
Differenzdrucksensor Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Differenzdrucksensor m
Differenzdrucksensoren pl
pressure differential sensor
pressure differential sensors
Differenzdrucksensor m
Differenzdrucksensoren pl
pressure differential sensor
pressure differential sensors
Gattung-Artmerkmal-Definition f (Genus proximum et differentia specifica) ling. phil.
genus-differentia definition
Differential..., Differenzial...
Differential n math.
Differential...; Differenzial...
Differential-Anteil m
differential action
Differential-Interferenz-Kontrast-Zusatz m; DIK-Zusatz m (Mikroskopie)
differential interference contrast attachment; DIC-attachment (miscroscopy)
Stirnrad-Ausgleichsgetriebe n; Stirnrad-Differential n
spur differential
Differential…; Differenzial…
Rechenmethode f; Berechnungsmethode f; Berechnungsweise f; Kalkül m veraltend math.
Rechenmethoden pl; Berechnungsmethoden pl; Berechnungsweisen pl; Kalküle pl
Differenzialrechnung f; Differentialrechnung f
Fehlerrechnung f
Infinitesimalrechnung f; Differential- und Integralrechnung f
Integralrechnung f
Matrizenrechnung f; Matritzenkalkül n veraltend
Prädikatrechnung f
Regressionsrechnung f (Vermessungswesen)
Theoremrechnung f
Variationsrechnung f
Zinsrechnung f
method of calculation; calculation method; calculus
methods of calculation; calculation methods; calculuses
differential calculus
calculus of errors
infinitesimal calculus; differential and integral calculus; the calculus
integral calculus
matrix calculus; matrix method; matrix algebra
predicate calculus
calculus of observations; adjustment of observations: adjustment calculus (surveying)
theorem calculus
variational calculus; variantions calculus; calculus of variations
calculation of interest; interest calculation; calculus of interest
Differentialachse f auto techn.
differential axle
mathematischer Ausdruck m; Ausdruck m math. comp.
mathematische Ausdrücke pl; Ausdrücke pl
arithmetischer Ausdruck
Boole'scher Ausdruck; Boole'sche Größe
Differentialausdruck m
einfacher Ausdruck
Indexausdruck m
Klammerausdruck m
mehrgliedriger Ausdruck
mathematical expression; expression
mathematical expressions; expressions
arithmetic expression
Boolean expression; conditional expression; logical expression
differential expression
primitive expression
subscript expression
expression in parentheses
multi-term expression
Differentialblutbild n med.
differential blood count
Differentialdiagnose f med. (DD)
Differentialdiagnosen pl
differential diagnosis
differential diagnoses
Differenzialdiagnose f; Differentialdiagnose f alt DD med.
Differenzialdiagnosen pl; Differentialdiagnosen pl
differential diagnosis
differential diagnoses
Differenzialdiagnose f; Differentialdiagnose f alt DD med.
Differenzialdiagnosen pl; Differentialdiagnosen pl
differential diagnosis
differential diagnoses
Differentialform f math.
differential form
Differentialgeometrie f math.
differential geometry
Differentialgleichung f math.
Differentialgleichungen pl
differential equation
differential equations
Differentialgleichung f math.
