
Blaue Windeln Syndrom Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Blaue-Windeln-Syndrom n med.
tryptophane malabsorption syndrome
Bluterguss m, Hämatom n, blauer Fleck med.
blaue Flecke bekommen
haematoma, bruise
to bruise
Entdeckungsreise f, Fahrt f ins Blaue
mystery tour
Jackson-Syndrom n, Tapia-Syndrom n, Foramen-jugulare-Syndrom n med.
jugular foramen syndrome
Korsakow-Syndrom n med. (Alkoholismus)
Korsakoff's syndrome
Noonan-Syndrom n med.
Noonan syndrome
Klüver-Bucy-Syndrom n med.
Restless Legs, Syndrom der unruhigen Beine med.
restless legs
Syndrom n
Syndrome pl
Windel f
Windeln pl
diaper Am., nappy Br.
diapers, nappies
sie lügt
sie log
sie hat
hatte gelogen
sie löge
das Blaue vom Himmel lügen übtr.
to lie {lied, lied}
she lies
she lied
she lied
she would lie
to lie to beat the band
noch in den Windeln stecken
to be still in one's swaddling- clothes
reden v (zu), sprechen v (mit), sich unterhalten v (mit)
redend, sprechend, sich unterhaltend
geredet, gesprochen, sich unterhalten
redet, spricht, unterhält sich
redete, sprach, unterhielt sich
sich miteinander unterhalten
über Geschäfte reden
ins Blaue hinein reden
dummes Zeug reden
große Töne reden, große Töne spucken ugs.
Red weiter!, Reden Sie weiter!
drauflos reden
sich mit jdm. unterhalten
Ich würde mich gern mal mit dir unterhalten.
to talk (to)
to talk to each other
to talk business
to talk at large
to talk through one's hat
to talk big
Keep talking!
to talk wild, to talk away
to have a talk with so.
I should like to have a little talk with you.
Schweres Akutes Respiratorisches Syndrom n (SARS), Schweres Akutes Atemwegssyndrom n med.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Fahrt ins Blaue
mystery tour
ins Blaue hinein reden
to talk at large
blaue Flecken
Asperger-Syndrom n med.
Asperger's syndrome
Schweres Akutes Respiratorisches Syndrom n SARS ; Schweres Akutes Atemwegssyndrom n med.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS
Athetose f (unwillkürliche Bewegungen bei Gehirnläsion) med.
Athetose eines Körperteils; Einzelathetose; Monathetose
kongenitale Athetose; Hammond'sches Syndrom
Scheinathetose f
Hammond's disease
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom n; ADS-Syndrom n; Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen pl psych.
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätssyndrom n ADHS
attention deficit disorder ADD
attention deficit deficient hyperactivity disorder ADHD
Blaue-Windeln-Syndrom n med.
tryptophane malabsorption syndrome
Bluterguss m; Hämatom n; blauer Fleck med.
blaue Flecke bekommen
haematoma; bruise
to bruise
Brückenhaubensyndrom n; Gasperini-Syndrom n med.
tegmental syndrome
Burn-out-Syndrom n med.
burnout syndrome
Callinectes- Schwimmkrabben pl (Callinectes) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Blaue Schwimmkrabbe f; Blaukrabbe f (Callinectes sapidus)
callinectes swimming crabs (zoological genus)
Atlantic blue crab; chesapeake blue crab; blue crab
Dekalzifizierungssyndrom n; Looser-Milkman-Syndrom n; Milkman-Syndrom n med.
Milkman's syndrome
Down-Syndrom n; Downsyndrom n; Trisomie 21 f med.
Down's syndrome Br.; Down syndrome; trisomy 21
Entdeckungsreise f; Fahrt f ins Blaue
eine Entdeckungsreise durch Rom
mystery tour
a mystery tour of Rome
jdm. blaue Flecken zufügen v med.
blaue Flecken zufügend
blaue Flecken zugefügt
to bruise sb.
Fremdsprachen-Akzent-Syndrom n FAS med. ling.
foreign accent syndrome FAS
Golfkrieg-Syndrom n med.
Gulf war syndrome
Hand-Fuß-Genital-Syndrom n med.
hand-foot-genital syndrome HFGS
Hervorhebung f; Betonung f (optisch)
Blaue Hervorhebung (stammt) vom Autor.
Das Kleid betonte ihre Figur.
Die gezeichneten Schatten lassen die Landschaft deutlicher hervortreten.
Blue emphasis added by the author.
The dress gave emphasis to the shape of her.
The shadows drawn give more emphasis to the shape of the landscape.
Inselbegabung f; Savant-Syndrom n med.
savantism; savant syndrome
Jackson-Syndrom n; Tapia-Syndrom n; Foramen-jugulare-Syndrom n med.
jugular foramen syndrome
Kallmann-Syndrom n; olfaktogenitales Syndrom med.
Kallmann's syndrome KS ; olfactogenital dysplasia
Koro m; Syndrom der genitalen Retraktion SGR med.
koro; genital retraction syndrome
Kratzbeere f; blaue Brombeere f bot.
Kratzbeeren pl
Krippe f; Raufe f; Futtertrog m agr.
Krippen pl; Raufen pl; Futtertröge pl
Als sie in Bethlehem waren kam für Maria die Zeit ihrer Niederkunft. Und sie gebar ihren Sohn den Erstgeborenen. Sie wickelte ihn in Windeln und legte ihn in eine Krippe weil in der Herberge kein Platz für sie war. (Bibelzitat)
While they were at Bethlehem the time came for Mary to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a manger because there was no place for them in the inn. (Bible quotation)
Larson-Johannsson-Syndrom n; Degeneration f der Kniescheibe med.
