
Chr Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Chrestomathie f (Textsammlung für Unterrichtszwecke)
chrestomathy (text collection for teaching purposes)
Aronstab m (Arum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gefleckter Aronstab; Aasblume; Ronenkraut; Lungenkraut; Magenkraut; Zahnkraut; Fieberwurz; Frostwurz; Zehrwurz; Schlangenbeer; Entenschnabel; Eselsohren; Teufelhütchen; Heckenpüppchen; Johanneshaupt; Trommelschlegel; Pfingstblume f; Stinkblume f; Stanitzelblume f Ös.; Chindlichrut Schw.; Chrippenkindli Schw.; Dittichrut Schw. (Arum maculatum)
arum (botanical genus)
common arum; wild arum; starch-root: cuckoo-pint; bobbins; wake robin; cows and bulls; devils and angels; lords and ladies; Adam and Eve naked boys
Aronstab m (Arum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gefleckter Aronstab; Aasblume; Ronenkraut; Lungenkraut; Magenkraut; Zahnkraut; Fieberwurz; Frostwurz; Zehrwurz; Schlangenbeer; Entenschnabel; Eselsohren; Teufelhütchen; Heckenpüppchen; Johanneshaupt; Trommelschlegel; Pfingstblume f; Stinkblume f; Stanitzelblume f Ös.; Chindlichrut Schw.; Chrippenkindli Schw.; Dittichrut Schw. (Arum maculatum)
arum (botanical genus)
common arum; wild arum; starch-root: cuckoo-pint; bobbins; wake robin; cows and bulls; devils and angels; lords and ladies; Adam and Eve, naked boys
jds. Anteilnahme f; jds. Mitgefühl n (mit jdm.)
Sie brauchen unsere Unterstützung, nicht nur unsere Anteilnahme.
Chris tut mir leid, weil er die Reise nach Teneriffa versäumt hat.
Ich möchte ihrer Familie mein Mitgefühl bei all dem, was sie jetzt durchmachen muss, ausdrücken.
sb.'s commiseration; sb.'s commiserations (to sb.)
They need our assistance, not just our commiseration.
Commiserations to Chris on missing the trip to Tenerife.
I want to send my commiserations to her family for what they must be going through.
Chrisam m n (geweihtes Salböl) relig.
Chrisam m,n (geweihtes Salböl) relig.
Christ m, Christin f
Christ m; Christin f
Christen pl; Christinnen pl
'Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn' (von Bach Werktitel) mus.
'Lord Christ, the only Son of God' (by Bach work title)
Christbaum m; Weihnachtsbaum m; Lichterbaum m
Christbäume pl; Weihnachtsbäume pl; Lichterbäume pl
künstlicher Christbaum; künstlicher Weihnachtsbaum
den Christbaum schmücken anputzen aufputzen
Christmas tree
Christmas trees
artificial Christmas tree
to trim the Christmas tree
Christbaum m, Weihnachtsbaum m, Lichterbaum m
Christmas tree
Christbaumschmuck m; Christbaumbehang m; Weihnachtsbaumschmuck m; Weihnachtsbaumbehang m
Christmas tree decorations ornaments {pl}
Christbaumschmuck m; Weihnachtsbaumschmuck m; Baumschmuck m; Christbaumbehang m; Weihnachtsbaumbehang m; Baumbehang m
süßer Baumschmuck; essbarer Baumschmuck
Christmas tree decorations; Christmas tree ornaments
sweet Christmas tree decoration
Christbaumbeleuchtung f; Weihnachtsbaumbeleuchtung f
Christmas tree lighting; Christmas tree illumination
Christbaumgirlande f; Weihnachtsbaumgirlande f
Christbaumgirlanden pl; Weihnachtsbaumgirlanden pl
Christmas tree garland
Christmas tree garlands
Christbaumkugel f, Weihnachtsbaumkugel f, Weihnachtskugel f
Christbaumkugeln pl, Weihnachtsbaumkugeln pl, Weihnachtskugeln pl
glitter ball
glitter balls
Christbaumkugel f; Weihnachtsbaumkugel f; Weihnachtskugel f
Christbaumkugeln pl; Weihnachtsbaumkugeln pl; Weihnachtskugeln pl
Christmas tree ball; glitter ball; Christmas tree bauble Br.
