
Co Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

coabhängig adj; co-abhängig adj
codependent {adj}; co-dependent {adj}
Coabhängigkeit f; Co-Abhängigkeit f; Koabhängigkeit f; Kodependenz f
codependency; codendence
Gestalt-Coaching n psych.
Gestalt coaching
Coachingkonzept n
coaching plan
Walzenauftrag m; Kiss-Coating n techn.
kiss-roll coating
Coaxialventil n techn.
coaxial valve
Glockenrebe f; Krallenwinde f (Cobaea scandens) bot.
cup-and-saucer vine; cathedral bells
Cobalamin n; Vitamin B12 n biochem.
extrinsic factor, cobalamin; vitamin B12
Cobalt (Kobalt) n chem.
Kobalt n; Cobalt n Co chem.
Cobaltdichlorid n, Cobalt(II)-chlorid n chem.
cobalt dichloride
Kobalt n; Cobalt n Co chem.
Cobaltdichlorid n; Cobalt(II)-chlorid n chem.
cobalt dichloride
Cobaltin m min.
cobalt glance; cobaltine; cobaltite
Schmerle f (Cobitidae) zool.
Schmerlen pl (Cobitidae) (zoologische Ordnung) zool.
true loaches; cobitidae (zoological order)
Steinbeißer m; Steinpicker m; Dorngrundel m (Cobitis taenia) zool.
spined loach; spotted weather loach
Cobol (COmmon Business-Oriented Language Programmiersprache) comp.
COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language programming language)
Cobol (COmmon Business-Oriented Language, Programmiersprache) comp.
COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language, programming language)
Herzogtum Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha n geogr. hist.
duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Kokastrauch m; Cocastrauch m; Koka f; Coca f (Erythroxylum coca) bot.
coca plant; coca bush; coca
Thiamindiphosphat n; Thiaminpyrophosphat n; Aneurinpyrophosphat n; Kokarboxylase f; Cocarboxylase f biochem. pharm.
thiamin pyrophosphate; thiamin diphosphate; TPP (thiamin pyrophosphate); aneurin diphosphate; cocarboxylase
Napfschildläuse pl (Coccidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
soft scales wax scales; tortoise scales (zoological family)
Napfschildläuse pl (Coccidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
soft scales, wax scales; tortoise scales (zoological family)
Iiwi m (Vestiaria coccinea) ornith.
iiwi; scarlet Hawaiian honeycreeper
Marienkäfer pl (Coccinellidae) (zoologische Familie)
ladybugs; ladybirds; ladybeetles (zoological family)
Chilenischer Feuerstrauch m (Embothrium coccineum) bot.
Chilean firebush; Chilean firetree
Akepa m (Loxops coccineus) ornith.
Neuweltliche Bohnen pl; Phaseolus-Bohnen pl (Phaseolus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Feuerbohne f; Prunkbohne f; Käferbohne f Ös. (Phaseolus coccineus)
grüne Bohne f; Gartenbohne f; Fisole f Ös.; Strankerl n Kärnten (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Limabohne f; Mondbohne f (Phaseolus lunatus)
Teparybohne f (Phaseolus acutifolius)
wild beans; phaseolus beans (botanical genus)
scarlet runner bean; runner bean; multiflora bean
common bean; green bean; string bean; snap bean; French bean Br.
lima bean; butter bean; sieva bean
Tepary bean
Tindola f; Scharlachranke f (Coccinia grandis) bot.
ivy gourd; little gourd tindora
Tindola f; Scharlachranke f (Coccinia grandis) bot.
ivy gourd; little gourd, tindora
Schildläuse pl (Coccoidea) (zoologische Überfamilie) zool.
scale insects (zoological superfamily)
Kernbeißer m (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) ornith.
Indische Scheinmyrte f; Scheinmyrte f; Kokkelskörnerstrauch m; Kokkelspflanze f (Anamirta cocculus) bot.
Indian berry; fishberry; Levant nut
Kokkelsträucher pl (Cocculus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
moonseeds; snailseed vines (botanical genus)
Dactylopius-Schildläuse pl (Dactylopius) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Cochenille-Schildlaus f; Cochenille-Laus f; Cochenille f (Dactylopius coccus)
cochineals (zoological genus)
Schwarzschnabelkuckuck m (Coccyzus erythropthalmus) ornith.
black-billed cuckoo
Cochabambablattspäher m ornith.
Bolivian Recurvebill
Cochawollrücken m ornith.
Cocha Antshrike
Cochin (Stadt in Indien)
Cochin (city in India)
Cochin (Stadt in Indien) geogr.
Cochin (city in India)
Cochlea-Implantat n med.
cochlear implant CI
Cochlea-Implantation f med.
cochlear implantation
Löffelkräuter pl (Cochlearia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
echtes Löffelkraut n; Löffelblättchen n; Löffelkresse f; Bitterkresse f; Skorbutkraut n (Cochlearia officinalis)
scurvy grass; scurvygrass; spoonwort (botanical genus)
common scurvygrass
Schneckengang m (Ductus cochlearis) anat.
cochlear duct
Kahnschnabel m (Cochlearius cochlearius) ornith.
boat-billed heron; boatbill
Schnäpperdrosseln pl (Cochoa) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Java-Schnäpperdrossel f; Sunda-Schnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa azurea)
Purpurschnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa purpurea)
Smaragdschnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa viridis)
Sumatra-Schnäpperdrossel f (Cochoa beccarii)
cochoas (zoological genus)
Javan Cochoa
purple cochoa
green cochoa
Sumatran cochoa
statistischer Test m statist.
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test, bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschter Test
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
Medialtest m; Quadrantentest m
Mediantest m
Monte-Carlo-Test m
Multibinomialtest m
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest m; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test m; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest m; Randomisationstest m
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest m; Mauchly-Test m
Stabilitätsprüfung f
T-Quadrat-Test m
Tandemtest m
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
Trendtest m
trennschärfster Rangtest
UN²-Test m
Varianzverhältnistest m; F-Test m
Vereinigung-Schnitt-Test m
Verschiebungstest m
Vorzeichentest m
Vorzeichenrangtest m; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
Vorzeichenwechsel-Test m; Umkehrprobe f bei Indexzahlen
W-Test auf Normalität m
Wahrscheinlichkeitsverhältnistest m
Zeit-Umkehrprobe f; Umkehrprobe f für Indexbasen
zweidimensionaler Zeichentest m
Z-Test m
Ajnescher An-Test
Armitage Chiquadrat-Trendtest
Barnardscher Monte Carlo-Test
Bartlett-Test auf Interaktion 2. Ordnung
Bartlett'scher Kollinearitätstest
Bartlett-Diananda'scher Test
Barnard'scher Test
Behrens-Fisher-Test; Fisher-Behrens-Test
Boxscher Test
Cochrans Q-Test; McNemar-Test
Dispersionstest von Ansari-Bradley
Fisher-Yates-Test; exak
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
a posteriori test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerful rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
test of trend
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-test
Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
Aspin-Welch test
Barnard's Monte Carlo test
Bartlett's test
Bartlett's test of second order interaction
Bartlett's collinearity test
Bartlett-Diananda test
CSM test
Beran's test
Behrens-Fisher test; Fisher-Behrens test
bootstrap test
Box's test
Breslow-Day test
Brunk's test
Butler-Smirnov test
Capon test
Cliff-Ord tests
Cochran's test
Cochran's Q-test; McNemar's test
Cox and Stuart's tests
D'Agostino's test
Daniel's test
David-Barton test
Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
Duncan's test; k-ratio t-test
Dunn's test
Dunnett's test
Dwass-Steel test
Fisher-Yates test; Fisher-Irwin test; Fisher exact test exact chi-squared test
Freund-Ansari test
Friedman's test
Gabriel's test
Galton's rank order test
Gart's test
Gehan test
Greenhouse-Geisser test
Gupta's symmetry test
Hartley's test; maximum F-ratio
Hodges' bivariate sign test
Hodges-Ajne's test
Nicaraguasee m; Cocibolca-See m geogr.
Lake Nicaragua; Lake Cocibolca; Lake Granada
Pfahl, ---> cock
Cockburn Town (Hauptstadt Turks- und Caicosinseln)
Cockburn Town (capital of Turks and Caicos Islands)
Cockburn Town (Hauptstadt Turks- und Caicosinseln) geogr.
Cockburn Town (capital of Turks and Caicos Islands)
Cockerell-Lederkopf m ornith.
New Britain Friarbird
Cockerellfächerschwanz m ornith.
Cockerell's Fantail
Cockerspaniel m zool.
Cockerspaniel pl
Cockpit n, Pilotenkanzel f, Flugzeugkanzel f aviat.
Cockpits pl, Pilotenkanzeln pl, Flugzeugkanzeln pl
Cockpit n; Pilotenkanzel f; Flugzeugkanzel f aviat.
Cockpits pl; Pilotenkanzeln pl; Flugzeugkanzeln pl
flight compartment; cockpit
flight compartments; cockpits
etw. auf normalem Luftdruck Normaldruck halten (Kabine Cockpit) aviat.
to pressurize sth.; to pressurise Br. sth. (cabin cockpit)
Flugschreiber m aviat.
Flugschreiber pl
Cockpit-Stimmenrecorder m; Stimmenrecorder m
Flugdatenschreiber m
Cockpit-Stimmenrecorder und Flugdatenschreiber
flight recorder; black box coll.
flight recorders; black boxes
cockpit voice recorder CVR ; voice recorder
flight data recorder FDR
cockpit voice and data recorder CVDR
Instrumententafel f; Armaturentafel f (im Cockpit eines Flugzeugs Rennwagens) auto aviat.
Instrumententafeln pl; Armaturentafeln pl
instrument panel; instrument board; dashboard (in the cockpit of an aircraft racing car)
instrument panels; instrument boards; dashboards
etw. auf normalem Luftdruck Normaldruck halten v (Kabine, Cockpit) aviat.
to pressurize sth.; to pressurise Br. sth. (cabin, cockpit)
Cockpitmodul n auto aviat.
cockpit module
Cockpitsystem n auto aviat.
cockpit system
cocksucker Person beim Fellatio, Oralsex beim Mann
cocksucker person beim fellatio, oralsex beim mann
Cocktail n cook.
Cocktails pl
Cocktail n cook.
Cocktails pl
alkoholfreier Cocktail
Cocktail aus Gin Wodka und Limettensaft
Virgin cocktail; mocktail
Margarita m f (Cocktail aus Tequila Triple Sec und Limettensaft) cook.
margarita (cocktail made of tequila triple sec and lime juice)

