
Brief Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Briefadel m
title of nobility conferred by letters patent
Briefadel m soc.
nobility (granted) by letters patent; nobility by writ
Anlage f (im Brief), Briefanlage f, Anhang m, Beilage f
Anlagen pl, Briefanlagen pl, Anhänge pl, Beilagen pl
in der Anlage übersenden wir Ihnen
attached please find
Anlage f Anl. (im Brief); Briefanlage f; Anhang m; Beilage f
Anlagen pl; Briefanlagen pl; Anhänge pl; Beilagen pl
enclosure enc.
Anlage f Anl. (im Brief); Briefanlage f; Anhang m; Beilage f
Anlagen pl; Briefanlagen pl; Anhänge pl; Beilagen pl
enclosure enc.
Anrede f; Gruß m; Grußformel f; Grußzeile f
Anreden pl; Grüße pl; Grußformeln pl; Grußzeilen pl
(persönliche) Briefanrede f
(personal) letter salutation; (personal) salutation in a the letter
brieflich; briefartig; Brief... adj
der briefartige Aufbau des Romans
the epistolary structure of the novel
brieflich; briefartig; Brief… adj
der briefartige Aufbau des Romans
the epistolary structure of the novel
Briefbeschwerer m
paper weight
paper weight
Briefbeschwerer m
Briefbeschwerer pl
paper weight
paper weights
Briefbeutel m
Briefbildsender m
Briefbogen m
(a sheet of) letter paper, writing paper, note paper
Briefbogen m
(a sheet of) letter paper; writing paper; note paper
Briefbombe f
Briefbomben pl
letter bomb; post bomb; mail bomb Am.
letter bombs; post bombs; mail bombs
Briefbombenattentäter m; Briefbombenattentäterin f
Briefbombenattentäter pl; Briefbombenattentäterinnen pl
letter bomber; post bomber; mail bomber Am.
letter bombers; post bombers; mail bombers
Briefdienst m econ.
letter service
Brief m, Schreiben n
Briefe pl
offener Brief
eigenhändiger Brief
einen Brief schreiben
Briefe austragen
obszöner, verleumderischer Brief
blauer Brief ugs., Kündigungsschreiben n, Kündigungsmitteilung f
Brief einer Frau an ihren Mann oder Freund, mit dem sie die Liebesbeziehung beendet
Brief eines Mannes an seine Frau oder Freundin, mit dem er die Liebesbeziehung beendet
open letter
autograph letter
to write a letter
to deliver letters
poison-pen letter
pink slip coll.
Dear John letter
Dear Jane letter
ablegen (Briefe usw.), abheften v
ablegend, abheftend
abgelegt, abgeheftet
to file, to file away
filing, filing away
filed, filed away
Briefe austragen
deliver letters
Buchstaben, Briefe
Briefe austragen
to deliver letters
alle eingegangenen Briefe
all letters received
unsere Briefe haben sich gekreuzt
our letter must have crossed yours
die Apostelbriefe pl relig.
die Briefe des Petrus Paulus Jakobus Johannes Judas
der Brief an Titus
der Brief an Philemon
der Brief an die Galater
der Brief an die Epheser
der Brief an die Philipper
der Brief an die Kolosser
der Brief an die Hebräer
die Briefe an Timotheus; die Timotheusbriefe
die Briefe an die Römer; die Römerbriefe
die Briefe an die Korinther; die Korintherbriefe
die Briefe an die Thessalonicher; die Thessalonicherbriefe
the Epistles
the Epistles of Peter Paul James John Jude
the Epistle to Titus
the Epistle to the Philemon
the Epistle to the Galatians
the Epistle to the Ephesians
the Epistle to the Philippians
the Epistle to the Colossians
the Epistle to the Hebrews
the Epistles to Timothy
the Epistles to the Romans
the Epistles to the Corinthians
the Epistles to the Thessalonians
Brief m; Schreiben n
Briefe pl
offener Brief
eigenhändiger Brief
einen Brief schreiben
einen Brief senden
Briefe austragen
nicht persönlich adressiertes Schreiben adm.
obszöner verleumderischer Brief
hasserfüllte Briefe
den blauer Brief bekommen ugs. (Kündigungsschreiben)
open letter
autograph letter
to write a letter
to send a letter
to deliver letters
'to whom it may concern' letter
poison-pen letter
hate mail
to get be given your card Br.; to get be given the pink slip Am. (letter of dismissal)
Brief m; Sendschreiben n relig.