Christmas tree ball; glitter balls; Christmas tree baubles
Weihnachtskugel f; Christbaumkugel f
(Christmas) bauble Br.
Christbaumschmuck m, Weihnachtsbaumschmuck m
Christmas tree decorations {pl}
Christbaumständer m; Weihnachtsbaumständer m
Christbaumständer pl; Weihnachtsbaumständer pl
Christmas tree stand
Christmas tree stands
Christbaumtropfen m; Weihnachtsbaumtropfen m
Christbaumtropfen pl; Weihnachtsbaumtropfen pl
Christmas tree droplet
Christmas tree droplets
Christdemokraten pl pol.
Christian Democrats
Stechpalme f; Ilex m; Christdorn m bot.
Stechpalmen pl; Christdorne pl; Winterbeeren pl (Ilex) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnliche Stechpalme f; Gemeine Stechpalme f; Europäische Stechpalme f (Ilex aquifolium)
Mate-Teestrauch m; Mate-Strauch m; Mate-Baum m; Matepflanze f (Ilex paraguariensis)
hollies (botanical genus)
common holly; European holly; English holly; Christmas holly
yerba mate
evangelikal adv relig.
evangelikal orientierte Christen
evangelically oriented Christians
worunter adv
Worunter leidest du?
Den Muslimen stehen die "Leute des Buches" gegenüber worunter der Koran vor allem Juden und Christen versteht. G
(prep) + which what; which what + (prep)
What are you suffering from?
The Muslims recognise the 'People of the Book' by which the Koran means mainly Jews and Christians.
worunter adv
Worunter leidest du?
Den Muslimen stehen die „Leute des Buches“ gegenüber, worunter der Koran vor allem Juden und Christen versteht.
{prp} + which what; which what + {prp}
What are you suffering from?
The Muslims recognise the 'People of the Book', by which the Koran means mainly Jews and Christians.
Christentum n; Christenheit f relig.
Christentum n
Christenheit f
Christentum n; Christenheit f; Christlichkeit f relig.
'Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen' (von Luther Werktitel) relig.
'On the Freedom of a Christian' (by Luther work title)
'Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen' (von Luther Werktitel) relig.
'On the Freedom of a Christian' (by Luther work title)
Christentum n
jdn. zu etw. bekehren v
Die Missionare bekehrten die Eingeborenen zum Christentum.
Sie versucht mich zu ihrer Denkungsart zu bekehren.
to convert sb. to sth.
converting to
converted to
The missionaries converted the native people to Christianity.
She is trying to convert me to her way of thinking.
etw. bestimmen v (prägen)
sich von seinen Gefühlen bestimmen lassen
Das bestimmende Thema des Abends war ...
Die Fuchsjagd bestimmt die öffentliche Debatte in England.
Das Christentum hat das mittelalterliche Weltbild bestimmt.
Architektur ist das Thema das die Arbeit des Künstlers bestimmt.
Die Musik wurde ein bestimmender Faktor in seinem Leben.
to dominate sth.
to let oneself be dominated by one's emotions
The subject that dominated the evening was ...
Foxhunting dominates (the) public debate in England.
Christianity dominated medieval thought.
Architecture has been the subject that has dominated the artist's work.
Music became a dominating factor in his life.
jdn. evangelisieren; zum Evangelium Christentum bekehren v relig.
to evangelize sb. eAm.; to evangelise sb. Br.
evangelizing; evangelising
evangelized; evangelised
evangelizes; evangelises
evangelized; evangelised
etw. verbreiten; kolportieren v
verbreitend; kolportierend
verbreitet; kolportiert
Fliegen verbreiten Krankheiten.
Die Missionare verbreiteten in den Kolonien das Christentum.
to spread; to circulate sth.
spreading; circulating
spread; circulated
Flies spread diseases.
