
Deckungsguthaben Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Deckungsguthaben n fin.
coverage deposit; covering balance
Deckungsguthaben n fin.
coverage deposit; covering balance
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin, profit margin
contribution margins, profit margins
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
amount of coverage
amounts of coverage
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin; profit margin
contribution margins; profit margins
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin; marginal income; profit margin
contribution margins; marginal incomes; profit margins
amount of coverage
breakeven analysis
Deckungsbeitragsrechnung f fin.
breakeven analysis
cover note
Deckungsbestätigung eines Schecks
certification of a cheque
Deckungsbestätigung f (Versicherung) fin.
insurance cover note
vorläufige Versicherungspolice f; Deckungszusage f; Deckungsbestätigung f (Versicherungswesen)
confirmation of insurance cover Br. coverage Am.; memorandum of insurance; (insurance) cover note Br.; covering note Br.; binder (for insurance) Am.; binding receipt Am.; binding slip Am. (insurance business)
Kredit m; Darlehen n fin.
Kredite pl; Darlehen pl
Deckungsdarlehen n
Großkredit m
Kassenkredit m; Kassendarlehen n
Kassenkredit durch die Zentralbank
auf Kredit; auf Pump
auf Pump leben; auf Kredit leben
revolvierender Kredit
eine Bedingung in einem Kredit
notleidender Kredit; fauler Kredit (überfälliger oder uneinbringlicher Kredit)
ein Darlehen aufnehmen
ein Darlehen gewähren
ein Darlehen zurückzahlen
ein Darlehen kündigen
einen Kredit erhöhen
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit; Darlehen mit kurzer Laufzeit; kurzfristiges Darlehen
Darlehen ohne Deckung
Kredit für Hauskauf
Darlehen zum Grunderwerb
Not leidender Kredit m (Kredit mit überfälligen Raten) jur. fin.
rückgriffsfreies Darlehen; rückgriffsfreie Finanzierung (besichertes Darlehen ohne persönliche Haftung des Darlehensnehmers) fin.
Kredit bei dem der Zinssatz immer wieder an das aktuelle Zinsniveau angepasst wird (Euro-Geldmarkt)
Darlehen aushandeln
einen Kredit aufnehmen
jdm. einen Kredit gewähren
credit; loan
credits; loans
covering loan
large-scale loan; massive loan; jumbo loan
cash credit; cash loan
cash lendings
on credit; on tick Br.
to live on tick; to live on credit
revolving credit; revolver
a requirement in a credit
non-performing loan; distressed loan; bad loan
to raise a loan; to take up a loan
to grant a loan
to repay a loan; to return a loan
to recall a loan; to call in money
to increase a credit; to extend a credit
short-term loan
unsecured loan
home loan
land loan
non performing loan
non-recourse debt; non-recourse loan; non-recourse finance
rollover credit; rollover loan (Euro money market)
to arrange a loan
to take out a loan
to grant sb. a loan
Kredit m; Darlehen n fin.
Kredite pl; Darlehen pl
Deckungsdarlehen n
Großkredit m
Kassenkredit m; Kassendarlehen n
Kassenkredit durch die Zentralbank
Stillhaltekredit m; Stillhaltedarlehen n
Valutakredit m
Warenkredit m; Lieferantenkredit m
auf Kredit; auf Pump
auf Pump leben; auf Kredit leben
revolvierender Kredit
eine Bedingung in einem Kredit
notleidender Kredit; fauler Kredit (überfälliger oder uneinbringlicher Kredit)
einen Kredit aufnehmen; ein Darlehen aufnehmen
jdm. ein Darlehen einen Kredit gewähren
einen Kredit ein Darlehen zurückzahlen abzahlen tilgen
ein Darlehen kündigen
den Kredit um 1 Million auf 5 Millionen aufstocken; die Kreditsumme um 1 Mio. auf 5 Mio. erhöhen
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit; Darlehen mit kurzer Laufzeit; kurzfristiges Darlehen
Darlehen ohne Deckung
Kredit für Hauskauf
Darlehen zum Grunderwerb
Not leidender Kredit m (Kredit mit überfälligen Raten) jur. fin.
rückgriffsfreies Darlehen; rückgriffsfreie Finanzierung (besichertes Darlehen ohne persönliche Haftung des Darlehensnehmers) fin.
