
Bestandssituation Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bestandssituation f (von Pflanzen und Tieren) bot. zool.
current distribuation (of plants and animals)
Bestandssituation f (von Pflanzen und Tieren) bot. zool.
current distribuation (of plants and animals)
Strom-Bestands-Analyse f econ.
stock-flow analysis
Streu f; Bestandsabfall m (der Vegetation) envir.
Laubstreu f; Laubdecke f
Nadelstreu f
leaf litter
needle litter; conifer litter; coniferous litter; litter of conifers
Bestandsabgänge pl
decrease in stocks
Bestandsalter n bot.
age of stand
Lagerbestandsberichtigungen pl; Lagerbestandskorrekturen pl; Lagerbestandsanpassungen pl; Lagerberichtigungen pl; Lagerkorrekturen pl; Lageranpassungen pl; Bestandsberichtigungen pl; Bestandskorrekturen pl; Bestandsanpassungen pl econ.
stock adjustments; inventory adjustments Am.
inventory control
Bestandsaufnahme f
stock taking, stocktaking
Bestandsaufnahme f
Bestandsaufnahme f
inventory control, taking of an inventory
Bestandsaufnahme machen
to take stock
stock taking
Bestandsaufnahme f
Bestandsaufnahme machen
stock taking; stocktaking
to take stock
Bestandsaufnahme f
inventory control; taking of an inventory
Bestandsaufnahme f; Bestandserfassung f; Ist-Stand-Erhebung; Ist-Aufnahme f; Bestandsinventur geh. (Raumplanung) geogr. pol.
Bestandsaufnahme von Böden; Bodenaufnahme f
Bestandsaufnahme von Grünflächen; Bestandserfassung der Grünflächen
Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Aufnahme Bestandskartierung einer Landschaft
Bestandsaufnahme des Umweltzustands (eines Gebiets)
Bestandsaufnahme der Vegetation; großräumige Vegetationsaufnahme
Bestandsaufnahme der städtischen Bausubstanz; städtebauliche Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Stand-Erhebung
regionalplanerische Bestandsaufnahme Ist-Stand-Erhebung Ist-Aufnahme
Bestandsaufnahme Aufnahme Bestandsinventur der Tier- und Pflanzenarten (eines Gebiets)
survey (spatial planning)
soil survey
green space survey
landscape survey
environmental survey
vegetation survey; plant ecological survey
survey of the built-up area of the town city; town planning survey
regional survey
survey of the fauna and flora (of an area)
Inventur f; Lagerbestandsaufnahme f; Bestandsaufnahme f; Lagerbestandsermittlung f; Bestandsermittlung f; Lageraufnahme f; Bestandaufnahme Inventur f des Vorratsvermögens econ.
bei der Inventur
eine Bestandsaufnahme von etw. machen
Inventur machen
Wegen Inventur geschlossen.
stocktaking Br.; inventory-taking Am.; inventory Am.
in the inventory; on the inventory
to take stock of sth.; to make an inventory of sth. Am.; to take inventory of sth.
to take stock; to take inventory Am.
Closed for inventory. Am.
Bestandsaufnahmen, Inventare
Lagerbestandsaufzeichnungen pl; Lageraufzeichnungen pl; Bestandsaufzeichnungen pl econ.
stock records; inventory records Am.
Bestandsbewertung f econ.
stock valuation
Stammdatei f, Bestandsdatei f
Stammdateien pl, Bestandsdateien pl
master file
master files
Stammdatei, Bestandsdatei
master file
Stammdatei f; Bestandsdatei f
Stammdateien pl; Bestandsdateien pl
master file
master files
Lagerbestandskartei f; Lagerbestandsdatei f; Lagerkartei f; Lagerdatei f; Bestandskartei f; Bestandsdatei f econ.
Lagerbestandskarteien pl; Lagerbestandsdateien pl; Lagerkarteien pl; Lagerdateien pl; Bestandskarteien pl; Bestandsdateien pl
stock file; inventory file Am.
stock files; inventory files
Lagerbestandsdaten pl; Lagerdaten pl; Bestandsdaten pl econ.
stock data; inventory data Am.
Bestandsdichte f; Dichte f des Pflanzenbestands bot. geogr.
stand density; density of stand; density of existing vegetation
Lagerbestandsdifferenz f; Lagerdifferenz f; Bestandsdifferenz f; Inventurdifferenz f econ.
Lagerbestandsdifferenzen pl; Lagerdifferenzen pl; Bestandsdifferenzen pl; Inventurdifferenzen pl
stock discrepancy; inventory discrepancy Am.
stock discrepancies; inventory discrepancies
Bestandserfolgskonto n; gemischtes Konto n econ.
