
Dec Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

zehnarmige Tintenfische pl (Decabrachia) (zoologische Ãœberordnung) zool.
ten-armed coleoids (zoological superorder)
Blaugurken pl; Blauschoten pl (Decaisnea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
dead man's fingers (botanical genus)
Decamethylendiamin n chem.
2-Octyl-1-decanol n chem.
Turteltauben pl (Streptopelia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäische Turteltaube f (Streptopelia turtur)
Adamaua-Turteltaube f (Streptopelia hypopyrrha)
Brillentaube f (Streptopelia decipiens)
Halbmondtaube f (Streptopelia semitorquata)
Kapturteltaube f (Streptopelia capicola)
Kichertaube f (Streptopelia bitorquata)
Madagaskar-Turteltaube f (Streptopelia picturata)
Nordafrikanische Lachtaube f (Streptopelia roseogrisea)
Orientturteltaube f (Streptopelia orientalis)
Palmtaube f (Streptopelia senegalensis)
Perlhalstaube f (Streptopelia chinensis)
Reichenowtaube f (Streptopelia reichenowi)
Rosa Taube f (Streptopelia mayeri)
Röteltaube f (Streptopelia vinacea)
Trauerturteltaube f (Streptopelia lugens)
Türkentaube f (Streptopelia decaocto)
Weinrote Halsringtaube f (Streptopelia tranquebarica)
turtle doves (zoological genus)
European turtle dove
Adamawa turtle dove
mourning collared dove
red-eyed dove
ring-necked dove
island collared dove
Madagascar turtle dove
African collared dove
Oriental Turtle
laughing dove
spotted dove
white-winged collared dove
pink pigeon
vinaceous dove
dusky turtle dove
Eurasian collared dove; collared dove
red turtle dove
Mentzelien pl (Mentzelia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Zehnblättrige Mentzelie f; Abendstern m (Mentzelia decapetala)
Glattstängelige Mentzelie f (Mentzelia laevicaulis)
Lindley-Mentzelie f (Mentzelia lindleyi)
blazing stars; stickleafs (botanical genus)
ten-petal blazingstar; ten-petal mentzelia
smoothstem blazing star; giant blazing star
Lindley's blazingstar; evening star
Zehnfußkrebse pl (Decapoda) (zoologische Ordnung) zool.
decapoda crabs; decapods (zoological order)
Decapper m
Decarboxylierung f chem.
Raslinge pl; Schwärzlinge pl (Lyophyllum) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Büscheliger Rasling m; Brauner Rasling (Lyophyllum decastes, syn. Lyophyllum aggregatum) myc.
lyophyllum (genus of fungi)
fried chicken mushroom
Sektorzeiger m des Decca-Geräts (Radar)
bisector (radar)
Dechaliniumchlorid n chem.
dequalinium chloride
Dekan m; Dechant m relig.
Domdechant m; Domdekan m
Dechant m; Dekan m (katholische Kirche) relig.
Dechante pl; Dekane pl
Domdechant m; Domdekan m
dean (Catholic Church)
Chiffreur m, Dechiffreur m
chiffre officer, chiffre clerk
Chiffreur m; Dechiffreur m
chiffre officer; chiffre clerk
to decipher
etw. entschlüsseln; entziffern; dechiffrieren; dekodieren; decodieren v
entschlüsselnd; entziffernd; dechiffrierend; dekodierend; decodierend
entschlüsselt; entziffert; dechiffriert; dekodiert; decodiert
entschlüsselt; entziffert; dechiffriert; dekodiert; decodiert
entschlüsselte; entzifferte; dechiffrierte; dekodierte; decodierte
to decrypt sth.; to decipher sth.; to decode sth.; to uncode sth.; to unscramble sth.
decrypting; deciphering; decoding; uncoding; unscrambling
decrypted; deciphered; decoded; uncoded; unscrambled
decrypts; deciphers; decodes; uncodes; unscrambles
decrypted; deciphered; decoded; uncoded; unscrambled
Dechiffrierung f
Entschlüsselung f; Dechiffrierung f
decryption; deciphering; decoding
Dechlorierung f chem.
Dechsel f
adz, adze
Breitbeil n; Querbeil n; Queraxt f; Dechsel f
Breitbeile pl; Querbeile pl; Queräxte pl; Dechsel pl
adze; adz Am.
Flachbeilklinge f; Dechselklinge f; Schuhleistenkeil m (Archäologie) hist.
Flachbeilklingen pl; Dechselklingen pl; Schuhleistenkeile pl
shoe-last adze; high adze; shoe-last celt (archaeology)
