
CAM Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Camée n; Kamee n; erhabene Gemme f; geschnittener Stein (Schmuckstein)
Cama n (Kreuzung zwischen Arabischem Kamel und Lama) agr.
cama (cross-breed of an Arabian camel and a lama)
BogenflĂŒgel pl (Camaroptera) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
GelbbrauenbogenflĂŒgel m; GelbbrauengrasmĂŒcke f (Camaroptera superciliaris)
GrĂŒnmantelbogenflĂŒgel m (Camaroptera brachyura)
Hartert-BogenflĂŒgel m; Hartert-GrasmĂŒcke f (Camaroptera harterti)
MeckerbogenflĂŒgel m (Camaroptera brevicaudata)
OlivbogenflĂŒgel m (Camaroptera chloronota)
camaropteras (zoological genus)
yellow-browed camaroptera
green-backed camaroptera; bleating camaroptera
Hartert's camaroptera
grey-backed camaroptera
olive-green camaroptera
PrÀrielilien pl (Camassia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild hyacinths; Indian hyacinths, camashs (botanical genus)
Kambium n; Cambium m (Bildungsgewebe fĂŒr das Dickenwachstum) bot.
Faszikularkambium n
Holzkambium n; Kambiumring m
Korkkambium n; Phellogen n
nichtetagiertes Kambium
Stockwerkkambium n; etagiertes Kambium
ZwischenbĂŒndelkambium n
cambium (growth tissue for thickening)
fascicular cambium
wood cambium
cork cambium; bark cambium; pericambium; phellogen
non-storied cambium; non-stratified cambium
storied cambium; stratified cambium
interfascicular cambium
UniversitÀtsdozent m (insb. in Cambridge oder Oxford)
don Br.
Cambridge n (Stadt in England)
Cambridge (city in England)
Cambridge-Absolvent m mit ausgezeichnetem Mathematikabschluss stud.
wrangler Br. (Cambridge student placed in the first class of the mathematical tripos)
Studienfach n an der UniversitÀt Cambridge stud.
tripos Br. (subject of study at Cambridge University)
Cambridge n (Stadt in England) geogr.
Cambridge (city in England)
Harvard University f (private UniversitÀt in Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Harvard University; Harvard
Camcorder m techn.
Camée n, Kamee n, erhabene Gemme f, geschnittener Stein (Schmuckstein)
Camée n; Kamee n; erhabene Gemme f; geschnittener Stein (Schmuckstein)
Kamele pl (Camelidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
camelids (zoological family)
Leindotter m (Camelina) (botanische Gattung) bot.
false flax; German sesame; Siberian oilseeds (botanical genus)
Kamelien pl (Camellia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
camellias; camelias (botanical genus)
Giraffe f; Kamelopard m; Camelopardalis (Sternbild) astron.
giraffe; camelopard
Großkamele pl; Altweltkamele pl (Camelus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Trampeltier n; Zweihöckriges Kamel n; Baktrisches Kamel n (Camelus ferus)
Dromedar n; Einhöckriges Kamel n; Arabisches Kamel n (Camelus dromedarius)
true camels (zoological genus)
wild Bactrian camel
dromedary; Indian camel; Arabian camel
Camembert m cook.
Camembert m; CamembertkÀse m cook.
Camembert cheese
Camera Obscura f photo.
camera obscura
Wehr n (Wasserbau)
Wehre pl
bewegliches Wehr
Dachstauwehr n; Dachwehr n
festes Wehr
fest gemauertes Wehr
Fischwehr n
Gabionenwehr n
Jalousiewehr n; Rollvorhangwehr n; Rollladenwehr n; Caméréwehr n
Labyrinthwehr n
Nadelwehr n hist.
Regulierwehr n
Segmentwehr n
Stauwehr n; RĂŒckhaltewehr n
Streichwehr n
Überfallwehr n; Überlaufwehr n
weir (water engineering)
gated weir; controlled weir; barrage
bear-trap weir; bear-trap gate; roof weir
fixed-crest weir; uncontrolled weir
solid masonry weir
fishing weir; fish weir; fishgarth; kiddle
gabion weir
curtain weir; Caméré weir
labyrinth weir
needle weir; needle dam Am.
regulating weir
segmental weir; radial weir
retaining weir; pounding dam
side weir; lateral weir
overfall weir; overflow weir; overfall spillway; overflow spillway
Camp n
Camp n
Camps pl
NĂ€herung f; Approximation f math.
