
Brain Truster Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Brain-Truster m
brain truster Am.
Brain-Truster m
brain truster Am.
Brain-Truster m
brain truster Am.
Trab m
im Trab
gleichmäßiger Trab
at a trot
jog trot
Trab m, Trott m
jdn. ständig auf Trab halten
to run sb. off his feet
aufschrecken v
jdn. auf Trab bringen ugs.
to jolt
to jolt sb. into action
Er hält uns ständig auf Trab.
He keeps us on the go.
Trab, trotten
Bewegung f
in Bewegung; auf Achse ugs.
auf Achse sein; auf Trab sein ugs.
Ich war den ganzen Tag auf Achse.
jdn. auf Trab halten
Unsere vier Kinder halten uns auf Trab.
on the move
to be on the move; to be on the go
I've been on the go trot Br. all day.
to keep sb. on the move go
Having four children keeps us on the go.
Trab m; Trott m
jdn. ständig auf Trab halten
to run sb. off his feet
jdm. etw. den Anstoß zu etw. geben; jdn. schlagartig abrupt in etw. befördern v übtr.
die Dinge in Gang bringen
jdn. aktiv werden lassen; auf Trab bringen ugs.; jdn. für etw. mobilisieren; etw. mobilisieren v
schlagartig in die Realität zurückgeholt werden
der Wirtschaft einen Wachstumsschub geben
den Anstoß zu einer neuen Sicht auf die Welt geben
Die neuen Herausgeber wollen die Zeitschrift mit einem Schlag ins 21. Jahrhundert befördern.
to jolt sb. sth. into sth. fig.
to jolt things into motion
to jolt sb. into action
to be jolted back into reality
to jolt the economy into growth
to jolt sb. into seeing the world in a different way
The new editors want to jolt the magazine into the 21st century.
Trab m
gleichmäßiger Trab
im Trab
jog trot
at a trot
jdn. aktiv werden lassen; auf Trab bringen ugs.; jdn. für etw. mobilisieren; etw. mobilisieren v
im Internet Unterstützung mobilisieren
die öffentliche Meinung gegen das Projekt mobilisieren
Die drohende Schließung ließ die Eltern aktiv werden.
to galvanize galvanise Br. sb. into action; to galvanize galvanise Br. sb. into sth. into doing sth.; to galvanize galvanise Br. sth.
to galvanize support on the Internet
to galvanize public opinion against the project
The threat of closure galvanized parents into action.
Trabant m
Trabant m auto
Satellit m; Trabant m astron.
Satelliten pl; Trabanten pl
satellite; secondary
satellites; secondaries
natürlicher Satellit m; Trabant m; Mond m (der sich in einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper bewegt) astron.
natürliche Satelliten pl; Trabanten pl; Monde pl
Quasisatellit m
natural satellite; secondary planet; moon (moving in orbit round a celestial body)
natural satellites; secondary planets; moons
Trabant m; Rennpappe f humor. (DDR-Automarke) auto hist.
Trabantenstadt f
Trabantenstädte pl
satellite town
satellite towns
Trabantenstadt f
overspill town
satellite town
Satellitenstadt f; Trabantenstadt f soc.
Satellitenstädte pl; Trabantenstädte pl
satellite commuter town; satellite town; satellite city; overspill town
satellite commuter towns; satellite towns; satellite cities; overspill towns
satellite towns
Trabantenstation f comp.
Trabantenstationen pl
tributary station
tributary stations
traben, locker laufen v
trabend, locker laufend
getrabt, locker gelaufen
to lope
trotten, traben
trottend, trabend
getrottet, getrabt
to trot
traben; locker laufen v
trabend; locker laufend
getrabt; locker gelaufen
to lope
trotten; traben v
trottend; trabend
getrottet; getrabt
to trot; to jog-trot
trotting; jog-trotting
trotted; jog-trotted
Traber m
Traber pl
Trabrennstrecke f; Trabrennbahn f sport
Trabrennstrecken pl; Trabrennbahnen pl
trotting track; harness race track; harness track; trotting course; harness course; harness raceway; raceway
trotting tracks; harness race tracks; harness tracks; trotting courses; harness courses; harness raceways; raceways
Trabrennen n
trotting (race)
Trabrennen, trottend
trotting race
Trabrennen n
trotting; trotting race
(einzelnes) Pferderennen n sport
Pferderennen pl
Galopprennen n
Trabrennen n
horse race
horse races
flat race
trotting race; harness race
der Trabrennsport m; das Trabrennen n sport
trotting; harness racing
Trabrennfahrer m sport
Trabrennfahrer pl
sulky driver
sulky drivers
Rennpferd n
Rennpferde pl
Gallopprennpferd n
Trabrennpferd n
racehorse; race horse
racehorses; race horses
flat race horse
harness race horse; trotting race horse
(einspänniger) Trabrennwagen m sport
Trabrennwagen pl
Trabsport m (Pferdesport) sport
der Trabsport m (Pferderennen) sport
trotting (horse racing)
Tracer m, Indikator m, Fühler m
radioaktiver Tracer, radioaktiver Indikator
radioactive tracer
Tracer m; Indikator m; Fühler m
radioaktiver Tracer; radioaktiver Indikator
radioactive tracer
Indikator m; Fühler m; Tracer m chem. phys. techn.