Missionaries spread Christianity in the colonies.
Pfingstbewegung f (Strömung im Christentum)
jdn. zum Christentum bekehren v relig.
to Christianize sb.
jdn. zu etw. bekehren v
Die Missionare bekehrten die Eingeborenen zum Christentum.
Sie versucht, mich zu ihrer Denkungsart zu bekehren.
to convert sb. to sth.
converting to
converted to
The missionaries converted the native people to Christianity.
She is trying to convert me to her way of thinking.
sich zu etw. bekennen v (zu einer Religion Weltanschauung)
sich bekennend
sich bekannt
sich zum Christentum Kommunismus bekennen
sich zum Glauben bekennen; seinen Glauben bekannen
sich zu keiner Religion bekennen
to profess sth. (a religion or set of beliefs)
to profess christianity communism
to profess your faith
to profess no religion
etw. bestimmen v (prägen)
sich von seinen Gefühlen bestimmen lassen
Das bestimmende Thema des Abends war …
Die Fuchsjagd bestimmt die öffentliche Debatte in England.
Das Christentum hat das mittelalterliche Weltbild bestimmt.
Architektur ist das Thema, das die Arbeit des Künstlers bestimmt.
Die Musik wurde ein bestimmender Faktor in seinem Leben.
to dominate sth.
to let oneself be dominated by one's emotions
The subject that dominated the evening was …
Foxhunting dominates (the) public debate in England.
Christianity dominated medieval thought.
Architecture has been the subject that has dominated the artist's work.
Music became a dominating factor in his life.
etw. verbreiten; kolportieren; in Umlauf bringen; in die Welt setzen v
verbreitend; kolportierend; in Umlauf bringend; in die Welt setzend
verbreitet; kolportiert; in Umlauf gebracht; in die Welt gesetzt
breit gestreut sein werden
Geschichten in die Welt setzen, dass wonach …
man munkelte, dass …; es hieß, dass …
Ein Modell, das in letzter Zeit diskutiert wird, ist …
Es wurden große Summen kolportiert.
Es wurden schon einige Namen kolportiert.
Fliegen verbreiten Krankheiten.
Die Missionare verbreiteten in den Kolonien das Christentum.
to spread; to circulate; to put about; to bandy around; to bandy about Br.; to circulate sth.
spreading; circulating; putting about; bandying around; bandying about; circulating
spread; circulated; put about; bandied around; bandied about; circulated
to be widely spread
to put about stories that …
it was put about that …
One model which has been bandied around recently is …
Large figures were circulated.
Some names have been bandied about.
Flies spread diseases.
Missionaries spread Christianity in the colonies.
Pfingstbewegung f (Strömung im Christentum) relig.
Christenverfolgung f hist.
persecution of Christians
(politische) Verfolgung f (von jdm.) pol.
Verfolgungen pl
Gruppenverfolgung f; Verfolgung wegen der Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten Bevölkerungsgruppe
Massenverfolgung f
die erste Christenverfolgung f hist.
die Judenverfolgung durch die Nazis
(political) persecution (of sb.)
group persection
mass persecution
the first persecution of Christians
the Nazi persecution of Jews
Christi Geburt f
the Nativity
Christi Himmelfahrt
the Ascension
Himmelfahrtstag m, Christi Himmelfahrt f
Ascension Day, Ascension Thursday
vor Christi Geburt
Christi Geburt f relig.
the Nativity
Christi Himmelfahrt relig.
the Ascension
Gruftbestattung f; Grablegung f poet.
Die Grablegung Christi art
The Entombment of Christ
Himmelfahrtstag m; Christi Himmelfahrt f
Ascension Day; Ascension Thursday
Kirche f (christliche Religionsgemeinschaft) relig. adm.
anglikanische Kirche
evangelische protestantische Kirchen
griechisch-orthodoxe Kirche
katholische Kirche
katholische Ostkirchen; unierte Kirchen
russisch-orthodoxe Kirche
Weltkirche f; Universalkirche f
Ortskirche f
Partikularkirche f
Urkirche f
Mormonen pl; (Kirche Jesu Christi der) Heiligen der letzten Tage relig.
die Trennung von Kirche und Staat
die Haltung der Kirche zu wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen
Welcher Kirche gehörst du an?