Kredit, bei dem der Zinssatz immer wieder an das aktuelle Zinsniveau angepasst wird (Euro-Geldmarkt)
Darlehen aushandeln
credit; loan
credits; loans
covering loan
large-scale loan; massive loan; jumbo loan
cash credit; cash loan
cash lendings
standstill credit; standstill loan
foreign currency loan
trade credit; commodity credit; credit on goods
on credit; on tick Br.
to live on tick; to live on credit
revolving credit; revolver
a requirement in a credit
non-performing loan; distressed loan; bad loan
to raise a credit loan; to take out a credit loan
to allow; to give; to offer a load a credit to sb.
to repay return redeem a credit a loan
to recall a loan; to call in money
to expand the credit by 1 million to 5 millions; to increase the loan by 1m to 5m
short-term loan
unsecured loan
home loan
land loan
non performing loan
non-recourse debt; non-recourse loan; non-recourse finance
rollover credit; rollover loan (Euro money market)
to arrange a loan
deckungsfähiges Risiko m fin.
coverable risk
deckungsfähiges Risiko n fin.
coverable risk
Deckungsfehler m (Raster) electr.
Deckungsfehler pl
convergence error; registration error (screen)
convergence errors; registration errors
Deckungsfeuer n mil.
Deckungsfeuer geben
covering fire
to give provide covering fire
Deckungsfonds m fin.
cover fund
Deckungsforderungen pl fin.
covering claims
hedging transaction
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließen; decken; absichern (Börse) v fin.
to hedge (stock exchange)
Sicherungsgeschäft n; Deckungsgeschäft n; Kurssicherung f (Börse) fin.
Sicherungskauf m auf Termin; Terminkaufshedge m
Sicherungsverkauf m auf Termin; Terminverkaufshedge m
hedge (stock exchange)
long hedge
short hedge
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließen; decken; absichern (Börse) v fin.
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließend; deckend; absichernd
ein Deckungsgeschäft abgeschlossen; gedeckt; abgesichert
kurssicherndes Unternehmen
to hedge (stock exchange)
hedging company
Kurssicherungsgeschäft n; Absicherungsgeschäft n; Sicherungsgeschäft n; Kurssicherungstransaktion f; Absicherungstransaktion f; Sicherungstransaktion f; Deckungsgeschäft n (Börse) fin.
Ersatzsicherungsgeschäft n
Abschluss eines Kurssicherungsgeschäfts Deckungsgeschäfts
hedge transaction; hedging transaction; covering operation; covering transaction (stock exchange)
cross hedge transaction
Abschluß von Deckungsgeschäften
Absicherung mit Deckungsgeschäften
deckungsgleich, entsprechend adj
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich, entsprechend
deckungsgleich; kongurent adj math.
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich sein f chem.
to be superimposable; to be superposable
etw. mit etw. (deckungsgleich) überlagern v
eine Schwingung mit einer anderen überlagern
etw. überlagern
to superimpose; superpose sth. on sth.
to super(im)pose one oscillation upon another
to be superimposed on sth.
deckungsgleich; kongruent adj math.
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich sein v chem.
to be superimposable; to be superposable
Kongruenz f, Deckungsgleichheit f
Kongruenzen pl
congruency, congruence
Deckungsgleichheit f von Erkenntnissen; Ãœbereinstimmung f von Erkenntnissen sci.
convergence of evidence; concordance of evidence; consilience of evidence
Deckungsgleichheit f; Kongruenz f math.
congruency; congruence
Deckungsgleichheit f; Konvergenz f (TV) techn.
convergence (TV)
Deckungsgrad m der Baumkronen; Kronenschluss m; Schlussgrad m agr.
degree of crown canopy cover; canopy density (in trees)
Deckungsgrad m der Blattflächen; Blattflächenindex m agr. envir.
leaf area index
Deckungsgrenze f fin.
Deckungsgrenzen pl
cover limit
cover limits
Haftungsgrenze f; Deckungsgrenze f (Versicherungswesen) fin.
Haftungsgrenzen pl; Deckungsgrenzen pl
limit of cover; limit of indemnity (insurance business)
limits of cover; limits of indemnity
Deckungsguthaben n fin.
coverage deposit; covering balance
Deckungskäufe des Baisse-Spekulanten
bear covering
Kurssicherungskäufe pl; Absicherungskäufe pl; Sicherungskäufe pl; Deckungskäufe pl (Börse) fin.
hedge buying (stock exchange)
Deckungskauf m; Deckung f (beim Leergeschäft) (Börse) fin.