Differentialgleichungen pl
Airy'sche Differentialgleichung
Bessel'sche Differenzialgleichung
biharmonische Differentialgleichung
Cauchy-Riemann'sche Differentialgleichungen
Clairaut'sche Differentialgleichung
elliptischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; elliptische Differentialgleichung
Hamilton'sche partielle Differentialgleichung; Hamilton-Jacobi'sche Differentialgleichung
hypergeometrische Differentialgleichung; Gauß'sche Differentialgleichung
hyperbolischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; hyperbolische Differentialgleichung
lineare Differentialgleichung mit konstanten Koeffizienten
nichtlineare Differentialgleichung erster Ordnung; Bernoulli'sche Differentialgleichung; Bernoulli'sche Gleichung
partielle Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung; Laplace'sche Differentialgleichung; Laplace-Gleichung; Potentialgleichung
stochastische Differentialgleichung
differential equation
differential equations
Airy's differential equation
Bessel's differential equation; Bessel equation
biharmonic equation; bipotential equation
Cauchy-Riemann differential equations; Cauchy-Riemann equations
Clairaut's differential equation
elliptic partial differential equation; elliptic differential equation
Hamilton's partial differential equation; Hamilton-Jacobi equation
hypergeometric differential equation; hypergeometric equation; Gauss' differential equation; Gaussian differential equation
hyperbolic partial differential equation; hyperbolic differential equation
linear differential equation with constant coefficients
Bernoulli's differential equation; Bernoulli differential equation; Bernoulli's equation
Laplace's differential equation; Laplace linear equation; Laplace's equation; potential equation
stochastic differential equation SDE
Störfunktion f (Differentialgleichung) math.
disturbance function; perturbation function; forcing function (differential equation)
Anfangswert m (Differentialgleichungen) math.
initial value (differential equations)
Anfangswertaufgabe f; Anfangswertproblem n (Differentialgleichungen) math.
initial value problem; Cauchy problem; Cauchy's problem (differential equations)
Randwert m (Differentialgleichungen) math.
boundary value; marginal value (differential equations)
Randwertaufgabe f RWA ; Randwertproblem n RWP (Differentialgleichungen) math.
Randwertaufgaben pl; Randwertprobleme pl
Neumann'sche Randwertaufgabe
boundary value problem BVP (differential equations)
boundary value problems
Dirichlet boundary problem
Neumann boundary problem
Differentialkalorimetrie f phys.
differential scanning calorimetry DSC
Differentialkalorimetrie f phys.
differential scanning calorimetry DSC
Differenzdruckmesser m; Differentialmanometer n techn.
Differenzdruckmesser pl; Differentialmanometer pl
differential pressure gauge
differential pressure gauges
Differentialoperator m math.
Differentialoperatoren pl
differential operator
differential operators
Differentialprozess m; (stochastischer) Prozess mit unabhängigen Zuwächsen m statist.
Differentialprozesse pl; Prozesse mit unabhängigen Zuwächsen pl
differential process; process with independent increments
differential processes; processes with independent increments
Differentialquotiententen pl
Differentialrechnung f math.
differential calculus
erster Mittelwertsatz m; einfacher Mittelwertsatz m (der Differentialrechnung) math.
first law of the mean; first mean-value theorem; mean-value theorem
erweiterter Mittelwertsatz m (der Differentialrechnung) math.
extended law of the mean; extended mean-value theorem
prozentual; prozentuell Ös. adv
prozentuale Aufteilung
prozentual am Gewinn beteiligt sein
prozentual arbeitendes Differentialrelais electr.
as a percentage; in percentages; on a percentage basis
distribution on a percentage basis
to have a percentage share in the profits
percentage differential relay
Differentialsperre f techn.
differential lock, differential pawl
Differentialsperre f techn.
differential lock; differential pawl
differential piece work
Differentialthermoanalyse f DTA
differential thermal analysis
Differentialthermoanalyse f DTA
differential thermal analysis
Differentialzylinder m techn.
Differentialzylinder pl
differential cylinder
differential cylinders
Definition f (Logik) phil.
abbreviative Definition
Definition per genus proximum et differentiam specificam
explizite implizite Definition
Extensionsdefinition f
Hinweisdefinition f; Zuordnungsdefinition f
idealtypische Definition
operationale Definition
Teildefinition f; Partialdefinition f; partielle Definition
Suggestivdefinition f; suggestive Definition; persuasive Definition
definition (logic)
abbreviative definition
definition by proximate genus and specific difference
explicit implicit definition
definition by extension; extension definition; extensional definition
applicative definition
definition by ideal type; ideal-type definition; ideal-typical definition
operational Definition
partial definition
persuasive definition
Differentiation f math.
