
Breitschwanzsylphe Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Breitschwanzsylphe f ornith.
Bronze-tailed Comet
Breitschwanzsylphe f ornith.
Bronze-tailed Comet
talking a round
to persuade
jdn. breitschlagen (überreden) (zu etw.) v
sich breitschlagen lassen
Ich werde sie schon breitschlagen.
to talk sb. (a)round (to sth.); to talk sb. into sth.
to let oneself be talked around
I'll be able to talk her into it.
jdn. herumkriegen; breitschlagen; bequatschen Dt.; zu etw. überreden v
herumkriegend; breitschlagend; bequatschend; überredend
herumgekriegt; breitgeschlagen; bequatscht; überredet
Sie ist dagegen, aber ich krieg sie schon herum.
Er konnte seinen Parteikollegen nicht überreden, eine Abstimmungsempfehlung für einen Austritt abzugeben.
Ich wollte eigentlich nicht mitgehen, aber sie hat mich breitgeschlagen bequatscht.
So leicht kriegst du mich nicht herum.
to bring round () sb. Br.; to get round () sb. Br.; to talk round () sb. Br.; to bring around () sb. Am.; to get around () sb. Am.; to talk around () sb. Am. to sth. to do sth.
bringing round; getting round; talking round; bringing around; getting around; talking around
brought round; got round; talked round; brought around; got around; talked around
She's against the idea, but I'm sure I can get her around.
He couldn't bring his party colleague round to recommend an 'out' vote.
I didn't really want to go, but she talked me round.
You're not getting round me that easily.
nachgeben; einlenken geh.; seinen Widerstand aufgeben; sich breitschlagen lassen; sich erweichen lassen v
nachgebend; einlenkend; seinen Widerstand aufgebend; sich breitschlagen lassend; sich erweichen lassend
nachgegeben; eingelenkt; seinen Widerstand aufgegeben; sich breitschlagen lassen; sich erweichen lassen
der Versuchung nachgeben
jds. Bitte schließlich (doch) nachkommen
Er musterte sie eine Minute lang bevor er nachgab.
Mein Antrag wurde zunächst abgelehnt, aber die Stadt lenkte schließlich (doch) ein.
Schließlich ließ sie sich breitschlagen und begann zu singen.
Erst als die Polizei mit einer Geldstrafe drohte, gab er seinen Widerstand auf.
Lass dich nicht erweichen, auch wenn die Kinder noch so betteln.
Mein Chef hatte ein Einsehen und gab mir frei.
to give in; to relent formal (abandon a severe attitude)
giving in; relenting
given in; relented
to give in to the temptation
to give in to sb.'s request; to relent to sb.'s request
He studied her for a minute before finally giving in relenting.
My application was initially refused, but the city relented in the end.
She finally relented and started singing.
Only when police threatened him with a fine did he relent.
Don't give in even when the children insist.
My boss relented and let me have the time off.
Breitschnabel-Lummensturmvogel m ornith.
Georgian Diving Petrel
Kurzschwanz-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Stub-tailed Spadebill
Goldkopf-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Golden-crowned Spadebill
Gelbkehl-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Yellow-throated Spadebill
Rotflügel-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Russet-winged Spadebill
Weißkehl-Breitschnabel m ornith.
White-throated Spadebill
Silberkopf-Breitschnabel m ornith.
White-crested Spadebill
Zimtkopf-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Cinnamon-crested Spadebill
Rotschwanz-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Rufous-tailed Flatbill
Gelbbauch-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Yellow-breasted Flycatcher
Schieferkopf-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Grey-crowned Flycatcher
Olivscheitel-Breitschnabel m ornith.
Yellow-olive Flycatcher
Breitschnabel-Staffelschwanz m ornith.
Broad-billed Wren Warbler
Breitschnabel-Stirnvogel m ornith.