Indikatoren pl; Fühler pl; Tracer pl
radioaktiver Indikator
radioactive tracer
Kristalltracht f; Trache f min.
tracht of crystal
Luftröhre f; Trachea f anat.
Luftröhren pl
trachea; windpipe
tracheae; windpipes
Trachealkanüle f med.
tracheostomy tube
Intubationstubus m; Tubus m med.
Narkosetubus m; Endotrachealtubus m; Trachealtubus m; Trachealkanüle f
intubation tube
anaesthetic airway Br.; anesthetic airway Am.; anaesthetic tube Br.; anesthetic tube Am.; tracheal tube; tubus
Trachee f (Atmungsorgan der Insekten) anat.
Tracheitis f, Entzündung der Luftröhrenschleimhaut med.
Tracheitis f; Entzündung der Luftröhrenschleimhaut med.
Ohrengeier m (Aegypius tracheliotus Torgos tracheliotus) ornith.
lappet-faced vulture; Nubian vulture
Nackenschmerzen pl; Nackenschmerz m; Halsmuskelschmerz m; Trachelodynie f med.
neck pain; cervicodynia; trachelodynia
Buchstaben-Schmuckschildkröten pl (Trachemys) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
slider turtles; sliders (zoological genus)
Schleimhautausstülpung f; Schleimhauttasche f; Divertikel n (Ausstülpung eines Hohlorgans) anat. med.
Schleimhautausstülpungen pl; Schleimhauttaschen pl; Divertikel pl
allantoenterisches Divertikel
Blasendivertikel n
Blinddarmdivertikel n; Appendixdivertikel n
Dickdarmdivertikel n; Colondivertikel n
echtes falsches Divertikel
epiphrenisches Divertikel
Harnröhrendivertikel n; Urethra-Divertikel n
Killian'sches Divertikel
Kirchner'sches Divertikel
Leberdivertikel n
Magendivertikel n
Meckel'sches Divertikel
Nuck'sches Divertikel
pharyngo-ösophageales Divertikel; Zenker'sches Divertikel
Rokitansky'sches Divertikel
supradiaphragmatisches Divertikel
tracheobronchiales Divertikel
ventrikuläres Divertikel
zervikales Divertikel
outpouching; pouch; diverticulum
outpouchings; pouches; diverticula
allanto-enteric diverticulum
diverticulum of the bladder; bladder diverticulum; vesical diverticulum
diverticulum of the appendix
diverticulum of the colon; colon diverticulum
true false diverticulum
epiphrenic diverticulum
urethral diverticulum
Killian's diverticulum
Kirchner's diverticulum
diverticulum of the liver; liver diverticulum; hepatic diverticulum
diverticulum of the stomach
Meckel's diverticulum
Nuck's diverticulum
pharyngo-oesophageal diverticulum; pharyngeal diverticulum; Zenker's pouch
Rokitansky's diverticulum
supradiaphragmatic diverticulum
tracheobronchial diverticulum
ventricular diverticulum
cervical diverticulum
Tracheostoma n (operativ angelegte Öffnung zur Luftröhre) med.
Tracheotomie f; Luftröhrenschnitt m med.
Einführen n eines Schlauches einer Schlauchsonde; Sondeneinführung f; Tubuseinführung f; Intubation f med.
gastrointestinale Sondeneinführung
eine Intubation in Tracheotomiebereitschaft durchführen
inserting a tube; intubation
gastro-intestinal intubation
to carry out an intubation with an emergency tracheostomy tray at hand
Petermännchen pl (Trachinidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
weeverfish; weevers (zoological family)
Bindehautentzündung f, Trachom n med.
