
Bildungsenthalpie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bildungsenthalpie f
enthalpy of formation
Bildungsenthalpie f
enthalpy of formation
Bildungs..., erzieherisch adj
Bildungs-, erzieherisch
Bildungs...; erzieherisch adj
akademisch; wissenschaftlich adj; Bildungs...
scholastic; scholastical
Bildungs… adj school stud.
Lebensweg m
Lebenswege pl
unterschiedliche Lebenswege pl
verschiedene Bildungs- und Lebenswege
life; life journey; course of life; life path; journey through life
lives; life journeys; courses of life; life paths; journeys through life
different lives
various educational and life courses
akademisch; wissenschaftlich adj; Bildungs…
scholastic; scholastical
Bildungsabbrecher, Ausbildungsabbrecher
drop out
Bildungsabbrecher m school stud.
Bildungsabbrecher pl
educational dropout
educational dropouts
educational attainment
Bildungsabschluss, Bildungsniveau
educational achievement
(höchster) Bildungsabschluss m; Bildungsabschluß m alt school
educational attainment
educational requirement
Anmeldung f; Einschreibung f (für ein Bildungsangebot an einer Bildungseinrichtung) adm. school
Einschreibung als außerordentlicher Schüler
enrolment Br.; enrollment Am. (for in a educational course in an educational institution)
non-award enrolment
Bildungsangebot n school
Bildungsangebote pl
educational course; educational courses
educational courses
Bildungsanstalt f
educational establishment
Bildungsanstalt f
Bildungsanstalten pl
höhere Bildungsanstalt (allgemein)
educational establishment
Bildungsanstalt f school
Bildungsanstalten pl
educational establishment
educational establishments
höhere Bildungsanstalt f (allgemein)
höhere Bildungsanstalt f; weiterführende Schule f Ös. school
post-secondary education institute
Erziehungsarbeit f; Bildungsarbeit f soc.
educational work
Attaché m; Attache m pol.
Attachés pl; Attaches pl
Bildungsattaché m
Handelsattaché m pol. econ.
Kulturattaché m
Militärattaché m; Militärattache m pol.
Presseattaché m
attaché; attache
attachés; attaches
education attaché
commercial attaché; trade commissioner
cultural attaché
military attaché; military attache
press attaché
Bildungsauftrag m school
der Bildungsauftrag einer Institution
educational mission; mission to educate
an institution's mission to educate; the educational mission of an institution
Bildungsauftrag m; Erziehungsauftrag m school
der Bildungsauftrag einer Institution
educational mission; mission to educate
an institution's mission to educate; the educational mission of an institution
cost of education
Bildungsaufwand, Bildungskosten
cost of education
Bildungsbedingung f
source aspect
etw. ansiedeln; situieren v übtr.
Der Roman spielt in ...
Diese Zahlen sind vor dem Hintergrund drastischer Budgetkürzungen zu sehen.
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit steht im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich.
to set sth. {set; set}
The novel is set in ...
These figures are set against a backdrop of severe budget cuts.
This diploma thesis is set in the context of recent developments in education.
etw. ansiedeln; situieren v übtr.
Der Roman spielt in …
Diese Zahlen sind vor dem Hintergrund drastischer Budgetkürzungen zu sehen.
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit steht im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich.
to set sth. {set; set}
The novel is set in …
These figures are set against a backdrop of severe budget cuts.
This diploma thesis is set in the context of recent developments in education.
Bildungsbeteiligung f
participation in education
Bildungsbürger m; Bildungsbürgerin f soc.
member of the educated classes
Bildungsbürgertum n soc.
educated middle-class
educational opportunity
Bildungschance f
Bildungschancen pl
educational opportunity
educational opportunities
Bildungschance f school
Bildungschancen pl
educational opportunity
educational opportunities
gleiche Bildungschancen
equality of educational opportunity
Ministerium n für Bildung (und Kultur); Bildungsministerium n; Kultusministerium n Dt.; Unterrichtsministerium n Ös.; Bildungsdirektion f Schw.; Erziehungsdirektion f Schw.; Erziehungsdepartement n Schw. adm.
ministry of education (and arts)
Minister m für Bildung (und Kultur); Bildungsminister m; Kultusminister m Dt.; Unterrichtsminister m Ös.; Bildungsdirektor m Schw.; Erziehungsdirektor m Schw. adm. pol.
minister of education (and arts)
institution of education
Bildungseinrichtung, Bildungsstätte
educational establishment
Bildungseinrichtung, Bildungsstätte
educational institution
Bildungseinrichtung f, Bildungsstätte f
Bildungseinrichtungen pl, Bildungsstätten pl
educational institution
educational institutions
Bildungseinrichtung f; Bildungsstätte f school
Bildungseinrichtungen pl; Bildungsstätten pl
educational institution
educational institutions
Einrichtung f; Institution f; Anstalt f adm.
Einrichtungen pl; Institutionen pl; Anstalten pl
Bildungseinrichtung f
Forschungeinrichtung f
establishment; institution
establishments; institutions
educational establishment
research establishment
Absolvent m (einer Bildungseinrichtung eines Lehrgangs) school stud.
graduate Am. (student who has completed a course of study or training)
Einrichtung f; Institution f; Anstalt f; Haus n adm.
Einrichtungen pl; Institutionen pl; Anstalten pl; Häuser pl
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Bildungseinrichtung f; Bildungsstätte f; Bildungsinstitution f school
Forschungseinrichtung f
establishment; institution
establishments; institutions
public agency
educational institution; education institution; educational establishment
research establishment
schulintern; universitätsintern; schulspezifisch; universitätsspezifisch (auf die jeweilige Bildungseinrichtung beschränkt) adj school stud.
intramural Am.
Formans n (grammatikalisches Bildungselement) ling.
Bildungsenthalpie f
enthalpy of formation
educational expansion
Bildungsfachmann m; Bildungsexperte m
Bildungsfachmänner pl; Bildungsexperten pl
educationalist; educationist Am.
educationalists; educationists
bildungsfähig, kultivierbar adj
bildungsfaehig, kultivierbar
bildungsfähig; kultivierbar adj
bildungsfern adj
aus bildungsfernen Familien
educationally disadvantaged
from educationally disadvantaged families
bildungsfern adj soc.
aus bildungsfernen Familien
educationally disadvantaged
from educationally disadvantaged families
Bildungsfernsehen n, Schulfernsehen n
educational television (ETV)
Bildungsfernsehen n; Schulfernsehen n
educational television ETV
Bildungsfernsehen n; Schulfernsehen n
educational television ETV
Bildungsform f school stud.
educational form; form of education
Bildungsform f
Bildungsformen pl
educational form; form of education
educational forms; forms of education
educational research
Bildungsforschung f
educational research
Bildungsgang m; Bildungsweg m school
Bildungsgänge pl; Bildungswege pl
course of education
courses of education
Bildungsgang m, Bildungsweg m
course of education
Bildungsgang m; Bildungsweg m school
course of education