Band-tailed Oropendola
Chenorhamphus-Staffelschwänze pl (Chenorhamphus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Breitschnabel-Staffelschwanz m (Chenorhamphus grayi)
Campbell-Staffelschwanz m (Chenorhamphus campbelli)
chenorhamphus fairywrens (zoological genus)
broad-billed fairywren
Campbell's fairywren
Entensturmvögel pl; Pachyptila-Walvögel pl (Pachyptila) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Kleiner Entensturmvogel m (Pachyptila salvini)
Großer Entensturmvogel m; Breitschnabel-Walvogel m (Pachyptila vittata)
Dickschnabelsturmvogel m (Pachyptila crassirostris)
Dünnschnabelsturmvogel m; Belchersturmvogel m (Pachyptila belcheri)
Feensturmvogel m (Pachyptila turtur)
Taubensturmvogel m; Antarktis-Walvogel m (Pachyptila desolata)
pachyptila prions; pachyptila whalebirds (zoological genus)
medium-billed prion; Salvin's prion
broad-billed prion
fulmar prion
slender-billed prion; thin-billed prion; slender-billed whalebird; thin-billed whalebird
fairy prion
dove prion; Antarctic prion; Antarctic dove petrel; Antarctic whalebird
Breitschnabeldelfin m zool.
melon-headed whale, electra dolphin, little killer whale, many-toothed blackfish (Peponocephala electra)
Breitschnabeldelfin m (Peponocephala electra) zool.
melon-headed whale; electra dolphin; little killer whale; many-toothed blackfish
Breitschnabelkolibri m ornith.
Broad-billed Hummingbird
Breitschnabelmonarch m ornith.
Broad-billed Flycatcher
Breitschnabelpipra ornith.
Broad-billed Sapayoa
Breitschnabelpipra m ornith.
broad-billed sapayoa
Breitschnabelschnäpper m ornith.
Large-billed Niltava
Breitschnabeltodi ornith.
Broad-billed Tody
Breitschnabeltodi m ornith.
broad-billed tody
Breitschopfcoua ornith.
Southern Crested Madagascar Coucal
Breitschopfcoua m ornith.
southern crested Madagascar coucal
Breitschrift f
wide font
wide font
Schriftart f; Schrift f print
Schriftarten pl; Schriften pl
Schriftgarnitur f; Schriftfamilie f
Breitschrift f
ladbarer Zeichensatz m; ladbare Schriftart f; residente Schriftart f comp.
typeface; type; font; fount Br.
typefaces; types; fonts; founts
family of type
wide font
soft font; downloadable font; internal font
Schriftart f; Schrift f; Schrifttyp m print
Schriftarten pl; Schriften pl; Schrifttypen pl
Antiqua f
Breitschrift f
Schreibschriftart f; Schreibschrift f
Schriftgarnitur f; Schriftfamilie f
ladbarer Zeichensatz m; ladbare Schriftart f; residente Schriftart f comp.
typeface; type; font; fount Br.
typefaces; types; fonts; founts
roman type
wide font
script font; script
family of type
soft font; downloadable font; internal font
broad shouldered
breitschultrig adj
breitschultrig adj
Breitschwanz-Paradieshopf m ornith.
Black Sicklebill
Breitschwanzpipra ornith.
Round-tailed Manakin
Breitschwanzpipra m ornith.
round-tailed manakin
Breitschwanzschlüpfer m ornith.
Striated Softtail
Breitschwanzsylphe f ornith.
Bronze-tailed Comet
Eisenbahnschwelle f; Bahnschwelle f; Gleisschwelle f; Schwelle f (Bahn)
Eisenbahnschwellen pl; Bahnschwellen pl; Gleisschwellen pl; Schwellen pl
Betonschwelle f
Betonstützenschwelle f; Stützenschwelle f; Zweiblockschwelle f
Doppelschwelle f; Breitschwelle f; Kuppelstoßschwelle f; Kuppelschwelle f
Einblockbetonschwelle f; Einblockschwelle f; Monoblockbetonschwelle f; Monoblockschwelle f
Einblock-Spannbetonschwelle f
gummiummantelte Schwelle
Holzschwelle f
Langschwelle f
lose Schwelle
Querschwelle f
Rahmenschwelle f
Stahlbetonschwelle f
Weichenholzschwelle f; Weichenschwelle f
railway sleeper Br.; railroad tie Am.; cross-tie Am. (railway)
railway sleepers; railroad ties; cross-ties
concrete sleeper Br.; concrete tie Am.