Differentiation f math. geol.
gravitative Differentiation
magmatische Differentiation
gravitative differentiation
magmatic differentiation
Ausgleich einer Differenz
adjustment of a difference
beträchtliche Differenz
wide difference
Differenz f
Differenzen pl
Differenz f math.
Finite-Differenz-Methode f (FDM) math.
finite difference method
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation (ADPCM)
pulse code modulation (PCM)
adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)
Differenz, Unterschied
da hier eine Differenz von $ 50 vorliegt
the difference being $ 50
da ist eine Differenz zwischen
there is a discrepancy between
Differenz f math. statist.
absolute Differenz
absolute difference
Finite-Differenz-Methode f FDM math.
finite difference method
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation ADPCM
pulse code modulation PCM
adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADPCM
Übermaß n (Differenz zwischen Innen- und Außenpassfläche) techn.
negative allowance; interference
Abmaß n (Differenz zwischen Nominalmaß und Istmaß) (Zeichnen)
oberes Abmaß
unteres Abmaß
variation in size; deviation (drawing)
upper deviation
lower deviation
Finite-Differenz-Methode f FDM math.
finite difference method
Meinungsverschiedenheit f; Unstimmigkeit f; Differenz f; Dissens m geh. (mit jdm.)
Meinungsverschiedenheiten pl; Unstimmigkeiten pl; Differenzen pl; Dissense pl
eine erhebliche Meinungsverschiedenheit
seine Differenzen mit jdm. beilegen
difference of opinion; divergence of opinion; disagreement; dissension; beef coll. (with sb.)
differences of opinion; divergences of opinion; disagreements; dissensions; beefs
a clash of opinion
to settle your differences with sb.
Philosophie f phil.
Philosophie des Absurden
alexandrinische Philosophie
Philosophie des Als-Ob
Philosophie der Antike; aktike Philosophie
Aufklärungsphilosophie f
Begriffsphilosophie f
Bewusstseinsphilosophie f
Bildphilosophie f
Philosophie der Biologie
Chaosphilosophie f
Philosophie der Differenz
Emergenzphilosophie f
Entwicklungsphilosophie f
Erlebnisphilosophie f
Friedensphilosophie f
Gefühlsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Geistes
Philosophie der Geisteswissenschaft
Philosophie der Geschichte; Geschichtsphilosophie f
Gesellschaftsphilosophie f; Sozialphilosophie f
Glaubensphilosophie f
Handlungsphilosophie f; Philosophie der Tat
Identitätsphilosophie f
Kinderphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kultur; Kulturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kunst; Kunstphilosophie f
Lebensphilosophie f
Philosophie der Logik
Philosophie der Mathematik
Philosophie der Musik
Philosophie der Natur; Naturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Neuen Musik
Philosophie der Politik
praktische Philosophie
Rechtsphilosophie f
Reflexionsphilosophie f
Religionsphilosophie f
Sportphilosophie f
Sprachphilosophie f
Philosophie der gewöhnlichen Sprache
Staatsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Subjekts
Philosophie der Technik; Technikphilosophie f
Philosophie der technisierten Zivilisation
Philosophie des Unbewussten
Wertphilosophie f
Wesensphilosophie f
Zeichenphilosophie f
Praktischwerden der Philosophie
eine bestimmte Philosophie verfolgen
philosophy of the Absurd
Alexandrian Philosophy
philosophy of the as if; philosophy of as if; as-if philosophy
philosophy of antiquity; ancient philosophy
philosophy of the Enlightenment
philosophy of concepts; conceptual philosophy
philosophy of consciousness
philosophy of image; philosophy of pictures
philosophy of biology
philosophy of chaos
philosophy of difference
philosophy of emergence; emergence philosophy
philosophy of development
philosophy of experience
philosophy of peace
philosophy of sentiment
philosophy of mind; philosophy of spirit
philosophy of the human sciences; philosophy of the humanities
philosophy of history
social philosophy
philosophy of belief
philosophy of action
philosophy of identity
philosophy for children
philosophy of culture; cultural philosophy
philosophy of art
philosophy of life
philosophy of logic
philosophy of mathematics
philosophy of music
philosophy of nature; nature-philosophy
philosophy of modern music
philosophy of politics; political philosophy
practical philosophy
philosophy of law; legal philosophy
philosophy of reflection; reflective philosophy
philosophy of religion
philosophy of sport
philosophy of language
philosophy of ordinary language; ordinary language philosophy
philosophy of the state; civil philosophy
philosophy of the subject
philosophy of technology
philosophy of mechanized civilization
philosophy of the unconscious
philosophy of values
philosophy of essence
philosophy of signs
philosophy becoming a practical activity
to follow a certain philosophy
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation ADPCM
pulse code modulation PCM
adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADPCM
Besteuerung f (von etw.) adm. fin.
