
Boh Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Aufheben n; Getue n; Umstände pl; Bohei m
viel Aufhebens Redens von um etw. machen
mit viel Bohei
ohne große weitere Umstände
Der Fall wurde zügig und ohne viel Aufhebens bearbeitet.
ado; fuss
to make a big thing out of sth.; to make a great to-do about sth.
with a great to-do
without more further ado
The case was dealt with speedily and without fuss.
Spektakel m; Getue n; Wirbel m; Bohei m (um etw.)
brouhaha (over sth.) coll.
Bohème f; Boheme f soc.
Bohemien m
Bohemiens pl
Bohle f
Bohlen pl
Bohle f; Holzbohle f
Bohlen pl; Holzbohlen pl
Bodenbelag m constr.
Bodenbelag aus Hartholzbohlen bzw. aus Parkett auf Bohlen
hardwood flooring
(seitliche) Abstützung f; Absteifung f; Absprießung; Stützwerk n; Stützgerüst n constr.
Grabenverschalung f
Grabenaussteifung f mit (nicht) überlappten Bohlen
Unterzugschalung f
shoring; strutting
shoring of a ditch
shoring with (non-)overlappig planks
shoring; propping
(seitliche) Abstützung f; Absteifung f; Absprießung; Stützwerk n; Stützgerüst n constr.
Grabenverschalung f
Grabenaussteifung f mit (nicht) überlappten Bohlen
Unterzugschalung f
Wandabsteifung f (Tunnelbau)
shoring; strutting
shoring of a ditch
shoring with (non-)overlappig planks
shoring; propping
wall shoring (tunnel work)
Blockhaus n; Bohlenhaus n arch.
Blockhäuser pl; Bohlenhäuser pl
log house; log home; log lodge (log-house) (loghouse) (log-home) (loghome) (log-lodge) (loglodge)
log houses; log homes; log lodges
Ständerwand f; einfache Bohlenwand f constr.
Ständerwände pl; einfache Bohlenwände pl
single-plank wall
single-plank walls
Bohlenweg m
togher, trackway
Bohlenweg m
togher; trackway
Holzsteg m; Bohlenweg m
Holzstege pl; Bohlenwege pl
Bohlwand f; Schalung f (Wasserbau)
walling timber (water engineering)
Bohne f, Fisole f Ös. bot.
Bohnen pl
Kidneybohne f, rote Bohne cook.
Kidneybohnen pl, rote Bohnen
kidney bean
kidney beans
Saubohne f, dicke Bohne f
Saubohnen pl, dicke Bohnen pl
broad bean
broad beans
Ackerbohne f; Saubohne f; Schweinsbohne f; Favabohne f; Dicke Bohne f; Große Bohne f; Pferdebohne f; Viehbohne f; Faberbohne f; Puffbohne f (Vicia faba) bot.
Ackerbohnen pl; Saubohnen pl; Schweinsbohnen pl; Favabohnen pl; Dicke Bohnen pl; Große Bohnen pl; Pferdebohnen pl; Viehbohnen pl; Faberbohnen pl; Puffbohnen pl
Vicia faba; broad bean; fava bean; field bean; bell bean; tic bean
broad beans; fava beans; field beans; bell beans; tic beans
Bohne f bot. cook.
Bohnen pl
fadenlose Bohne
gelbe Bohne
grüne Bohne; Gartenbohne; Stangenbohne; Fisole Ös.; Strankerl Ös.
weiße Bohne
stringless bean
wax bean
string bean; runner bean; French bean
haricot bean; navy bean Am.
Jelly-Belly-Bohne f cook. (Geleebohne)
Jelly-Belly-Bohnen pl
jelly belly tm
jelly bellies
Kidneybohne f; rote Bohne cook.
Kidneybohnen pl; rote Bohnen
kidney bean
kidney beans
Bohne f cook.
