
China Beutelmeise Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

China-Beutelmeise f ornith.
Chinese Penduline Tit
China, das Reich der Mitte
China, Volksrepublik China geogr.
China, People's Republic of China (cn)
Shanghai (Stadt in China)
Shanghai (city in China)
Beijing, Peking (Hauptstadt von China)
Beijing (capital of China)
Xianggang, Hong Kong, Victoria (Stadt in China)
Xianggang, Hong Kong, Victoria (city in China)
Tianjin (Stadt in China)
Tianjin (city in China)
Wuhan (Stadt in China)
Wuhan (city in China)
Chongqing (Stadt in China)
Chongqing (city in China)
Harbin (Stadt in China)
Harbin (city in China)
Shenyang (Stadt in China)
Shenyang (city in China)
Guangzhou, Kanton (Stadt in China)
Guangzhou, Kanton (city in China)
Chengdu (Stadt in China)
Chengdu (city in China)
Changchun (Stadt in China)
Changchun (city in China)
Qingdao (Stadt in China)
Qingdao (city in China)
Nanjing (Stadt in China)
Nanjing (city in China)
Xi'an (Stadt in China)
Xi'an (city in China)
Dalian, Lüda (Stadt in China)
Dalian (city in China)
Jinan (Stadt in China)
Jinan (city in China)
Hangzhou (Stadt in China)
Hangzhou (city in China)
Zhengzhou (Stadt in China)
Zhengzhou (city in China)
Shijiazhuang (Stadt in China)
Shijiazhuang (city in China)
Taiyuan (Stadt in China)
Taiyuan (city in China)
Changsha (Stadt in China)
Changsha (city in China)
Kunming (Stadt in China)
Kunming (city in China)
Nanchang (Stadt in China)
Nanchang (city in China)
Lanzhou (Stadt in China)
Lanzhou (city in China)
Fuzhou (Stadt in China)
Fuzhou (city in China)
Guiyang (Stadt in China)
Guiyang (city in China)
Fushun (Stadt in China)
Fushun (city in China)
Anshan (Stadt in China)
Anshan (city in China)
Zibo (Stadt in China)
Zibo (city in China)
Hefei (Stadt in China)
Hefei (city in China)
Jilin (Stadt in China)
Jilin (city in China)
Urumqi (Stadt in China)
Urumqi (city in China)
Ningbo (Stadt in China)
Ningbo (city in China)
Qiqihar (Stadt in China)
Qiqihar (city in China)
Tangshan (Stadt in China)
Tangshan (city in China)
Baotou (Stadt in China)
Baotou (city in China)
Nanning (Stadt in China)
Nanning (city in China)
Wuxi (Stadt in China)
Wuxi (city in China)
Handan (Stadt in China)
Handan (city in China)
Shenzhen (Stadt in China)
Shenzhen (city in China)
Luoyang (Stadt in China)
Luoyang (city in China)
Datong (Stadt in China)
Datong (city in China)
Xuzhou (Stadt in China)
Xuzhou (city in China)
Beutelmeise f ornith.
(Eurasian) Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus)
Weißstirn-Beutelmeise f ornith.
African Penduline Tit
Goldstirn-Beutelmeise f ornith.
Yellow-fronted Tit
Rostbauch-Beutelmeise f ornith.
Rungwe Penduline Tit
China-Beutelmeise f ornith.
Chinese Penduline Tit
Bereitschaft f
mangelnde Bereitschaft
Bereitschaft zu investieren
China hat seine Bereitschaft bekundet die Gespräche wieder aufzunehmen. pol.
readiness to invest
China has signalled (its) readiness to resume talks.
China das Reich der Mitte
Prinzling m (Sohn eines mächtigen kommunistischen Parteifunktionärs in China) pej. pol.
princeling (son of a powerful Communist party official in China) pej.
sich anschicken etw. zu tun v
Als er sich anschickte seinen Bericht vorzulegen ....
Sie schickte sich an zu gehen.
