
Boden Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

am Boden
underfoot {adv}
Erd- Boden
am Boden von
at the bottom of
fester Boden
firm ground
auf dem Boden
the ground
Boden gewinnen
gain ground
doppelter Boden
false bottom
Boden, Erdboden
Boden aufhacken
an Boden gewinnen
to gain ground
Tiefststand, Boden
vom Boden aufheben
pick up
Boden, Land, landen
Erde f; Boden m
ein Fass ohne Boden
a bottomless pit
Staunässe f (Boden)
waterlogging; standing water (soil)
Boden m (von Gefäß)
Abtrag m (von Boden)
Dachboden m, Boden m
Boden, Fussgrund, unterer
Boden…; Land…; Grundstücks…
Säureboden m; saurer Boden
acid soil
Boden-Luft-Rakete f mil.
surface to air missile (SAM)
Handwerk hat goldenen Boden.
A trade in hand finds gold in every land.
Stockwerk, Etage; (Fuß-)Boden
Stickstoffverlust m (Boden)
nitrogen loss (soil)
Boden-Boden-Rakete f mil.
surface to surface missile (SSM)
Fruchtbarkeit f (von Boden)
richness (of soil)
Preise haben den Boden erreicht
prices have reached bottom
Boden m; Fußboden m naut.
Boden m, Fußboden m naut.
Doppelboden m; doppelter Boden
double bottom
Stickstoffversorgung f (Boden)
nitrogen status (soil)
den Boden ausfrieren v agr.
to loosen the soil by frost
auf dem Boden rollend vor Lachen
rolling on the floor laughing ROFL ROTFL
auf dem Boden rollend vor Lachen
rolling on the floor laughing ROFL, ROTFL
auf dem Boden rollend vor Lachen
ROFL, ROTFL : rolling on the floor laughing
Boden...; Land...; Grundstücks...
etw. (in den Boden) einlassen v
to embed sth. (in the floor)
Stickstoffmobilisierung f (Boden)
nitrogen mobilization (soil)
Rollen n (auf dem Boden) aviat.
taxiing; taxying
im Boden lebend; in der Erde lebend
soil-dwelling {adj}
Das schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus.
That's outrageous.
fett (Boden); schwer (Speisen) adj
fett (Boden), schwer (Speisen) adj
vulkanisch adj
vulkanischer Boden
volcanic soil
Umtauschkapazität f (Boden) envir.
exchange capacity; sorption capacity (soil)
Versalzungsschaden m (Boden) envir.
salt damage; salinity damage (soil)
griffig adj (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
anti-skidding; anti-skid; non-skid; non-slip
PVC-Fußboden m; PVC-Boden m constr.
PCV-flooring; vinyl flooring
PVC-Fußboden m; PVC-Boden m constr.
PVC-flooring; vinyl flooring
Boden m (eines Seiteninstruments) mus.
back (of a string instrument)
Boden m (eines Saiteninstruments) mus.
back (of a string instrument)
auslaugen (Boden)
to emaciate
auf den Boden der Wirklichkeit zurückkommen
to come down to earth
jdn. umhauen jdn. am Boden zerstören ugs.
to devastate sb.
Liegeplatz m (am Boden)
Liegeplätze pl
place to lie
places to lie
Bodenbildung f geol.
in Boden umgewandelt
soil formation; soil development; pedogenesis
auf den Boden der Wirklichkeit zurückkommen v
to come down to earth
Schrägaufzug m (am Boden)
Schrägaufzüge pl
inclined haulage (on the ground)
inclined haulages
auslaugen v (Boden)
to emaciate
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und sich kaputt lachen
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off ROTFLMAO
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und sich kaputt lachen
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off ROTFLMAO
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und sich kaputt lachen
ROTFLMAO : rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
jdn. umhauen; jdn. am Boden zerstören v ugs.
to devastate sb.
verdichtet; komprimiert adj
verdichteter Boden
compacted soil
Auslaugen n von Nährstoffen aus dem Boden agr.
soil nutrient leaching
Boden m; Fußgrund m
Böden pl
auf dem Boden
at the bottom
Rautengrube f (Boden des 4. Hirnventrikel) anat.
rhomboid fossa (floor of fourth ventricle)
herabfallen; in alle Richtungen zu Boden fallen v
to cascade
Finger-Boden-Abstand m (Beweglichkeitstest) med.
finger-to-floor distance (mobility test)
Krotowine f (verfüllter Tiergang im Boden) geol.
