
Bildschirmarbeitsplatz Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bildschirmarbeitsplatz m
Bildschirmarbeitsplätze pl
video (work) station
video stations
Bildschirmarbeitsplatz m
Bildschirmarbeitsplätze pl
video (work) station
video stations
Anzeige f, Bildschirm m, Ausstellung f, Ansicht f
grafische Anzeige
graphic display
Augenabstand vom Bildschirm
viewing distance
Bildschirm m comp.
Bildschirme pl
geteilter Bildschirm, Bildschirmaufteilung
split screen
Bildschirm m
(Text auf) Bildschirm rollen, scrollen comp.
Bildschirm rollend, scrollend
Bildschirm gerollt, gescrollt
to scroll
Bildschirm m, Wandschirm m, Leinwand f, Tarnung f
Bildschirm m, Überwachungsgerät n
Blinkeinrichtung f (im Bildschirm)
Hintergrund-Bildschirm m
background screen
Mehrfachbild n (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
Schwarz-Weiß-Bildschirm m, Schwarzweißbildschirm m
monochrome terminal
Sensorbildschirm m, berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm
touch screen
gitterartige Störung am Bildschirm
Hintergrund Bildschirm
background screen
crt controller
Anzeige, Bildschirm, Ausstellung, Ansicht
Blinkeinrichtung (im Bildschirm)
Bildschirm, ueberwachen, Ueberwachungsgeraet
Schwarz Weiss Bildschirm
monochrome terminal
Mehrfachbild (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
Bildschirm, Raster
verschob den Bildschirm
Bildschirm rollen
geteilter Bildschirm, Bildschirmaufteilung
split screen
television screen
Filmleinwand, Bildschirm
Aktivierungsbereich m am Bildschirm (für Mausklicks) comp.
Aktivierungsbereiche pl am Bildschirm
screen hotspot; hotspot; hot spot
screen hotspots; hotspots; hot spots
Anzeigefeld n; Display n; Bildschirm m ugs. comp. electr.
Anzeigefelder pl; Displays pl; Bildschirme pl
Augenabstand m
Augenabstand vom Bildschirm
interocular distance
viewing distance
Bilddurchlaufmodus m; Rollmodus m (für den Bildschirm) comp.
scroll mode; roll mode
Bildschirm m comp.
Bildschirme pl
geteilter Bildschirm; Bildschirmaufteilung
Diese Bilder flimmern ständig über die Bildschirme.
split screen
These images constantly fill our screens.
(den Bildschirminhalt) verschieben; rollen; scrollen comp.
verschiebend; rollend; scrollend
verschoben; gerollt; gescrollt
(auf dem Bildschirm) hochscrollen; nach oben fahren rollen v comp.
(auf dem Bildschirm) hinunterscrollen; nach unten fahren rollen v comp.
to scroll (the screen)
to scroll up (on the display)
to scroll down (on the display)
Bildschirm m; Wandschirm m; Leinwand f; Tarnung f
Bildschirm m; Überwachungsgerät n
Bildschirm...; auf dem Bildschirm (nachgestellt) techn.
on-screen; onscreen
Bildschirm m mit Bildwiederholung comp.
refresh display
Flimmern n (Bildschirm)
flickering; flicker (screen)
Informationsterminal n (interaktiver Bildschirm im öffentlichen Raum) comp.
kiosk (interactive screen in a public area) Br.
Leuchtzeichen n; Leuchtzacken m; Aufleuchten n (auf einem Bildschirm) techn.
blip (on a screen)
Schwarz-Weiß-Bildschirm m; Schwarzweißbildschirm m
monochrome terminal
Touchscreen m; Tastschirm m; Berührungsbildschirm m; Sensorbildschirm m; berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm
Touchscreens pl; Tastschirme pl; Berührungsbildschirme pl; Sensorbildschirme pl; berührungsempfindliche Bildschirme
Stift für Touchscreens
touch screen
touch screens
touch screen pen
den Bildschirm aktualisieren v comp.
to refresh the screen
berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm m; Sensor-Bildschirm m; Touchscreen m comp.
touch-sensitive screen; touch-sensitive display; touch-screen touch-panel
eigentlich eigtl. von Rechts wegen (Verweis auf einen Ordnungsrahmen von dem abgewichen wird) adv
Eigentlich ist das mein Platz.
Eigentlich sollte ich jetzt drankommen.