Deckung anschaffen
Deckungskauf der Baissepartei
Zwang zu einem Deckungskauf
zu Deckungskäufen zwingen
covering purchase; short covering; covering (stock exchange)
to provide cover
bear covering; short covering
bear squeeze
to squeeze the bears
covering purchase
Risiko n; Wagnis n
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen verteilen
das Risiko tragen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus radioaktiver Strahlung jur.
Risiko der Abnahmeverweigerung jur.
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtransferierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtrückführung jur.
Risiko der Preissteigerung jur.
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
nuclear radiation risk; ionising radiation risk
repudiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
risk of non-repatriation
price escalation risk
Risiko n; Wagnis n +Gen.
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
geringes mittleres hohes Risiko
individuelles Risiko; Individualrisiko n
kollektives Risiko; Kollektivrisiko n
Notfallrisiko n
Restrisiko n; verbleibendes Risiko
Sonderrisiko n
Verlustrisiko n
Risiken bergen; risikobehaftet sein
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen, verteilen
das Risiko tragen
ein Risiko in Kauf nehmen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
operationelles Risiko fin. econ.
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus ionisierender Strahlung radioaktiver Strahlung
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung
Risiko der Nichttransferierung
Dies birgt das Risiko, dass die Daten in falsche Hände geraten.
Der Patient stellt kein Risiko für sich oder andere dar.; Bei dem Patienten liegt keine Eigen- oder Fremdgefährdung vor.
risk (of sth.)
low moderate high risk
individual risk
collective risk
emergency risk
residual risk; remaining risk
special risk; particular risk
risk of loss
to carry risks
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
to accept a risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
operational risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
ionising radiation risk; nuclear radiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
This carries (with it) the risk that the data might could will get into the wrong hands.
The patient is not a risk to himself or others.
Deckungslücke f, Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl, Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Deckungslücke f; Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl; Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Deckungsmittel pl fin.
cover funds
Deckungsquote f fin.
coverage ratio
Deckungssumme f (Versicherungswesen)
Deckungssummen pl
amount covered; amount insured; sum insured (insurance business)
amounts covered; amounts insured; sums insured
Deckungsumfang m (Versicherungswesen)
scope of coverage; scope of cover; coverage level (insurance business)
(mengenmäßiger) Umsatz m; Umsätze pl; Gesamtumschlag m econ.
Bruttoumsatz m
Deckungsumsatz m
Gesamtumsatz m; Gesamtumschlag m
Innenumsatz m; Verkäufe zwischen Konzerngesellschaften
Jahresumsatz m
Konzernumsatz m
Mindestumsatz m
Monatsumsatz m
konsolidierter Nettoumsatz m
Tagesumsatz m
Rekordumsatz m
hoher Umsatz
erwarteter Umsatz
echt steuerfreie Umsätze; steuerbefreite Umsätze mit Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigung
Verhältnis Umsatz zu eingesetztem Kapital
die Umsätze steigern
gute Umsätze erziehen machen
Die Umsätze gingen (im Jahr) 2016 um 10% zurück.
Die Umsätze stiegen um 35% auf 11 Millionen Stück.
sales (number of items sold)
gross sales
breakeven sales
total sales
intercompany sales
annual sales
group sales
minimum sales
monthly sales
consolidated net sales
daily sales
record sales
high sales
expected sales
zero-rated sales Br.
ratio of sales to invested capital
to increase sales
to achieve good sales
Sales declined by 10 % in 2016.
Sales rose by 35 % to 11 million units.
Deckungsverfahren n aviat.
beam rider system
cover ratio
Deckungsverhältnis n (Schuldrecht) jur.
covering relationship; cover relationship (law of obligations)
Deckungszeitraum, Versicherungsdauer
term of insurance
Deckungszielgerät n; Grabenvisier n; Schützengrabenspiegel m; Spiegelkolben m mil.
trench periscope; periscopic sight
Deckungszusage (US)
Deckungszusage f fin.
binding receipt, conditional receipt
Deckungszusage f
Deckungszusage f; Kreditzusage f; Förderzusage f fin. adm.
Deckungszusagen pl; Kreditzusagen pl; Förderzusagen pl
letter of commitment; commitment letter
letters of commitment; commitment letters
vorläufige Versicherungspolice f; Deckungszusage f (Versicherung)
memorandum of insurance; cover note Br.; covering note Br.; binder Am.; binding receipt Am.; binding slip Am. (insurance)

Deutsche Deckungsguthaben Synonyme

Englische coverage deposit; covering balance Synonyme

Deckungsguthaben Definition

(n.) An apparatus for weighing.
(n.) Act of weighing mentally
(n.) Equipoise between the weights in opposite scales.