Bohnen pl
Stangenbohnen pl
Buschbohnen pl
Dickbohnen pl
gelbe Bohnen; Wachsbohnen pl
Perlbohnen pl
Pintobohnen pl
rote Bohnen bohnen>
Trockenkochbohnen pl; Kernbohnen pl
weiße Bohnen
fadenlose Bohnen
climbing beans; pole beans Am.
bush beans
white kidney beans; cannellini beans Am.
wax beans
pearl beans
pinto beans
red kidney bean; red beans
dry beans
white pea beans; pea beans; haricot beans; navy beans Am.
stringless beans
Neuweltliche Bohnen pl; Phaseolus-Bohnen pl (Phaseolus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Feuerbohne f; Prunkbohne f; Käferbohne f Ös. (Phaseolus coccineus)
grüne Bohne f; Gartenbohne f; Fisole f Ös.; Strankerl n Kärnten (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Limabohne f; Mondbohne f (Phaseolus lunatus)
Teparybohne f (Phaseolus acutifolius)
wild beans; phaseolus beans (botanical genus)
scarlet runner bean; runner bean; multiflora bean
common bean; green bean; string bean; snap bean; French bean Br.
lima bean; butter bean; sieva bean
Tepary bean
Bohnen pl (Kot)
eine Art Bohnen-Mais-Eintopf
succotash Am.
Hülsenfrucht f
Hülsenfrüchte pl, Bohnen, Linsen, Erbsen zum Kochen
pulse, peas and beans, legume
pulses, beans, lentils, and peas
Hülsenfrucht f bot.
Hülsenfrüchte pl; Bohnen Linsen Erbsen zum Kochen
pulse; peas and beans; legume
pulses; beans lentils and peas
Phaseolus-Bohnen pl (Phaseolus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
phaseolus beans; wild beans (botanical genus)
etw. schälen v
Bohnen enthülsen
to shuck sth.
to shuck beans
Jonglageball m; Jonglierball m (ursprünglich mit getrockneten Bohnen gefüllter Sack)
Sitzsack m
beanbag; bean bag (sealed bag originally containing dried beans)
beanbag chair; bean bag chair
Altweltliche Bohnen pl; Vigna-Bohnen pl (Vigna) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Adzukibohne f (Vigna angularis)
Bambarabohne f; Erderbse f (Vigna subterranea)
Catjangbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrica)
Kuhbohne f (Vigna unguiculata)
Linsenbohne f; Urdbohne f (Vigna mungo)
Mattenbohne f (Vigna aconitifolia)
Mungobohne f; Mungbohne f; Jerusalembohne f; Lunjabohne f (Vigna radiata)
Reisbohne f (Vigna umbellata)
Schwarzaugenbohne f; Augenbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata)
Spargelbohne f; Meterbohne f; Asiatische Schlangenbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
vigna beans (botanical genus)
adzuki bean; azuki bean
Bambara bean; ground bean; Bambara groundnut; earth pea
catjang bean; sow-pea
black matpe bean; urd bean; black lentil; black gram
mat bean; matki; moth bean; dew bean; Turkish gram
moong bean; mung bean; green gram
rice bean
black-eyed bean; black-eyed pea; goat pea; crowder-pea, southern pea
asparagus bean; yardlong bean; Chinese long-bean; snake bean
Bohnenfresser pl ugs. pej. (abschätzige Bezeichnung für verschiedene Volksgruppen, bei denen Bohnen ein Hauptnahrungsmittel sind) soc.
bean-eater coll.
Canavalia-Bohnen pl (Canavalia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
jack-beans (botanical genus)
Chili con carne n (Eintopfgericht mit Fleisch, Bohnen, Tomaten und Peperoni) cook.
chili con carne (stew containing meat, beans, tomatoes and chili peppers)
Macrotyloma-Bohnen pl (Macrotyloma) (botanische Gattung) bot.
macrotyloma beans (botanical genus)
Mais-Bohnen-Gemüse n (Beilage) cook.
succotash Am. (meal accompaniment)
Jonglageball m; Jonglierball m (ursprünglich mit getrockneten Bohnen gefüllter Sack)
beanbag; bean bag (sealed bag originally containing dried beans)
hülsenfruchtartig; hülsenfruchtähnlich; bohnenartig; bohnenähnlich; leguminosenartig; leguminosenähnlich adj bot.
fabaceous; leguminous; papilionaceous
Jochblätter pl (Zygophyllum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bohnenähnliches Jochblatt n (Zygophyllum fabago)
bean-capers (botanical genus)
Syrian bean-caper
Australische Kastanie f; Bohnenbaum m (Castanospermum australe) bot.
Moreton Bay Chestnut; Moreton Bay bean; black bean tree
Obst- oder Gemüsebeet m; Anbaustelle f (im Nutzgarten) agr.
