
Besatzungszeit Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Besatzungszeit f
occupation period
Besatzungszeit f
occupation period
Besatzer pl, Besatzung f, Besatzungstruppen pl, Okkupationstruppen pl mil.
the occupying forces, occupying troops
Besatzung f, Verteidigungstruppe f mil.
Besatzungen pl
Besatzung f
vollständige Besatzung
die volle Schiffsbesatzung
complement, complements
the ship's complement
Mannschaft f, Besatzung f, Crew f
Mannschaften pl, Besatzungen pl, Crews pl
besetzen, Besatzung ausüben
to usurp
mit der gesamten Besatzung untergehen
to be lost with all hands
alliierte Besatzung
Allied occupation
Besatzer pl; Besatzung f; Besatzungstruppen pl; Okkupationstruppen pl mil.
the occupying forces; occupying troops
Besatzung f; Verteidigungstruppe f mil.
Besatzungen pl
Besatzung f
vollständige Besatzung
die volle Schiffsbesatzung
complement; complements
the ship's complement
Mannschaft f; Besatzung f; Crew f
Mannschaften pl; Besatzungen pl; Crews pl
etw. bekannt machen; melden (bes. Warnung und Geschäftszahlen) v
Für Neuengland wurde eine Sturmwarnung herausgegeben.
Das Flugzeug und seine Besatzung wurde als vermisst gemeldet.
Der Pharmamulti meldete eine Gewinnsteigerung im dritten Quartal.
to post sth. Am.
A storm warning was posted for New England.
The aircraft and its crew were posted missing.
The drugs multinational posted increased profits for the third quarter.
besetzen; Besatzung ausüben
besetzend; Besatzung ausübend
besetzt; Besatzung ausgeübt
to usurp
verirrt; verschollen adj
samt Besatzung verschollen sein naut.
lost; lost way
to be lost with all hands
Argonaut m (jd. aus der Besatzung der Argo aus der griech. Mythologie)
argonaut (one of the crew of the Argo in Greek mythology)
volle Anzahl f; Gesamtbestand m
Genbestand m
vollständige Besatzung
die volle Schiffsbesatzung
genetic complement
complement; complements
the ship's complement
Mannschaft f; Besatzung f; Crew f
Mannschaften pl; Besatzungen pl; Crews pl
Flugzeugbesatzung f aviat.
flight crew; aircrew; aircraft crew
etw. besetzen; Besatzung ausüben v
besetzend; Besatzung ausübend
besetzt; Besatzung ausgeübt
to usurp sth.
Besatzungsarmee f mil.
occupying army
occupation money
Besatzungsgeld n
occupation money
Besatzungskind n hist.
Besatzungskinder pl
occupation child, child born of a black GI and a German mother after 1945
occupation children
Besatzungskind n hist.
Besatzungskinder pl
occupation child; child born of a GI and a German mother after 1945
occupation children
Besatzungsmacht f, Besatzer m mil.
Besatzungsmächte pl, Besatzer pl
occupying power
occupying powers
Besatzungsmacht f; Besatzer m mil.
Besatzungsmächte pl; Besatzer pl
occupying power
occupying powers
Besatzungsmacht f; Besatzer pl mil.
occupying power; occupiers
Besatzungsmitglied n
Mannschaftsmitglied n
Besatzungsmitglied n
Besatzungsmitglieder pl
crew member; member of the crew
crew members; members of the crew
Britische Rheinarmee f; Rheinarmee f (Besatzungstruppe in Deutschland) mil. hist.
British Army of the Rhine BAOR ; Army of the Rhine (occupation force in Germany)
occupation troops
Besatzungszeit f
occupation period
Besatzungszone f mil.
Besatzungszonen pl
occupation zone, zone of occupation
occupation zones, zones of occupation
Besatzungszone f mil.
Besatzungszonen pl
occupation zone; zone of occupation
occupation zones; zones of occupation
Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ); Sowjetzone f; Ostzone hist.
Soviet Occupation Zone; Soviet Zone (of Occupation)