Eigentlich müsstest du jetzt eine Bestätigungsmeldung auf den Bildschirm bekommen.
Eigentlich darf man hier nicht rauchen aber sie nehmen's nicht so genau.
Ich darf eigentlich nicht darüber spechen aber ich tu's trotzdem.
Eigentlich dürfte ich jetzt gar nicht hier sitzen.
Er sollte ja eigentlich auf meiner Seite stehen oder?
Eigentlich sollten sie längst da sein.
Das müsstest du eigentlich besser wissen als ich.
actually; by rights; ought to
Actually this is my seat.; This is actually my seat.
By rights it should be my turn next.
By rights you should get a confirmation screen now.
Actually By rights you're not supposed to smoke here but they are not so strict about it.
I'm not supposed to talk about it but I'm going to.
By rights I shouldn't be sitting here.
He is supposed to be on my side isn't he?
They ought to be here by now.
You should actually know that better than me.
flimmerfrei adj (Bildschirm) techn.
flicker-free; flickerfree
flimmern v (Bildschirm) techn.
to flicker (screen)
nachleuchtend adj electr.
nachleuchtender Bildschirm; Bildschirm mit langer Nachleuchtdauer
persistent screen; long persistence screen
für etw. sprechen (ein positiver Aspekt sein) v
Was spricht dafür?
Was spricht für eine Gesundheitsreform?
Es spricht vieles für dieses Notebook-Modell es hat aber leider einen spiegelnden Bildschirm.
to argue for sth.; to militate for in favour of sth.
What can might be said for it?
What's the upside of a healthcare reform?
This notebook model has a lot going for it but alas it has a glossy screen.
statt; anstatt prp; +Gen.
statt einer Feier
statt ... zu tun
Mit diesem Befehl wird die Datenausgabe an eine Datei statt an den Bildschirm gesendet.
instead of
instead of celebrating
instead of doing
Use this command to send the output to a file instead of to the screen.
stupid adv
Er starrte stupid auf den Bildschirm.
He stared stupidly at the screen.
(über den Bildschirm) zeilenweise gleiten v techn.
to scan across (the screen)
Bildschirm m comp.
Monitor m
VDU (abbr. for visual display unit )
Anzeigefeld n; Anzeige f; Display n (kleiner Bildschirm) comp. electr.
Anzeigefelder pl; Anzeigen pl; Displays pl
das Anzeigefeld Display eines Taschenrechners
beleuchtetes Display; Leuchtanzeige f
(small) display screen; (small) display
(small) display screens; displays
a calculator's display screen
illuminated display
Bildschirm m (als Einzelbauteil) comp. techn.
Bildschirme pl
Berührungsbildschirm m; Berührbildschirm m; berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm; Sensorbildschirm m; Tastschirm m; Touchscreen m
Computerbildschirm m
Fernsehbildschirm m; TV-Bildschirm m
Großbildschirm m
Sperrbildschirm m (auf Mobilgeräten)
geteilter Bildschirm; Bildschirmaufteilung
Diese Bilder flimmern ständig über die Bildschirme.
touch screen
computer screen
television screen; TV screen
lock screen (on mobile devices)
split screen
These images constantly fill our screens.
(den Bildschirminhalt) verschieben; rollen; scrollen v comp.
verschiebend; rollend; scrollend
verschoben; gerollt; gescrollt
(auf dem Bildschirm) hochscrollen; nach oben fahren rollen v comp.
(auf dem Bildschirm) hinunterscrollen; nach unten fahren rollen v comp.
to scroll (the screen)
to scroll up (on the display)
to scroll down (on the display)
Bildschirm…; auf dem Bildschirm (nachgestellt) techn.
on-screen; onscreen
Computermonitor m; Monitor m; Computerbildschirm m; Bildschirm m comp.
Computermonitore pl; Monitore pl; Computerbildschirme pl; Bildschirme pl
Flachbildmonitor m; Flachbildschirm m
Röhrenbildschirm m
computer monitor; monitor
computer monitors; monitors
flat-screen monitor
CRT monitor
(ein Fenster am Bildschirm usw.) in der Größe verändern v comp.
Größe verändernd
Größe verändert
to resize (a window on the screen etc.)
in der Größe veränderlich adj (Fenster am Bildschirm usw.) comp.
resizable (window on the screen etc.)