China schickt sich an seine Handelsaktivitäten auszuweiten.
Die EU schickt sich an eine Währungsmacht zu werden.
Das Parlament schickt sich an eine wichtige Rechtsvorschrift zu verabschieden.
Jessica Watson ist erst 16 und schickt sich an die jüngste Weltumseglerin zu werden.
to be preparing getting ready setting out moving to do sth.; to be about to do sth.
While he was preparing to present his report ...
She was getting ready to leave.
China is moving to expand its trade activities.
The EU is about to become a monetary power.
Parliament is getting ready to adopt an important piece of legislation.
Still aged just 16 Jessica Watson is setting out to become the youngest person to sail around the world.
signalisieren; anzeigen; ankündigen v
signalisierend; anzeigend; ankündigend
signalisiert; angezeigt; angekündigt
signalisiert; zeigt an; kündigt an
signalisierte; zeigte an; kündigte an
China hat in Aussicht gestellt die Gespräche wieder aufzunehmen. pol.
to signal
signaling; signalling
signaled; signalled
signaled; signalled
China has signalled (its) readiness to resume talks.
Wenn der ein Dichter ist bin ich der Kaiser von China der Weihnachtsmann.
He is about as much a poet as the man in the moon.
China n; Volksrepublik China f CN (Kfz: RC ) geogr.
China; People's Republic of China
Hongkong n HK (Sonderverwaltungsgebiet in China) geogr.
Hong Kong (special administrative region in China)
Schanghai (Stadt in China) geogr.
Shanghai (city in China)
Beijing; Peking (Hauptstadt von China) geogr.
Beijing (capital of China)
Tianjin (Stadt in China) geogr.
Tianjin (city in China)
Wuhan (Stadt in China) geogr.
Wuhan (city in China)
Chongqing (Stadt in China) geogr.
Chongqing (city in China)
Harbin (Stadt in China) geogr.
Harbin (city in China)
Shenyang (Stadt in China) geogr.
Shenyang (city in China)
Guangzhou; Kanton (Stadt in China) geogr.
Guangzhou; Kanton (city in China)
Chengdu (Stadt in China) geogr.
Chengdu (city in China)
Changchun (Stadt in China) geogr.
Changchun (city in China)
Qingdao (Stadt in China) geogr.
Qingdao (city in China)
Nanjing (Stadt in China) geogr.
Nanjing (city in China)
Xi'an (Stadt in China) geogr.
Xi'an (city in China)
Dalian; Lüda (Stadt in China) geogr.
Dalian (city in China)
Jinan (Stadt in China) geogr.
Jinan (city in China)
Hangzhou (Stadt in China) geogr.
Hangzhou (city in China)
Zhengzhou (Stadt in China) geogr.
Zhengzhou (city in China)
Shijiazhuang (Stadt in China) geogr.
Shijiazhuang (city in China)
Taiyuan (Stadt in China) geogr.
Taiyuan (city in China)
Changsha (Stadt in China) geogr.
Changsha (city in China)
Kunming (Stadt in China) geogr.
Kunming (city in China)
Nanchang (Stadt in China) geogr.
Nanchang (city in China)
Lanzhou (Stadt in China) geogr.
Lanzhou (city in China)
Fuzhou (Stadt in China) geogr.
Fuzhou (city in China)
Guiyang (Stadt in China) geogr.
Guiyang (city in China)
Fushun (Stadt in China) geogr.
Fushun (city in China)
Anshan (Stadt in China) geogr.
Anshan (city in China)
Zibo (Stadt in China) geogr.
Zibo (city in China)
Hefei (Stadt in China) geogr.
Hefei (city in China)
Jilin (Stadt in China) geogr.
Jilin (city in China)
Urumqi (Stadt in China) geogr.
Urumqi (city in China)
Ningbo (Stadt in China) geogr.
Ningbo (city in China)
Qiqihar (Stadt in China) geogr.
Qiqihar (city in China)
Tangshan (Stadt in China) geogr.