Deutsche Besatzungszeit Synonyme


Englische occupation period Synonyme

occupation  abiding  abode  act  acting  action  activism  activities  activity  adoption  adverse possession  affair  affairs  agency  alodium  appointment  appropriation  arrogation  art  assumption  bag  behavior  bondage  burgage  business  calling  career  career building  careerism  claim  cohabitation  colonization  colony  commerce  commorancy  concern  concernment  conduct  conquest  control  craft  de facto  de jure  dependency  derivative title  direction  doing  driving  dwelling  employ  employment  enslavement  enterprise  execution  exercise  fee fief  fee position  fee simple  fee simple absolute  fee simple conditional  fee simple defeasible  fee simple determinable  fee tail  feodum  feud  fiefdom  field  frankalmoign  free socage  freehold  function  functioning  game  gavelkind  habitancy  habitation  handicraft  handling  having title to  hold  holding  indent  inhabitancy  inhabitation  inhabiting  interest  job  knight service  labor  lay fee  lease  leasehold  legal claim  legal possession  lifework  line  line of business  line of work  living  lodging  lookout  management  mandate  manipulation  matter  metier  mission  movements  mystery  nesting  number  occupancy  operancy  operation  operations  oppression  original title  owning  performance  performing  play  position  possessing  possession  post  practice  praxis  preemption  preoccupancy  preoccupation  prepossession  prescription  profession  property  property rights  proprietary rights  pursuit  racket  requisition  residence  residency  residing  responsibility  rule  running  seisin  seizure  service  settlement  situation  skill  socage  sojourning  specialization  specialty  squatting  staying  staying over  steering  stopping  subjection  subjugation  sublease  suzerainty  swing  take-over  takeover  taking over  tenancy  tenantry  tenure  tenure in chivalry  thing  title  trade  underlease  undertaking  undertenancy  usucapion  usurpation  villein socage  villeinhold  vill  
occupational disease  abnormality  acute disease  affection  affliction  ailment  allergic disease  allergy  atrophy  bacterial disease  birth defect  blight  cardiovascular disease  chronic disease  circulatory disease  complaint  complication  condition  congenital defect  defect  deficiency disease  deformity  degenerative disease  disability  disease  disorder  distemper  endemic  endemic disease  endocrine disease  epidemic disease  functional disease  fungus disease  gastrointestinal disease  genetic disease  handicap  hereditary disease  iatrogenic disease  illness  indisposition  infectious disease  infirmity  malady  malaise  morbidity  morbus  muscular disease  neurological disease  nutritional disease  organic disease  pandemic disease  pathological condition  pathology  plant disease  protozoan disease  psychosomatic disease  respiratory disease  rockiness  secondary disease  seediness  sickishness  sickness  signs  symptomatology  symptomology  symptoms  syndrome  the pip  urogenital disease  virus disease  wasting disease  worm disease  
occupational therapy  Arica movement  Erhard Seminars Training  Metrazol therapy  New Consciousness  Pentothal interview  SAT  T-group  X-ray therapy  actinotherapy  aerosol therapy  aerotherapeutics  aerotherapy  arsenotherapy  assertiveness training  autoserum therapy  bacterial therapy  bacteriotherapy  behavior modification  behavior therapy  bibliotherapy  bioenergetics  biofeedback  biotherapy  buffer therapy  cardiotherapy  chemotherapy  chrysotherapy  climatotherapy  cold therapy  collapse therapy  confrontation therapy  conjoint therapy  consciousness raising  constitutional therapy  contact therapy  counseling  crymotherapy  dermatotherapy  dietotherapy  directive therapy  dye therapy  encounter therapy  endocrinotherapy  est  family training  feminist therapy  fever therapy  frigotherapy  galactotherapy  gestalt therapy  glandular therapy  gold therapy  group psychotherapy  group relations training  group sensitivity training  group therapy  hemotherapy  humanistic therapy  hyperbaric therapy  hypnoanalysis  hypnosis  hypnotherapy  hypnotism  immunization therapy  infrared therapy  intravenous therapy  iodotherapy  maggot therapy  malariotherapy  marathon  marriage encounter  mechanotherapy  mind cure  narcoanalysis  narcohypnosis  narcosynthesis  narcotherapy  nondirective therapy  nonspecific therapy  opsonic therapy  organotherapy  oxygen therapy  pastoral counseling  pharmacotherapy  phototherapy  physical therapy  physiotherapy  play therapy  primal therapy  prolonged narcosis  protein therapy  psychodrama  psychological counseling  psychosurgery  psychosynthesis  psychotherapeutics  psychotherapy  pyretotherapy  radical therapy  radium therapy  rational-emotive therapy  ray therapy  reality therapy  recreational therapy  regression therapy  release therapy  replacement therapy  scream therapy  sensitivity training  sensory awareness training  serotherapy  shock therapy  sleep treatment  specific therapy  suggestion therapy  supportive therapy  surgi  