Taktimpuls m (regelmäßig wiederholter Abtastimpuls) (Bildschirm, TV)
Taktimpulse pl
strobe pulse; strobe (screen, TV)
strobe pulses; strobes
berührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm m; Sensor-Bildschirm m; Touchscreen m comp.
touch-sensitive screen; touch-sensitive display; touch-screen, touch-panel
eigentlich eigtl. , von Rechts wegen (Verweis auf einen Ordnungsrahmen, von dem abgewichen wird) adv
Eigentlich ist das mein Platz.
Eigentlich sollte ich jetzt drankommen.
Eigentlich müsstest du jetzt eine Bestätigungsmeldung auf den Bildschirm bekommen.
Eigentlich darf man hier nicht rauchen, aber sie nehmen's nicht so genau.
Ich darf eigentlich nicht darüber sprechen, aber ich tu's trotzdem.
Eigentlich dürfte ich jetzt gar nicht hier sitzen.
Er sollte ja eigentlich auf meiner Seite stehen, oder?
Eigentlich sollten sie längst da sein.
Das müsstest du eigentlich besser wissen als ich.
actually; by rights; ought to
Actually this is my seat.; This is actually my seat.
By rights, it should be my turn next.
By rights, you should get a confirmation screen now.
Actually By rights, you're not supposed to smoke here, but they are not so strict about it.
I'm not supposed to talk about it, but I'm going to.
By rights, I shouldn't be sitting here.
He is supposed to be on my side, isn't he?
They ought to be here by now.
You should actually know that better than me.
gitterartige Störung f am Bildschirm
für etw. sprechen (ein positiver Aspekt sein) v
Was spricht dafür?
Was spricht für eine Gesundheitsreform?
Es spricht vieles für dieses Notebook-Modell, es hat aber leider einen spiegelnden Bildschirm.
to argue for sth.; to militate for in favour of sth.
What can might be said for it?
What's the upside of a healthcare reform?
This notebook model has a lot going for it, but, alas, it has a glossy screen.
statt; anstatt prp; +Gen.
statt einer Feier
statt … zu tun
Mit diesem Befehl wird die Datenausgabe an eine Datei statt an den Bildschirm gesendet.
instead of
instead of celebrating
instead of doing
Use this command to send the output to a file instead of to the screen.
streichen; wischen v (auf einem Berührungsbildschirm) comp.
streichend; wischend
gestrichen; gewischt
(mit dem Finger) über das Display streichen; wischen
auf dem Bildschirm hinaufstreichen hinunterstreichen
nach links rechts streichen; wischen
to swipe (on a touchscreen)
to swipe (a finger) across the display screen
to swipe up down on the screen
to swipe (to the) left right

Bildschirmarbeitsplatz Definition

Bantam work
() Carved and painted work in imitation of Japan ware.
(n.) Artificial and ornamental rockwork in imitation of a grotto.
(n.) See Handiwork.
Sabrina work
() A variety of applique work for quilts, table covers, etc.
Sorrento work
() Ornamental work, mostly carved in olivewood, decorated with inlay, made at or near Sorrento, Italy. Hence, more rarely, jig-saw work and the like done anywhere.
(n.) The act of standing
(n.) A state of standing or rest
(n.) The spot or place where anything stands, especially where a person or thing habitually stands, or is appointed to remain for a time
(n.) A regular stopping place in a stage road or route
(n.) The headquarters of the police force of any precinct.
(n.) The place at which an instrument is planted, or observations are made, as in surveying.
(n.) The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs
(n.) A place to which ships may resort, and where they may anchor safely.
(n.) A place or region to which a government ship or fleet is assigned for duty.
(n.) A place calculated for the rendezvous of troops, or for the distribution of them
(n.) An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accomodation of a pump, tank, etc.
(n.) Post assigned
(n.) Situation
(n.) State
(n.) The fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion.
(n.) A church in which the procession of the clergy halts on stated days to say stated prayers.
(n.) One of the places at which ecclesiastical processions pause for the performance of an act of devotion
(v. t.) To place
(n.) Work done by the piece, as in nonmetaliferous rock, the amount done being usually reckoned by the fathom.