Larson-Johansson disease Sinding-Larson disease; patellar osteochondrosis
Lobelien pl (Lobelia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Männertreu n; blaue Lobelie f (Lobelia erinus)
asthma weeds; pukeweeds; vomitworts; Indian tobaccoes (botanical genus)
garden lobelia; edging lobelia; trailing lobelia
Lungenkräuter pl (Pulmonaria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gemeines echtes geflecktes Lungenkraut; Fleckenlungenkraut; Bachkraut; Bockkraut; Fleckenkraut; blaue Schlüsselblume; Himmelschlüssel; Schwesternkraut; Lungenwurz; Hirschkohl; Hirschmangold; Hosenschiffern; Schlotterhose; ungleiche Schwestern; Hänsel und Gretel; Adam und Eva (Pulmonaria officinalis)
rotes ziegelrotes rotblütiges Lungenkraut (Pulmonaria rubra)
ungeflecktes dunkles dunkelgrünes Lungenkraut (Pulmonaria obscura)
lungworts (botanical genus)
common lungwort
red lungwort
unspotted lungwort; Suffolk lungwort
Menopausensyndrom n; vegetativ-klimakterisches Syndrom med.
menopausal syndrome
Menstruationsbeschwerden pl; prämenstruelles Syndrom n PMS med.
menstrual molimen; premenstrual tension PMT premenstrual syndrome PMS ; menstrual cramps
Messie-Syndrom n; Desorganisationsproblematik f psych.
compulsive hoarding; hoarding disorder
Milchtrinkersyndrom n; Milch-Alkali-Syndrom n med.
milk drinker's syndrome; Burnett's syndrome; milk-alkali syndrome (of hypercalcaemia)
Mohr-Syndrom n med.
Mohr's syndrome
Münchhausen-Syndrom n; artifizielle Störung f (erfundene bzw. selbst hervorgerufene Beschwerden) med. psych.
Münchausen syndrome; hospital addiction syndrome; hospital hopper syndrome
Periode f art biol. hist.
Perioden pl
Picassos blaue Periode
die Periode des Erwachsenwerdens
die archaische Periode in Griechenland
Picasso's Blue Period
the period of adolescence
the Archaic Period in Greece
Pica-Krankheit f; Pica-Syndrom n; Pica; Pikazismus m (Appetit auf nichtphysiologische Nahrung) med.
pica (desire for strange food)
Restless-Legs-Syndrom n RLS ; Syndrom der ruhelosen Beine med.
restless-legs syndrome
Rosenthal-Syndrom n med.
Rosenthal syndrome; factor XI deficiency syndrome
Schlafapnoe; Schlafapnoe-Syndrom n SAS med.
sleep apnea; sleep apnoea Br.
Sick-Building-Syndrom n; gebäudebezogene Krankheit f med.
sick building syndrome SBS
Syndrom n der unruhigen Beine med.
restless legs syndrom RSL
Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
Gilles-de-la-Tourette-Syndrom n; Tourette-Syndrom n med.
Gilles-de-la-Tourette syndrome GTS ; Tourette('s) syndrome TS ; Tourette's disorder
Willebrand-Jürgens-Syndrom n; Willebrand-Syndrom n med.
Von Willebrand's disease; Von Willebrand disease vWD
Windel f
Windeln pl
Windeln wechseln; "trockenlegen"
nappy Br.; diaper Am.; didy coll.
nappies; diapers
to change nappies diapers
Winden (Convolvulus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Ackerwinde f (Convolvulus arvensis)
kriechende Winde; blaue Mauritius (Convolvulus sabatius)
bindweeds; morning glories (botanical genus)
field bindweed; wild morning-glory
blue rock bindweed
Wobbler-Syndrom n vetmed.
Wobbler disease
adrenogenitales Salzverlustsyndrom; Debré-Fibiger-Syndrom n med.
adrenogenital salt-depletion syndrome
aerotoxisches Syndrom n med.
aerotoxic syndrome
lügen v
er sie lügt
ich er sie log
er sie hat hatte gelogen
ich er sie löge
ich müsste lügen wenn ...
das Blaue vom Himmel lügen übtr.
wie gedruckt lügen ugs.
to lie {lied; lied}
he she lies
I he she lied
I he she lied
I he she would lie
I would be lying if ...
to lie to beat the band
to lie like mad; to lie through one's teeth
noch in den Windeln stecken
to be still in one's swaddling-clothes
reden v (zu); sprechen v (mit); sich unterhalten v (mit)
redend; sprechend; sich unterhaltend
geredet; gesprochen; sich unterhalten
redet; spricht; unterhält sich
redete; sprach; unterhielt sich
sich miteinander unterhalten
über Geschäfte reden
ins Blaue hinein reden
dummes Zeug reden
jdn. volllabern v ugs.
in den Wind reden; tauben Ohren predigen poet.
Red weiter!; Reden Sie weiter!
drauflos reden
großspurig reden
sich mit jdm. unterhalten
mit Engelszungen sprechen übtr.
Ich kann mit ihr reden wenn du willst.
Ich würde mich gern mal mit dir unterhalten.
Ich will den Geschäftsführer sprechen aber schnell!
Da redet der Richtige! (iron.)
to talk (to)
to talk to each other
to talk business
to talk at large
to talk through one's hat
to talk sb.'s ear(s) off
to talk to the wind(s) fig.
Keep talking!
to talk wild; to talk away
to talk large
to have a talk with sb.
to talk with the tongues of angels; to speak with a sweet tongue fig.
I can talk to her if you want.
I should like to have a little talk with you.
Let me talk to the manager and make it snappy!