Besteuerungen pl
Differenzbesteuerung f
Individualbesteuerung f
Istbesteuerung f; Besteuerung nach vereinnahmten Entgelten
Nachbesteuerung f
Pauschalbesteuerung f; Pauschbesteuerung f adm.; steuerliche Pauschalierung f
Sollbesteuerung f; Besteuerung nach vereinbarten Entgelten
Spekulationsbesteuerung f
Unternehmensbesteuerung f
getrennte Besteuerung; Steuersplitting n; Splitting n
progressive Besteuerung
taxation (of sth.)
differential taxation
individual taxation; independent taxation
taxation on a cash receipts basis; taxation on a cash basis
retrospective taxation
lump-sum taxation
taxation on an invoice basis
taxation of private capital gains
company taxation
separate taxation
progressive taxation
Differenzbetrag m
Differenzbeträge pl
difference, balance
differences, balances
Differenzbetrag m fin.
Differenzbeträge pl
difference in value; difference; differential amount
difference in values; differences; differential amounts
Betrag m; Summe f
Beträge pl; Summen pl
ausgezahlter Betrag
ausgewiesener Betrag
ausstehender Betrag
zu viel bezahlter Betrag; Differenzbetrag m
zum Betrag von
eine ansehnliche Summe
ein Honorar in der Höhe von 100 Euro; ein Honorar von 100 Euro
gutgeschriebener Betrag
überfälliger Betrag
ein Betrag in Höhe von ...
ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Betrag
zu viel berechneter Betrag
amount paid out
amount stated
amount outstanding
excess amount
at the amount of
a substantial amount
a fee in the amount of 100 euros; a fee of 100 euros
amount credited
amount overdue
an amount of ...
a considerable amount
Betrag m; Summe f (von + Zahlenangabe) fin.
Ausgangsbetrag m
Nettobetrag m; Nettosumme f
ausgewiesener Betrag
ausgezahlter Betrag; Auszahlungsbetrag m
ausstehender Betrag
überfälliger Betrag
zu viel bezahlter Betrag; Differenzbetrag m
eine ansehnliche Summe
ein angemessener Geldbetrag; eine angemessene Geldsumme
in der Höhe von (nach Zahlenangaben)
ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Betrag
zu viel berechneter Betrag; überhöhter Betrag; übersetzter Betrag Schw.
ein Honorar in der Höhe von 100 Euro; ein Honorar von 100 Euro
Man einigte sich schließlich auf einen Betrag.
Ich musste die Summe von 500 Dollar zahlen.
amount; sum (of + numerical figure)
starting amount; initial amount
net amount; net total
amount stated
amount paid out
amount outstanding
amount overdue
excess amount
a substantial amount
a fair amount of money; a fair sum of money
in the amount of; to the amount of (used after numerical figures)
a considerable amount
a fee in to the amount of 100 euros; a fee of 100 euros
An amount was finally agreed upon.
I had to pay the sum of 500 dollars.