erste NĂ€herung
in erster NĂ€herung
NĂ€herung nach Esseen
NĂ€herung durch Polynome
Harleysche Approximation
NĂ€herung durch Potenzreihenentwicklung
Satterthwaite-Approximation; Satterthwaite-Test
stochastisches NĂ€herungsverfahren
beschleunigte stochastische Approximation
Dvoretskysches Theorem ĂŒber stochastische NĂ€herung
first-order approximation
in the first approximation
Blum approximation
Borges' approximation
Burkholder approximation
Camp-Paulson approximation
Hastings approximation
Laplace approximation
Merrington-Pearson approximation
Esseen-type approximation
polynominal approximation
Harley approximation
power series approximation
Poisson approximation
saddle point approximation
Satterthwaite's approximation; Satterthwaite's test
stochastic approximation procedure
accelerated stochastic approximation
Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem
NĂ€herung f; Approximation f math.
erste NĂ€herung
in erster NĂ€herung
NĂ€herung nach Esseen
NĂ€herung durch Polynome
Harley'sche Approximation
NĂ€herung durch Potenzreihenentwicklung
Satterthwaite-Approximation; Satterthwaite-Test
beschleunigte stochastische Approximation
Dvoretsky'sches Theorem ĂŒber stochastische NĂ€herung
first-order approximation
in the first approximation
Bayes' approximation
Blum approximation
Borges' approximation
Burkholder approximation
Camp-Paulson approximation
Hastings approximation
Laplace approximation
Merrington-Pearson approximation
Esseen-type approximation
polynominal approximation
Harley approximation
power series approximation
Poisson approximation
saddle point approximation
Satterthwaite's approximation; Satterthwaite's test
accelerated stochastic approximation
Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theorem
Campan n geol.
Campanian (Stage)
Cowbell n; Campana f; Cencerro n (Schlaginstrument) mus.
cowbell (percussion instrument)
Campanologie f; Kampanologie f; Glockenkunde f (lat. campana - die Glocke)
Campanologe m; Campanologin f
Campanile Kampanile m arch.
Campanile; Kampanile m
Glockenturm m arch.
GlockentĂŒrme pl
freistehender Glockenturm; Kampanile m; Campanile m
bell tower; belfry
bell towers; belfries
freestanding bell tower; campanile
Glockenkundler m; Glockenkundlerin f; Campanologe m; Campanologin f
Glockenkundler pl; Glockenkundlerinnen pl; Campanologen pl; Campanologinnen pl
Glockenkunde f; Campanologie f; Kampanologie f
study of bells; campanology
Glockenblumen pl (Campanula) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rundblÀttrige Glockenblume f (Campanula rotundifolia)
bellflowers (botanical genus)
harebell; bluebell Sc.
GlockenblumengewÀchse pl (Campanulaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
campanulaceous plants; bellflower family (botanical family)
Campbell-Insel f geogr.
Campbell Island
Chenorhamphus-StaffelschwÀnze pl (Chenorhamphus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Breitschnabel-Staffelschwanz m (Chenorhamphus grayi)
Campbell-Staffelschwanz m (Chenorhamphus campbelli)
chenorhamphus fairywrens (zoological genus)
broad-billed fairywren
Campbell's fairywren
Campbellscharbe f ornith.
Campbell Is Cormorant
Nördlicher Schnapper m (Lutjanus campechanus) zool.
northern red snapper
Camping n; Campieren n; Campen n; Zelten n
wildes Zelten
wildes Campieren Campen Zelten
camping; tent camping
backcountry camping
random camping
zelten; campieren; campen v
zeltend; campierend; campend
gezeltet; campiert; gecampt
er sie zeltet
ich er sie zeltete
zelten gehen
Zelten verboten!
to camp; to tent
camping; tenting
camped; tented
he she camps; he she tents
I he she camped; I he she tented
to go camping
No camping!
Camping n; Campieren n; Campen n; Zelten n
Dauercamping n
wildes Campieren Campen Zelten
camping; tent camping
permanent camping
dispersed camping; dry camping; backcountry camping; coyote camping; boondocking Am.