Obst- oder Gemüsebeete pl; Anbaustelle pl
Bohnenbeet n
Erdbeerbeet n
patch of beans
strawberry patch
Bohneneintopf m cook.
bean stew
Bohnenkaffee m
pure coffee
pure coffee
Bohnenkaffee m cook.
pure coffee
entkoffeiniert; koffeinarm; koffeinfrei ugs. adj
entkoffeinierter koffeinarmer Kaffee
Trinkst du Bohnenkaffee oder koffeinfreien?
decaffeinated; decaf coll.; decaff Br.
decaffeinated coffee
Do you take regular coffee or decaf(f)?
entkoffeiniert; koffeinarm; koffeinfrei ugs. adj
entkoffeinierter koffeinarmer Kaffee; Kaffee Hag tm ugs.
Trinkst du Bohnenkaffee oder koffeinfreien?
decaffeinated; decaf coll.; decaff Br.
decaffeinated coffee; decaf coll.; Sanka tm coll.
Do you take regular coffee or decaf(f)?
Bohnenkoralle f, Hammerkoralle f (Euphyllia ancora) zool.
hammer(head) coral
Bohnenkoralle f; Hammerkoralle f (Euphyllia ancora) zool.
Bohnenkorallen pl; Hammerkorallen pl
hammer(head) coral
hammer(head) corals
Bohnenkräuter pl (Satureja) (botanische Gattung) bot.
savories (botanical genus)
Bohnenkraut n bot. cook.
Bohnenranke f bot.
Bohnenranken pl
bean stalk
bean stalks
Bohnensäckchen n photo. sport
bean bag; beanbag
Bohnensalat m, Fisolensalat m Ös. cook.
green bean salad
Bohnensalat m; Fisolensalat m Ös. cook.
green bean salad
Salat m cook.
Salate pl
Beilagensalat m
Bohnensalat m; Fisolensalat m Ös.
Cäsarsalat m
Eiersalat m
Fleischsalat m
Gurkensalat m
Karottensalat m; Möhrensalat m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensalat m BW; Rüeblisalat m Schw.
Kartoffelsalat m; Erdäpfelsalat m Bayr. Ös.; Härdäpfelsalat m Schw.
Kohlsalat m; Krautsalat m
Menüsalat m Schw.
Nudelsalat m
Obstsalat m; Fruchtsalat m
Rucolasalat m; Rukolasalat m
Vorspeisensalat m
Waldorfsalat m
warmer Salat
Wurstsalat m
Wurzelsalat m
Salat mit Schinken
Salat mit Parmesansplittern
side salad
green bean salad
Caesar salad
egg salad
meat salad
cucumber salad
carrot salad
potato salad
coleslaw; slaw Am. coll.
salad of the day as a set menu starter
pasta salad
fruit salad
rocket salad Br., arugula salad Am.
starter salad
Waldorf salad
warm salad
sausage salad
salad of root vegetables
ham salad
salad with Parmesan shavings
Spinnmilben pl (Tetranychidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
Obstbaumspinnmilbe f; Rote Spinne f (Panonychus ulmi)
Bohnenspinnmilbe f; Gemeine Spinnmilbe f (Tetranychus urticae)
spider mites (zoological family)
European red spider mite
two-spotted spider mite
Bohnenstängel m; Bohnenstengel m alt bot.
Bohnenstängel pl; Bohnenstengel pl
Bohnenstange f
Bohnenstangen pl
bean pole
bean poles
bean pole
Bohnenstange f ugs. (große schlanke Person)
string bean coll. (tall thin person)
Bohnenstange f übtr. für eine große schlanke Person; Lulatsch m ugs.
beanpole; beanpole fig.