Deutsche Bildungsenthalpie Synonyme

Englische enthalpy of formation Synonyme

Bildungsenthalpie Definition

(n.) The act of giving form or shape to anything
(n.) The manner in which a thing is formed
(n.) A substance formed or deposited.
(n.) Mineral deposits and rock masses designated with reference to their origin
(n.) A group of beds of the same age or period
(n.) The arrangement of a body of troops, as in a square, column, etc.
(n.) The act of forming anew

enthalpy of formation Bedeutung

formation organization organisation
the act of forming or establishing something, the constitution of a PTA group last year, it was the establishment of his reputation, he still remembers the organization of the club
forming again (especially with improvements or removal of defects), renewing and reconstituting
the act of fabricating something in a particular shape
formation creation by mental activity, the formation of sentences, the formation of memories
formation a particular spatial arrangement
heat content
total heat
(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity equal to the internal energy of a system plus the product of its volume and pressure, enthalpy is the amount of energy in a system capable of doing mechanical work
reticular formation
a complex neural network in the central core of the brainstem, monitors the state of the body and functions in such processes as arousal and sleep and attention and muscle tone
back-formation a word invented (usually unwittingly by subtracting an affix) on the assumption that a familiar word derives from it
calque formation
loan translation
an expression introduced into one language by translating it from another language, `superman' is a calque for the German `Ubermensch'
formation an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit, a defensive formation, a formation of planes
military formation a formation of troops
geological formation
(geology) the geological features of the earth
heat of formation the heat evolved or absorbed during the formation of one mole of a substance from its component elements
formation natural process that causes something to form, the formation of gas in the intestine, the formation of crystals, the formation of pseudopods
pair production
pair creation
pair formation
the transformation of a gammaay photon into an electron and a positron when the photon passes close to an atomic nucleus
reaction formation (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which a person unconsciously develops attitudes and behavior that are the opposite of unacceptable repressed desires and impulses and serve to conceal them, his strict morality is just a reaction formation to hide his sexual drive
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