
Berlin Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Berlin (Ost)
East Berlin
Berlin (West)
West Berlin
Was ist los in Berlin?
What's on in Berlin?
Berlin (Hauptstadt von Deutschland)
Berlin (capital of Germany)
Spandau (Stadtbezirk von Berlin) geogr.
Spandau (borough of Berlin)
Neukölln (Stadtbezirk von Berlin) geogr.
Neukölln (borough of Berlin)
Gendarmenmarkt m (Platz in Berlin) geogr.
Gendarmenmarkt (square in Berlin, Germany)
Charlottenburg (Ortsteil von Berlin) geogr.
Charlottenburg (district of Berlin, Germany)
Charlottenburg (Ortsteil von Berlin) geogr.
Charlottenburg (district of Berlin Germany)
über prp, +Akkusativ
über Berlin nach Hamburg
via Berlin to Hamburg
'Leb wohl, Berlin' (von Isherwood Werktitel) lit.
'Goodbye To Berlin' (by Isherwood work title)
'Leb wohl Berlin' (von Isherwood Werktitel) lit.
'Goodbye To Berlin' (by Isherwood work title)
astrein; fett; knorke Berlin; schandbar gut Schw. adj ugs.
kick-ass Am. coll.
Berlin (Hauptstadt von Deutschland) geogr.
Berlin (capital of Germany)
East Berlin
West Berlin
nach prp; +Akk. (Richtungsangabe)
nach Berlin fahren
ein Flug nach Australien
to; for (expressing directional movement)
to travel to Berlin
a flight for Australia
Berlin (Hauptstadt von Deutschland) geogr.
Ostberlin hist.
Westberlin hist.
Berlin (capital of Germany)
East Berlin
West Berlin
Spitze!; Klasse! Dt.; Dufte! Berlin; Sauber! Süddt. Ös. Schw. interj ugs.
nach prp; +Dat. (räumlich)
nach Berlin fahren
Die Haltestelle kommt nach diesem Haus.
to; for
to travel to Berlin
The station is after this house.
nach prp, +Dativ (räumlich)
nach Berlin fahren
Die Haltestelle kommt nach diesem Haus.
to, for
to travel to Berlin
The station is after this house.
lebhaft; aufgeweckt; ausgeschlafen ugs. adj (Person)
ein heller Kopf sein; helle sein Berlin
alert (of a person)
to be alert
über prp; +Akk.
über Berlin nach Hamburg
über Satellit; via Satellit
Der Flug geht über München.
via Berlin to Hamburg
via satellite
The flight goes via Munich.
Das ist mir schnurzegal piepegal schnuppe Dt. wumpe Berlin!; Das ist mir völlig wurscht! Süddt. Ös.
I couldn't care less.; I don't care a hoot!; I don't give two hoots!
Olympiagelände n; Olympiapark m sport
Olympiagelände Berlin; Olympiapark Berlin (ehemals Reichssportfeld)
Olympic complex; Olympic park
Berlin Olympic complex
Bengel m; Lauser m; Murkel m; Steppke m Berlin; Bams m Bayr. Ös.; Gof m Schw. ugs. (kleines Kind)
ankle-biter Am. Austr. humor. (young child)
geschehen; ausgeführt werden v
es geschah aus …
Geschehen zu Berlin am 3. Mai 2008 (Vertragsschlussformel) jur.
to be done
it was done out of …
Done at Berlin, this 3rd day of May 2008
geschehen; ausgeführt werden v
es geschah aus ...
Geschehen zu Berlin am 3. Mai 2008 (Vertragsschlussformel) jur.
to be done
it was done out of ...
Done at Berlin this 3rd day of May 2008
jdn. so lange beschwatzen; belabern; bequatschen Dt.; bequasseln Dt.; belatschern Berlin, bis er etw. tut v
jdm. etw. aufschwatzen
to talk sb. into doing sth.
to talk sb. into accepting buying sth.
nur (so) zum Spaß; spaßeshalber; spaßhalber Ös.; nur so aus Jux; nur aus Quatsch Dt.; nur aus Daffke Berlin; der Hetz halber Ös. ugs.
(just) for the heck of it coll.
nur (so) zum Spaß; spaßeshalber; spaßhalber Ös.; nur so aus Jux; nur aus Quatsch Dt.; nur aus Daffke Berlin; der Hetz halber Ös. coll.
(just) for the heck of it coll.
nach etw. gieren; lechzen; giepern Norddt; jiepern Berlin v
gierend; lechzend; giepernd; jiepernd
gegiert; gelechzt; gegiepert; gejiepert
Die Medien lechzen nach der Story.
to salivate; to drool coll. at over sth.
salivating; drooling
salivated; drooled
The media are salivating over the story.
nach etw. gieren; lechzen; giepern Norddt.; jiepern Berlin v
gierend; lechzend; giepernd; jiepernd
gegiert; gelechzt; gegiepert; gejiepert