Zeltbewohner m, Camper m
Zeltbewohner m; Camper m
AhornbÀume pl; Ahorne pl (Acer) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bergahorn m (Acer pseudoplatanus)
BlÀulicher Ahorn m; Indischer Ahorn m (Acer caesium)
CissusblÀttriger Ahornm; Jungfernahorn m (Acer cissifolium)
Dreispitzahorn m; Dreizahnahorn m (Acer trifidum Acer buergerianum)
EschenblÀttriger Ahorn m; Eschenahorn m (Acer negundo)
Japanischer FĂ€cherahorn m; Japanischer Ahorn m; FĂ€cherahorn m (Acer palmatum)
FeinzÀhniger Ahorn m; SpitzblÀttriger Ahorn m (Acer argutum)
Feldahorn m; Maßholder m (Acer campestre)
Französischer Ahorn m; Französischer Maßholder m; Dreilappiger Ahorn m; Felsenahorn m; Burgenahorn m (Acer monspessulanum)
GeschwÀnzter Ahorn m (Acer caudatum)
HainbuchenblÀttriger Ahorn m; Hainbuchenahorn m (Acer carpinifolium)
Kolchischer Ahorn m (Acer cappadocicum)
SchneeballblĂ€ttriger Ahorn m; Schneeballahorn m; FrĂŒhlingsahorn m; Italienischer Ahorn m; Schweizer Ahorn m (Acer opalus)
Silberahorn m (Acer saccharinum)
Schwarzer Zuckerahorn m; Schwarzahorn m (Acer saccharum subsp. nigrum Acer nigrum)
Spitzahorn m; SpitzblÀttriger Ahorn (Acer platanoides)
Weinblattahorn m; Weinahorn m; RundblÀttriger Ahorn m (Acer circinatum)
WeißdornblĂ€ttriger Ahorn m (Acer crataegifolium)
Zimtahorn m (Acer griseum)
Zwergahorn m; Kahler Ahorn m (Acer glabrum)
Zuckerahorn m; Honigahorn m (Acer saccharum)
maple trees; maples (botanical genus)
sycamore maple; plane-tree maple; false plane-tree; great maple; Scottish maple
Indian maple
ivy-leaved maple; vine-leafed maple, vineleaf maple
trident maple; three-toothed maple
ash-leaved maple; ash-leaf maple Br.; maple ash; boxelder maple; boxelder
smooth Japanese maple; Japanese maple; full-moon maple; palmate maple
pointed-leaf maple
field maple; hedge maple
French maple; Montpellier maple
candle-shape maple
hornbeam-leaved maple; hornbeam maple
Cappadocian maple; Caucasian maple
Italian maple
silverleaf maple; silver maple; white maple; water maple; creek maple; swamp maple
black sugar maple; black maple
Norway Maple
vine maple
hawthorn-leaved maple; hawthorn-leaf maple; hawthorn maple; uri maple
Chinese paperbark maple; paperbark maple
dwarf maple; mountain maple; rock maple
sugar maple; hard maple; rock maple
Klee m (Trifolium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Kleearten pl
Feldklee m; Gelber Ackerklee; Ackerklee (Trifolium campestre)
Weiß-Klee m; Kriech-Klee m (Trifolium repens)
Wiesen-Klee m; Rotklee m (Trifolium pratense)
clovers; trifoils (botanical genus) (clover)
field clover; low hop clover; large hop clover; hop trefoil
white clover; Dutch clover; Ladino clover
red clover
Feldgrille f (Gryllus campestris) zool.
Feldgrillen pl
field cricket
field crickets
FeldsandlÀufer m; FeldsandlaufkÀfer m; SandkÀfer m (Cicindela campestris) zool.
green tiger beetle
Brachpieper m (Anthus campestris) ornith.
tawny pipit
Cinnamomum-BĂ€ume pl (Cinnamomum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Kampferbaum m; Kampferlorbeer m; Zimtlorbeer m (Cinnamomum camphora)
Chinesischer Zimtbaum m; Zimtkassie f (Cinnamomum cassia aromaticum)
Echter Zimtbaum m; Ceylon-Zimtbaum m (Cinnamomum verum)
cinnamomum trees (botanical genus)
camphor tree; camphor laurel; camphorwood
Chinese cassia
true cinnamon tree; Ceylon cinnamon tree
Campinas (Stadt in Brasilien)
Campinas (city in Brazil)
Campinas (Stadt in Brasilien) geogr.
Campinas (city in Brazil)
Camping n, Zelten n
camping, tent camping
Camping, Telten
camping in winter
Camping-Anlage am See
lake-side camping site
hevorragende Camping-PlÀtze
splendid camping-sites
Zelten, Camping
Campingartikel m
Campingartikel pl
camping item; item of camping equipment
camping items; camping equipment
schlecht; ungĂŒnstig; misslich; widrig geh. adj
die schlechte ungĂŒnstige Wirtschaftslage
ungĂŒstiges Wetter fĂŒr einen Campingausflug
widrige UmstÀnde
jdn. in ein schlechtes Licht rĂŒcken
unfavourable Br.; unfavorable Am.
unfavourable economic conditions
unfavorable weather for a camping trip
unfavourable circumstances
to cast put sb. in an unfavorable light
CampingausrĂŒstung f
camping equipment, camping outfit
camping equipment
CampingausrĂŒstung f
camping equipment; camping outfit
Campingausweis m
Campingausweise pl
camping permit
camping permits
Campingbedarf m
camping supply
Campingbedarf m
camping supplies

CAM Definition

(n.) A carving in relief, esp. one on a small scale used as a jewel for personal adornment, or like.

cameo Bedeutung

cameo engraving or carving in low relief on a stone (as in a brooch or ring)
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