shoe-last adzes; high adzes; shoe-last celts
Lärchen pl (Larix) (botanische Gattung) bot.
europäische Lärche f (Larix decidua)
dahurische Lärche f (Larix gmelinii)
japanische Lärche (Larix kaempferi)
(ost)amerikanische Lärche; Tamarack m (Larix laricina)
westamerikanische Lärche (Larix occidentalis)
Felsengebirgslärche (Larix lyallii)
sibirische Lärche (Larix sibirica)
russische Lärche (Larix sukaczewii)
chinesische Lärche (Larix potaninii)
Himalaya-Lärche (Larix himalaica)
Sikkim-Lärche (Larix griffithii Larix griffithiania)
Yunnan-Lärche (Larix speciosa)
Larix mastersiana
larches; larch trees (botanical genus)
European larch
Dahurian larch
Japanese larch
American larch; Eastern larch; Tamarack larch; hackmatack
Western larch
subalpine Larch
Siberian larch
Russian larch
Chinese larch
Langtang larch
Himalayan larch
Yunnan Larch
Masters' Larch
Lärchen pl (Larix) (botanische Gattung) bot.
europäische Lärche f (Larix decidua)
dahurische Lärche f (Larix gmelinii)
japanische Lärche (Larix kaempferi)
(ost)amerikanische Lärche; Tamarack m (Larix laricina)
westamerikanische Lärche (Larix occidentalis)
Felsengebirgslärche (Larix lyallii)
sibirische Lärche (Larix sibirica)
russische Lärche (Larix sukaczewii)
chinesische Lärche (Larix potaninii)
Himalaya-Lärche (Larix himalaica)
Sikkim-Lärche (Larix griffithii Larix griffithiania)
Yunnan-Lärche (Larix speciosa)
Larix mastersiana
larches; larch trees (botanical genus)
European larch
Dahurian larch
Japanese larch
American larch; Eastern larch; Tamarack larch; hackmatack
Western larch
subalpine Larch
Siberian larch
Russian larch
Chinese larch
Langtang larch
Himalayan larch
Yunnan Larch
Masters' Larch
Palisanderhölzer pl (Dalbergia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanisches Schwarzholz n; Afrikanisches Grenadillholz n; Zebraholz n (Dalbergia melanoxylon)
Königsholz n; Veilchenholz n (Dalbergia cearensis)
Ostindischer Palisander m (Dalbergia latifolia)
Rio-Palisander m; Brasilianisches Rosenholz n; Bahia-Rosenholz n; Rosenholz n (Dalbergia decipularis)
rosewoods (botanical genus)
African blackwood; African grenadilla; zebrawood
Brasilian kingwood; kingwood
East Indian rosewood; Indian rosewood; Bombay blackwood
Rio rosewood; Bahia rosewood; Brasilian tulipwood; tulipwood
Decitropin n chem.
Verladung an Deck
shipment on deck
Bord n, Deck n naut.
an Bord
über Bord, überbord
etw. über Bord werfen
on board, aboard
to throw sth. overboard
Deck n
an Deck
über Deck
unter Deck
on deck
above deck
below deck
(hoch) oben, droben, empor, in der Höhe, über Deck
Tischlein deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack
The Wishing-Table, The Gold-Ass, and The Cudgel in the Sack
an Deck
on board
(hoch) oben; droben; empor; in der Höhe; über Deck
Tischlein deck dich Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack (Märchen)
The Wishing-Table The Gold-Ass and The Cudgel in the Sack (fairy tale)
Deck n (eines Schiffs) naut.
an Deck
Wetterdeck n
über Deck
unter Deck
Alle Mann an Deck! naut.
deck (of a ship)
on deck
weather deck; free deck
above deck
below deck
All hands on deck!
Schiffslänge f naut.
Länge an Deck LaD
Länge an der Schwimmwasserlinie
Länge über alles Lüa
Länge zwischen den Loten LzdL
Rumpflänge f
ship length; length of the ship
length on deck LOD
length on waterline LWL ; waterline length
length over all LOA
length between perpendiculars LPP
hull length
oberes Stockwerk n; oberes Geschoss n; Obergeschoss n; oberes Geschoß n Ös.; Obergeschoß n Ös. arch.
erstes Obergeschoss (1. OG); erste Etage
in einem oberen Stockwerk; in einem der oberen Stockwerke; in einem Obergeschoss
im Obergeschoss
das obere Geschoss reinigen
auf dem oberen Deck eines Londoner Busses
upper storey Br.; upper story Am.; upper floor; upstair floor