Bindehautentzündung f; Trachom n med.
Tracht f
Trachten pl
traditional costume, national costume, dress
traditional costumes, national costumes, dresses
Tracht f
Trachten pl
Tracht f
Trachten pl
Tracht tragend
liveried, wearing livery
Tracht Prügel
eine Tracht Prügel erhalten
eine Tracht Prügel verabreichen
flogging, pounding, hiding, drubbing, whipping
to get the stick
to give the stick
Tracht Pruegel
traditional costume

Deutsche Brain Truster Synonyme

brain damage  aberration  abnormality  alienation  brainsickness  clouded mind  craziness  daftness  dementedness  dementia  
brain trust  British Cabinet  Sanhedrin  US Cabinet  advisory body  assembly  association  bench  board  body of advisers  
brain wave  automatic response  blind impulse  brainstorm  drive  fancy  flash  fleeting impulse  gut response  impulse  
brain  Vernunft  abdomen  acumen  afferent neuron  anus  appendix  autonomic nervous system  axon  bean  
truster  Christian  God-fearing man  accepter  believer  catechumen  churchgoer  churchite  churchman  communicant  

Englische brain truster Synonyme

brain  Vernunft  abdomen  acumen  afferent neuron  anus  appendix  autonomic nervous system  axon  bean  blind gut  blow to pieces  blow up  bowels  brains  bring down  burn to death  capacity  cecum  central nervous system  cerebral cortex  cognition  colon  conception  consciousness  craniosacral nervous system  cut down  cut to pieces  deal a deathblow  dendrite  discernment  discourse of reason  discursive reason  disintegrate  drop  duodenum  effector organ  efferent neuron  encephalon  endocardium  entrails  esprit  fell  foregut  frag  ganglion  genius  giblets  give the quietus  gizzard  gray matter  gun down  guts  head  headpiece  heart  hindgut  imagination  incinerate  innards  inner mechanism  insides  intellect  intellection  intellectual  intellectual faculty  intelligence  internals  internuncial neuron  intestine  inwards  jejunum  jugulate  kidney  kishkes  knowledge  lapidate  large intestine  lay low  leader  liver  liver and lights  lung  mastermind  medullary sheath  mens  mental capacity  mentality  midgut  mind  mother wit  nerve  nerve trunk  nervous system  neuron  noddle  noggin  noodle  nous  organ of thought  pate  perception  perceptiveness  percipience  perineum  peripheral nervous system  perspicacity  pistol  planner  plexus  poleax  power of reason  psyche  pump  pylorus  ratio  rationality  reason  reasoning  reasoning faculty  rectum  riddle  sagacity  sconce  seat of thought  sensation  sense  sensorium  sensory  sensory area  sensory cell  shoot  shoot down  shoot to death  shotgun  silence  small intestine  smarts  solar plexus  spinal cord  spleen  stab to death  stomach  stone  stone to death  strike dead  synapse  thoracolumbar nervous system  thought  ticker  tripes  understanding  vaporize  vermiform appendix  viscera  vitals  white matter  wisdom  wise man  wit  works  
brain damage  aberration  abnormality  alienation  brainsickness  clouded mind  craziness  daftness  dementedness  dementia  derangement  disorientation  distraction  folie  furor  insaneness  insanity  irrationality  loss of mind  loss of reason  lunacy  madness  mania  mental deficiency  mental derangement  mental disease  mental disorder  mental disturbance  mental illness  mental instability  mental sickness  mind overthrown  mindsickness  oddness  pixilation  possession  queerness  rabidness  reasonlessness  senselessness  shattered mind  sick mind  sickness  strangeness  unbalance  unbalanced mind  unsaneness  unsound mind  unsoundness  unsoundness of mind  witlessness  
brain trust  British Cabinet  Sanhedrin  US Cabinet  advisory body  assembly  association  bench  board  body of advisers  borough council  cabinet  camarilla  chamber  city council  common council  conference  congress  consultative assembly  council  council fire  council of ministers  council of state  council of war  county council  court  deliberative assembly  diet  directory  divan  junta  kitchen cabinet  legislature  parish council  privy council  soviet  staff  syndicate  synod  tribunal  
brain wave  automatic response  blind impulse  brainstorm  drive  fancy  flash  fleeting impulse  gut response  impulse  inspiration  instinct  involuntary impulse  natural impulse  notion  quick hunch  reflex  sudden thought  urge  