Die Medien lechzen nach der Story.
to salivate; to drool coll. at over sth.
salivating; drooling
salivated; drooled
The media are salivating over the story.
Bierbauch m; Schmerbauch m humor.; Embonpoint m humor.; Mollenfriedhof m (Berlin) humor.; Backhendlfriedhof Hendlfriedhof m Bayr. Ös. humor; Güggelifriedhof m Schw. humor ugs. anat.
beer belly; beer gut
Bierbauch m; Schmerbauch m humor.; Embonpoint m humor.; Mollenfriedhof m Berlin humor.; Backhendlfriedhof Hendlfriedhof m Bayr. Ös. humor.; Güggelifriedhof m Schw. humor. ugs. anat.
beer belly; beer gut
toll; spitze; spitzenmäßig; super; genial; prima; klasse Dt.; klass Ös.; dufte Norddt.; knorke Nordostdt.; pfundig Süddt.; leiwand Wien; schnafte Berlin veraltend ugs. adj
spitze aussehen
Spitze!; Das ist großartig!
great gr8 ; super coll.; super-duper coll. humor.; ace Br. coll.; boss slang; bodacious Am.; grouse Austr. NZ slang
to look super-duper
Ace!; It's really ace!
Goody! children's speech becoming dated
toll; spitze; spitzenmäßig; super; genial; prima; klasse Dt.; klass Ös.; dufte Norddt.; knorke Nordostdt.; pfundig Süddt.; leiwand Wien; schnafte Berlin (veraltend) ugs. adj
spitze aussehen
Spitze!; Das ist großartig!
great gr8 ; super coll.; super-duper coll. humor.; ace Br. coll.; boss slang
to look super-duper
Ace!; It's really ace!
Goody! (childrens' speech) (becoming old-fashioned)
Glimmstängel m; Lulle f Dt.; Ziggi f Dt.; Zichte f Berlin (Jugendsprache); Fluppe f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Tschick m Ös.; Zigi f Schw. ugs.
Glimmstängel pl; Lullen pl; Ziggis pl; Zichten pl; Fluppen pl; Tschicken pl; Zigis pl
cig; weed; fag Br. coll.
cigs; weeds; fags
Lebensmittelkiosk m; Bude f Mittelwestdt.; Büdchen n Westdt.; Budike f Berlin; Trinkhalle f Norddt. Mittelwestdt.; Wasserhäuschen n Frankfurt cook.
Lebensmittelkioske pl; Buden pl; Büdchen pl; Budiken pl; Trinkhallen pl; Wasserhäuschen pl
food kiosk
food kiosks
ich ppron; icke Berlin ~mir ~mich
ich bin
Ich bin's.
meine Schwester und ich
ich und meine Freunde
Ich nicht!
Immer ich!
Warum ich?
ich selbst
Warum muss immer ich die ganze Arbeit machen?
„Wer ist da?“ „Ich“
„Komm her!“ „Wer? Ich?“
„Wer war das?“ „Ich nicht!“
„Ich habe Hunger.“ „Ich auch.“
I; me (used after 'to be'; 'than' or 'as', without a verb and coll. instead of I)
I am; I'm
It's That's me.
My sister and I; my sister and me coll.
I and my friends; me and my friends coll.
Not me!; Not I!
Always me!
Why me?
I myself
Why am I always the one who has to do the work?; Why is it always me who has to do the work? coll.
'Who's there?' 'I am.' 'It's me.' coll.
'Come here!' 'Who? Me?'
'Who did it?' 'Not me!'
'I'm hungry.' 'Me too.'
gießen; schütten v meteo.
gießend; schüttend
gegossen; geschüttet
Draußen schüttet es gießt es in Strömen.
Es hat nur so geschüttet.
Es regnet gießt in Strömen.; Es schüttet.; Es schauert. Nordwestdt.; Es hudelt. Schw.; Es gießt schüttet wie aus Eimern Dt. aus Kübeln Dt. Schw. aus Schaffeln Bayr. Ös.; Es regnet Bindfäden. Dt. Schw.; Es regnet Schusterjungen. Berlin; Es regnet Schusterbuben. Bayr. Ös.; Es pladdert wie wenn eine Kuh das Wasser läßt. Norddt.; Es plästert, was das Zeug hält. Mittelwestdt.
to pour; to team down; to teem with rain
pouring; teaming down; teeming with rain
poured; teamed down; teemed with rain
It's pouring teeming (with rain) outside.; The rain is pouring teeming down outside.
It pelted with rain.
It's raining cats and dogs.; It's pouring (with rain Br.).; It's bucketing down (with rain Br.).; It's bucketing it down. Br.; It's chucking it down (with rain). Br.; It's tipping down (with rain). Br.; It's tipping it down. Br.; It's pelting down with rain. Br.; It's raining stair rods. Br.; The rain is coming down in stair rods. Br.; It's pissing down with rain Br. vulg.; It's pouring rain. Am.; It's raining buckets. Am.

