charitable contributions are tax deductible.
A contribution of just 10 euros will provide 100hrs worth of education for a child in Africa.
Beitragspflicht f
liability to pay contributions
Beitragspflicht f
duty to render
liable for contributions
subject to contributions
liable to contribution
zu etw. verpflichtet; -pflichtig sein v (Person) adm. jur.
aufsichtspflichtig sein
beitragspflichtig sein; nachschusspflichtig sein adj fin.
erstattungspflichtig sein; rückerstattungspflichtig sein; rückzahlungspflichtig sein
kostenersatzpflichtig sein
nachschusspflichtig (Person) fin.
regresspflichtig sein
(gegenüber jdm.) schadensersatzpflichtig schadenersatzpflichtig ersatzpflichtig sein
steuerpflichtig sein
(jdm. gegenüber) unterhaltspflichtig sein
wehrpflichtig sein
zinspflichtig sein fin.
to be liable to sth. (person)
to be liable to supervise; to have a duty to supervise
to be liable to contribution to make additional contributions
to be liable to make restitution
to be liable to pay the costs charges
liable to make additional contributions (person)
to be liable to recourse; to be responsible for recourse
to be liable held for damages in damages for compensation; to be liable to pay damages compensaton (to sb.)
to be liable to tax
to be liable responsible for maintenance Br. support Am.; to be liable to maintain Br.; to have a maintenance Br. support Am. obligation (towards sb.)
to be liable to military service
to be liable to interest
beitragspflichtig adj
liable to contribution(s)
zu etw. verpflichtet; …pflichtig sein v (Person) adm. jur.
aufsichtspflichtig sein
beitragspflichtig sein; nachschusspflichtig sein fin.
erstattungspflichtig sein; rückerstattungspflichtig sein; rückzahlungspflichtig sein
kostenersatzpflichtig sein
nachschusspflichtig (Person) fin.
regresspflichtig sein
(gegenüber jdm.) schadensersatzpflichtig schadenersatzpflichtig ersatzpflichtig sein
(jdm. gegenüber) unterhaltspflichtig sein
wehrpflichtig sein
zinspflichtig sein fin.
Er ist gesetzlich nicht verpflichtet, zu zahlen.
to be liable to sth. (person)
to be liable to supervise; to have a duty to supervise
to be liable to contribution to make additional contributions
to be liable to make restitution
to be liable to pay the costs charges
liable to make additional contributions (person)
to be liable to recourse; to be responsible for recourse
to be liable held for damages in damages for compensation; to be liable to pay damages compensation (to sb.)
to be liable responsible for maintenance Br. support Am.; to be liable to maintain Br.; to have a maintenance Br. support Am. obligation (towards sb.)
to be liable to military service
to be liable to interest
He is not legally liable to pay.
Beitragssatz m
Beitragssätze pl
contribution rate, rate of contribution
contribution rates, rates of contribution
rate of contribution
Helfershelfer m; Helfer m; Gehilfe m Dt.; Beitragstäter m Ös. (bei einer Straftat) jur.
Helfershelfer pl; Helfer pl; Gehilfen pl; Beitragstäter pl
abettor; abetter (of a criminal offence)
abettors; abetters
Helfershelfer m; Helfer m; Gehilfe m Dt.; Beitragstäter m Ös. (bei einer Straftat) jur.
Helfershelfer pl; Helfer pl; Gehilfen pl; Beitragstäter pl
Terrorhelfer m
Gehilfe Beitragstäter während der Tat
Gehilfe Beitragstäter bei der Tatvorbereitung
Gehilfe Beitragstäter nach der Tat
abettor; abetter (of a criminal offence)
abettors; abetters
abettor of terrorism; abettor of the terrorist attack; abettor of terrorist attacks
principal in the second degree (providing assistance at the very time when the crime is committed)
accessory before the fact (providing pre-crime assistance)
accessory after the fact (providing post-crime assistance)
Spender m, Spenderin f, Beitragszahler m, Beitragszahlerin f
Spender pl, Spenderinnen pl, Beitragszahler pl, Beitragszahlerinnen pl
Spender m; Spenderin f; Beitragszahler m; Beitragszahlerin f
Spender pl; Spenderinnen pl; Beitragszahler pl; Beitragszahlerinnen pl
Großspender m
major contributor
Beitragszahlung f
Beitragszahlungen pl
payment of contributions
payments of contributions
jdn. zu etw. heranziehen v
jdn. zur Beitragszahlung heranziehen
Gefangene zur Arbeit heranziehen
to call (up)on sb. to do sth.; to use sb. for sth.; to enlist sb.'s service
calling on; enlisting sb.'s service
called on; enlisted sb.'s service
to call upon sb. to pay contributions
to use prisoners for work
Beitragszeit f fin.
period of contribution