brainchild  apparition  art object  article  artifact  autograph  brainstorm  bric-a-brac  bright idea  bright thought  brilliant idea  bubble  child  chimera  classic  coinage  composition  computer printout  concoction  contrivance  copy  creation  creature  crowning achievement  delirium  design  distillation  document  draft  edited version  effect  eidolon  end product  engrossment  essay  essence  extract  fair copy  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fiction  figment  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  fruit  good idea  grotesque  hallucination  handiwork  holograph  idle fancy  illusion  imagery  imagination  imagining  inspiration  insubstantial image  invention  issue  kitsch  letter  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  lucubration  maggot  make-believe  manufacture  manuscript  master  masterpiece  masterwork  matter  mintage  mobile  museum piece  myth  new mintage  nonfiction  nude  offspring  old master  opera  opus  opuscule  original  origination  outcome  outgrowth  paper  parchment  pasticcio  pastiche  penscript  phantasm  phantom  piece  piece of virtu  piece of writing  play  poem  printed matter  printout  product  production  reading matter  recension  result  romance  screed  scrip  script  scrive  scroll  second draft  sick fancy  stabile  statue  still life  study  the written word  thick-coming fancies  transcript  transcription  trip  typescript  vapor  version  virtu  vision  whim  whimsy  wildest dreams  work  work of art  writing  
brainless  apish  asinine  batty  befooled  beguiled  besotted  buffoonish  cockeyed  crazy  credulous  daffy  daft  dazed  dizzy  doting  dumb  empty-headed  fatuitous  fatuous  featherbrained  featherheaded  flaky  fluttery  fond  fool  foolheaded  foolish  frivolous  fuddled  futile  gaga  giddy  giddy-brained  giddy-headed  giddy-pated  giddy-witted  goofy  gulled  harebrain  harebrained  headless  idiotic  ignorant  imbecile  inane  inept  infatuated  insane  insensate  irrational  kooky  lackbrained  lean-minded  lean-witted  loony  mad  maudlin  mindless  moronic  nitwitted  not bright  nutty  of little brain  pea-brained  pin-brained  rattlebrained  rattleheaded  rattlepated  reasonless  sappy  scatterbrained  scramblebrained  screwy  senseless  sentimental  shatterbrained  silly  slackminded  slackwitted  stupid  thoughtless  ungifted  unintellectual  unintelligent  unreasoning  untalented  unthinking  unwise  unwitty  wacky  weak-minded  wet  witless  
brainstorm  absurd idea  afebrile delirium  automatic response  blind impulse  boutade  brain wave  brainchild  bright idea  bright thought  brilliant idea  capriccio  caprice  conceit  crank  craze  crazy idea  crotchet  deliriousness  delirium  drive  fad  fancy  fantastic notion  fantasy  flash  fleeting impulse  flimflam  fool notion  freak  freakish inspiration  good idea  gut response  harebrained idea  humor  impulse  incoherence  inspiration  instinct  involuntary impulse  kink  lingual delirium  maggot  megrim  natural impulse  notion  passing fancy  quick hunch  quirk  ranting  raving  reflex  sudden thought  toy  urge  vagary  wandering  whim  whim-wham  whimsy  
brainwash  alienate  beat into  catechize  condition  corrupt  counterindoctrinate  imbue  implant  impregnate  impress  inculcate  indoctrinate  infix  infuse  inoculate  instill  program  reindoctrinate  subvert  win away  
brainwork  abstract thought  act of thought  application  boning  cerebration  cogitation  conceit  conception  conceptualization  conning  contemplation  cram  cramming  creative thought  deliberation  drill  engrossment  excogitation  exercise  extensive study  grind  grinding  headwork  heavy thinking  idea  ideation  imageless thought  inspection  intellection  intellectual exercise  intellectualization  lucubration  mental act  mental labor  mental process  mentation  noesis  perusal  practice  ratiocination  reading  reasoning  reflection  restudy  restudying  review  speculation  straight thinking  study  studying  subject  swotting  thinking  thinking aloud  thinking out  thought  wide reading  
brainy  adroit  alert  apt  bright  brilliant  clever  dexterous  gifted  keen  keen-witted  knowing  nimble  nimble-witted  no dumbbell  not born yesterday  quick  quick-thinking  quick-witted  scintillating  sharp  sharp-witted  smart  steel-trap  talented  

Brain Truster Definition

(n.) Alt. of Addle-pate
(n.) The whitish mass of soft matter (the center of the nervous system, and the seat of consciousness and volition) which is inclosed in the cartilaginous or bony cranium of vertebrate animals. It is simply the anterior termination of the spinal cord, and is developed from three embryonic vesicles, whose cavities are connected with the central canal of the cord
(n.) The anterior or cephalic ganglion in insects and other invertebrates.