Briefe pl; Sendschreiben pl
Irrläufer m; falsch zugestellter Brief
Irrläufer pl; falsch zugestellte Briefe
stray letter; misdirected mail; letter delivered to the wrong address
stray letters; misdirected mails; letters delivered to the wrong addresses
Post f (Poststücke)
Fanpost f
Geschäftspost f
böse Briefe; gehässige Briefe
seine Post öffnen
die Post durchsehen
seine Post an eine Adresse seiner Wahl bekommen
Es liegt da ein Haufen Post auf dem Tisch.
Ist heute Post gekommen?
Ist die Post schon da?
War die Rechnung heute in der Post?; War die Rechnung heute bei der Post dabei?
Das Buch kam gestern mit der Post.
mail; post Br. (mail items)
fan mail
business mail
hate mail
to open your mail post Br.
to sort through the mail post Br.
to receive your mail at an address of your choice
There's a pile of mail post Br. on the table.
Did we get any mail today?
Has the mail come arrived yet?
Was the invoice in today's mail?
The book came in yesterday's mail.
Streichholz n; Zündholz n
Streichhölzer pl; Zündhölzer pl; Zünder pl Ös.
bengalisches Hölzchen
ein Streichholz anzünden
Darf ich Sie um ein Streichholz bitten?
Ich habe alle ihre Briefe in die Spüle gelegt und angezündet.
match; matchstick
matches; matchsticks
Bengal match
to light strike a match
May I trouble you for a match?
I put all her letters into the sink and put a match to them.
ablegen (Briefe usw.); abheften v
ablegend; abheftend
abgelegt; abgeheftet
to file; to file away
filing; filing away
filed; filed away
etw. zusammenstellen; zusammenfassen v
zusammenstellend; zusammenfassend
zusammengestellt; zusammengefasst
eine Liste möglicher Kandidaten zusammenstellen
ein Team von Wissenschaftlern zusammenstellen
Ihre Briefe wurden zu einem Buch zusammengefasst.
to assemble sth.
to assemble a list of possible candidates
to assemble a team of scientists
Her letters were assembled into a book.
Brief m; Schreiben n
Briefe pl
Informationsschreiben n
offener Brief
eigenhändiger Brief
einen Brief schreiben
einen Brief senden
Briefe austragen
nicht persönlich adressiertes Schreiben adm.
obszöner, verleumderischer Brief
hasserfüllte Briefe
den blauen Brief bekommen ugs. (Kündigungsschreiben)
information letter
open letter
autograph letter
to write a letter
to send a letter
to deliver letters
'to whom it may concern' letter
poison-pen letter
hate mail
to get be given your card Br.; to receive your marching orders Br.; to get be given the pink slip Am.; to receive your walking papers Am. (letter of dismissal)
Streichholz n; Zündholz n; Schwefelhölzchen n veraltet
Streichhölzer pl; Zündhölzer pl; Zünder pl Ös.; Schwefelhölzchen pl
bengalisches Hölzchen
ein Streichholz anzünden
Darf ich Sie um ein Streichholz bitten?
Ich habe alle ihre Briefe in die Spüle gelegt und angezündet.
match; matchstick
matches; matchsticks
Bengal match
to light strike a match
May I trouble you for a match?
I put all her letters into the sink and put a match to them.
etw. aufheben; aufbewahren geh. v
aufhebend; aufbewahrend
aufgehoben; aufbewahrt
Ich habe alle seine Briefe aufgehoben.
to keep sth.; to save sth.
keeping; saving
kept; saved
I've saved all his letters. Br.; I saved all his letters. Am.