Tangshan (city in China)
Baotou (Stadt in China) geogr.
Baotou (city in China)
Nanning (Stadt in China) geogr.
Nanning (city in China)
Wuxi (Stadt in China) geogr.
Wuxi (city in China)
Handan (Stadt in China) geogr.
Handan (city in China)
Shenzhen (Stadt in China) geogr.
Shenzhen (city in China)
Luoyang (Stadt in China) geogr.
Luoyang (city in China)
Datong (Stadt in China) geogr.
Datong (city in China)
Xuzhou (Stadt in China) geogr.
Xuzhou (city in China)
K2 (zweithöchster Berg der Welt liegt auf der Grenze zwischen China und Pakistan)
K2; Savage Mountain (world's second-highest mountain located on the border between China and Pakistan)
Remiz-Beutelmeisen pl (Remiz) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäische Beutelmeise (Remiz pendulinus)
Weißkopf-Beutelmeise (Remiz coronatus)
Schwarzkopf-Beutelmeise (Remiz macronyx)
Chinesische Beutelmeise (Remiz consobrinus)
remiz penduline tits (zoological genus)
European penduline tit; Eurasian penduline tit
white-crowned penduline tit
black-headed penduline tit
Chinese penduline tit
Anthoscopus-Beutelmeisen pl (Anthoscopus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith
Weißstirn-Beutelmeise (Anthoscopus caroli)
Goldstirn-Beutelmeise (Anthoscopus flavifrons)
Graubeutelmeise (Anthoscopus musculus)
Rostbauch-Beutelmeise (Anthoscopus sylviella)
Kapbeutelmeise (Anthoscopus minutus)
Senegalbeutelmeise (Anthoscopus parvulus)
Sudanbeutelmeise (Anthoscopus punctifrons)
anthoscopus penduline tits (zoological genus)
grey penduline tit
forest penduline tit
mouse-coloured penduline tit
rungwe penduline tit
Cape penduline tit
yellow penduline tit
Sennar penduline tit
Anreise f; Reise f (in eine Richtung bzw. als Reisegeschehen)
unsere erste Chinareise; unsere erste Reise nach China
eine Reise machen
eine Reise durch die Jahrhunderte übtr.
In der Bahn lese ich meistens.
Wie lange dauert die Anreise nach Madrid mit der Bahn?
Ich begebe mich auf eine längere Reise und werde einige Wochen lang nicht zu Hause sein.
Sind sie gut gereist?
Danke für Ihren Besuch und gute Heimreise.
Der Weg ist das Ziel. Sprw.
our first journey to China
to go on a journey
a journey through the ages fig.
I usually read during the train journey.
How long does the journey to Madrid take by train?
I am going on a long journey and won't be home for a few weeks.
Did you have a good journey?
Thank you for visiting us, and have a safe journey home.
The journey is the reward.; It's all about the journey, not the destination.; It's the journey, not the destination, that counts matters. prov.
Begehung f (einer Feier usw.) relig. soc.
die rituelle Begehung des Sabbat
die Begehung des Frühlingsfestes in China
observance (of a ceremony etc.)
the ritual observance of the Sabbath
the Chinese people's observance of Spring Festival
jds. Bereitschaft f (zu etw. etw. zu tun)
Handlungsbereitschaft f
mangelnde Bereitschaft
Bereitschaft zu investieren
China hat seine Bereitschaft bekundet, die Gespräche wieder aufzunehmen. pol.
sb.'s readiness, preparedness; willingness (to do sth.)
readiness to act
readiness to invest
China has signalled (its) readiness to resume talks.
Echte Alligatoren pl (Alligator) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
China-Alligator m (Alligator sinensis)
Mississippi-Alligator m; Hechtalligator m (Alligator mississippiensis)
true alligators (zoological genus)
Chinese alligator; China alligator; Yangtze alligator; muddy dragon obs.
common alligator; American alligator; Mississippi alligator; gator coll.
Handel m; Geschäft n (mit jdm. mit etw.) econ.