Deutsche Co Synonyme

Englische codependent {adj}; co-dependent {adj} Synonyme

Co Definition

(a.) Hanging down
(a.) Relying on, or subject to, something else for support
(n.) One who depends
(n.) That which depends
(a.) Dependent on one's self

codependent {adj}; co-dependent {adj} Bedeutung

blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
dependent variable (statistics) a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value depends on the independent variable, if f(x)y, y is the dependent variable
subordinate clause
dependent clause
a clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb
a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)
type I diabetes
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
juvenile-onset diabetes
juvenile diabetes
growth-onset diabetes
ketosis-prone diabetes
ketoacidosis-prone diabetes
autoimmune diabetes
severe diabetes mellitus with an early onset, characterized by polyuria and excessive thirst and increased appetite and weight loss and episodic ketoacidosis, diet and insulin injections are required to control the disease
d type II diabetes
non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
non-insulin-dependent diabetes
ketosisesistant diabetes mellitus
ketosisesistant diabetes
ketoacidosisesistant diabetes mellitus
ketoacidosisesistant diabetes
adult-onset diabetes mellitus
adult-onset diabetes
maturity-onset diabetes mellitus
maturity-onset diabetes
mature-onset diabetes
mild form of diabetes mellitus that develops gradually in adults, can be precipitated by obesity or severe stress or menopause or other factors, can usually be controlled by diet and hypoglycemic agents without injections of insulin
addicted to alcohol, alcoholic expatriates in Paris- Carl Van Doren
addicted to a drug
contingent on(p)
contingent upon(p)
dependent on(p)
dependant on(p)
dependent upon(p)
dependant upon(p)
depending on(p)
determined by conditions or circumstances that follow, arms sales contingent on the approval of congress
contingent on something else
dependent relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed, dependent children, dependent on moisture
dependent subordinate (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence, a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence
being under the power or sovereignty of another or others, subject peoples, a dependent prince
held from above, a pendant bunch of grapes
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