Boden m, Fußgrund m
Böden pl
auf dem Boden
at the bottom
Geräusch eines auf dem Boden aufkommenden Basketballs
einsinken v (Boden etc.)
to subside; to cave in (ground etc.)
subsiding; caving in
subsided; caved in
Heraussickern n; Heraussickerung f (aus dem Boden)
seepage (from the ground)
einsinken v (Boden usw.)
to subside; to cave in (ground etc.)
subsiding; caving in
subsided; caved in
Grundwasserleiter m, wasserführende Schicht im Boden
mit Deckel
ein Fach mit Deckel unter dem Boden auto
lidded {adj}
a lidded under-floor compartment
Standortabfolge f; Standortreihe f beim Boden bot.
catenary soil sequence; soil catena
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und die Innereien herauslachen
rolling on the floor laughing guts out ROTFLGO
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und die Innereien herauslachen
rolling on the floor laughing guts out ROTFLGO
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und die Innereien herauslachen
ROTFLGO : rolling on the floor laughing guts out
Geräusch n eines auf dem Boden aufkommenden Basketballs
rutschfest; rutschsicher adj
rutschfester Boden Belag
antiskid; nonskid; anti-skidding; skid-resistant; non-slip; slip-resistant
non-skid floor flooring
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und den Bauch halten vor Lachen
rolling on the floor laughing and holding my sides ROTFLAHMS
einen Fuß auf britischen Boden setzen (das Land betreten)
to set foot on British soil
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und den Bauch halten vor Lachen
rolling on the floor laughing and holding my sides ROTFLAHMS
Anschüttung f, Hinterfüllung f, aufgeschütteter Boden
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und den Bauch halten vor Lachen
ROTFLAHMS : rolling on the floor laughing and holding my sides
bitter enttäuscht sein; am Boden zerstört sein übtr. v
to be gutted Br. coll. fig.
Boden m, Grund m
über sandigem und schlammigem Grund
over sand and mud bottoms
sich auf dem Boden kugeln vor Lachen und in die Hosen machen
rolling on the floor laughing so hard I wet my pants ROTFLSHIWMP
sich auf dem Boden kugeln vor Lachen und in die Hosen machen
rolling on the floor laughing so hard I wet my pants ROTFLSHIWMP
sich auf dem Boden kugeln vor Lachen und in die Hosen machen
ROTFLSHIWMP : rolling on the floor laughing so hard I wet my pants
Grundwasserleiter m; wasserführende Schicht im Boden geol.
aquifer; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; permeable bed
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und in den Teppich beißen vor Lachen
rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet ROTFLBTC
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und in den Teppich beißen vor Lachen
rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet ROTFLBTC
Fahrerkabine f
Fahrerkabinen pl
Boden zur Fahrerkabine
driver cabin
driver cabins
driver cabin floor
sich auf dem Boden kugeln und in den Teppich beißen vor Lachen
ROTFLBTC : rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet
kalkig; kalkhaltig; kalkhältig Ös. adj (Boden)
kalkiger Ton
chalky; limy; limey (soil)
chalky clay; lime marl
Sickerwasser n (in den Boden einsickerndes Regenwasser) geol.
seeping water; seepage water; gravitational water
Kultivierung f; Nutzbarmachung f; Urbarmachung f (von Boden)
Höhe f, Gipfel m, Höhepunkt m
Höhen pl
Höhe über Boden
height above ground
Kultivierung f, Nutzbarmachung f, Urbarmachung f (von Boden)
Fußboden m, Boden m
Fußböden pl, Böden pl
ohne Fußboden
Erdbohrer m für feuchten Boden
Erdbohrer pl für feuchten Boden
Einweiser m am Boden zum Absetzen von Lasten aus einem Luftfahrzeug
sich auf dem Boden kugeln vor Lachen und nicht wieder aufstehen können
rolling on the floor laughing and can't get up ROTFLACGU
sich auf dem Boden kugeln vor Lachen und nicht wieder aufstehen können
rolling on the floor laughing and can't get up ROTFLACGU
sich auf dem Boden kugeln vor Lachen und nicht wieder aufstehen können
ROTFLACGU : rolling on the floor laughing and can't get up
fruchtbar; ertragreich; erträgnisreich; ertragfähig adj (Boden) agr.