Briefeinwurf m, Briefschlitz m
Briefeinwürfe pl, Briefschlitze pl
mail slot, mailslot
mail slots, mailslots
Briefeinwurfschlitz m; Briefeinwurf m; Briefschlitz m
Briefeinwurfschlitze pl; Briefeinwürfe pl; Briefschlitze pl
letterbox Br.; letter slot Br.; mail slot Am. mailslot Am.
letterboxes; letter slots; mail slots mailslots
Briefeinwurfschlitz m; Briefschlitz m; Einwurfschlitz m; Briefkastenschlitz m; Briefeinwurf m (in einer Türe)
Briefeinwurfschlitze pl; Briefschlitze pl; Einwurfschlitze pl; Briefkastenschlitze pl; Briefeinwürfe pl
letter-box slot Br.; mail slot Am.; mailslot Am.; letter slot rare (in a door)
letter-box slots; mail slots; mailslots; letter slots
Verlust bei Ãœbermittlung von Briefen
loss in transit of any letters
Einwurf m, Aufgabe f, Einlieferung f (von Briefen)
posting, mailing
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren (allg. Anrede in Briefen)
To Whom It May Concern
Betr. : Betreff, betrifft (in Briefen)
re : regarding
Betreff m
kein Betreff; ohne Thema
Betreff; betrifft (in Briefen) Betr.
no subject
regarding re
Einwurf m; Aufgabe f; Einlieferung f (von Briefen)
posting; mailing
Betreff m
kein Betreff; ohne Thema
Betreff; betrifft (in Briefen) Betr.
no subject
regarding re
Her mit … ugs.
Her mit den Briefen!
Her damit!
Give me …
Give me those letters!
Give it to me!
jdn. überschütten; überhäufen v mit etw.
überschüttend; überhäufend
überschüttet; überhäuft
überschüttet; überhäuft
überschüttete; überhäufte
mit Briefen überhäuft werden
to besiege sb. with sth.
to be besieged with letters
Anlage (z.B. eines Briefes)
Hauptteil des Briefes
body of a letter
Kopf eines Briefes
head of a letter
Wortlaut eines Briefes
wording of a letter
Empfang m (eines Briefes, einer Ware)
Empfang zurückbestätigen
zahlbar nach Empfang
to return receipt
payable on receipt
Lesen n
nach dem Lesen (des Briefes)
after reading (the letter)
angesichts der Dringlichkeit des Briefes
in view of the urgency of the letter
der Zweck dieses Briefes ist
the purpose of this letter is to
Empfang m (eines Briefes; einer Ware)
den Empfang (von etw.) rückbestätigen
den Empfang von etw. bestätigen
zahlbar nach Empfang
to return receipt of sth.
to acknowledge receipt of sth.
payable on receipt
Entwurf m; Textentwurf m +Gen.
Entwürfe pl; Textentwürfe pl
endgültiger Entwurf
Rohentwurf m
Vorentwurf m
Gegenentwurf m
abgeänderter Entwurf
Entwurf eines Briefes
etw. entwerfen
einen Entwurf ausarbeiten
draft; draft version; draft copy; outline (of sth.)
drafts; draft versions; draft copies; outlines
final draft
rough draft
preliminary draft
alternative draft
amended draft
draft of a letter
to make a draft of sth.
to work out a draft
Entwurf m; Textentwurf m +Gen.
Entwürfe pl; Textentwürfe pl
endgültiger Entwurf
Neuentwurf m; überarbeiteter Entwurf
Rohentwurf m
Vorentwurf m
Gegenentwurf m
abgeänderter Entwurf
Entwurf eines Briefes
etw. entwerfen
einen Entwurf ausarbeiten
draft; draft version; draft copy; outline (of sth.)
drafts; draft versions; draft copies; outlines
final draft
rough draft
preliminary draft
alternative draft
amended draft
draft of a letter
to make a draft of sth.
to work out a draft
Brieffreund m, Brieffreundin f, Briefpartner m, Briefpartnerin f
Brieffreunde pl, Brieffreundinnen pl, Briefpartner pl, Briefpartnerinnen pl
penfriend, pen friend, pen pal
penfriends, pen friends, pen pals
pen friend
pen pal
pen friend
Brieffreund m; Brieffreundin f; Briefpartner m; Briefpartnerin f
Brieffreunde pl; Brieffreundinnen pl; Briefpartner pl; Briefpartnerinnen pl
penfriend; pen friend; pen pal
penfriends; pen friends; pen pals
Brieffreundschaft f
eine Brieffreundschaft mit jdm. haben
correspondence with a pen friend
to be pen friends with sb.
Ich habe nichts gegen eine Brieffreundschaft.