double-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block sleeper Br. tie Am.; duo-block sleeper Br. tie Am.
twin sleeper Br.; twin tie Am.
monobloc concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; monobloc sleeper Br. tie Am.
monobloc prestressed-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
rubber-coated sleeper Br. tie Am.
wooden sleeper Br.; timber sleeper Br.; wooden tie Am.; timber tie Am. rare
dancing sleeper Br. tie Am.; pumping sleeper Br. tie Am.
cross sleeper Br.; tie-bar Am.
frame sleeper Br.; frame tie Am.
reinforced-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
crossing timber; switch timber Am.
Breitschwert n mil.
Breitschwerter pl
Breitschwingenkolibri m ornith.
Swallow-tailed Hummingbird

Deutsche Breitschwanzsylphe Synonyme

Englische Bronze-tailed Comet Synonyme

Breitschwanzsylphe Definition

(a.) An alloy of copper and tin, to which small proportions of other metals, especially zinc, are sometimes added. It is hard and sonorous, and is used for statues, bells, cannon, etc., the proportions of the ingredients being varied to suit the particular purposes. The varieties containing the higher proportions of tin are brittle, as in bell metal and speculum metal.
(a.) A statue, bust, etc., cast in bronze.
(a.) A yellowish or reddish brown, the color of bronze
(a.) Boldness
(n.) To give an appearance of bronze to, by a coating of bronze powder, or by other means
(n.) To make hard or unfeeling
(n.) A member of the solar system which usually moves in an elongated orbit, approaching very near to the sun in its perihelion, and receding to a very great distance from it at its aphelion. A comet commonly consists of three parts: the nucleus, the envelope, or coma, and the tail
(n.) Alt. of Comet- seeker
Comet- seeker
(n.) A telescope of low power, having a large field of view, used for finding comets.
(a.) Having the tail cropped.
(a.) Having the lower ends of garments defiled by trailing in mire or filth
(a.) Daggle-tailed
(a.) Untidy
(a.) Having an expanded, or fan-shaped, tail
(a.) Having the outer tail feathers longer than the median ones
(n.) A variety of bronze possessing great hardness, elasticity, and toughness, obtained by melting copper with tin phosphide. It contains one or two per cent of phosphorus and from five to fifteen per cent of tin.
(a.) Having a tapered tail, with the middle feathers longest
(a.) Having long and spatulate, or racket-shaped, tail feathers.
(a.) Having a long, tapering tail like that of a rat.
(a.) Having a red tail.
(a.) Having the tail crossed by conspicuous bands of color.
(a.) Having the tail, or lower part of the body, bright red.
(a.) Having the outer feathers much the longest, the others decreasing regularly to the median ones.
(a.) Having the tail quills ending in sharp, naked tips.
(a.) Having the quill feathers of the tail somewhat rigid.
(a.) Having a short, thick tail.
(a.) Having a tail like that of a swallow
(a.) United by dovetailing
(a.) Having a tail
(a.) Having a tail which has the middle pair of feathers longest, the rest successively and decidedly shorter, and all more or less attenuate
(a.) Having some or all of the tail quills terminated in a long, slender, pointed shaft, without a web or barbules.