first floor (1st floor) Br.; second floor (2nd floor) Am.
on an upper floor
on the upper storey
to clean the upstairs
on the upstairs of a London bus
(hoch) oben; droben; empor; in der Höhe; über Deck
aloft {adv}
etw. (an einem Ort) verstauen; unterbringen; versorgen Schw. v
verstauend; unterbringend; versorgend
verstaut; untergebracht; versorgt
etw. unter Deck verstauen
Ich verstaute meine Tasche unter dem Sitz.
to stow sth.; to stow away () sth. (in a place)
stowing; stowing away
stowed; stowed away
to stow sth. away below deck
I stowed my bag under the seat.
Alle Mann an Deck! naut.
All hands on deck!
Tischlein deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack (Märchen) lit.
The Wishing-Table, The Gold-Ass, and The Cudgel in the Sack (fairy tale)
accommodation address
Deckadresse f
Deckadressen pl
cover address
cover addresses
cover address
Deckadresse f; Tarnadresse f; Briefkastenadresse f
Deckadressen pl; Tarnadressen pl; Briefkastenadressen pl
cover address; accommodation address Br.
cover addresses; accommodation addresses
cover addresses
Deckanstrich m
Deckanstriche pl
top coating, finishing coat
top coatings, finishing coats
Deckanstrich m
top coat; finishing coat; finish (painting)
Deckarbeiter m; Decksarbeiter m; Decksmann m naut.
Deckarbeiter pl; Decksarbeiter pl; Decksmänner pl
deckhand; roustabout Am.; deckie Austr.
deckhands; roustabouts; deckies
Deckbett n
Deckbetten pl
feather bed
feather beds
feather bed
Deckbett n; Oberbett n
Deckbetten pl; Oberbetten pl
feather bed
feather beds
Steppdecke f; Steppbett n; Deckbett n; Oberbett n; Federbett n; Plumeau n Westdt. Süddt. veraltend; Tuchent f Ös.; Duvet n Schw. textil.
Steppdecken pl; Steppbetten pl; Deckbetten pl; Oberbetten pl; Federbetten pl; Plumeaues pl; Tuchenten pl; Duvets pl
duvet Br.; continental quilt Br.; comforter Am.; plumeau rare
duvets; continental quilts; comforters; plumeaus
Deckblatt n
Deckblätter pl
cover sheet, flyleaf
cover sheets, flyleaves
Tragblatt n, Deckblatt n, Knospendeckblatt n, Braktee f bot.
Tragblätter pl, Deckblätter pl, Knospendeckblätter pl
Deckblatt n; Vorsatzblatt n print
Deckblätter pl; Vorsatzblätter pl
cover sheet; cover page
cover sheets; cover pages
Tragblatt n; Deckblatt n; Knospendeckblatt n; Braktee f bot.
Tragblätter pl; Deckblätter pl; Knospendeckblätter pl
Deckblech n techn.
Deckbleche pl
cap plate
cap plates
Deckplatte f, Abdeckplatte f, Deckblech n, Abdeckblech n, Abschlussblech n
Deckplatten pl, Abdeckplatten pl, Deckbleche pl, Abdeckbleche pl, Abschlussbleche pl
rückseitigte Abdeckplatte
cover plate
cover plates
Deckplatte f; Abschlussplatte f; Abdeckplatte f; Deckblech n; Abdeckblech n; Abschlussblech n techn.
Deckplatten pl; Abschlussplatten pl; Abdeckplatten pl; Deckbleche pl; Abdeckbleche pl; Abschlussbleche pl
rückseitigte Abdeckplatte
cover plate; closing plate
cover plates; closing plates
Stülpschalungsbrett n; Stülpschalbrett n; Stülpverschalbrett n; Deckbrett n (einseitig zugeschärft) constr.
Stülpschalungsbretter pl; Stülpschalbretter pl; Stülpverschalbretter pl; Deckbretter pl
weather board
weather boards
Schülpschalungsbrett n; Deckbrett n (für den Wetterschutz an Hauswänden) constr.
Schülpschalungsbretter pl; Deckbretter pl
weatherboard; clapboard Am.
weatherboards; clapboards
Begleitbrief m; Anschreiben n; Deckbrief m
Begleitbriefe pl; Anschreiben pl
Der Name ... wurde im Anschreiben erwähnt.
covering letter; cover letter
covering letters; cover letters
The name of ... was mentioned in the covering letter.
Begleitbrief m; Anschreiben n; Deckbrief m
Begleitbriefe pl; Anschreiben pl
Der Name … wurde im Anschreiben erwähnt.
covering letter; cover letter
covering letters; cover letters
The name of … was mentioned in the covering letter.