(n.) The state of being in equipoise
(n.) An equality between the sums total of the two sides of an account
(n.) A balance wheel, as of a watch, or clock. See Balance wheel (in the Vocabulary).
(n.) The constellation Libra.
(n.) The seventh sign in the Zodiac, called Libra, which the sun enters at the equinox in September.
(n.) A movement in dancing. See Balance, v. i., S.
(n.) To bring to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting the weights
(n.) To support on a narrow base, so as to keep from falling
(n.) To equal in number, weight, force, or proportion
(n.) To compare in relative force, importance, value, etc.
(n.) To settle and adjust, as an account
(n.) To make the sums of the debits and credits of an account equal
(n.) To arrange accounts in such a way that the sum total of the debits is equal to the sum total of the credits
(n.) To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally
(n.) To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass
(v. i.) To have equal weight on each side
(v. i.) To fluctuate between motives which appear of equal force
(v. i.) To move toward a person or couple, and then back.
Balance wheel
() A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock
Balance wheel
() A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance).
Balance wheel
() A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Cover
(n.) Anything which covers or conceals, as a roof, a screen, a wrapper, clothing, etc.
(n.) To lay down
(n.) To lay up or away for safe keeping
(n.) To lodge in some one's hands for safe keeping
(n.) To lay aside
(v. t.) That which is deposited, or laid or thrown down
(v. t.) A natural occurrence of a useful mineral under the conditions to invite exploitation.
(v. t.) That which is placed anywhere, or in any one's hands, for safe keeping
(v. t.) A bailment of money or goods to be kept gratuitously for the bailor.
(v. t.) Money lodged with a party as earnest or security for the performance of a duty assumed by the person depositing.
(v. t.) A place of deposit

coverage deposit; covering balance Bedeutung

short covering the purchase of securities or commodities by a short seller to close out a short sale
the act of putting something somewhere
application coating
the work of applying something, the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine, a complete bleach requires several applications, the surface was ready for a coating of paint,
covering the act of protecting something by covering it
cover covering fire fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations, artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal
covering screening
the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it, the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft
protective covering the tough natural covering of some organisms
analytical balance
chemical balance
a beam balance of great precision used in quantitative chemical analysis
balance a scale for weighing, depends on pull of gravity
balance beam
a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnasts
balance wheel
a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine, especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat
beam balance a balance consisting of a lever with two equal arms and a pan suspended from each arm
bed cover
bed covering
decorative cover for a bed
cloth covering a covering made of cloth
balance equalizer
a weight that balances another weight
covering an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)
a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping
electronic balance a balance that generates a current proportional to the displacement of the pan
floor cover
floor covering
a covering for a floor
head covering
a garment that covers the head and face
lap lap covering the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs, his lap was covered with food stains
leg covering
a garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle)
protective covering
protective cover
a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury, they had no protection from the fallout, wax provided protection for the floors
safe-deposit box
safety deposit box
deposit box
a fireproof metal strongbox (usually in a bank) for storing valuables
spring balance
spring scale
a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring
torsion balance measuring instrument designed to measure small forces by the torsion they exert on a thin wire
correspondence balance
(mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation, exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
proportion proportionality
harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design), in all perfectly beautiful objects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance- John Ruskin
coverage the extent to which something is covered, the dictionary's coverage of standard English is excellent
body covering any covering for the body or a body part
labyrinthine sense
vestibular sense
sense of balance
sense of equilibrium
a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head
covering letter
cover letter
a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information
the news as presented by reporters for newspapers or radio or television, they accused the paper of biased coverage of race relations
deposit a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
a federally sponsored corporation that insures accounts in national banks and other qualified institutions
Libra the Balance
Libra the Scales
the seventh sign of the zodiac, the sun is in this sign from about September to October
alluvial sediment
alluvial deposit
clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down
natural covering
a natural object that covers or envelops, under a covering of dust, the fox was flushed from its cover
matter that has been deposited by some natural process
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Libra
the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating
insurance coverage
the total amount and type of insurance carried
deposit money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use, his deposit was refunded when he returned the car
down payment
a partial payment made at the time of purchase, the balance to be paid later
margin security deposit the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
time deposit account
deposit account
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
certificate of deposit
a debt instrument issued by a bank, usually pays interest
deposit bank deposit money deposited in a bank or some similar institution
demand deposit a bank deposit from which withdrawals can be made without notice
time deposit a certificate of deposit from which withdrawals can be made only after advance notice or at a specified future date
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