Bronze-tailed Comet Bedeutung

green-tailed towhee
Chlorura chlorura
towhee of the Rocky Mountains
redtail red-tailed hawk
Buteo jamaicensis
dark brown American hawk species having a reddish-brown tail
swallow-tailed kite
swallow-tailed hawk
Elanoides forficatus
graceful North American black-and-white kite
white-tailed kite
Elanus leucurus
grey-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions
grey sea eagle
gray sea eagle
European sea eagle
white-tailed sea eagle
Haliatus albicilla
bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail, of Europe and Greenland
tailed frog
bell toad
ribbed toad
tailed toad
Ascaphus trui
western North American frog with a taillike copulatory organ
zebra-tailed lizard
gridiron-tailed lizard
Callisaurus draconoides
swift lizard with long black-banded tail and long legs, of deserts of United States and Mexico
sharp-tailed grouse
sprig tail
Pedioecetes phasianellus
large grouse of prairies and open forests of western North America
band-tailed pigeon
band-tail pigeon
Columba fasciata
wild pigeon of western North America, often mistaken for the now extinct passenger pigeon
pin-tailed sandgrouse
pin-tailed grouse
Pterocles alchata
sandgrouse of Europe and Africa having elongated middle tail feathers
pintail pin-tailed duck
Anas acuta
long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers
nail-tailed wallaby
nail-tailed kangaroo
small wallabies with a horny nail on the tip of the tail
brush-tailed phalanger
Trichosurus vulpecula
bushy-tailed phalanger
brewer's mole
hair-tailed mole
Parascalops breweri
mole of eastern North America
short-tailed shrew
Blarina brevicauda
North American shrew with tail less than half its body length
slender-tailed meerkat
Suricata suricatta
a meerkat with a thin and elongated tail
free-tailed bat
freetailed bat
small swift insectivorous bat with leathery ears and a long tail, common in warm regions
white-tailed jackrabbit
whitetail jackrabbit
Lepus townsendi
largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States, brownish-grey in summer and pale grey in winter, tail nearly always all white
round-tailed muskrat
Florida water rat
Neofiber alleni
of Florida wetlands
brush-tailed porcupine
brush-tail porcupine
porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail
long-tailed porcupine
Trichys lipura
porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail
Virginia deer
white tail
white-tailed deer
whitetail deer
Odocoileus Virginianus
common North American deer, tail has a white underside
black-tailed deer
blacktail deer
Odocoileus hemionus columbianus
mule deer of western Rocky Mountains
longtail weasel
long-tailed weasel
Mustela frenata
the common American weasel distinguished by large size and black-tipped tail
pen-tailed tree shrew
brown tree shrew having a naked tail bilaterally fringed with long stiff hairs on the distal third, of Malaysia
Madagascar cat
ring-tailed lemur
Lemur catta
small lemur having its tail barred with black
a bassarisk
coon cat raccoon fox
ringtail ring-tailed cat
civet cat miner's cat
Bassariscus astutus
raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings
bronze a sculpture made of bronze
bronze medal a trophy made of bronze (or having the appearance of bronze) that is usually awarded for winning third place in a competition
four-tailed bandage a bandage consisting of a strip of cloth split in two on both ends, the central part is placed under the chin to restrict motion of the mandible and the tails are tied over the top of the head
swallow-tailed coat
morning coat
a man's full-dress jacket with two long tapering tails at the back
Bronze Star Medal
Bronze Star
a United States military decoration awarded for meritorious service (except in aerial flight)
comet (astronomy) a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit
bronze an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements, also any copper-base alloy containing other elements in place of tin
phosphor bronze a corrosionesistant bronze containing phosphorus, used in bearings and gears
alpha bronze an alloy of copper and tin that can be worked
aluminum bronze
aluminium bronze
an alloy of copper and aluminum with high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion
beryllium bronze a copper-base alloy containing beryllium
leaded bronze bronze to which -% lead is added
manganese bronze
high-strength brass
a brass with from -% manganese to harden it
naval brass
Admiralty brass
Admiralty Metal
Tobin bronze
alpha-beta brass containing tin, resistant to sea water, Admiralty Metal is a trademark
nickel bronze a bronze containing up to % nickel
silicon bronze a bronze with -% silicon that is resistant to corrosion
bronze age (classical mythology) the third age of the world, marked by war and violence
Bronze Age (archeology) a period between the Stone and Iron Ages, characterized by the manufacture and use of bronze tools and weapons
get a tan, from wind or sun
bronze give the color and appearance of bronze to something, bronze baby shoes
naked-tailed having a tail that is hairless
tailed having a tail of a specified kind, often used in combination
scaly-tailed having a scaly tail
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