Deutsche Boh Synonyme

Englische ado; fuss Synonyme

ado  agitation  annoyance  anxiety  besetment  bother  botheration  brawl  broil  brouhaha  burst  bustle  can of worms  commotion  confusion  disadvantage  disturbance  donnybrook  donnybrook fair  dustup  ebullience  ebullition  eddy  effervescence  effort  embroilment  evil  exertion  feery-fary  ferment  fermentation  fidgetiness  fit  flap  flurry  fluster  flutter  flutteriness  foofaraw  fracas  free-for-all  fume  furore  fuss  fussiness  great ado  hassle  headache  helter-skelter  hubbub  hullabaloo  hurly-burly  hurry  hurry-scurry  inconvenience  maelstrom  matter  melee  pains  peck of troubles  pell-mell  perturbation  pother  problem  racket  rampage  restlessness  riot  rough-and-tumble  roughhouse  row  ruckus  ruction  ruffle  rumpus  scramble  sea of troubles  shindy  spasm  spurt  stew  stir  sweat  swirl  swirling  to-do  trouble  tumult  turbulence  turmoil  unquiet  uproar  vortex  whirl  whirlpool  whirlwind  worry  yeastiness  
adobe  ashlar  biscuit  bisque  bowl  brick  bricks and mortar  cement  ceramic ware  ceramics  china  clayey  clayish  clinker  concrete  covering materials  crock  crockery  earthy  enamelware  ferroconcrete  firebrick  flag  flagstone  flooring  glass  gumbo  jug  lath and plaster  loamy  marly  masonry  mortar  pavement  paving  paving material  plasters  porcelain  pot  pottery  prestressed concrete  refractory  roofage  roofing  siding  soily  stone  tile  tiling  urn  vase  walling  
adolescent  at half cock  baby  callow  fledgling  green  half-baked  half-cocked  half-grown  hopeful  ill-digested  immature  impubic  infant  junior  juvenal  juvenile  maturescent  minor  nubile  pubescent  raw  sapling  slip  sprig  stripling  teenager  teener  teenybopper  underripe  unfledged  ungrown  unmellowed  unripe  unseasoned  young hopeful  young person  younger  youngest  youngling  youngster  youth  
adopt  Americanize  Anglicize  accept  acculturate  acculturize  admit  affect  affiliate  appropriate  approve  arrogate  assimilate  assume  carry  colonize  confer citizenship  conquer  copy  derive from  domesticate  embrace  encroach  enslave  espouse  go in for  go native  hog  imitate  indent  infringe  invade  jump a claim  make free with  make use of  mock  monopolize  naturalize  occupy  overrun  pass  pirate  plagiarize  play God  preempt  preoccupy  prepossess  pretend to  ratify  requisition  seize  simulate  sit on  squat on  steal  subjugate  take  take all of  take in  take it all  take on  take over  take possession of  take up  trespass  usurp  
adopted  Americanized  Anglicized  accepted  acculturated  acculturized  appointed  approved  assimilated  carried  chosen  designated  elect  elected  elected by acclamation  embraced  espoused  handpicked  indoctrinated  named  naturalized  nominated  passed  picked  ratified  select  selected  unanimously elected  
adoption  Americanization  acceptance  acculturation  admission  affiliation  appropriation  arrogation  assimilation  assumption  borrowed plumes  circumcision  citizenship by naturalization  citizenship papers  colonization  conquest  conversion  copying  culture shock  derivation  deriving  embracement  embracing  encroachment  enslavement  espousal  imitation  indent  infringement  invasion  mocking  nationalization  naturalization  naturalized citizenship  new birth  new life  occupation  papers  pasticcio  pastiche  pirating  plagiarism  plagiary  playing God  preemption  preoccupation  prepossession  rebirth  redeemedness  redemption  reformation  regeneration  requisition  salvation  second birth  seizure  simulation  spiritual purification  subjugation  takeover  taking  taking over  trespass  trespassing  usurpation  
adorable  E  acceptable  admirable  agreeable  ambrosial  angelic  appealing  appetizing  attractive  beloved  captivating  caressable  charming  cuddlesome  darling  dear  delectable  delicious  delightful  desirable  enviable  exciting  fetching  heavenly  kissable  likable  lovable  loved  lovely  lovesome  luscious  lush  mouth-watering  pleasing  provocative  scrumptious  seductive  seraphic  sweet  taking  tantalizing  tempting  to be desired  toothsome  unobjectionable  winning  winsome  worth having  yummy  
adoration  Amor  Christian love  Eros  Platonic love  admiration  affection  agape  apotheosis  appreciation  approbation  approval  ardency  ardor  attachment  awe  bodily love  breathless adoration  brotherly love  caritas  charity  churchgoing  co-worship  conformity  conjugal love  consideration  courtesy  crush  cult  cultism  cultus  deference  deification  desire  devotedness  devotion  devoutness  dulia  dutifulness  duty  esteem  estimation  exaggerated respect  faith  faithful love  faithfulness  fancy  favor  fervor  flame  fondness  free love  free-lovism  great respect  heart  hero worship  high regard  homage  honor  hyperdulia  idolatry  idolism  idolization  infatuation  lasciviousness  latria  libido  like  liking  love  love of God  lovemaking  married love  observance  passion  physical love  pietism  piety  piousness  popular regard  popularity  prestige  prostration  regard  religion  religionism  religiousness  respect  reverence  reverential regard  sentiment  sex  sexual love  shine  spiritual love  tender feeling  tender passion  theism  transcendent wonder  truelove  uxoriousness  veneration  weakness  worship  worshipfulness  worshiping  yearning  