(n.) Exertion of strength or faculties
(n.) The matter on which one is at work
(n.) That which is produced as the result of labor
(n.) Specifically: (a) That which is produced by mental labor
(n.) Structures in civil, military, or naval engineering, as docks, bridges, embankments, trenches, fortifications, and the like
(n.) The moving parts of a mechanism
(n.) Manner of working
(n.) The causing of motion against a resisting force. The amount of work is proportioned to, and is measured by, the product of the force into the amount of motion along the direction of the force. See Conservation of energy, under Conservation, Unit of work, under Unit, also Foot pound, Horse power, Poundal, and Erg.
(n.) Ore before it is dressed.
(n.) Performance of moral duties
(n.) To exert one's self for a purpose
(n.) Hence, in a general sense, to operate
(n.) Hence, figuratively, to be effective
(n.) To carry on business
(n.) To be in a state of severe exertion, or as if in such a state
(n.) To make one's way slowly and with difficulty
(n.) To ferment, as a liquid.
(n.) To act or operate on the stomach and bowels, as a cathartic.
(v. t.) To labor or operate upon
(v. t.) To produce or form by labor
(v. t.) To produce by slow degrees, or as if laboriously
(v. t.) To influence by acting upon
(v. t.) To form with a needle and thread or yarn
(v. t.) To set in motion or action
(v. t.) To cause to ferment, as liquor.

video (work) station / video stations Bedeutung

work flow
progress (or rate of progress) in work being done
computer game
video game
a game played against a computer
work activity directed toward making or doing something, she checked several points needing further work
work load
work that a person is expected to do in a specified time
active work of little value, while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork
welfare work
social service
an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
the occupation for which you are paid, he is looking for employment, a lot of people are out of work
electrical work the craft of an electrician
sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
tool-and-die work the craft of making special tools and dies
police work
police investigation
the investigation of criminal activities
detection detecting
detective work
a police investigation to determine the perpetrator, detection is hard on the feet
field work an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
undercover work
the act of keeping a secret watch for intelligence purposes
mission missionary work the organized work of a religious missionary
scut work
trivial, unrewarding, tedious, dirty, and disagreeable chores, the hospital hired him to do scut work
work-study program an educational plan in which students alternate between paid employment and formal study
Stations of the Cross
(Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus' passage from Pilate's house to his crucifixion at Calvary
work-in occasion when workers continue to work as a protest against e.g. proposed dismissal or closure of the factory
social work any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children
work to rule a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace
work stoppage
a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions, the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled
work animal an animal trained for and used for heavy labor
air base
air station
a base for military aircraft
beach wagon
station wagon
wagon estate car
beach waggon
station waggon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
booster booster amplifier
booster station
relay link
relay station
relay transmitter
an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal
broadcasting station
broadcast station
a station equipped to broadcast radio or television programs
work shoe
a thick and heavy shoe
bus terminal
bus depot
bus station
coach station
a terminal that serves bus passengers
display video display an electronic device that represents information in visual form
dressing station
aid station
(military) a station located near a combat area for giving first aid to the wounded
fire station
a station housing fire apparatus and firemen
first-aid station a station providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained
gasoline station
gas station
filling station
petrol station
a service station that sells gasoline
video iPod (trademark) an iPod that can also play video files
observation tower
lookout station
a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings
naval installation
shore station
military installation servicing naval forces
observation station a station set up for making observations of something
work body of work
the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it), he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre, Picasso's work can be divided into periods
a coin-operated telephone
police station
police headquarters
station house
a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district, serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
public toilet
comfort station
public convenience
convenience public lavatory
toilet facility
wash room
a toilet that is available to the public
pump house
pumping station
a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operated
radio station station for the production and transmission of AM or FM radio broadcasts
railway station
railroad station
railroad terminal
train station
train depot
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
remote terminal
link-attached terminal
remote station
link-attached station
a terminal connected to a computer by a data link
sampling station
an observation station that is set up to make sample observations of something
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Der Bildschirmarbeitsplatz ist eine gebräuchliche Bezeichnung für einen Arbeitsplatz in der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung . Als IT-Begriff verstanden ist er eine Kombination von Geräten, mit denen die sogenannte ?Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle? implementiert wird, und besteht aus einem Bildschirm, Eingabegeräten wie Tastatur und Zeigegerät und der diese Geräte steuernden Software. Im erweiterten Kontext der Arbeitsphysiologie und der Organisation zählen darüber hinaus auch der Bürostuhl, ein Arbeitstisch, weitere optionale Ablagemöglichkeiten und weitere Geräte wie z. B. das Telefon zum Bildschirmarbeitsplatz.

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