Deutsche Dec Synonyme

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Englische ten-armed coleoids Synonyme

Dec Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Arm
(a.) Furnished with weapons of offense or defense
(a.) Furnished with whatever serves to add strength, force, or efficiency.
(a.) Having horns, beak, talons, etc
(a.) With arms crossed.
(a.) Wearing heavy or complete armor
(a.) Armed with light weapons or accouterments.
(a.) Having long arms
(n.) A group intermediate in importance between an order and a subclass.
(a.) Of or pertaining to zoology, or the science of animals.

ten-armed coleoids (zoological superorder) Bedeutung

armed robbery
heist holdup
robbery at gunpoint
armed forces censorship military censorship of personal communications to or from persons in the armed forces
armed combat
an engagement fought between two military forces
superorder Malacopterygii
an extensive group of teleost fishes having fins supported by flexible cartilaginous rays
superorder Ratitae
used in former classifications to include all ratite bird orders
superorder Labyrinthodontia
superorder Labyrinthodonta
extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth, Devonian through Triassic
superorder Acanthopterygii
teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays
armed bullhead
Agonus cataphractus
northern Atlantic sea poacher
zoological garden
the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition
slot one-armed bandit a slot machine that is used for gambling, they spend hours and hours just playing the slots
tablet-armed chair a chair with an arm that has been widened for writing
zoological science
the branch of biology that studies animals
Armed Islamic Group
a terrorist organization of Islamic extremists whose violent activities began in , aims to overthrow the secular Algerian regime and replace it with an Islamic state, the GIA has embarked on a terrorist campaign of civilian massacres
Army for the Liberation of Rwanda
Former Armed Forces
a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again, in ALIR guerrillas kidnapped and killed eight foreign tourists
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarios de Colombia
a powerful and wealthy terrorist organization formed in as the guerilla arm of the Colombian communist party, opposed to the United States, has strong ties to drug dealers
superorder (biology) a taxonomic group ranking above an order and below a class or subclass
military service
armed service
a force that is a branch of the armed forces
armed forces
armed services
military machine
war machine
the military forces of a nation, their military is the largest in the region, the military machine is the same one we faced in but now it is weaker
Armed Forces Day the rd Saturday in May
armed (used of persons or the military) characterized by having or bearing arms, armed robbery
light-armed armed with light equipment and weapons, a light-armed brigade
armed (used of plants and animals) furnished with bristles and thorns
armed having arms or arms as specified, used especially in combination, the many-armed goddess Shiva
long-armed having relatively long arms
one-armed having one arm, a one-armed veteran
armed with light weapons
heavy-armed having massive arms, he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed
zoological of or relating to animals or animal groups, zoological garden
zoological concerning the study of animals and their classification and properties, zoological research
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125 Bewertungen 5


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