adore  accord respect to  admire  adulate  affection  apotheosize  appreciate  bask in  be pleased with  cherish  coddle  dearly love  defer to  deify  delight in  derive pleasure from  devour  do homage to  do service  dote  dote on  eat up  enjoy  entertain respect for  esteem  exalt  extol  fancy  favor  feast on  freak out on  get high on  gloat over  groove on  hallow  hero-worship  hold dear  hold in esteem  hold in reverence  honor  idolize  indulge  indulge in  laud  like  look up to  love  love to distraction  luxuriate in  pamper  pay homage to  praise  prize  regard  rejoice in  relish  respect  revel in  revere  reverence  riot in  savor  smack the lips  spoil  swim in  take pleasure in  think highly of  think much of  think well of  treasure  value  venerate  wallow in  worship  
adored  admired  appreciated  beloved  cherished  darling  dear  dearly beloved  esteemed  favorite  held dear  held in respect  highly considered  honored  in high esteem  loved  much-admired  pet  popular  precious  prestigious  prized  respected  revered  reverenced  treasured  valued  venerated  well-beloved  well-considered  well-liked  well-thought-of  worshiped  
adoring  Christian  Christianlike  Christianly  admiring  adorant  affectionate  apotheosizing  awed  awestricken  awestruck  believing  conjugal  cultish  cultist  cultistic  deifying  demonstrative  devoted  devotional  devout  dutiful  faithful  filial  fond  hero-worshiping  husbandly  idolatrous  idolizing  imploring  in awe  in the dust  languishing  lovelorn  lovesick  lovesome  loving  maternal  melting  on bended knee  parental  paternal  pietistic  pious  prayerful  precative  precatory  prostrate before  religious  reverent  reverential  romantic  sentimental  soft  solemn  suppliant  supplicant  supplicatory  tender  theistic  uxorious  venerational  venerative  wifely  worshipful  worshiping  
adorn  array  beautify  become one  bedeck  bedizen  bestow honor upon  blazon  color  confer distinction on  convolute  dandify  deck  deck out  decorate  dignify  distinguish  dizen  doll up  dress  dress up  elaborate  embellish  emblazon  embroider  enhance  enrich  fancy up  festoon  fig out  fix up  flourish  furbish  garnish  gild  glamorize  grace  gussy up  heighten  honor  intensify  involve  load with ornament  ornament  overcharge  overlay  overload  paint  prank  prank up  preen  prettify  pretty up  primp  primp up  prink  prink up  redecorate  redo  refurbish  set off  set out  signalize  smarten  smarten up  spruce up  titivate  trick out  trick up  trim  varnish  
adorned  beaded  bedecked  bedizened  befrilled  bejeweled  beribboned  bespangled  colored  decked out  decorated  embellished  embroidered  fancy  feathered  festooned  figurative  figured  florid  flowered  flowery  garnished  jeweled  lush  luxuriant  ornamented  ornate  overcharged  overloaded  plumed  purple  spangled  spangly  studded  tricked out  trimmed  wreathed  
adornment  adjunct  arrangement  beauties  beautification  beauty treatment  color  color patterns  colors  colors of rhetoric  decor  decoration  elaboration  elegant variation  embellishment  emblazonment  emblazonry  embroidery  facial  figure  figure of speech  fine writing  floridity  floridness  flourish  flower arrangement  floweriness  flowers of speech  frill  furniture arrangement  garnish  garnishment  garniture  hairdressing  illumination  lushness  luxuriance  manicure  ornament  ornamentation  prettification  purple patches  trim  trimming  window dressing  

Boh Definition

(n.) A box, sheath, or covering
(n.) A box and its contents
(n.) A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
(n.) An inclosing frame
(n.) A small fissure which admits water to the workings.
(v. t.) To cover or protect with, or as with, a case
(v. t.) To strip the skin from
(n.) Chance
(n.) That which befalls, comes, or happens
(n.) A patient under treatment
(n.) The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law
(n.) One of the forms, or the inflections or changes of form, of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicate its relation to other words, and in the aggregate constitute its declension
(v. i.) To propose hypothetical cases.
(n.) The space between two principals or girders
(n.) One of the joists framed between a pair of girders in naked flooring.
Case knife
() A knife carried in a sheath or case.
Case knife
() A large table knife
Case shot
() A collection of small projectiles, inclosed in a case or canister.
(imp. & p. p.) of Deal
(n.) The covering of an insect, esp. the elytra of beetles.
(n.) A tumult
(n.) One who is unduly anxious about trifles.