Besatzungszeit Definition

Alabama period
() A period in the American eocene, the lowest in the tertiary age except the lignitic.
Catskill period
() The closing subdivision of the Devonian age in America. The rocks of this period are well developed in the Catskill mountains, and extend south and west under the Carboniferous formation. See the Diagram under Geology.
Champlain period
() A subdivision of the Quaternary age immediately following the Glacial period
Chemung period
() A subdivision in the upper part of the Devonian system in America, so named from the Chemung River, along which the rocks are well developed. It includes the Portage and Chemung groups or epochs. See the Diagram under Geology.
Hamilton period
() A subdivision of the Devonian system of America
Niagara period
() A subdivision or the American Upper Silurian system, embracing the Medina, Clinton, and Niagara epoch. The rocks of the Niagara epoch, mostly limestones, are extensively distributed, and at Niagara Falls consist of about eighty feet of shale supporting a greater thickness of limestone, which is gradually undermined by the removal of the shale. See Chart of Geology.
(n.) The act or process of occupying or taking possession
(n.) That which occupies or engages the time and attention
(n.) A portion of time as limited and determined by some recurring phenomenon, as by the completion of a revolution of one of the heavenly bodies
(n.) A stated and recurring interval of time
(n.) One of the great divisions of geological time
(n.) The termination or completion of a revolution, cycle, series of events, single event, or act
(n.) A complete sentence, from one full stop to another
(n.) The punctuation point [.] that marks the end of a complete sentence, or of an abbreviated word.
(n.) One of several similar sets of figures or terms usually marked by points or commas placed at regular intervals, as in numeration, in the extraction of roots, and in circulating decimals.
(n.) The time of the exacerbation and remission of a disease, or of the paroxysm and intermission.
(n.) A complete musical sentence.
(v. t.) To put an end to.
(v. i.) To come to a period
Salina period
() The period in which the American Upper Silurian system, containing the brine-producing rocks of central New York, was formed. See the Chart of Geology.
Trenton period
() A subdivision in the lower Silurian system of America

occupation period Bedeutung

occupation occupancy moving in the act of occupying or taking possession of a building, occupation of a building without a certificate of occupancy is illegal
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
occupation any activity that occupies a person's attention, he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game
occupation military control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
course session
class period
a regularly scheduled session as part of a course of study
period piece any work of art whose special value lies in its evocation of a historical period
occupation license
occupation licence
a license to pursue a particular occupation
full stop
stop full point
a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations, in England they call a period a stop
the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause, the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation, a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped--Hippocrates, the semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females--Aristotle
time period
period of time
an amount of time, a time period ofyears, hastened the period of time of his recovery, Picasso's blue period
trial period
test period
a period of time during which someone or something is tested
Quaternary period
Age of Man
last million years
Tertiary period
from million to million years ago
Cretaceous period
from million to million years ago, end of the age of reptiles, appearance of modern insects and flowering plants
Jurassic period
frommillion to million years ago, dinosaurs, conifers
Triassic period
frommillion tomillion years ago, dinosaurs, marine reptiles, volcanic activity
Permian period
frommillion tomillion years ago, reptiles
Carboniferous period
from million tomillion years ago
Pennsylvanian period
Upper Carboniferous
Upper Carboniferous period
frommillion tomillion years ago, warm climate, swampy land
Missippian period
Lower Carboniferous
Lower Carboniferous period
from million tomillion years ago, increase of land areas, primitive ammonites, winged insects
Devonian period
Age of Fishes
frommillion to million years ago, preponderance of fishes and appearance of amphibians and ammonites
Silurian period
from million tomillion years ago, first air-breathing animals
Ordovician period
from million to million years ago, conodonts and ostracods and algae and seaweeds
Cambrian period
from million to about million years ago, marine invertebrates
Precambrian eon
Precambrian aeon
Precambrian period
the eon following the Hadean time and preceding the Phanerozoic eon, from about , million years ago until million years ago
occupation the period of time during which a place or position or nation is occupied, during the German occupation of Paris
period the end or completion of something, death put a period to his endeavors, a change soon put a period to my tranquility
neonatal period the first days of life
latency stage
latency phase
latency period
(psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age or until puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be sublimated into other activities
twenty-four hours
twenty-four hour period
-hour interval
solar day
mean solar day
time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis, two days later they left, they put on two performances every day, there are , passengers per day
lunch period
the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch, he observed a regular lunchtime
gestation period
the period during which an embryo develops (about days in humans)
refractory period (neurology) the time after a neuron fires or a muscle fiber contracts during which a stimulus will not evoke a response
overtime period a period of overtime play to resolve a tie, e.g. basketball
period geological period a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed, ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods
historic period
an era of history having some distinctive feature, we live in a litigious age
ice age
glacial period
glacial epoch
any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surface, the most recent ice age was during the Pleistocene
playing period
period of play
(in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds, rain stopped play in the th inning
first period the first division into which the play of a game is divided
second period the second division into which the play of a game is divided
final period the final division into which the play of a game is divided
period (ice hockey) one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey games
Baroque era
Baroque period
the historic period from about untilwhen the baroque style of art, architecture, and music flourished in Europe
Reconstruction Period
the period after the American Civil War when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union, -
latent period the time that elapses before the presence of a disease is manifested by symptoms
reaction time
response time
latent period
the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it
rest period
a pause for relaxation, people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests
lunar time period
there are usually two high and two low tides each day
fertile period
fertile phase
the time in the menstrual cycle when fertilization is most likely to be possible ( days before to days after ovulation)
period the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon
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