fertile (soil)
Untergrund m (natürlicher Boden unter der Straßenbefestigung) constr.
earth subgrade; soil subgrade (natural ground below a road)
Frosteindringtiefe f; Frosttiefe f; Frostgrenze f im Boden meteo.
frost penetration depth; frost depth; freezing depth; frost line Am.
jdn. vernichtend schlagen; jdn. in Grund und Boden stampfen übtr. ugs.
to pulverise so. Br.; to pulverize so. Am. fig.
ohne Schneeauflage; aper Bayr. Ös. Schw. (Boden, Hang) adj geogr.
devoid of snow; denuded of snow (ground, slope)
Bodenhöhe f; Bodennähe f; Geländehöhe f
in Bodennähe
unter dem Boden
ground level
at ground level
below ground level
etw. (mit etw.) übersäen v
Der Boden war mit abgenutzten Büchern übersät.
to litter sth. (with sth.)
Worn books littered the floor.
Bodenhöhe f, Bodennähe f, Geländehöhe f
in Bodennähe
unter dem Boden
ground level
at ground level
below ground level
Geldvernichtungsmaschine f; Fass n ohne Boden; Groschengrab n veraltend
money pit; lickpenny archaic
jdn. vernichtend schlagen; jdn. in Grund und Boden stampfen übtr. ugs. v
to pulverise sb. Br.; to pulverize sb. Am. fig.
jdn. (in einem Wettbewerb) vernichtend schlagen; in Grund und Boden spielen v
to cream sb. (in a competition) Am. coll.
jdn. etw. erschöpfen v
den Boden ausmergeln agr.
to exhaust sb. sth.
to exhaust the soil
Versickern n; Versickerung f; Einsickern n; Einsickerung f (in den Boden)
soaking-in; seepage (into the ground)
Boden m; Grund m
über sandigem und schlammigem Grund
am Boden sein übtr.
over sand and mud bottoms
to be at the bottom fig.
sich wie die Kaninchen vermehren; wie die Pilze aus dem Boden schießen v pej.
to spawn
Anflugsystem n aviat.
Anflugsysteme pl
vom Boden geleitetes Anflugsystem
approach system
approach systems
ground control approach system; GCA system
Auflockerung f; Belüftung f; Aerifizieren n (Boden einer Rasenfläche) agr.
aeration; aerification (soil of a lawn)
Grundwasserboden m; Boden m mit oberflächennahem Grundwasser; Gley m geol.
groundwater soil; gley
Wirbellose m f , Wirbelloser
die Wirbellosen
auf dem Boden lebende Wirbellose
invertebrates, inverts
bottom invertebrates
vererbbares Eigentumsrecht an Grund und Boden jur.
unbeschränkt vererbbares Land
land held in fee simple
etw. in den Boden rammen v constr.
in den Boden rammend
in den Boden gerammt
to pile-drive sth. (into the ground) rare
jdn. vernichtend schlagen; jdn. in Grund und Boden spielen (Sport) v pol. sport
to give sb. a shellacking Am. coll.