(v. i.) To be overbusy or unduly anxious about trifles
(superl.) Large in space
(superl.) Large in number
(superl.) Long continued
(superl.) Superior
(superl.) Endowed with extraordinary powers
(superl.) Holding a chief position
(superl.) Entitled to earnest consideration
(superl.) Pregnant
(superl.) More than ordinary in degree
(superl.) Older, younger, or more remote, by single generation
(n.) The whole
(a.) Having a great belly
(n.) The child of one's grandson or granddaughter.
(n.) A daughter of one's grandson or granddaughter.
(n.) The father of one's grandfather or grandmother.
(n.) The mother of one's grandfather or grandmother.
(n.) A son of one's grandson or granddaughter.
(a.) High-spirited
(a.) Generous
(n.) The quality of being greathearted
(a.) Pertaining to, or kept in, the lower case
(n.) A companion
(v. t.) To cause to exist
(v. t.) To form of materials
(v. t.) To produce, as something artificial, unnatural, or false
(v. t.) To bring about
(v. t.) To execute with the requisite formalities

ado; fuss / to make a big thing out of sth.; to make a great to-do about sth. / with a great to-do / without more further ado / The case was dealt with speedily and without fuss. Bedeutung

thing a separate and selfontained entity
living thing
animate thing
a living (or once living) entity
thing an action, how could you do such a thing?
something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency
near thing something that barely avoids failure or disaster
the act of mixing cards haphazardly
a rapid active commotion
case load the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
active work of little value, while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork
case study a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view
trespass on the case an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss, a person struck by a log as it was thrown onto a road could maintain trespass against the thrower but one who was hurt by stumbling over it could maintain and action on the case
the enactment of a pretense, it was just pretend
Peasant's Revolt
Great Revolt
a widespread rebellion in against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed the poorer people of England, suppressed by Richard II
great care more attention and consideration than is normally bestowed by prudent persons, the pilot exercised great care in landing
a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy, the family brought suit against the landlord
antitrust case a legal action brought against parties who are charged with limiting free competition in the market place
custody case a legal action to determine custody (usually of children following a divorce)
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
World War I
World War
Great War
First World War
War to End War
a war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from to
great white shark
white shark
man-eating shark
Carcharodon carcharias
large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas, known to attack humans
blue shark
great blue shark
Prionace glauca
slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark, blue body shades to white belly, dangerous especially during maritime disasters
great bowerbird
Chlamydera nuchalis
large bowerbird of northern Australia
great horned owl
Bubo virginianus
brown North American horned owl
great grey owl
great gray owl
Strix nebulosa
large dish-faced owl of northern North America and western Eurasia
giant kangaroo
great grey kangaroo
Macropus giganteus
very large greyish-brown Australian kangaroo formerly abundant in open wooded areas
great blue heron
Ardea herodius
large American heron having bluish-grey plumage
great white heron Ardea occidentalis large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys
great white heron Casmerodius albus widely distributed Old World white egret
American egret
great white heron Egretta albus
a common egret of the genus Egretta found in America, it is a variety of the Old World white egret Casmerodius albus
great bustard
Otis tarda
largest European land bird
great snipe
woodcock snipe Gallinago media
Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe
black-backed gull
great black-backed gull
cob Larus marinus
white gull having a black back and wings
great skua
Catharacta skua
large brown skua of the northern Atlantic
great auk
Pinguinus impennis
large flightless auk of rocky islands off northern Atlantic coasts, extinct
great crested grebe
Podiceps cristatus
large Old World grebe with black ear tufts
Great Dane very large powerful smoothoated breed of dog
Great Pyrenees bred of large heavyoated white dogs resembling the Newfoundland
wing case
either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
ant bear giant anteater
great anteater
Myrmecophaga jubata
large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws, of South America
great ape
any of the large anthropoid apes of the family Pongidae
great barracuda
Sphyraena barracuda
large (up to ft) greyish-brown barracuda highly regarded as a food and sport fish, may be dangerous to swimmers
attache case
a shallow and rectangular briefcase
case a portable container for carrying several objects, the musicians left their instrument cases backstage
case display case
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
case pillowcase
slip pillow slip
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow, the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase
case compositor's case
typesetter's case
(printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers, for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters
case knife sheath knife a knife with a fixed blade that is carried in a sheath
case knife a metal blade with a handle, used as cutlery
case shot
canister canister shot
a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
the enclosing frame around a door or window opening, the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced
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