Look who's talking!; You're one to talk!; You should talk!
einen Blutpfropf bildend; thrombotisch adj med.
thrombotisch-thrombozytopenische Purpura TTP ; Moschcowitz-Syndrom n
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TTP ; Moschcowitz disease
jdm. etw. versprechen; zusagen geh.; in Aussicht stellen geh.; verheißen poet. v
versprechend; zusagend; in Aussicht stellend; verheißend
versprochen; zugesagt; in Aussicht gestellt; verheißen
er sie verspricht
ich er sie versprach
er sie hat hatte versprochen
wie versprochen; versprochenermaßen
jdm. das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen; jdm. goldene Berge versprechen übtr.
Er hat sein Kommen fest zugesagt.
Die Firma hat uns für dieses Jahr heuer einen Bonus zugesagt.
Man verspricht uns höhere Löhne.
Diese DVD habe ich leider schon Julian versprochen.
'Ich bin spätestens um Mitternacht wieder da.' 'Versprochen?' 'Ja.'
Sie hat mir wie versprochen die Fotos von gestern Abend geschickt.
to promise sb. sth.; to promise sth. to sb.
he she promises
I he she promised
he she has had promised
as promised
to promise sb. the moon heaven and earth a rose garden
He has promised firmly that he will come.
The company promised us a bonus this year.
We are promised higher wages.
I've promised that DVD to Julian I'm afraid.
'I'll be back by midnight.' 'Promise?' 'Yes'.
She sent me the photos from last night as promised.
Viagra f tm; blaue Pille coll (Mittel zur Impotenzbehandlung)
Viagra tm; blue pill coll. (drug for treating impotence)
im Nebel stochern übtr.; ins Blaue schießen übtr.
ein Schuss ins Blaue übtr.
to stab in the dark fig.
a stab shot in the dark fig.
'Der blaue Engel' (von Zuckmayer Werktitel) lit.
'The Blue Angel' (by Zuckmayer work title)
Assoziationen an etw. wecken wachrufen; Bilder von etw. aufsteigen lassen; (stark) an etw. erinnern v
Assoziationen an weckend wachrufend; Bilder aufsteigen lassend; erinnernd
Assoziationen geweckt wachgerufen; Bilder aufsteigen lassen; erinnert
Die blaue Farbe weckt Assoziationen an einen Strandurlaub.
Der Geschmack hat eine Note von Brombeere und Heidelbeere.
to be evocative of sth.; to be suggestive of sth.; to be redolent of sth.
being evocative; being suggestive; being redolent
been evocative; been suggestive; been redolent
The blue colour is evocative of beach holidays.
The flavour is suggestive of blackberry and bilberry.
Schweres akutes Atemwegssyndrom n; Schweres akutes respiratorisches Syndrom n SARS med.
schweres aktues Atemwegssyndrom Coronavirus 2; SARS-CoV-2; SARS-2; Covid-19
SARS-assoziiertes Coronavirus
severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; coronavirus-induced disease; coronavirus disease 2019; SARS-CoV-2; SARS-2; Covid-19
SARS coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom n; ADS-Syndrom n; Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen pl psych.
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätssyndrom n ADHS
attention deficit disorder ADD
attention deficit deficient hyperactivity disorder ADHD
Blaue Nesselqualle f (Cyanea lamarckii) zool.
blue jellyfish; bluefire jellyfish
Callinectes-Schwimmkrabben pl (Callinectes) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Blaue Schwimmkrabbe f; Blaukrabbe f (Callinectes sapidus)
Callinectes swimming crabs (zoological genus)
Atlantic blue crab; Chesapeake blue crab; blue crab
Couvade-Syndrom n med.
couvade syndrome
Doppelgängerglaube m; Capgras-Syndrom n med. psych.
Capgras delusion
Engpasssyndrom n im Gelenk; Impingement-Syndrom n med.
articular impingement syndrome; impingement syndrome
Fahrt f ins Blaue; Ãœberraschungsfahrt f (im Bus)
eine Entdeckungsreise durch Rom
mystery tour
a mystery tour of Rome
Fremdsprachen-Akzent-Syndrom n FAS med. ling.
foreign accent syndrome FAS
Fußsohlenfaszienkontraktur f; Schrumpfung f der Plantaraponeurose; Ledderhose-Syndrom n (Fibromatosis plantae) med.
plantar fascia contracture; Ledderhose's syndrome; Ledderhose's disease
Gewebsschwund m; Gewebsschrumpfung f; Schwund m; Schrumpfung f (in Zusammensetzungen); Atrophie f med.
akuter Schwund des Lebergewebes; akute gelbe Atrophie
arthritische Gewebsschrumpfung
blaue Atrophie
braune Atrophie
chronische spinale muskuläre Atrophie
fazioskapulohumerale Atrophie
graue Atrophie
hemifaziale Atrophie
hemilinguale Atrophie
idiopathische muskuläre Atrphie
interstitielle Atrophie
ischämische muskuläre Atrophie
juvenile muskuläre Atrophie
muskulärer Gewebsschwund
neuropathische Atrophie
neurotrophische Atrophie
olivopontozerebellare Atrophie
krankhafte Gewebsschrumpfung; pathologische Atrophie
physiologische Atrophie
progressive muskuläre Atrophie
progressive spinale muskuläre Atrophie
pseudohypertrophe muskuläre Atrophie
rote Atrophie
Sudeck'sche Atrophie
Wurzelhautatrophie f; Gewebsschwund der Zahnwurzel
shrinking of tissue; tissue shrinking; atrophy
acute shrinking of the liver tissue; acute yellow atrophy
arthritic shrinking of tissue
blue atrophy
brown atrophy
chronic spinal muscular atrophy
facioscapulohumeral atrophy; Landouzy-Déjerine dystrophy
grey atrophy
hemifacial atrophy
hemilingual atrophy
idiopathic muscular atrophy
interstitial atrophy
ischaemic muscular atrophy; Volkman's contracture
juvenile muscular atrophy; pseudohypertrophic muscular paralysis
muscular tissue shrinking
neural atrophy; neuropathic atrophy
neurotrophic atrophy; trophoneurotic atrophy
olivopontocerebellar atrophy
pathological shrinking of tissue Br.; pathologic atrophy Am.