Land n, Boden m, Festland n
über Land
das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten
the land of opportunity
Aushubmasse f Aushub m (entfernter Boden, der später wieder verfüllt wird) constr.
vererbbares Eigentumsrecht n an Grund und Boden jur.
unbeschränkt vererbbares Land
land held in fee simple
schalldämmend; schalldämpfend; schallschluckend adj techn.
schallschluckender Boden
sound-absorbing; sound absorbent; absorptive to sound; sound-deadening
dead floor
auf allen vieren (mit Händen und Füßen oder (bei Tieren) allen vier Beinen auf dem Boden)
on all fours; on to all fours (with the hands and knees or (of an animal) all four legs on the ground)
Aushubmasse f Aushub m (entfernter Boden der später wieder verfüllt wird) constr.
fruchtbar; ertragreich; fortpflanzungsfähig adj
fruchtbarer Boden; ertragreicher Boden
fertile soil; fertile ground
sich den Kopf (an der Decke usw.) anschlagen v
mit dem Kopf auf dem Boden aufschlagen
to hit your head; to bonk your head (on the ceiling etc.)
to hit bonk your head on the ground
aufbrechen; auflockern v (Boden)
aufbrechend; auflockernd
aufgebrochen; aufgelockert
to scarify
Fußboden m; Boden m
Fußböden pl; Böden pl
ohne Fußboden
unbefestigter Fußboden
dirt floor
Lenkwaffe f mil.
Lenkwaffen pl
guided weapon
guided weapons
surface-to-air guided weapon
ground-to-ground guided weapon system
etw. mit einem Boden aus etw. versehen
mit einem Boden versehend
mit einem Boden versehen
to floor sth. with sth.

Deutsche Boden Synonyme

Boden  ÂFußboden  
Boden  ÂGrund  ÂLand  
aus  dem  Boden  schießen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhervorsprießen  
Bühne  ÂBoden  ÂDachboden  ÂSpeicher  
fett  (Boden)  Âschwer  (Speisen)  
Kultivierung  ÂNutzbarmachung  ÂUrbarmachung  (von  Boden)  
ackern  Âbearbeiten  Âbestellen  (Boden)  Âkultivieren  
Boden  ÂErdboden  ÂErde  ÂErdreich  ÂUntergrund  
den  Boden  bereiten  (für)  Âpräparieren  Ârüsten  Âvorbereiten  
am  Boden  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbedröppelt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbedrückt  Âbetrübt  Âdepressiv  Âdeprimiert  Âniedergeschlagen  Âschwermütig  Âtraurig  Âtrübselig  
Boden  Erdboden  Erde  Erdreich  Untergrund  
Boden  Fußboden  
Boden  Grund  Land  
am Boden (umgangssprachlich)  bedröppelt (umgangssprachlich)  bedrückt  betrübt  depressiv  deprimiert  niedergeschlagen  schwermütig  traurig  trübselig  
aus dem Boden schießen (umgangssprachlich)  hervorsprießen  
den Boden bereiten (für)  präparieren  rüsten  vorbereiten  
fett (Boden)  schwer (Speisen)  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Boden Synonym nachschlagen

Englische ground Synonyme

ground  Bassalia  a priori principle  abyss  abyssal zone  acres  affirmation  agora  air brush  airspace  alluvion  alluvium  ambition  amphitheater  angle  antecedent  antecedents  apriorism  arable land  area  arena  argument  art paper  aspiration  assertion  assumed position  assumption  athletic field  auditorium  axiom  back  backdrop  background  base  basement  basin  basis  bathyal zone  beach  bear garden  bearing wall  bed  bedding  bedrock  belt  benthos  billiard table  blow down  blow over  bottom  bottom waters  bottomless depths  bottommost  bowl  bowl down  bowl over  bowling green  boxing ring  branny  bring down  broaden the mind  brush  build  build in  bull ring  bulldog  call  calling  camera lucida  camera obscura  campus  canvas  carpet  cast away  cast down  catechize  categorical proposition  causation  cause  cause and effect  chalk  chalklike  chalky  channel  charcoal  chop down  chromogen  cincture  circus  civilize  clay  clod  close  coach  coat  coat of paint  coating  cockpit  coliseum  color  color filter  color gelatin  colorant  coloring  colosseum  comminute  comminuted  compass  confine  confines  confirm  consideration  container  continental shelf  coop  corridor  coulee  country  course  court  courtyard  cover  crayon  crushed  crust  curtilage  cut down  dash down  data  dead flat  dead level  dead-color  deck  deep-dye  define  delimited field  demonstrate  demonstration  department  deposit  determinant  determinative  detrital  detrited  direct  dirt  disintegrated  distance  distemper  district  division  down  drawing paper  drawing pencil  dregs  drier  drop  dry land  dust  dusty  dye  dyestuff  earth  easel  edify  educate  efflorescent  element  embed  enclave  enclosure  engraft  engrave  enlighten  entrench  environs  esplanade  establish  etch  etiology  evidence  excuse  exterior paint  factor  farinaceous  fell  fetch down  field  fine  first principles  fix  fixative  flaky  flat  flat coat  flat wash  flat  