Bestandserfolgskonten pl; gemischte Konten pl
mixed account
mixed accounts
Bestandsfestigkeitsrisiko n econ.
Bestandsfestigkeitsrisiken pl
persistency risk
persistency risks
Bestandsführung f
inventory management
Bestandsführung f; Bestandesführung f Schw.; Bestandsmanagement n; Bestandsverwaltung f econ.
inventory management
Bestandsgewinn m; Lagergewinn m econ.
Bestandsgewinne pl; Lagergewinne pl
stock profit; inventory profit Am.
stock profits; inventory profits
Bestandsgröße f fin.
Bestandsgrößen pl
stock variable
stock variables
Bestandsgröße f zool.
population size
stichtagsbezogene Größe f; zeitpunkbezogene Größe f; Zeitpunktgröße f; Bestandsgröße f econ.
stock concept; inventory concept Am.
Bestandshaltungskosten pl; Bestandshaltekosten pl; Haltekosten pl econ.
cost of carry
Lagerbestandskarte f; Lagerkarte f; Bestandskarte f econ.
Lagerbestandskarten pl; Lagerkarten pl; Bestandskarten pl
stock record card; stock card; inventory record card Am.; inventory card Am.
stock record cards; stock cards; inventory record cards; inventory cards
Bestandskonto n; Aktivkonto n fin.
Bestandskonten pl; Aktivkonten pl
asset account
asset accounts
Bestandskonto n
Bestandskonto n, Aktivkonto n
asset account
Bestandskonto, Aktivkonto
asset account
inventory control
Bestandskunde m; Altkunde m econ.
Bestandskunden pl; Altkunden pl
existing customer; regular customer
existing customers; regular customers
Bestandsliste f
Bestandslisten pl
inventory listing, stock sheet
inventory listings, stock sheets
Bestandsliste f
Bestandslisten pl
inventory listing; stock sheet
inventory listings; stock sheets
Baumbestand m; stehender Bestand m; stehendes Holz n; Bestandsmasse f; Bestockung f (Forstwesen) agr.
Uferbestockung f; Ufergehölz n
tree population; stock of trees; growing timber; growing stock; stocking (forestry)
streamside trees
Bestandsmasse f statist.
Bestandsnachweis m
inventory evidence
Bestandsneubewertung f; Lagerneubewertung f; Vorratsneubewertung f; Neubewertung f der Lagerbestände des Lagers der Vorräte des Vorratsvermögens econ.
stock revaluation; inventory revaluation Am.
Bestandsniederschlag m; Kronendurchlass m envir.
Bestandspflege f
portfolio maintenance
Bestandspflege f (Versicherungswesen)
policy service
Baubestandsplan m; Bestandsplan m
Baubestandspläne pl; Bestandspläne pl
as-built drawing
as-built drawings
Bestandsschutz m (einer Versicherung)
portfolio protection
Bestandsschutzklausel f jur.
Bestandsschutzklauseln pl
grandfather clause; grandfathering clause
grandfather clauses; grandfathering clauses
Grandfathering n
Bestandsschutzmethode f
Bestandsschutzregelung f; Besitzstandsregelung f; Vertrauensschutzregelung f (für bestehende Verhältnisse bei Änderung der Rechtslage) jur.
grandfathering Am.
Bestandssituation f (von Pflanzen und Tieren) bot. zool.
current distribuation (of plants and animals)
Bestandsübertragung f
transfer of stock
Lagerbestandskontrolle f, Lagerkontrolle f, Bestandsüberwachung f
stock control
Lagerbestandskontrolle f; Lagerkontrolle f; Bestandsüberwachung f
stock control
Bestandsveränderung f fin.
portfolio change
Bestandsveränderung f
change in inventory; inventory change
Bestandsverteilung f (von Pflanzen und Tieren) bot. zool.
spatial distribution (of plants and animals)
Mietvertrag, Pachtvertrag oder Leasingvertrag m; Bestandsvertrag m Ös. jur.
Hauptmietvertrag, Hauptpachtvertrag oder Hauptleasingvertrag
Untermietvertrag, Unterpachtvertrag oder Unterleasingvertrag
Sie können einen Pachtvertrag auf 20 Jahre abschließen.
lease agreement; lease contract
head lease agreement Br.; head lease contract Br.; headlease agreement Am.; headlease contract Am.
sublease agreement; sublease contract
You can buy the lease for a period of 20 years.
Bestandsverzeichnis n
Bestandsvolumen, Umfang der Bestände
volume of stocks
Bestandswissen n
knowledge set; knowledge base; state of research; background information
stock figure