physiological atrophy
progressive muscular atrophy; Cruveilhier's atrophy
progressive spinal muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne myelopathic atrophy
pseudohypertophic muscular atrophy; pseudohypertophic muscular dystrophy
red atrophy
Sudeck's atrophy
periodontal tissue shrinking; periodontal atrophy
Hand-Fuß-Genital-Syndrom n med.
hand-foot-genital syndrome HFGS
Hand-Fuß-Syndrom n HFS ; palmar-plantare Erythrodysästhesie f PPE med.
hand-foot syndrome; palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia; chemotherapy-induced acral erythema
Heckenkirschen pl; Geißblätter pl (Lonicera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Blaue Heckenkirsche f; Blaue Doppelbeere f (Lonicera caerulea)
Echtes Geißblatt n; Gartengeißblatt n; Wohlriechendes Geißblatt n; Jelängerjelieber (Lonicera caprifolium)
Kamtschatka-Heckenkirsche f; Sibirische Heidelbeere f; Sibirische Blaubeere f; Maibeere f; Honigbeere f (Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica Lonicera kamtschatica) f
honeysuckles (botanical genus)
blue-berried honeysuckle; sweetberry honeysuckle; honeyberry
goat-leaf honeysuckle; perfoliate honeysuckle; Italian honeysuckle; Italian woodbine; perfoliate woodbine
Siberian (blue) honeysuckle; Siberian blueberry
Kallmann-Syndrom n; olfaktogenitales Syndrom med.
Kallmann's syndrome KS ; olfactogenital dysplasia
Fehlentwicklung f der Keimdrüsen; Gonadendysgenesie f med.
reine Gonadendysgenesie; Swyer-Syndrom
Gonadendysgenesie mit Virilisierung
gonadal dysgenesis; Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome; Turner's syndrome; XO xyndrome
pure gonadal dysgenesis; Swyer's syndrome
gonadal dysgenesis with virilization; Gordan-Overstreet syndrome
Knorpelfehlbildung f; Chondralloplasie f; Chondrodysplasie f; Dyschodroplasie f med.
Maffucci-Kast-Syndrom n; Maffucci-Syndrom n (Dyschondroplasia haemangiomatosa)
Ollier'sche Knorpelfehlbildung f; Ollier'sche Dyschondroplasie f; Ollier-Syndrom n
foetal rickets; chondralloplasia; chondrodysplasia; dyschondroplasia
dyschondroplasia with haemangiomas; Maffucci's syndrome
Ollier's dyschondroplasia
Koro m; Syndrom der genitalen Retraktion SGR med.
koro; genital retraction syndrome
Krippe f; Raufe f; Futtertrog m agr.
Krippen pl; Raufen pl; Futtertröge pl
Als sie in Bethlehem waren, kam für Maria die Zeit ihrer Niederkunft. Und sie gebar ihren Sohn, den Erstgeborenen. Sie wickelte ihn in Windeln und legte ihn in eine Krippe, weil in der Herberge kein Platz für sie war. (Bibelzitat)
While they were at Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. (Bible quotation)
Larson-Johannsson-Syndrom n; Degeneration f der Kniescheibe med.
Larson-Johansson disease, Sinding-Larson disease; patellar osteochondrosis
Megalopolis f; Megaregion f (Kette benachbarter Ballungsräume) geogr.
die europäische Megalopolis; die Achse Manchester-Mailand; die Blaue Banane
megalopolis; megapolis; megaregion (chain of adjacent metropolitan areas)
the European megalopolis; the Manchester–Milan Axis; the Blue Banana
Menstruationsbeschwerden pl; prämenstruelles Syndrom n PMS med.
menstrual molimen; premenstrual tension PMT premenstrual syndrome PMS ; menstrual cramps
Münchhausen-Syndrom n; artifizielle Störung f (erfundene bzw. selbst hervorgerufene Beschwerden) med. psych.
Münchausen syndrome; hospital addiction syndrome; hospital hopper syndrome
Muskelkaterkrankheit f; Bornholmer Krankheit f; Sylvest'sches Syndrom n; Pleurodynie f (Myositis epidemica) med.
devil's grip; Bornholm disease; pleurodynia; epidemic myalgia
Muttermal n; Geburtsmal n selten; Mal n; Nävus m (Naevus) anat.
achromatischer Nävus; amelanotischer Nävus; hypomelanotischer Naevus; Ito-Syndrom (Naevus achromicus Naevus achromians Naevus depigmentosus)
Spinnenmal; Spinnwebennävus; Spinnennävus; (Naevus araneus Naevus arachnoideus Naevus stellatus)
Naevus comedonicus
Naevus lymphaticus
Naevus morus
Naevus osteohypertrophicus
Naevus papillomatosus
Naevus pigmentosus; Leberfleck
Naevus pilosus
Naevus sebaceus
Naevus spilus
Naevus spongiosus albus
Naevus stellaris
Naevus verrucosus
birthmark; mole; naevus; nevus Am.; spiloma (birth-mark) (birth mark)
achromic naevus; amelanotic naevus; Ito naevus
spider naevus; arachnoid naevus; spider angioma; stellate naevus
follicular naevus
lymphatic naevus
mulberry mark; strawberry mark
Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome; angioosteohypertrophy
naevus papillomatosus
pigmented mole naevus; liver spot
hairy naevus; pilose naevus
sebaceous naevus
naevus spilus
white sponge naevus of the mucosa; congential leucokeratosis mucosae oris
stellar naevus
verrucous epidermal linear naevus
im Nebel stochern; ins Blaue schießen v übtr.
ein Schuss ins Blaue übtr.
to stab in the dark fig.
a stab shot in the dark fig.