ground floor  anticipation  beginnings  clerestory  earliness  early hour  early stage  entresol  first crack  first floor  first stage  flat  floor  foresight  head start  level  mezzanine  mezzanine floor  prevenience  prevision  readiness  rez-de-chaussee  running start  story  street floor  time to spare  very beginning  
ground swell  billow  bore  breakers  chop  choppiness  chopping sea  coalition  comb  comber  communist front  dirty water  eagre  front  grass-roots movement  gravity wave  heave  heavy sea  heavy swell  lift  lop  movement  peak  political front  popple  popular front  riffle  ripple  rise  roll  roller  rough water  scend  sea  send  surf  surge  swell  tidal bore  tidal wave  tide wave  trough  tsunami  undulation  water wave  wave  wavelet  white horses  whitecaps  
groundbreaker  ancestor  announcer  antecedent  avant-garde  bellwether  buccinator  bushwhacker  explorer  forebear  foregoer  forerunner  front runner  frontiersman  fugleman  guide  harbinger  herald  innovator  lead runner  leader  messenger  pathfinder  pioneer  point  precedent  precursor  predecessor  scout  stormy petrel  trailblazer  trailbreaker  vanguard  vaunt-courier  voortrekker  
grounded  aground  anchored  beached  castaway  caught  chained  fast  fastened  fixed  foundered  held  high and dry  impacted  inextricable  jammed  marooned  moored  on the rocks  packed  set fast  shipwrecked  stranded  stuck  stuck fast  swamped  tethered  tied  transfixed  wedged  wrecked  
grounded on  absolute  adducible  admissible  attestative  attestive  authentic  based on  bolstered  borne  braced  buttressed  certain  circumstantial  conclusive  convincing  cumulative  damning  decisive  determinative  documentary  documented  evidential  evidentiary  ex parte  eye-witness  factual  final  firsthand  founded on  guyed  hearsay  held  implicit  incontrovertible  indicative  indisputable  irrefutable  irresistible  maintained  material  nuncupative  overwhelming  presumptive  probative  propped  reliable  shored up  significant  stayed  suggestive  supported  sure  sustained  symptomatic  telling  upheld  valid  weighty  
groundhog  Cape polecat  ape  bar  bear  cavy  chimp  chimpanzee  coon  digger  dredge  dredger  driller  excavator  ferret  foumart  glutton  guinea pig  hedgehog  miner  monk  monkey  mousehound  navvy  opossum  polecat  porcupine  possum  prairie dog  quill pig  raccoon  sandhog  sapper  skunk  steam shovel  tunneler  weasel  whistle-pig  wolverine  woodchuck  zoril  
groundless  baseless  bottomless  built on sand  chimerical  empty  flimsy  gratuitous  hypothetical  idle  ill-founded  illusory  imaginary  inconclusive  indecisive  not following  not proved  not well-founded  speculative  suppositional  tenuous  unascertained  unattested  unauthenticated  unbased  uncalled-for  uncertified  unconfirmed  uncorroborated  undemonstrated  undetermined  unestablished  unfixed  unfounded  ungrounded  unjustifiable  unjustified  unproved  unproven  unreasonable  unsettled  unshown  unsound  unsubstantiated  unsupportable  unsupported  unsupported by evidence  unsustainable  unsustained  untenable  untested  untried  unvalidated  unverified  unwarranted  vain  without basis  without foundation  without grounds  
groundling  Adamite  Babbitt  Philistine  arriviste  attender  audience  auditory  being  body  boor  bounder  bourgeois  cad  cat  chap  character  churl  claqueur  clown  congregation  creature  customer  deadhead  duck  earthling  epicier  fellow  gallery  guttersnipe  guy  hand  head  hired applauder  homo  hooligan  house  human  human being  ill-bred fellow  individual  joker  life  living soul  looby  lout  low fellow  man  mortal  moviegoer  mucker  nose  nouveau riche  one  orchestra  party  parvenu  pass holder  peasant  person  personage  personality  pit  playgoer  ribald  rough  roughneck  rowdy  ruffian  single  somebody  someone  soul  spectator  standee  tellurian  terran  theater  theatergoer  upstart  vulgarian  vulgarist  worldling  yokel  