Er ist Mitglied der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche.
church; Church (religious body of Christians)
Anglican Church
Evangelical Protestant Churches
Greek Orthodox Church.
Catholic Church
Eastern Catholic Churches
Russian Orthodox Church
World Church; Universal Church
Local Church
particular Church
early Church
Mormon Church; (Church of Jesus Christ of) Latter-day Saints
the separation of Church and State
the Church's attitude towards remarried divorcees
What church do you belong to?
He is a member of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Leid n; Leiden n psych. med.
seelisches Leid
psychisches Leid n psych.
das Leiden Christi relig.
emotional suffering
mental suffering
the sufferings of Christ
Mariendistel f; Christi Krone f; Donnerdistel f; Fieberdistel f; Frauendistel f; Heilandsdistel f; Marienkörner pl; Stechkörner pl (Silybum marianum) bot.
milk thistle; Marian Thistle
Nachfolge f relig.
die Nachfolge Christi
imitation (of Christ)
the discipleship of Christ
Transubstantiation f relig.
Wandlung f (von Brot und Wein in Leib und Blut Jesu Christi während der Heiligen Messe)
the transubstantiation (change of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist)
Passionsspiel n (christl. Darstellung des Leidensweges Christi) relig.
Passion play; passion play
Christi Abschied von seiner Mutter; Abschied Christi von Maria (Kunstsujet) art
Christ's farewell to his mother; Christ taking leave of his mother (art subject)
Himmelfahrtstag m; Christi Himmelfahrt f; Auffahrt f BW Schw. relig.
Ascension Day; Ascension Thursday
Kirche f (christliche Religionsgemeinschaft) relig. adm.
anglikanische Kirche
evangelische protestantische Kirchen
Freikirche f
griechisch-orthodoxe Kirche
katholische Kirche
katholische Ostkirchen; unierte Kirchen
kongregationalistische Kirche
melkitische Kirche
russisch-orthodoxe Kirche
Weltkirche f; Universalkirche f
Ortskirche f
Partikularkirche f
Urkirche f
Mormonen pl; (Kirche Jesu Christi der) Heiligen der letzten Tage relig.
die streitende Kirche
die Trennung von Kirche und Staat
die Haltung der Kirche zu wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen
Welcher Kirche gehörst du an?
Er ist Mitglied der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche.
church; Church (religious body of Christians)
Anglican Church
Evangelical Protestant Churches
Free Church
Greek Orthodox Church
Catholic Church
Eastern Catholic Churches
Congregational Church; Congregationalist Church
Melkite Church; Melchite Church
Russian Orthodox Church
World Church; Universal Church
Local Church
particular Church
early Church
Mormon Church; (Church of Jesus Christ of) Latter-day Saints
the church militant
the separation of Church and State
the Church's attitude towards remarried divorcees
What church do you belong to?
He is a member of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Leid n; Leiden n psych. med.
seelisches Leid
psychisches Leid n; Seelenleiden n psych.
das Leiden Christi relig.
emotional suffering
mental suffering
the sufferings of Christ
Nachfolge f relig.
die Nachfolge Christi; die Nachfolge Jesu relig.
imitation (of Christ)
(Christian) discipleship; following Christ
Paliurus-Stechdorne pl (Paliurus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeiner Stechdorn m; Christusdorn m (Paliurus spina-christi)
paliurus buckthorns (botanical genus)
Christ's thorn; Jerusalem thorn
Selbstentäußerung f Christi; Kenosis f relig.

Deutsche Chr Synonyme

Englische chrestomathy Synonyme

Chr Definition

(n.) A selection of passages, with notes, etc., to be used in acquiring a language
(n.) The act or process of collecting or of gathering
(n.) That which is collected
(n.) A gathering or assemblage of objects or of persons.