Periode f (in jds. Leben) art psych.
Perioden pl
Picassos blaue Periode
die Periode des Erwachsenwerdens
period (in a person's life)
Picasso's Blue Period
the period of adolescence
Schamblumen pl; Schmetterlingswein m (Clitoria) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Blaue Schmetterlingserbse f; Blaue Klitorie f (Clitoria ternatea)
pigeonwings; bluebell vines (botanical genus)
Asian pigeonwings; butterfly pea; blue pea
Schlafapnoe; Schlafapnoe-Syndrom n SAS med.
gemischte Schlafapnoe
obstruktive Schlafapnoe
zentrale Schlafapnoe
sleep apnoea Br.; sleep apnoea syndrome Br.; sleep apnea Am.; sleep apnea syndrome Am.
mixed sleep apnoea
obstructive sleep apnoea
central sleep apnoea
Schlafapnoeeinschlaf- und Durchschlafstörungssyndrom n; Schlafapnoe-EDS-Syndrom n med.
sleep apnoea DOES syndrome; sleep apnoea DIMS syndrome
Schwangerschaftsvergiftung f; Spätgestose f; EPH-Gestose f; EPH-Syndrom n; Präeklampsie f; Eklampsismus m med.
toxaemia of pregnancy Br.; toxemia of pregnancy Am.; pre-eclamptic toxaemia; pre-eclampsia; eclampsism
Schwertlilien pl (Iris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Scorpiris-Schwertlilien pl (Scorpiris)
Echte Schwertlilie f; Blaue Schwertlilie f; Ritterschwertlilie f; Deutsche Schwertlilie f; Blaue Gilge f ugs. (Iris germanica)
Verschiedenfarbige Schwertlilie f (Iris versicolor)
irises; flags (botanical genus)
German bearded iris; bearded iris
blue-flag iris; Harlequin blueflag
Sick-Building-Syndrom n; gebäudebezogene Krankheit f med.
sick building syndrome SBS
Skipiste f; Schipiste f; Piste f sport
Skipisten pl; Schipisten pl; Pisten pl
grüne blaue schwarze Piste
abseits der Piste(n) schifahren
ski slope; ski run; piste Br. (racing) track; course; piste
ski slopes; ski runs; piste tracks; courses; pistes
green blue black run; green blue black piste Br.
to ski off-piste
Sklerose f; Verhärtung f; Verkalkung f ugs. (von Geweben Organen) med.
Arteriosklerose f; vaskuläre Sklerose f; Arterienverkalkung f; Schlagaderverkalkung f
Aortensklerose f
Bulbärsklerose f
Sklerose der Gehörknöchelchen; Verknöcherung der Gehörknöchelchen; Otosklerose
Sklerose der Haut; Sklerem (Sclerema)
Sklerose der Hirnwindungen; Sklerogyrie
Sklerose des Nervengewebes; Nervengewebeverkalkung; Neuroklerose
Sklerose durch Faservermehrung; Inosklerose
Sklerose mit Eiteransammlung; Pyosklerose
allgemeine Sklerose; generalisierte Sklerose
amyotrophische Lateralsklerose f ALS ; amyotrophe Lateralsklerose f; myatrophe Lateralsklerose f; Lou-Gehrig-Syndrom n
familiäre zentrolobuläre Sklerose
konzentrische Sklerose; Leucoencephalitis periaxialis; Baló'sche Krankheit (Enzephalomyelitis periaxialis concentrica)
multiple Sklerose MS
posterolaterale Sklerose; subakute kombinierte Rückenmarkdegeneration; funikuläre Spinalerkrankung; funikuläre Myelose; Lichtheim-Syndrom; Putnam-Dana-Syndrom
progressive systemische Sklerose; Madonnenfinger (Sclerodermia diffusa progressiva)
systemische Sklerose
tuberöse Sklerose; Bourneville'sche Krankheit; Bourneville-Syndrom
sclerosis; hardening (of tissues organs)
arteriosclerosis; arteriosclerotic vascular disease ASVD ; vascular sclerosis
aortic sclerosis
bulbar sclerosis
otosclerosis; otospongiosis
sclerosis of the skin; sclerema
atrophic scarring of the cerebral convulsions; sclerogyria
general sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS ; myotrophic lateral sclerosis; motor neurone disease MND ; Charcot's disease; Charcot's syndrome; Lou Gehrig's disease Am.
familial centrolobular sclerosis; Pllizaeus-Merzbacher disease
Baló's concentric sclerosis; Baló's disease; concentric periaxial leucoencephalitis; demyelinating encephalopathy
multiple sclerosis MS ; polysclerosis; multilocular sclerosis; disseminated sclerosis; diffuse sclerosis; cerebrospinal sclerosis; insular sclerosis
posterolateral sclerosis; Lichtheim's syndrome; Putnam-Dana syndrome
progressive systemic sclerosis; Madonna finger
systemic sclerosis
tuberous sclerosis; epiloia; Bourneville's disease
das Spiegelbild von etw. zurückwerfen; etw. widerspiegeln v phys.