grounds  Astroturf  acres  alluvion  alluvium  antecedents  artificial turf  ash  base  basement  basis  basis for belief  bearing wall  bed  bedding  bedrock  body of evidence  boundary condition  bowling green  call  catch  causation  cause  cause and effect  chain of evidence  chattels real  cinder  clause  clinker  clue  common  condition  data  datum  demesne  deposition  deposits  determinant  determinative  diluvium  documentation  domain  donnee  draff  dregs  dross  element  ember  escalator clause  escape clause  escape hatch  etiology  evidence  exhibit  fact  factor  facts  fairway  feces  fine print  floor  flooring  fond  footing  foundation  froth  fundament  fundamental  given  golf course  golf links  good reason  grassplot  green  greenyard  ground  grounds for belief  groundwork  hardpan  honor  indication  item of evidence  joker  kicker  land  landed property  lands  lawn  lees  limiting condition  loess  lot  lots  manifestation  manor  mark  material basis  material grounds  messuage  moraine  muniments  mute witness  obligation  occasion  offscum  parameter  parcel  park  pavement  piece of evidence  plat  plot  praedium  precipitate  precipitation  premises  prerequisite  principle  proof  property  provision  provisions  proviso  putting green  quadrat  radical  real estate  real property  realty  reason  reason to believe  relevant fact  requisite  right  riprap  rock bottom  rudiment  saving clause  scoria  scum  seat  sediment  settlings  sign  sill  silt  sine qua non  sinter  slag  small print  smut  solid ground  solid rock  soot  specification  stereobate  stimulus  stipulation  string  stylobate  sublimate  substance  substratum  substruction  substructure  symptom  tenements  terms  terra firma  toft  token  ultimatum  underbuilding  undercarriage  undergirding  underpinning  understruction  understructure  village green  warrant  whereas  
groundwork  arrangement  base  basement  basic training  basis  bearing wall  bed  bedding  bedrock  bottom  briefing  clearing the decks  cornerstone  equipment  familiarization  fixing  floor  flooring  fond  footing  foundation  fundament  fundamental  ground  grounds  hardpan  infrastructure  makeready  making ready  manufacture  mobilization  pavement  planning  prearrangement  preliminaries  preliminary  preliminary act  preliminary step  prep  preparation  preparatory study  preparing  prepping  prerequisite  pretreatment  principle  processing  propaedeutic  provision  radical  readying  riprap  rock bottom  root  rudiment  seat  sill  solid ground  solid rock  spadework  stereobate  stylobate  substratum  substruction  substructure  terra firma  training  treatment  trial  tryout  underbuilding  undercarriage  undergirding  underpinning  underpinnings  understruction  understructure  warm-up  

Boden Definition

Burying ground
() Alt. of Burying place
(imp. & p. p.) of Grind
(n.) The surface of the earth
(n.) A floor or pavement supposed to rest upon the earth.
(n.) Any definite portion of the earth's surface
(n.) Land
(n.) The basis on which anything rests
(n.) That surface upon which the figures of a composition are set, and which relieves them by its plainness, being either of one tint or of tints but slightly contrasted with one another
(n.) In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief.
(n.) In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied
(n.) A gummy composition spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle.
(n.) One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which moldings, etc., are attached
(n.) A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody.
(n.) The tune on which descants are raised
(n.) A conducting connection with the earth, whereby the earth is made part of an electrical circuit.
(n.) Sediment at the bottom of liquors or liquids
(n.) The pit of a theater.