(n.) The organ or seat of intellect
(n.) The affections
(v. t.) To dash out the brains of
(v. t.) To conceive
(n.) A giddy or thoughtless person
(n.) One who trusts, or credits.
(n.) One who makes a trust
(n.) The thalamen/cephalon.
Water brain
() A disease of sheep

brain truster [Am.] Bedeutung

brain surgery any surgical procedure involving the brain
split-brain technique brain surgery on animals in which the corpus callosum (and sometimes the optic chiasm) is severed so that communication between the cerebral hemispheres is interrupted
brain drain depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel
brain coral massive reef-building coral having a convoluted and furrowed surface
brain cell a nerve cell in the brain
left hemisphere
left brain
the cerebral hemisphere to the left of the corpus callosum that controls the right half of the body
right hemisphere
right brain
the cerebral hemisphere to the right of the corpus callosum that controls the left half of the body
olfactory brain
a center in the cerebral hemispheres that governs the sense of smell in lower animals, in humans it seems to mediate complex emotional behavior
that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers, enclosed within the skull, continuous with the spinal cord
limbic system
visceral brain
limbic brain
a system of functionally related neural structures in the brain that are involved in emotional behavior
brain stem
the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus
brain psyche
that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason, his mind wandered, I couldn't get his words out of my head
learning ability
mental capacity
mental ability, he's got plenty of brains but no common sense
brain science the branch of neuroscience concerned with the brain
a difficult problem
brain the brain of certain animals used as meat
calf's brain the brain of a calf eaten as meat
kitchen cabinet
brain trust
an inner circle of unofficial advisors to the head of a government
blood-brain barrier a mechanism that creates a barrier between brain tissues and circulating blood, serves to protect the central nervous system, the brain was protected from the large molecules of the virus by the blood-brain barrier
backroom boy
brain truster
an expert adviser involved in making important decisions but usually lacking official status
believer truster a supporter who accepts something as true
someone whose profession involves using his head to solve problems
mastermind brain
someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality, Mozart was a child genius, he's smart but he's no Einstein
brain doctor
a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
brain surgeon
someone who does surgery on the nervous system (especially the brain)
brain wave
cortical potential
(neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectable with an electroencephalograph
brain death
cerebral death
death when respiration and other reflexes are absent, consciousness is gone, organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops
Gyromitra esculenta
brain mushroom
beefsteak morel
a poisonous gyromitra, the surface of the fertile body is smooth at first and becomes progressively undulating and wrinkled (but never truly pitted), color varies from dull yellow to brown
mental exhaustion
exhaustion that affects mental keenness
acute brain disorder
acute organic brain syndrome
any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an otherwise normal person that is due to reversible (temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head injuries or drugs or infection)
attention deficit disorder
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
hyperkinetic syndrome
minimal brain dysfunction
minimal brain damage
a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders
brain damage injury to the brain that impairs its functions (especially permanently), can be caused by trauma to the head, infection, hemorrhage, inadequate oxygen, genetic abnormality, etc.
brain disorder
brain disease
any disorder or disease of the brain
cerebrospinal meningitis
epidemic meningitis
brain fever
cerebrospinal fever
meningitis caused by bacteria and often fatal
organic brain syndrome mental abnormality resulting from disturbance of the structure or function of the brain
brain tumor
brain tumour
a tumor in the brain
cerebral edema
brain edema
swelling of the brain due to the uptake of water in the neuropile and white matter
brain sugar
a simple sugar found in lactose
brain kill by smashing someone's skull
brain hit on the head
brain dead having irreversible loss of brain function as indicated by a persistent flat electroencephalogram, was declared brain dead
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