Die unbewegte Oberfläche des Wassers warf das Spiegelbild ihres Gesichts zurück.
Der blaue Himmel spiegelte sich im klaren Wasser.
Die alte Kirche spiegelt sich in der Glasfassade des Bürogebäudes.
Ich sah ihr Gesicht im Spiegel der Windschutzscheibe.
to mirror sth.; to reflect sth. rare
The water's still surface mirrored her face.
The clear water mirrored the blue sky.; The blue sky was mirrored in the clear water.
The old church is reflected in the glass facade of the office building.
I could see her face reflected in the car's windscreen.
Syndrom n med. soc.
Syndrome pl
myelodysplastisches Syndrom MDS ; Myelodysplasie f
Wernicke-Korsakow-Syndrom n
myelodysplastic syndrome
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome WKS
Tannenbäume pl; Tannen pl (Abies) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Algier-Tanne f; numidische Tanne f (Abies numidica)
Balsamtanne f (Abies balsamea)
Baishanzu-Tanne f (Abies beshanzuensis)
Blautanne f; blaue Edeltanne f (Abies procera glauca)
bulgarische Tanne (Abies borisii-regis)
Edeltanne f; pazifische Edeltanne f; Silbertanne f (Abies procera Abies nobilis)
Fabers Tanne f (Abies fabri)
Felsengebirgstanne f (Abies lasiocarpa)
Formosa-Tanne f (Abies kawakamii)
Fraser-Tanne f (Abies fraseri)
Goldtanne f; Prachttanne f (Abies magnifica)
Grannentanne f; Santa-Lucia-Tanne f (Abies bracteata)
Grautanne f; Kolorado-Tanne f (Abies concolor)
Guatemala-Tanne f (Abies guatemalensis)
griechische Tanne f (Abies cephalonica)
heilige Tanne f (Abies religiosa)
Himalaya-Tanne f (Abies spectabilis)
kilikische Tanne f; zilizische Tanne f (Abies cilicica)
Korea-Tanne f (Abies koreana)
Korktanne f (Abies lasiocarpa arizonica)
Küstentanne f; Riesentanne f (Abies grandis Abies excelsior)
Maries-Tanne f (Abies mariesii)
Min-Tanne f (Abies recurvata)
Momi-Tanne f (Abies firma)
Nadeltanne f; mandschurische Tanne f (Abies holophylla)
Nebrodi-Tanne f (Abies nebrodensis)
Nikko-Tanne f (Abies homolepis)
Nordmanntanne f; Kaukasus-Tanne f (Abies nordmanniana)
ostsibirische Tanne f (Abies nephrolepis)
Pindrow-Tanne f (Abies pindrow)
Purpurtanne f (Abies amabilis)
Sachalin-Tanne f (Abies sachalinensis)
Schensi-Tanne f (Abies chensiensis)
schuppenrindige Tanne f (Abies squamata)
sibirische Tanne f (Abies sibirica)
spanische Tanne f (Abies pinsapo)
Veitchs Tanne f (Abies veitchii)
Weißtanne f; Silbertanne f ugs.; Edeltanne f ugs. (Abies alba)
Yunnan-Tanne f; Delavays Tanne f; (Abies delavayi)
Ziyuan-Tanne f (Abies ziyuanensis)
fir trees; firs (botanical genus)
Algerian fir
balsam fir
Baishanzu fir
blue fir
Bulgarian fir
noble fir
Faber's fir
subalpine fir; Rocky Mountain fir
Taiwan fir
Fraser fir; Southern balsam fir
red fir; silvertip fir
Bristlecone fir
Colorado white fir
Guatemalan fir
Greek fir
sacred fir
East Himalayan fir
Syrian fir; Cilician fir
Korean fir
corkbark fir
grand fir; giant fir; Western lowland white fir; Vancouver fir; Oregon fir
Maries' fir
Min fir
Momi fir; Japanese fir
needle fir; Manchurian fir
Sicilian fir
Nikko fir
Nordmann fir; Caucasian fir
Khinghan fir
Pindrow fir
Pacific silver fir; red fir; lovely fir; Cascades fir
Sakhalin fir
Shensi fir
flaky fir
Siberian fir
Spanish fir
Veitch's fir
European silver fir
Delavay's fir
Ziyuan fir
Gilles-de-la-Tourette-Syndrom n; Tourette-Syndrom n med.
Gilles-de-la-Tourette syndrome GTS ; Tourette('s) syndrome TS ; Tourette's disorder
Viagra n tm; blaue Pille f ugs. (Potenzmittel) pharm.
viagra tm; blue pill coll. (potency drug)
Willebrand-Jürgens-Syndrom n; Willebrand-Syndrom n med.
Von Willebrand's disease; Von Willebrand disease vWD
Windel f
Windeln pl
Erwachsenenwindel med.
Windeln wechseln; „trockenlegen“
nappy Br.; diaper Am.; didy coll.
nappies; diapers
adult nappy Br.; adult diaper Am.
to change nappies diapers
Wobbler-Syndrom n zool. med.
Wobbler disease
adrenogenitales Salzverlustsyndrom; Debré-Fibiger-Syndrom n med.
adrenogenital salt-depletion syndrome
blaue EU-Karte f (befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis für die EU für hochqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte)
EU Blue Card
lügen v
er sie lügt
ich er sie log
er sie hat hatte gelogen
ich er sie löge
ich müsste lügen, wenn …
das Blaue vom Himmel lügen übtr.
wie gedruckt lügen ugs.