Deutsche Bestandssituation Synonyme


Englische current distribuation Synonyme

current  AC  Brownian movement  DC  Zeitgeist  a la mode  absorption current  accepted  accessible  accidental  accompanying  accustomed  active current  actual  ado  advance  advised  affirmed  affluence  afflux  affluxion  afloat  afoot  aim  air current  all the rage  all the thing  alternating current  angular motion  announced  as is  ascending  ascent  au courant  au fait  average  aware  axial motion  azimuth  backflowing  backing  backward motion  bandied about  base current  bearing  being  bent  besetting  broadcast  brought to notice  bruited about  career  cathode current  circulated  circumstantial  climbing  coeval  collector current  common  common knowledge  common property  commonly known  commonplace  concourse  conduction current  confluence  conflux  conformable  consuetudinary  contemporaneous  contemporary  convection current  conventional  course  crosscurrent  current of air  customary  cycle  declared  defluxion  delta current  descending  descent  dielectric displacement current  diffused  direct current  direction  direction line  displacement current  disseminated  distributed  doing  dominant  downdraft  downflow  downpour  downward motion  draft  drift  driftage  ebbing  eddy current  electric current  electric stream  electron cloud  electron flow  electron gas  electron stream  emission current  epidemic  established  eventuating  everyday  exciting current  existent  existing  extant  fall wind  familiar  fashionable  flight  flood  flow  flow of air  flowing  fluency  flux  following wind  forward motion  free alternating current  fresh  galvanic current  generally accepted  glacial movement  going about  going around  going on  gush  habitual  hackneyed  happening  head wind  heading  helmsmanship  high-frequency current  hip  household  idle current  immanent  immediate  in being  in circulation  in effect  in existence  in fashion  in force  in hand  in print  in style  in the air  in the know  in the news  in the wind  in vogue  

Bestandssituation Definition

(a.) Running or moving rapidly.
(a.) Now passing, as time
(a.) Passing from person to person, or from hand to hand
(a.) Commonly estimated or acknowledged.
(a.) Fitted for general acceptance or circulation
(a.) A flowing or passing
(a.) General course
Rossel current
() A portion of the southern equatorial current flowing westward from the Fiji Islands to New Guinea.

current distribuation (of plants and animals) Bedeutung

current intelligence intelligence of all types and forms of immediate interest, usually disseminated without delays for evaluation or interpretation
tidal flow
tidal current
the water current caused by the tides
rip current
a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore
a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes), the raft floated downstream on the current, he felt a stream of air, the hose ejected a stream of water
dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas, two streams of development run through American history, stream of consciousness, the flow of thought, the current of history
alternating current
alternating electric current
an electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally, In the US most household current is AC atcycles per second
current electric current a flow of electricity through a conductor, the current was measured in amperes
direct current
direct electric current
an electric current that flows in one direction steadily
ocean current the steady flow of surface ocean water in a prevailing direction
equatorial current any of the ocean currents that flow westward at the equator
North Equatorial Current an equatorial current that flows west across the Pacific just north of the equator
South Equatorial Current an equatorial current that flows west across the Pacific just south of the equator
Japan current
Kuroshio current
a warm ocean current that flows northeastwardly off the coast of Japan into the northern Pacific ocean
Peruvian current
Humboldt current
a cold ocean current that flows north along the Pacific Coast of South America before turning west
dynamic electricity
current electricity
a flow of electric charge
thermionic current an electric current produced between two electrodes as a result of electrons emitted by thermionic emission
air current current of air
air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure, trees bent under the fierce winds, when there is no wind, row, the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere
red currant
garden current
Ribes rubrum
cultivated European current bearing small edible red berries
liquid assets
current assets
quick assets
assets in the form of cash (or easily convertible into cash)
checking account
chequing account
current account
a bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on demand
current account that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments
current unit a measure of the amount of electric charge flowing past a circuit point at a specific time
current occurring in or belonging to the present time, current events, the current topic, current negotiations, current psychoanalytic theories, the ship's current position
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