Deutsche Berlin Synonyme

RBB  ÂRundfunk  Berlin-Brandenburg  
Berlin  ÂBundeshauptstadt  ÂHauptstadt  von  Deutschland  ÂSpreeathen  (umgangssprachlich)  
Berlin  Bundeshauptstadt  Hauptstadt von Deutschland  Spreeathen (umgangssprachlich)  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Berlin Synonym nachschlagen

Englische East Berlin Synonyme

East  Africa  America  Antipodes  Asia  Asia Major  Asia Minor  Australasia  Dixie  Dixieland  Down East  East Coast  Eastern Hemisphere  Eurasia  Europe  Far East  Levant  Middle Atlantic  Middle East  Middle West  Near East  New England  New World  North  North Central region  Northeast  Northwest  Occident  Oceania  Old World  Orient  Pacific Northwest  South  Southeast  Southwest  Sunbelt  West  West Coast  Western Hemisphere  Yankeeland  continent  down under  eastland  landmass  northland  the Coast  the old country  westland  wild West  
east  E  antarctic  arctic  austral  boreal  cardinal points  compass card  compass rose  degrees  eastabout  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastward  eastwardly  eastwards  half points  hyperborean  lubber line  meridional  north  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northward  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  occident  occidental  orient  oriental  quarter points  rhumb  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southward  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  sunrise  sunset  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  westward  
Easter  Advent  Allhallowmas  Allhallows  Allhallowtide  Annunciation  Annunciation Day  Ascension Day  Ash Wednesday  Candlemas  Candlemas Day  Carnival  Christmas  Corpus Christi  Easter Monday  Easter Saturday  Easter Sunday  Eastertide  Ember days  Epiphany  Good Friday  Halloween  Hallowmas  Holy Thursday  Holy Week  Lady Day  Lammas  Lammas Day  Lammastide  Lent  Lententide  Mardi Gras  Martinmas  Maundy Thursday  Michaelmas  Michaelmas Day  Michaelmastide  Palm Sunday  Pancake Day  Passion Week  Pentecost  Quadragesima  Quadragesima Sunday  Septuagesima  Shrove Tuesday  Trinity Sunday  Twelfth-day  Twelfth-tide  Whit-Tuesday  White Sunday  Whitmonday  Whitsun  Whitsunday  Whitsuntide  Whitweek  
easterly  E  Euroclydon  Tehuantepec wind  Tehuantepecer  antarctic  arctic  austral  bise  boreal  east  east wind  eastabout  eastbound  easter  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  eastward  eastwardly  eastwards  gregale  hyperborean  levanter  meridional  mistral  north  north wind  northbound  northeast  northeaster  northeasterly  northeastern  norther  northerly  northern  northernmost  northwest  northwester  northwesterly  northwestern  occidental  oriental  south  south wind  southbound  southeast  southeaster  southeasterly  southeastern  souther  southerly  southerly buster  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwester  southwesterly  southwestern  tramontane  west  west wind  westbound  wester  westerly  western  westernmost  