Einfuhrhandel m
Fachhandel m
Fischhandel m
Freihandel m
Getreidehandel m
Gewürzhandel m; Spezereihandel m obs.
Wollhandel m
Handel mit China; Chinahandel m
lebhafter Handel
„Rund um die Uhr“ Handel
Handel zwischen zwei Staaten
Handel zu ungleichgewichtigen Preisen
intra-industrieller Handel
trade; trading (with sb. in sth.)
import trade
specialized trade
fish trade
free trade
grain trade
spice trade
wool trade
trade with China; China trade
active trading
all day trading
bilateral trade
false trading
intra-industry trade
K2 m (zweithöchster Berg der Welt an der Grenze zwischen China und Pakistan)
K2; Savage Mountain (the world's second-highest mountain on the border between China and Pakistan)
Kopfeiben pl; Pflaumeneiben pl (Cephalotaxus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Chinesische Kopfeibe f; China-Kopfeibe f; Fortunes Kopfeibe f (Cephalotaxus fortunei)
plum yews; cowtail pines (botanical genus)
Chinese plum yew; Chinese cowtail pine; Fortune's plum yew
sich anschicken, etw. zu tun v (Person)
Als er sich anschickte, seinen Bericht vorzulegen, …
Sie schickte sich an zu gehen.
China schickt sich an, seine Handelsaktivitäten auszuweiten.
Die EU schickt sich an, eine Währungsmacht zu werden.
Das Parlament schickt sich an, eine wichtige Rechtsvorschrift zu verabschieden.
Jessica Watson ist erst 16 und schickt sich an, die jüngste Weltumseglerin zu werden.
to be preparing getting ready setting out moving to do sth.; to be about to do sth. (of a person)
While he was preparing to present his report …
She was getting ready to leave.
China is moving to expand its trade activities.
The EU is about to become a monetary power.
Parliament is getting ready to adopt an important piece of legislation.
Still aged just 16 Jessica Watson is setting out to become the youngest person to sail around the world.
die gelbe Gefahr (unterstellte Bedrohung durch China Südostasien) pol.
the yellow peril (threat regarded as being posed by China SE Asia)
signalisieren; anzeigen; ankündigen v
signalisierend; anzeigend; ankündigend
signalisiert; angezeigt; angekündigt
signalisiert; zeigt an; kündigt an
signalisierte; zeigte an; kündigte an
China hat in Aussicht gestellt seine Bereitschaft bekundet, die Gespräche wieder aufzunehmen. pol.
to signal
signaling; signalling
signaled; signalled
signaled; signalled
China has signalled (its) readiness to resume talks.
ganz unterschiedlich; heterogen; ungleich verschiedenartig zusammengesetzt adj
aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen; aus vielen verschiedenen Gründen
Menschen mit ganz unterschiedlichen Interessen
Schüler aus unterschiedlichsten Verhältnissen
so unterschiedliche Länder wie China, Italien und Pakistan
eine aus verschiedensten unterschiedlichsten Volksgruppen zusammengesetzte Bevölkerung
Die Probandengruppe ist sehr heterogen.
Der Posten bietet viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten.
(very widely) diverse; (widely extremely) varied
for many and varied reasons
people with diverse interests
students from varied backgrounds
countries as diverse varied as China, Italy and Pakistan
an ethnically diverse varied population
The group of test persons is very diverse quite varied.
The opportunities the job offers are many and varied.
Wenn der ein Dichter ist, bin ich der Kaiser von China der Weihnachtsmann.
He is about as much a poet as the man in the moon.
China n; Volksrepublik China f CN (Kfz: RC ) geogr.
China; People's Republic of China
Hongkong n HK (Sonderverwaltungsgebiet in China) geogr.
Hong Kong (special administrative region in China)
Urumtschi (Stadt in China) geogr.
Urumchi (city in China)
Kaifeng (Stadt in Henan, China) geogr.