(v. t.) To lay, set, or run, on the ground.
(v. t.) To found
(v. t.) To instruct in elements or first principles.
(v. t.) To connect with the ground so as to make the earth a part of an electrical circuit.
(v. t.) To cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching (see Ground, n., 5)
(v. i.) To run aground
() imp. & p. p. of Grind.
(n.) That part of a picture between the foreground and the background.
(v. t.) To coved over in the season of winter, as for protection or shelter

ground Bedeutung

ground ball
(baseball) a hit that travels along the ground
ground stroke a tennis return made by hitting the ball after it has bounced once
dark ground illumination
dark field illumination
a form of microscopic examination of living material by scattered light, specimens appear luminous against a dark background
ground attack an attack by ground troops
huge herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous found in western North America
ground snake
Sonora semiannulata
small shy brightlyinged terrestrial snake of arid or semiarid areas of western North America
eastern ground snake
Potamophis striatula
Haldea striatula
in some classifications placed in genus Haldea, small reddish-grey snake of eastern North America
ground rattler
massasauga Sistrurus miliaris
small pygmy rattlesnake
ground roller Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e.g. insects and worms
ground beetle
carabid beetle
predacious shining black or metallic terrestrial beetle that destroys many injurious insects
ground squirrel
gopher spermophile
any of various terrestrial burrowing rodents of Old and New Worlds, often destroy crops
mantled ground squirrel
Citellus lateralis
common black-striped reddish-brown ground squirrel of western North America, resembles a large chipmunk
Richardson ground squirrel
Citellus richardsoni
of sagebrush and grassland areas of western United States and Canada
Arctic ground squirrel
parka squirrel
Citellus parryi
large ground squirrel of the North American far north
eastern chipmunk
striped squirrel
ground squirrel Tamias striatus
small striped semiterrestrial eastern American squirrel with cheek pouches
barren ground caribou
Rangifer arcticus
of tundra of northern Canada, in some classifications included in the species Rangifer tarandus
ground sloth
gigantic extinct terrestrial sloth-like mammal of the Pliocene and Pleistocene in America
air-to-ground missile
air-to-surface missile
a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground
ground tackle
a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
flat coat
primer priming primer coat
priming coat
the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
ground (art) the surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting
ground earth a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)
ground bait bait scattered on the water to attract fish
ground cable a mooring cable, runs from a buoy to a mooring anchor
ground control a communication system for sending continuous radio messages to an airplane pilot who is making a groundontrolled approach to landing
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
ground plan a floor plan for the ground level of a building
ground cloth
a waterproofed piece of cloth spread on the ground (as under a tent) to protect from moisture
ground-effect machine
a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
land mine
ground-emplaced mine
booby trap
an explosive mine hidden underground, explodes when stepped on or driven over
proving ground a workplace for testing new equipment or ideas
grade ground level the height of the ground on which something stands, the base of the tower was below grade
ground substance
the clear nongranular portion of the cytoplasm of a cell
matrix intercellular substance
ground substance
the body substance in which tissue cells are embedded
ground a relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused
the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground, he posed her against a background of rolling hills
ground bass a short melody in the bass that is constantly repeated
ground rule (baseball) a special rule (as in baseball) dealing with situations that arise due to the nature of the playing grounds
ground loop a sharp uncontrollable turn made by an airplane while moving along the ground
ground fire a forest fire that burns the humus, may not appear on the surface
ground floor becoming part of a venture at the beginning (regarded as position of advantage), he got in on the ground floor
ground swell
heavy swell
a broad and deep undulation of the ocean
ground swell an obvious change of public opinion or political sentiment that occurs without leadership or overt expression, there was a ground swell of antiwar sentiment
background noise
ground noise
extraneous noise contaminating sound measurements that cannot be separated from the desired signal
ground beef
beef that has been ground
regular army
ground forces
a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state
ground crew
ground-service crew
the crew of technicians and mechanics who service aircraft on the ground
amusement park
pleasure ground
a commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement
bed ground
an area on which a drove of cattle or sheep can sleep for a night
breeding ground a place where animals breed
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