Differenzdruck m
differential pressure
Differenzdruck-Messumformer m
differential pressure transmitter
Saugrohr-Differenzdruck m techn.
manifold differential pressure

Deutsche Differenzdrucksensor Synonyme

Englische pressure differential sensor Synonyme

pressure  abetment  adverse circumstances  adversity  advocate  affliction  aggravation  albatross  annoyance  apply pressure  argumentum baculinum  ascendancy  authority  bale  bear against  bear down on  bear down upon  bear hard upon  bearing  beset  besiege  blandish  blandishment  blight  boost  bug  bummer  bump  bunt  burden  burdening  burthen  butt  buttonhole  buttonholing  cajole  cajolement  cajolery  call on  call upon  care  caressing  cargo  case of need  charge  charging  charisma  charm  clamping  clamping down  clout  clutch  coax  coaxing  coerce  coercion  compel  compression  compulsion  consequence  constrain  constraint  constraints  control  credit  crisis  cross  crunch  crush  crushing  cumber  cumbrance  curse  deadweight  demand  demandingness  demands  difficulties  difficulty  dig  dire necessity  distress  dominance  domination  downer  drag  drive  dun  dunning  duress  effect  emergency  eminence  enchantment  encouragement  encumbrance  esteem  exert pressure  exhort  exigence  exigencies  exigency  favor  feeling  fingering  force  freight  friction  frottage  goading  good feeling  greatness  handicap  handling  hard knocks  hard life  hard lot  hardcase  hardship  head  high pressure  high-pressure  hold  hustle  immediacy  impel  imperative  imperativeness  importance  importunacy  importunateness  importune  importunity  impulse  impulsion  incidental power  incubus  incumbency  inducement  influence  influentiality  influentialness  insinuation  insist  insist on  insist upon  insistence  instance  intimidate  intimidation  irritation  jab  jawbone  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  lading  leadership  lean on  leverage  load  loading  lobby  magnetism  make  manipulation  mastery  matter of necessity  mental strain  millstone  moment  nag  nag at  nagging  needling  nervous strain  nervous tension  nip  nudge  oppression  overload  overtaxing  overweighting  palpation  persistence  personality  persuade  persuasion  pertinaciousness  
pressure group  Black Power  Italian vote  Jewish vote  Polish Power  Rasputin  Svengali  VIP  White Power  access  bad influence  big wheel  black vote  breakaway group  camp  caucus  court  division  eminence grise  ethnic group  faction  farm interests  financial interests  five-percenter  friend at court  good influence  gray eminence  heavyweight  hidden hand  influence  influence peddler  influencer  ingroup  interest  interest group  key  kingmaker  labor interests  lobby  lobbyist  lords of creation  man of influence  manipulator  minority group  offshoot  open sesame  party  political party  powers that be  sect  side  silent majority  sinister influence  special interests  special-interest group  splinter  splinter group  the Establishment  very important person  vested interests  vocal minority  wheeler-dealer  wing  wire-puller  

Differenzdrucksensor Definition

(a.) Relating to or indicating a difference
(a.) Of or pertaining to a differential, or to differentials.
(a.) Relating to differences of motion or leverage
(n.) An increment, usually an indefinitely small one, which is given to a variable quantity.
(n.) A small difference in rates which competing railroad lines, in establishing a common tariff, allow one of their number to make, in order to get a fair share of the business. The lower rate is called a differential rate. Differentials are also sometimes granted to cities.
(n.) One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one another or to a magnet or armature common to both, that one coil produces polar action contrary to that of the other.
(n.) A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing the current to a series of electric lamps so as to maintain equal action in all.
(a.) Having or involving a pressure greatly exceeding that of the atmosphere
(a.) Fig.: Urgent
(a.) Having, employing, or exerting, a low degree of pressure.