Kaifeng (city in Henan, China)
Anthoscopus-Beutelmeisen pl (Anthoscopus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Weißstirn-Beutelmeise (Anthoscopus caroli)
Goldstirn-Beutelmeise (Anthoscopus flavifrons)
Graubeutelmeise (Anthoscopus musculus)
Rostbauch-Beutelmeise (Anthoscopus sylviella)
Kapbeutelmeise (Anthoscopus minutus)
Senegalbeutelmeise (Anthoscopus parvulus)
Sudanbeutelmeise (Anthoscopus punctifrons)
anthoscopus penduline tits (zoological genus)
grey penduline tit
forest penduline tit
mouse-coloured penduline tit
rungwe penduline tit
Cape penduline tit
yellow penduline tit
Sennar penduline tit

China Beutelmeise Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to China
(n. sing. & pl.) A native or natives of China, or one of that yellow race with oblique eyelids who live principally in China.
(n. sing. & pl.) The language of China, which is monosyllabic.
(a.) Of or pertaining to Indo-China (i. e., Farther India, or India beyond the Ganges).
(n.) A European titmouse (Parus, / Aegithalus, pendulinus). It is noted for its elegant pendulous purselike nest, made of the down of willow trees and lined with feathers.

Chinese Penduline Tit Bedeutung

Chinese checkers
Chinese chequers
a board game in which each player tries to move a set of marbles through a set of holes from one point of a six-pointed star to the opposite point
Chinese Revolution the republican revolution against the Manchu dynasty in China, -
Chinese alligator
Alligator sinensis
small alligator of the Yangtze valley of China having unwebbed digits
Chinese goose
Anser cygnoides
very large wild goose of northeast Asia, interbreeds freely with the greylag
Chinese paddlefish
Psephurus gladis
fish of larger rivers of China similar to the Mississippi paddlefish
Chinese lantern a collapsible paper lantern in bright colors, used for decorative purposes
Chinese puzzle intricate or ingenious puzzle consisting of boxes within boxes
Chinese Wall
Great Wall
Great Wall of China
a fortification , miles long built across northern China in the rd century BC, it averages meters in width
Chinese any of the Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in China, regarded as dialects of a single language (even though they are mutually unintelligible) because they share an ideographic writing system
Mandarin Chinese
Mandarin dialect
Beijing dialect
the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of China
Tai Nuea
Chinese Shan
Dehong Dai
a branch of the Tai languages
Chinese cabbage
celery cabbage
Chinese celery
elongated head of crisp celery-like stalks and light green leaves
kiwi fruit
Chinese gooseberry
fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
jujube Chinese date
Chinese jujube
dark red plumlike fruit of Old World buckthorn trees
Chinese parsley
parsley-like herb used as seasoning or garnish
Chinese mustard very hot prepared mustard
Chinese anise
star anise
star aniseed
anise-scented star-shaped fruit or seed used in Asian cooking and medicine
Chinese brown sauce
brown sauce
a sauce based on soy sauce
fried rice
Chinese fried rice
boiled rice mixed with scallions and minced pork or shrimp and quickly scrambled with eggs
Chinese deity a deity worshipped by the ancient Chinese
Chinese a native or inhabitant of Communist China or of Nationalist China
cassia bark
Chinese cinnamon
aromatic bark of the cassia-bark tree, less desirable as a spice than Ceylon cinnamon bark
star anise
Chinese anise
Illicium verum
small tree of China and Vietnam bearing anise-scented star-shaped fruit used in food and medicinally as a carminative
saucer magnolia
Chinese magnolia
Magnolia soulangiana
large deciduous shrub or small tree having large open rosy to purplish flowers, native to Asia, prized as an ornamental in eastern North America
Chinese evergreen
Japanese leaf
Aglaonema modestum
erect or partially climbing herb having large green or variegated leaves
Chinese angelica
Chinese angelica tree
Aralia stipulata
similar to American angelica tree but less prickly, China
chinese mustard