Berlin Definition

(n.) A four-wheeled carriage, having a sheltered seat behind the body and separate from it, invented in the 17th century, at Berlin.
(n.) Fine worsted for fancy-work
(n.) The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to rise at the equinox, or the corresponding point on the earth
(n.) The eastern parts of the earth
(n.) Formerly, the part of the United States east of the Alleghany Mountains, esp. the Eastern, or New England, States
(a.) Toward the rising sun
(adv.) Eastward.
(v. i.) To move toward the east
East Indian
() Belonging to, or relating to, the East Indies.
East Indian
(n.) A native of, or a dweller in, the East Indies.
(a.) Relating to the Eastern Islands

East Berlin Bedeutung

Berlin airlift airlift in that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin
berlin a limousine with a glass partition between the front and back seats
East Midland the dialect of Middle English that replaced West Saxon as the literary language and which developed into Modern English
East Germanic
East Germanic language
an extinct branch of the Germanic languages
East Tocharian
Turfan dialect
a dialect of Tocharian
East Chadic a group of Chadic languages spoken in Chad
Berlin doughnut
jelly doughnut
a raised doughnut filled with jelly or jam
East India Company an English company formed in to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and southeastern Asia, in the th century it assumed administrative control of Bengal and held it until the British army took over in after the Indian Mutiny
East Turkistan Islamic Movement
East Turkestan Islamic Movement
a group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang, declared by China in to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with economic development of countries in Asia and the Far East
east a location in the eastern part of a country, region, or city
the countries of Asia
Far East a popular expression for the countries of eastern Asia (usually including China and Mongolia and Taiwan and Japan and Korea and Indochina and eastern Siberia)
East eastern United States the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi River
east side the side that is on the east
east-west direction in a direction parallel with lines of latitude
East Africa a geographical area in eastern Africa
East Germany
German Democratic Republic
a republic in north central Europe on the Baltic, established by the Soviet Union in , reunified with West Germany in
German capital
capital of Germany located in eastern Germany
West Berlin the part of Berlin under United States and British and French control until
East Timor a former Portuguese colony that was annexed by Indonesia in , voted for independence from Indonesia in and in May became an independent nation
Middle East
Near East
the area around the eastern Mediterranean, from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran, the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam, had continuous economic and political turmoil in the th century, the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization
Malay Archipelago
East Indies
East India
a group of islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans between Asia and Australia
People's Republic of Bangladesh
Bangla Desh
East Pakistan
a Muslim republic in southern Asia bordered by India to the north and west and east and the Bay of Bengal to the south, formerly part of India and then part of Pakistan, it achieved independence in
British East Africa the former British territories of eastern Africa, including Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, and Zanzibar
East Sussex a county in southern England on the English Channel
East Anglia a region of eastern England that was formerly a kingdom
Republic of Indonesia
Dutch East Indies
a republic in southeastern Asia on an archipelago including more than , islands, achieved independence from the Netherlands in , the principal oil producer in the Far East and Pacific regions
East Malaysia the part of Malaysia that is on the island of Borneo
East Coast the eastern seaboard of the United States (especially the strip between Boston and Washington D.C.)
East Saint Louis a town in southwest Illinois on the Mississippi across from Saint Louis
East River a tidal strait separating Manhattan and the Bronx from Queens and Brooklyn
East China Sea part of the Pacific Ocean near eastern Asia
Sea of Japan
East Sea
an arm of the Pacific between China and Japan
East Indian a native or inhabitant of the East Indies
East German a native or inhabitant of the former republic of East Germany
East-sider a resident of the east side of Manhattan in New York City
Irving Berlin
Israel Baline
United States songwriter (born in Russia) who wrote more than songs and several musical comedies (-)
east wind
a wind from the east
east African cedar
Juniperus procera
tropical African timber tree with fragrant wood
crape jasmine
crepe jasmine
crepe gardenia
pinwheel flower
East Indian rosebay
Adam's apple
Nero's crown
coffee rose
Tabernaemontana divaricate
tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas, northern India to Thailand
banyan tree
banian tree
Indian banyan
East Indian fig tree
Ficus bengalensis
East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks
Indian blackwood
East Indian rosewood
East India rosewood
Indian rosewood
Dalbergia latifolia
East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood
East India kino
Malabar kino
kino gum
reddish or black juice or resin from certain trees of the genus Pterocarpus and used in medicine and tanning etc
north by east
the compass point that is one point east (clockwise) of due north
north northeast
the compass point that is midway between north and northeast
the compass point midway between north and east, at degrees
northeast by east
the compass point that is one point east of northeast
east northeast
the compass point midway between northeast and east
east by north
the compass point that is one point north of due east
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128 Bewertungen 3


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