
Deutsche Buchstabensuppe Synonyme

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Englische alphabet soup Synonyme

alphabet  IPA  ITA  Initial Teaching Alphabet  International Phonetic Alphabet  alphabetics  art  basics  beginning  blueprint  charactering  characterization  chart  choreography  commencement  conventional representation  dance notation  delineation  demonstration  depiction  depictment  diagram  drama  drawing  elements  exemplification  figuration  first principles  first steps  fundamentals  futhark  grammar  graphemics  hieroglyphic  hornbook  iconography  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  induction  letter  letters  limning  logogram  logograph  map  musical notation  notation  outlines  outset  paleography  pictogram  picturization  plan  portraiture  portrayal  prefigurement  presentment  primer  principia  principles  printing  projection  realization  rendering  rendition  representation  rudiments  runic alphabet  schema  score  script  start  syllabary  symbol  tablature  writing  writing system  
alphabetarian  abecedarian  apprentice  articled clerk  beginner  boot  catechumen  debutant  entrant  fledgling  freshman  greenhorn  ignoramus  inductee  initiate  neophyte  new boy  newcomer  novice  novitiate  postulant  probationer  probationist  raw recruit  recruit  rookie  tenderfoot  tyro  
alphabetic  abecedarian  allographic  capital  graphemic  ideographic  lettered  lexigraphic  literal  logogrammatic  logographic  lower-case  majuscule  minuscular  minuscule  pictographic  transliterated  uncial  upper-case  
alphabetical  abecedarian  allographic  alphabetic  capital  graphemic  ideographic  lettered  lexigraphic  literal  logogrammatic  logographic  lower-case  majuscule  minuscular  minuscule  pictographic  transliterated  uncial  upper-case  
alphabetize  alphabet  analyze  arrange  assort  break down  capitalize  catalog  categorize  character  class  classify  codify  digest  divide  file  grade  group  index  initial  inscribe  letter  list  mark  order  pigeonhole  place  range  rank  rate  sign  sort  subdivide  tabulate  transcribe  transliterate  type  

Buchstabensuppe Definition

(n.) The letters of a language arranged in the customary order
(n.) The simplest rudiments
(v. t.) To designate by the letters of the alphabet
Morse alphabet
() A telegraphic alphabet in very general use, inventing by Samuel F.B.Morse, the inventor of Morse's telegraph. The letters are represented by dots and dashes impressed or printed on paper, as, .- (A), - . . . (B), -.. (D), . (E), .. (O), . . . (R), -- (T), etc., or by sounds, flashes of light, etc., with greater or less intervals between them.
(n.) A liquid food of many kinds, usually made by boiling meat and vegetables, or either of them, in water, -- commonly seasoned or flavored
(v. t.) To sup or swallow.
(v. t.) To breathe out.
(v. t.) To sweep. See Sweep, and Swoop.

alphabet soup [also fig.] Bedeutung

cinch breeze
snap duck soup
child's play
piece of cake
any undertaking that is easy to do, marketing this product will be no picnic
soupfin shark
Galeorhinus zyopterus
Pacific shark valued for its fins (used by Chinese in soup) and liver (rich in vitamin A)
soup bowl a bowl for serving soup
soup ladle a ladle for serving soup
soup plate a deep plate with a wide rim
soup spoon
a spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup
slang for a mustache
first rudiment
first principle
the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural), he mastered only the rudiments of geometry
Armenian Armenian alphabet a writing system having an alphabet of letters in which the Armenian language is written
alphabet a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language
Roman alphabet
Latin alphabet
the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europe
Hebrew alphabet
Hebraic alphabet
Hebrew script
a Semitic alphabet used since the th century BC for writing the Hebrew language (and later for writing Yiddish and Ladino)
Greek alphabet the alphabet used by ancient Greeks
Cyrillic alphabet
an alphabet derived from the Greek alphabet and used for writing Slavic languages (Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Ukrainian, and some other Slavic languages)
Arabic alphabet the alphabet of characters derived from Aramaic and used for writing Arabic languages (and borrowed for writing Urdu)
phonetic alphabet
sound alphabet
an alphabet of characters intended to represent specific sounds of speech
manual alphabet
finger alphabet
an alphabet used by the deaf, letters are represented by finger positions
letter letter of the alphabet
alphabetic character
the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech, his grandmother taught him his letters
soup liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food
soup du jour the soup that a restaurant is featuring on a given day
alphabet soup soup that contains small noodles in the shape of letters of the alphabet
chicken soup soup made from chicken broth
mock turtle soup soup made from a calf's head or other meat in imitation of green turtle soup
oxtail soup a soup made from the skinned tail of an ox
pea soup a thick soup made of dried peas (usually made into a puree)
petite marmite
vegetable soup
soup made with a variety of vegetables
turtle soup
green turtle soup
soup usually made of the flesh of green turtles
eggdrop soup made by stirring beaten eggs into a simmering broth
won ton wonton wonton soup a soup with won ton dumplings
split-pea soup made of stock and split peas with onions carrots and celery
green pea soup
potage St. Germain
made of fresh green peas and stock with shredded lettuce onion and celery
lentil soup made of stock and lentils with onions carrots and celery
soup kitchen a place where food is dispensed to the needy
alphabet soup a confusing assortment, Roosevelt created an alphabet soup of federal agencies
pea soup
a heavy thick yellow fog
soup an unfortunate situation, we're in the soup now
soup any composition having a consistency suggestive of soup
soup dope (a racehorse)
soup up
hop up
hot up
make more powerful, he souped up the old cars
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120 Bewertungen 4


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Die Buchstabensuppe ist eine Nudelsuppe mit Buchstabennudeln als Einlage. Oft werden auch kleine Karottenstückchen und verschiedene Gewürze in die Einlage hinzugegeben. Buchstabennudeln sind bis zu einem Zentimeter groß und haben die Form der Buchstaben A?Z und seltener auch der Ziffern 0?9 oder des @-Zeichens. Buchstabennudeln und Buchstabensuppe gibt es seit mindestens 1867 in den Vereinigten Staaten, in Deutschland spätestens seit 1884. Buchstabennudeln werden im Handel in der Regel als Suppeneinlage angeboten, Buchstabensuppen als Tütensuppen oder als Konserven.