(n.) A gathering of money for charitable or other purposes, as by passing a contribution box for freewill offerings.
(n.) That which is obtained in payment of demands.
(n.) An accumulation of any substance.
(n.) The act of inferring or concluding from premises or observed facts
(n.) The jurisdiction of a collector of excise.
(n.) A blundering preacher.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Teach
(n.) The act or business of instructing
(n.) A discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is written
(n.) The four Gospels, by way of distinction or eminence.
(n.) A verse or passage of Scripture, especially one chosen as the subject of a sermon, or in proof of a doctrine.
(n.) Hence, anything chosen as the subject of an argument, literary composition, or the like
(n.) A style of writing in large characters
(v. t.) To write in large characters, as in text hand.
(n.) A book with wide spaces between the lines, to give room for notes.
(n.) A volume, as of some classical author, on which a teacher lectures or comments
(n.) A large hand in writing

chrestomathy (text collection for teaching purposes) Bedeutung

instruction teaching pedagogy didactics
educational activity
the activities of educating or instructing, activities that impart knowledge or skill, he received no formal education, our instruction was carefully programmed, good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded
the profession of a teacher, he prepared for teaching while still in college, pedagogy is recognized as an important profession
team teaching a method of coordinated classroom teaching involving a team of teachers working together with a single group of students
language teaching teaching people to speak and understand a foreign language
teaching reading teaching beginners to read
bottle collection collecting bottles for reuse
the act of gathering something together
bottle collection the activity of collecting bottles, bottle collection is a hobby of hers
garbage collection
garbage pickup
trash collection
trash pickup
the collection and removal of garbage
coin collecting
coin collection
the collection and study of money (and coins in particular)
stamp collecting
stamp collection
the collection and study of postage stamps
tax collection the collection of taxes
plate collection plate a shallow receptacle for collection in church
teaching aid materials and equipment used in teaching
teaching method
the principles and methods of instruction
precept commandment
a doctrine that is taught, the teachings of religion, he believed all the Christian precepts
written text
something written, especially copied from one medium to another, as a typewritten version of dictation
textual matter
the words of something written, there were more than a thousand words of text, they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech, he wants to reconstruct the original text
text the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.), pictures made the text easier to understand
machine-displayable text electronic text that is stored and used in the form of a digital image
machineeadable text electronic text that is stored as strings of characters and that can be displayed in a variety of formats
electronic text text that is in a form that computer can store or display on a computer screen
chrestomathy a selection of passages from different authors that is compiled as an aid in learning a language
text text edition
school text
a book prepared for use in schools or colleges, his economics textbook is in its tenth edition, the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy
book of maps
map collection
a collection of maps in book form
sacred text
sacred writing
religious writing
religious text
writing that is venerated for the worship of a deity
teaching certificate
teacher's certificate
a certificate saying that the holder is qualified to teach in the public schools
text file
(computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ASCII characters
ASCII text file a text file that contains only ASCII characters without special formatting
solicitation appeal collection ingathering request for a sum of money, an appeal to raise money for starving children
text editor (computer science) an application that can be used to create and view and edit text files
text-matching a computer program that looks for text that matches a given text, Google uses text-matching to find web pages containing a particular text
a publication containing a variety of works
Master of Arts in Teaching
a master's degree in teaching
text a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon, the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon
several things grouped together or considered as a whole
art collection a collection of art works
bottle collection a collection of bottles, her bottle collection is arranged on glass shelves in the window
coin collection a collection of coins
loan collection a number of pictures loaned by their owners for exhibition
stamp collection a collection of stamps
rental collection a collection of books that can be rented by readers in return for a small daily fee
copy editor
text editor
an editor who prepares text for publication
teaching fellow a graduate student with teaching responsibilities
for all practical purposes
to all intents and purposes for all intents and purposes
in every practical sense, to all intents and purposes the case is closed, the rest are for all practical purposes useless
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