I don't mind being pen-friends.

Deutsche Brief Synonyme

Englische title of nobility conferred by letters patent Synonyme

title  absolute interest  acknowledgments  adverse possession  alodium  appellation  appellative  appurtenance  argument  authority  back  back matter  banner  banner head  baptize  bastard title  benefit  best seller  bibliography  binomen  binomial name  birthright  blood  book  bound book  bracket  branch  burgage  byword  call  caption  caste  catch line  catchword  category  championship  christen  claim  clan  class  classic  cognomen  colony  colophon  coloring book  common  conjugal right  contents  contents page  contingent interest  copyright page  crown  cryptonym  de facto  de jure  dedication  define  definitive work  demand  denominate  denomination  dependency  derivative title  desert  designate  designation  divine right  division  droit  drop head  dropline  dub  due  easement  empty title  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  entitle  entitlement  epigraph  epithet  eponym  equitable interest  equity  errata  estate  euonym  faculty  fee fief  fee position  fee simple  fee simple absolute  fee simple conditional  fee simple defeasible  fee simple determinable  fee tail  feodum  feud  fiefdom  flyleaf  folio  fore edge  foreword  frankalmoign  free socage  freehold  front matter  gavelkind  grade  great work  ground  group  grouping  half-title page  handle  hanger  hardback  having title to  head  head up  heading  headline  hold  holding  honorific  hyponym  identify  imprint  inalienable right  index  inscription  interest  introduction  jump head  justification  juvenile  juvenile book  kin  knight service  label  lay fee  leaf  lease  leasehold  legal claim  legal possession  legend  level  limitation  limp-cover book  magnum opus  makeup  mandate  moniker  motto  name  namesake  natural right  nickname  nomen  nomen nudum  nominate  nonbook  notebook  novel  occupancy  occupation  opus  opuscule  opusculum  order  original title  overline  ownership  owning  page  paperback  part  percentage  picture book  pigeonhole  playbook  pocket book  position  
title page  acknowledgments  back  back matter  banner  banner head  bastard title  bibliography  billhead  book stamp  bookplate  brand  broad arrow  cachet  caption  catch line  catchword  check  colophon  contents  contents page  copyright page  counterfoil  countermark  dedication  docket  drop head  dropline  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  epigraph  errata  flyleaf  folio  fore edge  foreword  front matter  government mark  government stamp  half-title page  hallmark  hanger  head  heading  headline  imprint  index  inscription  introduction  jump head  label  leaf  legend  letterhead  logo  logotype  makeup  masthead  motto  overline  page  plate  preface  preliminaries  price tag  recto  registered trademark  reverso  rubric  running head  running title  scarehead  screamer  seal  sigil  signature  signet  spread  spreadhead  stamp  sticker  streamer  stub  subhead  subheading  subtitle  superscription  table of contents  tag  tail  tally  text  ticket  title  token  trade name  trademark  trademark name  trim size  type page  verso  
titled  aristocratic  called  chivalrous  christened  denominate  denominated  designated  dubbed  ducal  exalted  genteel  gentle  gentlemanlike  gentlemanly  high  identified as  kinglike  kingly  knightly  known as  ladylike  named  noble  of gentle blood  of rank  patrician  princelike  princely  queenlike  queenly  quite the lady  styled  termed  yclept  
titleholder  beneficiary  cestui  cestui que trust  cestui que use  deedholder  feoffee  feudatory  householder  laird  landlady  landlord  lord  master  mesne  mesne lord  mistress  owner  proprietary  proprietor  proprietress  proprietrix  rentier  squire  

Brief Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Confer
(a.) Having a position intermediate between erect and patent, or spreading.
(a.) Standing partially spread and erect
(n.) The quality or state of being noble
(n.) The state of being of high rank or noble birth
(n.) Those who are noble
(a.) Open
(a.) Open to public perusal
(a.) Appropriated or protected by letters patent
(a.) Spreading
(a.) A letter patent, or letters patent
(a.) A writing securing to an invention.
(a.) A document making a grant and conveyance of public lands.
(a.) The right or privilege conferred by such a document
(v. t.) To grant by patent
(a.) Having a surface dressed by cutting with a hammer the head of which consists of broad thin chisels clamped together.