Ich kann schlecht lügen.
to lie {lied; lied}
he she lies
I he she lied
I he she lied
I he she would lie
I would be lying if …
to lie to beat the band
to lie like mad; to lie through one's teeth
I am a bad liar.
noch in den Windeln stecken v
to be still in one's swaddling-clothes
passen; stehen v (zu); sich eignen v für
passend; stehend; sich eignend für
gepasst; gestanden; sich geeignet für
Sie passen gut zusammen.
Das steht dir gut.
Das blaue Kleid steht dir sehr gut.
Ihr Vorschlag kommt uns sehr entgegen.
to suit
They are well suited to each other.
That suits you well.
The blue dress suits you very well.
Your proposal suits our needs quite nicely.
progressive supranukleäre Blickparese f; Steele-Richardson-Olszewski-Syndrom n med.
progressive supranuclear palsy PSP ; Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome
schmerzhaft; schmerzend; mit Schmerzen verbunden adj med.
schmerzhafte Verbrennungen
Schmerzen beim Schlucken
Syndrom der brennenden Füße
als Ergenis dieser schmerzhaften Maßnahmen
painful burns
painful swallowing
painful feet syndrome
as a result of these painful measures
etw. suggerieren v (einen falschen Eindruck vermitteln) (Sache)
ein Spruch, der eine gesundheitsbezogene Wirkung nahelegt oder suggeriert
Die blaue Farbe suggeriert Frische.
Der Begriff suggeriert eine Objektivität, die nicht gegeben ist.
Die Getränkewerbung suggeriert, dass man seine Traumfrau erobern kann, wenn man eine bestimmten Marke trinkt.
to imply sth. (create a false impression) (of a thing)
a slogan that suggests or implies a health benefit
The blue colour implies freshness.
The term implies an objectiveness which doesn't exist.
Beverage advertising implies that if you drink a certain brand you may capture your dreamy female.
einen Blutpfropf bildend; thrombotisch adj med.
thrombotisch-thrombozytopenische Purpura TTP ; Moschcowitz-Syndrom n
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TTP ; Moschcowitz disease
unruhig adj med.
aus einem unruhigen Schlaf aufwachen
Syndrom der unruhigen Beine
to wake from a restless sleep
restless legs syndrom RSL
jdm. etw. versprechen; zusagen geh.; in Aussicht stellen geh.; verheißen poet. v
versprechend; zusagend; in Aussicht stellend; verheißend
versprochen; zugesagt; in Aussicht gestellt; verheißen
er sie verspricht
ich er sie versprach
er sie hat hatte versprochen
wie versprochen; versprochenermaßen
sich einen Vorteil versprechen lassen (Bestechung)
jdm. das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen; jdm. goldene Berge versprechen übtr.
Er hat sein Kommen fest zugesagt.
Die Firma hat uns für dieses Jahr heuer einen Bonus zugesagt.
Man verspricht uns höhere Löhne.
Diese DVD habe ich leider schon Julian versprochen.
„Ich bin spätestens um Mitternacht wieder da.“ „Versprochen?“ „Ja.“
Sie hat mir, wie versprochen, die Fotos von gestern Abend geschickt.
to promise sb. sth.; to promise sth. to sb.
he she promises
I he she promised
he she has had promised
as promised
to accept the promise of an advantage (bribery)
to promise sb. the moon heaven and earth a rose garden
He has promised firmly that he will come.
The company promised us a bonus this year.
We are promised higher wages.
I've promised that DVD to Julian, I'm afraid.
'I'll be back by midnight.' 'Promise?' 'Yes'.
She sent me the photos from last night, as promised.
zerebrohepatorenales Syndrom n; ZHR-Syndrom n; Zellweger-Syndrom n med.
cerebrohepatorenal syndrome; CHR syndrome; Zellweger syndrome
Locked-in-Syndrom n med.
locked-in syndrome LIS
'Der blaue Engel' (von Zuckmayer Werktitel) lit.
'The Blue Angel' (by Zuckmayer work title)

Blaue Windeln Syndrom Definition

(n.) Concurrence.
(n.) A group of symptoms occurring together that are characteristic and indicative of some underlying cause, such as a disease.

tryptophane malabsorption syndrome Bedeutung

syndrome a complex of concurrent things, every word has a syndrome of meanings
malabsorption abnormal absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract
acute brain disorder
acute organic brain syndrome
any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an otherwise normal person that is due to reversible (temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head injuries or drugs or infection)
adult respiratory distress syndrome
wet lung
white lung
acute lung injury characterized by coughing and rales, inflammation of the lungs which become stiff and fibrous and cannot exchange oxygen, occurs among persons exposed to irritants such as corrosive chemical vapors or ammonia or chlorine etc.