(n.) The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed
(n.) A contrasting force or impulse of any kind
(n.) Affliction
(n.) Urgency
(n.) Impression
(n.) The action of a force against some obstacle or opposing force
(a.) Sensory

pressure differential sensor / pressure differential sensors Bedeutung

the act of pressing, the exertion of pressure, he gave the button a press, he used pressure to stop the bleeding, at the pressing of a button
differential diagnosis a systematic method of diagnosing a disorder (e.g., headache) that lacks unique symptoms or signs
differential blood count counting the number of specific types of white blood cells found in cubic millimeter of blood, may be included as part of a complete blood count
sensing element
any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
differential analyzer an analog computer designed to solve differential equations
differential gear
a bevel gear that permits rotation of two shafts at different speeds, used on the rear axle of automobiles to allow wheels to rotate at different speeds on curves
lubricating system
force-feed lubricating system
force feed
pressure-feed lubricating system
pressure feed
mechanical system of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings
pressure cabin cabin consisting of the pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft
pressure cooker autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water
pressure dome a dome-shaped building that is pressurized
pressure gauge
pressure gage
gauge for measuring and indicating fluid pressure
pressure suit protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
differential a quality that differentiates between similar things
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
marginal cost
incremental cost
differential cost
the increase or decrease in costs as a result of one more or one less unit of output
pressure a force that compels, the public brought pressure to bear on the government
pressure point an area on the skin that is highly sensitive to pressure, you must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu
pressure point where problems or difficulties are likely to occur, a key pressure point in the controversy was the building permit
difference threshold
differential threshold
difference limen
differential limen
the smallest change in stimulation that a person can detect
pressure sensation
the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin, the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal
differential calculus
method of fluxions
the part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential
derived function
differential coefficient
first derivative
the result of mathematical differentiation, the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another, df(x)
differential psychology the branch of psychology that studies measurable differences between individuals
differential equation an equation containing differentials of a function
partial differential equation a differential equation involving a functions of more than one variable
pressure group
third house
a group of people who try actively to influence legislation
pressure point any of several points on the body where the pulse can be felt and where pressure on an underlying artery will control bleeding from that artery at a more distal point
atmospheric pressure
air pressure
the pressure exerted by the atmosphere
blood pressure the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels, results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart, sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person's health, adult blood pressure is considered normal at
where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure
systolic pressure the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
diastolic pressure the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) after the contraction of the heart while the chambers of the heart refill with blood
arterial pressure the pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries, arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance
venous pressure the pressure exerted on the walls of the veins by the circulating blood
gas pressure the pressure exerted by a gas
pressure level
force per unit area
the force applied to a unit area of surface, measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit), the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
barometric pressure atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer
compartment pressure the air pressure maintained in an air-tight compartment (as in an aircraft)
sea-level pressure the atmospheric pressure reduced by a formula to the pressure at sea level
intraocular pressure
pressure exerted by the fluids inside the eyeball, regulated by resistance to the outward flow of aqueous humor, glaucoma can result from increased intraocular pressure
oil pressure pressure that keeps oil on the moving parts of an internalombustion engine
osmotic pressure (physical chemistry) the pressure exerted by a solution necessary to prevent osmosis into that solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane
radiation pressure
corpuscularadiation pressure
the minute pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a wave
sound pressure
instantaneous sound pressure
the difference between the instantaneous pressure at a point in a sound field and the average pressure at that point
vapor pressure
vapour pressure
the pressure exerted by a vapor, often understood to mean saturated vapor pressure (the vapor pressure of a vapor in contact with its liquid form)
pressure unit a unit measuring force per unit area
standard atmosphere
standard pressure
a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercurymm high at sea level and
degrees centigrade
high blood pressure
a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of
mm Hg or greater)
pressure sore
decubitus ulcer
a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients)
the state of demanding notice or attention, the insistence of their hunger, the press of business matters
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122 Bewertungen 4


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Der Differenzdrucksensor ist ein Drucksensor, der die Differenz zweier Absolutdrücke, den Differenzdruck, misst. Der Differenzdrucksensor kann aus zwei Messkammern bestehen, die durch eine Membran hermetisch voneinander getrennt sind. Die Auslenkung der Membran ist dann ein Maß für die Größe des Differenzdruckes.