(n.) An inscription put over or upon anything as a name by which it is known.
(n.) The inscription in the beginning of a book, usually containing the subject of the work, the author's and publisher's names, the date, etc.
(n.) The panel for the name, between the bands of the back of a book.
(n.) A section or division of a subject, as of a law, a book, specif. (Roman & Canon Laws), a chapter or division of a law book.
(n.) An appellation of dignity, distinction, or preeminence (hereditary or acquired), given to persons, as duke marquis, honorable, esquire, etc.
(n.) A name
(n.) That which constitutes a just cause of exclusive possession
(n.) The instrument which is evidence of a right.
(n.) That by which a beneficiary holds a benefice.
(n.) A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside.
(n.) To call by a title
(n.) The page of a book which contains it title.

title of nobility conferred by letters patent Bedeutung

patent infringement violation of the rights secured by a patent
conveyance of title
act of transferring property title from one person to another
patent log
screw log
taffrail log
a cigar-shaped log with rotary fins that measure the ship's speed
patent medicine medicine that is protected by a patent and available without a doctor's prescription
the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct
claim title an informal right to something, his claim on her attentions, his title to fame
an established or recognized right, a strong legal claim to the property, he had no documents confirming his title to his father's estate, he staked his claim
patent right the right granted by a patent, especially the exclusive right to an invention
patent ductus arteriosus a ductus arteriosus that failed to close at birth, may require surgical correction
letters the literary culture, this book shows American letters at its best
patent system a legal system for protecting the rights of inventors
title role
name part
the role of the character after whom the play is named
letters scholarly attainment, he is a man of letters
patent law that branch of jurisprudence that studies the laws governing patents
title page a page of a book displaying the title and author and publisher
half title
bastard title
a first page of some books displaying only the title of the book
title title of respect
form of address
an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General', the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title
title an appellation signifying nobility, `your majesty' is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king
title the name of a work of art or literary composition etc., he looked for books with the word `jazz' in the title, he refused to give titles to his paintings, I can never remember movie titles
running title the title (or a shortened title) of a book used as a running head
title statute title
a heading that names a statute or legislative bill, may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with, Title provided federal help for schools
title (usually plural) written material introduced into a movie or TV show to give credits or represent dialogue or explain an action, the titles go by faster than I can read
title a general or descriptive heading for a section of a written work, the novel had chapter titles
patent patent of invention a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention
patent application an application for sole rights to an invention
letters of administration legal document naming someone to administer an estate when no executor has been named
letters testamentary a legal document from a probate court or court officer informing you of your appointment as executor of a will and empowering you to discharge those responsibilities
deed of conveyance
a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it, he signed the deed, he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment
title deed a legal document proving a person's right to property
letter of marque
letters of marque
letter of mark and reprisal
a license to a private citizen to seize property of another nation
letters patent
an official document granting a right or privilege
Doctor of Humane Letters an honorary degree in letters
roman roman type
roman letters
roman print
a typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions
title bar (computer science) a horizontal label at the top of a window, bearing the name of the currently active document
Patent and Trademark Office Database
Patent Office
the government bureau in the Department of Commerce that keeps a record of patents and trademarks and grants new ones
a privileged class holding hereditary titles
champion champ
someone who has won first place in a competition
man of letters a man devoted to literary or scholarly activities
the status of being a champion, he held the title for two years
the state of being of noble birth
patent leather leather with a hard glossy surface
patent make open to sight or notice, His behavior has patented an embarrassing fact about him
designate by an identifying term, They styled their nation `The Confederate States'
give a title to
patent obtain a patent for, Should I patent this invention?
patent grant rights to, grant a patent for
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment, the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields, evident hostility, manifest disapproval, patent advantages, made his meaning plain, it is plain that he is no reactionary, in plain view
patent (of a bodily tube or passageway) open, affording free passage, patent ductus arteriosus
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Der Brief ? kurzes Schreiben, zu brevis ?kurz?) ist eine auf Papier festgehaltene Nachricht, die meist von einem Boten überbracht wird und eine für den Empfänger gedachte persönliche Botschaft enthält. Ein Brief wird gefaltet oder in einem Umschlag verschickt. Außerdem kann eine Briefsendung damit gemeint sein.