attention deficit disorder
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
hyperkinetic syndrome
minimal brain dysfunction
minimal brain damage
a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders
binge-purge syndrome
binge-vomit syndrome
bulima nervosa
a disorder of eating in which the person alternates between strong craving for food and aversion to food, characterized by excessive eating followed by periods of fasting or self-induced vomiting
bulimia binge-eating syndrome a disorder of eating seen among young women who go on eating binges and then feel guilt and depression and selfondemnation
carpal tunnel syndrome a painful disorder caused by compression of a nerve in the carpal tunnel, characterized by discomfort and weakness in the hands and fingers and by sensations of tingling, burning or numbness
Banti's disease
Banti's syndrome
a disease characterized by congestion and enlargement of the spleen, accompanied by anemia or cirrhosis
Kallman's syndrome hypogonadism with anosmia, a congenital sexual disorder that prevents the testicles from maturing at puberty
Kawasaki disease
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
an acute disease of young children characterized by a rash and swollen lymph nodes and fever, of unknown cause
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
Eaton-Lambert syndrome
myasthenic syndrome
carcinomatous myopathy
a disease seen in patients with lung cancer and characterized by weakness and fatigue of hip and thigh muscles and an aching back, caused by antibodies directed against the neuromuscular junctions
Asperger's syndrome a psychiatric disorder usually noted during early school years, characterized by impaired social relations and by repetitive patterns of behavior
paralysis agitans
Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's syndrome
shaking palsy
a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by tremor and impaired muscular coordination
Addison's disease
Addison's syndrome
a glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin
Cushing's syndrome
a glandular disorder caused by excessive cortisol
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles
respiratory distress syndrome
respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn
hyaline membrane disease
an acute lung disease of the newborn (especially the premature newborn), lungs cannot expand because of a wetting agent is lacking, characterized by rapid shallow breathing and cyanosis and the formation of a glassy hyaline membrane over the alveoli
Horner's syndrome a pattern of symptoms occurring as a result of damage to nerves in the cervical region of the spine (drooping eyelids and constricted pupils and absence of facial sweating)
Hurler's syndrome
Hurler's disease
dysostosis multiplex
hereditary disease (autosomal recessive) consisting of an error is mucopolysaccharide metabolism, characterized by severe abnormalities in development of skeletal cartilage and bone and mental retardation
Marfan's syndrome an autosomal dominant disease characterized by elongated bones (especially of limbs and digits) and abnormalities of the eyes and circulatory system
Down's syndrome
Down syndrome
a congenital disorder caused by having an extra st chromosome, results in a flat face and short stature and mental retardation
severe acute respiratory syndrome
a respiratory disease of unknown etiology that apparently originated in mainland China in , characterized by fever and coughing or difficulty breathing or hypoxia, can be fatal
organic brain syndrome mental abnormality resulting from disturbance of the structure or function of the brain
syndrome a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
cervical disc syndrome
cervical root syndrome
an abnormal condition resulting from compression of spinal nerve roots in the neck region, involves neck pains and muscular weakness and paresthesia
Chinese restaurant syndrome headache and tingling or burning feelings and sweating caused by eating food that contains monosodium glutamate
Conn's syndrome disturbances in saltwater balance and symptoms of weakness and muscular cramps and twitching and convulsions and sometimes paralysis, usually caused by a benign tumor of the cortex of the adrenal gland that leads to excess secretion of aldosterone
fetal alcohol syndrome
a congenital medical condition in which body deformation occurs or facial development or mental ability is impaired because the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy
Gulf War syndrome
Persian Gulf illness
a medical condition of uncertain origin that affected many veterans of the Gulf War, characterized by fatigue and headache and dizziness and nausea and rashes and joint pain and respiratory disorders
irritable bowel syndrome
spastic colon
mucous colitis
recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea (often alternating with periods of constipation), often associated with emotional stress
Klinefelter's syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
syndrome in males that is characterized by small testes and long legs and enlarged breasts and reduced sperm production and mental retardation, a genetic defect in which an extra X chromosome (XXY) is present in the male
malabsorption syndrome a pattern of symptoms including loss of appetite and bloating and weight loss and muscle pain and steatorrhea, associated with celiac disease and sprue and cystic fibrosis
Munchausen's syndrome
Munchausen syndrome
syndrome consisting of feigning acute and dramatic illness for which no clinical evidence is ever found
nephrotic syndrome
a syndrome characterized by edema and large amounts of protein in the urine and usually increased blood cholesterol, usually associated with glomerulonephritis or with a complication of various systemic diseases
Noonan's syndrome syndrome seen only in males, marked by short stature and lowset ears and subnormal fertility
phantom limb syndrome syndrome consisting of discomfort or pain in a limb that has been amputated
premenstrual syndrome
a syndrome that occurs in many women from to days before the onset of menstruation
radiation sickness
radiation syndrome
syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive chemicals or to nuclear explosions), low doses cause diarrhea and nausea and vomiting and sometimes loss of hair, greater exposure can cause sterility and cataracts and some forms of cancer and other diseases, severe exposure can cause death within hours, he was suffering from radiation
Ramsay Hunt syndrome syndrome resulting from infection by the herpes varicella zoster virus, characterized by vertigo and pain in the ears and facial nerve paralysis and sometimes hearing loss
Reiter's syndrome
Reiter's disease
an inflammatory syndrome (etiology unknown) predominantly in males, characterized by arthritis and conjunctivitis and urethritis
restless legs syndrome
restless legs
Ekbom syndrome
feeling of uneasiness and restlessness in the legs after going to bed (sometimes causing insomnia), may be relieved temporarily by walking or moving the legs
Reye's syndrome acquired encephalopathy following acute viral infections (especially influenza or chicken pox) in young children, characterized by fever, vomiting, disorientation, coma, and fatty infiltration of the liver
scalenus syndrome discomfort and vascular symptoms and loss of sensation in a shoulder and arm, caused by a scalene muscle compressing the subclavian artery and part of the brachial plexus
sudden infant death syndrome
infant death
crib death
cot death
sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant during sleep
thoracic outlet syndrome tingling sensations in the fingers, caused by compression on a nerve supplying the arm
Tietze's syndrome syndrome characterized by swelling of rib cartilage (causing pain)
Tourette's syndrome
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
neurological disorder characterized by facial grimaces and tics and movements of the upper body and grunts and shouts and coprolalia
Guillain-Barre syndrome
infectious polyneuritis
Landry's paralysis
a form of peripheral polyneuritis characterized by pain and weakness and sometimes paralysis of the limbs, cause is unknown
heart block
Adams-Stokes syndrome
Stokes-Adams syndrome
atrioventricular block
recurrent sudden attacks of unconsciousness caused by impaired conduction of the impulse that regulates the heartbeat
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