indian mustard
leaf mustard
gai choi
Brassica juncea
Asiatic mustard used as a potherb
Chinese cabbage
celery cabbage
Brassica rapa pekinensis
plant with an elongated head of broad stalked leaves resembling celery, used as a vegetable in east Asia
bok choy
bok choi
pak choi
Chinese white cabbage
Brassica rapa chinensis
Asiatic plant grown for its cluster of edible white stalks with dark green leaves
cinnamon vine
Chinese yam
Dioscorea batata
hardy Chinese vine naturalized in United States and cultivated as an ornamental climber for its glossy heart-shaped cinnamon-scented leaves and in the tropics for its edible tubers
Chinese primrose
Primula sinensis
cultivated Asiatic primrose
water chestnut Chinese water chestnut
Eleocharis dulcis
Chinese sedge yielding edible bulb-shaped tubers
China rose Chinese hibiscus
Rose of China
shoeblack plant
shoe black
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
large showy Asiatic shrub or small tree having large single or double red to deeped flowers
Chinese parasol tree
Chinese parasol
Japanese varnish tree phoenix tree
Firmiana simplex
deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods
Chinese chestnut
Castanea mollissima
a small tree with small sweet nuts, wild or naturalized in Korea and China
Chinese cork oak
Quercus variabilis
medium to large deciduous tree of China, Japan, and Korea having thick corky bark
Chinese privet
white wax tree
Ligustrum lucidum
erect evergreen treelike shrub of China and Korea and Japan having acuminate leaves and flowers in long erect panicles, resembles Japanese privet
Chinese gooseberry
kiwi vine
Actinidia chinensis
Actinidia deliciosa
climbing vine native to China, cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat
Chinese silk plant
China grass
Boehmeria nivea
tall perennial herb of tropical Asia with dark green leaves, cultivated for the fiber from its woody stems that resembles flax
Chinese elm Ulmus parvifolia small fast-growing tree native to Asia, widely grown as shelterbelts and hedges
Siberian elm
Chinese elm dwarf elm
Ulmus pumila
fast-growing shrubby Asian tree naturalized in United States for shelter or ornament
garlic chive
Chinese chive
Oriental garlic
Allium tuberosum
a plant of eastern Asia, larger than Allium schoenoprasum
Chinese pea tree
Caragana sinica
shrub with dark-green glossy foliage and solitary pale yellow flowers, northern China
Japanese pagoda tree
Chinese scholartree
Chinese scholar tree
Sophora japonica
Sophora sinensis
handsome roundheaded deciduous tree having compound dark green leaves and profuse panicles of fragrant creamy-white flowers, China and Japan
Chinese wistaria
Wisteria chinensis
having deep purple flowers
Chinese rhubarb
Rheum palmatum
long used for laxative properties
Chinese holly
Ilex cornuta
dense rounded evergreen shrub of China having spiny leaves, widely cultivated as an ornamental
varnish tree lacquer tree
Chinese lacquer tree
Japanese lacquer tree
Japanese varnish tree Japanese sumac
Toxicodendron vernicifluum
Rhus verniciflua
small Asiatic tree yielding a toxic exudate from which lacquer is obtained
Chinese forget-me-not
Cynoglossum amabile
biennial east Asian herb grown for its usually bright blue flowers
purple chinese houses
Collinsia bicolor
Collinsia heterophylla
white and lavender to pale-blue flowers grow in perfect rings of widely spaced bands around the stems forming a kind of pagoda, California
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101 Bewertungen 4


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China ist ein kultureller Raum in Ostasien, der vor über 3500 Jahren entstand und politisch-geographisch von 221 v. Chr. bis 1912 das Kaiserreich China, dann die Republik China umfasste und seit 1949 die Volksrepublik China und die Republik China umfasst. Letztere wird heute auch kurz Taiwan genannt, wegen ihres Rückzuges 1949 auf die Insel Taiwan und einige Inseln der Provinzen Fujian, Guangdong und Hainan, vgl. Taiwan-Konflikt.

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