Deutsche Beitragsbescheinigung Synonyme

Englische contribution certificate; contribution statement Synonyme

contribution  accommodation  accordance  alms  alms fee  assessment  association  award  awarding  benefaction  beneficence  bestowal  bestowment  blackmail  call  call for  cess  chanty  charity  claim  cochairmanship  collection  communication  complicity  concession  condominium  conferment  conferral  conscience money  copartnership  copartnery  cotenancy  deliverance  delivery  demand  demand for  direct tax  dole  donation  donative  draft  drain  duty  endowment  engagement  exaction  extortion  extortionate demand  furnishment  gifting  giving  graduated taxation  grant  granting  handout  having a part  heavy demand  impartation  impartment  imposition  impost  indent  indirect tax  insistent demand  investiture  involvement  joint chairmanship  joint control  joint ownership  joint return  joint tenancy  levy  liberality  nonnegotiable demand  notice  offer  offering  offertory  order  partaking  participation  partnership  pittance  presentation  presentment  progressive tax  provision  requirement  requisition  rush  rush order  separate returns  sharing  single tax  subscription  suffrage  supertax  supplying  surrender  surtax  tax  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax exemption  tax return  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  taxation  taxing  tithe  toll  tribute  ultimatum  voting  votive offering  vouchsafement  warning  withholding tax  

Beitragsbescheinigung Definition

(n.) A written testimony to the truth of any fact
(n.) A written declaration legally authenticated.
(v. t.) To verify or vouch for by certificate.
(v. t.) To furnish with a certificate
(n.) The act of contributing.
(n.) That which is contributed
(n.) An irregular and arbitrary imposition or tax leved on the people of a town or country.
(n.) Payment, by each of several jointly liable, of a share in a loss suffered or an amount paid by one of their number for the common benefit.
(n.) The act of stating, reciting, or presenting, orally or in paper
(n.) That which is stated

contribution certificate; contribution statement / contribution certificates; contribution statements Bedeutung

contribution part share the part played by a person in bringing about a result, I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project, they all did their share of the work
act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity
contribution a writing for publication especially one of a collection of writings as an article or story
certification credential
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
certificate of incorporation state approval of the articles of incorporation of a corporation
birth certificate a copy of the official document giving details of a person's birth
teaching certificate
teacher's certificate
a certificate saying that the holder is qualified to teach in the public schools
statement financial statement a document showing credits and debits
bank statement a periodic statement prepared by a bank for each client, I wish my bank statement arrived earlier in the month
instruction command statement program line (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program
argument statement a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true, it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true
statement a message that is stated or declared, a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc, according to his statement he was in London on that day
statement a nonverbal message, a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are, his tantrums are a statement of his need for attention
true statement
a true statement, he told the truth, he thought of answering with the truth but he knew they wouldn't believe it
mathematical statement a statement of a mathematical relation
value statement a statement of the desirability of something
cautious statement a statement made with careful qualifications
statement (music) the presentation of a musical theme, the initial statement of the sonata
affirmation assertion statement the act of affirming or asserting or stating something
face-amount certificate company a regulated investment company that pays a stated amount to certificate holders on a stated maturity date
contribution an amount of money contributed, he expected his contribution to be repaid with interest
a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause
political contribution
political donation
a contribution made to a politician or a political campaign or a political party
account accounting
account statement
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance, they send me an accounting every month
income statement
earnings report
operating statement
profit-and-loss statement
a financial statement that gives operating results for a specific period
certificate of deposit
a debt instrument issued by a bank, usually pays interest
silver certificate formerly a bank note issued by the United States Treasury and redeemable in silver
debt instrument
certificate of indebtedness
a written promise to repay a debt
security certificate a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment, the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends, he held several valuable securities
stock certificate
a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporation, the value of his stocks doubled during the past year
bond bond certificate a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money, the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal
partnership certificate a certificate showing the interests of all parties in a business partnership
proprietorship certificate a certificate showing who is responsible in an individually owned business
General Certificate of Secondary Education
O level
the basic level of a subject taken in school
certificate authorize by certificate
certificate present someone with a certificate
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